Download - Field Trip - · 19/2/2018 Chapter 10 Using Pronouns Correctly Grammar: Grammar for Writing Pg. 194 to 197 Tuesday 20/2/2018 Great Reads: Novella from the Pearl Pg.

Page 1: Field Trip - · 19/2/2018 Chapter 10 Using Pronouns Correctly Grammar: Grammar for Writing Pg. 194 to 197 Tuesday 20/2/2018 Great Reads: Novella from the Pearl Pg.

NIS-2017-18/Term1 Facebook Account: Noor Al-Ma’aref International School

Email:[email protected] Twitter: Nour_Al_Maaref Instagram: nisriyadh

Week No.5 18 – 22 Feb 2018 2nd term S.Y.:2017-2018 Weekly Plan: Gr.5B

Subject Day/Date: Class work: Homework:


Sunday 18/2/2018

Reading: JCC: Unit 4 L18The Dog Newspaper” p.542-551+RNB p.241

RNB: p. 242

Monday 19/2/2018

Voc. TB p.538-539 WB: RNB: p. 243

Tuesday 20/2/2018

Grammar: Prepositions p.247-249 WB: RNB: 250-251 (spelling words to be given)

Wednesday 21/2/2018

Spell: RNB: Changing final y to I p.244-245 dictation WB: RNB: p.246

Thursday 22/02/2018

Field Trip


Sunday 18/2/2018

Ch. 8-Decimals: Addition and Subtraction L6 Subtract decimals p.279+ L7. Estimate decimal diff. p.281+L8

WB:p.95 (1,3, 13,14, 24,25) WB: p.96 (1, 8,10, ,17, ,24,25,) WB:p.97(1,3,12,13,15,22)

Monday 19/2/2018

Ch. 8-Decimals L8. Subtraction More decimals. p.283+L9

WB:p. 98(1,3,5,6,8,10,11,13,15,16,19,23,26,28)

Tuesday 20/2/2018

Ch. 8-Decimals L9 Problem Solving. p.285+L10 WB:p. 99 all

Wednesday 21/2/2018

Ch. 8-Decimals L10 Mixed review. p.287+Ch.9 L1 Multiplication of decimal.

WB:p.100 all

Thursday 22/02/2018

Field Trip


Sunday 18/2/2018

Unit 11 Earth’s oceans L1 What are the oceans like? P.491-496

Sci. Book. : p.497

Monday 19/2/2018

Unit 11 Earth’s oceans L1 What are the oceans like? P.497-501

Sci. Book. : p.502

Tuesday 20/2/2018

Unit 11 Earth’s oceans L2 How does ocean water move? P.505-509

Sci. Book. : p.510

Wednesday 21/2/2018

Unit 11 Earth’s oceans L2 How does ocean water move? P510-513

Sci. Book. : p.514

Thursday 22/02/2018

Field Trip

Page 2: Field Trip - · 19/2/2018 Chapter 10 Using Pronouns Correctly Grammar: Grammar for Writing Pg. 194 to 197 Tuesday 20/2/2018 Great Reads: Novella from the Pearl Pg.

NIS-2017-18/Term1 Facebook Account: Noor Al-Ma’aref International School

Email:[email protected] Twitter: Nour_Al_Maaref Instagram: nisriyadh

COMPUTER Period U5 : Exploring the computer’s world

Pg. 56-61

Create an Email account Pg. 56-61

Social. Studies Period Ch. 4 L1 Farming and raising p.79 H.W.: p.55-59

French Period Lʼamitié - Unité (7) Le paquet ! page :34- 34 et

cahier dʼ exercices

Dictée p :50

Islamic Studies Period

اإلظهار الشفوي رحمة النبي

اإليمان صالة المريض

أسئلة كتاب النشاط

Arabic Period مدخل الوحدة الخامسة

اإلسالم حقوق الطفل في الترجي والتمني

أسئلة كتاب النشاط

S.Culture Period مراجعة الدرس االنشطة االقتصادية في شبه جزيرة العرب

IMPORTANT NOTE: Subject teachers must always check the CB (copybook) and WB (workbook) of the


Parents please always check the CB (copybook) and WB (workbook) of your child/children

Parents kindly check the school diary of your son/s.

Do not solve the homework in advance. : [email protected] : Noor Al-Ma’aref International

Scope for Quiz #2 (Core Subjects) Boys Section Grade “5” Term 2

Subject Day & Date Quiz Pointers Teacher

Math Sunday Feb. 18, 2018

Ch.7-probability L9 – Make line graph. P.254-255 Ch.7-probability L10 – Intercept circle graph p.257+L11 p.258 Mr. Edwin

English Tuesday Feb. 20, 2018

Spell: RNB: Words with (-ed or –ing)220-221 Grammar: Adjectives+RNB.223-224-225 Mr. Edwin

Science Wednesday Feb. 21, 2018

Unit 8 Changes of Earth’s surface L1 p.365-384 L3 p.387-404 Mr. Shadman

Page 3: Field Trip - · 19/2/2018 Chapter 10 Using Pronouns Correctly Grammar: Grammar for Writing Pg. 194 to 197 Tuesday 20/2/2018 Great Reads: Novella from the Pearl Pg.

NIS-2017-18/Term1 Facebook Account: Noor Al-Ma’aref International School

Email:[email protected] Twitter: Nour_Al_Maaref Instagram: nisriyadh

Week No.5 18 – 22 Feb 2018 2nd term S.Y.:2017-2018 Weekly Plan: Gr.6B

Subject Day/Date: Class work: Homework:


Sunday 18/2/2018

Reading: J.C.C.: Unit 4 L19 “The Princess who become King” p.552-565 +RNB p.241

R.N.B. p.242

Monday 19/2/2018

Voc.: J.C.C.: p. 548-549 R.N.B. p.243+Dictation

Tuesday 20/2/2018

Gr.: J.C.C.: Punctuations. p.247-248-249 R.N.B. p.250-251 (spelling to be given)

Wednesday 21/2/2018

Spelling: R.N.B. p. 244-245 (spelling) R.N.B. p.246

Thursday 22/02/2018

Field Trip


Sunday 18/2/2018

Ch.9 : Data and Statistics Ls.1: Surveys Pg. 292 Ls.2: Samples Pg. 294

WB: Pg. 106: Q1, Q3, Q5, (odd # ) WB: pg. 107: Q1, Q3, Q5,7,8,9

Monday 19/2/2018

Ch.9 : Data and Statistics Ls.3: Bias in Surveys Pg. 295

WB: Pg. 108: Q1, Q3, Q5, (odd # )

Tuesday 20/2/2018

Ch.9 : Data and Statistics Ls.4: Record and Interpret Data Pg. 298

WB: Pg. 109: Q1, Q3, Q5, (odd # )

Wednesday 21/2/2018

Ch.9 : Data and Statistics Ls.5: Apply Measures of Central Tendency and Range pg. 300

WB: Pg. 110: Q1, Q3, Q5, (odd # )

Thursday 22/02/2018

Field Trip


Sunday 18/2/2018

Module E, Unit 4: Restless Earth. Ls.3: Mountain Building Lesson review.Pg.225

Memorize the vocabulary.

Monday 19/2/2018

Module E, Unit 4: Restless Earth. Ls.4: Volcanoes. Pg.228-236

Solve visual summary.

Tuesday 20/2/2018

Module E, Unit 4: Restless Earth. Ls.4: Volcanoes. Lesson review.Pg.237

Memorize the vocabulary.

Wednesday 21/2/2018

Module E, Unit 4: Restless Earth. Ls.5: Earthquake Pg.240-246 Handbook.

Solve visual summary.

Thursday 22/02/2018

Field Trip

Page 4: Field Trip - · 19/2/2018 Chapter 10 Using Pronouns Correctly Grammar: Grammar for Writing Pg. 194 to 197 Tuesday 20/2/2018 Great Reads: Novella from the Pearl Pg.

NIS-2017-18/Term1 Facebook Account: Noor Al-Ma’aref International School

Email:[email protected] Twitter: Nour_Al_Maaref Instagram: nisriyadh

Computer Period U5 : Microsoft PowerPoint

Pg. 56-59

Insert a Picture in your

slide . . Pg. 56-59

Social. Studies Period Ch. 5 L1 The geography of ancient Egypt H.W.: p.77-79

French Period Lʼamitié : Unité (7) Au voleur Leçon 5

Page:42-46+ cahier dʼ exercices

Dictée p :46 - 47

Islamic Studies Period

القلقلة من مواطن الصالة على النبي

الواجب على المسلم نحو الخلفاء الراشدين زكاة الفطر

صدقة التطوع

أسئلة كتاب النشاط

Arabic Period رعاية المسنين

اسما الزمان والمكان طرح السؤال المتبادل

أسئلة كتاب النشا

S.Culture Period مراجعة الدرس الثروة الحيوانية

IMPORTANT NOTE: Subject teachers must always check the CB (copybook) and WB (workbook) of the


Parents please always check the CB (copybook) and WB (workbook) of your child/children

Parents kindly check the school diary of your son/s.

Do not solve the homework in advance. : [email protected] : Noor Al-Ma’aref International

Scope for Quiz #2 (Core Subjects) Boys Section Grade “6” Term 2

Subject Day & Date Quiz Pointers Teacher

Math Sunday Feb. 18, 2018

Ch. 8 Probability L.13 p.274-275 L.14 Compound Events p.276-277 Mr. Edwin

English Tuesday Feb. 20, 2018

Gr.: J.C.C.: Kinds of pronoun RNB. P.223,224,225,226 Spelling: R.N.B. p.220-221 Suffixes: (-able, -ible,-ate) Mr. Mustafa

Science Wednesday Feb. 21, 2018

Unit 3 Module E. L1. Earth’s phases p.4 L2. Weathering p.18

Mr. Shadman

Page 5: Field Trip - · 19/2/2018 Chapter 10 Using Pronouns Correctly Grammar: Grammar for Writing Pg. 194 to 197 Tuesday 20/2/2018 Great Reads: Novella from the Pearl Pg.

NIS-2017-18/Term1 Facebook Account: Noor Al-Ma’aref International School

Email:[email protected] Twitter: Nour_Al_Maaref Instagram: nisriyadh

Week No.5 18 – 22 Feb 2018 2nd Terms S.Y.:2017-2018 Weekly Plan: Gr.7B

Subject Day/Date: Class work: Homework:


Sunday 18/2/2018

Lit. Unit 6 T.B. Eleanor Roosevelt Pg. 784

Summarize the selection

Monday 19/2/2018

Grammar: Chapter 10 Using Pronouns Correctly

Grammar for Writing: answer Pg. 176 to 179

Tuesday 20/2/2018

Lit. Unit 7 T.B. Letter to President General Pg. 800

Summarize the selection

Wednesday 21/2/2018

Grammar: Chapter 11 Using Modifiers Correctly

Grammar for writing: answer Pg. 202

Thursday 22/02/2018

Field Trip


Sunday 18/2/2018

Algebra 1 volume 1 Q16 to Q23 Pg 386

Algebra 1 volume 1 9.1 measures of center and spread Pg 381,382,383,384

Monday 19/2/2018

Algebra 1 volume 1 Module 9 9.2 data distribution and the outlier Pg 389,390,391

Algebra 1 volume 1 Q1 toQ5 Pg 396

Tuesday 20/2/2018

Algebra 1 volume 1 9.2 data distribution and the outlier Pg 392,393,394

Algebra 1 volume 1 Q9 to Q13 Pg 397,398

Wednesday 21/2/2018

Algebra 1 volume 1 9.3 histograms and box plots Pg 401,402,403

Algebra 1 volume 1 Q1 to Q6 Pg 410

Thursday 22/02/2018

Field Trip


Sunday 18/2/2018

Module I. Unit 2: Work Energy and Machines. Ls.3:Machines. Pg. 104-114

Memorize the vocab

Monday 19/2/2018

Module I. Unit 2: Work Energy and Machines. Ls.3:Machines. Lesson review. Pg.115

Solve visual summary

Tuesday 20/2/2018

Module I. Unit 2: Work Energy and Machines. Ls.3:Machines. Unit review. Pg.119-122

Memorize the vocab

Wednesday 21/2/2018

Hanbook. Revise at home.

Thursday 22/02/2018

Field Trip

Page 6: Field Trip - · 19/2/2018 Chapter 10 Using Pronouns Correctly Grammar: Grammar for Writing Pg. 194 to 197 Tuesday 20/2/2018 Great Reads: Novella from the Pearl Pg.

NIS-2017-18/Term1 Facebook Account: Noor Al-Ma’aref International School

Email:[email protected] Twitter: Nour_Al_Maaref Instagram: nisriyadh

Computer Period Unit #06: Sketchup Page 56-58

Homework: Sketchup drawing ,

insert text to your image.

Social. Studies Period Ch.5 L1. The Earliest Human Societies p. 115-122 H.W. 77-81

French Period La joie : Unité (6) Aurestaurant p:47-52 et cahier


Le présent et les nombres 100-500

La joie - Unité (6) Dic Page:51

Islamic Studies Period

تفسير سورة النمل الحياء وعمل القلب الدعوة إلى التوحيد

صالة الكسوف

أسئلة كتاب النشاط

Arabic Period

كتابة رسالة الوحدة الخامسة

ماء للشرب أماكن للراحة

النشاطأسئلة كتاب

S.Culture Period مراجعة الدرس حياة النبي قبل البعثة

IMPORTANT NOTE: Subject teachers must always check the CB (copybook) and WB (workbook) of the


Parents please always check the CB (copybook) and WB (workbook) of your child/children

Parents kindly check the school diary of your son/s.

Do not solve the homework in advance. : [email protected] : Noor Al-Ma’aref International

Scope for Quiz #2 (Core Subjects) Boys Section Grade “7” Term 2

Subject Day & Date Quiz Pointers Teacher

Math Sunday Feb. 18, 2018

Algebra 1 volume 1 Module 9 9.1 measures of center and spread Pg. 377-383

Mr. Edwin

English Tuesday Feb. 20, 2018

Literature: T.B. Unit 6

1. Who was King Arthur? Pg. 689

2. from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Pg. 690

Voc. Related to the selections

Grammar: Using Modifiers correctly

Mr. Mostafa

Science Wednesday Feb. 21, 2018

Unit 2 Module I. L1. Work,energy and power p.78 L2. Kinetic and potential energy p.88

Mr. Shadman

Page 7: Field Trip - · 19/2/2018 Chapter 10 Using Pronouns Correctly Grammar: Grammar for Writing Pg. 194 to 197 Tuesday 20/2/2018 Great Reads: Novella from the Pearl Pg.

NIS-2017-18/Term1 Facebook Account: Noor Al-Ma’aref International School

Email:[email protected] Twitter: Nour_Al_Maaref Instagram: nisriyadh

Week No.5 18 – 22 Feb 2018 2nd Terms S.Y.:2017-2018 Weekly Plan: Gr.8B

Subject Day/Date: Class work: Homework:


Sunday 18/2/2018

Lit. Unit 7 T.B. Pecos Bill Pg. 822

Summarize the selection

Monday 19/2/2018

Grammar: Chapter 10 Using Pronouns Correctly

Grammar for Writing Pg. 194 to 197

Tuesday 20/2/2018

Lit. Unit 7 T.B. Great Reads: Novella from the Pearl Pg. 832

Summarize the selection

Wednesday 21/2/2018

Grammar: Chapter 11 Using Modifiers Correctly

Grammar for Writing Pg. 226

Thursday 22/02/2018

Field Trip


Sunday 18/2/2018

Algebra 1 volume 2 21.3 using special factors to solve equations Pg 1011,1012

Algebra 1 volume 2

Q11 to Q15

Pg 1019

Monday 19/2/2018

Algebra 1 volume 2 21.3 using special factors to solve equations Pg 1013,1014

Algebra 1 volume 2

Q16 to Q18

Pg 1019

Tuesday 20/2/2018

Algebra 1 volume 2 22.1 Solving equations by taking square roots Pg 1033,1034,1035

Algebra 1 volume 2

Q4 to Q9

Pg 1039,1040

Wednesday 21/2/2018

Algebra 1 volume 2 22.1 Solving equations by taking square roots Pg 1036,1037

Algebra 1 volume 2

Q10 to Q15

Pg 1040

Thursday 22/02/2018

Field Trip


Sunday 18/2/2018

Module J. Unit 2: Sound Ls.1: Sound Waves and Hearing. Lesson review.

Memorize the vocabulary

Monday 19/2/2018

Module J. Unit 2: Sound Ls.2: Interactions of Sound Waves. Pg. 50-58

Solve visual summary

Tuesday 20/2/2018

Module J. Unit 2: Sound Ls.2: Interactions of Sound Waves. Lesson review. Pg. 59

Memorize the vocabulary

Wednesday 21/2/2018

Module J. Unit 2: Sound Ls.3: Sound Technology Pg.64-70 and Handbook.

Solve visual summary

Thursday 22/02/2018

Field Trip

Page 8: Field Trip - · 19/2/2018 Chapter 10 Using Pronouns Correctly Grammar: Grammar for Writing Pg. 194 to 197 Tuesday 20/2/2018 Great Reads: Novella from the Pearl Pg.

NIS-2017-18/Term1 Facebook Account: Noor Al-Ma’aref International School

Email:[email protected] Twitter: Nour_Al_Maaref Instagram: nisriyadh

Computer Period Unit #06 NVU Page 55-56

Homework: Properties of

table, page elements.

Social. Studies Period Ch.4 L4. The League of Nations p.110-114 H.W. 70-75

French Period La joie:

Unité (6) chez le pharmacien .. Leçon: 4-5

Dictée :page. 48-51

Islamic Studies Period

آيات هللا الكونيةمن أخالق وسلوك نهى عنها اإلسالم

الكهانة والتنجم الحج والعمرة

أسئلة كتاب النشاط

Arabic Period

إبداء وجهة النظر مدخل الوحدة

اختيار األصدقاء الطموح

أسئلة كتاب النشاط

S.Culture Period مراجعة الدرس الوحدات السياسية

IMPORTANT NOTE: Subject teachers must always check the CB (copybook) and WB (workbook) of the


Parents please always check the CB (copybook) and WB (workbook) of your child/children

Parents kindly check the school diary of your son/s.

Do not solve the homework in advance. : [email protected] : Noor Al-Ma’aref International

Scope for Quiz #2 (Core Subjects) Boys Section Grade “8” Term 2

Subject Day & Date Quiz Pointers Teacher

Math Sunday Feb. 18, 2018

20.2 connecting intercepts and linear factors pg 951

20.3 Applying the zero product property to solve equations pg 961 Mr. Edwin

English Tuesday Feb. 20, 2018

Literature: T.B. Unit 6

1. from Roughing it Pg. 728

2. The Simple Commandments of Journalistic Ethics Pg. 739

Voc. Related to the selections.

Grammar: Using Modifiers correctly

Mr. Mostafa

Science Wednesday Feb. 21, 2018

Unit 2 Module J. L1. Waves p.4 L2. Properties of waves p.16

Mr. Shadman