Download - ffrtlvoclt ficmoiwt. THE SUN. Waila Walla Variety aai ...€¦ · Cove. Pei sons wishing to subscribe in that portion ol Union county can give their names lo either ot the above named

Page 1: ffrtlvoclt ficmoiwt. THE SUN. Waila Walla Variety aai ...€¦ · Cove. Pei sons wishing to subscribe in that portion ol Union county can give their names lo either ot the above named

ffrtlvoclt ficmoiwt.B A K E R C ITY , D E C E M B E R , 10, 1873.

L- P- FISHER, Nos. 20 anil 21, New Mer­chants’ Exchange, Is our authorized Agent n ban Francisco.

AGENTS.—The follow ing named gentle­men are authorized to act as Agents lor the B edrock D e m o c r a t :

G eo . P. Ho w e l l <k Co., New York.Tuos. Bo y c e , San Francisco,T. C. E vans, Boston, Mass.L. Sa m u e l s , Portland, Oregon,L. P. F inli KM, San Francisco.Hon. D unham \\ eight, Union County, O.P. C. HAKEle, Albany, Oregon.M. W. Davis, Walla Walla, W. T.B. V. Knox, Pendleton, Oregon.J. D. Agnew , Boise City, Idaho.J. J. D o o l e y , Clarke vuie, Oregon.L . U. W ells , Da Grande, Oregon.W. A. Craw ford , Payette Valley, Itlahj.B. M. Jeffreys, Wetter Valley, Idaho.Ned . T uek , Canyon City, Oregon.H. 11. H yde, Piaine City, Oregon.F a rm ers around Union and the Cove can

pay their subscription to the D e h o c b a t to Geo. Wright <fc Bon, merchants at Union, or Cowles & McDaniels or B. G. French at The Cove. Pei sons wishing to subscribe in that portion ol Union county can give their names lo either ot the above named parties.

Feed Salade is authorized to act as Agent for the D emoceat at Umatilla.

Geo. W. 1’almee is authorized to act as Agent for the D emoceat at Marysville.

Money Market.

P e r s o n a l.

109 HLatest New York Gold Quotations,LEGAL TENDEBS IN TO ET LAND I

Buying,................... 90c. | Bellmg..................91

N o t i c e *

The undersigned has not Leased or Sold out his Hotel Business at the Dalles, but will continue in the tuture, as in the past, to dispense the substantial elements ot Lile to

,r‘ , e “ US ‘“ ‘ ‘" “ •t u OMA» SMITH, Bole Proprietor Empire Hotel.nl9tf

Notice to tie Pablic.On and alter May 20th, 1872, the Post Of­

fice hours will be from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m.— Bundays excepted. Open on Sundays from 9 to 10 a. m. and 5 to 0 p. ui.

W. F. M’CRARY, r. m .

Meteorological Table.

Through the politeness of Professor S. P. Barrett, we aro enabled to lay before our readers the following table showing the range o f the Mercury for the woek ending Doc. 6th, 1873, at Baker City, Oregon:

7 a. m. 12 m. 10 P. M.Sunday, 42 50 29Monday, 26 35 20Tuesday,Wednesday,

16 28 23 22 18

Thursday, 22 28 22Friday, 27 38 32Saturday, 30 38 30

Average for the week Itero.

26:2 degrees above

Wednesday morning was colder in Baker City than auy time last winter; the Mercury r(‘gesturing 10 degrees below zero; at 7 o ’, clock it stood 3 below.

Snowfall during the week six and a half inches. Total this season, twelve and a half inches.

P rater M e e tin g .— A prayer meeting will be held at the Court House, ou Saturday evening of this week.


D a v id M o r r o w , former foreman o f the Virtue Ledge, has left for Nevada.

Guy Durkee and Charles Durkee, of the Express Ranch, were in our city last week.

W m . Cates, o f Union, is stopping in our city for the purpose o f attending school this winter.

J o h n La k e and family, o f Clarksville, have moved to our city, and intend mak­ing it their place o f residence.

P ro fesso r B a r r e t t ’s Singing School meets on Tuesday and Wednesdays even­ings.

Rufus Chapman o f Liberty, Maine, had a stiff leg bent at the knee, limbered and strengthened by the use of Johnson’s An­odyne Liniment.

Clo sed —The Columbia River, between the Dalles and Portland, was closed the fore part o f last week so as to stop boats from running, at that time the weather was Intensely cold there. It was thought navigation would not be stopped long and that the boats would soon make their reg­ular trips again.

L a r g e Co l t .—W. C. Miller, on last Fri­day, weighed a colt belonging to John Furman, that will not be six months old until the 16th o f this month, which weigh­ed 707 pounds. We should say this was a pretty good sized colt.

A M a n u a l o f Health.An edition o f between nine and ten mill­

ions o f copies o f a very useful work is now ready for gratuitous distribution, and can be had for the asking at any drug store in the United States, the British Colonies, Spanish America or Brazil. The work referred to is Hostetter’s Almanac for 1871. The medical portion o f it treats o f the various ailments to which the human system is subject, and sets forth the peculiar properties of Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters—the purest and best toaic at present known—as a preservative o f health and strength, and as a remedy for debility and disease. The Almanac is printed in all the principal languages of the civilized world, and reaches a larger number o f families and individuals than any other medical treatise that ever issued from the press. No man or woman who has a due regard for that choicest o f heaven's blessings, bodily vigor, should fail to read the plain, simple and convincing articles which this truly practical publication cousins. The miscellaneous matter is vari­ed, instructive and amusing, and the calendar department copious and comprehensive.— llostettei’8 Almanac is, in short, a household convenience, adapted to the use of all classes anil callings. Tno farmer, the planter, tho miner, the merchant, the mechanic, the la­borer, the professional man, all need it; and to invalids o f both sexes it is literally au ar­ticle o f prime necessity. The medical tech­nicalities which render somany medical treat­ises intended for popular use unintelligible to the general reader, have been carefully avoid­ed in this pamphlet. All is clear, explicit, forcible, and reconcilable with reason and common senso.

The proprietors, Messrs. Hostetter A Smith,Pittsburgh, T

Fob the very best Photographs, go to | Bradley A Rulofson’s Gallery without Stairs X F " Ascend in the.ELEVATOR, 429 Mont­gomery Street, Ban Francisco.


In Jackson County Nov. 18th, to the wife o f A. W. Sturgea a son.

In Albany, Nov. 17th, to the wife o f Orrin Parks a son.

>1 A It It I E

Through tho politeness o f Mr. J. H. Ingraham, the obliging clerk o f the W est­ern Hotel, o f this city, we are enabled to lay before our readers the following list o f arrivals at that Hotel, for the week end­ing Dec. 0th, 1873:

•Tames York, N. Powder-JR. R. A J. P. Smith, G(>ose Creek; F. Fluck. Rye V al­ley; T. l’ ullem and Tho*. W illiam son, Connor Creek; Wtn. McMullen & Son and 1». R. Morehouse, Walla Walla; David Morrow, Ledge; 1). Scofield, Auburn; J. Luke A Family and C. P. Buckland, Clarks­ville-John llcer, Pocahontas; John Grif­fin, Valley; J. H. Boyoe,Portland; J. New­man, G. H. Valley; Guy Durkee and Chas. Durkee, Express Ranch; 8. K. Myers and 1- J. Brower, Eldpj-ado; John Ladd and James Wheeler, La Gjande; Geo. Slocum, Furman’s Station; Tom Hoffman, Sparta; Henry Went, Joseph Meacham, Chris Von Clay and Joseph Smith, Burnt River.K 7 * hn*. St. Louis has located perma­nently in Baker; and is now prepared to man­ufacture and repair all kinds of jewelry and watches. After twenty-eight years experi­ence in the business, he feels competent to give entire satisfaction. Mr. St. Louis, is also agent for the best Sewing Machine in use, tho NewWilsou, price, $55,00.

Gone E ast.—J udge S. K. Myers, o f El­dorado; left for the home o f his mother, in Illinois, by way of Corinne.on last Sunday morning. The Judge has a great many friends In this portion o f the world who will always be pleased to hear o f Ills doing well. They, with us, wish him a safe and pleasant trip. We expect to hear from the

Judge occasionally.wi?eri ' o lV au<? s'c ̂headache and neural-

L almo.s, i‘v,er>' lnsmnce these dis- Pr° l,uced by derangement o f tue digestive orgaus, and liver disease. Rare-

umeeii. would any one suffer from these diseases, If they kept their bowels regular and digestion good bv proper at­tention to the liver, which is the greatanv-by “ akiii'g®!?/" pCII° S- This caa be done g I)r\ 1 'tree’s Golden Medical Discovery, with small daily ‘Pw .àXV 'A""'“ ?mH“ uany doses lih^ nl f S I» ative Pellets; they r ¡ut» U,e action o f the liver, thereby purïfy-

of his re-estab-

• removing the cause o f those diseases. tvLh!aRARY i*0CIKTY— The Literary Socie- FridavevMi“ interesti,lS meeting last Dr T v - ing‘ ncxt Friday evening the P o t WiU deliver a lecture.DubHc !‘ eStlCn WU1 be Abated.Public are invited to attend.

t “ ° ^ kind>J-“ furnished

^ K b tb y Mr. Jo in James ThG SCh001 *

have published a rLrfnkidltlon Powders, pamphlet, whichm»v i ^ t and instructive

H. L. Ch ** ad iree by maiLie W holest*,’ thC ge“ tlemanly agent for


the hding A Co. of A. P. Ho-found in another^!iadVeniSement wiU bebusiness for his houle“ w * *“ ° Ur C,ty OD and our boys a-e He 18 with us. * ^ P‘cased to

At the residence o f Jas. Humphrey, in Eugene City, on the 25th inst., by Rev. N. Clark, Mr. Jas. Warnic and Miss Sarah A. Webber, all o f Lane Co., Oregon.

In Benton County Nov. 5th, Mr. Dothard J. Payne to Miss Annie E. McClain.

In Beuton County Nov. 25th, Mr. John L. Cook, ol Lewiston, I. T. to Miss Rebecca P. Gates, o f Beaver Creek.

In Jackson County Nov. 16th, John May to Miss Cenora E. Randle.

At Buena Vista, Polk Co., Mr. C. H. My­ers, o f Portland, to Miss C. E. Smith, of Buena Vista.

In Oregon City, John W. Blackwell to Rosamond L. Spooner.


In Portland, Nov. 28th, aged 43 years.

In Benton County James years and 5 months.

Manila Pollock,

Cook, aged 19



The WSEKLY SUN is too widely known to require any extended recommendation; but the reasous which have already givcu it fifty thousand subscribers, and which will, we hope, give it many thousands more, are brief­ly as follows:’ It is a first rate newspaper. AH the news

o f the day will be found in it, condensed when unimportant, at fuU length when of moment, and always presented in a clear, inteUigiblo, and interesting manner.

It is a tint rate family paper, full o f euter taining and instructive reading ot every kind, but containing nothing that can offend the most delicate and scrupulous taste.

It is a first rate story paper. The best tales and romances of current literature are care- ; fully selected and legibly primed iti its pages.

It is a first rate agricultural paper. The most fresh and instructive articles on agricul- tural topics regularly appear in this depart- : inent.

It is an independent political paper, belong- i | ing to no party and wearing no collar. I t !I tights lot principle, and for the election of the i best men to office. It especially devotes its energies to the exposure of the great corrup- 1 tions that now weaken and disgrace our coun­try,"and threaten to undermine republican i institutions altogether. It has no fear of ! knaves, and asks no favors from their sup- | porters.

It reports the fashions for the ladies and 1 markets for the men, especially the cattle j markets, to which it pays particular attention.

Finally, it is the cheapest paper published. I One dollar a year will secure it for auy sub­scriber. It is not necessary to got up a club in order to have tho Weekly Sun at this l ate. Any one who sends a single dollar will get tho paper for a year.

We have no traveling agents.

1 8 7 3 . 1 8 7 4 .T H E

F all & W in te r Cam.paign!

N e w S tore B uilding


N e w G o o d s ,

In J. W. Virtue’s New Baal Block.


Pittsburgh, P .,on receipt o f a two cent stamp, will forward a copy by mail to any person who cannot procure one in his neighborhood*

Sleighs have been running in our city quite lively for the past few days.

W. F. McCrary , our efficient Postmas­ter, who has been sick for som e tim e, Is Improving.

Petek’s Musical Monthly, for Decom­ber, is on our tablo. It is truly a valuable musical work. It is full o f tho bdst pieces of Standard Music. All musicians should have this monthly. See advertisement of Standard Musical Works in another column, issued and for sale by J. L. Peters, 599 Broadway, N. Y.

M r. W . H. Odell , o f Rye V alley, Is on a visit to our city.

Snow.—It has snowed almost every day since our last issue—the snow on ourstreets Is about three Inches deep. The weather Is not very cold.

Jerry Dooley and wife returned home, to Clarksville, on last Monday morning.

R. V. Pierce, M. I) , o f Buff alo, N. Y ., will send liis book on Chronic Diseases free to any address.

Odd Fellows Ball.--The Odd Fellows of Baker City will give a Ball on Wednesday evening, (Christinas Eve,) Dec. 24tli, 1873, in Baker City. Tho music, and the supper will be the best that can be procured, and every thing else necessary for a good time, will be done for the best. There will be no tickets of invitation issued, but everybody is invited to attend.

linker City Lodge No. 2 5 ,1. OO. F ., meets every Saturday evening, at half past six o’clock, at Odd Fellows Hal), in the new Bank Block, corner o f Front street and Court Avenue. Members oT the Order are invited to attend. Bv order o f N. G.

a good fellow have h im

The decision of the Federal Circuit Court for Connecticut practically stops the Government from obtain­ing present redress for the Credit Mobilier frauds. The constitution­ality of the special act of Congress, under which the suit was brought, is sustained; but another point in the case was, the demurrer raised by the Union Pacific Railroad Company on the ground that the United States had not such an interest in the sub­ject matter as entitled them to bring suit to redress wrongs committed by the Union Pacific Railroaa Cornpa ny. This demurrer has been sus tained, and the court decides that the United States have no interest to be reached by the act. This result was unexpected, as the Attorney- General was reported to entertain a belief that the demurrer would be overruled. Of course this technical defeat of the prosecution does not change the moral aspect of the case. It only increases the necessity for the proposed Contract and Finance Company investigation; because it the technical features of the law leave no other remedy, an exposure of frauds and the guilty parties is still indispensable. Members of Congress now in Washington say an investigation is bound to come. The Attorney-General expresses consid­erable surprise at the decision in the Credit Mobilier case against the Gov­ernment, and will take immediate steps to carry an appeal to the S i- preme Court.

Town Property, Lands, &c.

A Rare Chance to Invest Cap­ital Profitably.

Ha v i n g d e t e r m i n e d t omake an entire change in my business,

1 Gesiue to sell all my Real Estate in anil near Baker City, consisting ol LOTS and BLOCKS in the city, and Land by the Acre, adjoining the Original Town Plat.Lots will be sold at from $10 to $100 each.

Blocks from $100 to $500 each, and Land by tho Acre at from $25 to $100.

A L S O ,I will sell my Fine Residence and other

improved property in the City, at GREAT BARGAINS.

Terms:—-One Third Cash down, balance in two equal Yearly Payments, with Legal Interest. Warrantee Title Given.

J. M. BOYD.Baker Citv, Nov. 5, 1873.-n26m2

THE WEEKLY SUN.—Eight pages, fifty- six columns. Only $1.00 a year. No dis­counts from this rate.

THE SEMI-WEEKLY SUN.—Same si$e as the Daily Sun. $2.00 a year. A discount of 20 per cent, to chibs o f 10 or over.

THE DAILY SUN.—A largo four-page newspaper of twenty-eight columns. Daily circulation over 120,000. All the news lor 2 cents. Subscription price 50 cents a mouth, or $6.00 a year. To clubs of 10 or over, a discount o f 20 per cent. Address,

u28t(! “ THE SUN,” New York City.

; l l l l l l l t l l t I11ILWholesale and RetailDEALERS,

Enter the Field this Winter with the

1 A £ £1S 3 S M C S t

NEW G O O D SEver Offered in this Market, which they are

determined to sell for

Smaller P̂rofitsTitan any other House in Eastern Oregou Our Stock embraces every tiling in the line o

Dry Goods,Clothing,

Boots and Shoes,Groceries,

Tobacco and Cigars, aud Everything pertaining to a Complete

Stock ofGeneral Merchandise.Our Stock o f Liquors

Is well supplied with the Best BraudtW HISKY,



Waila Walla Variety aai Fruit Store,

Wxr.wr by

W . U r t i b e l s k L7TIO WOULD RESPECTFULLY TN-

furm the Public, that he keep* all kinds of FRUITS, and VEGETABLES» on baud, that will be sold at eitiier

W HOLESALE OF RETAIL.The Fruit, Vegetables, Grapes, Ac., kept

by him are fresh and of tho best quality.'H e also keeps Family Groceries, and a

large variety of Cakes, Candies. Tobacco and Cigars, together with ail assortment of

YANKEE NOTIONS.TNj will be pleased to have those call who

wish any o f the above articles, aud assures them that he will sell at prices to suit the times.

N. B.—He can supply Families aud oth­ers with ______

w i n t e r F r u i t ,anil \egotables, o f all kinds, for Winter use.

Peaches, Apples, Pears, Plums, Grapes, &c., &c.,received fresh ever/ day by Express, and for sale cheap for Cash.

Baker Citv, Sept. 3. ! 872.-nl7tf ___


Having completed their New Stable, have now the tiuest and best regulated

"Livery Stable In E a s t e r n O r e g o n ,

Where they will carry on the Livery Dim ­ness ¡u all its branches.

STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD.Baker Citv. Nov. 13. 1872. nl.ltf

And we offer the same atW INE, etc., otc., Lowest Figures.

18 7 4 .H u^iness D ire c to ry

o rEastern Washington,• Eastern Oregon, and

Northern Idaho.



TO THE FARMERS !j Farmers wanting anything iu the line of

Reapers, Mowers', Threshers, Feed Mills. Wagons, Homo Rakes,

Harrows, Plows, orOTHER AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, will find it to their advantage to give us a call.

A :- .

Wholesale Department1 Is kept in our New FIRE PROOF CELLAR.

Give us a Call at Virtue’s New Bank Block j ou Front Street, Baker City, Oregon.

BAMBERGER A FRANK. Baker City, Oct. 1, 1873-n2ltf.

Ti l l : P U B L I S H E R S O F T 1 I FWalla Walla Union will issue a Direc­

tory of the above named sections in January next.

The work will embrace a general sketch of the counties of Walla Walla, Whitman, Ste­vens and Yakima, in Washington Territory; Umatilla, Union and Baker, in Oregon, and Nez Perce, Idaho and Shoshone, iu Idaho Territory, together with their Productions,

’ Resources, Climate, and all other subjects upon which information is required.

The Directory of each town and city will be complete; and that, with sketches of each place, should make it invaluable to the mer­chant. farmer, and mecliuuic.

As an advertising medium, it will bo the best yet introduced, as it will be o f such im­portance tuat it will always be retained in a prominent position for reiereuee.

RATES OF ADVERTISING:One Page............................................ $20Half Page......................................... 10Card..................................................... 5X ?* Advertisers taking one page will re­

ceive a copy of the book gratis.Price o f tlie D irectory w ill be $1 50

We will use our best endeavors to make the book complete in every respect.

A thoroughly competent person will soon make a tour of the country to be embraced in the Directory aud gather all the informs- 1 tion necessary.

R. M. SMITH A CO.n29n34 Walla Walla, W. T.

fo~ x? ' 'H o

, y


CHI t ii

D R E S S MAKING!Mrs. E. C. S le p M & Co.,

Respectfully inform the Ladies of Baker City and vicinity, that they have opened an establishment, at the residence of Mrs. R. C. Shepherd, in Baker City, where they are prepared to Cut, or Cut an Make all kinds of

Ladies & Childrens Clothing.All orders from the


od to, atsurroundin

and Country will be promptly atten the same prices that our City customers are charged.Stamping for Embroidering and

Braiding done to order.

8tiS t ®


B sample <j f sew ing:^ ̂ B R O W /V . •Àgnrl


§5. A Valuable Invention! $5.


Sewing ]VLacliine!FOR DOMESTIC USE.


W ill New Patent Bolton Hole Worker.The most Simple and Compact in J

Construction, the most Durable and Economical in use, A

Model of Combined Strength and Beauty.

COMPLETE IN ALL ITS PARTS, USES | the Straight Eye Pointed Needle, Sell- I

Tnreading, direct upright Positive Motion.New Tension, Sell Feed and Cloth Guider. !Operates by Wheel on a Table. Light Run- j mng, Smooth and noiseless like all good,high priced machines. Has patent check to | to my extensive and varied assortment of prevent tho wheel being turued the wrong way. Uses the thread direct from the tpool.

strongest stitch known;, firm, durable, close | msej^l^doruam ental, fo


April 2, 1873.n47u39

mam m jia s iE & Y ,H. J. GKER, Proprietor.

T II E E N D E R S IG N E D W O U L Drespectfully cull the attention o f


Fruit Trees ait SbraitarAddress,


p 2 *B

and rapid. Will do all kinds of work, tine and coarse, from Cambric to heavy Cloth or Leather, and uses all description,of thread.

The best mechanical talent in America and Europe has been devoted to improving and simplifying our Machines, combining only that which is practicaole, aud dispensing with all complicated surroundings generally found iu other machines.

Special terms and extra inducements to male and female agents, store keepers, Ac., who will establish agencies through the coun­try and keep our new machines on exhibition I andsale. County rights given to smartagents free. Agent’s complete outfits furnished without any extra charge. Samples of sewing, descriptive" circulars coutaiaiug terms, testi­monials, engravings, Ac., sent free.


Brooks »Sewing Machine Co J «»|- § & <_® o H. S ■ • ac. « -


H. J. GEER, Cove, Union County,


| a | I Q DOC 3C £7! mm2 Ü Sr - W nI

n41y No. 1329Broadway, New York.

Dissolution Notice.5 * •H 1

NOTICE IS H E R E B Y GIVEN TH A Tthe partnership heretofore existing be­

tween R- D. McCord and Peter Deisenroth was dissolved on the 19th day of September, 1873. R- D. McCord having withdrawn from the business bv mutual consent.

R. D. McCORD.Baker City Oct. 13th, 1873. ni»n2«.


LATEST FASHIONSReceived «vary month, direct from New York.

------- o -------M U M . S H O E K L E Y

lias received a fine assortment of Ladies Dress Trimmings, Bonnets,

Hats, iSrc., <fc..Direct from San Francisco and Portland. All c f che laiest style and patterns, which she has opened at the Dress Making Rooms at the residence of Mrs. It. C. Shepherd, whore she will be pleased to have the Ladies of Baker City and vicinity give her a call*

October 22, 1873.-n24tf



P A P L E V IN SRespectfully informs the Citizens and Deal­er» or E astern O regon , that he has estab-

ed himself in the Liquor Business at

I I A K E R C I T Y ,Where he is prepared to fill all orders iu hia

line with the best of

Liquors, Wines, Tobacco ancl Cigars,

and every thing in Iuh line, in quantities tc suit, and at low prices. He sells fur

Ready Pay Only,and is therefore enabled to sell cheap. He can sell Goods to the T rad e , C h eaper than small Dealers can lay them down here from

Portland or San Francisco.*He keeps a full assortment of

BAR FIXTURES.Give him a Call, Sample his Goods and

learn his prices.June, 4, 1878. n4tf

T COSTS LESS THAN $300 TO MAKB any $600 Piano sold through Agents, all

o f whom makeONE HURDRED PER CENT,

profit. We have no a«ents, but ship diraet to families at Factory Price.

We make only one Btvle, and have but one price.

Two Hnoirci and Ninety DollarsNet cash, with no discount to doalera or com - missions to teachers. Our lumber is thor- oughlv seasoned. Our case« are

' DOUBLE VENEEREDwith Rosewood—have Front round bornen , serpentine bottom and carved legs. We uaw the full Iron Plate with over strung bass

FRENCH GRAND ACTIONwith top danq>ers, and our keys are of the tiest Ivory, with Ivory fronts. Our Plane has Seven Octaves; is -6 feet 9 inches long, $ feot 4 inches wide, and weighs, boxed, 95* pounds.

Every Piano is fully warranted for five years.

Send for an illustrated circular, in whiek we rofer to over 500 Bankers, Merchants, Ac., (some of whom vou may know,) using our Pianos in Forty-Four States and Torritoriea,

1X7” Please state where you seen this no­tice.

U. 8. PIANO CO.,n2Go52 865, Broctlwav, N. T.


Th i s s t a b l e h a s j u s t beenbuilt, and tbu- proprietor is n ow

pared to carry on the bnsiness iuSPLENDID^ STYLE.

The Proprietor will spare neither labor nor expense to render his e s ta b lish m e n t a success.

He will keep constantly on b a n d a su p ­ply ofGood Horses,

Single andDouble Buggies,

Carriages, etc.yAnd everything connected with a first e la i*


T I N - S H O P !J . H . P A R K E R ,


CoDptsr. Tin ant Steel-Iron Ware,91 iti h .Street, B a k e r C ity , O re g o n .

Raddle horses hired to go to any part of the country. Horses boarded, anil tne best care bestowed upon them while iu lus charge.

X ^ T erm s reasonable*Thankful for past patronage, I expect by

bonest and liberal tlealnig to deserve tha continued patronage of the public.


N O T I C E . ~p i l l : VNDKKSIG MOD HAM P t 'l l -1 chased the interest of Charles Hcbell-

worth in what was known as the

ScMworili Saloon ant Batery,With the Stock in trade, Furniture and Fix­tures thereunto belonging, and accounts and demands due thereto, in this City, and said Bchcllworth has retired from Saloon and Bakery business, and the undersigned will alone conduct said business, at the

OLD S T A ND ,On the corner o f Front Street and Valley Avenue. The best

W ines, Liquors ('-istars andFRESH BREAD, CRACKERS,

a N D PASTRY Always on hand at the Bakery.

All parties owing the late firm o f Rchell- worthf* Co., will settle with the undersigned. Baker City, Sept. 9, 1873.

nl94f F. A* BOHNA.


Lost.—The Editor of this paper lost bis Derringer Pistol between Baker City and Auburn on the 17th inst. Auy turning said pistol to this office will blv rewarded.

Sept. 24, 1873.

F. K E E P S C O N S T A N T L Y O Yhand a full assortment of all articles iu

lus line, such as

Miner’s Hydraulic Pipe, Noz­zles, Butts and Tin Ware.

Also, Every Pattern and Stvle of

S T 6 V EL S .The Celebrated Buck’s Patent Cooking,

i and the Onward Parlor Stove are kept on ! hand, together with all other styles.

y person re­rill be Isuita-

J O ]Done upon Prices.


3 w o r k :abort Notice, and at reasonable


To Sheep Eaiserst!

imported Cotswold Sleep for Sale.ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN

Head Thorough bred Cotswold Sheep, lately Imported from the best herds in Can­ada.’ The above Sheep are Full Blooded and as fino’as any on the Coast.

There are Forty Bucks in the loi_The whole will be sold in lots to »nit pur­

chasers, and atREASONABLE PRICES.

For particulars, enquire ofREID k FLETCHER,

n24rf Eaker City,