Download - Fernandes case description


Fernandes Social Insights, Social Strategy, Social Content,

Community & Conversations, Activation & Advertising

Fernandes uses Facebook to create higher brand awareness and brand loyalty. Your Social provides content and community management, creating engagement has a central role.

During September and October 2012, fans had the opportunity to fill in action codes in a Facebook-app. By doing this, they had the chance to win the Fernandes VIPTRIP to Suriname.

The action codes were provided on Fernandes cans and bottles.

In a second app, fans could enter the “Word Reisleider” (“Become tour guide”) competition. The winner of this campaign became the tour guide of the VIPTRIP. The finale took place at Dutch

radio station “SLAM!FM”.

The VIPTRIP action started September 3th and ended October 31th, 2012. During the campaign the number of fans of Fernandes increased from 2.300 to 18.672 fans.

This is the most engaging post on the Facebook page. This post was liked by 748 people, 147 comments were posted and 554 people shared the post.

Your Social is responsible for posting creative and branded content filled with calls-to-action. Fans comment actively on these posts.

Fans are very active. They regularly post pictures, positive feedback and messages about the brand.

More info about the Fernandes case? [email protected]