Download - Ferguson Avenue Baptist Church - Amazon S3 · 2019-07-05 · that he will seek to do something about it. But, of course, he knows the truths we saw in the previous chapter of this

Page 1: Ferguson Avenue Baptist Church - Amazon S3 · 2019-07-05 · that he will seek to do something about it. But, of course, he knows the truths we saw in the previous chapter of this

Ferguson Avenue Baptist Church 10050 Ferguson Avenue v Savannah, Georgia 31406

FABC Elders Bob Dimmitt Pastor 912-398-4363 [email protected] Tim Wade Assoc. Pastor/Youth 912-231-7199 [email protected] Tom Keller Assoc. Pastor/ Senior Adults 912-308-3767 [email protected] Steve Posner Elder 912-704-5617 [email protected] Church Phone: 912-355-0949 [email protected]

Announcements Where Christ Is Exalted and the Fellowship Is Exciting

Deacons’ Meeting Tuesday, July 9, at 7:00 p.m.

Senior Saints’ Bible Study This Thursday, July 11, 10:00 a.m., in the Fellowship Hall.

Savannah Bananas’ Faith & Family Night Thursday, July 11. Tickets are $18 and include all you care to eat bracelets for select items. See Tim Wade!

Savannah Sacred Harp The Savannah Sacred Harp Singers will meet to sing on Satur-day, July 13, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., in the piano side overflow room. Loaner books are available, and it is a lot of fun! Talk to Dawn Stanford if you have questions.

Quarterly Congregational Meeting Sunday afternoon, July 14. Time to be announced.

Young Adult Bible Study Thursday July 18, 6:30 p.m., at the Sheffields’.

Youth Service Day Saturday, July 20, at 9:00 a.m. Let Tim Wade know if you have any projects for the teens to work on.

Ju ly 7 , 2019

FABC Deacons

Shawn Champion 433-0098 Ron Fowler 901-409-8628 Jimmy Kicklighter (CH) 355-5616 Jack Moore 547-5000 Joe Morris 398-0125 Jay Rowe 547-5770 John Sumner 658-4186 Michael Walker 655-2497

This Week at FABC Today

Coffee Fellowship 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Choir Practice 5:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday Youth 6:30 p.m. Children’s Music Camp 7:00 p.m. Prayer & Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

Thursday Senior Adult Bible Study 10:00 a.m.

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July 7, 2019

* All those who are able, please stand.


Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Praise Him, all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen

10:30 a.m.

Welcome and Announcements

* Opening Chorus & Greeting “Because He Lives”

Words are on the back of the bulletin

* Call to Worship 2 Chronicles 20:6

* Hymn #532 “God of Our Fathers”

Prayer of General Confession Tim Wade Psalm 107:1-9

Special Music “All Because of Christ”

Words to follow along on p. 5

Scripture Reading Exodus 15:1-19

Glen Martin

Receiving of Tithes And Offerings

* Hymn #10 “O God, Our Help in Ages Past”

Message Bob Dimmitt

That Place that God Himself Dwells 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, 1 Corinthians #21

* Hymn, to right “Doxology”

Old Hundred tune

7:00 p.m.

Welcome and Announcements

* Hymn #126 “Rock of Ages”


Receiving of Tithes And Offerings

Hymn, bulletin pp. 6-7 “Eternal Father, Strong to Save”

Hymn #314 “I Am Thine, O Lord”

Hymn #127 “Hallelujah, What a Savior!”

Message Bob Dimmitt

What Makes the Armor of God Ineffective? Part 4 Ephesians 6:10-13, Ephesians #128

* Hymn, bulletin p. 9 “Jude Doxology”

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A .M. Notes

That Place That God Himself Dwells 1 Corinthians #21 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 “You” here is plural while “temple” is singular God’s activity has moved from a sa-cred building into a sacred body of believers. When the temple was dedicated God was dwelling with His people in the place called the Holy of Holies….When Jesus came He was the actual temple of God on this earth. …Now the church is the Temple of God upon the earth. God dwells in us. So many people just do not realize that they are/we are the dwelling of God on this earth. How many people come to church every week and don’t know they bring God with them, that God lives in them. A bunch of little Temples come together forming a larger Temple. Romans 8:9-10 Think about this; people who see you at work won’t see you at church, but they (should) see you as the residence of God. They (should) see you as that person in which God resides. That is our whole purpose. It is His reputation that is at stake, not ours. The word “holy” is hagios. Holiness does not mean perfection when it comes to us. When it comes to Him, yes, but not to us. His (holiness) is inherent; ours is im-puted.

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P.M. Notes

What Makes the Armor of God Ineffective? Part 3 Ephesians #127 Ephesians 6:10-13

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Weekly Catechism Question

Question #112: What do we pray for in the first petition of the Lord’s Prayer? Answer: In the first petition, which is "Hallowed be thy name," we pray that God would enable us and others to glorify him in all of life, and that he would dispose all things to his own glory. Scripture: Matthew 6:9; Psalm 67:1-3; Romans 11:36; Revelation 4:11; 1 Corinthians 10:31

Older Children’s Camp July 22 through 25. Please pray for this special time!

After Church Lunch There is an After Church Lunch sched-uled for Sunday, July 28. Please contact the office if you would like to help with setup and cleanup! Folks, please bring food to share!

Trip to Myrtle Beach Tom is organizing a trip for the Senior Saints to Myrtle Beach, December 2 - 4. The cost is about $205 per person for 2 nights, 2 breakfasts, 2 dinners, and 2 shows. Sign up in the hall if you are interested!

All Because Of Christ 1. Who could stand amidst the wind and waves Except the One who made them to obey Who could sing in the midst of suffering But those He has redeemed and called by name Chorus If I stand and see it through If I stay the course and make it home If my heart is overwhelmed with peace in the storm It’s all it’s all because of Christ 2. Only You would reach down to such an end To leave heaven and befriend the ones You made And only You will endure me through it all Though the things of earth may fall You will remain Chorus x2 Bridge x2 Because of Christ I’m not forsaken, because of Christ I’m not alone Because of Christ I have a confidence and hope. It’s all it’s all because of Christ Chorus x2 CCLI Song # 7100162 Aaron Ivey | Brett Land | Dietrich Schmidt | Jimmy McNeal | Logan Garza | Logan Walter | Marcus Dawes © 2017 Austin Stone Music For use solely with the SongSelect®. Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.comCCLI License # 2358754

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Articles Stop Praying “Be With” Prayers By Alistair Begg The time-bound and fallen creature that I naturally am, I often forget the spiritual and eternal element of reality. That’s why the things that fill my prayers are so regu-larly absent from Paul’s—and why the things that fill his prayers are so regularly absent from mine. He has his eyes fixed on eternity. His prayers are spiritual. We need to make ours so, too. To do that, I want to erase the two words that shut most of our prayers down. Here they are: “Be with…” If you were to record my prayers, I have a sad suspicion you’d hear a lot of “be with”: “Dear Lord, I pray you will be with Tom as he goes to work, and be with Mary also, who’s having her wisdom teeth removed on Tuesday, and be with… and be with… and be with… and be with us all. Amen.” This is unimaginative. It’s limited. It’s certainly not spiritually ambitious, like Paul is. And it is, I think, unnec-essary. Jesus said, “Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). He’s promised to be with Tom and with Mary. It’s a bit of a waste to make the sum total of my prayer for them the request that Jesus would do what he al-ready said he’d do, and has already started doing. Search the Scriptures, and you won’t find a prayer recorded that just asks God to “be with” his people. The prayers of the saints have far more weighty, far more spiritual concerns. Go to Nehemiah. In the opening section of Nehemiah, word comes to him in exile, working as the cupbearer of the Persian king, telling him that the walls of God’s city, Jerusalem, are broken down and the gates are burned with fire. It is a complete fiasco up there. Nehemiah is brokenhearted by this; he decides that he will seek to do something about it. But, of course, he knows the truths we saw in the previous chapter of this book, and so… As soon as I heard these words I sat down and wept and mourned for days, and I continued fasting and praying before the God of heaven. And I said…” (Nehemiah 1:4-5) You can read his prayer, right there in Nehemiah 1: O Lord God, please be with all the people in Jerusalem… No, he doesn’t say that! He says (and I’m paraphrasing), O God, you great and awesome and magnificent God, who rules over the universe. We, your people, bow before you and confess our sins and our shortcomings before you. Can you see what he’s doing? He’s getting spiritual before he gets practical. He knows that the issue of the walls in Jerusalem is a metaphor for

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the real spiritual condition of the people. The reason that the wall is collapsed and broken down is because of the spiritual needs of their hearts. So Nehemiah prays first about what matters most: Lord, I must confess our sins. Lord, I must acknowledge our complete depend-ence upon you. Lord, let us turn our gaze to the things that really matter, because we have completely lost sight of what’s going on. I’m humbled by Nehemiah; I’m humbled by Paul. How small, how narrow-minded are my prayers. How “be with” are my prayers. In my experience, those of us who are parents are particularly at risk of this kind of attitude when it comes to our children. If you have kids, here’s one way to diag-nose whether your prayers are over-practical and under-spiritual. What do you pray for your kids, when you pray for them (if you do)? Would our prayers for our chil-dren reveal that we understand that their spiritual condition matters more than their financial or relational or vocational well-being? Would our prayers reflect the truth that their position in Christ matters infinitely more than their position in school or college or the office or society? All that matters may be brought before God, but we must always bring before God those things that matter most.

Jude Doxology Cam Huxford

Remember, Jesus brought you out of Egypt. Remember, He has sought you as His people. Remember, He has saved you from your sin. Remember, remember Him. Remember, Jesus brought you through the Red Sea. Remember, mighty miracles that you have seen. Remember, you were slaves and now are free. Remember, that He is king. To the only God, our savior, Jesus Christ. Be glory, honor, power, and dominion. Before all time, and now, and evermore! Remember, Jesus reigns above the heavens. He’s coming, He is coming with his kingdom. Do not forget, He is seated on the throne. Remember what He has done. To the only God, our savior, Jesus Christ. Be glory, honor, power, and dominion. Before all time, and now, and evermore. Amen

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Missionary of the Week

Arnold Fruchtenbaum Ariel Ministries - San Antonio, Texas

Ariel Ministries was created by Arnold to evangelize and disciple Jewish brethren through Bible, theology and solid doctrine. Over the years, Ariel Ministries has spread their Messianic Centers throughout various cities in the U.S., Canada, and Israel. Missionary, Bible and Prophetic Confer-ences are held in churches and schools all over the U.S. and the world where the focus is understanding the Word from a Jewish perspective. Camp Shoshanah is a learning facility that Ariel Ministries runs as a Bible training and discipleship program taught from a Jewish perspective for Jewish and Gentile believers. They are still building needed facilities for this school. Visit their website at: Praise Reports

• Shoshanah is now the caretaker for Mary Ann. Because she also still works at a different job, we use Visiting Angels to fill in the daytime hours. Amanda has stayed until the end of March to fill in and has now returned to California to visit home. However, she will be returning in about two weeks to once again give hours of her time so that we will not need to use the agency as much.

• For a very successful itinerary through Australia: About $35,000 AUS was raised for Ariel Ministries.

Prayer Requests

• Continue to pray for Mary Ann’s health.

• Continue praying for my completion of the commentary on the book of Acts.

• For my proofreading of volume 4 of the Come and See series. This one will be on the Holy Spirit.

• Pray for all the right students to come to our Camp Shoshanah program this sum-mer and that all weeks may be full.

From Ariel’s Home Office Praise Reports

• Praise the Lord for excellent attendance at a seminar led by Jeff Gutterman on the book of Hebrews at the home office.

• Praise the Lord for the release of the new book The Feasts and Fasts of Israel – Their Historic and Prophetic Significance. Pray for good response to the book.

• Praise the Lord for two new Board members, Tim Velasco and Russell Cruzan. Pray the Lord would be with the Board as they chart the course for Ariel Ministries.

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Sunday School Classes & Descriptions

Adult “Revelation” - Organ Side Overflow

Room: Matt Coleman “Chronological Survey of the Bible” -

Fellowship Hall: Bob Dimmitt/Chris Leverett

“The Life of Samson” - Youth House: Steve Posner.

Students & Children Babies - Room 3: Kay Stanford & Saundra

Bridges 1s & 2s - Room 24: Michael & Ruth Klein-

peter/Kamee Roberson 3s & 4s - Room 25: Emily Wise, Susan Su,

Savannah Stanford, Haley Bull Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grade - Room

200: John & Pam Humphrey 3rd-6th Grade Boys - Room 202: Richie

Mills 3rd-6th Grade Girls - Room 204: Mary

Ann Fowler, Amy Horton Youth Guys - Room 206: Tim Wade,

Bobby Deloach, Shawn Champion Youth Girls - Room 208: Sona Bailey,

Jessica Dimmitt, & Lauren Wade

Bible Reading Schedule July 2019

1 Obadiah; Psalms 82-83

2 2 Kings 1-4

3 2 Kings 5-8

4 2 Kings 9-11

5 2 Kings 12-13 ; 2 Chr 24

6 2 Kings 14; 2 Chr 25

7 Jonah

8 2 Kings 15; 2 Chr 26

9 Isaiah 1-4

10 Isaiah 5-8

11 Amos 1-5

12 Amos 6-9

13 2 Chr 27; Isaiah 9-12

14 Micah

15 2 Chr 28; 2 Kings 16-17

16 Isaiah 13-17

17 Isaiah 18-22

18 Isaiah 23-27

19 2 Ki 18:1-8; 2 Chr 29-31; Ps 48

20 Hosea 1-7

21 Hosea 8-14

22 Isaiah 28-30

23 Isaiah 31-34

24 Isaiah 35-36

25 Isaiah 37-39; Psalms 76

26 Isaiah 40-43

27 Isaiah 44-48

28 2 Ki 18:9-19:37; Ps 46, 80, 135

29 Isaiah 49-53

30 Isaiah 54-58

31 Isaiah 59-63

Prayer Requests

• Pray for upcoming seminars at the home office on June 1st and June 15th on the book of Daniel, led by Jeff Gut-terman.

• Prayer for two Board members who are dealing with health issues in their families.

• Please continue to pray that we at the home office will be able to meet the needs of everyone we come into con-tact with - either by phone, email, or in person. Pray that God may provide opportunities to minister to them.

• Please continue to pray for health, safety, and God’s spiritual protection for the home office staff.

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Nursery July 7 10:30 A.M.

Babies: Carolyn Blanton, Lauren Wade

Toddlers - 4 year olds: Ashley Strickland, Jordan Keller/

Emily Wise, Lilly Horton, Allie Mills 7:00 P.M.

Gena Russell, Haley Bull, Napoleon & Savannah Martin

Nursery July 14

10:30 A.M. Babies:

Donna Martin, Beth Lewis Toddlers - 4 year olds:

Karrie & Lindsey Walker/ Aaron Waite, Linnea Posner

7:00 P.M. Sona Bailey, Cindy Dimmitt,

Shawn Champion

Ushers July 7 10:30 A.M.

Kelly Stanford, John Sumner Michael Walker, Billy Waters

7:00 P.M. Dean McCraw, Cole Morris

Ushers July 14 10:30 A.M.

Johnny Bridges, Reggie Brown, Jimmy Kicklighter, Mike Morris

7:00 P.M. Joe Morris, Jay Rowe

Sunday Greeters - July 7 Mary Fowler, Jeanie Groover

July Lock-Up Deacons Joe Morris, Jay Rowe

For Hearing Impaired If you have difficulties hearing, we have listening aid devices available. Ask any of the ushers, or the technician in the sound booth, if you are in need of one of these devices.

If you have any questions concerning the message from today, or are

interested in obtaining information about church membership, please see any of the pastors after the service,

drop a note in the offering plate indicating your desire to talk with a

pastor, or call the church office.

� Video and audio recordings of the

messages are available for listening or downloading from

Because He Lives Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives All fear is gone. Because I know He holds the

future, And life is worth the living Just because He lives.