Download - FEMINISM VALUES IN EMILY DICKINSON’S SELECTED RAMADANI...Messenger. On them will Allah pour His Mercy; for Allah is exaltedin power,



    Submitted to the Board Examiner

    In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

    For Literature Degree at English Literature Department



    AI 150296






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    And the believers, men and women, are protector one of another; they enjoin what

    is just, and forbid the wrong, they observe regular charity, and obey Allah and His

    Messenger. On them will Allah pour His Mercy; for Allah is exaltedin power,


    (Q.S At-Taubah:71).1


    Dan orang-orang yang beriman, bahwa lelaki dan wanita, sebagian mereka

    menjadi penolong bagi sebagian yang lain. Mereka menyuruh (berbuat) yang

    makruf, dan mencegah dari yang munkar, melaksanakan sholat, menunaikan

    zakat, dan taat kepada Allahdan Rasul-Nya. Mereka akan diberi rahmat oleh Allah

    swt. Sungguh Allah Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana

    (Q.S At-Taubah:71)2

    1 The Noble Qur’an. (2016). Qur’ Retrieved from

    Accessed Date: November 9th 2019 at 10.00 PM

    2 Accessed Date: November 9th 2019 at 10.15 PM

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    In the name of Allah SWT most gracious and merciful

    I thanks to Allah SWT who has blessed and strenght on me so I can accomplish

    this thesis. Shalawat and salam to prophet Muhammad SAW who brought

    human’s life to a better life and to a beautiful word.

    This thesis writer dedicated to my beloved father and mother who have taught me

    to be an full of spirit person and independent person to lead this life and to finish

    this thesis in appropriate time, they have guided me and given me all that I need

    from the beginning to the end of my study. I am sorry because I could not bring

    that things back to you, Iam promise I will be best daughter of you have ever had.

    I am also dedicated this thesis to my best sisters, my sweet brother, my cool

    brothers in law, and my strong future husband that always support me in whether

    conditions. No words that meaning in worldwide, and also I dedicated this thesis

    to people who have never left me alone. May Allah’s blessings abound for us all.

  • vi


    Fristly, the writer wants to say Alhamdulillahirobbil Alamin, all the pries

    belong to Allah SWT. the lord of all creatures, for his blessing from starting

    session of my study until now the end of my study. And then, sholawat and salam

    be upon to our massager, the son of Abdullah, Prophet Muhammad SAW for the

    gaudiness and strengthens. Hopefully we will get his syafa’at later as the last day.

    Secondly, the writer would like to say thanks to people who helped the writer in

    writing this thesis. The writer wants to say thank to my parents and my

    supervisors: Ulfatmi Azlan, SS,MA and Tira Mariana, SS,M.Hum who has

    helped, guided, supported, suggested, and advised me. And also I want to say

    thanks for all suggestion and supporting that help the writer in direct or indirect

    cases to finish this last study program.

    To accomplish this thesis, the writer had been given one great deal to many

    people. So this present writer would like to say thanks for their contribution, they


    1. Prof. Dr. H. Suaidi, MA, Ph.D. as a rector of State Islamic University of

    Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

    2. Dr. H. Fadillah, M.Pd, as the third rector of State Islamic University of

    Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

    3. Prof. Dr. Maisah, M.Pd.I as the dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

    4. Dr. Alfian, M.Ed as vice dean of academic Dr. H. M. Fadhil M.Ag as the

    vice dean of finances and Dr. Raudhoh M.Pd.I as the vice dean of University

    Student of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

    5. The Head of English Literature Department Ulfatmi Azlan, SS., MA.

    6. The Secretary of English Literature Department Dian Mukhlisa, MA.

    7. All the lectures and staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty, the

    contribution and assistance during studying In UIN of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin


    8. The head and officers of the library of UIN and public library of Jambi


    9. All of my BSI B and BSI A friend

  • vii

    10. The last but not least, to my beloved parent, sister and brother who gave

    supporting and love to the writer sincerely.

    This thesis is far from perfection, the writer needs some critics and

    suggestion, so that the writer can be better in the future. Finally, the writer hopes

    this thesis will give positive contributions for readers, especially for the students

    of English Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

    Jambi, November Th 2019

    The writer

    Fera Ramadani

    AI. 150296

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    Fera Ramadanni. 2019 : Feminism Values in Emily Dickinson’s Selected

    Poems. The Students of English Literatur Department,

    Adab and Humanities Faculty, University of Islamic

    Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

    Supervisor I : Ulfatmi Azlan, SS, MA

    Supervisor II : Tira Mariana, SS, M.Hum

    Feminism, belief in social, economic and political equality of both sexes.

    Although mostly from the west, feminism is manifested throughout the world and

    represented by various institutions committed to activities in the name of woman

    rights and interests. The author is interested in discussing feminism because one

    of the interesting thing about feminism is that patriarchy has failed to oppress

    women in science. Many female scientists have made significant discoveries and

    provided knowledge with interesting new facts. The objectives of this study are:

    (1) to describe the categories of feminism, (2) to find out the historical

    background of poetry.

    In this study , the authors use the kind of feminism by Abbott & Wallace as

    major theories and Rosmarie Tong’s theories as supporting theories to answer

    research problems. Author also use biographycal approuch by Wellek & Warren

    to help answer the problem in this study. This research is a qualitative research

    that focuses on qualitative research by Hill Way in Kaelan and uses descriptive

    method by Surakhmad.

    . The author found in the research that: (1) there are five kinds of feminism

    values contained in Emily Dickinson’s chosen poetry, namely liberal feminism,

    radikal feminism, marxis feminism, materialist feminism, and dual-system

    feminism, (2) in her work, Emily tells a lot about her life and the events around

    her became the connection between the background of Emily’s poetry.

    Keywords : feminism, Abbott and Wallace, poetry

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    Fera Ramadani, 2019 : Feminism Values in Emily Dickinson’s Selected

    Poems. Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora,

    Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

    Pembimbing I : Ulfatmi Azlan, SS, MA

    Pembimbing II : Tira Mariana, SS, M.Hum

    Feminisme, kepercayaan pada kesetaraan sosial, ekonomi, dan politik dari

    kedua jenis kelamin. Meskipun sebagian besar berasal dari Barat, feminisme

    dimanifestasikan di seluruh dunia dan diwakili oleh berbagai lembaga yang

    berkomitmen untuk kegiatan atas nama hak dan kepentingan perempuan. Penulis

    tertarik untuk membahas feminisme karena salah satu hal menarik dari feminisme

    adalah patriarki telah gagal menindas perempuan dalam sains. Banyak ilmuwan

    wanita telah membuat penemuan signifikan dan memberikan ilmu pengetahuan

    dengan fakta-fakta baru yang menarik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) untuk

    menguraikan kategori feminisme, (2) untuk mengetahui latar belakang sejarah


    Pada penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan jenis-jenis feminisme dari Abbott

    & Wallace sebagai teori besar dan teori Rosmarie Tong sebagai teori pendukung

    untuk menjawab masalah penelitian. Peneli juga menggunakan pendekan biografi

    dari Wellek and Warren guna membantu menjawab masalah dalam penelitian ini.

    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang berfokus pada penelitian kualitatif

    oleh Hill Way di Kaelan dan menggunakan metode deskriptif oleh Surakhmad.

    Penulis menemukan pada penelitian bahwa: (1) ada lima jenis feminis yang

    terdapat dalam puisi terpilih Emily Dickinson yaitu liberal feminis, radikal

    feminis, marxis feminis, materialis feminis dan dual sistem feminis (2) dalam

    hasil karya nya, Emily banyak menceritakan tentang kehidupanya dan kejadian

    yang ada disekitarnya yang mana ini menjadi hubungan antara latar belakang

    kehidupan Emily dengan hasil karya nya.

    Kata kunci: Feminism, Abbott and Wallace, Puisi

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    APPROVAL ……………………………………………………............... i

    LETTER OF RATIFICATION ………………………………............... ii

    ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT…………….…………….............. iii

    MOTTO ………………………………………………………................. iv

    DEDICATION …………………………………………………............... v

    ACKNOWLEDGMENT ……………………………………….............. vi

    ABSTRACT ....…………………………………………………............... vii

    ABSTRAK ……………………………………...…………….................. viii

    TABLE OF CONTENT ………………………………………................ ix

    ABBREVIATION……………………………………………….............. x


    A. Background of the Problem ………………………….................... 1

    B. Formulation of the Problem ……………………..……………….. 4

    C. Limitation of the Problem …………………..…………………..... 4

    D. Purpose of the Problem ………………..………………………..... 5

    E. Significance of the Problem ………..…………………………….. 5


    A. Feminism Theory...………………………..……………………… 6

    B. Definition of Feminism ………………..…….…………………… 6

    C. History of Feminism ..……………..……………..……………… 7

    D. Kinds of Feminism …………………..…………………………… 8

    E. Biographical Approach …………...……………………………… 18

    F. Poetry …………………………...………...............……………… 19

    G. Review of Related Research ……...…………..………………….. 20


    A. Design of the Research ………………………………....………... 24

  • xi

    B. Source of Data Collection …………...……………...……………. 25

    C. Technique of Data Collection ………......………....……………… 26

    D. Technique of Data Analysis ……………...…....………………….. 27


    A. Kinds of Feminism …………………………....….….…………… 29

    B. Emily Dickinson’s Background …………....……….……………. 36


    A. Conclusions ……………………………………………....………. 40

    B. Suggestions …………………....……………………....…………. 40





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    A. Background of the Problem

    According to Wayne Shumaker3, poetry is “the idea or mind of the poets are

    flowing as a media to express a certain kinds of perceptions, feelings, and

    thoughts”. Poetry is one of the literary works which has characteristic. The

    characteristics which make it different from another literary work. Poetry is

    written in different ways. Poetry is the result of human creativity that is

    manifested through the arrangement words which have meaning. Poetry is also

    composed of diverse elements variety. These elements include a form of words,

    shapes, patterns of rhyme, rhythm, ideas, or issues gained significance in the life

    of the poet and life to be conveyed to the reader, listener, through techniques and

    specific aspects. The language which uses in poetry is also different. The poem

    reader cannot understand the meaning of the poem easily because every person

    will have different understanding about one poem.

    For poets, a poem is a media to express their feelings based on the situation,

    condition, and imagination. All poets have their own characteristic in written.

    Some of them usually use nature as the object of their poem. Some of them also

    use love, affection, and friendship as the object. On the other hand, there are some

    poets who use their life experience in their written. Whether it is good or bad

    experience in their life. The poets sometimes use poem as the social criticm in the

    society in that era. In this study, the researcher chooses poetry to be analyzed

    because poetry is a literary work full of imagination which is very entertains.

    Nowadays, there are so many poems which is written by using

    discrimination and segregation as the subject because of the condition which

    appears in the society. Besides, there are some women poets who write poems by

    using feminism touches. For example, the image of woman in the society, the

    position of women among the men, and the discriminations which occur in the

    3 Shumaker. W. (1965). An Approach to Poetry. United States of America: Pretince-Hall,

    Inc. Englewood. Cliffs. N. J. P.10

  • 2

    women’s life. Some people try to describe that theme by using feminism


    In 19th century era, women’s activities were limited. They could not give

    their opinions or reveal their feelings. In that era men in the family were the one

    who had the control. Then for the daughter in the family, she must obey her father

    without any conflict, she should do what the father said and asked her to do. It

    means that women are passive ones and men are active since women were

    considered as the second gender after the first gender which was men. This makes

    women want to have equal liberty, so that they can choose anything in their lives.

    By having equal liberty between men and women, women can life their live by

    choosing their own decission.

    After the feminist movement, in this era the situation that happened in the

    nineteenth century, when the society used patriarchy system, rarely happens, the

    social system in which women are inferior, today in many case women are

    superior. Most women already have their freedom to choose their life, it is the era

    when the gender equality exists, in which men and women are in the same

    position and have the same right to express themselves. They have the same

    opportunity of life, and they already have individual autonomy. Yet not all women

    in this era already have the same opportunity with men. There still existing of

    female descrimination. The reflection of the equality between men and women

    can be found or reflected in literary works. One of the literary works that can

    reflect feminism perspective in Emily Dickinson’s poem.

    Emily Dickinson is one of America’s greatest and most original poets of all

    time. She took definition as her province and challenged the existing definitions

    of poetry and the poet’s work. Born on December 10, 1830, in Amherst,

    Massachusetts, Emily Dickinson left school as a teenager, eventually living a

    reclusive life on the family homestead. There, she secretly created bundles of

    poetry and wrote hundreds of letters. Due to a discovery by sister Lavinia,

    Dickinson's remarkable work was published after her death—on May 15, 1886, in

  • 3

    Amherst—and she is now considered one of the towering figures of American


    Talk about feminism, Dickinson’s wrote many poetry where tell about

    feminism. Dickinson’s tell how it has been started from how the feminism was

    formed, until the problematic on it, including pro and contra of the people in

    figuring out the feminism itself. Begun by sympathy on the assumption that

    women physically are weak, but everyone have the awareness and softness. In

    other hand, men have stronger physic, and rationality. Based on this

    consideration, it causes the division of role. Dickinson as a women try to explain

    how suffering from a woman when she cannot fulfill her wishes.

    This this one of the example of Emily Dickinson's poems that show the power of

    her life and woman:

    “I’m “wife”-I’ve finished that

    That other sate-

    I’m Czar-I’m “woman” now-

    It’s safer so-

    How odd the Girl’s life looks

    Behind this soft Eclipse-

    I think that Earth feel so

    To folks in Heaven-now-“5

    Based on the example above, "I'm wife, I’ve finished that” it showed the

    woman’s difference of freedom when they are married and do not married yet. It

    is not amazing if this poetry is connected to feminist. Based on these lines above,

    Dickinson presents a very intricate approach to marriage. Although everybody

    knows that Dickinson had not married yet, she can show how the situation of both

    of them. Dickinson did not marry, but what perhaps is most poignant and really

    more the issue is not her ignorance and bitterness towards the married state but

    after girlhood, there is only marriage, and since she is not married. The line "it's

    safer so" shows she is in flux having never been married and never having a


    Accesed Date: March, 20th 2019. 01:00 PM 5 DiYanni Robert. (2006). Literature. English:McGraw-Hill Education. P.830

  • 4

    domineering male force in her life, except her constant issue with her

    religion/faith, of course, dominated by men then.

    According to her biographical this poetry was made on the 19th century, the

    condition where she lived did not see women as individual thinking beings, but

    rather as someone who derives he identity initially from her parents and later from

    her husband her poem reflects a woman's experiences of identity troubles and her

    desire to free herself from the clutches of male-dominated society.

    Hence, the writer would analyze this research for some reasons. Firstly, Emily

    Dickinson’s poems, because Emily Dickinson was the important female poet after

    Sylvia Plath in American literature. As a popular poet in American literature,

    Emily Dickinson made an influence in her era. Secondly, it is important to study

    feminism in order to understand the poem properly because it give us knowledge

    about the struggle and power of women, and the ability of women which is can be

    same event more than man.

    Based on the explanation above, the writer analyzed feminism in poems entitled

    Feminism Values in Emily Dickinson’s Selected Poems.

    B. Formulation of the Problem

    In this research, the writer formulates the problem of this research into the

    following questions:

    1. What are kinds of feminism portrayed in Emily Dickinson’s poems?

    2. How does Emily Dickinson’s background influence her poems?

    C. Limitation of the Problem

    The writer limits this research on five selected poems entitled: I’m ‘Wife’,

    I’ve finished that-, She rose to His requirement, Title divine- is mine!, I asked no

    other thing, and Rearrange a ‘Wife’ affection! the writer focused to discuss only

    on the kinds of feminism by Pamela and Claire’s theory and Emily Dickinson’s

    background influence based on biographical approach Jacob Sumardjo and Saini

    K. M’s theory.

  • 5

    D. Purpose of the Research

    1. To find out the kind of feminism exist in Emily Dickinson’s poems

    2. To find out the Emily Dickinson’s background that influence her poems

    E. Significant of Research

    In this research, the writer will find the feminism values in selected poems

    of Emily Dickinson. The writer expects the result of this research will provide the

    reader some knowledge about feminism values, the reader can know the struggle

    and power of women, to inform readers about the ability of women which is can

    be same event more than man, and to inform how equality of rights belongs to all

    human beings so with the hope that after reading this thesis the social life can

    understand that no human can become God just because their can rebuke other

    people’s live.

    At the end of this research, the result of this research can give contribute to

    the literature field, this research will be used as the reference for other studies in

    the case of feminism. Furthermore, the writer hopes this research can contribute to

    the literary field, especially in the English Literature Department.

  • 6



    A. Feminist Theory

    1. The Definition of Feminism

    Etymologically feminist comes from the word femme, meaning a female

    who seeks to fight for the rights of women (plural) as a social class. In this

    connection, it is necessary to distinguish between male and female (as aspects of

    biological differences, as nature), masculine and feminine (as aspects of

    psychological and cultural differences). In other words, male-female refers to sex,

    whereas feminism is referring to sex or gender, as he and she6. Thus, feminist

    objectives are a balance, gender interrelation in the broadest sense, feminists are

    women's movements to reject everything that is marginalized, subordinated, and

    demeaned by dominant cultures, both in politics and economics and social life in

    general. Wilfred al Guerin said Feminism has often focused upon what is absent

    rather than what is present, reflecting concern with the silencing and

    marginalization of women in patriarchal culture, a culture organized in the favor

    of men, feminism is an overtly political approach and can attack another approach

    for their false assumption about women".7

    In a narrower sense, that is in literature, feminism is associated with ways of

    understanding literature both in terms of both production processes and

    receptions. The Emancipation of women is thus one aspect in its relation to

    equality of rights. In contemporary social sciences better known as the movement

    of gender equality in reality only sex, as male-female is determined by nature,

    biologically. In contrast, genes derived from gender and masculine-feminine are

    culturally determined as a result of the reorganization of the material and

    ideological superstructure. Therefore, femininity is a cultural psychological


    6 Kutha. Nyoman Ratna. (2015). Penelitian Sastra. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. P. 184. 7 Wilfred I. Guerin, (2005). A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature Fifth

    Edition. New York: Oxford University Press. P.222

  • 7

    So many researchers of Feminism theory, but in this research writer will use

    Pamela Abbott and Claire Wallace. Pamela Abbott and Claire Wallace say how

    important education for women and the role of women in the country as educators

    of children and male companions. In her book An Introduction to Sociology

    Feminist Perspectives also emphasizes that women are human beings who are

    entitled to basic rights as men.

    2. History of Feminism

    As a modern movement, early born-century feminism pioneered by Virginia

    Woolf. Very rapidly, as one aspect of the contemporary cultural theory, occurred

    in 1960.8 The analysis model is very diverse, highly contextual, related to social,

    political, and economic aspects. Feminist is the belief that women should have an

    equal right to men. In consequence, the feminist movement fights for equal rights

    and opportunities for women. Feminist theory is a major branch of theory within

    sociology that is distinctive for how its creators shift their analytic lens,

    assumptions, and topical focus away from the male viewpoint and experience.

    In early 1872, there was a major intervention by Gloria Steinem, the

    doyenne of American feminism for nearly four decades, who in an incendiary

    New York Time op-ed de-fending Hillary declared that “gender is probably the

    most restricting force in American life” -another highly question-able

    generalization.9 So many movements against the defense of women at that time

    that showed this is not absolved young men from their duty to behave honorably.

    Hooliganism cannot be tolerated. But we must stop seeing everything in life

    through the narrow lens of gender. If women expect equal treatment in society, the

    must stop asking for infantilizing special protections. With freedom comes

    personal responsibility.

    8 Camille Paglia.(2008) Feminism Past and Present: Ideology, Action, and Reform. Harvard

    University. P.2. 9 Camille Paglia. Feminism Past and Present: Ideology, Action, and Reform. P.3

  • 8

    3. Kind of Feminist

    We have identified seven feminist perspectives: liberal/reformist, marxist,

    radical, dual-systems, postmodernist/post-structuralist, materialist and Black


    1. Liberal/Reformist Feminist

    Historically, liberal feminism has been concerned to argue for equal

    rights for women – for women to have the same citizenship rights as men.

    Equal Rights feminists have fought against laws and practices that give

    rights to men and not women, or which are designed to ‘protect’ women.

    Recognizing that mere formal equality is insufficient, they have also

    advocated the passing of laws to outlaw discrimination against women and

    to give women rights in the workplace such as maternity leave and pay.

    Women, they argue, are human beings; they have the same

    inalienable natural rights as men. A woman’s sex is irrelevant to her rights;

    women are capable of full rationality and therefore are entitled to full human

    rights. However, in Western industrial societies women are discriminated

    against on the basis of sex; that is, certain restrictions are placed on women

    as a group without regard to their own individual wishes, interests, abilities

    and needs. Women are denied equal rights with men, and as a group are not

    allowed some freedoms that men as a group are permitted to enjoy.

    Furthermore, while men are judged on merit as individuals, women tend to

    be judged on their accomplishments as females – that is, they are denied the

    same right as men to pursue their own interests.

    In sociology, liberal/reformist feminists have been concerned to

    demonstrate that the observable differences between the sexes are not innate

    but a result of socialization and ‘sex-role conditioning’.11

    10 Abbott. Pamela and Wallace. Claire. (2005). An Introduction to Sociology: Feminist

    Perspective. Routledge: London and New York. P.24 11 Abbott. Pamela and Wallace. Claire. An Introduction to Sociology: Feminist Perspective.


  • 9

    2. Radical Feminism

    Radical feminists argue that women’s oppression is primary and

    fundamental. Patriarchy, an elaborate system of male domination which

    pervades all aspects of culture and social life, is seen as trans-historical. All

    women are oppressed irrespective of historical, cultural, class or racial

    differences. The family is seen as a key instrument of the oppression of

    women, through sexual slavery and forced motherhood – through male

    control of women’s bodies. Radical feminists do not, on the whole, deny

    biological differences between men and women, but they challenge the

    meanings given to them. Women’s oppression is seen as rooted either in

    women’s biological capacity for motherhood or in the innate, biologically

    determined aggression of the male, as manifested in rape.

    The central tenet of radical/revolutionary feminists is that gender

    inequalities are the outcome of an autonomous system of patriarchy and that

    gender inequalities are the primary form of social inequality. They argue

    that there has always been a sexual division of labour underpinning and

    reinforcing a system of male domination. Patriarchy is a universal system in

    which men dominate women. Radical feminism is primarily a revolutionary

    movement for the emancipation of women. Its exponents argue that no area

    of society is free from male definition, and consequently every aspect of

    women’s lives currently accepted as ‘natural’ has to be questioned and new

    ways of doing things found. Theory, they argue, is not a separate area of

    activity, carried out by an elite, but is an integral aspect of feminist practice.

    Theory arises out of practice and is continually measured against experience

    and continually reformulated. The revolution, for radical feminists, begins

    here and now, by women taking positive action to change their lives and to

    remove oppression.

    Radical and revolutionary feminism is not a unified area. There are

    three major issues within it:

  • 10

    a. The relationship between feminist politics and personal sexual

    conduct – a key question being whether women can continue to live

    with men, or whether separation is essential;

    b. Whether sex differences are biologically or socially constructed;

    c. The political strategy that should be adopted – withdrawal or


    Radical feminists do, however, reject the view that women’s

    subordination is anything to do with their biological inferiority. They

    reject the idea that the victim (woman) is to blame. Those who do argue

    for a biological explanation argue that male biology is to blame: men are

    naturally aggressive and use their aggression to control women (as, for

    example, in rape). Mary Daly, in Gyn/Ecology: the metaethlcs of radical

    feminism (1978), documents the horrors of the ways in which men have

    used aggression to control women. She cites Indian suttee, Chinese foot

    binding, African genital mutilation, European witch hunts and American

    gynecology as examples of ways in which men have abused women and

    used violence to control them (and continue to do so).

    These feminists encourage women to create a new identity for

    themselves founded on ‘true’ femaleness, based in the biological nature of

    women which has been distorted by patriarchy. Women are encouraged to

    celebrate a new female creativity, based on sisterhood and self-

    identification. They reject androgyny because they argue that the most

    valuable qualities are those that are specific to women. Also, because men

    dominate women even in the most intimate of relationships, women must

    live separately from men. The ideal, they argue, is for women to live freed

    from patriarchy, which divides and mutilates them.

    Radical feminism has uncovered the ways in which even the most

    intimate and personal relationships are political – that is, are power

    relationships. Also they have documented the universality of patriarchal

    relationships. However, they have failed to explain adequately the ways in

    which women are subordinated and exploited by men. They fail to take

  • 11

    sufficient account of the different forms that patriarchal relationships have

    taken in different societies. They also tend to discount the differences that

    exist in the experiences of women from different social classes. Radical

    feminist biological explanations, while very different from those

    developed by male stream theorists, are equally reductionist and fail to

    take account of ideology and culture. Also they give the opportunity for

    sociobiological theories to be developed as a counter to the feminist ones –

    ones that argue that women’s role as presently constituted is naturally

    determined. However, not all radical feminists accept biological theories,

    arguing that they are developed to justify the subordination of women and

    that it is necessary to challenge the argument that there are two

    biologically determined sexes.12

    3. Marxist Feminism

    Marxist feminism has developed out of the attempts by women to

    develop Marxist theory so that it provides an adequate explanation for the

    subordination and exploitation of women in capitalist societies. Marxist

    feminists recognize that Marxism is inadequate as it stands and needs to be

    developed in order to explain adequately why women are excluded from the

    public sphere and are the main unpaid workers in the domestic sphere. They

    have also had to deal with the ‘fact’ that women did not become

    subordinated under capitalism but were subordinated already, and with the

    strong suspicion that the overthrow of the capitalist mode of production

    would not result in the emancipation of women. However, while they

    recognize that the struggle between the sexes is not reducible to the class

    struggle, they give primacy to the latter. For Marxist feminists the defining

    feature of contemporary society is capitalism, within which women are

    subject to a special form of oppression which is mainly the effect of their

    exclusion from wage labour and of their role in the domestic sphere

    reproducing the relations of production. That is, women’s unpaid work in

    12 Abbott. Pamela and Wallace. Claire. An Introduction to Sociology: Feminist Perspective.


  • 12

    caring for the labour force and raising the next generation of workers

    benefits capitalism and is essential to its continuation. The main beneficiary

    of women’s unpaid labour is capitalism, although individual men also

    benefit to some extent.

    The key to women’s oppression, she suggests, is the

    ‘family/household’ system, a complex which includes a social structure and

    a given ideology – familialism. The household is made up of a number of

    people, usually biologically and legally related, who live together and share

    domestic arrangements. Familial ideology defines the nuclear family as

    ‘naturally’ based and universal, and specifies a ‘natural’ division of labour

    such that the man is seen as the provider of economic resources and the

    woman as the carer and provider of unpaid domestic labour. This

    family/household system is not an inevitable aspect of capitalist society but

    has come to form a historically constituted element of class relations. It was

    not inevitable, but emerged through a historical process in which an

    ideology that maintained that a woman’s natural role is as a domestic

    labourer – that is, as a wife and mother – became incorporated into capitalist

    relations of production. This ideology came in part from pre-capitalist views

    of a woman’s place, but mainly developed because it fitted the way in which

    bourgeois family relations had become established with the emergence of

    industrial capitalism. This ideology, Barrett argues, became accepted by the

    organized working class in the early nineteenth century. The

    family/household system became established in the mid-nineteenth century

    as a result of an alliance of craft unions and capitalists, both arguing that

    women should be excluded from the labour force and that man should earn a

    family wage. Thus the male fight for a family wage and protective

    legislation passed by the state eliminated the low-waged competition from

    women in the labour market and forced women into the domestic sphere.

    While the family/household system was in the short-term interests of

    men, it was not in their long-term interests because it split the working class

    so that working-class men and women came to have different interests. It

  • 13

    was in the long-term interests of capital because it divided the working class

    and women came to provide a pool of lowly paid workers who could be

    used as a flexible, disposable extra work force. Women’s oppression did not

    have a material basis in the period in which it was formed but has now come

    to acquire one. It has come to form an essential element in the relations of

    production, in the sexual division of labour in paid work and between wage

    labour and domestic labour. The oppression of women is necessary for the

    reproduction of the capitalist mode of production in its present form.

    The major problem with Marxist feminist theory is that it fails to

    place sufficient emphasis on the ways in which men oppress women and the

    ways in which men benefit from their unpaid domestic labour. While

    Marxist feminists have recognized that it is necessary to allow the

    importance of patriarchal relationships and how these are intertwined with

    capitalism, they see them as unchanging and fail to recognize that there is no

    necessary and inevitable congruence between the interests of patriarchy and

    the interests of capital. Barrett, for example, fails to explain why it is in

    capital’s interests to exclude cheap female labour, given its concern to

    maximize profit. Marxist feminism tends to reduce explanations to the

    categories of Marxist theory. It fails to take account of patriarchal

    relationships in societies other than capitalist ones, nor fully to consider the

    specific location of Black or Third World women. It also tends to be

    abstract and far removed from the everyday experiences of women in their

    relationships with men.13

    4. Materialist Feminism

    Women, then, according to materialist feminists, form a class in

    opposition to men. Women are exploited by men and therefore all women

    share common interests in opposition to those of men. Patriarchal structures

    are fundamental to our form of social organization, and therefore it follows

    that the main axis of differentiation in our society must be gender. While

    13 Abbott. Pamela and Wallace. Claire. An Introduction to Sociology: Feminist Perspective.


  • 14

    housewives may differ in their standard of living because their husbands are

    in different social classes, they share a common class position because they

    are exploited by another class (husbands) – their domestic labour is

    expropriated (taken away from them, in the same way that the goods

    produced by male manual workers are taken away from them).

    Materialist feminists such as Christine Delphy, Monique Wittig

    (1979) and Colette Guillaumin (1995) have argued that to give birth is not a

    biological process, a natural given, but a social-historical construction of

    ‘forced production’. They argue that it is birth that is planned and women

    are socially programmed (socialized) to give birth. Women are forced to

    behave in ways that are seen as natural, and this has resulted in the creation

    of two discrete biological sexes, but this division falsifies the reality of

    human variation – the wide variety of sexual characteristics – because an

    over-gendered society has evolved. Society is structured around the belief

    that there are two polar opposite sexes, male and female.

    Biological theories of sex differences are social constructs which,

    they argue, serve the interests of the socially dominant group. Women are a

    class in themselves because the category ‘woman’ (as well as the category

    ‘man’) is a political and economic one, not an eternal, biological category.

    What is necessary is to eliminate the sex distinction itself. Wittig argues that

    Our fight aims to suppress men as a class not through a genocidal but a

    political struggle. Once the class ‘men’ disappears, women as a class will

    disappear as well, for there are no slaves without masters.

    Because some women are appropriated and constructed as female,

    all females become appropriated and designated by their female genitalia as

    women. Women thereby come to form a sex–class – not a class based on

    biological sex, but one where ‘sex’ operates as a signifier, acting to identify

    a group constituted in the context of a social relationship of appropriation.

  • 15

    ‘Sex’, however, articulates with other social relations to produce a

    multiplicity of positions and overlapping categories of women.14

    5. Dual-Systems Feminism

    ‘Socialist’ or ‘dual-systems’ feminists argue that what is necessary is

    a dual analysis that articulates Marxist class theory with the feminist theory

    of patriarchy: a theory that takes account of what unites all women –

    oppression by men – as well as the class divisions between them. While

    Marxist feminist theory continues to give primacy to class analysis, dual-

    systems feminists take as their question the relationship of women to the

    economic system as well as the relationship of men to women. The key

    question for dual-systems feminists is the cause of male exploitation and

    domination of women.

    6. Postmodern Feminism

    Postmodern feminists argue that it is not simply that we live in a

    postmodern world – the postmodern condition – but that postmodernism is

    itself a style or a way of theorising. Postmodern theory abandons

    explanatory goals and argues that there is no power outside discourse

    (Baudrillard, 1988). There can no longer be any attempt to describe,

    analyse or explain reality in an objective or scientific way. The boundary

    between theory and entertainment has broken down – theory has no

    superiority over common-sense thinking. Theorising in the modern world

    is play – playing with fragments, with pieces and making superficial


    Postmodern feminists reject, then, the idea of substituting feminist

    theories for malestream ones, because they reject the possibility of true

    knowledge and argue that there is a multiplicity of truths. They argue

    instead for the need to deconstruct truth claims and analyse the power

    effects that decisions as to truth entail – to recognise that knowledge is a

    part of power. It is necessary to focus on knowledge as opposed to truth,

    14 Abbot. Pamela and Wallace. Claire. An Introduction to Sociology: Feminist Perspective.

    P. 30-31

  • 16

    not only because there is no Truth, but because there is no reality ‘out

    there’ that can be the arbiter between competing truth claims. There is no

    one truth, no privileged knowledge or producers of knowledge. All

    knowledge is historically and culturally specific, the product of particular

    discourses. The discourses that create knowledge also create power – the

    power that constitutes subjects and objects and the mechanisms whereby

    subjects are subjugated. The power of the discourse depends on the extent

    to which its truth claims are successful – the extent to which the

    knowledge it produces is accepted as true.

    B. Biographical Approach

    The biographical approach is biographical criticism uses details about an

    author personal life to analyze the author’s works15. It relies on autobiographies,

    correspondence, and other primary materials about the author and is a form of

    historical criticism. Critics doing biographical analysis carefully examine

    incidents in the lives of authors and try to identify events, settings, objects,

    buildings, people, etc. found in the novels with the historical source.

    Wellek and Warren said the biographical approach is one of old approach,

    the biographical approach is a systematic study about the creative.16 It means that

    the biographical approach is one of old approach and creative activity of human

    being from their imagination, develop and through to become an artist.

    Social culture of the way of life of certain time periods gives the reader a

    greater knowledge based on which to draw a conclusion and better to understand

    the story. Discovering detail about author's life and time also provide similar ways

    to further develop the idea about the story, so biographical approach explains

    about the author’s, his creative, his carrier, his activity, and his personal life.17

    Biographical regarded as the oldest approach. The biographic approach is a

    systematic study of civic processes. The subject of the creator is regarded as the

    15 Great Beddows High School.Biographical Approach., P. 2. 16Wellek and Warren in Nyoman Khuta Ratna (2013).Teori, Metode dan Teknik penelitian

    sastra.Pustaka Pelajar.P.56 17Jakob sumardjo dan Saini K.M.(1986). Apresiasi kesustraan.Jakarta : Gramedia.P.22

  • 17

    origin of the literary work, the meaning of a literary work thus relative to the

    intentions and even the author's important documents, photographs, and even

    direct interviews with authors. The literary work, in turn, is identical with the

    biography, the author's claim is considered truth, the biography subordinates the

    work. Therefore, the biographical approach is actually a part of historical writing,

    as historiography.

    C. Poetry

    Poetry is the literary work that has connotation words with poetry, people

    can express all their experiences. So many authors make the poetry from his

    experience in his life, after reading the poetry it is not only a purpose to look for

    and to enjoy the story intensively, but also usually it will be asking the question

    what the significant meaning that the author wants to show through her story. The

    theme of a poet can be an experience of Author life and the Author.

    Poetry is one of the literary work whick has characteristic. The characteristic

    which make it different from another literary work. Poetry is written in different

    ways. Poetry is the result of human creativity that is manifested through the

    arrangement words which have meaning. Poetry is also composed of diverse

    elements variety. These elements include a form of words, shapes, patterns of

    rhyme, rhythm, ideas, or issues gained significance in the life of the poet and life

    to be conveyed to the reader, listener, through techniques and specific aspects.

    The language which uses in poetry is also different. The poem reader can not

    understand the meaning of the poem easily because every person will have

    different understanding about one poem. According to Wayne Shumaker , poetry

    is “the idea or mind of the poets are flowing as a media to express a certain kinds

    of perceptions, feelings, and thoughts”.18

    Poetry can be classified as narrative or lyric. Narrative poems are stress

    story and action, and lyric poems are stress emotion and song. Each of these types

    has numerous subdivisions: narrative poetry includes the epic and ballad. Lyric

    18 Permatasari Indiani Eka.(2006) An analysis of feminism in Maya Angelous poem By

    Using Historical and Biografical Approach.JIBS. Vol. 3, No.2, P.152

  • 18

    poetry includes the elegy and epigraph, sonnet and sestina, Aubade and


    D. Review of Related Literature

    There are some researchers that have discussed poetry, the theme of poetry

    or feminism values in poetry. Thohiriyah, a student of Kesusastraan dan Budaya

    Faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Semarang, wrote a thesis entitled "The

    Concept of Death in Emily Dickinson's Because I Could Not Stop for Death".20

    His researched explains that Emily Dickinson utilized figurative speech to

    elucidate the concept of death. In addition, the employment of figurative speech is

    to illustrate what happened in the United States in the era of Puritanism. By using

    the concept of semiotics theory, the analysis shows that the poem demonstrates

    the passive protest over the organized religion that is being promoted by Puritan

    in Massachusetts, a place where the author was born and dies. Dickinson

    highlights the Puritan fierce rules which lead to female's total submission.

    Beside that there is another research about poetry, Indiana Eka Permatasari ,

    a student of Language and Literature Faculty, University of Malang, wrote a

    thesis entitled “An Analysis Of Feminism In Maya Angelou’s Poems By Using

    Historical And Biographical Approaches”.21 His research explains about

    discrimination toward black woman which appears in Maya Angelou's poems.

    In this case, the researcher chose three poems of Maya Angelou. Those are

    "Still I Rise", "Phenomenal Woman", and "Caged Bird". In other to discover

    them, the study was conducted by using feminism theory and also historical and

    biographical approaches. It focuses on words, lines, and stanzas of the poems. The

    research design o’f this study is a descriptive qualitative method because the

    researcher does not use statistical numerical but it requires a descriptive analysis

    19 DiYanni Robert.(2006). Literature.English:McGraw-Hill Education. P:682 20 Thohiriyah. (2004).The Concept of Death in Emily Dickinson’S Because I Could Not

    Stop for Death. Semarang. Vol 7, No 1.P.70 21 Indiani Eka Permatasari.An Analysis of Feminism in Maya Angelous Poems by Using

    Historical and Biographical Approaches. Vol 3, No 2. P.152

  • 19

    of the object. The research is conducted by descriptive qualitative because the

    result of the data is word, sentence, and language.

    Based on the research questions mentioned, the results of the study are as

    follows. First, the researcher concludes that the dominant type of feminism in

    Maya Angelou's poem is Radical Feminism because discrimination toward black

    women is related to the bad history of black people. Second, the reasons for using

    feminism perspective by the poet are the image of her bad life experiences. The

    last result is the image of a black woman in Maya Angelou's poems which shows

    the discrimination toward a woman in her era. The result of the study can be used

    as a reference in the research literature itself in educational institutions and so on.

    It also expected to be useful in several ways. This study gives significance to the

    researcher to understand and provide more knowledge about feminism. The study

    may be expected to give significance to the future researcher who conducts

    studies about literature focusing on feminism or on poems or in using biographical

    and historical approaches.

    In another research, there are Hu Chuyan, a lecture of Language and

    Literature studies, School of Foreign Languages, Northeast Petroleum Institute,

    Daqing, China, wrote a thesis entitled “Eco-Feminism in Emily Dickinson’s

    Poetry”.22 His research through the study of Emily Dickinson's life and her works

    as well as the comments on her, the thesis is intended to find out that how Eco-

    feminism influences her works and life deeply, and the perspective of

    Ecofeminism in her poetry.

    This thesis begins with the fundamental introduction of Emily Dickinson

    and Eco-feminist criticism. Based on the former researches on Dickinson and her

    poetry, this paper further discusses Dickinson's Eco-feminism, mainly exploring

    Dickinson's rebellion and challenge on the religious belief, literary trends and

    social tradition in the nineteenth century. After that, this thesis analyzes the

    themes and styles of Dickinson's poetry from Eco-feminism. Through the Eco-

    feminist reading of the themes and styles of Dickinson's poetry, Dickinson

    22 H U Chunyan.(2015). Eco-Feminism in Emily Dickinson’S

    Poetry.CSCanada:Canada.Vol 10, No 3. P.63.

  • 20

    research not only means to make a detailed description and analysis of her life and

    poetry but also means to provide new interpretive methods and appreciating


    In the first chapter of this essay, the writer just explain the Eco-feminism idea in a

    whole way. The reflection of Eco-feminism to Dickinson's life and her poems

    writing are discussed in the second and third chapters. In the last chapter, I mainly

    analyze the Eco-feminist style in Dickinson's poems.

    The last related research is from Dewi Artika Puspita Sari about Liberal

    Feminism Values seen Through The Main Female Character in Kinberg’s Mr and

    Mrs. Smith.23 In Her thesis Dewi say Feminism is a movement that bring

    differences towards the way people think and act. Feminism is a movement that

    has several branches all with the same focus on women’s equality. One of the

    branches of feminism is liberal feminism. Liberal feminism focuses on the

    freedom of women.

    To find the feminism values in Jane’s character, there are two problems

    formulated in this thesis. The first problem is to find out the characteristic of Jane

    Smith through her characterization. The second is to identify liberal feminism

    values through Jane’s Characterization. The analysis in this thesis used the

    feminism approach because the aim of this thesis is to find out liberal feminism

    values. As the object, Jane Smith will be analyzed through her characteristics.

    Then, by looking at the characteristics, the liberal feminism values hat are

    reflected through Jane’s character.

    In the researh of Thohiriyah, she had talk about concept death in Emily

    Dickinson’s Poem, Indiana talk about feminism also but in Maya Angelo poem,

    Chuyan also talk about feminism in Emily Dickinson’s poem but only

    ecofeminism values, and the last is Dewi- she had talk about feminism values too

    but the object was different with the writer. Different from previous research, in

    this research the writer is going to study on feminism values in poem, and in this

    research, the writer will focus the analysis on the kind of the feminist value of

    23 Dewi Artika Puspitasari. (2016). Liberal Feminism Values seen Through the main

    Female Character in Kinberg’s Mr and Mrs. Smith. Sanata Dharma University:Yogyakarta. P.3

  • 21

    Emily Dickinson poems and correlated with her biography. The poems will be

    used in this research are: I’m ‘Wife’, I’ve finished that-, She rose to His

    requirement, Title divine- is mine!, I asked no other thing, and Rearrange a ‘Wife’


  • 22



    A. Design of Research

    In this research, the writer applied qualitative descriptive method which is

    suitable with the aims of this research. Qualitative research is a type of social

    science research that collects and works with non-numerical data and that seeks to

    interpret meaning from these data that help us undestand social life through the

    study of targeted populations or places. Vibha Pathak says qualitative research is

    the research that focuses on understanding a research query as a humanistic or

    idealistic approach. When the researcher uses qualitative research, the researcher

    uses their comprehension, experience, research that will be cover in descriptive.

    Merriam in Patricia Duff’s book stated that the qualitative case study can be

    defined in terms of the process of actually carrying out the investigation, the unit

    of the analysis (the bounden system, the case) or the end product.24 Furthermore,

    Nyoman Kutha Ratna explained that kualitatif dianggap persis sama dengan

    metode pemahaman atau verstehen.25 It means that qualitative research is a way

    that aims to understand the phenomenom of what is experienced by the subject of

    research such as behavior, perpection, motivation, action, and others.

    In this research, the writer used the qualitative method, because the

    qualitative method can be defined as a problemsolving procedure investigated by

    describing the state of the subject or object in the study. Methodology is a process

    of the procedure used kinds of approach to find the problem and solving it. In

    writing this proposal, the writer uses qualitative research and the analysis will be

    explained in a descriptive way that is suitable with the aim of this research.

    Bogdan and Taylor in Password and Suwandi say:

    24 Patricia A. Duff. (2012). Case Study Research in Applied Linguistic.New York and

    London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.P.22 25 Nyoman Kutha Ratna. (2019). Teori,Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. Yogyakarta.


  • 23

    “Metodologi kualitatif sebagai prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan

    data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang-orang dan

    perilaku yang dapat diamati”26.

    It means that the qualitative method is one of the researches that produces a

    descriptive in the form of written words or oral from an object. Qualitative

    method deals with everything that can be counted and studied, which has an

    impact on the qualitative descriptive is a way of working in the research that

    emphasizes aspects of the deepening of the data. It also help the writer collecting

    the data to interpret and report in order to get the result of the research. In short

    descriptive method deals with everything that can be counted and studied, which

    has an impact on the lives of the people it deals with. It can be concluded that the

    qualitative descriptive method is a way of working in the research that emphasizes

    aspects of the deepening of the data. It also helps the writer collecting the data to

    interpret and report in order to get result of the research.

    B. Source of Data

    One of the considerations in choosing a matter of research is the availability

    of the source of data. Source of data is the subject of research where the data stick.

    The source of the data can be in the form of motion, human, book, narration,

    script, etc. And source data in this research were:

    1. Primary Data

    Primary data is the data that only summer data taken from the research. The

    primary data of this research are, the writer looks at the source of data from Emily

    Dickinson's poems. The title of Emily Dickinson’s entitled are I’m ‘Wife’, I’ve

    finished that-, She rose to His requirement, Title divine- is mine!, I asked no other

    thing, and Rearrange a ‘Wife’ affection! . This five-pages poem is a poem

    composed in nineteenth century. The data are taken from the book: Poems by

    Emily Dickinson edited by Mabel Loomis Tood and Tw Higginson, 1901.

    26 Baswori and Suwandi.(2008) Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif .Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.


  • 24

    2. Secondary Data

    Secondary data is the data supporters in research. The secondary data are

    from Emily Dickinson bibliography, a movie about Emily Dickinson the title is

    Passion Quite, several books, and some website from the internet that relate to the

    subject that can suppor this research.

    C. Technique of Data Collecting

    In research, there is some technique of collecting data that can use to get

    information. Creswell says, "The data collection procedures in qualitative research

    involve four basic types: observation, interview, documentation, and visual

    image".27 Based on this research, so many techniques that can be writer use to

    help the writer to find the answer of writer research.

    The technique of data collecting, the writer will use the documentation

    technique. According to Arikunto, “ Documentation is a method that searches data

    about things or variables like notes, transcriptions, books, newspapers, magazines,

    agendas, videos". 28 The technique of data collecting data will use by the writer


    a. Find the Data

    The first step that the writer does to collecting data is, the writer finds the

    data. In this research, the writer finded Emily Dickinson's poems in Emily

    Dickinson’s Poetry book that has edited by Mabel Loomis Tood and Tw

    Higginson, year 1901.

    b. Reading Repeatedly

    To collecting the data, the writer read and understand whole the text of

    selected poems. In this step, the writer did not read the text only once time. But

    the writer read more than once in order to make sure that the writer understands

    and implied meaning.

    c. Marking the Data

    27 Creswell, John W.(1994)Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods

    Approach. the United States of America.P.148 28 Arikunto.(2009) Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik.Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.


  • 25

    The writer marks the important word or sentence that has feminism values in the

    poems, then make a note of the data to make doing this research.

    d. Identifying the Data

    After the writer finding the data, write will identify and analyze all data,

    after that the writer will arrange the thesis.

    D. Technique of Data Analysis

    After collecting the data, the writer will analyze the data. The purpose of the

    technique of data analysis is to answer the formulation of the problem. The writer

    will analyze and answer this research base on the problems. In the process of

    analysis of the data, the writer will use a content analysis approach to finish the

    feminism values of the poems. Content analysis is a research tool used to

    determine the presence of certain words or concepts within text or sets of texts.

    According to Nawawi:

    “Metode deskriptif dapat diartikan sebagai prosedur pemecahan masalah

    yang diselidiki dengan menggambarkan dan melukiskan keadaan subjek

    atau objek penelitian (novel, drama, cerita pendek, puisi) pada saat

    sekarang berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang tampak atau sebagaimana


    The quotation above explained that the descriptive method is the way to find

    out the solving problem. The described method can help the writer to solve the

    problem from the data. The technique of analyzing uses steps as follows:

    1. Identifying

    The writer identifies the data which has correlated with an object of research

    and made the problem was found after collecting the data.

    2. Classifying

    The next step is to classify the data. Classifying is an activity to classify all

    data into their categories or classification. In this research the writer classifying

    some important words from poetry. The writer analyzed the data based on some

    theories related to the research.

    29Siswantoro. (2010).Metode Penelitian Sastra.Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pengajar. P.54

  • 26

    3. Describing

    The next step in the analysis the data is describing the data. The writer

    describes the data based on the research question and related the theory.

    4. Analyzing

    After describing, the writer analyzes the data by applying the theory and

    method that is used.

    5. Conclusion

    The writer concludes all of the materials analyzed based on the theory after

    the whole of data has been analyzing.

  • 26



    This chapter are consists of two part, they are findings and analysis.

    Findings are as the answers of the problem statements before and then analyses

    are as the explanation of findings that contains evidences and analysis.

    From five selected poems entitled; I’m ‘Wife’, I’ve finished that-, She rose

    to His requirement, Title divine- is mine!, I asked no other thing, and Rearrange a

    ‘Wife’ affection! by Emily Dickinson used as the source of data, the writer can

    find five kinds of feminism based on theory by Pamela and Claire’s theory; they

    are They are 9 (nine) data of Liberal/Reformist Feminism, 14 (fourteen) data of

    Radical Feminism, 2 (two) line of Marxist feminism, 3 (three) data as Materialist

    Feminism and 2 (two) data of Dual-System Feminism.

    In this research, there are 30 data which contains kinds of feminism, there

    are 6 (six) data in I’m ‘Wife’, I’ve finished that- poem, 5 (five) data in She rose to

    His requirement poem, 7 (seven) data in Title divine- is mine! poem, 4 (four) data

    in I asked no other thing poem, and 8 (eight) data in Rearrange a ‘Wife’ affection!


    A. Kinds of Feminism Portrayed in Emily Dickinson’s Poems

    It has been stated that feminism means a female who seeks to fight for the

    rights of women (plural) as a social class. In the 19th century the movement for

    women's emancipation took its name from the movement to abolish slavery. In the

    20th century women's liberation took its name from the movements against

    colonialism around the world. 21st century women's liberation has to fight to

    change the world and to end the class society which created oppression and

    exploitation in the first place.30 Based on theory by Pamela and Claire’s theory;

    the writer found five kinds of feminism that existed in five selected poems by

    30 . Accesed Date: Oct, 30th 2019.

    05.00 P.M

  • 27

    Emily Dickinson, they are; Liberal/Reformist Feminism, Radical Feminism,

    Marxist Feminism, Materialist Feminism, and Dual-System Feminism.

    1. Liberal/Reformist Feminism

    Liberal/reformist feminism has been concerned to argue for equal rights for

    women – for women to have the same citizenship rights as men. Equal Rights

    feminists have fought against laws and practices that give rights to men and not

    women, or which are designed to ‘protect’ women. Here are the analyses of

    liberal/reformist feminism:

    She rose to His Requirement—dropt

    The Playthings of Her Life (Line 1,2. She rose to His Requirement, 732)

    In the line above entitled She rose to His requirement, the poem excerpt

    above is part of liberal feminism. Where the word “His Requirement” is written in

    capital letters, usually “His” which is in the middle of sentence and written in

    capital letters referring to God. There clearly shows gender that on the line of

    poetry above, the writer implies that society at that time created a situation where

    men are ‘God’. This is had an impact on woman’s dream that she had as a young

    girl. In the second line, the word “Playthings” also written in capital letters which

    can be interpreted as a woman’s dream before she get married, because after she

    get married society deny women the same rights as men to pursue their own


    It is said to be liberal feminism because liberal feminism show that observed

    differences between the sexes are not innate but are the result of the socialization

    and conditioning of the sexes from the moment of birth. Men and women are

    treated differentially, so that this prevents women from developing their full

    potential as human beings.

    Other liberal feminism can be seen in the first two lines of the last stanza of

    the poem entitled I’m “Wife”, I’ve finished that below:

    This being comfort — then

    That other kind — was pain —

  • 28

    (Line 9,10. I’m ‘Wife’. I’ve finished that, 199)

    In the line above explain that a married woman bears her own burden. She

    cannot share his deeper thoughts, feelings, and opinions with anymore. Only she

    is aware of the thoughts, feelings and memories that are in her. In the first line, it

    said that the marriage at other side will being comfort as pointing out that the

    natural progression of a girl’s life from willfulness to marriage. Almost like a girl

    see marriage as a shelter from pain, but pain is other kind. That pain is come from

    the reality of household. How a man and a woman will unite their want. But the

    problem is occasionally the one will dominate the other. In this case, we are

    always seeing that the woman is the oppressed side.

    I’m Czar-I’m “Woman” now-

    It’s safer so-

    (Line 3,4. I’m wife I’ve finished that, 199)

    Line above show in Western industrial societies women are discriminated

    against on the basis of sex; that is, certain restrictions are placed on women as a

    group without regard to their own individual wishes, interests, abilities and

    needs.31 Liberal feminism here seen in the way the societies treated the women

    different as the men. The women have not their place to share everything, what

    societies wants is the woman only focus of men.

    2. Radical Feminism

    Radical feminists argue that women’s oppression is primary and

    fundamental. Patriarchy, an elaborate system of male domination which pervades

    all aspects of culture and social life, is seen as trans-historical. All women are

    oppressed irrespective of historical, cultural, class or racial differences. The

    family is seen as a key instrument of the oppression of women, through sexual

    slavery and forced motherhood – through male control of women’s bodies.32 Here

    the analyses of radical feminism:

    31Abbot. Pamela and Wallace. Claire. An Introduction to Sociology: Feminist Perspective.

    P.25 32 Abbot. Pamela and Wallace. Claire. An Introduction to Sociology: Feminist Perspective.


  • 29

    Born — Bridalled — Shrouded —

    In a Day —

    (Line 10,11. Title divine-is mine, 1072)

    In the poem entitled Title divine — is mine!, Born — Bridalled —

    Shrouded — shows psychological death in traditional matchmaking and

    termination of life. Therefore, it means of controlling a horse or draught animal

    through a metal bit in its mouth. This is evokes the infamous scold’s bridle, a

    medieval form of punishing unruly, garrulous women, by ‘branking’ them.

    `Radical feminism also seen in the second poems entitled “I asked no other thing”


    I asked no other thing —

    No other — was denied —

    (Line 1,2. I asked no other thing, 621)

    In the line above, the “thing” means asks for remains unnamed. It takes the

    form of two negative statements; the ”thing” cannot be substituted for any other

    thing. It denied it seems to negate the value and singularity of everything else on

    offer - the “no other”. Perhaps then the “thing” is anti-conceptual and pre-

    linguistic; an affective state happiness, joy, pleasure, love or a spiritual one;

    blessedness, graces.

    It was said before that radical feminism states that oppression of women is

    the main thing. in the first poem we can see that patriarchal society really dictates

    the life of a woman. starting with giving birth to a woman and getting married is

    the culmination of her life before death comes. in fact, the invisible people have

    actually killed their daughters since the first day of marriage. where for a woman

    or feminist point of view, marriage is never a pleasant thing. because of the

    dreams of their dreams after marriage. this is supported by the existence of a

    second line of poetry that tells the story of a woman's dream to buy Brazil but

    society refuses women to pursue their dreams.

    I’m “wife”- I’ve finished that-

    (Line 1. I’m wife I’ve finished that, 199)

  • 30

    I’m in line above show how position of writer. The author wants to show

    that now he has become a wife, but with the word “wife” who are quoted. Is

    important from the word wife a kind of meaning that the wife is an unpleasant job.

    Taking girlhood is the wrong thing. Because being a girl will be better.

    3. Marxist Feminism

    Marxist feminism has developed out of the attempts by women to develop

    Marxist theory so that it provides an adequate explanation for the subordination

    and exploitation of women in capitalist societies.33 In the Emily Dickinson’s

    poetry entitled Title divine — is mine!, Marxist exists. Here is the analysis of

    Marxist feminism:

    “My Husband” — women say —

    (Line 13. Title Divine-is mine, 1072)

    In this line, be interpreted as buyer or seller. It is creating transactions

    images; customers who buy products, rather than men who marry women. The

    poem does not only describe poetry as a form of degradation. Women are no

    longer human, but as a cargo, surrender to the husband will means losing identity

    as a human. This line of poetry is related to the previous line of poetry;

    Born — Bridalled — Shrouded —

    In a Day —

    Tri Victory

    (10,11,12. Title Divine-is mine, 1072)

    Women are reduced to Tri Victory related to husbands, because men use

    religion to marry women. Women are considered to be physiologically weaker

    than men, even though they are spiritually stronger. Marxist feminism here can be

    seen in way the society reject the notions of morality, justice and equal rights.

    4. Materialist Feminism

    Delphy argues that while sociologists have regarded occupational class

    inequalities as primary, their own research demonstrate that sexual inequality is

    primary and more fundamental than occupational inequality. Thus women’s

    oppression cannot be regarded as secondary to, and therefore less important than,

    33 Abbot. Pamela and Wallace. Claire. An Introduction to Sociology: Feminist Perspective.


  • 31

    class oppression.34 Women then according to materialist feminist, form a class in

    opposition to men. Here the analyses of materialist feminism in the Emily

    Dickinson’s poetry entitled I asked no other thing:

    Brazil? He twirled a Button —

    Without a glance my way —

    (Line 5,6. I asked no other thing,621)

    In the line above, word “Brazil?” is a condensing translation of

    indeterminate “thing” that was asked for. Brazil is an absurd “thing” to ask for in

    the context of an empirical, or even a more abstract, commercial exchange. If it

    were to imaginatively entertain notion of “buying a nation”, we might observe that

    nations are not bought and sold in one fell swoop but built through violent and

    ongoing political struggles.

    However, in this materialist feminism some feminists argue that women

    have shared interests because they are all exploited and oppressed by men. In this

    poetry, Dickinson might show us how the idea of a God who has what we need

    corresponds to a deeply felt human desire.

    Other materialist feminism can be seen in the Emily Dickinson’s poetry

    entitled Title divine — is mine! Below:

    Betrothed — without the swoon

    (Line 6. Title Divine-is mine, 1072)

    In this line of poetry, it can be interpreted that woman has her own dream.

    Including in a marriage a woman even wants everything in accordance with what

    is in her expectations. In this poetry also can be seen that a woman described in

    the poem is trying to compare to become a heavenly bride with what is on earth.

    Acute Degree-conferred on me

    Empress of Calvary!

    (Line 3,4. Title Divine-is mine,1072)

    34 Abbot. Pamela and Wallace. Claire. An Introduction to Sociology: Feminist Perspective.


  • 32

    In this line of poetry, it can be the woman who will make her own class.

    Empress show how the women if be a leader of Calvary, the women can do the

    same thing as men do. Because Calvary in here intended is a God.

    Materialist feminism is shown in the line of poetry above where women

    have the same interests as men but they are exploited by men. while housewives

    may differ in their standard of living because their husbands are in different social

    classes, they share the same class position because they are exploited by their


    5. Dual-System feminism

    Dual-System is the one of feminism where women think that emancipation

    will only occur if there is a division of labor classes. And the development of the

    economic system and women are inseparable. There are example of dual-system

    feminism in Emily Dickinsons selected poem:

    If ought She missed in Her new Day,

    Of Amplitude, or Awe—

    (Line 5,6. She rose to his requirement,732)

    The two lines of poetry above sate about how a woman experiences a

    drastic change in herself before and after marriage. Shows how her dream must be

    buried deep because of his demands to be a ‘wife’ resulting from patriarchal

    society. There, a woman who was married does not discuss the things she is awed

    by; neither does she mention her future expectation from her new life.

    Dual-system feminism applies dual analysis that articulates Marxist class

    theory with the feminist theory of patriarchy. Where, Marxist feminist theory

    continues to give primacy to class analysis. Dual-systems feminist take as their

    question the relationship of women to the economic system as well as the

    relationship of men to women. This is a powerful poem of protest on the way

    women were perceived by society. The poet, in an interestingly indirect way

    makes her objections heard.

    I offered Being — for it —

    (Line 3. I asked no other thing, 621)

  • 33

    In the poetry above, it states about women who offer themselves for

    something they want. The woman tries to show that she is able to be in any

    position to be recognized. Encouraged by the same interest held by men, he

    assumed that there should not be any disturbing differences.

    But in fact, the dual-system feminism which combines the two theories is

    precisely one of the theories of gender blindness and the oppression precedes

    capitalism. So that it was never received well from the public about women. Dual

    systems feminist is dual systems that articulates marxist class theory with the

    feminist theory of patriarchy: a theory that takes account of what unites all

    women-oppression by men-as well as the class divisions beteween them.

    B. Emily Dickinson’s Background That Influence Her Poems

    I’m “wife” — I’ve finished that —,199

    I’m “wife” — I’ve finished that — is the 19th poem of Emily Dickinson.

    Dickinson implies here a whole theoretic of quotation. The words of her poem

    become at once hers and not hers. She invokes a social language without fully

    making her its own, importing accepted usages and meaning into her text, where

    she can then complicate them.

    I’m “wife” — I’ve finished that —

    That other state —

    I’m Czar — I’m “Woman” now —

    It’s safer so —

    How odd the Girl’s life looks

    Behind this soft Eclipse —

    I think that Earth feels so

    To folks in Heaven — now —

    This being comfort — then

    That other kind — was pain —

    But why compare?

    I’m “Wife”! Stop there!

    (The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson)

    There are several things that affect Emily Dickinson’s poems, that are:

  • 34

    1. Father-daughter Incest

    The ordinal position of siblings is another factor in father-daughter incest,

    with the oldest daughter receiving the highest probability of abuse. While the

    ordinal position of a daughter is significant for victimization in general, it is a

    decisive factor in father-daughter incest. Here, Emily Dickinson was the oldest

    daughter in the Dickinson family.35 If Edward Dickinson had any inclination

    toward incest, his daughter Emily would have been the victim.36 This incident had

    showed in line I’m “wife” — I’ve finished that —(line 1). I’m “Wife”! Stop

    there! (line 12) explain about his insecurity again, in this line Emily showed after

    being a victim, a woman still has to look for her identity, and seek protection as

    the people who are considered weak-who alsobstrong in line To folks in Heaven

    —now —(line 8) This being comfort — then (line 9) so that no one else can

    damage the right of women to continue their live.

    The most powerful support for the contention that Dickinson was a victim

    of sexual abuse, particularly incest, lies in an interpretation of the “Wife” poems.

    The “Wife” poems are a group of six poems, in which Dickinson seems to

    imagine that she is married by calling herself a wife. These poems are 199 “I’m

    “wife” — I’ve finished that —”, 461 “A Wife —at Daybreak I shall be —”, 463

    “I live with Him —I see His face —”, 732 “She rose to His Requirements”, 1072

    “Title divine —is mine!”, and 1737 “Rearrange a ‘Wife’s’ affection! The

    significance of these poems is that in trying to interpret what Emily Dickinson

    may have meant by the word “wife”, the reader is forced to reevaluate Emily

    Dickinson’s relationship with her father.37

    2. Never Married

    Based on the example above, "I'm wife, I’ve finished that” it showed the

    woman’s difference of freedom when they are married and do not married yet. It

    is not amazing if this poetry is connected to feminist. Based on these lines above,

    Dickinson presents a very intricate approach to marriage. Although everybody

    35 Update: Apr 13, 2019. Accesed Date: Nov 9, 2019. 09:09 P.M 36 Hirschhorn Nobert.(2019).A Bandaged Secret: Emily Dickinson and Incest. APA

    Psyc:Washington. P.1 37 Violence and Women’s Writing (1997) Creating Safe Space. England. P.101

  • 35

    knows that Dickinson had not married yet,38 she can show how the situation of

    both of them. Dickinson did not marry, but what perhaps is most poignant and

    really more the issue is not her ignorance and bitterness towards the married state

    but after girlhood, there is only marriage, and since she is not married. The line

    it's safer so (line 4) shows she is in doubt having never been married and never

    having a domineering male force in her life, except her constant issue with her

    religion/faith, of course, dominated by men then. I think that Earth feels so (line

    7) But why compare? (line 11) this line also show Emily had doubt of wife

    condition, indirectly Emily still has doubt about the depiction of being a wife

    because it is not experinced directly.

    According to her biographical this poetry was made on the 19th century, the

    condition where she lived did not see women as individual thinking beings, but

    rather as someone who derives he identity initially from her parents and later from

    her husband her poem reflects a woman's experiences of identity troubles and her

    desire to free herself from the clutches of male-dominated society.

    It is also possible that the “wife” (line 1) poems may relay attitudes about

    marriage or wifehood that she observed in other married women such as her

    mother or her sister-in-law, Susan.39 Not need to get married, Emily can explain

    quite well about the suffering of having a job as a wife. Therefore Emily also

    believes that women do not need men while she can do everything. Like Emily

    notes I take my strenght in my hands and go against the world.40

    Title divine—Is mine!, 1072

    Title divine-Is mine is Emily’s poem to 1072. This poem was made in the

    19th century and was published by his friend Mr. Higginson.

    Title divine — is mine!

    The Wife — without the Sign!

    38 Update: Apr 13, 2019. Accesed Date: Nov 9, 2019. 09:59 P.M 39 Tw Higginson & Mabel Loomis Todd .(1901). Poems by Emily Dickinson. Little, Brown,

    and Company: Boston. P.2 40 Accesed Date: Nov 9th 2019. 10:43 PM

  • 36

    Acute Degree — conferred on me —

    Empress of Calvary!

    Royal — all but the Crown!

    Betrothed — without the swoon

    God sends us Women —

    When you — hold — Garnet to Garnet —

    Gold — to Gold —

    Born — Bridalled — Shrouded —

    In a Day —

    Tri Victory

    “My Husband” — women say —

    Stroking the Melody —

    Is this — the way?

    (The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson)

    1. Mr. Bowles’s Admir