Download - Feece E-news Letter July_2

Page 1: Feece E-news Letter July_2

Some people avoid sitting idle and always try to keep themselves busy in certain

useful activities and arrange some events which bring positive results on society.

If these events are about technical knowledge then these events become a school

of knowledge especially for those young aspirants who are about to start their

technical career.

One such event was organized in Telecommunication Department of

Mehran University of Engineering and Technology and called as “WORKSHOP

on Simulating Wireless

Communication using

MATLAB” held on 12th

and 13th April, 2011. The

instructor of this work-

shop was Dr. Fahim Aziz

Umrani. It was success-

fully completed with the

help of volunteers from

the Mehran University Students Team (M.U.S.T) and effective co-ordination of

Engr. Hyder Bux Mangrio. Among participants, along with the senior under-

graduate students, the faculty members from faculty of electrical, electronic and

computer system engineering were also present. And I am very glad to share this

information that many faculty members attended this workshop which is enough

to explain their eagerness of knowledge.

In this workshop, the instructor focused on

the simulations of basic wireless communi-

cation system and introduced basic tech-

niques by which one can imitate the effect of

different components used in wireless com-

munication. The instructor tried to develop

the skills in participants that what should be

known to one before simulating any system.



Dr Fahim A.Umrani


Mr Saadullah Kalwar

Mr. Shahjahan Memon

Mr. Mohsin Siraj

Mr. Muhammad Naveed

Mr. Shahid Makhdoom

Mr. Moiz Rehman

Mr. Salman Ahmed

Monthly E-News Letter JULY 2011

Volume 2, Issue 4

Inside this issue:

Workshop On Simulating

Wireless Communication

Using Matllab


In search Of A Smile 2

Splendid Event Of



MESPEC ‘ 11 6

Techno Post Galleria 7

Seminar On USEFP 8

Sports Week 9

PATRONS: Dr. B.S Chowdery, Dr. Aftab A.Memon, Dr. Mukhtiar A. Unar



BY : Muhammad Naveed (08TL19)

Photos Of Month

Published By:

Shahjahan Memon


Page 2: Feece E-news Letter July_2

This workshop was also important since it not only in-

volved teaching the principles of simulating communication

systems but also included some sessions in which tasks

were assigned to the participants so that they could practice

on what they were learning throughout the course. This

workshop was equally effective for junior students as it was

for final year students.

I want to share here some questions which were raised from

some circles like how one can be completely aware of sim-

ulations within couple of days knowing the subjects breadth and vastness. So I want to answer them that

the main objective of this workshop was to initiate a trigger about simulating the wireless communication.

And I think this task was successfully accomplished in this workshop by the instructor.

During the final session of this workshop,

all participants were awarded certificates

by Dr. Aftab. A. Memon, Chairman of

Telecommunication Department. Dr.

Aftab also gave very encouraging remarks

in his concluding speech about the work-

shop and pledged his constant support to

continue such activities in the future.

In the end I want to conclude my article

with these lines that although it was very short workshop but was very informative

and learning. Such events always enhance the student‟s skills and upgrade their

knowledge level. I hope such events will regularly take place in future as well so that

students have this wonderful opportunity to learn and benefit themselves. As small

drops combine together to form a large ocean in same way one day these events will convert into large in-

ternational events which will become the cause of shinning name of MEHRAN in technological circles.


It was very short

workshop but

was very

informative and

learning. Such

events always

enhance the

student’s skills

and upgrade

their knowledge


It was a pleasant weekend Sunday; in the morning when I was in a superstore to

collect groceries, I saw a furious customer arguing with the shopkeeper, the quarrel lasts a

little longer and as usual I became one of the spectators „enjoying‟ the sight. Such similar

incidences are becoming too frequent in our society. Whether you are in any public place

or in any office or university you will often observe this kind of boorish and aggressive

attitude of people around you. This belligerence and frustration in our society are becom-

ing more and more common now. In my daily routine I hardly find any smiling face.

In Search of a Smile

BY : Muhammad Mohsin Siraj

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Volume 2, Issue 4 Page 3

The reasons of these choleric attitudes are very obvious. It is always hard to smile

in appetite weather it is the hunger or the insatiable desire and avarice of more of

what one has. I agree that plethora of social and economic problems have left peo-

ple destitute.

The penurious class always suffers the most; they are not only deprived of the

basic necessities of life like food, money and home but most important they are not

being given the self respect every human deserves. The insecurity of life and prop-

erty, today, has adversely affected the situation. There comes the second category comprises of those middle

class to aristocrats who at least enjoy different amenities in life. But still they are in panic too. Why? It is just

because we people follow our never ending wish list. It has become a practice in our society to go after the per-

son of higher class. This greed makes one unsatisfied with one‟s life, which is extremely deleterious to the in-

dividual and the main cause of this frustrated society.

In fact we have become too materialistic that now our purposes and priorities in

life are different. I remember a crack which I rather find didactic; Ones a heavy vehicle

thrashed a person standing near his new Mercedes Benz, the person starts shouting at driv-

er of the heavy vehicle that you have ruined the door of my pristine Mercedes, the driver

apologizes and says sir don‟t you feel the pain, your hand is badly injured? The man saw

his broken hand and cried Oh God my new Rolex watch!! There are such kind of many

real stories which you would also find around you, it all delineates that materialism is at its

apex in our society.

The consequences and impact of this irritation and frustration are awful on society.

The loving congenial surrounding is somewhere lost in this fast journey of time. People

don‟t know about their neighbors now. We are near the debacle of friendly and affable en-

vironment which we used to have in past. It is also affecting our economy indirectly; the

productivity by any human, from an ordinary laborer to any erudite scholar, is declined if

he doesn‟t have peace and composure of mind. How a country will progress whose com-

mon worker is suffering from thousands of problems? On the larger picture the growth of

any country is contingent upon the welfare of its people. The scale to judge the develop-

ment is how many of people are satisfied with their lives in any country.

Besides that the government should take corrective measures to facilitate its

people, a significant difference can be felt if we withdraw ourselves from the race of

gaining money and power. It is said things are to be used and people are to be loved,

but here the people are being used and the things are being loved. We must thank AL-

LAH for everything we are blessed with, bend down our heads and egos, prostrate with

deference in His will. It is worth mentioning the sublime submission of Hazrat Imam

Ghazali in ALLAH‟s will, when he was complaining ALLAH that he doesn‟t have

shoes to wear and suddenly he saw a beggar who even didn‟t have feet to walk. Try to

be positive and learn to observe positive aspects of any outcome in life. If you can‟t

make a crying face happy at least give him a shoulder to weep on. May be this assuages

the situation and then hopefully there would be some smiling faces among my people.

How a

country will




worker is






If you can’t

make a crying

face happy at

least give him

a shoulder to

weep on.

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Volume 2, Issue 4 Page 4

The first Micromaze‟11 signpost at the Department of Electronics Engineering, Mehran UET Jamshoro held

on 21ST April 2011 (in collaboration with 08ES, 09ES and MUST organizers) was another eye-catching and

startling event that encompassed both the hardware projects exhibition/competition amongst the students of

08ES and 09ES Batches and On-spot Software Programming competition within the students of final year

Electronics. This Event provided a platform for the students to come forward and present their hardware pro-

jects that had an incredible approach and also prove their robustness in the field of programming i.e. with mi-

crocontrollers and interfacing techniques by overcoming all possible hurdles to reach the assigned target in a

pre-defined limit of time.

The event was arranged in four labs of

Electronics department. Hardware Pro-

jects were presented in Digital Electron-

ics & Microprocessors Lab and Telemat-

ics Lab where as On-Spot Programming

& Simulation session was arranged in

Advanced Computer Lab and Interactive

Cyber Lab.

The students displayed & demonstrated

their projects in the 1st session of the

competition and were appreciated and

valued by everyone who visited the

event. During the 2nd session of competi-

tion, a design task was given to the stu-

dents to program, make the schematic,

compile and perform simulation task ef-

fectively on Proteus software within a

specified time limit of 30 minutes. Each

team with utmost four members were

given 2 PC‟s to work in parallel on pro-

gramming & schematic and merge in the

end to solve the task at a fast pace. The

evaluator panel comprised of Dr Khalil-

ur-Rehman Dayo, Dr. Wajiha Shah,

Engr Kamran Kazi, Engr Ghulam Mus-

tafa in hardware session, Engr Ghulam

Mustafa and Engr Mehnazar in software

session all from ES Department of


After successful assessment of all projects displayed and the programming session, results were compiled

and announced at the closing ceremony in Audio Video-conferencing room, IIT Building after the refresh-

ment, provided to all the organizers, participants, judges and chief guests. A total of 18 teams participated in

hardware and 16 teams in software category. A huge amount of 17,500 /Rs in total- was given as prize mon-

ey among the winners.


Report Compiled By: Engr. Maria Jan & Engr. Attiya Baqai

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Volume 2, Issue 4 Page 5

In Hardware Projects, 1st Prize of 5000/Rs- was given to “INTELLIGENT INDUSTRIAL PROCESS

USING CONVEYOR BELTS WITH ROBOTIC ARM” by M. Zakir Shaikh, Madiha Shah, Muqadas

Khursheed & Irshad Raheem (09ES). 2nd Prize of 3000/Rs- was a tie between two projects, one was

"AUTONOMOUS ROBOT MUET BOY” by Abdul Sattar Noonari (08ES25), Mansoor raza (08ES19),

Sajad Ali Memon (08ES09), Anwar ul haq Khoso (08ES110) & Himat Kumar (08ES27) and the other 2nd


TIENTS” by Adil Khan(08ES76), Zaheer Abbas, Hameer and Imran Ali. 3rd prize of 2000/- wasCAR

MONITORING & RESCUE SYSTEM by Mehran Khan, Kishore Kumar, Faizan Mateen and Agha Sar-

faraz of 09ES.

In On- Spot Programming & Simulation, 1st prize of 2000/Rs- was awarded to Azam rafique (08ES33) &

Abdullah Ansari (08ES03). 2nd Prize of 1500/Rs- to Haresh Kumar(08ES51), Naeem Ahmed Memon

(08ES72), Ammar Ali (08ES55), Ameen Khuwaja (08ES80) and 3rd prize of 1000/Rs was achieved by

Faraz bhatti (08ES16) and Muhammed Ahmer Khan (08ES05).

The winners were awarded cash prizes, shields and certificates, shields and certificates to the teacher organiz-

ers, whereas certificates were given to all the participants, student organizers & judges. Bouquets were pre-

sented to the worthy chief guests for their honorable presence in this event. Prof Shoaib Hassan zaidi, Dr. At-

taullah Khuwaja and Dr. B. S. Chowdhry expressed their encouraging views in the award distribution cere-

mony about the impressive & great hard work done by the Micromaze Team along with the student partici-

pants. Engr. Attiya Baqai concluded the ceremony with a vote of thanks to all the Organizers, judges and

guests for making possible such an exemplary event. She said that Mehran UET is fully capable to organize

such events/competitions/ exhibitions and requested the faculty members, students and authorities to come

forward in arranging and hosting such events at national level. The participants got a colossal encouragement

from the visitors and faculty members of different departments of Mehran UET on their persistent endeavor

and success eventually especially the Pro-Vice Chancellor Dr Aslam Uqaili, Dean FEECE Dr B. S. Chow-

dhry, Prof. Dr. Syed Shoaib Hasan Zaidi Chairman Electronics Department, NED University Karachi and

co-chairman Electronics Department, NED University, Karachi Prof. Dr. Attaullah Khawaja.

The event was organized by the unflagging efforts of the Faculty Members Engr. Attiya Baqai, Engr. Ke-

hkashan Asma, Engr. Maria Jan and Engr. Mehnazar of the Department of Electronics Engineering, Mehran

UET, Jamshoro. The Micromaze team is very thankful to Dean FEECE Dr B. S. Chowdhry for his efforts to

support this event in every possible way and to get the approval of 5000/Rs from university to support this

mega event.

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Volume 2, Issue 4 Page 6

Electronics department, Mehran UET once again succeeded

in achieving a milestone by arranging MESPEC‟11, a

project exhibition and competition for 3rd year electronic

students. The event was all about providing students a

chance to showcase their talents by overcoming possible

technical hurdles and re-inventing the sense of competition.

The competition took place in the Advanced Telecommuni-

cation & Telematics Laborotory and the Digital Electronics

and Microprocessors Laborotory in the department of Elec-

tronics, MUET on 14th April 2011.

A spectacular collection of hardware/ software projects

were displayed. Covering most sub-fields of electronic en-

gineering including control engineering; signal processing,

communication, microcontrollers as well as hardware inter-

facing. The students put in an applaudable effort and via

these projects not only did they present new and innovative

ideas but also proposed and modelled different practical solutions to many untackled problems in this ad-

vanced era.

The projects were evaluated in terms of perception, presentation, hardware/software and applications by the

evaluation team which was led by Dr Hameedullah Kazi Chairman Electronics and Vice Dean of Isra Uni-

versity including Dr. Khalil Dayo, Dr. Wajiha Shah and Engr. Attiya Baqai who are all Assistant Professors

at the department of Electronics Engineering MUET.

After accumulative compilation of the results the consolation prize was awarded to the project “Automatic

Railway Tunnel Light Control System”, the 2nd runner up project was “Car Monitoring and Rescue System”

1st runner up project was “Object Tracking/Detecting System Using Image Processing and winning project

was “Modern Industrial Process Using Conveyer Belt with Robotic Arm”.

The participants were enormously encouraged and appreciated

by numerous guests and visitors from different institutes and

walks of life. The Vice Chancellor Dr. A. Q. K. Rajput, Pro-

Vice Chancellor Dr Aslam Uqaili, Dean FEECE Dr B. S. Chow-

dhry, Dr Aftab Memon Chairman Telecommunication Depart-

ment and senior faculty members from MUET also visited the

exhibition; they highly appreciated the students for their hard-

work and thoughtfully guided them for future endeavors.

The event was made possible by the untiring efforts of the co-ordinators Engr Yasmeen Naz Panhwar and

Engr. Saba Baloch, both working as lecturers at Department of Electronics and the organizing team from

09ES comprising of Agha Sarfaraz, Asif Hameed, Ayub Laghari, Faizan Mateen, Mehran Khan Memon,

Mudasir Hussain, Nouman Naseer, Sara Rahman and Sundus Solangi.

The closing ceremony was held in the Advanced Telecommunication & Telematics Laborotory. The winners

were awarded with cash prizes and certificates and the organizers were awarded with certificates of apprecia-

tion by the honorary guest Dr Hameedullah Kazi. A shield on behalf of the co-ordinators was also presented

to Dr Hameedullah Kazi.

Mehran Electronic Students Project

Exhibition and Competition (MESPEC' 11)

Report Compiled by: Engr. Saba Baloch

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Volume 2, Issue 4 Page 7

Keeping the norms intact for setting new trends in organizing events,

Department of Electronics Engineering, Mehran University of

engineering and technology has won the contest again by organizing

the unique mega event of “Technopost Galleria” on 25th April, 2011.

The glaring event took place in the Advance Electronics Laboratory

and Electronics laboratory of the same department. The event was

solely organized by 10ES batch in collaboration with their supervi-

sors namely Engr. Farida Memon (Assistant Professor), Engr. Shakila

Memon (Lecturer) and Engr. Syed Ghulam Mustafa Shah (Lecturer) under the admirable support of Dean Fac-

ulty of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering Prof. Dr. BS Chowdhry.

The Event was organized to provide a chance to the students of Electronics Engineering discipline to exhibit

their Technological and Artistic work and efforts, they have especially made, to present a memorable tribute to

Islamic Renaissance for its significant contribution in the development of modern scientific world.

Technopost Galleria comprised of two parts, in the first part, students displayed term projects which reflect

their technological work, while in the second part they showcased their artistic work in the form of Posters of

renowned Muslim Scientists, whose research and innovation provided the basis for Modern development in the

field of science and technology. It was pleasant to observe that the twenty groups of students from 10ES batch,

who participated in the TechnoPost Galleria presented more than eighty hardware project from the field of

Digital Electronics, Amplifier and Oscillator, and Measurement and Instrumentation along with more than

twenty two posters of Muslim Scientists.

Prof. Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan Rajput, Vice Chancellor Mehran UET, Jamshoro, inaugurated The Technopost

Galleria with his look on the documentary played to highlight Islamic Renaissance. His visit added hundreds of

stars in the success of event

as he not only gave his full

concentration to every

group participated in the

exhibition but also appreci-

ated the level and quality of

the work by students. Prior

to that student of 10ES

Batch warmly welcomed the respectable Vice Chancellor and presented him bunch of fresh flowers.

A team of judges comprising of senior faculty members including Dr. Wajiha Shah, Dr. Khalil ur Rehman

Dayo, Engr. Abdul Sattar Ansari, Engr. Farzana Rauf Abro and Engr. Tufail Ahmed Waseer from the depart-

ment of Electronics Engineering evaluated the project and posters on the basis

of application, complexity, research, background knowledge and presentation.

In project category Group-10 having member Sumaiya Laghari 10ES82, Ms.

Maria 10ES76, Ms. Madeeha 10ES75 and Ms. Zirwa 10ES68 secured first

position. Second position was secured by Group-6 with members Yugal

Kishore 10ES48, Pawan Kumar 10ES81, Mukesh Kumar 10ES46, Madhu Mukesh 10ES47 and Sabir Ali Mag-

si 10ES72 while the third position received by Group-11 whose member were Naeem Sharif Chandio 10ES78,

Irfan Ali Memon 10ES44, Kifayatullah Kalhoro 10ES69, Pirah Saba 10ES123 and Nadia 10ES56. Likewise in

poster category Group-C with members Umema Tasleem 10ES22, Sumbul Naqvi 10ES11,

"TechnoPost Galleria" presented a

unique tribute to Islamic Renaissance By: Shahjahan Memon (08TL81)

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Volume 2, Issue 4 Page 8

Faiza Shaikh 10ES19, Marvi Jamali 10ES15,

Habiba Halepota 10ES16 and Koonj Tagar

10ES23, Group-7 with members Asma Katiar

10ES136, Tuba Muneer 10ES86, Mehwish Ma-

lik 10ES83 and Javeria Khan 10ES143 and

Group-8 with members Nadia Karim 10ES57,

Zubair Ali 10ES63, Jamal Khan 10ES58, Rabia Tahir 10ES65, Andleeb 10ES66 and Aliza Mir 10ES67 were

declared first, second and third respectively. Meanwhile, Mr. Saddam Hussain Chandio 10ES13 was given the

award of best organizer for his enthusiastic and untiring efforts to make the event possible.

Prof. Dr. B S Chowdhry Dean faculty of Electrical, Electronics and Computer

Engineering, Mehran UET Jamshoro and Mr. Muhammad Alam Halepoto,

Member Senate Mehran UET Jamshoro, jointly being the chief guest of the

event not only paid a detailed visit to the event but also distributed the awards,

cash prizes and certificates among the participants and organizers in the conclud-

ing ceremony of the event that took place at Video Conferencing Hall of Mehran

UET Jamshoro. Mr. Alam Halepoto in his speech said that skill is the art of uti-

lizing knowledge for meaningful results. He also recognized the efforts of stu-

dents and their supervisors in arranging such unique event in educational history

of Pakistan. Dr. BS Chowdhry in his concluding remarks highlighted the importance of such events. In addi-

tion to that he also announced the exhibition of same posters in Sindh Museum Hyderabad on 14th August of

this year. Finally on behalf of organizing committee Engr. Farida Memon paid the vote of thanks to honorable

guest, teachers, judges and students for their valuable contribution in making the event successful.

Seminar on (USEF) Fulbright Scholarships

Source: MUET website Mehran University of engineering & Technology Jamshoro has organized seminar on Fulbright scholar-

ships program. On this occasion Mr Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto of the United States Educational Foundation in Pa-

kistan (USEFP) gave detailed presentation to a huge audience of students and faculty members with regard

to Fulbright Masters and PhD Scholarships announced by the Fulbright Commission this year.

Professor Dr MA Uqiali Pro Vice Chancel-

lor MUET (L-R), Professor Dr BS Chow-

dhry Dean FEECE, Prof Dr AK Baloch,

former Dean and Senior Fulbright Scholar,

Dr Abdul Hafeez Memon, Director Contin-

uing Education and Mr Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

of the United States Educational Founda-

tion in Pakistan (USEFP) Addressing on the occasion of Seminar on Fulbright Scholarships at Mehran Uni-

versity of engineering & Technology Jamshoro.

He informed that United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan (USEFP-popularly known as Fulbright

Commission) is currently doing an outreach for the Fulbright Scholarships for 2011-2012 to make students

and faculty members of public universities more aware about the fully

funded scholarships offered by the Fulbright Commission every year .

Prof Dr Uqaili Pro Vice Chancellor MUET is presenting book “Career Roadmap Guide for Engineers” edited by Prof BS Chowdhry to Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto of the United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan (USEFP) during his seminar at MUET.

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Volume 2, Issue 4 Page 9

The Importance of sports can never be neglected; these play a significant role in our lives as Sport is a preserv-

er of health, however we cannot help admitting sports as important as studies but we must try to have balance

between our hours of work and play, which help to keep us fit and fine and fill us with a competitive spirit. We

remain physically and mentally alert and active so that

our energies are put to constructive use for society.

“If only Hitler and Mussolini could have a good game

of bowls once a week at Geneva, I feel that Europe

would not be as troubled as it is”. The above quote by

R.G. Briscow completely justified the importance of


In order to provide chance of full on entertainment and

healthy activity MUET admin-

istration also arranged sports

week from 28 Feb-3rd March 2011, under the supervision of Directorate of Sports,

Engr. Najeeb-ur-Rehman Channa .The 17 departments of M.U.E.T participated in

event where boys and girls showed their athletic talent and creativity in sports sepa-

rately. About 6 sports and games were played named as Cricket, Table Tennis, and

Throw ball (for girls), Shooting Ball (for boys), Tug of War, Oefened dynamically

their tilteustrialas de led them on this victoryabble so made ters was quite encoraging

hes academic seMarathon (for boys) while Mini Marathon (for girls). One more re-

markable thing was that the role of administration was very supportive not only in

grounds but as well as academic sessions, during whole week the classes were on and teachers taught with

same enthusiasm as before, however it becomes difficult situation for bosom friends of participants, because at

one end the matter is attendance and new topic while on other the question of friendship is raised and also

chance of fun and fully entertaining matches may be missed, but as it is said “friendship is the breathing rose,

with sweets in every fold”, so how they can wait end of class, therefore number of students also bunked clas-

ses to watch their friends in live action.

The department teachers who were performing duties of selectors

and mentors were looked as professional which is quite encouraging

for future events, decisions were made by them was totally on merit,

great cooperation by both sides of students and teachers were

seemed from practice session till the last minute of game, that‟s why

the event was full of suspense and real action (like Boom Boom) in

M.U.E.T grounds. The whole event seemed to be like a battle and

the participants like soldiers, to fight for the sake of dignity of their

respective departments, even I never saw before such a division

among mehraninas, when question of winning is concerned every student supported their department teams but

must say that lesson of sportsman spirit was not forgotten by any single player in any moment,

Tom Canterbury said “The trouble with referees or umpires is that they just don't care which side wins”, so be-

cause of well judged event, it also made friendly and peaceful environment.



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Volume 2, Issue 4 Page 10

In play there are two pleasures: The one is winning, and the other losing. It depends which one you choose.

The details of matches are as follows:

The Enthusiastic Telecom Girls just rocked and the event was totally stolen by them as they won 4 sports

from 5 including cricket, table tennis, tug of war, mini marathon only one sport could be snatched from TL

girls by SW girls which was throw ball, however this remarkable performance by TL girls also gave General

Trophy to them, All girls gave credit of victory to their mentor Mam Shahnza Shaikh, According to them her

cooperation and friendly attitude led them to this historical victory.

In Sports one makes history, other breaks history but also some elements repeats history as on boys side,

event goes to EL, they won two sports event including cricket, table tennis and got 3 times consecutively

General Trophy, The final match of cricket played between EL and TL, the match was very interesting and

tenacious and goes up to over, at the end the clash ended as EL team defeated TL team by 12 runs ,boys of El

also thanked to their mentors Sir Mansoor Soomro and Sir Latif Samo who encouraged them to repeat history

and that‟s why they defended dynamically their titles, Shooting ball won by Civil after having a tough match

with Industrial, Marathon also clinched by student of Civil department, while trophy of Tug of War achieved

by metallurgy department,

However sports week has ended but yet its memories are preserved in our private literature, this event was

appreciated by every single person from boys and girls, older to younger, juniors to senior, teachers to stu-

dents, they all demanded this sort of events must be celebrated on regular basis.


Workshop on "Simulating WCOM using MATLAB"

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Volume 2, Issue 4 Page 11

Sports week Sports week

Sports week Sports week

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