Download - FEBRUARY, time to examine your love walk



Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:5


Genesis 1:1

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

As we have been learning in the series, "The Substance of Things Hoped

For," God our Father desires to define all things to us. This is the truest essence of bible faith. To allow and to accept God's definition of things visible and invisible.

I have also come to discover that God hates being limited by men:

Ps 78:40 How oft did they provoke him in the wilderness, and grieve him in the desert! Ps 78:41 Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.

Ps 78:42 They remembered not his hand, nor the day when he delivered them from the enemy.

This moment in the church is peculiar in that God desires for the church to allow Him

once again to reveal Himself, as He has defined Himself. We have accepted Him as savior and so we are saved. We have accepted Him as shepherd, and so He is leading

and providing for us. We have accepted Him as healer, and we are being healed.

Now is the time to allow Him once again to be CREATOR!

The glory realm of ministry will unleash upon us creative miracles if we allow Him as creator to be made manifest in our meetings. We must worship Him as creator in order

to experience creative miracles.

Believers allow the Holy Spirit to perform the unthinkable in your life. Prepare yourself to believe without boundaries and receive without measure.

Dr. Mark T. Jones Sr.



Dr. Mark T. Jones Sr.

Senior Pastor & Founder Manifestations Worldwide, Inc.

Dr. Mark T. Jones Sr.


Join Lady Lisa each 2nd & 4th Thursday

@ 7pm for LADIES Ministry

Ladies Accepting Deliverance & Identifying Enemy Strongholds

Lady Lisa Jones

isa ones

Greetings Woman of God,

I take great pleasure in addressing you as a sister and a friend in the name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This letter comes as a follow up to THANK YOU for attending the meeting and showing great interest in the upcoming LADIES OF THE SEA 2010 cruise. I know that October seems months away but the planning of this event is to allow us to properly

plan with out a rush or strained burden to do so.

My prayer is that you will be able to join me in this fun and relax-ing 5 day cruise. The initial deposit of $200 is due by the deadline of FEB 12th 2010, the remaining balance of your account will be due by July 2010. All of the deadlines have been set by the cruise company so we have to gov-ern ourselves according to their requirements. Also each stateroom will ac-

commodate 2 women.

I know you may have other questions that will help you to better prepare and I would love to answer all your concerns for this trip in order for it to be a hassle free experience for you. I will be providing additional important information at the proper time. Again thank you and I look for-

ward to our time together.


THE POET’S CORNER “Possessing the Spirit of the Writer”

Love is an eternal seed

Planted in the soil of humility

Watered from the fountain of meekness

Germinated with the fertilizer of faith

Fighting through the shell of long suffering

Bursting out with temperance

Determined is its attitude to witness the light

To leave the tunnel of darkness, no more in sight

No greater seed sown than one of love

Love is active

Love is not seductive

Love does not bring separation

Love leaves room for alteration

Love has no boundaries

Love does not require inquiries

So let's reap the harvest of love

Love produces only the fruit of life.

There is no greater love than that of Jesus The


Jennifer Cole

Sis. Jennifer Cole The Seed of Love


I Corinthians 6:19

Healthy Family Affair Congratulations to all those who stepped up to the challenge to participate in doing what is

practical & necessary to help keep our families healthy & Strong!

Greetings CFM Family!

Not only is healthcare becoming more expensive and further out of reach for many families,

our hospitals are finding it more and more difficult to cope with the escalating demand of

patients with common lifestyle diseases such as heart disease,

cancer, diabetes, arthritis and stroke to name a few. And if this was not enough to put a

strain on our already fragile health system, there now seems to be no end to the outrageous

insurance premiums that threaten many practitioners and health care services to close their

doors. Who knows what will happen if this occurs.

The only solution seems to be... to not get sick!

Emerson & Leola Tillman



Welcomes our new Administrative Event Coordinator

LaShonda Cannion!

Lashonda is the wife of Jason Cannion and the mother of 4 boys Lashonda is Senior Program Representative @ FIT University. She has been a partner with CFM for 10 months. She desires to be used by God to do His will...

Hearts of Fire Dance Ministry Welcomes

Bro. Quovidus “Q” Johnson to the team!

Sis. Rashanda Johnson is now a part of

the Benevolence Dream Team

She serves as the team’s Secretary


Devin is a 16 year old honor student at Strawberry Crest High School in Plant City, Florida where he participates in chorus and drama. He is a member of the National Thespian’s Society and the National Honor Society. As a Na-tional Merit Scholar, Devin is serious about his education and focused on his future. Devin is a young man who has been blessed with many talents. He is a por-trait artist who has been a featured artist at the Tampa Black Heritage Festival from 2007 to 2010. He has also played the saxophone for 5 years and is a member of the LAD Dance Company in Brandon. At the Center for manifes-tation, Devin dances with Hearts of Fire Dance Ministry and teaches a dance technique class for dancers in the house. After graduation, he will attend col-lege as a liberal arts major and find a career that will incorporate all of his gifts and talents. In his community, Devin serves as the president of the Keystone Club at the West Plant City Boys & Girls Club. His responsibilities include coordinating community service projects to give teens opportunities to volunteer and get involved in addressing issues that affect their community. 2010 projects will include a book drive for kids, a walk-a-thon for Haiti Relief, a neighborhood recycling drive and the Support Our Soldiers national Keystone project. The Keystone members plan and implement weekly teen socials that address per-sonal, educational and social development for teens. Devin has grown up serving God with his talents and gifts and understands that all gifts come from above and without Christ he could do nothing. At this time, he is focused and committed to his educational and artistic develop-ment. As Devin grows into maturity, he is realizing that to whom much is given, much is required. With hard work, determination and faith in God, his possibilities are endless.

“Growing up & Serving God”


The word “Captured” invokes a sense of urgency in its self. However after a week of absolute, and an undoubted outpouring of the Spirit of God’s glory, one can only think of one thing. Dream!!!!

There is your dreams, the things you wanted to do before someone or something convinced you that your dream is a distant memory.

During this week we rediscovered those dreams, dreamed them again and found a new zeal for reaching those. I know I have, I realized there was a dream I had kept inside for so long that I forgot about it. Then it was spoken back into my spirit and I tell you, I cant wait till that dream becomes a reality.

Then there is “The Dream.” That is the Emerge Student Oasis dream. The vision that we are chasing. This week we not only got to see it begin to bloom, but we got to see where we fit in the grand scheme of the vision.

This vision is very strategic and all inclusive. No one person can accomplish this vision and no one person is not important to the accomplishment of the “Dream”.

God reveled Himself in our lives in such a way that we found that we always had a father watching everything we did. So the discouragements we have gone through be-cause we thought no one cared or was watch-ing. It was for that reason that we gave up on our dreams or the dream of ESO. We have found God the Father, and for the students of ESO they discovered their Spiritual Fa-ther. God the Father has been there from the beginning. Pastor Al the Spiritual Father, is here to help us get to the finish line.

Get Captured in your dream, and in “the dream”. You are the NOW!


Pastor Al

Gonzalez [email protected]


February 2010

Student Impact

Speakers 9:30am

February 7, 2010

Michael Daniel

February 14, 2010

Leadership Impact

February 21, 2010

Marlesia Jones

February 22, 2010

Fabryann Tillman

Birthdays Ezekiel James—5th

Tiffany Halfhill—7th

Fabryann Tillman—7th

Come join the ESO Na-tion as we go to the state fair on Fair Day. Meet us at Ground Zero @ 9:30am wear your ESO TShirt.!

Take the Pure Vow, by signing up online.

Join the revolution by taking the vow with other rebels. The cere-mony will be held in the main building be-fore Manna.

After the Vow, join us for games, music, snacks, drinks, and some good down, Rally time.

Coming Soon!!!!


“Not just providing financial assistance, but personal

development & economic empowerment!”

Introducing CFM Benevolence “Dream Team”

Wanda Jones- Rashanda Johnson

Upcoming Workshop:

(Entrepreneur Workshop)

Saturday - April 24, 2010

Where: The Center For Manifestation

Dea. Danny & Gloria Vickers

Sandra Barr– Garth Gordon

Dea. Danny & Gloria Vickers- Chief Directors

Vincent Shannon-Assistant Dir. Of Benevolence

Garth Gordon- Dir. Of Ideals & Planning

Annette James - Dir. Of Computer Tech Training

Tonya Delaine - Dir. Manifestation Job Ministry

Kina Watson - Assistant to Job Services

Wanda Jones - Assistant to Job services

Jerald Welch - Employment Specialist & Benefit Coordinator

Steve & Dee Howard- Dir. Financial Budget Training

Rashanda Johnson- Executive Secretary

Sandra Barr - Sr. Exec. Director of Support

Renae Kendrick - Social Worker for Section 8

Annette James

Garth Gordon -Tonya Delaine

Jerald Welch

Vincent Shannon

Kina Watson

Steve & Dee Howard Renae Kendrick


Featured Series for this Month:

To order visit our website @

This series is a must for those that want to remain in their God ordained assignment to their

spouse according to the Word of God.

Manifestations Worldwide Bookstore

“Resolution NOT Dissolution”

Wishing all covenant partners born in the

month of February a Healthy, Happy Birthday!


Our Vision

Proverbs 29: 18 “Where there is no vision the people perish.

Our vision is to teach the end-time church of the essence of kingdom life, and to

communicate deep, spiritual truth in a simplified manner.

The center for Manifestation was released from the heart of God to be a refreshing force to the body of Christ. While the

central theme and essence of this ministry is to prepare the way for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, in part

this purpose is accomplished by

retraining the saints as to what their God given roles and responsibilities in the church are. It is also the vision of this

ministry to bring healing and deliverance to those who have been hindered from moving into position for the latter


This is the season for the manifestation of the sons of God!

Dr. Mark & Lady Lisa Jones