Download - February 3rd, 2012

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    Friday, February 3rd, 2012PAGE 2Punjabi Patrika

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  • Diversity Recognized in Langley

    David Thiessen, Manager, Township of Langley Libraries, Township of Langley Mayor Jack Froese presenting award, Dr. Sarwan Singh Randhawa, Community Librarian, Muriel Arnason Library, Rita Penco, Director of Client Services,

    Fraser Valley Regional Library.

    Christine Palmer (Langley Community Services Society)

    Brandon Gabriel

    pictures by John Gordon

    Langley International Festival Societys 2nd Annual Multi-cultural Gala Din-ner and Awards Ceremony was a big success both in attendance and nominations. Many dignitaries including Township of Langley Mayor Jack Froese along with four councillors, and Langley City Deputy Mayor Jack Arnold celebrated the diversity with several others.

    The society received sixteen nominations for three cat-egories Innovative Proj-ects, Spirit of Diversity, and Ambassador of Diversity. The caliber of nominees was exceptional, and it was very difficult for the selection com-mittee to make their decision on the winners.

    Muriel Arnason Library was awarded in Innovative Proj-

    ects category for its outstand-ing contribution to diversity in the community. Muriel Arna-son Library is a part of Fra-ser Valley Regional Library, and provides services and programs to all ages and all cultures. It organizes many multicultural events including Chinese New Year, Diwali, Christmas, United Nations Human Rights Day, Womens International Day, and many more, and participates in sev-eral community events.

    Spirit of Diversity award was given to Langley Com-munity Services Society for its numerous multicultural services and programs to families especially to immi-grants, refugees, and ethnic minorities and helps them in their adjustment and transition to the new community. LCSS services include a Drop-in-

    program, community events and outings, and ESL classes. Brandon Gabriel was awarded Ambassador of Diversity for demonstrating significant leadership in the community. Based in Langley, Brandon is a great artist. He has art col-lections in many countries, and has competed in multiple mural competitions around the world.

    Mike Robinson, MC of the ceremony, did an outstand-ing job, and made the eve-ning very exciting. Langleys award winning photojournal-ist, John Gordon took many wonderful pictures. The Gala Dinner was sponsored by TD Canada Trust. On behalf of the society, Shar Dubas con-gratulated the winners, and thanked events sponsors and volunteers for making this event successful.

    Friday, February 3rd, 2012 PAGE 3Punjabi Patrika

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  • aYbtsPorz iek ivkfssLIl istI hY. ies dy ivkfs dy vfDy dy nfl nfl vsoN ivwc vI vfDf ho irhf hY. BivwK ivwc pfxI dI smwisaf nfl inptx leI BfvyN istI dI plfn jo ik pRfeIvyt kMpnI hwQF dy ivwc dyx dI sI bfry rIPrYNzm hoieaf sI ijs ivwc istI nUM hI pfxI dI smwisaf nUM afpxy qOr qy hI hwl krn leI PYslf idwqf hY, aqy pRfeIvyt kMpnI nUM pfxI dI splfeI dy pRojYkt nUM rwd kr idwqf sI ijs nfl kyNdr srkfr nUM iek vwzI rfsLI istI nUM dyx dI sLrq vI sI. ieh mslf qF hux kyvl istI dI juLMmyvfrI hI bx ky rih igaf hY.

    vrqmfn smwisaf hY istI vwloN pfxI dI lfprvfhI nfl kIqI jf rhI vrqoN nUM rokx leI. ipCly sfl qoN iqMn pVfvI dr (ryt) df isstm lfgU kIqf igaf hY aqy ibl vI do mhIny bfad adf krn df isstm hY. ies ivruwD istI dy bhuq sfry nfgirk dsqI muihMm clf rhy hn. AunHF dI mMg hY ik pfxI dy PlYt ryt jfrI rwKy jfx. aYbtsPorz dy GrF ivwc jdoN qoN vftr mItr lgfey gey hn AudoN qoN hI ijMnI pfxI dI vrqoN huMdI hY AunHF hI ibl afAuNdf hY. pfxI dy bcfE leI ieh iek asrdfr qrIkf hY ik ijMnf koeI pfxI vrqygf AunHF hI ibl dyvygf.

    pr ipCly sfl pfxI dI dr iqMn pVfeI kr dyx nfl vwzy Gr jF ieAuN kih lvo ik ijs Gr ivwc bhuqy lok rihMdy hn AunHF nUM vwzy vwzy ibl afAux lwgy hn.

    qF hI AunHF ivwc ies is-stm ivruwD ros hY ikAuNik pihlF PlYt ryt df AunHF nUM lfB sI. iek Gr ivwc Gwt igxqI ivwc rihMdy lokF nUM PlYt ryt df nuksfn sI. pr ieh drusq hY ik ijMnf koeI pfxI vrqy AunHF hI py kry. pfxI dI iqMn pVfvI vrqoN dy dr anusfr 1000 lItr qwk 1[03 zflr pr ikAUbYk mItr pr jdoN meI qoN akqUbr qwk pfxI dI vDyry vrqoN huMdI hY 61 qoN 91 ikAUbYk mItr df ryt 1[43 zflr qwk clf igaf aqy 91 ikAUbYk mItr qoN vDyry vrqoN vfly Gr nUM 2[26 zflr pRqI ikAUbYk hovygf. ies qoN spwsLt hY ik vwzy pRIvfrF aqy vwzy GrF nUM ijwQy ikrfey qy bysmYNt vI huMdIaF hn AuWQy bhuqy lok bhuqf pfxI hI vrqxgy. pfxI dI vrqoN BFzy Dox, kwpVy Dox aqy nhfAux qoN ielfvf lfanjL ivwc Gfh aqy PuwlF nUM pfxI dyx leI hI vrqdy hn. ies leI vwzy GrF aqy vwzy pRIvfrF nUM pfxI dy vwzy ibl hI afAuxgy. ies leI ieh gruwp nvyN isstm df ivroD kr irhf hY aqy PlYt ryt dI mMg kr irhf hY. ies muihMm df dbfa istI kONsl qy pY irhf jfpdf hY.

    iek pRIvfr ivwc bhuqy lokF df hoxf jF bysmYNt ikrfey qy dyxf qF lokF dI afpxI cox hY. pr ieh inXm drusq hY ik ijMnf koeI pfxI vrqy AunHF hI ibl Bry. PlYt ryt isstm ivwc pfxI dI lfpRvfhI nfl vrqoN kIqI jFdI hY. pfxI dI bwcq nhIN kIqI jFdI. BfvyN grmIaF

    ivwc lfanF aqy pfrkF jF GrF ivwc pfxI dI vrqoN leI istI vwloN vwKo vwKry idn nIaq kIqy jFdy hn qF ik pfxI dI sMjm nfl vrqoN ho sky.

    ijhVy lok pfxI df PlYt ryt cfhuMdy hn Auh kyvl afpxf lfB hI muwK rwK-dy hn smuwcy isstm df nhIN. jykr Auh ikrfey-dfrF nUM bysmYNt idMdy hn qF Auh pfxI dI vrqoN vI vwD krngy qF drusq qF iehI hY ik Auh pfxI dI vrqoN anusfr ibl vI dyx. hF ieh TIk hY ik jo iqMn pVfvIN ryt istI ny nIXq kIqy hn AunHF qy dubfrf gOr kIqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. AunHF ivwc kuJ qbdIlI aYsI qrHF kIqI jfvy qF ik ivroD krn vfilaF nUM sMqusLtI vI pRfpq hovy. istI kONsl nUM kuJ nf kuJ irafieq qF jLrUr dyxI bxdI hY pr istI dy nvyN issitm ivrwuD AuWT rhI muihMm dy dbfa ivwc af ky iqMn pVfvI drF dI bjfey PlYt ryt nhIN krnf cfhIdf. ies nfl pfxI dI sMjm vrqoN nhIN hovygI pfxI dI lfpRvfhI krky ieh smwisaf bxI hY. ibnF loV qoN pfxI dI vrqoN krnf TIk nhIN ies nUM rokx leI istI ny ZukvyN kdm cuwky hn pr iPr vI istI nUM QoVI ijhI lckdfr nIqI rwKxI bxdI hY. iv-roDIaF dI mMg qy ivcfr krnf istI kONsl df PrjL bxdf hY. kuJ nf kuJ qb-dIlI krky AunHF nUM sMqusLt krnf vI jLrUrI hY.


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  • Friday, February 3rd, 2012 PAGE 5Punjabi Patrika

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    iswKI isDFqF, mirXfdf aqy iswK sMsQfvF nUM Zfh lfAux vfilaF ivruwD jUJx vfilaF dI lMmI lVI hY aqy ies ivwc bfbf dIp isMG jI sLhId df nfm vI sLfml hY. AunHF sw-cKMz sRI hirmMdr sfihb dI mfx mirXfdf dI rfKI leI kurbfnI dy ky aduwqI ieiqhfs isrijaf. DrmI XoDy bfbf dIp isMG df jnm aMimRqsr ilyH dy ipMz phUivMz dy iksfn BfeI Bgqf dy Gr mfqf jIvnI dI kuwKoN 26 jnvrI 1682 eIsvI nUM hoieaf. AunHF df pflx-posx phUivMz ivwc hI hoieaf. afpxy mfqf-ipqf smyq sRI anMdpur sfihb puwj ky dsmysL ipqf jI pfsoN aMimRq dI dfq pRfpq kr afp iewQy hI itk gey aqy fsqr aqy sqr ivwidaf hfsl kIqI. afp idRV-ierfdy dy mflk sn aqy nfm ismrn ivwc ibrqI joVI rwKdy sn.

    AuWc pfey dy ivdvfn, mhfn sUrbIr, syvf dy puMj aqy AuWGy pRcfrk bfbf dIp isMG jI ny

    jQydfr avqfr isMG (pRDfn) gurdvfrf pRbMDk kmytI


    sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI vwloN lVy keI Drm-Xu wDF iv wc ihwsf ilaf. DIrm-wlIaF ny jdoN sRI gurU goibMd isMG nUM nUM sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI bIV dyx qoN nFh kr idwqI qF gurU sfihb ny BfeI mnI isMG aqy bfbf dIp isMG jI pfsoN nvIN bIV iqafr krv-feI. bfbf jI pfvn bfxI df pfT iswK

    sMgqF nUM arQF smyq pVHfAux dI syvf vI inBfAuNdy rhy. iewQoN hI dmdmI tksfl afrMB hoeI. sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI qlvMzI sfbo qoN jdoN aOrMgjLyb nfl mulfkfq leI dwKx vwl jfx lwgy qF afp jI ny BfeI mnI isMG nUM sRI hirmMdr sfihb sRI aMimRqsr dI syvf-sMBfl leI Byj idwqf aqy bfbf dIp isMG jI nUM qlvMzI sfbo dy gurduafrf sfihb dI syvf-sMBfl, gurbfxI ilKvfAux aqy pVHfAux dI syvf bKisLsL kIqI. bfbf jI ny ieh kfrj bVy adb-siqkfr aqy sLrDf nfl inBfieaf. afp ny sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy cfr Auqfry kIqy jo vwK-vwK qKLq sfihbfn qy Byjy gey. AuprMq sLhId imsLl dI vfg zor vI bfbf dIp isMG jI nUM sONpI geI.

    sMn 1757 ivwc aihmd sLfh abdflI vwloN aMimRqsr sLihr dI luwt-mfr krn aqy sRI hirmMdr sfihb dI aqy aMimRq srovr dI byadbI krn bfry bfbf dIp isMG jI nUM jdoN pqf

    lwgf qF AunHF ielfky dy iswKF nUM iekwTf krky qlvMzI sfbo qoN aMimRqsr nUM cfly pf idwqy. isrlwQ sUrimaF df jQf jdoN qrn qfrn njLdIk puwjf qF isMGF dI igxqI hjLfrF ivwc ho geI. jdoN mugl jrnYl jhfn Kfn nUM bfbf dIp isMG dI agvfeI ivwc af rhy jQy bfry pqf lwgf qF Aus ny jrnYl aqeI Kfn nUM jQy df tfkrf krn leI Byijaf. jhfn Kfn vI do hjLfr aPgfnI ispfhI lY ky gohlvV dy sQfn qy af zitaf ijwQy dohF POjF ivwc twkr hoeI. Gmsfn df XuwD hoieaf. iswK afpxy pfvn qIrQ dI byadbI df bdlf lYx leI jfn mfr ky lVy. AunHF ny aPgfnF dy Cwky Cuzf idwqy. ies XwuD dOrfn bfbf dIp isMG jI dI DOx AuWqy vI qlvfr df Gfqk vfr lwgf pr afp jI isr nUM qlI qy itkf ky lVdy hoey pfvn sRI hirmMdr sfihb dI prkrmf ivwc siqgurU nUM sIs Byt krky sLhId ho gey. iswKI isDFqF qy pihrf dyx aqy gurDfmF dI rwiKaf Kfqr bfbf dIp isMG jI dI sLhfdq ieiqhfs dI ivlwKx dfsqfn hY.

  • Friday, February 3rd, 2012PAGE 6Punjabi Patrika

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    After working with Joe Gill & Associates, Manning Elliott, and Kinder Sidhu & Associates Inc for eight years, I have decided to open my own accounting practice. During my em-ployment at these various firms, I have gained experience in various industries including agriculture, transportation, investment, professional services, etc.

    My firm offers accounting and tax ser-vices to small and medium sized busi-nesses and individuals. My goal is to provide outstanding services based on professionalism, ethics, and dedication all at a competitive rate. I believe an accountant should be both an accountant and a business advisor, someone who is accessible with the clients best inter-est in mind. In this busy and fast paced world, I understand and value ones time and energy and therefore guarantee to provide services in a timely manner.

    Based on my experience with small to medium sized businesses in the past, I have built very strong professional rela-tionships with my clients. I understand

    the importance of adding a personal-ized touch to each and every client. As an incentive, I will offer an initial free consultation to introduce myself and the services I can provide to you and your businesses.

    I invite all my friends and business as-sociates to visit me at my new office located on 205 2760 Trethewey Street (in plaza next to WCB office).

    Free Newsletter: Please visit my office to sign up for my free accounting and tax newsletter. By signing up, you will receive newsletter every two months covering topics such as taxation, man-aging your business, investments, legal matters, and human resources. Get new ideas to increase your profit, improve cash flow, manage your business and tax, appeal tax assessment, split income with family members, and other valuable ideas. All of this is free as a valued client of my firm.

    I provide the following services: Financial Statement Preparation Review Engagements Corporate Taxes Personal Taxes Trust Audits Bookkeeping and payroll HST and WCB Returns Agristability and

    Agriinvest Applications Business Consulting CRA Audits

    Office Location: Suite 205 2760 Trethewey St,

    Abbotsford, BC, V2T 3R1

    Phone: 604-746-7770 Fax: 604-746-4586

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Raj Hans, CAOpens Office in Abbotsford

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    jo igwl aYNz aYsosLIeyts, mYinMg eIlIat aqy ikMdr iswDU aYNz aYsosLIeyts nfl 8 sfl kMm krn ipwCoN mYN akfAUNitMg dI afpxI pRYkits sLurU krn df PYslf kIqf hY| Auprokq PrmF nfl kMm kridaF mYN aYgrIklcr, tRFsportysLn, ienvYstmYNt aqy pRoPYsLnl srivisjL afid keI ieMzstrIaF df qjrbf pRfpq kIqf|

    myrI Prm inwjI, Coty aqy drimafny drjy dy kfrobfrI adfiraF leI ihsfb-ikqfb aqy tYks srivisjL pRdfn krdI hY| myrf tIcf hY ik mYN vfjb rytF `qy vDIaf ikwqfkfrk , sdfcfrk nymF aqy lgn ` qy aDfirq syvfvF dyvF| myrf ivsLvfsL hY ik akfAuNtYNt , lyKfkfr hox dy nfl nfl vpfrk slfhkfr hovy ijhVf gfhk dy ihqF nUM mn ivc rwKy aqy gfhk Aus nUM afsfnI nfl iml sky| qyjL rPqfr aqy ruJyvyN Bry sMsfr ivc mYN hr ivakqI dy smyN aqy ienrjI dI kImq nUM smJdf hF | ies krky mYN smyN isr syvfvF pRdfn krn dI gfrMtI idMdf hF|

    ipCly smyN dOrfn Coty aqy drimafny kfrob-frF nfl kMm kridaF pRfpq kIqy qjrby dy afDfr `qy mYN gfhkF nfl bhuq mjLbUq ikwqfkfrI sbMD bxfey hn| mYN hr gfhk nfl inwjI sbMD bnfAux dI mhwqqf nUM BlLI BFq smJdf hF| pRyrnf vjoN mYN afpxy afp nUM pRIcq krn leI muZlf slfh-msLvrf muPq dyvFgf aqy dws skFgf ik mYN quhfzy kfrobfr leI ikMnI vDIaf syvf dy skdf hF|

    mYN afpxy dosqF aqy vpfrk sfQIaF nUM swdf idMdf hF ik afp 205- 2760 tRYQvya strIt Aupr siQq myry dPqr ivc drsLn dyvo| ieh sQfn WBC Office dy lfgy hY|

    muPq inAUjLlYtr: ikrpf krky myry muPq akfAUNitMg aqy tYks inAUjLlYtr leI sfeIn krn leI myry dPqr ivc pDfro| ieh sfeIn krn nfl hr do mhIny mgroN ieh inAUjLlYtr quhfzy kol phuMcygf ijs ivc tYks, vpfrk pRbMD, pUMjI invysL, kfnUMnI msly aqy mnuwKI vsIilaF bfry jfxkfrI hoieaf krygI| af-pxf munfPf vDfAux leI, kYsL Plo vDfAux leI, afpxy kfrobfr aqy tYks msilaF df pRbMD krn leI tYks asYsmYNt dI apIl krn leI, prvfrk afmdn nUM inKyVx leI aqy hro vDIaf ivcfr pRfpq krn leI ieh inAUjLlYtr pVHo|

    asIN hyT ilKIaF syvfvF pRdfn krdy hF:







    aYgrIsiQrqfaqyaYgrIienvYstmYNtbfry arjLIaF



    Office Location: Suite 205 2760 Trethewey St,

    Abbotsford, BC, V2T 3R1

    Phone: 604-746-7770 Fax: 604-746-4586

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Friday, February 3rd, 2012 PAGE 7Punjabi Patrika

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    aOtvf-P Yzrl srkfr mulk ivc hor pRBfvflI ishq sMBfl aqy ielfj df isstm ilafAux dy leI vwzf inv y krn jf rhI h Y . ieh pRgtfvf kridaF awj PYzrl ishq mMqrI sRImqI ilEnf aglUkf aqy mMqrI gYrI guwzeIar ny aYlfn kIqf ik PYzrl srkfr hYlQ kyar is-stm hor iafdf pRBfvf-lI bxfAux dy nfl hI iePYkitv ielfj pRxflI aqy inwjI mYzIsn ivc suDfr krn jf rhI hY. AuhnF dwisaf ik inwjI mYzIsn dy rIey kYnyzf vfsIaF inwjI qOr qy ielfj krvfAux dy leI hor iafdf PMz muh-weIaf krvfey jfxgy. AuhnF ikhf ik asIN hux skrIn kYNsr mrIjLF dI sMBfl dy leI kImo-QrYpI qwk dI shUlq muPq ivc muhweIaf krvfAux jf rhy hF. AuhnF awj sskYcvn ivc Auprokq aYlfn kridaF ikhf ik mulk ivc ishq sb-MDI Koj Auqfihq krn leI sUbf srkfrF aqy sfry Ky-qrF ivc PrMt lfeIn hYlQ kyar izlIvrI XkInI bxfeI jfvygI. sRImqI aglUkf ny ikhf ik sfzI srkfr kYnyzf dy afm afdmI df jIvn ib-

    hqr aqy ishqmMd bxfAux dy leI vcnbwD hY. AuhnF ikhf ik mulk ivc qF hI afm afd-mI afpxf jIvn vDIaf bxf skdf hY, jykr Auh ibm-frIaF qoN mukq aqy Aus shI ielfj AuplbD hovy. kYnyzf ivc kuafltI afP lfeIn pihlF vI druwsq ishq is-stm dy kfrn hI kfiem irhf hY, ijs dI pRfpqI dy leI sfzI srkfr hux ishq sMBfl is-stm df muV inrmfx krygI aqy byloVy KricaF ivc ktOqI krky ieh pYsf loVvMd QfvF Auqy lgfvygI. inwjI mYzIsn qihq hux hYlQ kyar hryk mrI qwk phuMcfeI jfvygI. ies dy rIey 'vn sfeI iPwt afl` isstm aiqafr kIqf jf irhf hY. ies is-stm ivc asIN hor iafdf sMBfl vflf, qurMq rfhq vflf isstm idaFgy. kYnyzf ivc gM-BIr ibmfrIaF, CUq dIaF ibm-frIaF, sfeIkYtirk izsaf-rzr, zfiebtI aqy EbyistI, joVF df drd aqy aYljfeImr dIaF ibmfrIaF bhuq qyI nfl vwD rhIaF hn. iehnF ibm-frIaF df dfierf sfry KyqrF ivc viDaf hoieaf hY aqy afm lokI ies pwKoN vDIaf

    ishq sMBfl dI Gft mihsUs kr rhy hn. AuhnF dwisaf ik PYzrl srkfr iehnF ibm-frIaF dI rokQfm dy nfl ielfj df dru wsq ZFcf bxfvygI, ijs ivc hryk ivakqI ibnF iksy smwisaf dy ielfj AuplbD hovy.

    vrxnXog hY ik prsnol-feIz mYzIisn afPr mrI qwk iswDf mYzIkl ielfj phuMcfAux dI skIm hY. isrP ielfj nhIN blik sfzf vfqfvrx, ibm-frIaF dy P Ylx dy afsfr aqy agfAUN pRBfvflI ielfj vI bhuq rUrI hY. ielfj ivksq krn dI l oV h Y aqy hryk ivakqI dIaF ivy ivyqfvF dy muqfbk Aus qwk ielfj phu Mcxf rUrI hY. kYnyzf ivc kuJ ibmfrIaF anuvMkI hn, ijhnF dy PYlfa rokx dy leI hor Koj krn dI loV hY. PYzrl srkfr du-afrf 40 imlIan zflr jInom kYnyzf PMz idwqy jf rhy hn, jdik sI[ afeI[ aYc[ afr[ 22[5 imlIan aqy kYNsr stYm sYl knsortIam 5 imlIan zflr PMz idwqy jfxgy. iehnF PMzF dI vrqoN kridaF Auprokq sMsQfvF Koj df dfierf vDfAuxgIaF.

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    pMjfbI dy sB qoN vwzy kwd dy lyKk krqfr isMG duwgl jdoN 26 jn-vrI dy ieiqhfsk idhfVy qy ijLMdgI df sLfnfmwqf sr pUrf krky sdIvI alivdf afK rhy sn qF Aus vyly sfrf ihMdusqfn jsLnF ivwc zuwibaf hoieaf sI. pMjfbI qoN ielfvf AurdU, ihMdI aqy aMgryjLI bfnF ivwc iewko ijhI pCfx aqy QF bxf ky 94 sfl dI kfmXfb pfrI Kqm krnI vI iksy jsLn qoN Gwt nhIN. ieh ieqfk hI ikhf jf skdf hY ik afpxIaF ilKqF nfl pMjfbI dI JolI Brn vfly pdm ivBUsLn AupfDI nfl snmfinq duwgl Aus idn gey jdoN pMjfbI dy mihbUb kvI zf[ surjIq pfqr dI JolI ivwc dysL ny pdm sRI dI AupfDI pfeI. pMjfbI dy kwdfvr lyKk ny afpxI jLbfn nUM dunIaF dIaF jLbfnF df hfxI bxfAux leI jo kuJ kIqf, Auh iksy dy hI ihwsy afAuNdf hY.

    pMjfbI sfihq ivwc BfeI vIr isMG aqy pUrn isMG ipwCoN

    nvIaF lIhF pfAux vfly sMq isMG syKoN aqy mohn isMG dI joVI mMnI jFdI hY. AunHF qoN bfad blvMq gfrgI, aMimRqf pRIqm aqy krqfr isMG duwgl dI iqwkVI ny pMjfbI nUM afDu-ink sfihq ivwc nvIaF isKrF qy phuMcfieaf. kyvl eynf hI nhIN ik krqfr isMG duwgl ny afpxIaF ilKqF nfl pMjfbI BfsLf nUM amIr bxfieaf sgoN AunHF ny nvyN lyKkF nUM vI pUrf QfpVf idwqf. ieh vizafeI ivrilaF dy ihwsy hI afAuNdI hY. ijs qrHF aMimRqf pRIqm ny nfgmxI ivwc nvyN lyKkF nUM bhuq Auqfihq kIqf, Ausy qrHF duwgl ny nvyN lyKkF dIaF

    ikqfbF dy rIivAU ihMdI aqy aMgryjLI Bff ivwc dy ky AunHF nUM pMjfbI qoN bfhrly KyqrF ivwc vI smyN df hfxI bxfieaf. pM-jfbI ivwc apxI pCfx bxfAux vfly lyKk AunHF dI dyx nUM Bulf nhIN skdy. pihlI mfrc 1917 nUM axvMzy Bfrq dy rfvlipMzI ilyH dy ipMz ivwc jnmy krqfr isMG duwgl ny afpxy lMby sPr ivwc pMjfbI BfsLf nUM pRPuwlq krn leI kyvl afpxI klm nfl hI Xogdfn nhIN pfieaf sgoN amlI qOr qy pMjfbI nUM AunHF dI vwzI dyx hY. AunHF ny khfxIaF, nfvl, zrfmy aqy iekFgI ilKy. AunHF dI iewk iCwt cfnx dI khfxI bhuq cricq hoeI. AunHF dy kIqy kMmF nUM BfrqI aqy ivdysLI BfsLfvF ivwc anuvfd krky Cfipaf igaf. Auh afl ieMzIaf ryzIE dy zfierYktr vI rhy. AunHF dIaF ilKqF df snmfn kri-daF kyNdr srkfr ny 1988 ivwc pdm ivBUsLn dI AupfDI nfl snmfinq kIqf. AunHF dIaF pRfpqIaF dI lVI ivwc kOmI pwDr qy sfihq akYzmI vwloN sfihq akYzmI PYloisLp snmfn vI sLfml hY. sovIaq

    lYNz AupfDI smyq AunHF dI JolI ivwc anykF mfn-snmfn pey hn. AunHF ny sfihqk Kyqr ivwc afpxy jIvn dI sLurUafq afl ieMzIaf ryzIE qoN hI kIqI. AunHF ny 1942 qoN 1966 qwk stysLn zfierYktr smyq afl ieMzIaf ryzIE ivwc keI ahuidaF qy kMm kIqf. AunHF ny afl ieMzIaf ryzIE qy pM-jfbI aqy dUjIaF BfsLfvF ivwc pRogrfm idwqy. 1966 qoN 1973 qk Auh nYsLnl buwk trst dy skwqr/zfierYktr rhy.

    sUcnf aqy pRsfrn mMqrfly ivwc 1973 qo N 1976 qwk slfhkfr vjoN kMm kIqf. pMjfb ivwc aMimRqsr aqy jlMDr ivrsf ivhfr kyNdr kfiem kIqy ijnHF df lfiebryrI Kyqr aqy swiBafcfrk srgrmIaF leI aihm Xogdfn hY. ivwi-dak aqy smfijk Kyqr aMdr keI sMsQfvF kfiem kIqIaF. Auh pMjfbI sfihq sBf idwlI dy pRDfn rhy. pMjfbI XUnIvristI ny 1984 ivwc AunHF nUM PYlo nfmjLd krky snmfinq kIqf.

    krqfr isMG duwgl Aus idn qur gey ijs idn gxqMqr idvs mOky CuwtI hox kfrn aKLbfrF ivwc AunHF dy qur jfx dI KLbr vI nf af skI pr AunHF dI sfihq nUM dyx qF sUrj dI Duwp vFg hr pMjfbI dy ivhVy nUM rusLnfAuNdI rhygI. Auh kroVF pMjfbIaF dy idlF ivwc hmysLf vsdy rihxgy. ies krmXogI nfmvr lyKk nUM slfm!

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  • As we get set to celebrate a new year of cultural diversity, lets work on how we can create a stronger integrated com-munity. Before we can celebrate our diversity, we need to begin speak-ing with one another and its going to take more than just food, festivals and dance to make this happen. Its great that people encourage gath-erings that include these elements; however, it sometimes starts and stops here.

    I was recently reading an article and it stated that: In 1976 there were only 6 ethnic enclaves all of Canada, however, according to the latest statistics there are more than a 110 ethnic en-claves in Metro Van-couver and 230 across Canada. Is this some-thing that we should be concerned about?

    Theres some beauty in enclaves and people find comfort within their own, however, the one disadvantage is that it can limit us in how we interact with one an-other. Throughout the years, many people have made comments to me about the large South Asian population in West Abbotsford and I have addressed some of the concerns relating to this issue. The one that comes up most often is that neighbors dont speak with one another espe-cially if they are from a different race.

    This is the challenge for 2012, that we must make a point to step up as indi-viduals in the community and start connecting with

    one another within our workplaces, neighbor-hoods and schools. We can all be very judgmen-tal at times, this behavior generally stems from personal biases or as-sumptions. Again, lets challenge ourselves in recognizing our indi-vidual biases and work through them so we can connect with one another and enjoy our commu-nity on a different level.

    Recently, I was ap-proached by Henry Bridge of Abbotsford who took the time to share some of his thoughts. He told me that he enjoys the various diverse cultures within Abbotsford and appreciated my work.

    Another example of lo-cal people reaching out is Gurdip Dhaliwal. In 2008, she began the an-nual New Years Day meal at the Salvation Army for people in need. The event has been a wonderful success and is growing each year.

    Diversity is about con-necting with people and these examples demon-strate the positive ben-efits of how we can cel-ebrate our differences but still be connected with one another within the community. Sometimes it may take personal sac-rifice to make this suc-ceed. This begins with examining how were living our lives. By doing so, it allows us to identify the changes that must be made.

    While I was writing, the following question came to mind. Do we have any intercultural clubs lo-cally to discuss the health of diversity in our com-

    munity? Please email me and let me know.

    "Let ' s Talk . . . Men-tal Health is having a discussion on Wednes-day, February 8th from 5:30pm 7:30pm at The University of the Fraser Valley in Abbotsford in room B121. The goal is to change the way we think about mental health and treatment. For more information you can check out the Facebook page "Canadian Asso-ciation of Philosophical Counselling" or contact Sheetal Deo at [email protected]

    Health of Diversity in our Community!

    Ken Herar can be reached at [email protected] or view his blog


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  • ICBC Cases

    After my accident I had constant neck and back pains. I felt sad most of the time and became very anxious about the future. ICBC said I was overreacting and offered $17,000. My case settled for $400,000 at mediation. MR. S.

    The damage to my car was only $700. ICBC said I could not have been injured; but I was. My lawyer finalized my claim for $28,000 plus expenses. MISS M.

    ICBC offered me $32,000 to finish my case. I was off work for 6 months and saw a specialist because of my jaw injury. I couldnt mop the floor or clean our bathroom without help from my children. I received $200,000 through my lawyers efforts. MRS. S.

    The damage to my vehicle was about $1,700. ICBC said this was a Low Velocity Impact (LVI) and refused to pay me for my injuries and physio costs. My lawyer obtained more than $45,000 for me. MRS. B.

    A car hit me as I walked across the street. ICBC blamed me because of the colour of my clothing. My lawyer worked hard and obtained necessary evidence. My case settled for over $300,000. MRS. C.

    *Past cases are not necessarily indicative of future results and amounts recovered may vary according to the facts in each case.

    Pawanjit S. Joshi B.A. (Hons.), LL.B.Puneet P.K. Sandhar B.A. (Hons.), LL.B.

    Amandeep S. Sanghera B.A., LL.B.Simi K. Saini B.A., LL.B.

    Barinder S. Sanghera B.Comm., LL.B.

    An Association of Independent Lawyers & Law Corporations

    Newton Crossing 203 7134 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC, V3W 5A3 T 604.543.8484 F 604.543.8584 1.877.778.8484









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    grIbF, guribaF, XqImF, ivDvfvF anfQF, aMghIxF aqy mfnisk qOr qy cuxOqI-BrpUr smfijk pRfxIaF dI avfjL, shfrf aqy mF bxn vflI mdr trysf smuwcI mfnvqf df mfx sI. Aus df pUrf nfm aYgny gonkjLf bojLfjU sI. mdr trYsf df jnm 26 jnvrI, 1910 nUM mYkyzonIaf irpbilk dI Etomn aYmfpier ivwc Auskwb sQfn qy hoieaf sI. mdr trysf dy ipqf df nfm inkol bojLfjU aqy mfqf df nfm drfnf sI. bcpn ivwc hI Auh

    Dfrimk iKaflF dI sI aqy imsL-nrIaF dI ijLMdgI aqy AunHF dy kfrjF nfl sbMiDq imsL-nrI sfihq nUM KUb ipafr, iDafn aqy smrpx nfl pVHdI sI. mihjL bfrF sfl dI Aumr

    ivwc Aus ny iewk Dfrimk jIvn pRqI afpxI pRqIbwDqf spwsLt kr idwqI sI aqy 18 sfl dI Aumr ivwc Aus ny Gr Cwz idwqf.

    Auh sMn 1929 ivwc pihlI vfr Bfrq afeI syvf-imsLn afrMB kIqf. 24 meI, 1931 nUM Aus ny imsLnrIaF dy pYtrn-sMq-trysf-qy ilsIks dy nF qy trysf rwK ilaf. bMg-flI soky sMqflI dI vMz smyN ihMdU-muslm dMigaF ny Aus nUM inrfsL kIqf aqy jIvn pRqI Aus df mn Aucft ho

    igaf. Auh ihMsk dOr dy kfrnF aqy pRBfvF nUM Kqm krn leI smfj syvf aqy mfnv-kilafx dy Kyqr ivwc jut geI. Aus ny moqIihwl ivwc skUl bxfieaf aqy grIbF, BuwiKaF aqy loVvMdF dI mdd krnI afrMB kIqI.

    sMn 1952 ivwc Aus ny lfcfr bwicaF leI inrmlf isLsU Bvn dI sQfpnf kIqI. Aus dy kfrj jn aMdoln aqy jn muihMm dy rUp ivwc pRiswD ho gey. afpxy imsLn dI pUrqI leI AunHF iekwly Bfrq ivwc hI nhIN dunIaF Br ivwc cYirtI-imsLnrIaF dI sQfpnf kIqI aqy lokF nUM smfj syvf dI mhfnqf aqy mhwqqf dwsI. 5 sqMbr 1997 nUM 87 sfl dI Aumr ivwc Auh ies PfnI jhfn nUM sdf leI alivdf kih geI. AunHF duafrf idKfieaf rsqf kdm-kdm qy sfzf mfrg-drsLn krdf rhygf.

  • tYks-PrI bcq Kfqy nfl afpxy invysL vDfEBfvyN qusIN kYnyzf ivc nvyN ho jF kuJ smyN qoN kYnyzf ivc ho, asIN sfry afpxy ivwqI tI-icaF aqy supinaF leI kMm kr rhy hF. tYks-PLrI bcq Kfqf (TFSA) iehnF tIicaF ivcoN kuJ nUM pRfpq krn leI quhfzI mdd kr skdf hY ijvyN afpxf pihlf Gr KrIdxf, irtfiermYNt leI bcq krnf jF aYmrjYNsIaF leI vwKrf Dn rwKxf. TFSA iek rijstrz Kfqf hY jo jnvrI 2009 ivc sLurU hoieaf sI. sosLl ieMsLorYNs nMbr vfly, 18 sfl dI Aumr aqy ies qoN vwzy sfry kYnyzIan vfsI, hr sfl $5000 pfAux dy Xog hn.

    RBC dy invysL aqy irtfier-mYNt dy Xojnfkfr, pYitRkIaf, zoimMgo df kihxf hY, tYks-PLrI bcq Kfqf AuhnF kYny-zIan leI iek mhwqvpUrn cox hY jo Dn dI bcq aqy afpxy tYksF nUM Gwt qoN Gwt krn dI qlfsL kr rhy hn. BfvyN ieh lMmI-imafd dI bcq kfrjnIqI df Bfg hovy jF keI iksm dy ivwqI tIicaF nUM pRfpq krnf hovy, RBC ivKy sfzf

    rol gfhkF nUM ieh smJfAux ivc mdd krnf hY ik Auh TFSA ivcoN vwD qoN vwD ikvyN pRfpq krdy hn.

    TFSA ikvyN kMm krdf hY?

    Xog gfhk TFSA ivc hr sfl $5000 qwk bcq kr skdy hn.

    TFSA ivc kYpItl lfBF smyq invysL afmdnI ` qy tYks nhIN lwgygf, ieQoN qwk ik jd kZvfAuNdy ho.

    TFSA dI axvrqI sihXog rfsLI nUM BivwKI sflF leI awgy iljfieaf jf skdf hY.

    PMzF nUM iksy vI smyN iksy vI mksd leI tYks PLrI kZv-fieaf jf skdf hY

    kZvfeI geI rfsLI nUM quhfzI axvrqI sihXog rfsLI ivc jmFH kIqf jfvygf aqy sLurU hox vfly agly sfl ivc muV jmFH krvfeI jf skdI hY.

    nf kmfeI hoeI afmdn aqy nf hI kZvfeI geI rfsLI, afmdn `qy PYzrl lfB aqy krYizt

    dI quhfzI Xogqf nUM pRBfvq krygI.

    afpxy TFSA ivc sihXog leI, afpxy pqI/pqnI jF jIvn sfQI nUM dyx vfly Dn `qy, afmdn dy kfnUMn lfgU nhIN hoxgy.

    zoimMgo df kihxf hY, mn ivc ieh rwKxf cfhIdf hY ik TFSA, RRSP df Auqm pUrk hY aqy tYksF nUM Gwt qoN Gwt krn leI, asIN kYnyzIan nUM dovyN rwKx dI isPfrsL krdy hF. ijhVy RRSP ivc vwD qoN vwD Dn pfAux aqy TFSA ivc sihXog rfsLI dyx dy kfbl nhIN hn, Auh RRSP ivc Dn lfAux aqy tYks vfpsI nUM TFSA sLurU krn leI vrqx bfry ivcfr krn.

    TFSA nUM qusIN ikvyN vrqxf hY, ieh quhfzIaF afpxIaF inwjI loVF aqy tIicaF `qy inrBr krdf hY. TFSA bfry ijLafdf jfxkfrI leI, ikrpf krky afpxI sB qoN nyVy dI RBC brFc jF`qy jfE.

    Government of Canada launches Canada

    Summer Jobs 2012Creating jobs,

    strengthening communities

    The Government of Canada has officially launched Canada Summer Jobs 2012, creating thousands of job opportunities for stu-dents. Pierre Poilievre, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities and for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, made the announcement today on behalf of the Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Develop-ment, and took the opportunity to invite employers from across the country to apply for funding.

    Our governments top priority is job creation and economic growth, and Canada Summer Jobs 2012 will pro-vide up to 36 000 important job op-

    portunities and experiences for students across the country, said Mr. Poilievre. This program benefits students and employers alike and strengthens the economies of communities throughout Canada.

    In 2011, the Government of Canada permanently increased the annual budget for Canada Summer Jobs by $10 million. The increased funding is helping even more students gain the skills and experience they need to be successful, both now and in the future.

    Funding will be available for not-for-profit organizations, public-sector em-ployers and small businesses to create high-quality summer job opportunities for young people aged 15 to 30 years who are full-time students intending to return to their studies in the next school year.

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    BCSP11179 - BCSC

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  • BCSP11179 - BCSC

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  • srI (ivsyLsL pRqIinD) ijlHf luiDafxy dy ipMz zFgo dy jMmpl pRiswD iPlm aYktr DrimMdr idAul nUM pdm BUsLn aYvfrz imlx AuWqy kYnyzf vsdy zFgo invfsIaF ivwc KusLI dI lihr dOV geI hY. ieh gwl df pRgtfvf krdy hoey zFgo ipMz dy kYnyzf invfsI lyKk mfstr mnjIq isMG idAul ny dwisaf ik DrimMdr idAul dy pRIvfrk mYNbr gMgf isMG idAul, BMgf isMG idAul aYbtsPorz dy gRih ivKy zFgo invfsIaF ny iekwqrqf smyN mIzIaf nfl sFJy kIqy. pRiswD iPlm puwq jwtF ivwc bolIaF ivwc munsLI zFgo df nfm sfry jfxdy hn. Auh vI ienHF pRvfrF ivwcoN hI sI. awj-kwlH BfvyN DrimMdr afpxy afp nUM sfhnyvfl df dws irhf hY pr Aus df jwdI ipMz zFgo hY. zFgo hI AunHF pwKovfl luiDafxf roz AuWqy QoVI ijhI jLmIn hY. ies iekwT ivwc iBMdI idAul, inrBY idAul, krnYl isMG idAul, surjIq isMG idAul aqy joigMdr isMG idAul sLfml sn. ienHF sfry pqvMqy swjxF ny eI-myl rfhIN DrimMdr nUM vDfeI vI ByjI hY. DrimMdr dy jwdI ipMz zFgo ivwc ies KusLI dI crcf ho rhI hY. zFgo vsdy DrimMdr dy sky sMbMDIaF nUM vI vDfeIaF iml rhIaF hn. ivdysLF ivwc vsdy zFgo invfsIaF sB dIaF vDfeIaF isr mwQy svIkfr kr rhy hn.

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    Award Winning Author and Inspirational Speaker Kamal Dhillon to speak at BPW Abbotsfords February Luncheon

    The Business and Profes-sional Wom-e n s C l u b (BPW) of Abbotsford will be featuring Kamal Dhillon, award winning author of her autobiog-raphy Black and Blue Sari, at their February luncheon, to be held on February 8, 2012, at Cascade Community Church. Dhillon uses her own harrowing story of abuse and torment as a medium to reach out to people of all ages and backgrounds to mo-

    tivate, empower and challenge.

    Doors open at 11:30AM. Cost is $15 for BPW members and $20 for guests. RSVP is neces-sary by noon on Mon-day, February 6, at [email protected]. Cascade Commu-nity Church is located at 35190 Delair Road in Abbotsford.

    The Business & Profes-sional Women's Club (BPW) of Abbotsford provides support to local women in the realization

    of their plans, projects and activities, both in their work and respon-sibility to society. BPW Abbotsford hosts events and projects throughout the year to recognize and inspire local wom-en. Members meet at a monthly networking luncheon featuring guest speakers who contribute to the community in a variety of ways. For more information on BPW Abbotsford, visit

    Quick action by neighbours helps prevent major fire.

    At 9:14 pm on Saturday, Janu-ary 28, 2012, the Abbotsford Fire Rescue Service (AFRS) responded to a report of smoke com-ing from a suite in an apartment build-ing on George Ferguson Way.

    Fire crews arrived to find alarms ringing and light smoke through the building. Upon investigation, they found that a kitchen fire had oc-curred in an apartment, but had been successfully extinguished by quick thinking neighbours. Their actions prevented the fire from becoming fully established and endangering the entire building. The resident of the suite involved was treated for smoke inhalation at Abbotsford Regional Hospital and later released.

    AFRS Deputy Fire Chief Mike Hel-mer said that the neighbours who helped prevent tragedy in this situ-ation are to be commended for their selfless and potentially lifesaving intervention.

    The cause of the fire was determined to be a pot left unattended on the stove Abbotsfords most frequent type of structure fire. The Abbotsford Fire Rescue Service (AFRS) responded to more than fifty of these calls in 2011 and is very concerned about their potential for serious harm.

    Also of serious concern is the fact that when fire crews responded to this incident, they found that many of the buildings residents seemed to be ignoring the fire alarms and had not evacuated the building. The AFRS reminds citizens that fire can spread extremely fast and that by waiting for the sight or smell of smoke be-fore leaving, residents are putting their lives at serious risk. Fire alarms should always be taken seriously and the minor inconvenience of evacuat-ing the building is a small price to pay for safety.

    Damage from this incident is esti-mated at approximately $1000.

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  • Minister Kenney issues statement celebrating Black History Month

    The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigra-tion and Multiculturalism, issued the following state-ment in celebration of Black History Month:

    As Black History Month be-gins, Canadians have a great opportunity to learn about the historical contributions of a community whose legacy stretches back to Canadas earliest days.

    This year, the 200th anni-versary of the War of 1812 affords a chance to reflect on the key role that black soldiers played in the fight for Canada.

    Two centuries ago, Upper Canadian militia fight-ing alongside the British successfully repelled an American invasion force at

    Queenston Heights, Ontario, just outside of Niagara Falls. It was a major battle of the War of 1812, and a defining moment in Canadas history.

    Among the militiamen de-fending Canadian soil was a 68-year-old former slave named Richard Pierpoint, serving with an all-black company of soldiers. Seized from Senegal and sold into slavery as a teenager, Pier-point had won his freedom by serving with British forces during the American Revo-lutionary War. His company served with distinction at Queenston Heights and in other decisive battles of the War of 1812.

    The exceptional life story of this hero reminds us that black Canadians have made significant contributions to

    this country in so many dif-ferent areas throughout our history. Canadians of Carib-bean and African descent have done much to make Canada the culturally di-verse, compassionate and prosperous nation we know today.

    As Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multicultur-alism, I invite all Canadians to participate in activities tak-ing place across the country in February to mark Black History Month, with a special focus this year on the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812. I also encourage Cana-dians to visit our Black His-tory Month website, which includes the Canadian Black History Virtual Museum:

    Harper Should Start with MPs if he wants to Reform Canadian Pensions

    It might be understandable if a number of Canadians didnt ap-preciate Prime Minister Stephen Harper talking recently about reforming public sector pensions and Old Age Security (OAS) social as-sistance payments. After all, nobody likes the idea of their retirement plans changing, whether it is by way of a downturn in the market or a change in a government policy.

    This is likely especially true recently, with Mr. Harpers musings coming on the heels of two reports on MP pensions, one by the not-for-profit Canadian Taxpayers Federation and the other from the es-teemed C.D. Howe Institute. What these reports made abundantly clear; Prime Minister Harper must reform MPs pen-sions first, if he has any hope of looking at anyone elses.

    Ultimately, Harper is quite right to tackle Canadas demographic dilemma: the tsunami of aging baby boomers does indeed threaten to swamp the national safety net. A bit over $6,000 annually for OAS payments might not seem like a whole lot of money, but multiply it by 4.7 million retired Canadians, add in the guaranteed income supplement, spousal and widow allowances and survivor ben-efits, and youre looking at $36 billion of taxpayer cash.

    By 2030, if something isnt done, Old Age Security payments are expected to balloon from $36 billion to $108 billion thats quite a chunk of change when you consider that the entire federal budget is about $274 billion this year.

    So how does the Prime Minister start tightening the tap on entitlements for the elderly, when taxpayers contrib-uted $23.30 for every dollar put into the Parliamentary pension plan by MPs? Taxpayers paid $102.7 million last year, while MPs and Senators chipped in $4.4 million. How do you explain to some-one scraping for their retirement that Canada cant afford $508 a month for a 65-year-old, when defeated 60-year-old backbench MP Yasmin Ratansi got $2,758 a month after just seven years on the job. Or the defeated Bloc Quebecois leader, 64-year-old Gilles Duceppe and his $11,730 monthly pension - the gift of a grateful nation for 21 years of devoted service.

    Even Mr. Harper himself is in line for an annual pension payout of $223,517 if he

    packs it in at the end of his current term. Of course, the PM will only be 55 years old by then, and presumably, capable of doing something else to make ends meet. But if Harper were to find himself, retired with no other means of support, $223,517 does buy a lot of cat food and kerosene to make it through a chilly Calgary winter. Its a good thing having studied piano rather than the guitar or the violin, the PM would face limited options as a street busker.

    You cant defend these payments. And smart politicians are not even trying. Since the Canadian Taxpayers Federa-tion published its report on MP pensions, weve heard some promising news from both sides of the House of Commons. It started with the Prime Ministers own words Harper said in an interview that the issue of parliamentary pensions will have to be looked at. Then Treasury Board President Tony Clement revealed that he was tasked with putting some options forward on MP pensions, say-ing the government needs to be fair to the taxpayer.

    I think to have any legitimacy on that file, MPs are going to have to lead by example, said Alberta Conservative MP Brent Rathgeber, displaying both political savvy and moral fortitude from the government side of the House. Green Party leader Elizabeth May said MP pensions should be reviewed in order to bring them more into line with norms for other Canadians, calling it the fair thing to do. NDP industry critic Guy Caron said his party is willing to look at proposals to bring the MP pension plan more in conformity, more realistic in relation to the people they lead. And Liberal MP Marc Garneau, the former astronaut, said the CTF report was a fair observation of the pension landscape.

    Canadians have been phoning, writing, and emailing their politicians in huge numbers, letting them know how they feel about platinum-plated MP pensions. With the next federal budget coming soon, taxpayers need to turn up the heat, and make sure the pork-laden MP pen-sion plan is put on the chopping block, front and centre, with big a carving knife close at hand for Mr. Harper. Its the necessary first step in long, but ultimately needed, process.Gregory Thomas, Federal and Ontario Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation:

    Consumer confidence unexpectedly declined in January

    a.. Consumer confidence declined to 61.1 in January from the eight-month high of 64.8 seen in December b.. The present situation index fell 8.1 points to 38.4, while the expectations com-ponent edged down 0.8 points to 76.2. c.. The current employment differential reversed the pre-vious months improvement, decreasing to -37.4 from -35.0 in December. d.. In another release, the S&P/Case-Shiller 20-City Composite home price in-dex fell by 3.7% on a year-over-year basis in November compared to the 3.4% annual decline seen in the previous month. The Conference Boards measure of U.S. consumer confidence fell to 61.1 in January from the upwardly revised 64.8 reading seen in December (initially reported as 64.5) that had represented the measures highest level since April. The deteriora-tion in consumer sentiment in January comes as a sur-prise as market expectations going into the report were for an increase to 68.0. The decline in the month re-flected deterioration in both

    in the expectations and the present situation com-ponents, though the most of the damage was seen in the former. The present situation index fell to 38.4 from 46.5 in December as consumers appraisals of business con-ditions and the job market were more pessimistic than last month. In terms of the latter, the jobs hard to get index rose 1.9 points to 43.5, while the jobs plentiful index decreased to 6.1 from 6.6, which had represented its best reading since Janu-ary 2009. These combined to decrease the employment differential (those saying jobs are plentiful minus respon-dents saying jobs are hard to get) to -37.4 from the -35.0 reported in December. The expectations component fell by a more modest 0.8 points to 76.2 as increased pes-simism in the outlooks for business conditions and was partially offset by improved expectations for the labour market. In a separate release this morning, the S&P/Case-Shiller 20-City Composite measure of U.S. house prices declined in November, with the seasonally-adjusted index down 0.7% on a month-over-

    month basis. The decline was larger than market expecta-tions for a 0.5% decrease and follows a downwardly revised 0.7% drop in Oc-tober (previously reported as -0.6%). The unadjusted index fell by 3.7% on a year-over-year basis in the month compared to the unrevised 3.4% annual decline seen in October.While todays reported de-cline provides a somewhat discouraging starting point for 2012, the headline mea-sure remains elevated com-pared to recent troughs seen in the summer and fall and solace can be taken in the fact that the key expecta-tions component remained relatively buoyant. We are assuming that the strength-ening labour market condi-tions seen at the end of 2011 will continue into the New Year, which should lead to an improvement in consum-ers viewpoints and should provide a modest boost to consumer spending with the growth maintaining an upward trajectory through 2012. RBC contacts: David Onyett-Jeffries, Economist, (416) 974-6525

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  • Bfrq nUM myilaF aqy iqAuhfrF df dysL afiKaf jFdf hY. ieh AunHF dy mnor-Mjn dy pRmuwK sfDn hI nhIN blik ieh BfrqI sMsikRqI aqy swiBafcfr dy drpx vI hn. dIvfI, dusihrf, lohVI, ivsfKI aqy bsMq pMcmI dy iqAuhfr pMjfbIaF leI nvyN cfa aqy mlfr lY ky afAuNdy hn. ieh iqAuhfr kyvl mnorMjn hI pRdfn nhIN krdy blik AunHF nUM sdBfvnf BrpUr jIvn ijAUx leI Auqfihq vI krdy hn. ienHF sdkf sFJF vDdIaF hn aqy BfeIcfrk eykqf pkyrI huMdI hY.

    bsMq pMcmI df iqAuhfr pMjfb dy pyNzU aqy sLihrI Kyqr ivwc bVy AuqsLfh aqy hulfs nfl mnfieaf jFdf hY. mfG sudI pMj nUM mnfieaf jfx vflf ieh aiq mnmohk aqy KUbsUrq mOsmI iqAuhfr hY ijs dI ivsyLsL ieiqhfsk, swiBafcfrk aqy sMsikRqk mhwqqf hY. ieh sfnUM AunHF mhFpurKF, dysL BgqF aqy afjLfdI sMgrfm dy sUrvIr XoiDaF dI Xfd idlfAuNdf hY ijnHF ny mnuwKI aiDkfrF, mnuwKI afjLfdI, afpxy dysL aqy kOm leI asih aqy akih qsIhy Jwly aqy afpxIaF jfnF vfr idwqIaF jo sfzf rMg dy bsMqI colf ijhy dysL BgqI ngmy gfAuNdy

    - suKdyv mfdpurIhoey afpxy dysL leI kurbfnIaF dyx leI sdf

    qqpr rihMdy sn.

    hkIkq rfey dI sLhfdq aqy nfmDfrI gurU rfm isMG df bsMq pMcmI dy iqAuhfr nfl bVf gUVHf sbMD hY. isaflkot invfsI bfG mwl purI dy Gr sihjDfrI iswK puwqrI gOrF dy kuwKoN qy sMmq 1781 ivwc hkIkq rfey df jnm hoieaf. Aus df btflf invfsI sihjDfrI iswK iksLn cMd AuWpl KwqrI dI spuwqrI durgf dyvI nfl ivafh ho igaf aqy BfeI buwD isMG btflIey dI sMgq qoN Auh iswK Drm dy inXmF df ivsLvfsI bx igaf. hkIkq rfey dI Drm crcf iCV peI. AunHF ny dyvI dI sLfn ivwc kuJ aXog qy apmfnjnk sLbd kih idwqy ijs pr hkIkq rfey ny afiKaf, jy aijhy apmfnjnk sLbd muhMmd sfihb dI puwqrI Pfiqmf dI sLfn ivwc vrqy jfx qF quhfnUM ikMnf duwK hovygf.

    ieh Xog gwl vI muMizaF aqy mOlvI qoN shfrI nf geI. AunHF isaflkot dy hfkm amIm byg kol hkIkq rfey dI isLkfieq kr idwqI aqy awgoN Aus ny Aus df clfn krky lfhOr sUby pfs Byj idwqf. muslmfn hfkmF ny Aus nUM ieslfm Drm

    kbUl krn leI afiKaf pr Coty sfihbfidaF dI sLhfdq bfl hkIkq dy rom rom ivwc rmI hoeI sI. Aus ny llkfr ky afiKaf, mYnUM mOq pRvfn hY. mYN ieslfm Drm kbUl nhIN krFgf. Aus dy ienkfr krn qy lfhOr dy gvrnr Kfn bhfdr jLkrIaf Kfn dy hukm nfl mfG sudI pMj sMmq 1798 (sMn 1841) nUM hkIkq rfey nUM kql kr idwqf igaf. Auh sLhfdq df jfm pI igaf. hkIkq rfey dI smfD lfhOr qoN do mIl cVHdy vwl bxI hoeI hY ijs qy bsMq pMcmI df mylf hr sfl bVI DUm Dfm nfl lgdf hY. lfhOr invfsI ies nUM pqMg dy iqAuhfr vjoN mnfAuNdy hn.

    Bfrq dy ajLfdI sMgrfm ivwc kUkf lihr df bhuq vwzf Xogdfn hY. ies lihr dy jnm dfqy smfj syvk aqy suqMqrqf sMgrfm dy moZI nfmDfrI gurU rfm isMG df jnm vI PrvrI 1816 dI bsMq pMcmI dI rfq nUM ipMz BYxI rfeIaF ijlHf luiDafxf ivKy jwsf isMG dy Gr mfqf sdf kOr dy kuwKoN hoieaf sI. hr sfl bsMq pMcmI nUM BYxI sfihb ivKy AunHF df jnm Auqsv bVI sLrDf nfl mnfieaf jFdf hY. dysLF ivdysLF ivwcoN hjLfrF nfmDfrI sLrDflU vhIrF Gwq ky ies Auqsv ivwc sLfml huMdy hn.

    pMjfb dy anykF sLihrF ivwc bsMq pMcmI dIaF rOxkF DUh pfAuNdIaF hn. lok pIly kwpVy pfAuNdy hn. pitaflf ivKy gurduafrf duwK invfrn sfihb aqy aMimRqsr dy gurduafrf Cyhrtf sfihb ivKy bsMq pMcmI df iqAuhfr bVI sLrDf aqy AuqsLfh nfl mnfieaf jFdf hY. sMsikRqk idRsLtI qoN vI bsMq pMcmI df mhwqvpUrn Xogdfn hY. bwicaF aqy nOjvfnF dI KusLI df cfa sFiBaf nhIN jFdf. Auh qVksfr hI afpxy koiTaF qy zYk lf ky pqMg AuzfAuNdy hn. pqMgF dy mukfbly huMdy hn, pqMg kwty jFdy hn, pqMg luwty jFdy hn-asmfn ivwc AuWzdy rMg brMgy pqMg aduwqI njLfrf pysL krdy hn.

    bsMq pMcmI ruwq df Zoaf lY ky dsqk dyNdI hY. hwz TfrvIN srd ruwq df aMq ho jFdf hY. khfvq hY-

    afeI bsMq, pflf AuzMq.

    ienHF idnF ivwc DrqI mOldI hY aqy bnspqI qy nvF inKfr afAuNdf hY, gUy Puwtdy hn, KyqF ivwc sroNH dy iKVy hoey pIly pIly Puwl mnmohk njLfrf pysL krdy hn, ijwQoN qwk ingfh jFdI hY iKVy hoey Puwl njLrI pYNdy hn bfgIN Puwl iKVdy hn. aijhy rumFck vfqfvrn ivwc gwBrU aqy muitafrF nisLaf jFdy hn qy Auh afpxy afp nUM sroNH-Pwuly pihrfvy nfl sjf ky aduwqI KusLI mihsUs krdy hn.

    gurbfxI ivwc vI bsMq ruwq df ijLkr hoieaf imldf hY ijvyN:

    mfhf mfh mumfrKI ciVHaf sdf bsMqu..

    prPVu icq smfil soie sdf goibMdu....

    ies suhfvxI ruwq ivwc anykF lok gIq Augmdy hn. ies ruwq nfl pMjfbI ivwc kfI lok gIq pRcilq hn ijvyN:

    kfhnUM af igaYN sroNH df Puwl bx ky

    mfipaF ny nhIAuN qornI.

    afeI bsMq pflf AuzMq.

    keI pMjfbI kvIaF ny vI bsMq nUM afpxf ivsLf bxfieaf hY. DnI rfm cfiqRk dI kivqf ies sMdrB ivwc vrnxXog hY. bsMq pMcmI df ieh iqAuhfr kyvl bsMq ruwq dI afmd nUM jI afieaF hI nhIN afKdf blik jn sDfrn leI KusLhflI, sdBfvnf aqy muhwbq df sMdysL vI lY ky afAuNdf hY.

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  • sMsfr pRiswD icwqrkfr aMimRqf sLyr igwl df jnm hMgrI dy sLihr buwzfpyst ivwc 30 jnvrI 1913 nUM mfqf mYrI aYntoint dI kuwKoN ipqf s: AumrfE isMG sLyr igwl dy Gr hoieaf. bcpn ivwc hI Aus nUM afpxy mfmy ierivn vkqfeI jo sucwjf icwqrkfr sI, qoN icwqrkfrI dI cytk lwgI. 5-6 sfl dI Aumr ivwc hI aMimRqf ny afly-duafly dIaF vsqF dy icwqr bxfAuxy sLurU kr idwqy. sMn 1921 ivwc Auh afpxy mfqf-ipqf nfl Bfrq ivwc isLmlf af geI. iewQy Aus ny iqMn sfl iek aMgryjL icwqrkfr ivvyn ipwtmYn qoN icwqrklf dI iswiKaf pRfpq kIqI. sMn 1929 ivwc pYirs ivwc klf ividafly ivwc dfKlf lY ilaf. pMj sfl aMimRqf AuWQy icwqrklf dI pVHfeI ivwc mgn rhI. iewQy Aus ny qyl ivDI nfl icwqr bxfAux dI muhfrq hfsl kIqI. sMn 1933 ivwc afpxI pyNitMg juafn kuVIaF leI golz mYzl vI hfsl kIqf.

    sMn 1934 ivwc Aus ny icwqrn krnf sLurU kr idwqf. sqMbr 1935 ivwc aMimRqf ny isLmlf PfeIn afrts susfietI dI slfnf pRdrsLnI

    rxjIq isMG iswDU z ivwc mukfbly leI 10 icwqr Byjy ijnHF ivwcoN 5 cuxy gey aqy pMj vfps Byj idwqy gey. ienHF vfps kIqy icwqrF ivwc Auh icwqr vI sI, ijs AuWqy Aus nUM pYirs ivwc ienfm imilaf sI. ies PYsly qy Aus nUM BfrI sdmf lwigaf qy iswty vjoN Aus ny afpxf ienfm vI susfietI

    n U M vfps kr id-wqf. isLmly i v w c h I Aus ny af-pxIaF pRiswD klf-ikRqIaF BfrqI mF, iBKsLU aqy phfVI aOrqF dI rcnf kIqI. ienHF qoN ielfvf Aus ny dulhn isLMgfr, bRi-hmcfrI, kQf-vfck aqy dwKx Bfrq pyNzU ic-wqr bxfey. afpxy ipqf df Aus vwloN bxfieaf igaf portryt qF Aus dI klf df AuWqm nmUnf ikhf jf skdf hY. 2 nvMbr 1937 nUM Aus ny afpxy cuxy hoey 30

    icwqrF dI numfiesL lfhOr ivKy lgfeI ijhVI 25 idn qwk cwlI.

    jUn 1938 ivwc aMimRqf ny pYirs ivwc zfktr ivk-tr nfl sLfdI kr leI qy iek sfl bfad afpxy pqI nfl isLmly af geI. iPr 1940 ivwc Aus ny afpxy sMsfr pRiswD ic-wqr vhutI aqy cfr-pfeI AuWqy arfm kr rhI aOrq bxfey ijhVy Aus dI klf dy AuWqm nmUny mMny jFdy hn.

    1941 ivwc mfVI iksmq nfl pycs nF dy nfmurfd rog ny Aus nUM dboc ilaf. 5 dsMbr 1941 nUM aTfeI virHaF dI Br jvfnI ivwc Auh sfzy koloN sdf leI clI geI. Aus df afKrI aDUrf icwqr doDI qy AunHF dy ivhVy aDUrf rihx dy bfvjUd sLfhkfr hY. mOq qoN bfad Aus dy bxfey 40 icwqrF dI pRdrsLnI lfhOr ivKy lgfeI geI. aMimRqf sLyr igwl df nF dunIaF Br dI icwqrkfrI ivwc mfx nfl ilaf jFdf hY. Aus dy bxfey hoey bhuq sfry icwqr nYsLnl gYlrI af mfzrn afrts idwlI ivwc lwgy hoey hn.

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  • . , DC . , BE E AA A / F@D-EIB-@GGG

    : BH, B@AB , () A@ AIHB E, B@AB B:@@ , 7410 Hopcott Road,

    : F@D-GGA-AFBI

    , , H@@@ ,

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  • Personal Income Tax ChecklistParminder Parmar Chartered Accountant & Business advisor has prepared this checklist to help you assemble the information required to complete you personal tax return:r Personal Tax Return checklist:r T4 Employment Incomer T5 Interest Income r T3 Investment Incomer T4A(OAS) Statement of Old Age Securityr T4A(P) Statement of Canada Pension Plan Benefitsr T4E Statement of Employment Insurance and other Benefitsr T4RSP Statement of RRSP Income r RC62 Universal Child Care Benefit Statementr Income and expenses from Rental Propertyr Donationsr Medical expensesr Children Expenses: r Day Care Expenses r Children Fitness Tax Credit (Requires a significant physical activity)

    Call Parminder Parmar, CA with any questions at 604-897-7591 or [email protected]. You can also visit us at

    Note: This list does not include all the items included in a personal tax return and may not be useful for everyone.

    Fatal BC fires emphasize need for prevention programs

    The tragic fires experienced in Lantzville, Burns Lake and Enderby over the past weeks, while devastating to those affected, should serve as reminders to the rest of us about the need for com-prehensive fire prevention programs in every community.

    Although the causes of those three fires have not yet been announced, it has been proven in the past that thorough fire inspections of commercial and industrial properties help reduce the oc-currence and severity of fires by iden-tifying hazards that could jeopardize the safety of workers and firefighters.

    Public fire education programs also help teach children and adults about residential fire hazards while stressing the importance of early fire detection with working smoke alarms.

    Perhaps of greatest importance is the need for every family and business to have a fire safety plan an easily followed procedure for what to do

    and how to escape if there is a fire. Additionally, just as every school practices their escape plan by holding fire drills, so should every household and business. During the stress of a fire, practiced escape routes are much more likely to be followed successfully.

    Fire Chief Don Beer said that in addi-tion to the fire fighters on the trucks, Abbotsfords fire department employs a staff of fire inspectors, educators and fire investigators who work diligently in an effort to reduce tragic fires. I urge the entire community to make fire prevention a priority he said. During Burn Awareness Week from February 5 11th, I ask everyone to take a moment to think about fire safety and make sure they have a plan. After all, the responsibility for personal fire safety ultimately rests with our citizens themselves.

    For more information about fire pre-vention and safety planning, please visit our website at or call 604-853-3566.

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  • mulk dI 1947 ivwc hoeI vMz bfad nvIN ivDfn sBf aprYl 1952 nUM hoNd ivwc afeI. sFJy pMjfb ivwc ivDfn sBf aqy ivDfn pirsLd do sdn kfiem hoey. ivDfn sBf nUM hyTlf sdn aqy ivDfn pirsLd nUM Auprlf sdn ikhf jFdf sI. sMn 1956 c ajLfdI bfad pMjfb df pihlf punrgTn hoieaf qF pYpsU pMjfb df ihwsf bx igaf. sfl 1957 ivwc ivDfn pirsLd dIaF sItF 46 qoN vDf ky 51 ho geIaF. Aus vyly ivDfn pirsLd df sdn ijhVI iemfrq ivwc huMdf sI, Auh ies vyly hi-rafxf ivDfn sBf aKvfAuNdI hY. sMn 1966 nUM sFJy pMjfb dI QF pMjfb, hirafxf aqy ihmfcl hoNd ivwc af gey. Aus vyly pMjfb ivDfn pirsLd dIaF sItF dI igxqI Gt ky 40 qy af geI. sMn 1966 ivwc pM-jfb ivDfn sBf dIaF sItF dI igxqI 104 qYa kIqI geI. pMjfb dy asYNblI ieiqhfs ny Aus vyly nvF moV kwitaf jdoN 1970 nUM ivDfn pirsLd Kqm ho geI. Aus bfad keI mOikaF qy ivDfn pirsLd bhfl krn dIaF koisLsLF hoeIaF pr rfj dy lokF vwloN koeI huMgfrf nf imilaf. ies dI sYd hfQI nfl qulnf kIqI geI. ieh ikhf igaf ik rfj qy vfDU df Krcf peygf. mrhUm muwK mMqrI byaMq isMG, sfbkf muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG aqy sLRomxI akflI dl qy Bfjpf gwTjoV dIaF srkfrF vyly vI koisLsLF hoeIaF pr gwl nf bxI. iewQoN qk ik iewk vfr qF mfmlf pRvfngI leI idwlI vI Byj idwqf igaf sI.

    pMjfb ivDfn sBf ny bhuq sfry Auqrfa-cVHfa dyKy hn. ies sdn ny afpixaF vwloN hI ipwT ivwc Curf mfry jfx qy srkfrF tuwtdIaF vyKIaF hn. spIkr dI kursI qy bYTy nyqf dI pgVI AuqrdI vyKI hY. sdn dy mYNbr iewk-dUjy nfl GsuMn-muwkI huMdy rhy hn. nfarybfjLI aqy hfkm iDr vwloN ivroDI iDr dy mYNbrF dI muawqlI qF jmhUrIaq df iewk ihwsf hI bx igaf hY.

    pMjfb ivDfn sBf ny bysLwk sLRomxI akflI dl aqy kFgrs pfrtI nUM hI hfkm iDr aqy ivroDI iDr vjoN hmysLF vyiKaf hY pr sdn aMdr pfrtIaF dy rMg bdldy rhy hn. koeI smF sI jdoN 1967 ivwc nvyN bxy pMjfb dI pihlI ivDfn

    sBf ivwc BfrqI kimAUinst pfrtI dy dovyN DVy sdn ivwc afpxI cMgI QF rwKdy sn. sI[ pI[ afeI[ dy pMj mYNbr sn aqy sI[ pI[ aYm[ dy iqMn mYNbr sn. sLRomxI akflI dl Aus vyly vI vMizaf hoieaf ivroDI iDr ivwc bYTf sI. sMn 1969 qk vI BfrqI jnsMG kfiem sI aqy ies dy awT mYNbr ijwqy sn. dovF kimAUinst pfrtIaF dy Cy mYNbr sn. Aus vyly sLRomxI akflI dl 43 sItF lY ky sB qoN vwzI iDr bxI sI. ies sdn ivwc rfjsI pfrtIaF dy afkfr iks qrHF suMgVdy jF PYldy rhy hn, 1972 dIaF coxF ies dI imsfl hn. BfrqI jnsMG isr qy af geI pr sI[ pI[ afeI[ vwzy gruwp vjoN 10 sItF hfsl krky sdn ivwc puwjI. kFgrs pfrtI 66 sItF lY ky swqf ivwc af geI. sMn 1977 dIaF ivDfn sBf coxF vyly dI kmfl ieh rhI ik sI[ pI[ afeI[ swq sItF lY geI aqy sI[ pI[ aYm[ nUM awT sItF imlIaF. kFgrs nUM kyvl 17 sItF qy hI sbr krnf ipaf. ies qrHF KwbIaF pfrtIaF sdn aMdr iewk mjLbUq iDr vjoN AuWBr ky sfhmxy afeIaF. ieh vI aihm hY ik 1977 ivwc hI pihlI vfr 104 dI QF 117 ivDfn sBf sItF bxIaF. sMn 1980 dIaF coxF ivwc jnsMG dI QF BfrqI jnqf pfrtI af geI pr Aus nUM kyvl iewk hI sIt imlI. Aus vyly vI kimAUinst df 14 mYNbrI mjLbUq DVf sI. kFgrs 63 sItF lY ky swqf ivwc af geI pr sLoRmxI akflI dl dI JolI 37 sItF hI peIaF. pMjfb ivwc KfVkUvfd dy dOr bfad pihlIaF coxF 1992 nUM hoeIaF qF sLRomxI akflI dl ny coxF df bfeIkft kr idwqf. Aus cox ivwc kimAUinst ismt ky Cy qy af gey aqy kFgrs vwzI iDr vjoN 87 qy clI geI. bspf vI qkVy gruwp vjoN AuWBr ky nON sItF qy kfbjL ho geI. sfl 1997 dIaF coxF ivwc sLRomxI akflI dl 75 sItF lY igaf ikAuN jo KfVkUvfd aqy puils vDIkIaF qoN sqfey lokF ny kF-grs nUM 14 sItF qy sImq kr idwqf. Bfjpf 18 sItF lY geI aqy akflI dl (mfn) df iewk mYNbr pihlI vfr sdn ivwc puwjf. sI[ pI[ afeI[ do sItF qy rih geI aqy bspf nUM iewko sIt nfl hI sbr krnf ipaf. sI[ pI[ aYm[ df Kfqf hI nf KuwlH sikaf. sfl 2002 dIaF

    coxF ivwc kFgrs 64 sItF lY ky jLbrdsq huMgfry nfl swqf ivwc afeI. sLRomxI akflI dl 41 aqy Bfjpf nUM kyvl iqMn sItF hI imlIaF. pMjfb ivDfn sBf coxF dy ieiqhfs ivwc kimAUinst nUM kyvl do sItF hI imlIaF. bhujn smfj pfrtI vI ipClIaF keI coxF ivwc ivDfn sBf aMdr afpxf Kfqf KolHx leI jwdo-jihd kr rhI hY. sfl 2007 dIaF ivDfn sBf coxF ny akflI dl nUM 50 aqy Bfjpf nUM 19 sItF dy ky muV swqf ivwc ilaFdf aqy kFgrs 43 sItF lY ky ivroDI iDr vjoN AuWBr ky sfhmxy afeI. iesy cox ivwc hI kimAUinstF df sdn ivwc iek vI mYNbr nf ijwiqaf.

    pMjfb ivDfn sBf ny hI sfbkf muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG dI sdn dI mYNbrI Kfrj kr idwqI sI. ieh vwKrI gwl hY ik bfad ivwc Auh suprIm kort qoN bhfl ho ky iesy sdn dy muV mYNbr bx gey. ivDfn sBf ny bIrdivMdr isMG (kF-grs) aqy hrdyv isMG arsI (sI[ pI[ afeI[) nUM vDIaf bulfry vjoN snmfinq kIqf sI. hux qwk dy asYNblI ieiqhfs ivwc sLfied ieh pihlf aqy afKrI snmfn sI. iesy sdn ny pihlI vfr cOQI vfrI muwK mMqrI bxy pRkf isMG bfdl dy pirvfr nUM KyrUM-KyrUM huMdy vyiKaf hY. sMn 1992 dI Aup cox ivwc byaMq isMG vrgy axQwk muwK mMqrI dy AumIdvfr nUM igwdVbfhf ivDfn sBf hlky qoN sq mukfbly nfl hrf ky sRI bfdl df BqIjf mnpRIq isMG bfdl pihlI vfr ivDfn sBf ivwc puwijaf. mOjUdf pfrI c Auh ivwq mMqrI bixaf aqy iesy dOr c muwK mMqrI bfdl nfl iqwKy mqBydF bfad Auh pfrtI Cwz igaf. ieMJ ivDfn sBf dy ieiqhfs ivwc pihlI vfr zf: AuipMdrjIq kOr mihlf ivwq mMqrI vjoN sdn ivwc afey. ieh vI aihm hY ik alivdf afK rhI ivDfn sBf ny pMjfbI nUM srkfrI BfsLf vjoN mfnqf dyx vflf ibwl pfs kIqf ijhVf ik bfad ivwc aYkt dy rUp ivwc lfgU hoieaf. pMjfb ivDfn sBf dI idE kwd iemfrq nUM 30 jnvrI dIaF votF bfad ijwq ky afAux vfly afpxy nvyN mihmfnF df bVI bysbrI nfl ieMqjLfr hY.

    Friday, February 3rd, 2012PAGE 24

    Punjabi Patrika

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    surjIq pfqr bfry kuJ ilKi-

    daF Aus dIaF gLjLlF dy ikMny

    hI isLar mn msqk dy dr qy

    dsqk dyx lgdy hn:

    myrf sUrj zuwibaf hY

    qyrI sLfm nhIN hY,

    qyry isr qy qF

    ishrf hY ieljLfm nhIN hY.

    eynf hI bhuq hY

    myry KUn ny ruwK isMijaf,

    kI hoieaf jy pwiqaF qy

    myrf nfm nhIN hY.

    pfxI c suwtI qF zuwb geI pl ivwc BfrI ikqfb,

    Aus ivwc sn drj Bvjl qrn dy sfry ihsfb.

    iksy df sUrj iksy df dIvf iksy df qIr kmfn,

    sfzI awK coN izwgdf hMJU sfzf cox insLfn

    eynf swc nf bol ik kwlf rih jfvNy

    cfr ku bMdy Cwz lY moZf dyx leI.

    afpxI gLjLlF dI pihlI ikqfb hvf ivwc ilKy hrPL Cpx qoN pihlF hI surjIq pfqr pMjfbI kivqf ivwc iewk kvI vjoN afpxy JMzy Julf cuwkf sI. AurdU isLarF dI QF lok Aus dy pMjfbI isLarF df iesqymfl AukqIaF vjoN afpxI gwlbfq ivwc krn lwgy sn. arUjL aqy bihrF dI gulfm aqy inrijLMd ho cuwkI gLjLl ivwc pihlI vfr pMjfbI jIvn DVkdf suixaf qy piVHaf igaf. afly-duafly

    psry krUr smkflI XQfrQ aqy Aus dy bhu-idsLfvI pfsfrF nUM pfqr ny pMjfbI ivwc pihlI vfr sur-bwD kIqf.

    isLv kumfr btflvI qoN bfad vwzI pwDr qy ipafiraf qy siqkfiraf jfx vflf jy koeI pMjfbI kvI hY qF Auh surjIq pfqr hY. surjIq pfqr dI gLjLl ivwc ijwQy sfzf smuwcf lokXfn ivdmfn hY AuWQy afDu-ink mnuwK dy qxfE, Aus dy sLMky aqy srokfr vI nfl nfl hn ijhVy Aus dI kivqf nUM mn dy kol kol rwKdy hoey vI dUr-drfjL dIaF bfqF pfAuNdy hn.

    isLv kumfr qoN bfad ijs pM-jfbI sLfier nUM sB qoN ijLafdf gfieaf igaf, Auh vI surjIq pfqr hI hY. Aus dy pRmwuK gIqF dy bol hn:-

    AudoN vfirs sLfh nUM vMizaf sI,

    hux isLv kumfr dI vfrI hY.

    Auh jLKm quhfnUM Buwl vI gey,

    nivaF dI jo Pyr iqafrI hY


    kuJ ikhf qF hnyrf jrygf ikvyN,

    cwup irhf qF mHfdfn kI kihxgy.

    gIq dI mOq ies rfq jy ho geI,

    myrf jIxf myry Xfr ikMJ sihxgy.

    smfklI smyN nfl smyN smyN kIqf sMvfd pfqr nUM hor vI hrmn ipafrf bxfAuNdf hY. nslvfd dy smyN aqy iPr pMjfb dI qrfsdI qy ilKIaF pfqr dIaF kivqfvF pMjfbI kivqf ivwc afpxI msUmIaq aqy invyklI sLbd sUJ krky lok mnF ivwc vs geIaF hn.

    Auh ilKdf hY:

    buwZI jfdUgrnI afKdI hY,

    qyrf vI nfm rwKFgy,

    qyrI vI ihwk qy koeI KMjr jF qmgf Dr idaFgy,

    jIx jogf qF ho, qyrI vI hwiqaf kr idaFgy.

    lwgI jy qyry kfljy hfly CurI nhIN.

    ieh nf smJ ik sLihr dI hflq burI nhIN.

    kuJ lok smJdy bs ieMnf ku rfg nUM,

    sony dI jy hY bMsrI qF bysurI nhIN.

    dUr jykr ajy svyrf hY

    ies c kfI ksUr myrf hY.

    mYN curfhy c jy jgF qF ikvyN

    pfqr dI rcnf idRsLtI mnuwK dI hoxI dIaF keI prqF nUM pRkfsLmfn krdI hY. AuWproN afm aqy sfd murfdy njLr afAuNdy Aus dy sLbd jd qih dr qih KuwlHdy hn qF pfTkF/sroiqaF nUM cikq krdy hn. iewk rhws, iewk anoKI ckfcOND Aus dI kivqf dI pihcfx bx jFdf hY ijs nfl pfTkF/sroqf srUiraf jFdf hY. kvI dI mYN, amYN ho jFdI hY.

    gulfr cOhfn

    afpxIaF gLjLlF vFg pfqr iewk ipafrf mnuwK vI hY. Aus dI sLojmeI aqy surIlI avfjL qoN Aus nUM vwK krky nhIN vyiKaf jf skdf. pitafly dy BUqvfVy dy vrosfey ies kvI ny kivqf qoN ielfvf bhuq sfry ivdysLI nftkF nUM pMjfbI ivwc AulQfieaf hY qy AunHF leI gIq ilKy hn. lorkf df awg dy klIry ajy vI pfTkF/drsLkF dy cyqy ivwcoN nhIN ivwsiraf. iewk pRbuwD aqy cyqn kvI vFg pfqr nUM afpxI sImf df vI aihsfs hY. Aus dI gLjLl df iewk sLyar hY

    hux vkq cfl aYsI koeI hor cl igaf hY,

    myrI njLm qoN, gLjLl qoN awgy inkl igaf hY.

    mujrm hI bih igaf hY munisPL dI QF af ky.

    iensfP df qrIkf ikMnf bdl igaf hY.

    Friday, February 3rd, 2012 PAGE 25Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 25

  • Grow Your Investments with a Tax-Free Savings Account

    Whether you are new to Canada o r have been here for some time, we are all working towards our financial goals and dreams. The Tax-Free Savings Ac-count (TFSA) can help you meet some of those goals such as buying your first home, saving

    for retirement or set-ting aside money for emergencies. The TFSA is a registered account that was introduced in January 2009. All Cana-dian residents, aged 18 and older, with a Social Insurance Number are able to contribute up to $5,000 each year.

    A tax-free savings ac-count is an important investment option for Canadians looking to save money and mini-mize their taxes, says Patricia Domingo, In-vestment & Retirement Planner, RBC. Whether part of a long-term sav-ings strategy or to meet a variety of financial

    goals, our role at RBC is to help clients under-stand how they can get the most out of a TFSA.

    How does a TFSA work?

    Eligible consumers can save up to $5,000 every year in a TFSA.

    Investment income, including capital gains, earned in a TFSA will not be taxed, even when withdrawn.

    Unused TFSA con-tribution room can be carried forward to future years.

    Funds can be with-drawn tax free for any purpose at any time.

    The amount withdrawn will be added to your un-used contribution room and can be re-contribut-

    ed starting the following year.

    Neither income earned nor withdrawals will af-fect your eligibility for federal income tested benefits and credits.

    Giving money to your spouse or common-law partner to contribute to their TFSA will not be subject to the income attribution rules - i.e. there are no tax conse-quences to either you or your spouse as long as the money remains in a TFSA.

    Something to keep in mind is that the TFSA is a perfect complement to an RRSP and we recom-mend Canadians main-tain both to minimize taxes, says Domingo. For those not able to

    maximize RRSP and TFSA contributions, consider contributing to an RRSP and using the tax refund to start a TFSA.

    How you use a TFSA depends on your own personal needs and goals. For more infor-mation on the TFSA please visit your nearest RBC branch, or visit:

    Friday, February 3rd, 2012PAGE 26Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 26

  • The RBC Canadian Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index for January Indicates Improving Conditions Though

    at a Much Slower Pace Relative to December. a.. The overall RBC PMI for January in-dicted that business conditions in the manufacturing sec-tor continued to im-prove, albeit barely so, with the diffusion measure dropping sharply to 50.6 from 54.0 in December

    b.. The less robust improvemen t i n business conditions mainly reflected low-er readings for new orders, output and employment

    c.. The diffusion measure dropped in all four regions of the country surveyed with improving con-ditions only being maintained in two

    d.. With the marked lessening in the pace of improvement in manufacturing busi-ness conditions, the Bank of Canada has additional reason to maintain its high-ly accommodative stance of policy contd on page 43

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  • Friday, February 3rd, 2012PAGE 28Punjabi Patrika

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  • Friday, February 3rd, 2012 PAGE 29Punjabi Patrika

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  • (Paul Wadhawan) F@D-C@H-FBCD (Gurnaib S. Brar) F@D-C@I-AHAH (Baljinder S. Bains) F@D-H@G-AIIE (Sonny Grewal) F@E-EAB-CDE@ (Gurmeet S. Dhaliwal) F@D-EEF-HIDI (Manjit S. Sohi) GGH HGH G@F@ (Manjit S. Minhas) F@D-FDD-AADB (Darshan K. Sharma) F@D-C@H-EC@A (Satvir S. Gill) F@D H@G CCCG

    (Dr. Rajinder Singh Bhatti) (Nash Gill)

    afkf rfhf FrdCtrYPq dpPfqAd DtDprBPq

    VYOM Solutions Inc

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    Rajesh Acharya

    B Arch, COA (IN), LEED AP, MRAIC (604) 603-0615 [email protected]

    Artistic Rendering by:


    A- One Tutorial (Puri) $3,500Abby Pharmacy $10,000Accurate Auto Body $7,000Ahuja Jagdish Kumar $3,500Ahuja Prem Kumar $3,500Akali Jarnail Singh $3,500Alamwala Jasvir (Jessie) $8,500Alamwala Sarwan S & Family $10,000Arora Om Parkash $3,500Athwal Rupinder S $500Atwal Hardev Singh $7,000Atwal Hari Singh $500Atwal Rajwinder Singh $3,500Aujla Avtar S $20Aujla Jarnail Singh (Fruticana) $1,000Aulakh Rupinderjit Singh $1,100Baba Banda Singh Bahader Society $80,500Badesha Pirthi S. $3,500Badesha Pritam S $3,500Badwal Bachan Singh $3,500Bains Baljinder Singh $12,000Bains Jagtar S $7,000Bains Jit S. Yarrow $8,500Bains Kirpal S $3,500Bains Malkiat Singh $3,500Bains Parminder S $3,500Bains Patvinder Singh $5,000Bains Surinder Singh $3,500Bajaj Ashok(Langley) $5,000Bajwa Jasbir Singh $3,500Bajwa Kamalpreet S $1,000Bandesha Hari $5,000Bangar Raghbir Singh $5,000Bansal Yogesh K $3,500Bansi Baldev Singh $7,000Bansi Gulshan Singh $3,500Banwait Jasbir Singh $10,000Bassi Karnail $3,500Bath Kesar Singh $7,000Bathe Raj $8,500Batra Jagjeevan Singh $3,500Benipal Dr. Dalvir Singh $5,000Bhandal Baljinder S $3,500Bhandal Bikar S $7,000Bhattal Devinder Singh $600Bhattal Gurpreet Singh $7,000Bhatti Harmanjeet $3,500Bhatti Ravinder S $3,500Bhullar Dilbag & Jasbir $3,500Bhullar Harmonik Singh $3,500Bhullar jasmail Singh $3,500Bhullar Raj & Jasvir $3,500Binning Gurmukh S $3,500Binning Jasvir Singh $25,000Bisla Harji $200Blueridge Pharmacy $5,000Braich Jaspal Kaur $7,000Braich Sher Singh $13,500Brar Nachattar Kaur $500Brar Bant Singh $12,000Brar Blawant S & Surjit K $3,500Brar Chamkaur & Gurpreet $3,500Brar Dalip K $3,500Brar Davinder Singh & Amar Jit Singh $10,000Brar Devinder K. $3,500Brar Gurbhej Singh (MGB Ent.) $5,000Brar Gurdev Singh $7,000Brar G. S. Alamwala BBG Trk. $3,500Brar Gurnaib Singh $5,000Brar Gurnek Singh $7,000Brar Harcharan Singh $7,000Brar Harcharan Singh $7,000Brar Harj $3,500Brar Karamjit S. (JJ Hauling) $7,000Brar Kehar Singh $3,500Brar Kuldip S $3,500Brar Lakhvinder (Bagi) Singh $5,000Brar Malkiat Kaur $3,500Brar Malkiat S $7,000Brar Mall S $3,500Brar Manmohan Singh $3,500Brar Mohinder S. $3,500Brar Onkar S $7,000Brar Param Singh $3,500Brar Pritpal Singh $3,500Brar Rashpal S $3,500Brar Shabnam Singh $7,000

    Brar Sukhdev Singh $3,500Brar Sukhwant S $3,500Brar Surjit Singh (Kulljeet) $3,500Brar Thana S $3,500Buttar Raghbir Singh $7,000Cedar Park Pharmacy $12,000Chahal Gurpreet Singh $7,000Chahal Randhir S $3,500Chand Fateh $3,500Cheema Jasbir S $3,500Cheema Kartar S $3,500Cheema Manjit S ( York H. D.) $5,000Cheema Sukhwinder & Makhan $7,000Cheema Tejinder Singh $3,500Chemma Jagtar S $3,500Chohan Zora S. $8,500Clair Narinder S $7,000Crown Distributers Surrey $7,000Dass Harbhajan $3,500Deol Harinder Singh $8,500Deol Kartar S. $3,500Deol Trucking $3,500Deol Varinder Singh $3,500Dhaliwal Amarpal Singh $3,500Dhaliwal Attar S $500Dhaliwal Avtar S Harji Farms) $3,500Dhaliwal Baljit Singh $5,111Dhaliwal Bhagwant S Tejinder $3,500Dhaliwal Chamkaur Singh $3,500Dhaliwal Charanjit S $100Dhaliwal Daljit S $3,500Dhaliwal Dalvir Singh $3,500Dhaliwal Gurmail S $3,500Dhaliwal Gurmeet K $3,500Dhaliwal Gurmeet S. Mission $15,500Dhaliwal Gurvinder S Prof. $7,000Dhaliwal Hakam Singh $3,500Dhaliwal Jarnail Singh $10,500Dhaliwal Jaswant Singh $3,500Dhaliwal Mohinder S (Castlegar) $3,500Dhaliwal Paul Singh $3,500Dhaliwal R.paul S. Jagdeep K $3,500Dhaliwal Shamsher $5,000Dhaliwal Surjeet K $3,500Dhami Balbir S $3,500Dhami Harpreet & Jaswinder $3,500Dhami Kuldip S $100Dhami Malwinder Singh $12,000Dhami Narang & Co. $5,000Dhanoa Harbhajan Singh $7,000Dhatt Gurgurpal Singh $7,000Dhesi Malkiat S. & Daljit S. $15,500Dhillon Baaga S. $8,500Dhillon Gurdev S $3,500Dhillon Harbans Singh $5,000Dhillon Lal S $3,500Dhillon Malkiat Singh $10,000Dhillon Mit Singh $3,500Dhillon Nirmal S $3,500Dhillon Parmjit Singh $3,500Dhillon P. S.( H &T Homes) $3,500Dhillon Piara Singh $3,500Dhillon Sukhjinder S $3,500Dhillon Surjit S $3,500Dhillon Tehal S $3,500Dhilon Malvinder Singh $3,500Dial Sarwan S $7,000Doad Beant S $3,500Dosanjh Balwinder S $7,000Dr. Yogi $4,200Dutt Avtar Singh $3,500Farwaha Jasbir Singh $3,500Farwaha Lakhvir Singh $3,500Fraser Valley Hindu Society $5,000G Mann Trucking $8,500G.L Farms(Litt Ch., Grewal S.S.) $7,000Garcha Sukhdev Singh $5,000Garden Grove Nursary Alderg. $5,000GARG Sudhir (Campbell River) $500Ghalli Farms Nur. Gill G. Singh $11,000Gian`s Sweet S. & Jagraon Ent. $12,000Giani Surmukh Singh $4,600Gidda Mohinder S $7,000Gidda Tarlok Singh $7,000Gill Guriqbal Singh (Garry) $3,500Gill Moe & Jagdish K $3,500Gill Avtar Singh (Shaw) $3,500Gill Bachittar Singh $3,500Gill Balbir Kaur $7,000

    Gill Balbir Singh $12,000Gill Baldev S ( Nathuwala) $7,000Gill Beant S $3,500Gill Dalip Singh $3,500Gill Deepkiran Singh Langley) $3,500Gill Dr. Sukhdev $7,000Gill Ganga S $3,500Gill Gulwant Singh $17,500Gill Gurdev S. & Sons Farm $5,000Gill Gurmeet S $500Gill Gurminder S & Amarjit $3,500Gill Gurtej S $7,000Gill Hardevinder Singh $3,500Gill hari $7,000Gill Harpal Kaur $3,500Gill Iqbal S $3,500Gill Jagat Singh $3,500Gill Jagdev S $3,500Gill Jagdev S $3,500Gill Jagtar Singh $7,000Gill Jarnail Singh $3,500Gill Jaswinder (Jas) S. (Elec.) $5,000Gill Jatinder S. $3,500Gill Jatinder S. ( Happy) $3,500Gill Kulwinder Singh $200Gill M&H (Khazan Labour) $3,500Gill Makhan & Jaswinder $5,000Gill Malkiat S (Dhudike) $3,500Gill Manjit Singh $3,500Gill Mehar Singh $500Gill Mohan Singh $3,500Gill Mohinder Singh $10,000Gill Mukhtiar S. (Aldergrove) $5,000Gill Nash $12,000Gill Nazar Singh $12,000Gill Nirbhia S $3,500Gill Nirmal S $7,000Gill Ranjeet Singh $3,500Gill Ranjeet Singh Mission $3,500Gill Ravinder S (Robbie) $5,000Gill RS Express Ltd. $7,000Gill Satnam Singh $3,500Gill Satvir Singh (Sat) $12,000Gill Shinderpaul $3,500Gill Sohan Singh $7,000Gill Sukhi (Mid Valley Ins.) $15,000Gill Sukhi(Charlesworth Ins.) $10,000Gill Sukhjinder $7,000Gill Sukhminder Singh $3,500Gill Surjit S $3,500Gill Teja Singh $3,500Gill Virsa Singh $3,500Gladwin Drycleaners $1,120Gladwin Pharmacy $5,000Gosal Balwant Kaur $3,500Gosal Paramjit S $7,000Greenland Grovers/Dhami $1,500Grewal A. S. Rimpi (ASG Truck.) $3,500Grewal Balbir S $3,500Grewal Baldev Singh $3,500Grewal Davinderpal S $8,500Grewal Davinderpaul S $8,500Grewal Gurjant S $3,500Grewal Harbans Singh $12,000Grewal Harjinderpal S $3,500Grewal Harvinder S $3,500Grewal Jaspreet $3,500Grewal jasvir/Gurmukh $3,500Grewal Joginder S Rajwinder K $3,500Grewal Karmjit S $3,500Grewal Kulwinder S $3,500Grewal Nirmal Singh $7,000Grewal Rajinder Singh $3,500Grewal Rajvir Singh Aldergrove $5,000Grewal Ranjit S. $5,000Grewal Surinderpal S/ Dhaliwal $5,000Gupat Daan $7,000Gupt Daan $20Gupt Dann $7,000Gupta Arun Kumar $3,500Gupta Avinash/Suresh $3,500Gupta Homes (Rakesh Gupta) $1,000Haer Sawarn K $10Hans Rajinder S $3,500Harbor Trucking $5,000Harry Hardeep $3,500Harry Surinder S $500Hayer Gurmit S $5,000Hayer Harbhajan S $5,000

    Heer Jarnail Singh $5,000Heer Manmohan Singh $10,000Hundal Kabul Singh $3,500Jalan Vipan Dr. $1,000Jaswal Surinderpal Singh $7,000Jatana Surdev Singh $7,000Jhally Harvinder Singh $3,500Johal Gian S. $3,500Johal Harnek S $7,000Johal Harvinder Singh $3,500J's Pizza (Pure Veg) $200J's Pizza (SFW) $5,000Judge Param Singh $12,000Kailey Ajaib S $3,500Kailey Randhir S $10,500Kaler Gurdeep Singh $3,500Kaler Gurjit Kaur $7,000Kang Gurmail S. $7,000Kang Kuljit S. & Charan $3,500Kanwal Jagdev Singh $3,500Kapoor Kamaldeep S $200Kapoor Parmjot S $3,500Kataria Sant S $151Khaira Rachhpal Singh $3,500Khaira Bakhshish S $5,000Khaira Jagjit & Avtar $3,500Khaira Manjit S $3,500Khakh Harbans Singh $3,600Khakh Rashpal $3,500Khalsa Diwan Society of Abbotsford $51,000Khangura Inder $3,500Khattar Ajit S. $5,000Khattar Gurcharn S. $200Khattar Manjit S $500Khattar Pritam S $500Khinda Jaswinder S & Ajit S $7,000Khosa Darshan, Chand $3,500Khosa Gurmeet S $500Khosa Lachaman S $3,500Khosa Ram Singh $3,500Khun Khun Rashpal $3,500Khunkhun Ajit Kaur $3,500Khunkhun Sandy $3,500KhunKhun Sohan Singh $3,500Kingra Amarjit $3,500Kingra Balwant $3,500Kingra Jagtar $3,500Kingra Ranjit $3,500Kondolay Harbi $3,500Kooner Kewal S $3,500Kooner Kulwinder S (Miri Piri) $5,000Kooner Nachatar S (Surrey) $12,000Kular Harminder Kaur $8,500K. Arun, Usha Rani Mission $3,500Lail Amar S & Kartar k. $7,000Lali Tarlochan Singh $5,100Lally Narinder $3,500Lalri Avtar S $3,500Lanji Dildar Singh $5,000Lickman Food & Fuel Limited $5,000Lidhran Sarbjit S $3,500Litt Amrik S $3,500Litt Jaswant Singh $3,500Maan Varindar Kaur $3,500Mahal Avtar S $3,500Mahal Balbir S $3,500Maharihu Harbhajan S $3,500Mahil Darshan S $5,100Malhi Shaminder Singh $5,000Malhi Sukhdev S $3,500Malwa Auto Repair $500Maman Sansar Ch.& Balraj S. $3,500Manchanda Jagdeesh $3,500Mangat Gurcharn S $3,500Mankatala Tarsem $5,000Mann Jaggi & Shinda $7,000Mann Pal S $3,500Mann Palwinder (S. Roofi ng) $5,000Marshal Pharmacy $5,000Mehta Darshan $3,500Minhas Manjit Singh $5,100Minhas Satpal S (Satkul Dev.) $5,000Minhas Tarsem S $7,000Mission Gur Sikh Society $13,000Moonga Balwinder Singh $3,500MP Singh $3,500Nanuwa Santokh S $5,000Narahre Balbir S $3,500

    Narang Avtar S. ( Merrit) $3,500Narang Avtar S. (Langley) $3,500Narang Gurbux Singh $5,000Narang Gurmail S. & Amarjit S. $10,000Nutt Manjit Kaur $3,500Nutt Ranjit S $7,000Oberoi Bhupinder Singh $5,000Oberoi Darshan $3,500Oberoi Jaswinder Singh $3,500Padwal Jagir S $3,600Padwal Ram S $3,500Pandher Sohan Singh $3,500Pandher Surjit Singh $3,500Pandher Tarsem Singh $7,000Pannu Harjinder S $3,500Pannu Saroop Singh Mission $3,500Pannu Veer S & Manjinder S $7,000Parhar Onkar Singh $5,000Parmar Joginder Kaur $3,500Parmar Manvir Singh $3,500Parmar Sarabjit Singh $3,500Parmar Satnam Singh $3,500Parmar Swaran Singh $3,500Paul Trucking $7,000Phangura Tarsen S $15,500Purewal Teja S. & Surinder K. $7,000Rai Preet $3,500Rai Sunney $3,500Rai Tara S $3,500Raiwal Balbir Singh $25,000Rakhra Amarjit Singh $7,000Rakhra Kanwardeep S $500Randhawa Harbhajan S $12,000Randhawa Ranjit S $5,000Randhawa Rattan S $7,000Randhawa S. S. ( AS Fencing) $3,500Riarh Jaswant S $7,000Romana Gurpiar Singh $7,000Sachdeva Sanjeev $3,500Sahi Mahavir Singh $3,500Sahil Amarjit S $50Sahota Balhar Singh $3,500Sahota Nachatar S $3,500Sailok Inv. Group Brar B.deep S. $5,000Saini Gurbux Singh $7,000Saini Sawarn S $3,500Samra Diibag Singh $7,000Samra Manjit S $7,000Sandher Ajmer Singh $3,500Sandher Ravinder Singh $3,500Sandhu Ajit Singh $8,500Sandhu Charan Singh $3,500Sandhu Daljit S $3,500Sandhu Dave $3,500Sandhu Gurcharan Singh $3,500Sandhu Gurdarshan Singh $3,500Sandhu Gurnam S $7,000Sandhu Harinder Singh $3,500Sandhu Jaswant S $3,500Sandhu Lakhwinder S $500Sandhu Malkiat K $7,000Sandhu Mohinder S $3,500Sandhu Ranjit S $7,000Sandhu Ranjit s $3,500Sandhu Sachiar Kaur $10,000Sandhu Sukhwinder S $5,000Sandhu Surjit S (SD Farms) $5,000Sangha Balbir S $3,500Sangha Baldev S $7,000Sangha Bhupinder Singh $7,000Sangha Jagtar S $3,500Sangha Joga Singh $5,000Sangha Norm S. $10,000Sanghera Makhan Singh $8,500Saran Arjun S. & Harbhajan K $3,500Saran Bikar S $3,500Saran Mehar S $5,000Saran Sandeep $3,500Saroya Mohinder S $3,500Seikhon Inderjit Singh $3,500Seikhon Sadhu Singh $3,500Sekhon Darshan Singh $7,000Sekhon Jagjit S. & Baljit K. $3,500Sekhon Khem S $3,500Sekhon Navdeep Singh $3,500Sharma Darshan Kumar $25,000Sharma Deepak Kumar $12,000Sharma Jaspal (Choice Railing) $7,000Sharma Lajya Wanti $3,500

    Sharma Rajinder Kumar $8,500Sharma Rakesh Kumar $3,500Sharma Ramesh Kumar $3,500Sharma Sukhdev $5,000Sheen Narinder S $3,500Sidhu Ajmer S $7,000Sidhu Amarjit Singh $500Sidhu Balvinder Singh $3,500Sidhu Bh. S (A Choice L.scaping) $8,500Sidhu Chamkaur S(Alamwala) $10,000Sidhu Chand S $3,500Sidhu Chankaur $3,500Sidhu Dalip Singh Giani $7,000Sidhu Davinderpal S $3,500Sidhu Gogi Singh (K. Creek) $5,000Sidhu Gurdev Singh $3,500Sidhu Gurmail Singh $3,500Sidhu H. S. (Clayburn Farm) $7,000Sidhu Hardev Ranjit Hardip S. $13,500Sidhu Hardial S $3,500Sidhu Harjinder S $3,500Sidhu Harmandeep S $3,500Sidhu Inder Jit Singh $3,500Sidhu Jaspinder $3,500Sidhu Jatinder Singh $11,000Sidhu Jatinder Singh $3,500Sidhu Jit Singh $7,000Sidhu Joginder Singh $3,500Sidhu Kartar S (Mahean walla) $12,250Sidhu Kinder & Associates $10,000Sidhu Kulwinder S. & Sukhjeet $7,000Sidhu Mohinder Pal S. Mission $500Sidhu Mukhtiar S $3,500Sidhu Nachattar Singh $3,500Sidhu Nirmal S $3,500Sidhu Pargat S $3,500Sidhu Rajved Singh $7,000Sidhu Ram Singh $5,000Sidhu Sarabjit & Harmandeep S $3,500Sidhu Sikinder $3,500Sidhu Sukhwinder Singh $3,500Sidhu Surjit K. W/O Bir Singh $3,500Sidhu Surjit Singh $7,000Sidhu Swarn S $7,000Sidhu Terry (Notary Public) $12,000Sihota Kuldip S $500Singh Jiwan (Moga) $5,000Singh Karnail $3,500Singh Paramjit Kaur $14,000Singh Salinderjit S $3,500Singh Satpal $5,000Sivia Agarvir Singh $8,500Sivia Nirmal Singh $17,000Sobti Talvinder S $3,500Sodhi Mohinder S $3,500Sohi Manjit Singh $12,000Sood Ramesh Kumar $5,000Soody Harjinder S $100Sran Gurcharn s $3,500Sran Satinder Singh $3,500Swaich Ekbal Singh $5,000Takhar Balhar S $3,500Tatala Nazar Singh $50Thandi Gurdev S. & Sons $10,000Thandi Sucha S $10,000Thind Bhag Singh $3,500Thind Hardial S. (High Class Ho.) $5,000Thind Parmjit S. $19,000Thind Vern & Rupinder $4,500Tiwana Garry $7,000Tiwana Parminder Singh $5,000Toor Bhajan Singh $5,000Toor Bikker S $3,500Toor Garry & Bam Sidhu $31,000Toor Harvinder $3,500Toor Sadhu Singh $5,000Toor Sukhdev $3,500Toor Surjit Kaur $3,500Varing Garry $5,000Verma Kamal/Sita $7,000Virdee Karamjit Singh $3,500Virk Paramjit Singh $3,500Virk Surinder S $3,500Wadhawan FamIly $25,000Waqat Enterises $5,000Westberry Farms $5,000Wraich Jagpal Kaur $3,500

    Total $2,833,582

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    Due to regulatory concerns, we wish to clarify the basis upon which pledges are made to the Society and the use of the word 'Certifi cate' in previous advertisements. Until the Society is licensed to engage in the sale of pre-need funeral services, all monies received, past and future are donations. How-ever, any pledge of $3500 or any multiple thereof shall be dealt with this as follows. The sum of $2000 shall be a donation and the sum of $1500 may at the option of the donor, be: (a) Converted into a payment for funeral contract once those terms are established and the Society is in a position of offer one. (b) Used as a further donation for the establishment of our facility; or (c) Returned to the donor.

    We will advise when the Society is in a position to offer a funeral contract. We trust that this clarifi es matters.

    Friday, February 3rd, 2012PAGE 30Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 30

  • (Paul Wadhawan) F@D-C@H-FBCD (Gurnaib S. Brar) F@D-C@I-AHAH (Baljinder S. Bains) F@D-H@G-AIIE (Sonny Grewal) F@E-EAB-CDE@ (Gurmeet S. Dhaliwal) F@D-EEF-HIDI (Manjit S. Sohi) GGH HGH G@F@ (Manjit S. Minhas) F@D-FDD-AADB (Darshan K. Sharma) F@D-C@H-EC@A (Satvir S. Gill) F@D H@G CCCG

    (Dr. Rajinder Singh Bhatti) (Nash Gill)

    afkf rfhf FrdCtrYPq dpPfqAd DtDprBPq

    VYOM Solutions Inc

    Vancouver BC

    Rajesh Acharya

    B Arch, COA (IN), LEED AP, MRAIC (604) 603-0615 [email protected]

    Artistic Rendering by:


    A- One Tutorial (Puri) $3,500Abby Pharmacy $10,000Accurate Auto Body $7,000Ahuja Jagdish Kumar $3,500Ahuja Prem Kumar $3,500Akali Jarnail Singh $3,500Alamwala Jasvir (Jessie) $8,500Alamwala Sarwan S & Family $10,000Arora Om Parkash $3,500Athwal Rupinder S $500Atwal Hardev Singh $7,000Atwal Hari Singh $500Atwal Rajwinder Singh $3,500Aujla Avtar S $20Aujla Jarnail Singh (Fruticana) $1,000Aulakh Rupinderjit Singh $1,100Baba Banda Singh Bahader Society $80,500Badesha Pirthi S. $3,500Badesha Pritam S $3,500Badwal Bachan Singh $3,500Bains Baljinder Singh $12,000Bains Jagtar S $7,000Bains Jit S. Yarrow $8,500Bains Kirpal S $3,500Bains Malkiat Singh $3,500Bains Parminder S $3,500Bains Patvinder Singh $5,000Bains Surinder Singh $3,500Bajaj Ashok(Langley) $5,000Bajwa Jasbir Singh $3,500Bajwa Kamalpreet S $1,000Bandesha Hari $5,000Bangar Raghbir Singh $5,000Bansal Yogesh K $3,500Bansi Baldev Singh $7,000Bansi Gulshan Singh $3,500Banwait Jasbir Singh $10,000Bassi Karnail $3,500Bath Kesar Singh $7,000Bathe Raj $8,500Batra Jagjeevan Singh $3,500Benipal Dr. Dalvir Singh $5,000Bhandal Baljinder S $3,500Bhandal Bikar S $7,000Bhattal Devinder Singh $600Bhattal Gurpreet Singh $7,000Bhatti Harmanjeet $3,500Bhatti Ravinder S $3,500Bhullar Dilbag & Jasbir $3,500Bhullar Harmonik Singh $3,500Bhullar jasmail Singh $3,500Bhullar Raj & Jasvir $3,500Binning Gurmukh S $3,500Binning Jasvir Singh $25,000Bisla Harji $200Blueridge Pharmacy $5,000Braich Jaspal Kaur $7,000Braich Sher Singh $13,500Brar Nachattar Kaur $500Brar Bant Singh $12,000Brar Blawant S & Surjit K $3,500Brar Chamkaur & Gurpreet $3,500Brar Dalip K $3,500Brar Davinder Singh & Amar Jit Singh $10,000Brar Devinder K. $3,500Brar Gurbhej Singh (MGB Ent.) $5,000Brar Gurdev Singh $7,000Brar G. S. Alamwala BBG Trk. $3,500Brar Gurnaib Singh $5,000Brar Gurnek Singh $7,000Brar Harcharan Singh $7,000Brar Harcharan Singh $7,000Brar Harj $3,500Brar Karamjit S. (JJ Hauling) $7,000Brar Kehar Singh $3,500Brar Kuldip S $3,500Brar Lakhvinder (Bagi) Singh $5,000Brar Malkiat Kaur $3,500Brar Malkiat S $7,000Brar Mall S $3,500Brar Manmohan Singh $3,500Brar Mohinder S. $3,500Brar Onkar S $7,000Brar Param Singh $3,500Brar Pritpal Singh $3,500Brar Rashpal S $3,500Brar Shabnam Singh $7,000

    Brar Sukhdev Singh $3,500Brar Sukhwant S $3,500Brar Surjit Singh (Kulljeet) $3,500Brar Thana S $3,500Buttar Raghbir Singh $7,000Cedar Park Pharmacy $12,000Chahal Gurpreet Singh $7,000Chahal Randhir S $3,500Chand Fateh $3,500Cheema Jasbir S $3,500Cheema Kartar S $3,500Cheema Manjit S ( York H. D.) $5,000Cheema Sukhwinder & Makhan $7,000Cheema Tejinder Singh $3,500Chemma Jagtar S $3,500Chohan Zora S. $8,500Clair Narinder S $7,000Crown Distributers Surrey $7,000Dass Harbhajan $3,500Deol Harinder Singh $8,500Deol Kartar S. $3,500Deol Trucking $3,500Deol Varinder Singh $3,500Dhaliwal Amarpal Singh $3,500Dhaliwal Attar S $500Dhaliwal Avtar S Harji Farms) $3,500Dhaliwal Baljit Singh $5,111Dhaliwal Bhagwant S Tejinder $3,500Dhaliwal Chamkaur Singh $3,500Dhaliwal Charanjit S $100Dhaliwal Daljit S $3,500Dhaliwal Dalvir Singh $3,500Dhaliwal Gurmail S $3,500Dhaliwal Gurmeet K $3,500Dhaliwal Gurmeet S. Mission $15,500Dhaliwal Gurvinder S Prof. $7,000Dhaliwal Hakam Singh $3,500Dhaliwal Jarnail Singh $10,500Dhaliwal Jaswant Singh $3,500Dhaliwal Mohinder S (Castlegar) $3,500Dhaliwal Paul Singh $3,500Dhaliwal R.paul S. Jagdeep K $3,500Dhaliwal Shamsher $5,000Dhaliwal Surjeet K $3,500Dhami Balbir S $3,500Dhami Harpreet & Jaswinder $3,500Dhami Kuldip S $100Dhami Malwinder Singh $12,000Dhami Narang & Co. $5,000Dhanoa Harbhajan Singh $7,000Dhatt Gurgurpal Singh $7,000Dhesi Malkiat S. & Daljit S. $15,500Dhillon Baaga S. $8,500Dhillon Gurdev S $3,500Dhillon Harbans Singh $5,000Dhillon Lal S $3,500Dhillon Malkiat Singh $10,000Dhillon Mit Singh $3,500Dhillon Nirmal S $3,500Dhillon Parmjit Singh $3,500Dhillon P. S.( H &T Homes) $3,500Dhillon Piara Singh $3,500Dhillon Sukhjinder S $3,500Dhillon Surjit S $3,500Dhillon Tehal S $3,500Dhilon Malvinder Singh $3,500Dial Sarwan S $7,000Doad Beant S $3,500Dosanjh Balwinder S $7,000Dr. Yogi $4,200Dutt Avtar Singh $3,500Farwaha Jasbir Singh $3,500Farwaha Lakhvir Singh $3,500Fraser Valley Hindu Society $5,000G Mann Trucking $8,500G.L Farms(Litt Ch., Grewal S.S.) $7,000Gar