Download - February 2018 The Laurier Lens - Peel District School · 2018-01-31 · Conference helps parents empower modern learners

Page 1: February 2018 The Laurier Lens - Peel District School · 2018-01-31 · Conference helps parents empower modern learners

Superintendent: Michelle Stubbings Trustee: Kathy McDonald Principal: Randall Stewart

Phone: (905) 451-1415 Fax: (905) 451-5246

The Laurier Lens February 2018

In This 50th Anniversary Issue… Pg. 2 - Up-Coming Events Pg. 2 - News from the Gym Pg. 3 - Modern Learners Conference - Offence Declarations Pg. 4 - Kindergarten Registration Info

Bus cancellation and closing schools due to bad weather

During the winter months, we may need to cancel buses or close schools because of inclement weather. Information regarding details of cancellations or closures will be announced on radio and television stations listed below and will also be available on Twitter @Peelschools, Face-book at, and or by calling 905-890-1010 or 1-800-668-1146. VIRGIN RADIO FM 99.9 BREAKFAST TELEVISION NEWS AM680 CFNY FM102.1/AM640 CJCL AM590 CHFI FM98.1 NEWSTALK1010 AM EZ ROCK FM97.3 CJBC (FR) AM860 FM Z103.5 FM93.1 FM Q107 CHIN FM100.7/AM1540 CBC99.1 CITYPULSE GLOBAL NEWS CITY NEWS CTV CFRB – (Bell Media)

School Website:

Strength Wisdom Leadership

From the Principal... Developing skills for artistic expression is a big part of a child’s learning experience both in school and in life. We are very ex-cited to see so many students involved in the Hammer Band Violin lessons, the Lit-tle Jammers Gui-tar lessons, as well as, our own Music classes which include both vocal and percus-sion. Violin lessons are offered Tuesdays and Guitar lessons are offered on Fridays. If you had the opportunity to attend the Leadership Assembly last Friday, you would have been delighted to see and hear some students singing, “Seasons”. During the cold of winter, our Primary stu-dents are taking skating lessons at Memo-rial Arena with instructors from the City of Brampton Parks and Recreation. In or-der to make this happen, Play It Again Sports has generously donated sharp-ened skates for our chil-dren to use. Mr. Smith has also donated dozens of helmets complete with cages. Thank you, so much for your kind support.

Page 2: February 2018 The Laurier Lens - Peel District School · 2018-01-31 · Conference helps parents empower modern learners

FEBRUARY Character Trait is Honesty Jan. 29 - Feb 2 Kindergarten Registration Jan. 31 Raptors 905 Game at Hershey Ctr Feb. 1 Fit Kids Presentations Feb. 2 Rocks & Rings Curling Groundhog Day Family Movie Night 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Feb. 5 National Sweater Spirit Day Feb. 7 & 21 Pizza Day Feb. 7 National Walk to School Day Feb. 8 Primary Skating Trip #2 a.m. Term One Report Cards go home Feb. 9 PD Day (No school for students) Feb. 13 100th Day Celebration Feb. 14 Wear Red, Pink or White Spirit Day Valentine’s Day Feb. 16 Chinese New Year Feb. 19 FAMILY DAY HOLIDAY Feb. 23 Tie Spirit Day Leadership Assembly 1:35 p.m.

Nut-Free Snacks/Lunches Please be vigilant about avoiding any nut content in your child’s snacks and lunches.

Future World Leaders in Training

From the Gym

What a busy month it has been. Students learned some new skills and the new game of Atomic Ball (modified volleyball). For the next few weeks all grades will be learning age ap-propriate skills around basketball. Congratula-tions to Murtaza for winning the first Speed Stacking competition this year. Students from grades 1-5 meet one nutrition break a week to practise. The Junior Basketball Club is in full swing. Around 30 students stay after school each Monday and Wednesday to socialize and learn new skills. The SWL basketball team went to Royal Orchard Middle School and placed 3rd in the tournament. Congratulations to all the team members.

The first primary skating day at Memorial Are-na was a great success. Over 55 students par-ticipated in a 1 hour skating lesson. Thank-you to all the staff at Play It Again Sports on Vod-den Street for donating and sharpening 30 pairs of skates to make this possible for all stu-dents. I am looking forward to the next lesson on February 8th. The Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang, South Korea start on February 9th. Go Canada Go!!!

We teach and practise the Peel Character Traits and the 7 Habits for becoming a Lead-er of ourselves and of others. Everyone has the power to be a leader– including you!

Next School Council Mtg:

March 6th at 6:30 All are welcome to attend...

Page 3: February 2018 The Laurier Lens - Peel District School · 2018-01-31 · Conference helps parents empower modern learners

Conference helps parents empower modern learners

The Peel District School Board is hosting its annual parent conference, co-presented by the Peel Elementary Teachers’ Local, on Saturday, March 24, 2018, at Mississauga Secondary School in Mississauga. The conference will focus on Empowering Modern Learners. Parents will have the opportunity to attend workshops on topics, including numeracy, literacy, special education, tech-nology and science. This free learning event is open to Peel parents of students at all grade levels. Our keynote presentation will be delivered by Dwayne Matthews, a life and education strategist, who converges and shares knowledge on modern learning, disruptive technology, and the evolu-tion of work. Dwayne will present Learning in the 21st century: Why it's different, why it matters and how to help children thrive in a rapidly evolving digital world.

Registration opens Feb. 5, 2018 Stay up-to-date! For more information, visit

Offence Declaration required for returning volunteers Parents play an important role in the development and education of their children and in the success of the school community. At (insert name of school), we welcome and encourage the participation of parents and community members, and are grateful for the countless hours our volunteers contribute throughout the school year. To volunteer at our school, you must complete a short interview and a criminal record check. A criminal rec-ord check is required for all school volunteers in On-tario. Even if you want to accompany your child on a field trip, you need this record check. Once you have completed the process, you are on file with the Peel District School Board as being a school volunteer. All returning volunteers will receive an Of-fence Declaration form that must be filled out and re-turned to the board office each year. Completing the Offence Declaration will ensure that you can continue volunteering in the next school year. Expect to re-ceive the form in mid-February.

As part of our teaching of Learning Skills, as indicat-ed on the Report Cards, each of our classes from Kindergarten to Grade 5 will be learning about Zones of Regulation (See above). This is a great way for students to become aware of their emotions and their readiness to learn.

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It's time to register chil-dren born in 2014 for Kindergarten

We inspire success, confidence and hope in each student…and it all starts in Kindergarten! If your child was born in 2014, he or she can start Kindergarten in September 2018. You can register your child at any time during regu-lar school hours—just visit the school he/she will be attending to register. Peel schools will also hold a Kindergarten Registration Week with special registration activities dur-ing Jan. 29 to Feb. 2, 2018. Visit Sir Wilfrid Laurier Public School from:

Jan. 29 to 31, 2018 – from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Feb. 1, 2018 – from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. Feb. 2, 2018 – from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

What you will need to bring to registration Proof of child's age (one of the following)

Canadian birth certificate Canadian passport citizenship card/certificate Permanent Resident Card confirmation of permanent residence work permit refugee permit

Proof of address (one of the following)

Ontario driver's license utility bill bank statement/client slip (directly from financial institution) credit card statement federal government forms (e.g. Social Insurance Number, Service Canada documents) purchase agreement

Proof of custody – children must live with their parent(s) unless provided documentation sup-ports an alternate living arrangement Proof of immunization – proof that your child has been immunized/vaccinated

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What you need to know about head lice What is head lice? Head lice are tiny insects that live on the scalp where they lay their eggs. They have three stages: the egg (nit), the nymph and the adult. Head lice do not spread diseases and cannot be spread be-tween animals or pets and humans, only through direct contact between people. Head lice spread easily, especially where people are in close contact. They are very common among school-aged children or children attending child care, where they spread through direct hair-to-hair contact or directly by sharing things like hats, combs, hairbrushes or headphones. One of the first signs of head lice is an itchy scalp. However, children can have head lice for several weeks with no symptoms. If you think your child has head lice, check their hair for nits right away, then again after one week and after two weeks.

What to do if your child has lice Parents are advised to keep their child at home until they have been treated for lice. Students may only return to school if they are “nit-free.” If your child has live lice, ensure that they avoid head-to-head contact with other children until the lice are gone. Children should not share combs, hairbrush-es, caps, hats or hair ornaments. You should also check all family members for head lice. Be sensi-tive to your child’s feelings and let them know that having head lice does not mean they are not clean. Head lice can be treated with the following approved insecticides:

pyrethrin (found in R&C Shampoo + Conditioner)

permethrin (Nix Creme Rinse or Kwellada-P Creme Rinse) * lindane (Hexit Shampoo or PMS-Lindane Shampoo).

Healthy Body! Healthy Mind! When we invest in our physical health, will be able to combat stress and anxiety with greater success. This includes being: Well-rested



Some Tips: Set a Sleep Schedule – Set an alarm to go to bed! Our body likes a regular schedule. Bedtimes and wake times should not vary by more than one hour from one day to the next. Drink plenty of water - Many of us go through life dehydrated—causing tiredness, low energy, and head-aches. It’s common to mistake thirst for hunger, so staying well hydrated will also help us make healthier food choices.