Download - February 2016 Cathedral NewsFebruary 2016 Cathedral News . 2 FROM THE DEAN ... we received some new gifts that enabled us to complete the appeal. It is a fantastic effort! A very big

Page 1: February 2016 Cathedral NewsFebruary 2016 Cathedral News . 2 FROM THE DEAN ... we received some new gifts that enabled us to complete the appeal. It is a fantastic effort! A very big

February 2016

Cathedral News

Page 2: February 2016 Cathedral NewsFebruary 2016 Cathedral News . 2 FROM THE DEAN ... we received some new gifts that enabled us to complete the appeal. It is a fantastic effort! A very big



For the last year I have been making very encouraging noises about raising the £70,000 that we needed in order to complete the payment of the State Gate repair. In the first week of January we received some new gifts that enabled us to complete the appeal. It is a fantastic effort! A very big thank you to everyone who has contributed. By the beginning of February it will have re-opened but there will be an official re-dedication, by the Lord Lieutenant of West Yorkshire on Tuesday 12 April at 4.00pm … more details to follow.

As I write this the new Archdeacon of Bradford, the Venerable Dr Andy Jolley and his wife, Ricky - a GP - are moving into No 3. This is a temporary arrangement until their housing is sorted out by the Diocese but we give them a very warm welcome. It will be great to get to know them and offer support and encouragement as they begin this ministry in a new part of the country. There will be a Welcome Service for Andy on Saturday 20 February at 2.30pm in the Cathedral. Do please come along to give them a real Bradford welcome!

The new Archdeacons of Richmond & Craven, Bev Mason and Bradford, Andy Jolley

As you may have heard already we have not been able to appoint a Canon Precentor yet. This role oversees every aspect of our worship at the Cathedral and as this is a daily occurrence it has to be covered by someone. I am hugely grateful to staff and volunteers who have been so understanding. Particularly, I would like to thank Sue McWhinney and Jonathan Eyre (for their attention to detail and producing the service sheets) and Lindsey Bradshaw (for doing all the photocopying). It has been a great team effort.

Two events have caught my eye recently; a day for the Cathedral Welcomers and an afternoon when over a dozen volunteers, including Canon Mandy, started to stitch the first of the four new large kneelers that will complete the Tapestry Project. In themselves they were really good ‘moments’ but to me they underlined the way forward for us as a Cathedral. If we are going to achieve our Vision and Strategy it will be a dynamic partnership between clergy, paid staff and volunteers. We need to think in terms of a ‘total ministry’, where as many as possible can play a part in the future of this Cathedral.

This year Lent arrives very early. A full programme of Lent & Holy Week services and events will be available very soon but they include:

Lent Wednesday breakfasts; Shrove Tuesday lunch; and a Fairtrade Big Breakfast on 6 March: a sermon series based on the Creed; a Lent Course based on the Rule of St Benedict; and

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Canon Precentor As the process for appointing a new Canon Precentor continues, we ask for your prayers for guidance and discernment. Father, you have promised to guide us when we are truly humble and dependent upon you. You have promised to give wisdom generously to those who feel their lack of it. We come to you as your children asking for a Father’s wise prompting as we discern the person to appoint as Residentiary Canon. Lead us in the right path, so that the life of the Cathedral may bring glory and honour to you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord: Amen

Planting for a better future Did you know the Cathedral uses approximately ten trees worth of paper per year?

The Forest of Bradford is offering us the opportunity to support the planting of new trees in the Bradford area, both through financial sponsorship and the actual planting. A tree costs £5, but contributions of any amount are welcome. Please use a yellow gift aid envelope and mark it "Trees".

When the location and planting dates are confirmed, we will be invited to join in and there will be the opportunity to visit the area in the future. We do not want to just offset the paper we use, but create a community space that can be used for generations, a green place in the city to be used by people of all ages.


an opportunity for you to study at home with a book based on the Diocesan vision and the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book.

In Holy Week we are also increasing our offering improving our offering. This year the Revd Canon Dr Robin Greenwood, author of ‘Sharing God's Blessing: How to renew the local church’ will be leading us at the Good Friday Three Hours Vigil and leading a reflection/discussion at 7.00pm prior to our 8.00pm Night Prayers on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening. But we shall also be offering a daytime discussion option as well.

This is the most important week in the Christian Year and I would like to encourage you to be part of our pilgrimage. I cannot underline too strongly how life changing and spiritually uplifting this week can be. Please consider treating it very differently to any other week in the year and choose to walk with Jesus in Holy Week 2016.

The Dean

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Extended Membership Please remember in your prayers the following members of the Cathedral fellowship who, through illness or incapacity, cannot attend in person: Pat Baly Margaret & David Barker Dorothy Dean Barbara Foulds Hazel Naylor Bill Pirie Joan Simpson Dorothy Walsh Heather Wright If anyone you know would appreciate being added to this list, please speak to one of the clergy or churchwardens, Alex McLelland or Maggie Peel.

You may remember that in 2015 our Cathedral Mission Giving supported The Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East (Canon Andrew White's organisation). You may be interested in this recent update we have received from them.

Canon Andrew White has been forced to leave Baghdad due to the ongoing security concerns there, and is now living in Amman, Jordan, where he is ministering to many Iraqi Christian refugees who cannot return home. He says, "Given the mass exodus this year of Iraqi Christians from their ancestral home, it is not an exaggeration to say that we are witnessing the decline of Christianity in Iraq, possibly even its extinction." He is sadly not impressed by the failure of the international community (with the exception of Canada and Australia) to take seriously the plight of Iraqi, and other middle eastern, Christian refugees.

On a happier note, the Foundation has been able to provide considerable support to refugees in Jordan as well as those internally displaced in Iraq. In Amman they are running a weekly food

Prayer for Persecuted Christians

voucher programme, free health clinic and school, as well as partnering with another organisation which is supporting Syrian refugees in the north of Jordan.

Canon Andrew continues his work of reconciliation, and has set up the Jerusalem International School of Reconciliation, "with the aim of introducing a new generation to the power and methods of reconciliation".

Please continue to pray for the work of FRRME, and for the safety of Canon Andrew and his staff, particularly those who continue to work in Iraq. If you would like to find out more about FRRME, or to donate towards it, you can do so via their website

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The Community Committee Community Committee is drawn from enthusiastic members of the congregation with a deep commitment to enabling the Christian community here at the Cathedral to flourish as disciples of Christ. They have a heart for mission and hospitality and work closely with the Cathedral staff and congregation to enable these key ministries to flourish. They hold responsibility for parts of the Cathedral vision statement. Representatives from the Eco-group, Hospitality team, Volunteers, Deanery Synod, Healing Prayer group, Pastoral Communication, Children's Space are all represented and report to Community Committee. Other areas of work held by the Community Committee include running the LyCiG Local (Leading your Church into Growth) course, caring for vulnerable adults, running social events and identifying which charities will be

financially supported by the Cathedral. The committee regularly reports to Chapter, the governing body of the Cathedral.

Please pray for the work that this committee does on behalf of the congregation and Chapter and if you would like to find out more please don't hesitate to ask, they really are very friendly.

Social Events at the Cathedral The Community Committee has planned a series of social events of different types to run through the year. Here is a list of them for 2016 so you can put them in your diary. Tuesday 9 February Shrove Tuesday Pancake Lunch.

Pancake Lunch 2015

Saturday 21 May A Mission Fair where we can meet the people and organisations to whom the Cathedral gives. 16 -17 July Parish Weekend at Parcevall Hall. If there is available space, congregation are welcome to join the Committee at this event. Saturday 1 October Creation Café at Harvest time. Saturday 17 December Christmas Lunch.

Crackers at the Cathedral! On the Saturday before Christmas about forty of us sat down to a delicious Christmas lunch in the Nave. The tables were festively decorated and the seasonal food was delicious. Conversation flowed as we chatted to friends or made new ones, and afterwards we were entertained in true Yorkshire style by Eveline Hudson and a flat-capped Sir James Hill, amongst others. Particular thanks to Sally and Paul Brodie for the food and for doing all the washing up, and to the vergers for expert setting up. It were such a grand do that we've already fixed the date for next year and we'd love more of you to join us!

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At the last Leeds Diocesan Synod meeting on 17 October 2015, two motions were passed by the Synod and all churches have been asked to consider the following motions which have also been discussed at our Community Committee meeting on 16 November.

The Community Committee would urge all readers of Cathedral News to take action on the first motion if they are able to do so. 1) Diocesan Synod motion on

blood donation: “THAT this Diocesan Synod calls upon the Secretary to the Diocesan Synod to send a letter on behalf of this Diocesan Synod requesting:

i) Every church in the Leeds Diocese to encourage their members to consider as part of their Christian giving:

a) becoming a blood donor; and

b) registering as an organ donor upon their death and making their wishes known to their family; and

ii) Churches in the Leeds Diocese to contact their local Blood Transfusion Service with a view to offering their premises as a centre for blood donation where these are suitable for such a purpose and no other local facility is currently available.”

The committee felt that the Cathedral premises would not be ideally suited to providing a venue for blood donation.

The second motion is one in which the Cathedral is actively involved:

2) Diocesan Synod motion on the refugee crisis:

“THAT this Diocesan Synod, recognising the unprecedented migration from North Africa and the Middle East into Europe and the consequent refugee crisis, calls upon the Secretary to the Diocesan Synod to send a letter on behalf of this Diocesan Synod requesting: that every church in the Leeds diocese considers:

(a) how they might support refugees locally;

(b) how they might join in the debate about refugee support in the UK; and

(c) how the Leeds diocese might respond in conjunction with local authorities and charities

Bradford Cathedral is involved with the Abigail project for Asylum seekers, and supports a number of mission partners around the city who are providing help for refugees and migrants in various ways.

Bradford Cathedral’s mission giving for 2015 includes:

£1,000 to Abigail Housing, a local charity that houses destitution asylum seekers in Bradford and supports them to make a further claim for asylum, and, in Leeds, houses refugees who have been granted leave to remain while they claim benefits and/or seek employment. Donations of money, food and toiletries are always welcome and can be left at the Cathedral. For more information please see Maggie Peel.

£1,000 to Inn Churches who offer overnight accommodation to the

Diocesan Request for Help

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homeless in Bradford during the winter months, some of whom are refugees. For further information please speak to Jane Tarver.

£600 to Save the Children’s child Refugee Crisis Appeal, which supports the children of refugees fleeing to Europe across the Mediterranean Sea. One in five of those arriving by sea are children.

In response to the many generous offers of help for refugees that have been received in Bradford, the Bradford District Community Fund (BDCF) is coordinating fund raising across the District. BDCF is a registered charity (operating under the banner of the Leeds Community Foundation) that raises money and then distributes it, in the form of grants, to local community projects and charities throughout the Bradford District. For people wishing to donate, cheques made payable to “Bradford District Community Foundation” can be sent to BDCF c/o Bradford CVS, 19-25 Sunbridge Road, Bradford, BD1 2AY or online donations that can be gift aided can be made at

If any member of the congregation would like to discuss either of these two topics in more detail please contact any member of the community committee.

Thank you from … Abigail Housing

We want to thank all of you who bought our Christmas vouchers, and those who gave a small mountain of toiletries and chocolates to Abigail residents for Christmas.

Our residents are touched and a tad overwhelmed by your generosity! You bought just over £400 worth of vouchers and in donations, which was a huge contribution to the total of just over £900 raised.

This has enabled us to give each destitute asylum seeker £20 of mobile phone vouchers, meat vouchers or toiletry vouchers as well as making an impressive contribution to Abigail's funds through the bed vouchers. Our asylum seeker residents are not allowed to work or claim benefits, so this is of real significance to them.

A number of our residents have children, ranging from babies to teenagers, and they were delighted to receive their shoe boxes full of Christmas gifts from the joint Broadway and Cathedral project. It was lovely that those families could take part in our Christmas festivities in this way, and they were so very grateful.

Maggie Peel and Daniel Glover

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Our Purpose To serve Jesus Christ as a vibrant community of worship and mission enriching the City, the Diocese and further afield.

Our Values Hospitality Faithfulness Wholeness

Shoebox Appeal - thank you! After the extra ordinary effort of everyone who turned up from the Cathedral, Choir, Cinderella Club, Sea Cadets and members of the public we were able to produce a staggering 500 boxes and gift bags for the children of our city who live in difficult circumstances.

Some of the groups we were able to support this year included Inn Churches, Joshua Project at Great Horton, Women's aid and their families, TWP Together Women in Prison, several church projects through Jenny Green, Abigail House and several food banks.

We have decided to run the event again in December 2016 so could you please start collecting at home now? Items include toys and toiletries, but there is a special need for hats, gloves and scarves - so if you like knitting here's a

challenge; wouldn't it be amazing if we could produce enough hand knitted items for every child a gift goes to? Thank you.

Canon Mandy


Lent Breakfasts Starting on Ash Wednesday, which is on 10 February, we will be continuing the long standing tradition, started by Alan and Muriel Briggs, of having breakfast together after the 7.30am Holy Communion Service in Lent.

FoodWorks Café in Kala Sangam will be offering cereals, porridge, fruit, bacon and sausage butties, fruit juice, tea and coffee at very reasonable rates.

Do join us for food and fellowship with old friends and new, and share in worship, fellowship and a hearty breakfast.

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It's not too late for a New Year's Resolution ... As the New Year gets under way the second part of Leading your Church into Growth Local (LyCiG) begins. A big thank you to the 20 people who regularly joined the sessions last year. There were some really interesting conversations and reflections, which will form the base of how we go forward. We looked at a variety of areas concerning mission including communication, publicity, nurture groups, outreach opportunities, worship, hospitality, raising new leaders and prayer. This term we will build on that work, but to do this effectively we need you. It is your voice we want to hear if we are truly going to take forward the mission of the Cathedral in a fresh and dynamic way. So even if you were not able to join in last year, here's a new opportunity to engage with this vital work. Meetings are held at either 2 - 3.30pm or 7.30 - 9.00pm so please put these dates into your diary:

Wednesday 24th February Tuesday 15th March Tuesday 10th May

As we all work to lead the Cathedral into growth we ask for your prayers … especially the one printed every week in the pew sheet. Thank you.

Canon Mandy


Missionary Aviation Fellowship We are pleased to be supporting the MAF again after a gap of several years.

The MAF was founded after WW2 by two Englishmen, Stuart King and Murray Kendon, who felt called by God to found a Christian organisation which would use aircraft for peaceful purposes rather than for warfare. They had the vision to reach out to the world’s forgotten people, those lying out of sight and out of mind, without hope and knowledge of Jesus, with land access denied by inaccessible terrain due to natural disasters, war or economic crisis. They were aware that thousands of communities were completely isolated. Starting with only one aircraft, the MAF now operates 130 light aircraft, flying into 1,650 remote destinations in 12 countries. They carry practical help, spiritual hope and physical healing to thousands of men, women and children. As a Christian school in Arnhem Land has said “Many of the places we work are inaccessible by road. MAF has been able to fill that gap, delivering healthcare to a population in extreme need, so that we can care for these wonderful people.” Graham Waddington is our Cathedral contact with the MAF. If you would like more information, or to find out how you can support them in their work, please do talk to Graham.

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Stitching the Cathedral Everyone is still very welcome to join in with making the new kneelers for the high altar. These are tapestry, to be completed in wool, and have already been printed up with the design, which is closely based on the motifs on the new altar frontals and pulpit falls. Experienced stitchers and inexperienced alike are welcome to contribute to these historic pieces and to be listed in Bradford Cathedral's book of stitchers. The next sessions when you can take part will be on 16 February and 1 March between 1.00 and 3.00pm at the Cathedral. Instruction will be available, as will tea and cake, and you can join in at any point during the session and stop when you've had enough. If you would prefer to make the tea, or just sit with the stitchers and chat, you will be very welcome. Just turn up, or for further details please contact Gill Davis (01274 777720 or [email protected]).

Bradford Cathedral Community Committee

Shrove Tuesday Lunch and Social

Two-course pancake lunch + tea/coffee (inc vegetarian option)

Tuesday 9 February 1.00pm - 3.00pm £7.50 per person (under 12s go free)

Tickets from committee members and the Cathedral Office. Booking essential!

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Estate Works - Update • State Gate The State Gate project is due to be completed by the beginning of February. The contractors are over schedule due to the very wet weather conditions we experienced in the last few months of 2015 which meant that the pointing works could not be progressed as expected.

• Precinct work This project is almost complete. The trees have been ordered and the planting on the bank next to the new pedestrian gate will be completed at the same time as the trees are planted. We thank you for the patience which you demonstrated whilst the various projects where underway in 2015. We feel that the end result for each of the projects more than justified the short term inconvenience.

On 12 April 2016 there will be an official opening of the State Gate and Precinct. More details will follow in due course.

Hospitality Advisor Have you noticed the smart new aprons being worn in the Cathedral kitchen? This is just one of the improvements we’re making to our hospitality provision. Hospitality is one of the Cathedral’s key values, and as well as offering hot drinks with a smile on these cold days, we also want to make sure that we meet the standards required by current legislation. The Cathedral is a public building, and on most of the occasions that we offer food and drink, anyone can walk in to be served, so we need to make sure that we meet the same standards of food hygiene as are required of any café or restaurant. We are very fortunate that one of our congregation and a choir mum is Sam Green, who is qualified and experienced in the area of Food and Hospitality. Sam has agreed to become our Hospitality Adviser, which is a voluntary post, and that means that she is generously giving us the benefit of her time and expertise. Sam provides refreshments for the choir and assists with the Wednesday organ recital lunches, as well as being a sidesperson and sometimes standing in as verger at Thursday Choral Evensong.

Sam has already helped us to write the Cathedral’s new Food Hygiene Policy; she has made sure that the kitchen has the right tools and safety equipment; and she has put together a short training session that we are in the process of rolling out to staff and volunteers who use the kitchen. So if you are one of our many volunteers who give your time to work in kitchen on Sundays or at other times, we will be offering you the opportunity over the next couple of months to get up to speed with current practice - you just need to bring the smile!

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Could you become a Cathedral Welcomer? We invite you to come and share in the valuable ministry of Welcome, by joining our rota for just a couple of hours each month. You don’t need to be a tour guide, or have a theological degree – just a friendly and caring manner, and a willingness to help. For further details contact the Cathedral Office.

Children’s Sunday Space This month we will be learning more about Jesus and Lent. Please note that the session on Sunday 7 February will be later as we have the annual Legal Service which starts at 11am - and it will be in the Chapter House: And there will not be a session on 14 February due to half term. Children of all ages are welcome, as are parents. We meet in the crèche area and leave the service during the first hymn for drama, games and craft, before returning to church for Communion. A snack is provided, so please inform us of any dietary requirements or allergies. For more details speak to Emma Towers.

Installation of new Canon

The Revd Paul Ayres, vicar of Pudsey, was installed as an Honorary Canon of the Cathedral, into the seat of St Hilda, by Bishop Nick on 6 January.

Paul says “I was born and brought up in Bradford, went to Bradford Grammar School, and had my first job at Grattan's on Duncombe Road. I read Theology at St Peter's College, Oxford. There I met my wife Hazel, who is from Salisbury, when she was a student nurse, and I worked as a Nursing Auxiliary. I trained at Trinity College, Bristol, and was ordained in 1985. I served as curate in Clayton and Keighley, was vicar of St Cuthbert's, Wrose, from 1991, and became vicar of Pudsey in 1997. I have been on General Synod since 1995.

We have four children and six grandchildren (so far). I like doing circuit training, composing music, and trying to draw (though not all at the same time). We have a running battle with foxes as we keep chickens.”


Toddler Group The Communityworks Toddler group meets every Friday in the Parish Room. Starting at 9.30am and running through until 11.00am it is full of fantastic toys, games and crafts whilst at the same time always ensuring that parents and carers get a break with a hot drink and biscuits. It is open to everyone from the local community, so please do encourage anyone to come along for whom it would be a blessing. For more details please speak to Gill Davis.

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Monday Fellowship In January Evelyn Hudson and June Kelley officially stepped down from organising Monday Fellowship. Their dedicated service over the years has ensured that the group remains a strong, vibrant part of our community where all are welcome. They have planned interesting speakers, annual events to look forward to and opportunities to share our special stories. We appreciate all their hard work and continued faithful support of this group.

Monday Fellowship meets on the second Monday of each month at 2pm. All are warmly invited to attend. This year Gillian Davis is helping to organise the program which so far includes:

Monday 8 February Christian Engagement with Politics The Revd Cat Thatcher

Monday 14 March A Lenten Meditation Dean Jerry

Monday 11 April Colourful Conversations Mike de Villiers

Monday 9 May A Sponsored Walk in Galilee The Revd Canon Bruce Grainger

All welcome - do join us!

If you are new to the Cathedral … … Welcome Please make yourself known to one of the Churchwardens, Alex McLelland and Maggie Peel, who would love to meet you. If you would like to join a Fellowship Group, find out more about the congregational life of the Cathedral, including social events, or if we can help in any way, please ask one of the stewards at the door, who will find us for you. We look forward to meeting you.


Treat your Mum to a Big Breakfast this Mothering Sunday! This Mothering Sunday, 6 March, we are hosting a Fairtrade Big Breakfast in celebration of Fairtrade Fortnight. This year we are encouraged to “sit down for breakfast, stand up for farmers”. As many items as possible will be Fairtrade or local products, helping farmers across the world and in the UK.

A sign-up sheet is available on the Fairtrade stall so we have an idea of numbers. A donation of £3 per adult towards the cost of the breakfast would be appreciated on the day.

Join us for breakfast at 8.45am and for cake after the 10.15am service to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Bradford Fairtrade Zone.

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WHAT’S ON until 2 February Journey to Bethlehem An exciting installation by Luke Owens that gradually reveals the Christmas story through image and word that we might discover anew the light and life of God revealed in Jesus Christ.

Wednesday 3 1.00pm Wednesday @ One Organ Recital The Cathedral Organ Scholars are playing for us today. Recitals are free with a retiring collect, preceded by a light buffet lunch at 12.30pm (£3 minimum donation).

Monday 8 2.00pm Monday Fellowship This month, our Curate, the Revd Cat Thatcher, talks about Christian Engagement with Politics.

Tuesday 9 11.00am Coffee Concert The new season opens with Joseph Judge (Countertenor) and Alex Woodrow (Piano). Recitals are preceded by Coffee & Cake from 10.30am and are free with a retiring collection.

Wednesday 10 1.00pm Wednesday @ One Organ Recital … with Laurence Caldecote from Nuneaton.

Thursday 11 Touchstone Exhibition: Weaving Women’s Wisdom until 26 March an exhibition of rugs woven in Britain and Pakistan enabling women to converse differently about matter of life and faith as they worked. Some of the women involved will talk about their experiences at 6.00pm on Wednesday 10 February. Wednesday 17 1.00pm Wednesday @ One Organ Recital … with Jonathan Hope from Gloucester.

Wednesday 24 1.00pm Wednesday @ One Organ Recital … with Dr Simon Lindley from Leeds.

Friday 26 7.00pm Silent Film: Blood and Sand (1922) with Jonathan Eyre providing organ improvisation. Born into poverty, a toreador’s fame and fortune is threatened when he finds himself drawn to a wealthy widow. Starring Rosa Rosanova and Rudolph Valentino. Tickets £8 Doors open 6.30pm for 7.00pm start.

All welcome. Events are free - with donations appreciated - unless otherwise stated. For full service details please see pages 16 - 19.

Cathedral News If you would like a full-colour electronic copy of the Cathedral News please email me [email protected] and I will ensure you get your colour copy every month.

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MUSIC NEWS I must begin my music report for February by looking back and thanking every member of the Cathedral Choir, child and adult, for their extraordinarily high standard of singing and commitment throughout December's Advent and Christmas services. Congregational and visitor footfall always peaks during this month and this year was no exception with more carol services than ever!

A new initiative was for the girls and adults to sing the Advent Procession this year in their own right, and the boys and adults the Nine Lessons and Carols. This worked well, allowing each ensemble to explore a good range of seasonal repertoire, and making the processional aspect of those services rather more straightforward to manage. The traditional Christmas Eve Carol Recital was of a superb standard and full of festive good humour, raising over £1,100 for the Organ Appeal.

January has seen the choir hit the ground running. There have been several admissions and departures: we were delighted to admit Benjamin and Tina Enwemasor and Kimian Jordan as full choristers, as well as to see Jack Boyd and Jamie Nash progress to the back row of the boys' and men's choir as newly-forged countertenors. We were sorry to say farewell to the Tait family, Jon, Karen and Alexander, who moved to Spain, and also thanked Oliver Oddie, wishing him all the best as he moved on from the boys' choir. All in all, despite these movements, the choir remains in good health and spirits, and we were pleased to hear recently that Bass Choral Scholar Thomas Greig had been awarded a place to read English at Wolfson College, Cambridge from the autumn.

James Lancelot, distinguished Organist of Durham Cathedral, opened the Wednesday @ 1pm 2016 series with brilliant elan. Coffee Concerts resume on Tuesday 9 February when our excellent Chorister Tutor, Joseph Judge will sing a programme for countertenor voice with Alex Woodrow's piano accompaniment, in music ranging from Bach to Herbert Howells.

At the end of February the silent movies resume, Jonathan Eyre once again providing an improvised soundtrack to a trilogy of 1920s films. Pick up a brochure for these, and other events: there really is a great deal of fine and varied music making going on.

The girls had an excellent trip to South Wales last term and February sees the boys and men travel to Surrey and East Anglia. We will sing Choral Evensong at the Cathedrals of Guildford (whose architect for our chancel, Edward Maufe, we share) and Ely; and on Sunday 14 February we are combining with the choir of St Thomas on the Bourne, Farnham for a joint service. Such joint initiatives are really valuable and affirmative experiences for our choir.

Alex Woodrow, Director of Music

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Sunday 31 January Candlemas 0800 Holy Communion The Revd Cat Thatcher 1015 Cathedral Eucharist Boys and Adults Canon Mandy Coutts

Preacher: The Revd Cat Thatcher Darke in F • O nata lux (Tallis)

1600 A Service to mark the retirement of the Ven Dr David Lee as Archdeacon

See special order of service

Monday 1

0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong Ashfield Responses • Psalm 82

Morley Fauxbourdons • Oculi omnium (Parnell)

Tuesday 2 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong Byrd Responses • Psalm 84

Bradford Service (Clucas) • O how amiable (Vaughan-Williams) Wednesday 3

0730 Holy Communion The Dean 0830 Morning Prayer 1015 Holy Communion The Revd Suzanne Vernon-Yorke 1300 Organ Recital Bradford Cathedral Organ Students 1730 Evening Prayer

Thursday 4

0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong Byrd Responses • Psalm 89.1-19

Byrd Second Service • O Lord the maker (Mundy)

Friday 5

0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Saturday 6

0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

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MUSIC LIST Sunday 07 Sunday next before Lent

0800 Holy Communion Canon Mandy Coutts 1100 Legal Service Gir ls and Adults The Dean

Preacher: Prof Mark Hill QC Diocesan Chancellor See special service order

1600 Choral Evensong Boys and Adults The Revd Cat Thatcher Homily: The Dean Since by man came death (Handel) Byrd Responses • Psalm 89.5-19 Bradford Service (Clucas) • Gloria (Vivaldi) Organ: Minuet from Suite Gothique (Boellmann)

Monday 08 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong Sumsion Responses • Psalm 97

Short Service (Gibbons) • Lord for Thy tender mercy’s sake (Hilton)

Tuesday 09 Shrove Tuesday 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong Byrd Responses • Psalm 100, 101

Brewer in D • Lead me, Lord (Wesley)

Wednesday 10 Ash Wednesday 0730 Holy Communion The Revd Cat Thatcher 0830 Morning Prayer 1015 Holy Communion Canon Mandy Coutts 1300 Organ Recital Laurence Caldecote (Nuneaton) 1730 Evening Prayer 1930 Cathedral Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes The Dean

Preacher: Canon Barbara Glasson Messa a Quattro Voci • Miserere (Allegri) Organ Voluntary: O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß BWV 622

Thursday 11 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong Plainsong Responses • Psalm 105

Plainsong Canticles • Lord Jesus Christ, abide with us

Friday 12 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Saturday 13

0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Page 18: February 2016 Cathedral NewsFebruary 2016 Cathedral News . 2 FROM THE DEAN ... we received some new gifts that enabled us to complete the appeal. It is a fantastic effort! A very big


MUSIC LIST Sunday 14 Lent I

0800 Holy Communion The Dean 1015 Cathedral Eucharist The Revd Cat Thatcher

Preacher: The Dean Organ Voluntary: Prelude and Fugue in C major BWV 545

1600 Evening Prayer The Revd Cat Thatcher

Monday 15

0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Tuesday 16

0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Wednesday 17

0730 Holy Communion The Revd Paul Booth 0830 Morning Prayer 1015 Holy Communion The Revd Cat Thatcher 1300 Organ Recital Jonathan Hope (Gloucester) 1730 Evening Prayer

Thursday 18

0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Friday 19

0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Saturday 20

0830 Morning Prayer 1430 Service to Welcome the new Archdeacon of Bradford, The Ven Dr Andy Jolley 1730 Evening Prayer

Page 19: February 2016 Cathedral NewsFebruary 2016 Cathedral News . 2 FROM THE DEAN ... we received some new gifts that enabled us to complete the appeal. It is a fantastic effort! A very big


MUSIC LIST Sunday 21 Lent II

0800 Holy Communion The Dean Preacher: Dr Sue McWhinney

1015 Cathedral Eucharist with Healing prayer Cathedral Consor t Canon Mandy Coutts Preacher: The Revd Canon Prof Myra Shackley Mass of the Quiet Hour (Oldroyd)

Lord, Thou hast been our refuge (Bairstow) Organ Voluntary: Fugue in G minor BWV 542

1600 Choral Evensong Gir ls The Dean Homily: The Revd Cat Thatcher O kind creator bow thine ear (Plainsong) Plainsong Responses • Psalm 135.1-14 Short Service (Gibbons) • Litany to the Holy Spirit (Hurford) Organ: Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier BWV 731

Monday 22 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong Plainsong Responses • Psalm 125, 126, 127

Westminster Fauxbourdons (Anon) • O Saviour of the world (Ouseley)

Tuesday 23 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong Byrd Responses • Psalm 130, 131

Dyson in F • Hide not Thou Thy face (Farrant) Wednesday 24

0730 Holy Communion Canon Mandy Coutts 0830 Morning Prayer 1015 Holy Communion Canon Bruce Grainger 1300 Organ Recital Dr Simon Lindley (Leeds) 1730 Evening Prayer

Thursday 25

0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Choral Evensong Plainsong Responses • Psalm 137, 138

Latin Plainsong • Now is the healing time decreed

Friday 26 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Saturday 27

0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Page 20: February 2016 Cathedral NewsFebruary 2016 Cathedral News . 2 FROM THE DEAN ... we received some new gifts that enabled us to complete the appeal. It is a fantastic effort! A very big



CATHEDRAL CLERGY Dean The Very Revd Jerry Lepine Canon Precentor vacant Canon for Mission and Pastoral Development The Revd Canon Mandy Coutts Curate The Revd Cat Thatcher

OPERATIONS Director of Strategic Development and Operations Amanda Anderson Safeguarding Officer The Revd Canon Mandy Coutts

MUSIC DEPARTMENT Organist & Director of Music Alexander Woodrow Sub Organist & Assistant Director of Music Jonathan Eyre Music Administrator Ann Foster Chorister Tutor Joseph Judge Choral Scholars David Lewis Patrick Dylak Thomas Greig Organ Scholar Caius Lee

VERGERS Head Verger and Reader Jon Howard Assistant Verger John Paley Assistant Verger David Robinson

ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PA to the Dean & the Cathedral Communications Officer Sandra Howard Cathedral Secretary Julie Bowyer Administrative Clerk Sandra Heaton Treasurer Simon Dennis

EDUCATION Education and Visitor Officer Gillian Davis Youth Worker Wayne Cadman

HONORARY CHAPLAINS The Revd Paul Booth The Revd Dr Barbara Glasson The Revd Canon Bruce Grainger The Revd Suzanne Vernon-Yorke