Download - February 2015 2

Page 1: February 2015 2

October 2010 September 2012


Rotary Club Editor: Sandy Pugliese

Editor: Sandy


Snippets February 2015


Make Membership Your #1 Priority!

Tell Your Story

Make A Difference

TTThhheee FFFooouuurrr---WWWaaayyy TTTeeesssttt

Is it the TRUTH?

Is it FAIR to all


Will it build GOODWILL

and better


Will it be BENEFICIAL to

all concerned?

World Understanding Month

In honor of the first Rotary meeting

that occurred on February 23, 1905,

Rotary International has designated

this day as World Understanding and

Peace Day and selected February as

World Understanding Month.

“The Rotary way works! But Rotary

has no patent on it, for it is the

Golden Rule in action. Any person,

any nation can apply it by displacing

negative hatred and fear with

goodwill based upon understanding.

Peace among nations is not

impossible of attainment; they can

find peace if they will.” The world’s first

Rotarian, Paul P. Harris, Founder and President Emeritus of Rotary International.

New Theme Revealed

Introducing the 2015-2016

Rotary International Theme from


President Elect Ravi


Page 2: February 2015 2

TTThhheee OOObbbjjjeeecccttt ooofff RRRoootttaaarrryyy

The object of Rotary is to

encourage and foster the ideal of

service as a basis of worthy

enterprise and, in particular, to

encourage and foster:

FIRST: The development of

acquaintance as an opportunity

for service;

SECOND: High ethical

standards in business and

professions, the recognition of

the worthiness of all useful

occupations, and the dignifying

of each Rotarian’s occupation as

an opportunity to serve society;

THIRD: The application of the

ideal of service in each Rotarian’s

personal, business, and

community life;

FORTH: The advancement of

internal understanding, goodwill,

and peace through a world

fellowship of business and

professional persons untied in

the ideal of service.

End Polio


Visit the Santee-Lakeside

Rotary Club at

On the Polio Front

Polio Efforts Aid Fight Against Ebola

Nigeria has been a stubborn hot spot of polio – and that turned out to be a

good thing when it came to fight Ebola.

In late July, a patient with the deadly Ebola virus arrived from Liberia;

health workers knew what to do. The country has created a massive

health effort to wipe out polio; institutions and strategies were repurposed

to fight Ebola.

On the other hand, anti-polio efforts in countries hit hardest by Ebola are

on hold – and that could lead to disaster.

First, here is the good news from Nigeria. One of the country’s polio

institutions is an emergency operations center run by the Global Polio

Eradication Initiative. At the request of the government, senior officials

from the center were sent to Lagos to help set up an emergency

operations center for Ebola.

Because of the anti-polio efforts, health workers in Nigeria were ready for

Ebola. They had been trained in contact tracing. And, according to Jay

Wenger, head of polio efforts at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,

hospitals had procedures in place for reporting polio cases. He went on to

say that how you organize a team, how you collect the information; how

you collate the information and make it available is all part of the deal

with polio. They just transferred some of those techniques to the Ebola

response. As a result, Nigeria was declared Ebola-free the second week of

October. For more information:

that-fighting-polio-is-good-training-to-fight-ebola 2

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Each Rotarian:

Reach One, Keep One

SSSaaavvveee ttthhheee DDDaaattteee

February 19

Club Board Meeting

February 20-22 PETS

February 23

Rotary’s Anniversary

April 17-19 RYLA

October 11 Rotarians at Work Day

June 6-9

RI Convention

July 18 Concert at the Lakes


February 5

Junior Achievement

February 12

Project Peanut Butter

February 19

Night Moves – Former Seal

February 26

Club Assembly





The Santee-Lakeside Rotary Club

meets every Thursday at noon at

Jimmy’s Restaurant on Mission

Gorge Road in Santee.

Photo Clips Governors’ Elect Reception


Santee-Lakeside Rotarians participated in co-hosting the Governors Elect

from all over the globe at a reception held on January 22, 2014 at the

Saint Madeline Sophie Center in El Cajon. The Club was responsible for

providing and manning the beverage tables. The most popular was the

wine and beer! Governors Elect were in San Diego for training. Thank

you to Rotarians John Morley, Lyn Scott, Tom Miles, Virginia and

Ronn Hall, Elana Levens-Craig, Lori Bird, and Augie Caires for assisting at this event.

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Letter from Bill Stumbaugh

Dear friends,

It has been a while since I last wrote. A lot has happened since last summer.

The Rotary Club here surprised me with a nomination be club president

in 2016-17. I accepted mainly because as a non-Ecuadorian I was

honored and knew that I was a newer member who hadn’t served as

club president yet. It does mean that I am committed to be here until

at least July, 2017, a decision I wasn’t planning to make now, but that’s

how it goes sometimes. I couldn’t think of any good reasons that I couldn’t do it.

Just recently, the President of the Rotary Foundation Trustees nominated

me to be a Rotary Cadre Technical Coordinator for Basic Education and

Literacy, 2015-18. Another surprise and great honor--I’ll be available to

the other Cadres who work with school global grant projects for advice, review and training.

Last month I registered for the Rotary Convention in Sao Paulo in June.

I figured this one is a must since I am so close, relatively. I haven’t

made any trip commitments yet, but need to soon. Please let me know if anyone up north will attend.

And this morning I purchased tickets to visit Cuba next month. I will

accompany an Ecuadorian university professor who has visited the island

several times and will travel with him outside of Havana to the eastern

city Holguin. I hope also to get to Santiago de Cuba, the second largest city on the southeast coast.

Continued on page 8

Declaration of Rotarians in Businesses and


As a Rotarian engaged in a

business or profession, I will:

1. Exemplify the core value of

integrity in all behaviors and


2. Use my vocational experience

and talents to serve Rotary.

3. Conduct all of my personal,

business, and professional

affairs ethically, encouraging

and fostering high ethical

standards as an example to


4. Be fair in all dealings with

others and treat them with

the respect due to them as

fellow human beings.

5. Promote recognition and

respect for all occupations

which are useful to society.

6. Offer my vocational talents:

to provide opportunities for

young people, to work for the

relief of the special needs of

others, and to improve the

quality of life in my


7. Honor the trust that Rotary

and fellow Rotarians provide

and not do anything that will

bring disfavor or reflect

adversely on Rotary or fellow


8. Not seek from a fellow

Rotarian a privilege or

advantage not normally

accorded others in a business or professional relationship.


This Close


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Why Join Rotary

CCCooommmmmmuuunnniiitttyyy SSSeeerrrvvviiiccceee

Rotary creates the perfect venue to

give back to your community and

to the world at large.


Rotary provides an environment for

developing strong friendships and

business relationships.

LLLeeeaaadddeeerrrssshhhiiippp SSSkkkiiillllllsss

Rotary provides unlimited exposure

to new topics and ideas; it provides

a meaningful way to be a leader.

IIInnnttteeerrrnnnaaatttiiiooonnnaaalll SSSeeerrrvvviiiccceee

Rotary’s arm encircles the globe.

It is the largest service

organization in the world and

provides countless opportunities to

bridge continents and end divides.


Every Rotary Club in the world, no

matter how big or small, has one

thing in common: friendship. And

it’s from this base of friendship

that we serve our community.


Rotary has the potential to be a

way of life; a legacy to leave our

children and our grandchildren.

YYYooouuunnnggg PPPeeeooopppllleee

A great tool Rotary has is its

educational programs. It also can

give you exposure to many

different areas and help you find

what your interests really are.

It’s budget planning time for

Rotary Year 2015-16. All

directors responsible for

Avenues of Service should be

developing their wish list for

projects for next year. Please

make sure you identify a source

of funding as well as the cost for the project(s).

Need to Know



Save the Date

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Santee Lakes

We have a tentative date of

March 26 for a good ole

fashion Rotary fireside chat,

where we will share an

evening of Rotary talk and


Fireside chats are especially

helpful in orienting our new

members so please try to


We encourage you to bring

your spouse/significant other

as we celebrate them as part of our extended Rotary family.

Red Badgers will be joining Sandy Pugliese and Bill

Pommering in visiting the La Mesa Sunrise Rotary Club.

Visiting a neighboring club is as part of their red badge

requirements. The date is Friday, February 6 at 7:15 am.

$10 breakfast at Terra Restaurant located at 71st & El Cajon Blvd.

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In the Family


The first month of Rotary Year 2014-15 graced us with three new

members – John Morley, sponsored by Sandy Pugliese and

Virginia and Ronn Hall, sponsored by Bill Pommering. These

three new members have been involved in a variety of community

activities including the Santee Chamber and Santee Santa’s. In

addition, Ronn was recently elected to the Santee City Council. All

three are go-getters and connected and are positive additions to our


Rotary Quotes

“Friendship was the foundation

rock on which Rotary was built

and tolerance is the element

which holds it together.” My Road

to Rotary

“Primarily Rotary seeks to apply

the theory of service to business

and community life…This is

expressed in the first part of our

code of ethics: To consider my

vocation worthy and as affording

me a distinct opportunity to serve

society. He Profits Most Who

Serves the Best is a less ideal

expression, but the suggestion of

egoism is removed by the added

words, Service Above Self.” Address to 1926 Rotary Convention, Denver Colorado, USA

“What is the value of the life of

one child saved? No one will ever

know, but if the child were our

own, the price tag would be

marked: Not for sale – this life is

invaluable.” When Life is Gone, That’s

All There Is, The Rotarian, January 1980

“We cannot talk about the future

without talking about children.

They are our future. A Dream for

Our Children’s Future, The Rotarian, September 1998.

Monthly Focus

January - Rotary Awareness

February – World Understanding

March – Literacy

April – Magazine

May –

June – Rotary Fellowship

July –

August – Membership/ Extension

September – New Generation

October – Vocational Service

November – Rotary Foundation

December - Family

The first month of the calendar year 2015 blessed us with an

additional two new members – Elana Levens-Craig, sponsored by

Sandy Pugliese and Lynette Scott, sponsored by Doug Wilson.

Both of these ladies bring an energetic attitude and a real

commitment to service. Lyn is a banker and is actively involved

with Junior Achievement and she has already agreed to be the Club

Treasurer this next Rotary year. Elana is a member of the Santee

School District’s Board of Education and was recently selected to be

honored by the Santee Chamber of Commerce as this year’s Person of the Year. She will receive her award on February 19.

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We are a Grassroots Organization

Rotary is a GRASSROOTS

organization. We carry out our

most meaningful service work

through our Rotary Clubs. Each

club elects its own officers and

enjoys considerable autonomy

within the framework of Rotary’s

Constitution and Bylaws. Rotary

districts (groups of clubs)

support these efforts and are

led by district governors.

Rotary clubs belong to the

global association Rotary

International (RI), led by the RI

president and RI board of


We direct our service in six


conflict resolution; disease

prevention and treatment;

water and sanitation; maternal

and child health; basic literacy;

and economic and community


Santee-Lakeside Rotary Club Presidents

1960-1961 Walter Chandler 1990-1991 Dennis Gerschoffer 1961-1962 Ray Stoyer 1991-1992 William Stumbaugh 1962-1963 Frank Fox 1992-1993 Doug Wilson 1963-1964 Charles Skidmore 1993-1994 Marcia Johnson 1964-1965 Albert Lantz 1994-1995 Steve Hamann 1965-1966 Tom Smily 1995-1996 Michael Twichel 1966-1967 Van Sweet 1996-1997 Roland Rossmiller 1967-1968 Rev. Edward Garner 1997-1998 Marjorie Whitehead 1968-1969 Russel Crane, Jr. 1998-1999 Rev. Mark Neuhaus 1969-1970 Robert Rump 1999-2000 Charles Lane 1970-1971 John Gill 2000-2001 August Caires 1971-1972 Wolfgang Klosterman 2001-2002 Howard Kummerman 1972-1973 Erv Metzgar 2002-2003 Marjorie Cole 1973-1974 Gerald Hamann 2003-2004 Dan O’Brien 1974-1975 Robert Jones 2004-2005 Mike Uhrhammer 1975-1976 Gale Ruffin 2005-2006 Robie Evans 1976-1977 William Garrison 2006-2007 Allen Carlisle 1977-1978 Ronald Watts 2007-2008 Edith French 1978-1979 Bill Warwick 2008-2009 Tom Miles 1979-1980 Robert Greiner 2009-2010 Pam White 1980-1981 Robert Brady 2010-2011 Emily Andrade 1981-1982 John Irwin 2011-2012 Sandy Pugliese 1982-1983 John Rayburn 2012-2013 August Caires 1983-1984 Douglas Giles 2013-2014 James Peasley 1985-1986 Lowell Hallock, Jr. 2014-2015 Tom Miles 1986-1987 Jerry Viner 1987-1988 Joseph Spaulding 1988-1989 Stanley McDonald 1989-1990 James Terry

About Us


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Letter from Bill Stumbaugh

Continued from page 4

Here in Bahia de Caraquez, I started an English class for several friends who told me they would attend.

First night-two showed; the second night-10. I have had more inquiries since - landlady, cleaning lady,

artist student, electric worker, etc. plus some Rotarians, friends of friends and two kids so far.

At the request of a local school, I am developing an oral and written English assessment to help the

school begin a measurement program of student progression in English. The school has no base testing

program apart from what teachers do in their classes. The development of an English assessment

program could lead to greater testing of student progress in all the other subject areas instructed in


I am also on the club committee to organize and manage several portable water projects and another

project for the local hospital. We have identified 8 small communities that get their contaminated water

from surface water or in tank trucks. We are developing a memorandum of agreement with the local

government and the national water agency to develop the various systems according the different village

circumstances. Similar to the approach in the Kenya project, except this will be fewer villages in each of multiple GGs rather than all in one. Close to $400,000 over several projects

You we recall that while at Santee-Lakeside Rotary, we supported the creation of new ward dedicated to

treating pregnant women in various kinds of critical conditions. Building on the success and confidence

generated in that project, we now are looking to purchase equipment for a new intermediate care ward to

be built. The cost is approximately $425,000.

Hopefully, Santee-Lakeside Rotary Club will want to contribute to these projects. Some club members

and I presented them recently at a Rotary Project Fair in Quito and generated interest from Rotarians from California, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and North Carolina.

Like all Rotary Clubs, the club here also sponsors social events for club members periodically at members’

homes. Here no one schedules a dinner event any earlier than 8:00 pm. The last one went until almost

3:00 a.m. I had a really good time.

Our New Year’s celebration was very noisy with lots of tourists in town. Carnival will be here soon with

more festivities and noise. Some of the foreigners living here complain about the all night celebrations,

but that is how it is here. One has to relax and take these celebrations in stride. Ask the people who

live near Mission Beach. I bet there are similar sets of attitudes, and San Diego has a curfew of sorts in that bars must close down and noise limits are in force.

Well, as I can now see better for having written this report to you, I am pretty busy; more than I

anticipated coming here. Better to be busy than bored. And hey, I am retired, which doesn’t mean I take easy all the time. Retired means doing what you want.

Take care,
