Download - February 2013 - Nanaimo Yacht Club · February 2013 In this issue: Email your submissions to the Logline: [email protected] Bridge Reports 1-4 Think Green 4 Calendar 5 Cruising



February 2013

In this issue:

Email your submissions

to the Logline:

[email protected]

Bridge Reports 1-4

Think Green 4

Calendar 5

Cruising Schedule 5

S.I.N Organizing 6

Offshore Lecture 7

Commodore’s Report Dave Maudie Okay moving on to February only three months till sail past and so much to be done. Feb. 16 is the Past Commodores Wine and Cheese. Come out meet and mingle with the members who have shaped our club into what we have today. They would be happy to pour you a glass of wine and compare visions of the future for NYC. If you remember last December we voted on issues and financing surrounding the C- dock project that did not pass. The Planning Committee is now preparing infor-mation to provide members with a better explanation of what's involved in moving forward with this project. This will not be presented until March in order to insure we have answered all the member questions from the December meeting and those past on since that time. If you feel you have a question that needs some an-swers you can forward these to the NYC office attention: C - Dock/Shed Project -Planning Committee. There are many ongoing issues with Yacht Clubs all around the Island and setting priorities is a significant part of moving forward. In most cases these priorities are set based on discussion with members, however we do not always get to sit down with every member. So, if you have some thoughts or insights to share, please feel free to attend the information meeting to put forward ideas. Watch your log-line for dates as well as notification the Club bulletin boards. In December we had about 20% of members vote on this issue. We could take that as a sign we are doing it right however we would feel more secure in that thought if we had 50% plus members taking part in the voting. We will still need a 75% approval rating on the day of the vote to move forward. This is required by Society's Act for votes on Special Resolutions so get out, get informed and take some time to insure your NYC investment is secure.

(Continued on page #4)

Club Member 30 & 40 year Pins

Watch your mailbox

PC. Bob Bollinger.

Easter Egg Hunt March 31

Past Commodore’s Wine and Cheese February 16 7:30 pm

Vice Commodore’s Report Dick MacLennan Hi Club Members and Families.

I hope your New Year has started out to a happy and joyous begin-ning. The Symphony Splash Au-gust 2,3,4,5. is of to a great start. Sue an i are the hosts this year and are planning to have great time last year was spectacular, so far we have 10 boats signed up and have room for 18. If you would like to take part in this event call us 250-754-6405 or let someone in the office know and i will contact you. The slips will fill up fast.

The Security committee has met this week and has reported there has not been any problems on the channel, a couple of attempts at Stones marina who came away with very little. When you're on the docks and see someone who looks like they don't belong ask them or report to the caretaker.

Lots of events coming up, so please read your log-line and check the calendar. I will be at all the events so please feel free to so hello and discuss any is-sues you may have. The Executive is here to look out for our best interests and manage our Yacht Club.

Thank you

VC Dick MacLennan.

Rear Commodore’s Report Terri-Lynne Campbell After our Safety Inspections we have had a few issues that need our attention. Regarding fire extinguishers, rule and regulation C 2(f) has been changed by the executive to read that re-testing of fire extinguish-ers must be done every 6 years as per manufactures recommendations instead of the 4 years as was required. It has also come to our attention that anyone provid-ing proof of insurance by way of liability extensions

on their homeowners policies may not be in compli-ance with the Club’s moorage agreement, specifi-cally Protection and Indemnity Insurance. If this ap-plies to you please contact us to rectify this. Also just a reminder of dock safety and security. Please do not allow anyone to use your security card to access the docks. That is our first line of defense against thefts and we count on each other for our security. Secondly, the docks are often frozen in the early mornings so please be careful. Terry-Lynne

Fleet Captain’s Report Pat Grounds We are into another busy year. I have a confirmation for one of our two outstations for this year. Fisherman’s Resort & Marina of Pender Harbour has agreed to another year with the same prices and agree-ment as last year. Still await-ing word from Saltspring Marina. The 5 420’s & float that we purchased from Ladysmith have arrived at NYC with a huge commitment from Dick MacLennan, Harald Stokke and Frank Hennesey who took on the challenge of towing our purchase all the way from Ladysmith with Dick’s boat Queen Bee.

SO MUCH APPRECIATED – THANK YOU GUYS!!!!!!! Also thank you to Jaimie MacLennan and the following members who helped when the boats arrived at the club, Rusty, Bill Wilson, and Ted Grounds. Our Junior Sailors I’m sure will enjoy these new vessels. Our next big Cruising Event will be the Easter Egg Hunt on Newcastle Sunday March 31st, Dorothy and Bob Bollinger are taking charge of this event this year so show your support lets have a great turnout – look for posters on the bulletin board at the club and in the Logline.

Staff Captain’s Report Rob Wiebe You know spring is around the corner if it’s Boat Show Time! Our first event of the New Year is the Past Commodore’s Wine and Cheese on Feb. 16th. This is al-ways a popular event and I hope you can take some time and enjoy a glass of wine in the company of fellow Club members. The Publicity Committee (Lorraine Willgress and PC Brenda Thompson) are organizing an entry into the

Silly Boat Regatta, sponsored by NYC. There will be opportunities to help with design, collection of needed recycled materials, fundraising and con-struction/’sailing’ on the actual regatta day. The Re-gatta is a fundraising effort for the Child Develop-ment Center, and on an individual basis we can all support this. Our Club’s involvement consists of paying the entry fee for the team, for publicity pur-poses. Given that this is a huge and popular event on ‘our’ waterfront, we want to be involved and fly our flag. Stay tuned for more information on this item. And keep hoping for Spring.!

Yearbook Committee Joan Costa Yearbook Making Time!!!! January is when this committee starts. :o) We need your input to keep things interesting, information ally correct, full of great photos and about You! Photos !!!!! You have them..... pick your favorite shots and send them in, (names and locations are helpful). Even if you have a really great photo from a few years back, Send it in! Due by Feb. 28th. And back by popular demand... we are having a Boater's Pet's Page again. If you have a printed photo, please put in an envelope with your name on it in case we have to get a negative or bigger digital file (and let us know if you would like the photo re-turned).

These can be put in the yearbook mail slot at the club, given to Carol or Rusty, or emailed to me at [email protected] . PLEASE , One more reminder, ...check your per-sonal information. Address, phone #, email, Boat Name, size, etc. Send all changes to Carol a.s.a.p., as I get the full list from her! not the other way around. Any questions phone me at 250-754-3106 Looking forward to your input, Joan Costa PS. At this time we do have a few extra copies of un-claimed 2012 yearbooks in the office. If you would like a spare copy,...get them before they are gone. :o)

White Sails Racing Rick Saunders Many Yacht Clubs are seeing an increased interest in white sails racing. This is an event where sailors, with little racing experience or who simply do not want to use their spinnakers, can join in the fun that we all enjoy on RACING SUNDAYS. This division allows for short handed crews, non spinnaker boats and single handed sailors a chance to participate in our local races as well as a chance to hone their skills for the main event: the SIN REGATTA, held on CANADA DAY long weekend in July. Our fleet handicapper, Terry Waters (250 756 3976), will provide you with an informal handicap rating, ad-justed for cruising hardware, boat bottom condition, sail sizes and ages, crew experience, etc.

This informal handicap will only apply for NYC club series. If you decide you are enjoying racing and wish to participate in SIN and events involving boats from other clubs you will need to join PHRF-NW and get an official certificate (nominal cost). For basic information on how to get started, we will have some experienced sailors available at the NYC on March 2 at 10 am to discuss topics including; basic boat preparation, getting to the start line on time, the start sequence, and some basic rules. For further information contact Rick at 250 751- 1205 e-mail : [email protected]

Commodore’s Report (Continued) In short, come out have a coffee & doughnut or ??? and chat with the us. Your input is important to insure we are following the common most requested path in molding the future of YOUR club. Regardless of your involvement in NYC, join us, we would be glad to lis-ten. Over the last 4 months and even since the budget the Executive have had some surprises in our operational costs. First with the new assessment which will result in increases in taxes, insurance and lease costs etc. We budgeted for a substantial increase in our water lease which came in substantially more and has or may require other costs to be incurred. The Draft Lease proposed by the Nanaimo Port Au-

thority is now under review by NYC. This lease is not signed and will take time to review however the cost of the Lease will not change and will need to be paid as a show of good faith in our ongoing negotiations. The review and negotiation is being handled through the Property Admin Comm. Further information on the lease will be provided at a later date. On a lighter note and for those reviewing their sum-mer NYC activities there will be an open house for the community to come and see what we are about July 20. The Commodores Cruise is scheduled for July 13 and 14 details to follow. For other NYC activities check the logline or... Follow the Breeze !! P.S. GUYS… is your reminder don't forget your Valentine.

GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE PART II The Effects on Nanaimo and the Club Last month, I outlined the case for accepting that global climate change is a real threat to our way of life. How might this new phenomena affect us in Nanaimo? We are already familiar with extreme weather: the recent wind storm that knocked down many trees on the Island and devastated Stanley Park; flooding regularly occurs on the Nanaimo river; and summer water restrictions occur on years with little rain fall and increase the occurrence of forest fires. These are nothing new, but the frequency and intensity are increasing. Both here and abroad, extreme weather causes bil-lions in damage each year. Most recently, Hurricane Sandy caused some $70 bil. in Eastern US alone. And this is much less than the total cost of Hurricane Katrina. The cost of cleanup is high, and the two ma-jor sources of funding are government and insurance companies. And their major sources of funding are the people who pay taxes and insurance. So far, I haven’t been able to avoid either! Yes, the costs get spread out over a wide range of folk, but global cli-mate change is going to bring more extreme events, which will increase funds required for remedial action, and we are all going to pay. Even now, 80% of the US agricultural lands are seeing a major drought and the number of cattle is at the lowest level in years. This is going to cost us at the supermarket, for sure; as well as causing a ½ - 1% drop in the US GDP. Besides extreme weather, rising ocean water levels are also predicted in our lifetimes. It’s definitely not an exact science but likely to be a rise of a ½ m by 2050 and a full meter by 2100.

This puts tremendous pressure on our sea walls and dikes, as well as creating greater possibilities of flood damage from heavy rains. Recently, the BC Engi-neers magazine featured an article on “Preparing for Sea Level Rise in BC”. It predicts flood damage to increase by 1 – 8 billion in BC by 2050. Another study released in October 2012 indicates costs to re-build dikes and update flood control measures will cost in the range of $9.5 bil. These reports are com-missioned by the BC government and completed by competent engineers; not Greenpeace, the Suzuki foundation or other group dedicated to the environ-ment. Those figures don’t include costs for Nanaimo; just the lower mainland. With a 1 m sea level rise, much of our seawall and walkway may be vulnerable to erosion, some of the housing in Departure Bay and similar low lying areas may be subject to storm dam-age. We are fortunate not to be too bothered directly by gales but not so for some other communities on the Island. In short, global climate change is not likely to end our way of life in the next 100 years, but it will have a sig-nificant effect on our costs. Climate change deniers often cite the costs of alternative energy solutions, public transport and similar, but they neglect the fact that money spent now will be offset by savings in the future. So as the saying goes, you can pay me now, or you can pay me later. Cleaning up our CO2 emissions will have many positive side effects as well. Some day we will run out of fossil fuels, so the sooner we wean ourselves from them, the better all around. Next time, what can we do about it?

General meeting dinner 6pm-7pm A good chance to discuss issues at hand with fel-low members before the meeting.

Meatloaf, taters, gravy, tossed salad

$ 5. 00

Club Race Officer Seminar For new race officers or those needing to recertify.

Dates: March 2 & 3 Times: 0830 to 1630

Place: Royal Victoria Yacht Club

The instructors: Paul Ulibarri, International Race Officer and,

John Abel, Senior National Race Officer.

The cost will be $50 per person, includes instruc-tional materials plus coffee, snacks and lunch each day. Register at [email protected] or by calling the RVYC club at 250 592-2441 John G. Abel SNRO/CJ President, BC Sailing Association

Cruising Schedule of Events 2013 Organized by:

March 31st. Easter Egg Hunt, Newcastle Island Dorothy & Bob Bollinger

May 5th. Sailpast Sunday Event Fleet Captain Pat Grounds

& Dorothy Bollinger

June 14/16th. Ladysmith Maritime Community Marina Cruise Shelly & Roland Godin

Nadine & Dave Ross

June 28th. S.I.N. Dock Barbecue Friday Night Dorothy Bollinger

July 12/13th. Commodore Cruise to Ganges Outstation

at Saltspring Marina Commodore Dave Maudie & Shirley.

Aug 2/3/4th. Victoria Symphony Splash Dick MacLennan & Sue Butler

Aug. 16/17th. Margaritaville Rendezvous at Ganges Outstation

at Saltspring Marina Dorothy & Bob Bollinger

Aug.30- Sep 1 Interclub Corn Roast Linda Manarin & Farrell Janzen

Sept. 15th. Newcastle Island Rendezvous Dorothy & Bob Bollinger

Dec. 7th. Christmas Light Up In the Club House-Chili etc. Dorothy Bollinger


8-Feb BAR social


11-Feb FAMILY DAY holiday

14-Feb GENERAL MEETING meeting

15-Feb BAR social

16-Feb WINE & CHEESE social

22-Feb BAR social


Email - [email protected] Skype - john.g.abel

Home ph - 250 479-9447

Juniors Report Terri-Lynne Campbell We now have the 5 420's we purchased sitting at the club waiting for the upcoming season. As I was working on posters and promotional material for the program I thought we have some very talented juniors who may be interested in the promotion and marketing of their program. If so please phone or email me. I believe youth can speak to youth far better than I can. I am also accepting applications from anyone in-terested in summer employment as an instructor or evening and weekend coaching. I did find a lot of infor-mation for certification classes on the Royal Victoria Yacht Club website. They have resources for any of juniors wishing to pursue this activity to employment. Terri-Lynne 250-754-8662 [email protected]

The organizing committee of our Cutty Sark Snake Island Nanaimo Regatta, Occurring Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 28, 29 and 30, are pleased to announce that the official Snake Island Nanaimo (SIN) Re-gatta Notice Board has been erected near the downstairs boardroom, near the large 2013 racing calendar which has also been posted. The SIN Regatta Notice of Race has been posted on this Board and any amendments made over the next few months will be added to this Board. Updates of Interest will also be made on the SIN Notice Board. Check the Board regularly to keep up-to-date! Here is an on-the-water overview of the 2013 Snake Island Nanaimo (SIN) Regatta 1. This regatta kicks off a month-long celebration of Nanaimo-life experiences on the water, specifically in our harbour. Occurring in July following the weekends of this regatta are the Dragonboat Festival and Silly Boat Regatta, climaxing with the Bathtub Race Weekend, which also will see the Nanaimo Yacht Club’s Sin-gle-Handed Race Championship. 2. Nanaimo Yacht Club’s Cutty Sark Snake Island Nanaimo Regatta will begin this month-long celebration in Nanaimo Harbour with a spectacular series of race starts visible best from the Nanaimo Harbour Visitors’ Pier. This will begin 1030 Saturday, June 29. Besides the one-design classes racing in their own area and the PHRF divisions racing in their own region off Neck Point Park as last year, this year we are proud to announce the addition of a third category of racing: We will have a Single-Handed, Double-Handed, Family Cruisers and White Sail Division, so all NYC and re-gion sailors may participate no matter what their level of ability! This division also will compete in their own area, primarily starting and finishing in Nanaimo Harbour. 5. There are two days of racing: Saturday, June 29 and Sunday, June 30, 2013 with registration and a full schedule of dock party opening events Friday afternoon and evening June 28. The on-the-dock party is open to every NYC member so don't miss it. It is the party of the year. 6. An Awards Ceremony, including the presentation of the Cutty Sark Cup, will take place Sunday approxi-mately 1700. Bill Jones <[email protected]>

Club member, local racer and avid sailor Francis

Walsh presents a video travelogue of a 3 month

cruise from Vancouver, to Hawaii with stops in

Tahiti, Marquesas, Cook and other South Pacific



Nanaimo Yacht Club February 21, 2013

Cruising Report Dorothy Bollinger Spring will soon be here, along with our Grand Easter Egg Hunt on Newcastle Island, Sunday March 31st. Last year over 400 chil-dren, adults attended. Some 200 came over by ferry and again this year Nanaimo Harbour Ferries are helping us to transport Nanaimo Families to the island. They will be using their 40 passenger ferry, so we don't anticipate people having to wait very long down at Maffeo Sutton Park for their ride. The first ferry will depart at 10 a.m. and Chil-dren 12 and under, ride free. Easter is earlier this year, so I hope this will encourage members with boats, to have them ready to take their own family and friends over to the island themselves, and if your boat isn't ready, then use the ferry. Please just come. It's a fun time. Our very own NYC Easter Bunny will be hop-ping around the island. You can also have your picture taken with the Easter Bunny. We will be serving coffee, hot chocolate and Tim-bits and of course the GRAND EASTER EGG HUNT FOR THE CHILDREN AT 12:00 NOON. Volunteers are needed for set-up in the morn-ing. The sign-up sheet is in NYC Lobby , and if you are one of the helpers you can buy a navy blue sweatshirt with NYC Logo for $6.00, after Easter the Burgee Shop will sell them for $10.00. Looking forward to Easter Sunday and seeing all the children young and older, enjoying themselves on Newcastle Island. The cruise to the Victoria Symphony Splash- Inner Harbour, is on BC Weekend August 2-5th. Please contact Sue Butler & Dick MacLennan for more information, as they have secured moorage for NYC boats. Past Commodore's Wine and Cheese get to-gether is on February 16th. Hope to see you there. Dorothy

Doors & No-Host Bar open at 1900

Meeting at 1930

Presentation at 2000

Members: $5.00 General Public: $10.00

[email protected]


Kathleen Ganderton passed away January 11, 2013

Member since 1960/02/11

Robert Haggith passed away Jan 7, 2012, Member since Feb 11, 1971

Our sincere condolences

to their families.


Everyone is welcome to Nanaimo Yacht Club’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Newcastle Island Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013 Hunt starts at 12:00 noon Nanaimo Harbour Ferries (Maffeo Sutton Park) Is offering free rides to Children 12 and under First ferry 10:00 am Complementary Hot Drinks and Timbits on site Come early for Digital photo with the Easter Bunny

Sponsored by:

Nanaimo Harbour Ferry 5 Star Embroidery Tim Horton’s (Brooks Landing)