Download - February 14 , 2013 Wayne & Garfield County Insider

Page 1: February 14 , 2013 Wayne & Garfield County Insider

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BickneLL • teasdaLe • torrey • grover • Fruita • caineviLLe • hanksviLLe


THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER is owned and operated by Snapshot Multimedia, LLC and is distributed weekly to all of Wayne and Garfield Counties, Utah. Its purpose is to inform residents about local issues and events. Articles submitted from independent writers are not necessarily the opinion of Snapshot Multimedia, LLC. We sincerely hope you enjoy the paper and encourage input on ideas and/or suggestions for the paper.




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Escalante, Utah [email protected]

Thursday, February 14, 2013 • Issue # 983

We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows

anything about science and technology. —Carl Sagan US astronomer & popularizer of astronomy

(1934 - 1996)




sale of important Utah prairie dog habitat in Garfield County will complete the mitigation process for three rural air-ports in central and southern Utah including Cedar City, Parowan, and Wayne County, and greatly assist in recovery of the federally threatened Utah prairie dog.

These three airports have experienced significant im-pacts from the presence of the Utah prairie dog, a protected species under the Endangered Species Act. Coordination between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Federal Aviation Admin-istration (FAA) resulted in an agreement that allows ongoing development and maintenance of the airport properties for the next 20 years. To offset impacts to Utah prairie dogs, the FAA agreed to provide the necessary funding to acquire Utah prairie dog habitat else-where.

A land sale of important prairie dog habitat located on Johnson’s Bench in Garfield County between the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) will complete the miti-gation requirements for these airports. The sale is supported by Garfield, Iron, and Wayne Counties and of course, the respective municipal airports. Alma Adams, Iron County Commissioner said, “The mitigation monies paid by the FAA and the local communi-ties have now provided these airports the ability to secure their safety for the future, as well as at present. SITLA has

CEDAR CITY - For the first time in the history of the Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah professional cycling event, or-ganizers will include several cities and venues in southern Utah. Of the 10 host venues unveiled on February 5 at a press conference in Cedar City, seven are first-time ven-ues for the world-class, six-stage professional cycling race and community festival. The 2013 Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah will begin Monday, Au-gust 5 with opening festivities in Cedar City, and continue across the state for six days of racing, Tuesday, August 6 to Sunday, August 11.

The Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah continues for a third consecutive year as one of the top professional cycling events in North America, a 2.1-rated stage race sanctioned by the UCI (Union Cycliste Interna-tionale). Last year seven of the total 17 teams competed ear-lier in the year at the Tour de France. Known as “America’s Toughest Stage RaceTM”, the Tour of Utah featured 38,500 feet of climbing over the 543 miles covered in six days in 2012.

Spanning almost the en-tire length of the state, the Tour of Utah will begin in southern red rock country near world-famous Bryce Canyon National Park. It will finish among the alpine peaks of the Wasatch Front in northern Utah. The state is home to five National Parks and seven Na-tional Monuments; the Tour of Utah will have host ven-

Torrey and Panguitch Among New Host Venues, Broadening “Tour of Utah”

Professional Cycling race2013 Edition of “America’s Toughest Stage RaceTM” Includes

Famous Southern Utah Terrain and Record Start at 9,800 Feet

LEBANON, KY - We are thrilled to announce that Crockett Dumas and his wonderful Asil mare OT Sara Moniet RSI a Pritzlaff bred 2004 mare by Rave on Ravenwood and out of OT Dys-ara RSI is our 2012 Drinkers of the Wind Challenge Champion. OT Sara Moniet RSI has success-fully competed in hundreds of miles of AERC endurance competition has been bred, trained and shown by her friend and owner Crockett Dumas. Her name is going on the Schimanski Memorial trophy for the third time and her accomplishments in the endurance world are becoming legend. Richard Pritzlaff, who spent his life breeding Asil Arabians to be tough, correct, and capable as well as beautiful would be very proud to have Crockett continuing in his endeavors.

At a time when the numbers of all Arabians are down, it is so important to have our excellent horses not only bred, but also trained and put in the public eye so that folks who do not already know how wonderful they are have a chance to experience them.

Thank you Crockett for representing the entire Asil herd with your wonderful friend.—Institute for the Desert Arabian Horse

Local Horse OT Sara wins 3rd Time Honor From Horse Association

SITLA Land Sale Provides relief to Airports in Garfield and wayne

been a great partner in helping provide a solution to this long standing problem.”

800 acres of trust land will be sold to TNC, using funds allocated for this pur-pose by the FAA. SITLA will receive $800,000 for the sale. In addition, the USFWS is pro-viding SITLA with 1,000 Utah prairie dog miti-gation credits because the 800 acres is far more than what is needed to offset impacts associ-ated with the air-port mitigation. The money will be de-posited into the State Perma-nent School Fund, the interest on which is distributed to all of the public schools in Utah every year. The mitigation credits can be used on SITLA land or they can be sold to land owners, developers, utilities, and any other group building or using prairie dog habitat.

Another benefit to this sale is the potential to facili-tate the recovery and delisting of the species. Since TNC will own the property, the resident prairie dogs and the habitat can now be counted towards the recovery goals. Laura Ro-min, Deputy Field Supervisor for USFWS Utah Field Office said, “The SITLA Johnson Bench property protects im-portant occupied habitat for the Utah prairie dog as well as habitat connectivity for the Greater Bryce Area Utah prai-rie dog “meta-population” and the Paunsaugunt Recovery Unit. A great deal of effort

and coordination between our agency, FAA, SITLA, TNC, State of Utah, Utah Prairie Dog Recovery Team, and the Garfield County Commission occurred to ensure the success of this transaction. This trans-action and this type of partner-

ship is truly what are needed to move the Utah prairie dog toward recovery.”

The listing of the Utah prairie dog has had far reach-ing impacts on government as well as private landowners. The area where prairie dogs are federally protected in-cludes hundreds of thousands of acres in Garfield, Iron, Beaver, Sevier, Piute, Kane, Wayne, and a small portion of Washington Counties.

SITLA is an independent state agency that manages 3.4 million acres of Utah trust lands for the benefit of Utah’s schools and other public in-stitutions. Money generated from the school trust lands is deposited in the state Perma-nent School Fund, a perpetual endowment that annually dis-tributes income to each K-12 public school in Utah.

—School and Institution-al Trust Lands Administration

Utah Division of WilDlife ResoURces

Cyclists depart from Park City for stage six of the Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah Race in 2012. coURtesy laRRy h. MilleR toUR of Utah / Jonathan Devich/epiciMages.Us

Bill goRe

ues near four of these natural treasures, three in the south and one to the north. Three Utah ski resorts will host ei-ther a stage start or a stage fin-ish. The week of competition will include five road races and one circuit race. Detailed routes and race mileage will be announced in the coming months.

Stage Information:Tuesday, August 6 Brian

Head to Cedar City Stage 1, Road Race

Wednesday, August 7 Pan-guitch to Torrey Stage 2, Road Race

Thursday, August 8 Rich-field to Payson Stage 3, Road Race

Friday, August 9 Salt Lake City Stage 4, Circuit Race

Saturday August 10 Snow-basin Resort to Snowbird Ski and

Summer Resort Stage 5, Road Race

Sunday, August 11 Park City to Park City Stage 6, Road Race

This year marks the sixth consecutive year for host part-ners Salt Lake City and Snow-bird Ski and Summer Resort. Park City returns to host the Tour for a fifth time. The epic climbing route for Saturday’s “Queen Stage” will return for the signature finish at Snow-bird Ski and Summer Resort, but will begin for the first time at Snowbasin Resort. Snow-basin Resort will also host the start for The Ultimate Chal-lenge recreational ride, held earlier the same day as Stage Five of The Tour of Utah.

“We’ve always had our

eye on expanding the Tour to the southern part of the state, and with great fan, spon-sor and community support, we’ve been able to do that,” said Steve Miller, President of the Tour of Utah, and newly named COO of Miller Sports Properties. “Our fan base provided solid crowds every day last year, and we attracted widespread audi-ences watching the race live on FOX Sports Network and on the web with TourTracker. The Tour of Utah generated $14 million in direct economic impact for the state in 2012 and our race expansion is ex-pected to have an even greater impact. From Cedar City to Park City, we appreciate the support of all our 2013 host cities and look forward to the biggest year yet.”

The Overall Start on Tuesday, August 6 makes its debut at Brian Head, the high-est resort town in the U.S. A premier winter destination in southwest Utah, Brian Head is surrounded by the alpine for-ests of the Markagunt Plateau, including the Dixie National Forest to the east and Cedar Breaks National Monument to the south. Brian Head is also the third highest incorporated community in the nation with a base elevation of 9,800 feet.

Cedar City, known as “Festival City, USA”, is a vi-brant community 45 minutes to the west of Brian Head Re-sort. It is located on Interstate 15 approximately 250 miles south of Salt Lake City. Cedar City is the home to Southern Utah University and the Utah Shakespeare Festival, which gave the city its nickname and earned the regional theatre a Tony Award (2000). In addi-tion to hosting the stage finish for Stage One, Cedar City will also present the Team Presen-tation Event on Monday, Au-gust 5.

Stage Two will begin in Panguitch, just northwest of the entrance to Bryce Can-yon National Park. It is part of the National Historic Dis-trict and the county seat of beautiful Garfield County. The

Tour of UtahCont’d on page 2

Page 2: February 14 , 2013 Wayne & Garfield County Insider

February 14, 2013Page 2 The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER

LeTTerSThe Insider welcomes letters from our readers. Letters to the editor must be signed and include the author’s address and phone number. We may edit letters for length and clarity. We reserve the right to refuse or eliminate libel-ous or tasteless material.

Utah Board of regents Approves SLCC Homeland

Security Degree SALT LAKE CITY -

The Utah Board of Regents has approved the Utah System of Higher Education’s first Homeland Security and Emer-gency Management associate of applied science (A.A.S.) degree at Salt Lake Commu-nity College. The degree was developed in partnership with the Department of Home-land Security, Transportation Security Administration, the Unified Police Department of Greater Salt Lake, various medical institutions and other regional agencies and employ-ers.

“We are delighted with the Board of Regents’ deci-sion to offer the Homeland Security, Emergency Manage-ment associate of science de-gree. This degree will prepare graduates for positions in the collaborative world of manag-ing the nation’s security and emergency readiness,” said Dr. Christopher Picard, SLCC Provost. “The College is pleased to be able to help train professionals who will make our society safer.”

The new degree will pre-pare students for entry-level careers in the field of home-land security and emergency management. The College has already offered some courses that offer credit toward the de-gree. Students will be able to complete the program in four semesters. Resident tuition and fees are projected to be approximately $6,100 to com-plete the program.

Salt Lake Community and Utah Valley University (UVU) have a full articulation agreement, so that students can transfer their classes and A.A.S. degree to UVU to pur-sue a Bachelor of Science in Emergency Services Admin-istration.

“This is a much needed program, no USHE institution currently offers a degree like it. Even though SLCC and other schools do offer crimi-

nal justice programs, none focus on the all-hazards ap-proach to homeland security and emergency management that is recommended by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.” said Dave Attridge, Director of SLCC Institute of Public Safety. “This pro-gram is unique as Utah’s only multi-discipline, multi-agency approach to the protection of Utah’s citizens, property and critical infrastructure.”

U.S. Department of Labor statistics indicate that between 2011 and 2018, the need for emergency management pro-fessionals, protective service workers and police and sher-iff’s patrol officers are likely to increase by more than 33%. Economic Modeling Special-ists, Inc. (EMSI) data suggest that by 2021, homeland secu-rity and emergency manage-ment positions will increase by more than 60% in Utah.

For more information about the Homeland Security and Emergency Management degree visit: or call Joe Anderson, Homeland Security Specialist at: 801-957-5202 or [email protected].

Salt Lake Community College is an accredited, stu-dent-focused, urban college meeting the diverse needs of the Salt Lake community. Home to more than 62,000 students each year, the College is the largest supplier of work-force development programs in the State of Utah. The Col-lege is the sole provider of ap-plied technology courses in the Salt Lake area, with 13 sites, an eCampus, and nearly 1,000 continuing education sites lo-cated throughout the Salt Lake valley. Personal attention from an excellent faculty is para-mount at the College, which maintains a student-to-teacher ratio of less than 20 to 1.

—Salt Lake Community College

Hoards vs. HordesLetter to the Editor,

[In reference to “Volunteers Flock to Christmas Bird Count,” Feb. 7, by Kathy Munthe.]

Sorry but I have to give you two, writer and editor, a bad time. Forgive me if you can.

Whaddaya mean “hoards” of robins? Shame on you. Even I know better than that, and I’m only a lowly engineer, and ev-eryone knows that engineers don’t know how to spell or write.

Fine article otherwise. William Wolverton, Escalante

Ed. reply: Good catch, Bill. How is this as a usage clarifica-tion for our readers: A hungry horde of robins hoarded a huge pile of worms.

We often place errors in the paper to make sure readers are paying attention. Whoever catches the most typos, layout errors, language misuse and abuse, and misspellings may be hired as our first volunteer proofreader. Keep this up, Bill and this could be your future occupation!

County Policies regarding Senior Center Questioned

Needed: A truck or horse trailer driving through Panguitch to Phoenix via 89/ I-17 to Calvary Chapel, 12612 N Black Canyon Hwy, Phoenix, AZ 85029. We have a large relief donation of vari-ous items bound for Sudan through Bush Telegraph Ministries.

Charitable donation receipt available for transportation costs to Phoenix. Delivery target May 1, 2013. If you can assist us please call: 435-826-4720

Thank you very much. Harriet Priska, Escalante

Seeking TransportationSouthbound Truck

Questions for the Garfield County Commissioners:The Garfield County Commissioners claim to be “Equal

Opportunity Employers.” However, recently, published in “The Insider”, Garfield County wrote, “Garfield County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications.” Doesn’t this statement appear to allow for discrimination against a job ap-plicant?

It’s been noted that job openings for public positions re-quire posting the job opening. For example, when the Panguitch Senior Center needed to hire a cook right away, they were told they couldn’t hire one without first posting the job opening. So they posted the job. However, did Garfield County Commis-sioner Del LeFevre secure the hiring of an employee to work for Garfield County to do two jobs in Escalante without first posting them? There were many well qualified people, but they didn’t get a chance to apply. Is this not discrimination and favoritism?

If the Garfield County Commission wanted to hire a person from within the existing pool of county employees why was the position not posted for all county employees to have the oppor-tunity to apply?

The Commissioners have told us more than once that a per-son couldn’t hold down more than one County job. Does the person who was hired for these positions, Head Cook and Direc-tor (Manager) of the Escalante Senior Citizens Center now hold two new county jobs in addition to the one she already held? Is it even possible for one person to do simultaneously the two newer different jobs? If it is an official policy of Garfield Coun-ty to not hire the same person for more than one job description or position, was this policy ignored?

Why does the Senior Citizens Center coordinator for Gar-field County need to have an office manager to do her work for her?

The rules or policies of Garfield County should apply equal-ly to all citizens of the county. Are the rules more lenient for the Commissioners’ friends and stiffer or different for others?

If these preceding questions answer to be true, does this not smell of discrimination and deceit?

Have the Garfield County Commissioners forgotten that they are public servants elected to office to help all of their con-stituents equally?

There appear to be far fewer Senior Citizens attending events at the Community Center in Escalante. Why is that? I am not the only senior citizen with these questions.

P. R. Soren, Escalante

Deep Creek Pile Prescribed Fire

ANTIMONY - The Bureau of Land Management plans to burn approximately 181 acres within the Deep Creek area, near Antimony, Utah from January 28 to February 28. This project is located in Garfield County, in the Deep Creek drainage which is approximately 4 miles southwest of Antimony.

The Antimony Piles Burn Plan covers the piles of slash that has resulted from the Deep Creek mechanical project. The project was a vegetation management project; to expand watershed con-ditions, increase community wildfire protection, improve wildlife habitat and help restore rangelands.

The primary objective for this pile burn is to reduce the ex-isting wildland fire hazard, which resulted by removing dense, closed canopy pinyon and juniper trees, thus reducing potential negative effects from future wildland fire, while restoring fire-adaptive ecosystems to federal, state, and nearby private lands.

Contact: Matt Madariaga, phone: 435-896-1593, email: [email protected] or Jill Ivie, phone: 435-896-1573, email: [email protected]

—BLM Richfield Field Office

WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has des-ignated Beaver and Iron coun-ties in Utah as primary natural disaster areas due to damages and losses caused by the re-cent drought.

“Our hearts go out to those Utah farmers and ranch-ers affected by recent natural disasters,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. “Presi-dent Obama and I are commit-ted to ensuring that agriculture remains a bright spot in our nation’s economy by sustain-ing the successes of America’s farmers, ranchers, and rural communities through these difficult times. We’re also tell-ing Utah producers that USDA stands with you and your com-munities when severe weather and natural disasters threaten to disrupt your livelihood.”

Farmers and ranchers in the following counties in Utah also qualify for natural disaster assistance because their counties are contiguous. Those counties are:Garfield, Millard, Sevier, Kane,

Thank YousMy sincere thank you to all for the help and care given to

me after my fall and breaking my back. Thank you all for the food and the calls and the rides to the doctor in St. George and Cedar City; for the lawn care and all the things that were done for me. I’m still wearing my brace and I’m still under the spe-cialist’s care in St. George. And thanks to the EMTs, nurses and doctors. You are all sincerely appreciated. Love you all.

Betty Frandsen, Panguitch.

Kenny Orton with UDOT deserves a thank you for stay-ing out on Hwy 20 until 10 or 11pm at night to keep the roads clear to make sure the girls basketball team that went over the mountain could come home safely following the Girls Regional Tournament. Thank you for your hard work, care and concern, Kenny.

From a 1A basketball fan in Panguitch

ESCALANTE - Kayson Jake Durfey is Escalante’s new-est Eagle Scout. He was presented with his Eagle Scout Award on January 24, 2013 at a Court of Honor held at the Escalante Utah Stake Center. Kayson’s Eagle project was to install 4 new benches mounted on cement pads at the Escalante Cemetery. Kayson is a Senior this year at Escalante High School. During his time there he has been involved in the basketball, baseball and track programs. He is also an active member of the com-munity 4-H program and has served as a Region Ambassador. He enjoys music and played the part of Kenickie in last year’s musical Grease. He also enjoys photography, service, hunting, reading and paint balling. Kayson is the son of Dirk and Eva Durfey of Escalante. He is the grandson of Bob and the late Karen Crosby of Alton, Utah, and Weldon and Marie Porter of Escalante, Utah. Congratulations Kayson from the Escalante Scout Committee, your family and friends.

—Kathie Griffin

small agricultural community, named for the Paiute Indian word for “big fish”, sits in a valley with rivers and lakes that is bordered by the Dixie National Forest. The official start line on Wednesday sits at 6,600 feet above sea level. Stage Two’s finish will be hosted by Torrey, a small com-munity situated in the heart of red canyon country in the shadows of 11,000-foot Thou-sand Lake Mountain. It is just 10 miles west from the unique geologic formations at Capitol Reef National Park. Torrey Town is best recognized by the 100-year-old cottonwood trees that canopy Highway 24 in the center of town.

Stage Three will bridge the central region of Utah in Richfield with Payson in the Utah Valley to the north. Richfield is the largest city in south-central Utah, nestled in the high desert of Sevier County. This mile-high city marks the midway point in mileage between Cedar City and Salt Lake City. Surround-ed by the beauty of the Fish-lake National Forest, Richfield is an outdoor recreation heav-en. The Stage Three finish will take the Tour to the south side of Utah Lake, where Payson rests in the shadows of the Wasatch Front. The scenery in Payson has made this a popu-lar location for the film indus-try, as it was the location for “Footloose” and the television series Touched by an Angel. The Tour has passed through this section of the Provo-Orem metropolitan area in previous years, but this is the first time it has hosted a stage finish.

Salt Lake City will return for a sixth year as the host city for Stage Four of the Tour. This Friday contest will fea-ture a popular multi-lap circuit that will begin and end near the state Capitol. Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker has declared 2013 as “Year of the Bike” and hosting a circuit race, similar to the challeng-ing 80-mile route from 2011, is one of many planned events. Expanding and improving the “bikeability” of Salt Lake City is just one of the major aspects of Mayor Becker’s Livability Agenda,

Snowbird Ski and Sum-mer Resort returns as the offi-cial finish host venue for Stage Five for a sixth year. Well known for its steep freeskiing terrain and abundant powder in the winter season, Snow-bird is a cool air mountain

haven in the summertime. The final ascent up the narrow and steep section of Little Cotton-wood Canyon has become a popular outdoor amphitheater for spectators. This signature climb for “America’s Tough-est Stage Race” provides close to 3000 feet of elevation gain over 6.5 miles (9.2% average gradient).

Stage Six will return to Park City on Sunday, August 11, the second consecutive year for the Stage Start and Overall Finish in this year-round resort town. Park City is home to three year-round re-sorts with the Wasatch Moun-tains rising to over 10,000 feet. A challenging stage race will be similar to 2012, with a final epic climb over Empire Pass. Expect huge crowds to pack Historic Main Street and see the champion crowned for the 2013 Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah for the grand finale.

“We are excited to see the continued growth of the Tour of Utah that will now ex-pand into the southern part of the state,” said Jeff Robbins, president & CEO of the Utah Sports Commission. “The event generates significant economic impact for the state and will now be able to show-case Utah’s red rock scen-ery along with the beauty of the northern part of our great state.”

The Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah began as a three-day Thanksgiving Point Stage Race & Cycling Festival over Memorial Day weekend in 2004. The Utah Cycling Part-nership, owned by the Larry H. Miller Group of Compa-nies, purchased the event in 2007 and re-launched the cy-cling event in 2008 as a five-day National Racing Calendar event. In 2011, the Tour of Utah was elevated by the UCI to a 2.1-rated stage race on the UCI America Tour. The race is also sanctioned by USA Cy-cling, Inc.

The Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah continues to be free to all spectators, making profes-sional cycling one of the most unique pro sports in the world today. More than 2,000 vol-unteer positions will be filled over the course of the week, and registration is available on the Tour’s web site,

—Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah

eagle Scout Honored

Tour of UtahCont’d from page 1

USDA Designates Two Counties in Utah as Primary

Natural Disaster AreasPiute, and Washington.

Farmers and ranchers in Nevada and Lincoln coun-ties in Nevada also qualify for natural disaster assistance because their counties are con-tiguous.

All counties listed above were designated natural disas-ter areas Feb. 6, 2013, making all qualified farm operators in the designated areas eligible for low interest emergency (EM) loans from USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA), provided eligibility require-ments are met. Farmers in eligible counties have eight months from the date of the declaration to apply for loans to help cover part of their ac-tual losses. FSA will consider each loan application on its own merits, taking into ac-count the extent of losses, security available and repay-ment ability. FSA has a vari-ety of programs, in addition to the EM loan program, to help eligible farmers recover from adversity.

—USDA Farm Service Agency

Page 3: February 14 , 2013 Wayne & Garfield County Insider

February 14, 2013 Page 3The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER

Wayne Sports by laURen Jackson

Coming up:• BBBwithValley

Feb.14th(today)• GBBState@SVC

Feb13-Feb.16• WrestlingState@Orem

(UVU)-Feb.15-Feb.16• BBBRegion(homesite)-

Feb.21st• BBBRegionTournament-

Feb.22-Feb23• BBBState@SVC


S p o r t S p a g ePHS Sports Sidelines

by Mack oetting

Region 20 Tournaments ProvideFirst-Rate Action

Wayne Wrestlers Take Second at Region

Girl’s Basketball


Boy’s Basketball

The Lady Cats came away with a third place fin-ish at the Region 20. After winning 10 games in a row, including two over Milford, the last win against Milford was only last week, the La-dies went cold and ended up losing to the Tigers in their third match up.. In the play in game, the Milford Tigers beat Wayne to get in the final four. I believe Wayne also had beaten Milford twice. Also in the play in games, Piute beat Valley and this year’s Cinder-ella Team, Escalante, knocked off Bryce Valley. There was a change in the Venue at Region this year, the top four teams get to go to State and the fifth place team (Wayne) gets a play in game and they should also make it to State. Before only the top two teams went to State and the other four had play-in games. This saves a lot of running around the State for games. This year Region 20 teams were all outstanding and all of the games in league play were close, the good news is most of these teams are young and will be back next year. In one of the Thursday games against Piute, Escalante kept the game close and were trail-ing by only 2 with 13 seconds left, only to make an errant pass and lost, but it was oh-so-close.

Friday’s games started with a very close game be-tween the Wayne Badgers and Bryce Valley Mustangs. It

was close all the way with the Badgers coming away with the win and 5th place. In the semi-game the Lady Cats played Escalante and that game was also close and tied at half time at 18, could it be another up-set? The Cats got it together in the second half and pulled away with 45 to 34, for third place. The final game between Milford and Piute was some-thing else. Like Panguitch the night before the Thunderbirds couldn’t buy a basketball and the score at the end of the 3rd quarter was only 27 to 16 in favor of the Tigers. It wasn’t a very well played game to this point so I went out to warm up the bus. A long time went by when the team finally came out. They said the T Birds came back in the fourth quar-ter and tied the game and went into over time, and the T Birds came away with a 9 point vic-tory. Piute 52 to Milford’s 43 and Piute came out 1st in Re-gion 20.

Katelyn Parkin and Fre-sia Houston won the big prize, Academic All Region. Darri Frandsen and Taylor Bennett were elected to the All Region 20 Team.

The State Tournament started yesterday with a first round game with Rich. If the Cats play their game they can beat anyone. Good luck at State, with your play this year you are already champs.

The Bobcats had a show-down game with Bryce Val-

ley for first place in Region 20. The game was really well played for three quarters, when a lot of fouls came into play and this helped the Cats and their fine foul shooting. Dalon Bennett fouled out in the forth quarter with 17 points and it looked bad for the Cats. But the team stepped up and built on their lead and won the game 71 to 60. Tyce Barney came away with a 35 point night. The Cats came away really looking good; who knows—this could be the Cat’s year. There was a huge crowd for this game, with folks sitting in the upper bleachers. The Bob Cats last game of the season again was played last Tuesday against Piute. The have a game tonight the 14th , out at Mil-

CEDAR CITY - Garkane Energy’s Electrifying Shot contest found another win-ner on Thursday night at the Girls Region 1A basketball tournament. Tyce Barney was selected to shoot a layup, free throw, 3point, and half court shot in under 30 seconds dur-ing the halftime promotion as part of Garkane Energy’s sup-port of the region tournament. He managed to bank in the half court shot as the crowd went wild. There were many participants from the different schools that participated in the halftime promotion, but Tyce

was the only one able to make the half-court shot.Neal Brown of Garkane Energy pictured with Tyce Barney. Garkane Energy will be at the

Boys 1A Region tournament in Cedar City on Feb 22, and Feb 23 holding the same promotion. Neal Brown of Garkane Energy says “the best way to get picked to shoot the $500 shot is to see him at the tournament and say hi to the Garkane Guy or by “liking” Garkane Energy on Facebook and sending a message that you are interested in shooting.

—Garkane Energy

Garfield Memorial Hospital, Clinics, and Long-Term Care Center

support our local teams in this year’s regional and state competitons .

We wish them the best!

200 North 400 EastPanguitch (435) 676-8811

Last Saturday the 9th of February the Wayne Wres-tlers traveled to Bryce Valley for their region tournament. It pleases me to announce that our team took second at region with five of the wrestlers plac-ing first! Monticello took first at region. Here is the Region Nineteen and Twenty 2013 re-sults:

Region Champions:Tanner Jeffery- 113Luke Wells-170Preston Stephenson-120Ryan Lee-152Jared Alvey-220Second Place:Jaden Ellett- 106Isaac Pei-182Hayden Wells-285Fourth Place:Kehl Bradbury-113Colten Roberts-138Congrats to all the Badger

Wrestlers! Their State Tour-nament will be held in Orem at the UVU center February 15th-16th. Take home the gold!

The girl’s basketball team also had their Region Twen-ty basketball tournament at Canyon View High School in Cedar City. Their game was with Bryce Valley. The Lady Badgers had lost to Bryce Val-ley both times earlier on in the season, so they knew the extra effort in to come out on top, and that’s just what they did. The Lady Badgers beat Bryce Valley by three points! Now they are headed into 2013 State tournament, held at the SVC center in Richfield the 13th-16th. Their first state game was against Legacy Prep at 6:00 p.m. last Tuesday the 12th, which will be posted in the next issue. The results of that game will determine the next game the Lady Bad-gers play. If they win they will verse St. Joseph Catholic School, ranked number one in 1A girl’s basketball. Good luck at state, girls!

The boy’s basketball team had a home game on the 5th against Diamond Ranch. The team scored an impressive

93 points to Diamond Ranch’s 67. It was an excellent turn-out for the Badgers. Ty Rees scored 26 points, Broc Taylor 20, Brigg Blackburn 19, and Marc Simmons 15. They also had a game last Tuesday in Bryce Valley and they have their very last home game here tonight with Valley. Good luck, boys! The next time the boy’s basketball team plays after today will be a home site region game on the 21st.

Lauren Jackson is a se-nior at Wayne High School.

Panguitch’s Tyce Barney Nails Half Court Shot for $500

ford. Next week starts Region and the Bobcats have a home game on Wednesday 21st and it probably will be against Di-amond Ranch.

The Tough Guy Bob Cats at Region 20 in Bryce Valley took third place. Monticello took first by a wide margin, scoring I believe 260 points; Wayne was second with 220 and the Cats at 180. The Cats qualified nine wrestlers for State at UVU. The tournament will start today the 14th.

It’s hard to believe that the winter sports are almost over, it went by so fast, but it was oh-so-entertaining.

Track is up next and both of the Cat’s Teams could do real well this year.

ABOVE - Marc Simmons rolls in two of his 15 points dur-ing the Badgers game against Diamond Ranch February 5. Marc also pulled down 11 rebounds, had 1 as-sist and 2 steals.

RIGHT - Broc Taylor adds to his im-pressive 20 points in spectacular fashion. The Badgers defeated the Diamond Backs 93 to 67; the highest scoring game for the Badgers in at least 11 years.

LEFT- Fifth seed Wayne Lady Badgers, fought for a shot at State last Friday, against third seed, Bryce Valley Lady Mustangs. The Badgers were able to hang on to their sec-ond half lead and defeat the Mustangs 62-59. Pictured Kali Pei of Wayne and Whitni Syrett of Bryce Valley. (Pic-ture taken Jan 25, 2013)

BELOW LEFT - The Wayne Badgers wrestling team at Region. BELOW RIGHT - Hanksville wrestlers Drue Fivecoat, Isak Pei, Jared Alvey, Hayden Wells, Luke Wells and Colton Roberts. Wrestling phtotos sent in by Jessica Alvey.

BBall photos anD captions By lisa stevens

Page 4: February 14 , 2013 Wayne & Garfield County Insider

February 14, 2013Page 4 The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER

Bryce Valley elementary News

by MaRen steWaRt, Fifth Grade

BVHS Newsby eRin hayDen

Safety Inspections:

$10Snowplows for

ATVs & Side-by-Sides Sold and Installed

School Notes

Loa elementary Snippetsby lisa stevens

First Grade Play Gets “Two Hooves Up”

Wayne High School Yearbook/FFA clubs are selling 2013 cal-

endars. All proceeds will go to Mrs. Robertson to help with her fight with cancer.Calendars are filled with Wayne High School clubs and activities.


To buy a calendar, con-tact WHS or come to home sporting events, where cal-endars will be on sale. This is a worthy cause. Call Mrs, Stringham or Mrs, Grundy (435) 425-3411 for more information.


The Wayne Theatre

General Admission: $6.00Seniors 59 and over & Children 11 and younger: $5.00

11 East Main • Bicknell, UT


Running time: 2 hrs. 30 min.

HanSEL & grEtEL:witcH HuntErS

R Running time: 1 hr. 30 min.

2/15 (FRI) - 6:30pm2/16 (SAT) - 6:30pm2/18 (mon) - 8:30pm2/20 (WeD) - 8:30pm

2/15 (FRI) - 9:30pm2/16 (SAT) - 9:30pm

Last week, Governor Gary R. Herbert recognized 11 local school board members in the State of Utah for their work in advancing their knowledge and skills as board members. In addition, the Governor recognized the collective abilities of entire school boards as they have worked toward increased levels of performance in the Master Boards Award (MBA) program. School Board mem-bers Ken Platt and Cheryl Cox of the Garfield School District recently received this prestigious award.

The Master Boards Award program was conceived by leaders of the Utah School Boards Association who wanted to help local school board members understand the complexities of is-sues they face, including school finance, legislation, ethics, policy, and board meeting rules and conduct, among many other topics. Local board members and entire boards receive points toward annual MBA designations by continuous improvement, advocacy, community engagement, ac-countability, and effective governance.

This past year, 2012, was the first year for the program, and has already increased participa-tion and motivation for Utah board members who can enhance their understanding and actions to better support student achievement through effective governance in their schools.

Each year under the MBA program, each local school board member and the board they rep-resent, can reach new goals to enhance learning and skills. They do this through individual study/readings, group seminars, online workshops, state conferences, community meetings and contacts, and ensuring proactive procedures and policies in their districts. I would like to congratulate Ken Platt and Cheryl Cox on their accomplishments.

—Superintendent Ben Dalton

Master Board Award

“Oh no! The cow on Old McDonald’s farm won’t moo! How will they get the heifer to sing? They ask those silly pigs, Bo Peep’s run-away sheep, the red rooster, and the cute chicks. Still, that cow is mute. Finally, they place the problem into the hooves of the wise, old mule. After compli-menting the cow and making her feel like a team player, the cow finally lets her voice break through. Great Job 1st graders! What an enjoyable performance!” by Gracie Hin-ton, Mr. Ellett’s 5th grade, and thank you to Gracie for that wonderful review!

Happy Valentines Day! Students all over the school spent last week getting ready for parties today. In the pre-school students worked hard cutting out heart to decorate their Valentine sacks. When preschool student Lilly Morrill was asked about cutting out hearts she exclaimed, “It was fun! I cut out 10 hearts, I used-ed yellow, pink and pink.” Preschool student also have been given an opportunity to be introduced to Share Bear; this classroom visitor will stay with them until the end of the year. Each student will take a turn to take Share Bear home with them for a week. While Share Bear visits their home, “The students are to give the bear a new name”, explained Mrs. Jan Brown, “Then at the end of each day, they will sit down with their parents and write, draw pictures or even take pictures and enter it in Share Bear’s Travel Journal. When they bring the Share Bear back in his little suitcase with his travel journal, the stu-dent will stand up in front of the class and tell one or two things that they did during the week with Share Bear.” This activity will teach the children responsibility, how to share, critical thinking skills, self es-teem skills and creativity, in a fun and interesting way. At the end of the year each student will receive a complete travel journal of Share Bears adven-tures. Students are continuing to work on writing and rec-ognizing numbers, along with the math concept more than and less than. Mrs. Brown would like to say, “We con-

First grade tracked their shadows this week. They saw that our shadows moved and changed because the sun moved. Then they learned that it was the earth that is orbiting the sun. Science is amazing.

Second grade have been working really hard on our President’s reports and are excited to share them with the class. They also painted hearts and made them as Valentines.

Third grade they have been learning about counties in South America. Each student is preparing a power point pre-sentation to share with their parents and classmates. They have also been earning dog tags for our reading goals. Awesome job third graders!!

Fourth grade decorated the front bulletin board of the school with good citizenship posters. They want to remind all students to be caring, respectful, honest, and responsible. The fourth graders were chosen and participated in the National As-sessment of Educational Progress. (NAEP) This national as-sessment is through the US Department of Education. Congrat-ulation fourth graders for doing your best!!

Fifth grade made in art, Valentine mobiles and have been really working hard in science and math.

Sixth grade have learned that the earth is not closer to the sun in the summer and farther away in the winter. This is a myth, there are two reasons why we have the seasons. First earth revolves around the sun and second it does so in a twenty three point five degree tilt. Never changing this tilt and always pointing towards the north star. Ask us about it and see what else we know.

Another week has gone by and the end of basketball season is in sight. Which means the year sure has gone by fast. Of course, that’s what they all say about your senior year.

The girls played region this past weekend. Sadly, they did not do so well. Good job girls on a great season.

Boys region starts on the 21st. Good luck with that guys.

Region wrestling took place in BV this year. Sadly I don’t know the outcome of the tourney, but I will gladly write who placed next week. Wrest-ing state will take place on the 15th and 16th at UVU.

Upward Bound spent the weekend at SUU for a TRIO leadership conference. Students were able to make friends from all over the state. Different Upward Bound and ETS programs from differ-ent colleges met at SUU for a leadership conference. Stu-dents had a lot of fun and were able to create a Public Service Announcement that is now on you tube.

There is only half a day of school Monday and Tuesday the 11th and 12th for SEOPs.

Midterm is on the 15th.Well have a good week.

SPOTLIGHTWayne High School Seniors 2013

JAMEN BRINDLEYÒMy name is Jamen Brindley, my parents are Wendy Potter and Weston Brindley. Although I am unsure where I would like to attend a post- secondary school to build my knowledge and prepare for my future career. I would like to travel and participate in Study Abroad programs during my time in college. I have had many people that have been a huge inßuence on my life. One of the many has been my step-father Tracy Potter. He has taught me to be a hard and efficient worker. Tracy and my mother have also taught me to stand for what is right by doing so themselves. I am thankful for the support my parents have been to me and I hope to achieve my potential.Ó........Jamen

! ! ! ! <------------------------------------------>

This weekly student spotlight is brought to you by Wayne High School and the Entrada Institute Scholarship committee. These spotlights are not only to inform the people of Wayne County about these fine seniors, but to encourage contributions to the ÒScholarship of ExcellenceÓ program for students at WHS. For more information about tax deductible donations, please contact Candence Peterson at WHS.

In cooperation withWayne County Economic Development andWayne County Business  Association: West and Kami Taylor are facilitating a “Face Book class for your Business.” “You must have access to a laptop for this class” 

Register on‐line: When:Wednesdays, Feb 13 thru March 6, 2013 (if you missed the first week, it’s not too late to join) Time: 4:00 PM ‐ 6 PM Where:Wayne County Community Center, Bicknell Cost: $100.00 per Business, up to 2 people can attend from the same business for this price. Reimbursement: Get a 50% reimbursement through Custom Fit Training Contact:Michelle Coleman: 435‐836‐1315 or [email protected] You may also pay at the class on the Wednesday, February 13, 2013 and Michelle will also be there to assist you in the paperwork for training reimbursement

tinue to have a great time in preschool and want to encour-age the parents of our students to work with their child each night on writing their names, sounds that we have learned so far, number recognition, and our monthly nursery rhymes.”

Ms. MarJean Davis’ class is also working on publishing books. The students in her sec-ond grade class are currently writing and illustrating their own ABC books. This project will help teach the complete writing process. Students started out with brainstorming; they were given a worksheet to help them and wrote 2 or 3 sentences for each letter. Then they asked a peer to go over their ideas and give them posi-tive feedback and suggestions. Next the student fixes anything they would like to change and will bring the final draft to Ms. Davis totype. After the books are typed students will illus-trate the pages and then the finished project will be bound into a book.

It is almost time for the activity formally known as Falcon Basketball to get under-way! The Wayne 4-H program has graciously agreed to spon-sor Loa Elementary School’s basketball program. Forms have been sent home and are due TOMORROW! 4-H bas-ketball will be for any stu-

dents in 2nd through 5th grade who would like to participate. Games will begin Thursday March 7th and continue every Thursday for the next 6 weeks; there will not be games during spring break. Cost to cover the insurance and jersey will be $10 per student and schol-arships are available; contact Mary Sorenson at 836-1312 or Marie Jensen at 425-2214 for scholarship information. At this time the community council would like to ask or

BEG anyone who would like to help, (or can be coerced into helping) to please contact your community council member, Mary Sorenson, or the school. Depending on number of par-ticipants there will be a need for 10 to 12 coaches. Accord-ing to 4-H policies, coaches must be 18 or older, and will need to get a background check with the school in order to help. PLEASE, PLEASE (this is the begging part) vol-unteer to help, this is a great program that the students re-ally look forward to all year.


• Feb 18- (M) NO SCHOOL President’s Day

• Feb 19- (T) Bookmobile• Mar 14- (R) Minimum Day of

school• Mar 18- (M) End of 3rd term

EScapE fr0m pLanEt EartH

PGRunning time: 2 hrs.

2/15 (FRI) - 4:00pm2/16 (SAT) - 4:00pm2/18 (mon) - 6:00pm2/20 (WeD) - 6:00pm

Page 5: February 14 , 2013 Wayne & Garfield County Insider

February 14, 2013 Page 5The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER

tHe lAuGhiNg pOiNt!!


what Controls: The will, or “The Box”?by JeffeRy J. Mckenna

what’s in a Name?

A little girl asked her moI couldMy real name is Wilton, but everyone at the plastics factory where I work calls me Dub. And that’s where the confusion began.

A woman from the front office came by with a form to fill out. But when she asked for my name, I wasn’t sure which one to give.

Waiting patiently for me to make up my mind, she said, “I don’t have any easier ques-tions.”

Attorney Jeff McKenna hiking with his son in Zion National Park


My mom admitted to be-ing a less than fastidious house-keeper.

One evening my dad returned home from work, walked into the kitchen and said, “You know, dear, I can write my name in the dust on the mantel.”

Mom turned to him and sweetly replied, “Well, darling, that’s why I married a college graduate.”

Believe You Can: Finish the race

Door warning

The door of the science office at my high school opens outward, and a number of stu-dents have been whacked by it. To prevent any more mis-haps, one of the teachers stuck a warning on the door advising people not to stand too close. There was also a comic strip at-tached showing a student being hit by a door being opened.

One day I was pushing a cart into the hall and opened the door extra wide. To my horror the door struck a student stand-ing outside. After determining that he was all right, I asked why he was behind the door even though the warning was there. “I was reading it,” he re-plied.

Laws of the UniverseLaw of Mechanical Repair - After your hands become coat-

ed with grease, your nose will begin to itch and you’ll have to pee.

Law of the Workshop - Any tool, nut, bolt, screw, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.

Law of Probability - The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.

Law of Random Numbers - If you dial a wrong number, someone always answers.

Law of the Alibi - If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the very next morning you will have a flat tire.

Variation Law - If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will always move faster than the one you are in now (works every time).

Warm Water Theorem - When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings.

Law of Close Encounters - The probability of meeting someone you know increases dramatically when you are with someone you don’t want to be seen with.

Law of the Result - When you try to prove to someone that a machine won’t work, it will.

The Coffee Law - As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.

Law of Physical Surfaces - The chances of an open-faced jelly sandwich landing face down on a floor, are directly corre-lated to the newness and cost of the carpet or rug.

Law of Commercial Marketing Strategy - As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it.

Doctors’ Law - If you don’t feel well, make an appointment to go to the doctor, by the time you get there you’ll feel better. But don’t make an appointment, and you’ll stay sick.

By Cynthia Kimball

To answer the above question, I must first tell you what I mean by “the box.”

When I say “the box,” I am referring to the benefi-ciary designation box found in many financial instruments. For example, life insurance policies, annuity contracts, IRAs (individual retirement accounts), and other retire-ment plans allow the owner to designate (usually in a box or line on the form agreement) who is to be the beneficiary or recipient of the proceeds upon the owner’s death.

In addition to the above categories of beneficiary designations, many bank ac-counts, investment accounts, stock certificates and CDs (certificates of deposit), allow for a POD (Pay On Death) beneficiary. As with the insur-ance, annuity and retirement account beneficiary designa-tions, the designation of the POD beneficiary is usually done by inserting one or more names in a box or line on an account agreement.

Now that I have explained the question, what is the cor-rect answer? If someone has designated a former spouse as the beneficiary on a life insur-ance policy or retirement plan, can a new will designating a new spouse as the beneficiary of all the individual’s assets supercede the earlier desig-nation? In other words, does the designation in the will supercede the designation in the box? The answer is no. In almost all cases, the will does not supercede the contractual designation.

Many people mistakenly believe that the will controls the distribution of all their as-sets and supercedes any earlier beneficiary designations. It is understandable that many people have this mistaken

wills, Trusts, and More

belief. First, a will has many formalities associated with it. A will generally has to have the signatures of at least two unrelated witnesses. An at-torney normally prepares the will. It is usually notarized. Often much time and thought accompanies the signing of the will, as well as other for-malities. On the other hand, the beneficiary designation is usually very simple. Usually, it involves nothing more than printing or typing a name in a box.

There have been many spouses and children very sur-prised to learn that although a loved one’s will was reviewed and updated the older benefi-ciary designations control.

Another matter to be con-sidered with regard to benefi-ciary designations is that they are limited. If the beneficiary designation is just a line or box, there is no opportunity

to describe how the proceeds should be used or who should receive the proceeds if one of the named beneficiaries pre-deceases the owner. It should be noted that if the beneficiary designated in the financial in-strument has predeceased the owner and there is no surviv-ing contingent beneficiary or if the named beneficiary is designated as the “estate,” the terms of the will or state stat-ute governing the distribution of assets when there is no will will govern the distribution of the proceeds.

In conclusion, proper es-tate planning involves a thor-ough review of all assets and beneficiary designations. It is very important that beneficia-ry designations be coordinated with an individual’s estate plan.

Jeffery J. McKenna is a local attorney licensed in three states and serving clients in Utah, Nevada, and Arizona. He is a partner at the law firm of Barney, McKenna, Olm-stead and Pack, with offices in St. George and Mesquite. He is a founding member of the Southern Utah Estate Planning Council. If you have questions or topics that you would like addressed in these articles please email him at [email protected] or call 628-1711.

Producers Livestock Auc-tion, Salina, Utah Tues-day, February 5, 2012Receipts: 1,318; Last Week: 718. Last Year: 1,958. Feeder Steers: mixed but mostly weak to 1.00 lower on similar of-ferings. Feeder Heifers: wts under 600 lbs & 700-750 lbs 2.00-3.00 higher; other wts 2.00-3.00 lower. Holstein Steers: to few for compari-son. Slaughter Cows: 3.00-4.00 lower on similar kinds. Slaughter Bulls: steady on similar kinds.Feeder Steers: Medium and Large Frame 2: 200-250 lbs scarce; 250-300 lbs scarce; 300-350 lbs scarce; 350-400 lbs 174.00-186.00; 400-450 lbs 160.00-178.00; 450-500 lbs 157.00-171.00; 500-550 lbs 145.00-160.50; 550-600 lbs 136.00-153.00; 600-650 lbs 134.50-146.50; 650-700 lbs 129.50-140.50; 700-750 lbs 128.00-141.00; 750-800 lbs 129.25-140.50; 800-850 lbs 131.75-138.00; 850-900 lbs 125.00-133.25; 900-950 lbs 115.50-126.00; 950-1000 lbs 116.50-119.50.Holsteins Steers: Large Frame 3: Bull Calves: scarce; 200-300 lbs scarce; 300-500 lbs scarce; 500-700 lbs 77.00-86.00; 700-900 lbs 84.25-88.50; 900-1000 lbs 78.50-80.50.Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large Frame 1-2: 200-250 lbs scarce; 250-300 lbs pkg 162.00; 300-350 lbs pkg 142.50; 350-400 lbs 138.00-153.00; 400-450 lbs 139.00-153.00; 450-500 lbs 133.00-147.00; 500-550 lbs 133.00-148.00; 550-600 lbs 127.00-138.50; 600-650 lbs 126.00-135.00; 650-700 lbs 115.50-125.25; 700-750 lbs 120.50-131.00; 750-800 lbs 115.50-125.25; 800-850 lbs 113.75-119.75; 850-900 lbs pkg 118.00; 900-950 lbs 106.50-116.00; 950-1000 lbs 101.50-113.50; Heiferettes: 52.00-104.00. Stock Cows: Few mostly Older Bred Cows: 900.00-1,175.00.Slaughter Cows: Boning 80-85% Lean: 65.00-74.25; Breaking 75-80% Lean: 67.25-76.75; Commercial: scarce; Cutter 85-90% Lean: 54.50-64.50.Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1000-1500 lbs scarce; 1500-2050 lbs 92.25-94.00; Yield Grade 2 1000-1500 lbs scarce; 1500-2375 lbs 85.00-89.00; Feeder Bulls: 675-1015 lbs 85.00-105.00.Source: USDA-Utah Dept. Of Agriculture Market News , Salt Lake City, UT(435-230-0402.)

Answers for this week

To Play:Complete the grid so that

every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9

I’m in the final months of my doctoral program. Some-times it’s really hard to believe. I almost have to pinch myself. Truly, it seems just like yester-day that I began. When I look back, though, over the course of the 2.5 years I’ve completed so far, I have overcome, with God’s help, very steep moun-tains that seemed unattainable. But, as Matthew 19:26 tells us, “…with God all things are pos-sible.” Don’t get me wrong, I still have a mountain to climb in finishing, but I know I can do it and I actually can now see the finish line where’s once, not too long ago, there was no fin-ish line in sight.

What mountain are you trying to climb?

Finish a degree?Research and find your ge-

nealogy?Become more like our

brother and Savior Jesus Christ?Be a better spouse?Be a better father or moth-

er?Be a better son or daugh-

ter? Be a better friend or neigh-

bor?Change from serving the

world to serving God?Become better in school

and or a sport?Lose weight? Follow a dream?Whatever your mountain,

you can climb it. Tell yourself you can. See yourself already at the top, better yet on the bottom of the other side. And make sure to surround your-self with people who believe, love and support you even if your cheerleaders are only one or two others (and besides, its quality that matters not quan-tity).

Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found

10,000 ways that won’t work” (, 2013). This is the man who invented the light bulb. Can you imagine how different our life would be without it? Remember this the next time you make a mistake. Simply say, “I’ve just found another way that won’t work, and so, I’ll just keep going until I find one that does.”

The people that succeed in life believe. They have faith and they have a founda-tion. And they stay away from those that tell them they can’t, they’re no good, they’ll never amount to anything, they’re just like their brother or sister (who’ve failed), etc.

I know one young woman who I consider a daughter. I truly believe we’re related by love. She’s brilliantly gifted in music. She writes and she plays the piano. I love her. I cannot wait until she contin-

ues to write, play and record to teach the world about “the divine” through her gift. I believe, as she continues to believe in herself, and her tal-ent, she will finish her race. After all, the was entrusted with these musical gifts from God. And besides, the world desperately needs them. I pray that she will pray, like you, for God to pave a way for her/and your dream to unfold. He does hear and answer our prayers es-pecially if they’re right and we have faith.

So, believe you can; and finish your race.

Cynthia Kimball is a speaker and trainer through her company Every1Counts, LLC, and a doctoral student in Workforce Education Leader-ship. She sometimes writes for Deseret Connect. E-mail: [email protected]

Garfield Memorial

Mobile Unit

Will be located at

Garfield Memorial HospitalWednesday February 20, 2013

For appointments call

676-1547 or 676-1267 Mammography Office

*Walk-ins Welcome*

Fighting together to KNOCK-OUT Breast Cancer!

Page 6: February 14 , 2013 Wayne & Garfield County Insider

February 14, 2013Page 6 The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER


by Vicki D. Syrett 679-8687 or [email protected]

eSCALANTe NewSby Marlene Haws ~ 826-4859 • [email protected]

Tues. 19Th Wed. 20Th Thurs. 21sT

Taco soup w/tortilla chips, onions, corn, kidney beansCorn breadFresh bananaRocky road brownie

Tater tot casserolew/hamburger, green beansBread sticksPearsPeanut butterOatmeal bar

Beef roastMashed potatoesGravyCarrotsRollSpring cake

Escalante Senior Citizens Menu

All meals are served with milk or juice. If you would like a meal, please call us by 10:00 am. 826-4317.

Suggested donation for seniors over 60 $3.00, and under 60 is $7.00

It was a fun night of talent and musical fun. The boys were escorted to the stage by the Bryce Valley High School Queen contestants. —VS

435-836-2218Call Jacque or Rudy to schedule your appointment.

It’s Tax TimeApril will be here before you know it.

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Kirk JacksonTony Jackson

Vicki is taking a break this week, but we do have the BV prom royalty pics for you, which we did not have room for last week!

Last week I reported that Kevin and Clint Porter had been home to visit their parents, Carolyn and Vergean Porter. What I didn’t know was that Sloan and Vera Lynn Porter, Midway was here the same weekend and their son, Jared, came from Cedar City, where he is attending school. So they all had a good time be-ing together. The men hauled wood, fixed water faucets and even installed a doorbell for them. Vergean is doing better since his bout with pneumo-nia.

Lane and Geraldine Lis-ton went on a little trip to Salt Lake with Danny and Sherrie Meisenbach. They met with part of the Johnny and Peggy Meisenbach family up there. Geraldine and Sherrie and Peggy and her daughter Amy Alvey all had a good time shopping around together and the men all went in another di-rection. That night they all got together for dinner at the home of Jimmy and Amy Alvey.

I had an e-mail from Sara Shurtz Vincent, Kanab, who grew up here in Escalante. She is a daughter of the late Chase and Helen Shurtz, a sister to Susan Shurtz and is mar-ried to Vince Vincent. Sara, a registered nurse, is the case manager of Home Care and Hospice in Kanab and her son, Adam Cowles, married with children, is the manager of the Verizon store in Kanab. Her other son, Matthew Cowles, lives in Delaware, works for

the University there and is a Technical Director for live theatre. He plans to be married in May. Sara’s husband, Vince, just ran his 7th marathon (26.2 miles), with a time of 4 hrs and 18 min. Pretty good for the over 50 group! Sara Says she doesn’t run. She just keeps the running clothes clean and buys the Gatorade! She also reads our news every week! Bring Vince here to run in our marathon next Fall, Sara!

Lynn and Judy Griffin, Don and Gwen Porter went to Mesquite last weekend “For a Cooper Tires Meeting” they said! Lynn’s and Judy’s kids were there on Saturday night to take them to dinner and cel-ebrate their 50th Wedding An-niversary. They presented their parents a beautiful picture of the St. George Temple, where they were married 50 years ago on January 30, 1963. Con-gratulations Lynn and Judy!

Elaine Lott, Emilee Wool-sey and Val Sparks took a trip to Las Vegas and attended the Celine Dione show. They said it was great!

Pauline Lott is still in St. George recovering from surgery. Hope you are feeling better, Pauline.

Congratulations to our girls basketball team, who did very well at the Region tour-nament last week! They won over Bryce Valley in their first game. 59-57. Lost to Piute by only one point in their second game. 50-49. And lost to Pan-

guitch in the third game. 45-34 and earned a 4th place in the tournament. Not bad for such a small team!

James Edward, Prep Editor for the Deseret News, summed it up like this: “The Moquis have a new lease on the season after upsetting Bryce Valley in the first round of the region 20 tournament. There’s no reason they should simply be happy to be here ei-ther. Escalante proved in that win over Bryce Valley and then a 1 point loss to Piute in the region 20 semis that they can compete with anyone. A favorable bracket makes a deep tournament run very re-alistic.”

Piute took the tournament with a first place win.

Escalante played Monu-ment Valley yesterday, Feb. 13, 4:00 P. M. at the Sevier Valley Center in Richfield.

Ryan Cottam is the Mo-qui coach and Stephanie Steed is the assistant. Congratula-tions to them also on a job well done.

Savannah Steed suffered an injury in a BB game a cou-ple of weeks ago and wasn’t able to play in the tournament. It is hoped that she is doing better by now but she won’t be playing ball for a while.

Mandy Barnson is recov-ering from surgery. We wish her well.

Shane Young’s mom, Dee Young, was in a car accident last week. Hope she is doing okay.

Tom Drown was taken to the hospital on Sunday follow-ing a fall. Hope everything is okay with him.

Memorial Day is just around the corner and, for those of you seeking cemetery records, Marilyn Jackson has a website online at Marilyn has put in a lot of hours on this project and says it has been identified by some as Marilyn’s Morbid Manuscript. Nevertheless it should have some good infor-mation in it. Robby Woolsey is keeping it updated.

Homecoming King—Shan Thompson (Tyler Hansen escort-ing in place of Shan Thompson who was gone to a wrestling tournament) Queen--Whitney Syrett. Shan is the son of George and Teresa Thompson of Cannonville.

1st Attendants—Braxton Syrett with Erin Hayden. Braxton is the son of Bryce and Cherish Syrett of Bryce Canyon City.

2nd Attendants—Connor Chynoweth with Mariah Hansen. Connor is the son of Kirk and Annette Chynoweth of Tropic.

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College-Age women Throughout Utah Invited to enter “Maude Adams Look-Alike Contest”

The Mormon Pioneer Heritage Institute’s Rachael Staheli (above left) dresses like early 20th century actress Maude Adams (pictured in the four photos above) to help display and kick off the Mormon Pioneer National Heritage Area’s Maude Adams Look-Alike Contest. The contest begins in conjunction with an episode of “Discovery Road” airing on Feb. 17 at 7:30 p.m. on KJZZ-TV Channel 14.

MT. PLEASANT - The Mormon Pioneer National Heritage Area and Snow Col-lege, home of the Mormon Pioneer Heritage Institute, are challenging all college-aged females in Utah to see which

of them can most look like late-19th and early-20th century actress Maude Adams. By so doing, they can win a weekend vacation to Michigan’s beauti-ful Mackinac Island.

The Maude Adams look-Alike Contest will begin on Feb. 17, sponsored in conjunc-tion with an episode of the documentary series “Discovery Road,” airing on that day at 7:30 p.m. on KJZZ TV Chan-nel 14.

At that time, women at colleges, universities and cos-metology schools will be invit-ed to enter he contest. During the contest period, participants will try to make themselves up to look as similar as possible to Maude Adams.

Today’s college-age students might ask “Who is Maude Adams, and why would

anyone want to look like her?”Indeed, to much of histo-

ry, Maude Adams is forgotten. But at one time, she was one of the most talked-about (i.e., mysterious) and highest-paid actresses in her day.

“The legends that have grown up about Maude Ad-ams are without end. She is the most guessed-about person in stage life,” wrote the New York Times in 1914.

“There is no woman on the stage so genuinely beloved by the public at large,” wrote Munsey’s Magazine in 1905. She was the original Peter Pan—way before Sandy Dun-can made the role “hers.” She was the inspiration behind the film “Somewhere In Time,” still held by many as the most romantic film of all time (more on that below).

And she was from Utah.That’s where “Discov-

ery Road” and the Mormon Pioneer National Heritage Area (MPNHA) come in. The MPNHA is a federally desig-nated area devoted to preserv-ing and promoting the pioneer history and heritage along U.S. 89 in central-southern Utah. The area also includes Utah State Route 12 (Utah’s one and only All-American Road), and Utah State Route 24 (a Sce-nic Byway), and encompasses Sanpete, Sevier, Piute, Wayne, Garfield and Kane counties.

The episode that will be broadcast on Feb. 17 explores the role of the performing arts in rural settlement-era Utah, and asks if Maude Adams might have ever appeared in the historic performance ven-ues that dot the MPNHA.

The episode will introduce a future one-hour documen-tary that will explore the life of Maude Adams. It will also introduce the contest.

Contest details are forth-coming, but beginning on Feb. 18 interested contestants may call MPNHA Executive Di-rector Monte Bona to register. Those who register will receive entry information later in Feb-ruary. The contest period will extend until May or June. The winner will receive a vacation for two to the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Mich.

And this is where Maude Adams as the inspiration be-hind “Somewhere In Time” comes in.

If you’re not familiar, “Somewhere In Time,” starring Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour, is the story of a play-wright who falls in love with the photograph of an old-time actress, and then through self-hypnosis travels back through time and establishes a relation-ship with her. It is the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island where the movie was filmed. That’s also where the film’s fan club, the International Network of Somewhere In Time Enthu-siasts (INSITE), holds an an-nual event to celebrate the film. The next of those “Somewhere In Time Weekends” is in Oc-tober, where the winner of the contest will be invited as the MPNHA’s guest.

To register for the Maude Adams Look-Alike Contest, please call Monte Bona at 801-699- 5065, or email himat [email protected].


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Page 7: February 14 , 2013 Wayne & Garfield County Insider

February 14, 2013 Page 7The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER

TOrreY NewSAdus Dorsey

FYI PANGUITCHby Mack Oetting ~ mackoetting

Panguitch Senior center hot Lunch PrograM

87 N 50 W • 676-2281/676-1140Suggested donation $3.00 60 & older, $7.00 under 60

Call before 10 AM of the day of attendanceto reserve a spot.

Meals include milk & bread. NOTE: PLEASE BE COURTEOUS AND CALL AHEAD.

The ladies work diligently to prepare a good dinner, and a head count helps them prepare enough for everyone.

Tues. 19th Wed. 20th Thurs. 21st



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Our ever temperamental and unpredictable Mother of Nature continues to toy with the weather patterns in Wayne County all the way from the Fish Lake summit to Hanks-ville, 100 + miles to the East. Last week’s springtime temps and semi-sweat shirt weather was the proverbial springtime carrot hanging in front of us that for a few days provided just a small and somewhat winter time inconceivable taste of what it is surely to come in Wayne County. But not just yet as we still have a long winter to go as most of us know. Thank goodness for Wayne High Sports to keep our minds busy as we anx-iously anticipate more suitable temperatures.

February 19th at 10 a.m. during the regularly scheduled Wayne County Commission-ers meeting in Loa, the Best Friends Animal Society in concert with the Wayne Coun-ty Color Country Animal Wel-fare organization will make a “Big Fix” presentation. Best Friends is dedicated to help-ing reduce the number of fe-ral cats or “community” cats and dogs in Utah, which has also been the purpose of Col-or-Country Animal Welfare since it was organized in 2009 in Torrey, Utah. This is a great Wayne County op-portunity to sterilize and in-oculate feral or family cats and dogs at little or no cost. To make this much needed event a Wayne County wide success and avoid a mass migration of un-neutered and un-inoculated pets from Wayne County to Garfield and Sevier Counties please refrain from posting this notice near litter boxes or where dog and cats are likely to congregate, i.e. dumpsters, trash cans, chicken houses and wood sheds. Simplify your life “Spay and Neuter your pets” says Jen Howe, and plan on attending the February 19th 10 a.m. regularly sched-uled Wayne County Commis-sioners meeting at the Wayne County Courthouse in Loa to learn more about how “you” can make a real difference in Wayne County animal wel-fare.

In what has become billed as “the worst kept secret in Utah”, on Tuesday the 6th of February 2013, at a press con-ference in Cedar City, Utah and with much Utah state and world-wide anticipation the Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah promoters announced the 2013 Tour of Utah route which will include some new South-ern Utah venues that will place over due emphasis on some of Southern Utah’s most spectac-ular scenery and world class scenic highways with stage one beginning on August 5th in Cedar City.

On August 7th 2013 stage two of the Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah stage race will kick off in Panguitch, Utah just southwest of the entrance to Bryce Canyon National Park. Panguitch is part of the National Historic District and the county seat of beautiful Garfield County. Panguitch is a small agricultural communi-ty named for the Paiute Indian word for “big fish” and sits in a beautiful valley with riv-ers and lakes that is bordered by the Dixie National Forest. The official Tour of Utah start line in Panguitch begins on Wednesday and prestigiously sits at 6,600 feet above sea lev-el. Stage Two’s finish will be hosted inTorrey Town, a small and very unique community in Wayne County that is situ-ated nicely in the heart of red rock canyon country and com-fortably saddled between the 11,000-foot Thousand Lake Mountain and the infamously crusty, lake riddled and steep winding roads on Boulder

Mountain. Torrey Town is just 10 miles west from the match-less geologic formations in Capitol Reef National Park and Torrey Town is best rec-ognized by the 100-year-old cottonwood trees that canopy Highway 24 in the center of town and is also known for an open state of mind that en-compasses the world and all her visitors where a Wayne County smile is prominently used as a universal language.

The Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah is one of only four UCI-sanctioned, multi-stage, American pro cycling events in 2013. Showcasing some of the world’s most prestigious teams and cyclists for six days in August, this event now at-tracts worldwide attention as the top international cycling event that follows the Tour de France. Nearly a decade since its opening circuit, the Tour of Utah today stands shoul-der to shoulder with the most prestigious, professional bi-cycle stage race events as our answer to the greatest cycling challenges the world has to of-fer.

Bicycle racing offers its fans more opportunity to get close to the action than does any other professional sport. Accessibility to athletes along with a “free admission” model puts riders and spectators eye-ball to eyeball before, during and after the event. Recogniz-ing this unique opportunity, the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies has committed itself, for nearly a decade, to underwriting the Tour of Utah with significant financial and

human resources. Thanks to a conservative, profes-sional approach steeped in decades of major league sports management ex-perience, combined with relationships throughout the sporting world, the Miller organization has supported the growth of an unparalleled athletic spectacle that showcases the best of Utah’s diverse natural beauty, and the very best side of its people and culture.

Without a doubt, the Tour of Utah has achieved world-class status. The Tour of Utah event not only represents a forum

for showcasing athletic per-fection, but communicates a broader message: how indi-vidual attention to personal health and physical activity at every age will lead to a stron-ger, healthier society.

Dr. Scott Anderson of Bicknell, Utah and his team of bicycling experts that include participants from the Capitol Reef Classic will be playing an integral part of the Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah sum-mer event coming to Wayne County. For more upcoming information and how “you” can be involved in this event visit the for continuing updates.

As can often be the case and the evitable probability of human error misprints can and will take place on occa-sion, the following apology is offered.

***Correction, in a re-cent “Insider” article a refer-ence was made by myself of Wayne County Deputy Gulley doing traffic control at a Tor-rey event and I wrongly refer-enced Deputy Gulley’s name to a Ms. Myca Owen’s, a 2006 Wayne High Volleyball star of which I was at the same time compiling a Wayne High vol-leyball video. I am sincerely apologetic to Deputy Gulley for the name misrepresenta-tion and I genuinely promise to obey all local, state, federal, international and inter-galactic laws from this time forward and provide Deputy Gulley with a Fruit Cake at Christmas and cast my vote for him to be Utah Deputy of year.

What Daddy’s Do! Scott Chesnut and his three kids make the rounds in Torrey by sled.

aDUs DoRsey

The Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah is one of only four UCI sanctioned multi-stage Ameri-can pro cycling events in 2013. The Tour will be showcasing some of the world’s most pres-tigious teams and cyclist for six days in August. This race is the top international cycling event that follows the Tour de France.

The Tour of Utah has achieved world class statues. This event not only repre-sents a forum for showcasing athletic perfection, but com-municates a broader message how individual attention to personal health and physical activity at every age will lead to a stronger healthier society.

For the first time the Tour of Utah professional cycling event, organizers will include several cities and venues in Southern Utah. Of the 10 host venues unveiled, seven are first-time venues. The Tour of Utah will begin on Mon-day August 5, with opening festivities in Cedar City and will continue across the state for six day of racing. Tuesday, the 6th to Sunday, August 11.

In last years race, seven of the 17 teams competed in the Tour de France, earlier in the year. Spanning almost the en-tire length of the state the Tour of Utah will begin in southern red rock country near Bryce Canyon National Park and will finish among the alpine peaks of the Wasatch Front in north-ern Utah. The tour is known as “America’s Toughest Stage Race” it featured 38,500 feet of climbing over the 543 miles covered in the six days in last

year race. Tuesday starts off leaving

Brian Head to Cedar City on leg 1. This is scary with those down hill runs, its bad going down them in a car.

Wednesday: they leave Panguitch for a ride out to Tor-rey on Highway 12. This leg is 138 miles and they expect to do this in 5 hours. It takes 3 hours in a car.

Thursday: Richfield to Payson.

Friday: Salt Lake City.Saturday: Snowbasin Re-

sort to Snowbird Ski resortSunday: finish up in Park

City.This race will bring a lot

of exposure to our area and the beauty of Highway 12. When I get more information on the Tour, I’ll let you know, such as time and when it will be in the rest of the Towns along 12. A big “ thank you” to the officials that brought the Tour here to Panguitch.

More good news, the BMW bikers will be back in June, the week after the Quilt Walk. The Beamers went to the Nationals held last year in Colorado. They have been coming here for the last 14 years. The first few years they tent camped, but as they grow older the Motels look a whole lot more enticing.

Pay attention guys the 14th is Valentines Day, you might want to take your bet-ter half out to dinner, treat her to some flowers or candy. The following week is the President’s holiday and it is on Monday and you will have a three day week end, go some

where its warm. Hot tip keep your gas

tanks full, oil futures are up to the mid $90s a barrel and gas prices are on the way up, if you haven’t noticed. Even in the SLC area it’s up to $3.00 a gallon. Big oil, when the economy gets going, shut down their refineries to create a shortage. This and oil specu-lators who buy barrels of oil, hold on to them also creating shortages. You can buy bar-rels of oil and you never have to take delivery on them, then

just wait till the price goes up, then sell. The good news for you that have 501 accounts, four years ago the market was a 5,600 this last week the mar-ket reached 14,000 and hope-fully you have recovered your saving from the crash of 6 years ago.

It was a good storm, es-pecially coming on the week end, it should go a long way to filling up the lake.

Keep the Love of Valen-tines Day for all Year.

Mack O.

WASHINGTON, DC – Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kath-leen Merrigan announced on February 6 the release of a request for applications (RFA) for the latest round of USDA’s Farm to School grants. These grants help eligible schools improve the health and wellbeing of their students and connect with local agricultural producers.

“USDA’s Farm to School grants connect schools with their local farmers, ranchers and food businesses, providing new eco-nomic opportunities to food producers and bringing healthy, lo-cal offerings into school cafeterias,” said Merrigan. “USDA con-tinues to make improvements to the nutrition of food offered in schools, and investing in farm to school programs is yet another important opportunity to encourage our nation’s kids to make lifelong healthy eating choices.”

This year, three different kinds of grants will be available. Planning grants are intended for schools just getting started on farm to school activities, while implementation grants are avail-able for schools seeking to augment or expand existing efforts. Additionally, eligible non-profit entities, Indian tribal organi-zations, state and local agencies, and agriculture producers or groups of producers may apply for support service grants in or-der to conduct trainings, create complementary curriculum, or further develop supply chains, among other activities. Proposals are due at midnight EST, April 24, 2013. To assist eligible enti-ties in preparing proposals,

USDA will host a series of webinars related to the applica-tion process:

March 5, 2013, 1:00 EST – Planning Grants March 6, 2013, 1:00 EST – Implementation Grants March 7, 2013, 1:00 EST – Support Service Grants The Farm to School Grant Program is part of the Healthy,

Hunger-Free Kids Act, which authorized and funded USDA to assist eligible entities, through grants and technical assistance, in implementing farm to school programs that improve access to local foods in eligible schools. The Act provides $5 million annually to support grants, technical assistance, and the federal administrative costs related to USDA’s Farm to School Program. In this funding cycle, USDA anticipates awarding up to $5 mil-lion in grants.

Healthier school meals are a key component of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which was championed by the First Lady as part of her Let’s Move! campaign and signed into law by Pres-ident Obama. The new meal requirements are raising standards for the first time in more than fifteen years and improving the health and nutrition of nearly 32 million kids that participate in school meal programs every school day.

—USDA Farm to School Program

USDA Announces request for Applications for

Farm to School GrantsNational Program Continues to Increase Local Foods

in Schools and Provides New Economic Opportunities for Producers of All Kinds

Page 8: February 14 , 2013 Wayne & Garfield County Insider

February 14, 2013Page 8 The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER

Advertise inTHe




Due to the recent appointment of Council member Eric Houston as Mayor of Panguitch City, the Panguitch City Coun-cil is seeking applicants lor appointmcnt to the Council. The-appointment will last until December 31,2013. Whoever is ap-pointed to fill the vacancy could thcn run to fill the unexpired two-year term of Mr. Houston.

All interested citizens of Panguitch City are invited to send an application letter to the City which:

1) indicates why the applicant would like to hold this posi-tion;

2) lists the applicant’s qualifications for the position;3) verifics that the citizen is a registered voter in Panguitch

City, is a U.S. citizen, and has been a resident of Panguitch City for 12 consecutive months; and

4) the full name, address and telephonc number of the ap-plicant.

Letters must be received at the City Office, PO Box 75, 25 South 200 East, Panguitch,

Utah, 84759 no later than 5:00 p.m. February 20, 2013. All letters should be addressed to:

Donna Osborn, City RecorderPO Box 75, 25 South 200 EastPanguitch, UT 84759Members of the City Council will review all applications

and may set up interviews from among the applicants. These in-terviews may be conducted at City Council meeting on February

26, 2013 beginning at 6:35 p.m.Any questions shoild be directed to Panguitch City Office

at 435-676-8585.Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on

FEBRUARY 7 & 14, 2013

12-Step Addiction recovery

Meetings are held at the

Bicknell Seminary every Thursday

@ 7:00 PM


JANUARY 14 & 28FEBRUARY 11 & 25

MARCH 11 & 25APRIL 8 & 22

MAY 13 & 28 (Tuesday)JUNE 10 & 24JULY 8 & 22

AUGUST 12 & 26SEPTEMBER 9 & 23OCTOBER 14 & 28

NOVEMBER (Tuesday) 12 & 25DECEMBER 9

The regularly scheduled Commission meetings are held at the Garfield County Courthouse, 55 S. Main Street, Panguitch, Utah on the second and fourth Monday of each month, exclud-ing holidays. Meetings begin at 10:00 a.m.

Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider onFEBRUARY 7 & 14, 2013


FOr ArCHITeCTUrAL SerVICeSGarfield County School District is accepting Statements of

Interest & Qualifications (SOIQ) from qualified design firms ex-perienced in Mechanical Retrofit projects for the work required at Bryce Valley Elementary School. The specifications and de-tails for this SOIQ for design services can be obtained from Damon Brinkerhoff at: [email protected] or by calling Gar-field County School District at 435-676-8821. Questions regard-ing this request should be directed to Damon Brinkerhoff. SOIQ submittals must be received by the Garfield County School Dis-trict no later than 3:00 PM on February 20, 2013.

Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider onFEBRUARY 7 & 14, 2013


in the Panguitch City Municipal General Election on November 5, 2013

Mayor 2 year term(1) City Council Member 2 year term(2) City Council Members 4 year term eachCandidate Filing Period Begins June 3, 2013Declaration of Candidacy Forms or Nomination Petition

must be filed in person with the City Recorder at 25 South 200 East, Panguitch, Utah between the hours of 8am and 5pm.

Candidate Filing Deadline Ends June 17, 2013 UCA 10-3-301.

Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider onFEBRUARY 7 & 14, 2013


TOrreY TOwNNotice of municipal offices to be voted on in the Torrey

Town Municipal General Election Nov. 5 2013, Mayor 4 year term (2) Town Council Members, 4-year term each.

Candidate Filing Period Begins June 3, 2013. Declaration of candidacy forms must be filed in person with the town clerk at 75 E 100 North Torrey, Utah on Wednesday or Thursdays from 10 am until 2:00 pm. Candidate filing deadline ends June 17, 2013 at 5pm. UCA 10-3-301.

Paula Pace, ClerkPublished in the Wayne and Garfield County Insider on

FEBRUARY 7 and 14, 2013

GrADer FOr SALeWayne County will accept sealed bids for a 1999 John

Deere 770CH Road Grader S/N DW770CH571124. The Grad-er has 6471 hours, 14’ mold board, and ripper. Service records available. The grader is available for inspection at the County Road shed in Loa. Bids will be accepted in the County Clerk=s Office, 18 South Main, Loa, until 5:00 P.M. Friday, February 22nd, 2013, when the bids will be opened. For additional in-formation contact Rhett Jeffery at 435-703-1098 or the Wayne County Clerk=s Office at 435-836-1300. Wayne County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

Ryan Torgerson, Wayne County Clerk/AuditorPublished in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on

FEBRUARY 7 & 14, 2013


January - Tuesday, January 8, 2013 (7:00)February - Wednesday, February 13, 2013 (4:00)

(Held at Hanksville)March - Wednesday, March 13, 2013 (8:00)

(Schedule proposal mtg. with principals, Maintenance, Technology)

April - Wednesday, April 10, 2013 (8:00)May - Wednesday, May 8, 2013 (8:00)

(Schedule a budget work meeting by May 22)June - Wednesday, June 12, 2013 (8:00)

(Budget approval by June 22)July - Wednesday, July 10, 2013 (2:00)

(Goal setting, A.M. and Bd. Mtg. P.M.)August - Wednesday, August 14, 2013 (8:00)

September - Wednesday, September 11, 2013 (8:00)October - Wednesday, October 9, 2013 (8:00)

November - Wednesday, November 13, 2013 (7:00)December - Wednesday, December 11, 2013 (7:00)

Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider onFEBRUARY 14, 2013

TOwN OF HATCH ACCePTING BIDSThe Town of Hatch is now accepting sealed bids for the fol-

lowing surplus item:1956 INTERNATIONAL FIRE TRUCKMinimum bid $1,000. Sealed bids will be accepted at the

Hatch Town Office until Tuesday, February 19, 2013. Bids will be opened February 20, 2012 at 7:00PM during Town Council meeting. The successful bidder will have 48 hours to complete the transaction. This item is being sold as-is with no guarantees. All sales are final. Cash or certified checks will be accepted. The fire truck may be viewed at the fire station 245 North 100 East Hatch, UT. For further information, please contact Tony Dinges at 435-735-4214.

Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider onFEBRUARY 14, 2013

PUBLIC NOTICe Garfield Memorial Hospital will be destroying medical records with service dates before April 2003. If you would like access to your medical records prior to destruction, you must contact the facility at #435-676-1278 (Connie Sawyer) prior to April 1,2013. After that time, the medical records will no longer be available.

Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider onFEBRUARY 14, 21, 28 & MARCH 7, 2013

TOwN OF HATCH ACCePTING BIDSThe Town of Hatch is now accepting sealed bids for the

LEASE of 22.5 shares of irrigation water out of the lower half of the lower ditch from the Hatch Irrigation Company. The LEASE time will be for a period of five years. Minimum bid must cover the yearly assessment fee. Sealed bids will be accepted at the Hatch Town Office drop box until Tuesday, February 19, 2013. Bids will be opened February 20, 2012 at 7:00PM during Town Council meeting. The successful bidder will have 48 hours to complete the transaction. Cash or certified checks will be ac-cepted. For further information, please contact Jacie Torgersen at 435-735-4160.

Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider onFEBRUARY 14, 2013

For Your HealthWhen to See a Doctor for Stomach

and Digestive Problems

Common Problems You Can Self-TreatYou can treat several common problems related to the stomach and intestines. Heart-

burn and sour stomach can be treated with antacids, products such as Zantac 150 or Pre-vacid 24HR. However, you must read each part of the label closely, as each product carries age limits, safe time limits for self-use, warnings, precautions, dosing information, and con-ditions under which you should see a physician. If you ignore any of these items, you risk serious harm in many ways, such as by failure to get diagnosis and treatment for cancer.

You can also treat constipation with several different types of laxatives. When choos-ing a laxative, choose safer products such as docusate (e.g., Colace, Surfak). Avoid mineral oil and castor oil, and be sure you do not overuse such stimulants as senna and bisacodyl, as they can lead to dependence. Check the age limits on each package and do not give a product to a patient under the ages stated on the label.

You can self-treat diarrhea in patients aged 6 years and above with loperamide (Imodi-um A-D) or in those aged 12 years and above with bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol). In each case, as always, make sure to read and follow the entire label.

When self-treating constipation or diarrhea, you must make sure that the conditions do not persist beyond a certain time (see below), because they are no longer safe to treat without a physician’s care.When to See a Physician

There are a far greater number of instances in which you should see a physician. For example, vomiting is a common but potentially dangerous problem. The only type of vom-iting you can treat without seeing a physician is when it was caused by motion sickness, as from a carnival ride or a trip in a boat, plane, or car. If the patient did not undergo any strange or unusual type of motion in the past few hours, you should see a physician. The pa-tient may have a stomach flu, food poisoning, or any of a number of other conditions. If the patient continues vomiting and cannot drink fluid, the physician may order supplemental IV fluids to prevent and/or treat dehydration.

Diarrhea that lasts more than 48 hours from the first loose stool can also lead to dehy-dration and electrolyte loss. You can help prevent this by purchasing and using an appropri-ate electrolyte solution, such as Pedialyte. However, using this does not mean that you will be safe in allowing the diarrhea to go beyond 48 hours without seeking a physician’s care. No antidiarrheal product is safe for a child under the age of 6 years.

Constipation can be self-treated for no more than 7 days. It should never be self-treated if the patient has nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain, as these could be signs of appendicitis.

Remember, if you have questions, Consult Your Pharmacist

95 East Center St. l Panguitch, UT 84759PHONE (435) 676-2212 l FAX (435) 676-8850

Ingesting food and drink each day is critical to human survival, but this can potentially cause any number of health issues. In fact, problems related to the stomach, digestion, and elimination of waste are some of the most common complaints people experience.

Steve Marshall, Shaunna Rechsteiner—Pharmacists

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Sale ends 2/28/2013


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PUBLIC NOTICeGarfield and Kane Coun-

ty Local Work Group Meeting at Garkane Energy Building, 468 N. Highway 89 in Hatch, Monday, February 25, 2013 at 6:00 pmPublished in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider onFEBRUARY 7 & 14, 2013

www.bookmobi les


Monday 12:30 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. Torrey 56 E. Main Street 1:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Teasdale 122 S. State (Old Church) 2:30 p.m. - 3:15p.m. Fremont 200 W. 100 S. (LDS Church)

3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Loa 18 S. Main (Courthouse) 5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Lyman 179 S. Center (LDS Church) 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Bicknell Library (79 N. 100 W.)

Mark your calendar for the following dates: Jan. 14, 28 Feb. 11, 25 Mar. 11, 25 Apr. 8, 22 May 6, 20


Tuesday 8:45 a.m.. - 11:15 a.m. Loa Elementary School (34 S. 100 E.) 1:30 p.m.. - 3:00 p.m. Hanksville Elementary School (50 S. Center St.)

Mark your calendar for the following dates: Jan. 15, 29 Feb. 12, 26 Mar. 12, 26 Apr. 9, 23 May 7, 21

2013winter-Spring Schedule

HeadquartersP.O. Box 250 79 N. 100 W. Bicknell, UT 84715 Phone: 435-425-3170FAX: 435-425-3176

Office Hours8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Library Hours: 1:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Monday thru Thursday Closed on holidays.

Librarian: Becky Lopshire

[email protected]

Library Technician: Faun Jackson [email protected]

Page 9: February 14 , 2013 Wayne & Garfield County Insider

February 14, 2013 Page 9The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER

2013 Special Ad Rates

Geared for Your Small BusinessWe’re offering biz-card and half-biz-card ad rates

to work within your budget.

Business Card Ads (3.6 in. wide x 2 in. high)

52 weeks: $48026 weeks: $26016 weeks: $1808 weeks: $100

Half-Business Card Ads(1.7 in. wide x 2 in. high)

52 weeks: $36026 weeks $19016 weeks: $120

8 weeks $64We’ll be glad to work with you on an advertising plan to meet your needs.

Tel. 435.826.4400or email us at [email protected]




If you or a family member (even if deceased) have had cancer or leukemia within the last fifty years and lived in any of the following counties for a period of at least two years between January 21, 1951 and October 31, 1958 or during the entire month of July 1962. In ARIZONA - Apache, Coconino, Gila, Navajo, Yavapai. In NEVADA - Eureka, Lander, Lincoln, Nye, White Pine or the northern portion of Clark. In UTAH - Beaver, Garfield, Iron, Kane, Millard, Piute, San Juan, Sevier, Washington or Wayne you may qualify for $50,000 tax free. Compensation also available for On-Site Participants and Uranium Workers.



CLASSIFIeDSGarfield: 676-2621 • wayne: 836-2622


Advertise in THe



reAL eSTATeHOUSE FOR SALE IN-TORREY - Sleeping Rain-bow Estates 40-50 Native Trees, 3 BR 2 Bath, Incred-ible Views, 2000 Sq ft. with 2000 sq ft. detached garage. 2 Acres. Call Lowell at 425-3824 or cell (435) 896-7092


HOME FOR RENT IN LOANice home for rent in Loa located at 244 S. 100 W. All kitchen appliances are includ-ed, 3 BR, Bathroom, Laundry Room, Lg. Family Room. For more info, please contact Stan Chappell at Garkane Energy (435) 836-2795. 2/28

FOr SALeMATTRESS KING - Twins from $79.95, Queens from $139.95, Kings from $349.95. In Richfield. Can deliver. (435) 201-4368. Sofas, Sec-tionals, Recliners available. *Call me* rtn

APTS FOR RENT IN LOA - 1, 2 and 3BR BR, 1BA apart-ments. Call for pricing. Secu-rity deposit required. Contact Mel, (435) 491-0899 2/28


CrOSS COUNTrY COACHWayne School District is seeking to fill the position of Cross

Country Coach for the 2013-2014 school year.This position will require adequate knowledge of Cross

Country rules, skills schedules, and safety procedures to prop-erly prepare girls/boys for high school league participation.

Applicants must have all c:ertificates required by the UH-SAA. Also will need to have the ability to work and interact well with student athletes, demonstrate professional and ethical character and have excellent communication skills.

Applicants must commit to the appropriate amount of time and effort to facilitate effective practice and schedule meets.

He/she must be able to work cooperatively with high school faculty, staff and administration. Applicant must exhibit a will-ingness to promote and encourage healthy, safe and sportsman-like conduct.

This position will start approximately June 1, 2013 and fin-ish approximately Oct. 30, 2013.

Applications will be accepted until February 8, 2012 or un-til the position is filled. Wayne School District is an equal oppor-tunity employer providing programs and services to all persons on a nondiscriminatory basis. Wayne School District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications.

Please send applications to: Principal Mark Elmer, C/O Wayne High School P.O. Box 217, Bicknell, UT 84715


TrACk COACHWayne School District is seeking to fill the position of Track

Coach for the 2012-2013 sichool year.This position will require adequate knowledge of Track

rules, skills schedules, and safety procedures to properly prepare girls/boys for high school league participation.

Applicants must have all certificates required by the UH-SAA. Also will need to have the ability to work and interact well with student athletes, demonstrate professional and ethical character and have excellent communication skills.

Applicants must commit to the appropriate amount of time and effort to facilitate effective practice and schedule meets.

He/she must be able to work cooperatively with high school faculty, staff and administration. Applicant must exhibit a will-ingness to promote and encourage healthy, safe and sportsman-like conduct.

This position will start approximately February 1, 2013 and finish approximately May 25, 2013.

Applications will be accepted until February 8, 2012 or un-til the position is filled. Wayne School District is an equal oppor-tunity employer providing programs and services to all persons on a nondiscriminatory basis. Wayne School District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications.

Please send applications to: Principal Mark Elmer, C/O Wayne High School

P.O. Box 217, Bicknell, Ut. 84715 2/14

aa meeting

MonDay nights at 7:00pM

hatch toWn hall

SeASONAL POSITIONSThe Lodge at Bryce Can-

yon is currently hiring for all seasonal positions for 2013! Join our team of professionals for another successful season! To see available positions and apply, please see our profile on For additional information please contact Human Resources at 435-834-8720.


POSITION OPeNINGThe Beaver Conserva-

tion District has an opening for the position of a Soil and Water Conservation Techni-cian / Planner. This position will be based out of the Beaver Natural Resources Conserva-tion Service (NRCS) office. A college degree is preferred, although not required if the ap-plicant has had several years of appropriate experience. On the job training is provided. This is a full time entry-level position with a salary in the $28,000.00 to $32,000.00 dollar range: depending on experience and capabilities. The position also includes health insurance and retirement benefits.

Please submit a resume’ and an introductory letter, (writing skills are important), about yourself by close of business, February 22, 2013.

Send resume to: Utah As-sociation of Conservation Dis-tricts, 250 E. Center #3/P.O. Box 806, Panguitch, UT 84759, Attn: Tyce B. Palmer


H.R. 596 was introduced Feb. 8 by by Representatives Go-sar (R-AZ), Thompson (D-CA), Polis (D-CO), and Heck (R-NV), and cosponsored by a bipartisan group of 12 members of the U.S. House of Representatives:

Scott Tipton (R-CO)Diana DeGette (D-CO)Mike Coffman (R- CO)Jim Costa (D-CA)Jeff Denham (R-CA)Earl Blumenauer (D-OR)Mark Amodei (R-NV)Peter Defazio (D-OR)Mike Simpson (R-ID)Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM)David Schweikert (R-AZ)Ann Kirkpatrick (D-AZ)

The bill would do the following:• Facilitate responsible devel-

opment of wind and solar en-ergy on public lands

• Institute a royalty for public land wind and solar energy production

• Sets up a pilot leasing pro-gram for wind and solar on public lands• Clear process for transi-

tioning from current per-mitting system to leasing

• Revenues from wind and solar energy development

used for permit processing• 15 percent of revenues de-

rived from wind and solar development will be put toward permit processing

Funding to offset impacts to fish, wildlife and water resources• 25 percent of revenues de-

rived from wind and solar de-velopment will be used to off-set impacts to fish and wildlife habitats and water resources.

Revenue return to states and counties

As with other forms of energy development, revenues from wind and solar develop-ment would be returned to states and counties of origin• 25 percent of revenue to the

state where energy was pro-duced

• 25 percent of revenue to county/counties where en-ergy was produced

Revenue for deficit reduction• 0 percent of revenues derived

from wind and solar develop-ment will be put toward re-ducing the federal deficit

Broad support: Past versions of this legislation have been sup-ported by sportsmen’s groups, counties, conservationists and others:

National Association of Counties

Sportsmen’s Groups: Trout Unlimited, American Fish-eries Society, American Fly Fish-ing Trade Association, American Sportfishing Association, As-sociation of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Berkley Conservation Institute, Boone and Crockett Club, Bull Moose Sportsmen’s Alliance, Catch-A-Dream Foun-dation, Congressional Sports-men’s Foundation, Conservation Force, Campfire Club of Ameri-ca, National Wild Turkey Feder-ation, National Wildlife Federa-tion, North American Grouse Partnership, Northwest Sport-fishing Industry Association, Pope and Young Club, Quality Deer Management Association, Theodore Roosevelt Conserva-tion Partnership, Wildlife Forev-er, The Wildlife Society, Wildlife Management Institute and Wild Sheep Foundation.

Taxpayers for Common Sense

—Trout Unlimited

renewables Bill Gets Second Chance in New Congress

Bill would direct funds toward fish, wildlife, counties and statesWASHINGTON, DC -

Congress continues to recog-nize the value of hunting and angling with the reintroduc-tion of a bill on February 8

by Reps. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Mike Thompson (D-CA), Joe Heck (R-NV), and Jared Polis (D-CO).

The bipartisan bill would put royalty money from pub-lic land wind and solar energy development toward conserv-ing the pristine fisheries and healthy herds of pronghorn, elk and deer the West is known for.

Also important to note is the money this bill would funnel to counties and states, many of whom voiced their support for the bill in its previ-ous introductions.

This legislation under-scores the fact that sportsmen and women don’t have to choose between the need for domestic energy and the need for healthy habitat.

“We want our public lands to be great places to fish and hunt,” said Keith Curley,

director of government affairs for Trout Unlimited. “This bill would help ensure that when wind and solar energy devel-opment occurs on public lands, there are resources available to protect and restore habitat and secure public access in the af-fected areas.”

The bi-partisan Public Lands Renewable Energy Development Act, H.R. 596, would bring wind and so-lar energy in line with other forms of energy development on public lands by establishing a royalty payment system and sharing half of the revenues from development with state and local government. An-other portion of the revenues would be placed in a conser-vation fund to protect and im-prove habitat and create access for hunters and anglers.

Finding a balance be-tween energy development

Facts and Figures about HR 596 Renewables Bill

and habitat conservation is important to communities that rely on jobs from both the en-ergy and outdoor recreation sectors. A report released by the Department of the Interior showed recreational visits to public lands alone generated nearly $48.7 billion in eco-nomic activity and supported 403,000 jobs nationwide in 2011. So it goes without say-ing that maintaining those lands is important.

“We are already seeing wind and solar play a role in our public lands. But right now we lack the resources to balance energy development with fish and wildlife conser-vation,” Curley said. “This bill gives us some security that as we move forward, the lands that we as hunters and anglers value will be protected.”

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Page 10: February 14 , 2013 Wayne & Garfield County Insider

February 14, 2013Page 10 The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER

Practical Money Matterswhen retiring Together Doesn’t Make Sense

by Jason alDeRMan

Visiting SpecialistsMarvin R. Allen, MD Cardiology 801-429-8128

Scott E. Bingham, MD Cardiology 801-429-8128

Chad R. Peterson, DO Dermatology 801-794-1490

Michael P. Eyre, DO Dermatology 801-794-1490

Robert D. Pearson, MD Ear, Nose & Throat 435-867-8719

Ronald G. Duerkson, MD Electrodiagnosis 801-357-7770

Steven L. Wallentine, MD Oncology 866-374-2367

Matthew R. Parsons, MD Ophthalmology 800-854-6201

Jeffrey M. Wallentine, MD Orthopedic Surgery 800-475-5373

Therapy West Physical Therapy 435-528-7575

David T. Savage, DPM Podiatry 801-465-1345

William T. Collins, MD Urology 801-465-2511

Patrick W. Kronmiller, MD Urology 801-465-2511

Family PracticeWade M. Anderson PA-C 435-528-7202

Kimberly E. Beck, MD 435-528-7935

Brady Blackham, MD 435-528-2130

Steven L. Embley, DO 435-528-7227

Dwight H. Inouye, MD 435-528-7202

Christine Jackson, MD 435-528-2130

John W. Jackson, MD 435-528-2130

Adam M. Jensen, DO 435-528-2130

Cary J. Judy, DO 435-528-7227

Richard B. Nay, MD 435-528-7231

Jason D. Okerlund, FNP, BC (Monroe Clinic) 435-527-8866

Cary J. Judy, DO (OB)

Richard B. Nay, MD (OB)

Von S. Pratt, MD Connie Vail, MD (Radiologist)

GJ Willden, MD (ER)

Adam Jensen, DO (OB)

Jason Okerlund, (MSN, FNP-BC)

John Jackson, MD

Richard Anderson, MD (General Surgeon)

Wade Anderson, PA-C Stanton Bailey, MD (OB/GYN)

Bevan Bastian, MD (Radiologist)

Kimberly E. Beck, MD Christine Jackson, MD(OB)

Brady Blackham, MD (OB)

Steven Embley, DO (OB)

Full Time SpecialistsRichard E. Anderson, MD General Surgery 435-250-6134

Stanton A. Bailey, MD OB/GYN 435-610-0041

GJ Willden, MD ER 435-528-7246

Home Health & Hospice 528-3955 or 1-800-324-1801

Serving Sanpete, Sevier & Wayne counties: Nursing IV Therapy Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Specialists Referral Aid for Other Services Personal Care/Homemaking

Wound Care Clinic 435-528-2210

Interested in being a hospice volunteer? Call: 435-528-3955

64 East 100 North • Gunnison, UT 84634

Back when people from my parents’ generation were first planning their lives to-gether, most married couples looked forward to working hard for a few decades, buy-ing a house, raising a family and then retiring together while they still had enough money and energy to travel and pursue favorite hobbies.

Some couples do manage to pull this off and thrive; but for many others, any of a host of obstacles can block their ability to retire at the same time. For example:• Thanks to periods of unem-

ployment, home-value de-cline or 401(k) account loss suffered during the Great Recession, many couples simply don’t have enough money to retire together comfortably.

• If there’s a significant age difference, one spouse may not have accumulated enough Social Security credits to qualify for a ben-efit by the time the other is ready to retire.

• Women often worry that the couple hasn’t saved enough since they’re statistically likely to survive their spous-es – often for a decade or more.

• One spouse must continue working to supply employ-er-provided medical cover-age until both reach Medi-care eligibility age (65 in most cases).

• One spouse is just hitting his or her stride, career-

wise, and isn’t ready to slow down.

Among couples who have managed to save enough to retire together, when it comes time to pull the trigger many realize they haven’t fully agreed on where or how to re-tire; or they discover that their wishes have diverged over the years. This can put tremendous strain on a marriage if you’re not willing to compromise and talk things through.

Long before you actually retire, ask yourselves:• Should we downsize to a

smaller dwelling or even move to a retirement com-munity?

• Sell the house, buy a trailer and live like nomads for a few years?

• Move to a warmer climate or to be nearer our grandchil-dren?

• Move to a state with lower taxes or cost of living?

• Start a small side business to keep money rolling in?

• Are we finished supporting our children financially?

Even before asking those tough questions, you already should have begun estimating your retirement income needs. Social Security has a helpful online Retirement Estimator that can help ( After you’ve explored various retirement scenarios, consider hiring a financial planner to help work out an investment and savings game plan, or to at least review the one you’ve devised.

Along with the financial impact retirement will have on your marriage, keep in mind that this may be the first time that you’ve been together, day in and day out. Many people are so consumed by their jobs that they haven’t taken time to develop outside interests and hobbies. Well before re-tirement, you and your spouse should start exploring activities and networks of friends you can enjoy, both together and independently. Consider things like volunteer work, hobbies, athletic activities or even part-time employment if you miss the workplace interaction and need the money.

And finally, if your plan is to have one spouse continue working for a while, try living on only that one salary for a few months before retiring as an ex-periment. This will give you an inkling of how well you’ll do financially and whether you might both need to keep work-ing to amass more savings.

Jason Alderman directs Visa’s financial education pro-grams. To Follow Jason Alder-man on Twitter:

Celebrate Valentines Week! Check out for ideas and tips whether you’re dating, engaged, married or dealing with divorce and remarriage. Also view the Utah Marriage Handbook, Keys to a Health-ier Marriage online at or pick a copy up at the following locations: USU Extension Office, Pan-guitch Library, Book Mobile, Hatch City Office, Bryce Car Care, Tropic Heritage Center, Escalante Senior Center, and Boulder Town Office/Library beginning February 14. Also available for checkout through the USU Garfield County Ex-tension Office are The 5 Love Languages DVD (including words of affirmation, gifts,

acts of service, physical touch and quality time) and/or Fight-ing For Your Marriage DVD and workbook.

For Single Adults and Teens:

Ever think you might end up with a Jerk or Jerkette in a relationship? Probably not. We don’t plan on hooking up with a Jerk(ette), but sometimes it happens.

Is it possible to fall in love and not lose your head? Yes! Learn to protect your heart with key areas that re-veal if your partner is marriage material during this fun filled workshop taught by USU Gar-field County Extension 4-H Educators.

Everything singles should know about how to AVOID

Falling for a JERK(ette) work-shops help lay a foundation for dating. Teens and singles learn what a healthy relationship should look like and form re-lationships that are much dif-ferent from what is portrayed in the media. The Relationship Attachment Model (RAM) is a visual to help see how they’re doing and to avoid the pit falls of falling for a Jerk or Jerk-ette. Concepts such as healthy communication and conflict resolution skills help youth and young adults learn how to find and participate in healthy relationships.

I n t r o d u c t o r y workshops for teens and classes for young adults will be taught

at the high schools and the countywide complete No Jerks workshop will be offered in April. Watch for dates and ad-ditional information. If you’re interested in attending a class or workshop, contact SuzAnne Jorgensen at the County Ex-tension Office 435-676-1114, [email protected] or 55 S. Main in Panguitch; in Tropic Samie Ott or Cassie Lyman in Escalante 826-4088.

—SuzAnne Jorgensen

Celebrate Valentine’s week - Avoid Falling for a Jerk