Download - Feb March 2020 final · 2/1/2020  · 6lqqlvvlssl 4xlowhuv phhw rq wkh iluvw 7kxuvgd\ ri hdfk prqwk xqohvv dqqrxqfhg rwkhuzlvh dw %hwkhvgd &ryhqdqw &kxufk ( 6wdwh 6wuhhw 5rfnirug

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Sinnissippi Quilters meet on the first Thursday of each month (unless announced otherwise) at Bethesda Covenant Church, 2101 E. State Street, Rockford, IL.

Afternoon Meeting: 1:00 pm Evening Meeting: 6:00 pm

Each meeting has a scheduled program followed by a business session. We invite quilters of all skill levels and their guests to attend. The guest fee is $10.00

Sinnissippi Quilters Inc Volume 39 No. 4

February / March 2020


The January meeting was a very enjoyable social event. It was wonderful to be able to relax and catch up with everyone after the busy holiday crunch. Looking at the program schedule for the rest of the year, I am so excited for all the talent we will experience through our speakers. Monique Jacobs (our February speaker) will present the program “The Process of Designing Fabrics and Patterns”. Monique’s workshop has already been filled by our enthusiastic guild members. Thank you all for supporting our speakers and guild. For March, Carol and Pam are hard at work organizing things for the annual Neo-natal Sew-in. I can’t wait to see all the wonderful baby quilts that have been created for the little ones by our generous and exceptional members. Our April speaker is Lynn Schmitt of A Different Box of Crayons. Her workshop covers “The Art of Mixing Textiles in Quilts”. Remember that workshops open up creative ideas in all of us. In the next few weeks, our nominating committee will be contacting members in order to fill positions on our executive board. Our standing committee positions will also need to be filled. Please be mindful that our guild needs every member to contribute in order have the organization work properly and smoothly. Anne


Upcoming Guild Meetings:

February 6 March 5

Please join us for dinner at 5:00 pm with the speaker before the

evening meeting We meet at the Stockholm Inn, 2420 Charles St.

Rockford, Il

Don’t forget to bring the following: *Show & Tell items

*Your Nametag *Special Projects items

*Your Coffee Mug

Newsletter Articles for the April / May 2020 newsletter are due by

March 15th. Please make submissions to:

Winifred Halsey or Laura Guerin- Hunt

Mission Statement The purpose of Sinnissippi Quilters, Inc. shall be to educate our members and the community on all aspects of quilting, to preserve and honor our quilting heritage and traditions and to use our sewing skills to benefit other community organizations.

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Position Name (s) Telephone

President Anne Biedowicz 815-218-7612 Vice President Bonnie Hodina 815-234-4748 Treasurer I Susan Halvorsen 815-979-7892 Treasurer II Colleen Magee 815-394-1521 Secretary (A) Sharon Stevens 815-519-0708 Secretary (E) Corlis Berchiolly 815-289-4908 Publications Winifred Halsey 815-761-3269 Laura Guerin-Hunt 815-222-4051 Program I Suzanne Swenson 815-540-7836 Program II Amy Salamone 815-218-2367 Membership (A) Michelle Watson 815-988-5753 Janis Albeck 815-262-7387 Kathy Piokowski 815-389-9214 Membership (E) Eleanor Potts 779-203-4109 Mary Leach 779-203-4109 Jane Erickson 815-566-6141 Special Projects I Carol Folkerts 815-243-6757 Special Projects II Pam Sumo 815-332-4707 Quilt Show 2021 Barb Clucas 815-874-1607 Quilt Show 2023

AQS Books, etc Judy Mullen Show/Tell (A) Ruth Parley

Comfort Quilts

Norma Copes/ Vicki

Tallacksen Show/ Tell (E) Joann Stewart

Historian Donna

Langford 501(c )(3) Non-Profit Officer

Robin Gausebeck

Hospitality (A) Denise

Ethun/Kathy Bender

Social Media, Webmaster Cindy Larsen

2019-2020 Standing Committee Chairs

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Program and Workshop Schedule Sue Swenson

Hospitality (E) Sherry DeBuhr S.P.A.M. Elizabeth Franck

Morning Workshop OPEN Special Projects:

Publicity OPEN Neonatal Quilts Pam Sumo


Monica Kelso/ Deanne

Spataro / Marie Tovo

Charity Raffle Quilt

Laura O’Connell

Rockford Rescue Mission

Carol Swenson President Blocks Barb Lange

Sunshine Becky Harvey

2020 Programs:

February 6- Monique Jacobs, The Process of Designing Fabrics and Patterns" Workshop - February 7, Piecing - New Pattern to choose from and New Line of Batiks March 5- Neonatal Sew-In April 2 - Lynn Schmitt of A Different Box of Crayons, "Exploring the World of Mixed Textiles in Quilting" Workshop - The Art of Mixing Textiles in Quilts by making a wall hanging or tale runner May 7 - Janette Dwyer, 1:00 pm - "Ruby Short McKim - The Quilt Designer's Gem" ; 7:00 pm - "Bargain Quilts and the Quilt Buy of the Century - The Century of Progress Quilts from the 1933 Chicago World's Fair" June 4 -Kim Lapacek, 1:00 pm - "Wildly Careening into Quilts: What I Learned by not Knowing What I Didn't Know" 7:00 pm - "Accidentally on Purpose: Writing a Book or Not"

July 2 - Annual Ice Cream Social and patriotic show & tell of red, white & blue ************************************************************************************************************************

Mini Morning Workshops Mini-Morning Workshops on 2/6 – Cloth pads

Thanks to everyone who volunteered to make cloth pads at the January meeting. Jane and I are overwhelmed by your response. If you care to join us on 2/6 from 9:30-11:30 am at Bethesda Covenant Church, we will be sewing the pads together and cutting out more. Jane has the snaps for the pads that we will be adding after they are sewn. Please also keep in mind if you have any desire to buy girls underpants to add to the packets (2 per packet) that would be appreciated. These girls probably do not have underpants that will be needed to attach the pads to. Vicki Tallacksen and Jane Erickson


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30 Year Pins Available: Barb Lange presented a design for a 30 year pin at the

July, 2010 meeting. The design includes the “Hands All Around” block and commemorates our 30th anniversary in 2009/2010. Pins are available for $5.00 from Special Projects.

Subscribe to Website Posts Via Email

I have changed the app that sends you an email when something new is posted to the website. If your name and email are listed in the current directory, I have added you to the app. If you are new, did not get your info in the directory, or have changed your email address, please send it to me and I’ll add you to the email list.

Thank you, Cindy Larsen

Newsletter Advertising

Newsletter Advertising is available to anyone at the following rates. Contact: Laura Hunt/ Winifred Halsey Rates for one issue or as noted: Business Card-$5.00 or 6/$25 ¼ Page $12.50 or 6/$62.50 Half Page, $25.00 $100 for Full Page, $50.00 per issue Classified (50) words or less, $5 Advertising fee payable to: Sinnissippi Quilters.

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Sunshine Committee Hello Everyone,

If you know of any of our friends in Guild that are sick, having surgery, had a death in the family or just feeling down and need a few words of encouragement, please contact me. I will send them a special card from all of us at Sinnissippi Quilt Guild. My phone number is 815-742-7013 and my email is [email protected]

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Quilt appraisals help determine the value of your quilts and provide written documentation for

insurance, fair market or donation values. Written appraisal—$50 per quilt.

CONTACT: Suzanne Swenson AQS Certified Appraiser of Quilted Textiles


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January 2, 2020 Meetings

Anne Biedowicz welcomed members.

Program: January was a handwork social.

Hospitality: Denise Ethun/ Kathy Bender (A)/ Sherry Debuhr (E) Anne thanked everyone for the treats today.

Treasurer: Balance in checking account and money market account was given.

Publications: Winifred Halsey/Laura Hunt: Deadline for the February/ March Newsletter will be January 15. Winifred will be staying on until the end of the fiscal year. Membership: Janis Albeck, 37 members attended. Currently membership is 144 members. Drawing winners were:(A) nametag – Mary Field; birthday – Jane Erickson. (E) Julie Cuccinelli and Marie Stenger. Programs: Suzanne Swenson / Amy Salamone. February brings Monique Jacobs who will discuss designing with batiks. There will also be a workshop on Friday, February 7. There are still 3 more openings. March will be our Neonatal Sew-in; April will have Lynn Schmitt of a Different Box of Crayons. Special Projects: Carol Folkerts / Pam Surmo. January 9, 2020 there will be a sew-in at CVL from 10-7. After checking with the hospitals, the quilts can be a smaller size, 40” x 50”. There were 12 quilts taken to Swedish American and 13 taken to Mercy Hospitals. We have 36 quilts left; 2 were turned in at the meeting. Free fabric was given out to guild members. Mini-Morning Workshop: Please see above in the newsletter. Comfort Quilts: Vicki Tallacksen. They are looking for 12.5” blocks in cool colors. A quilt was given to Cindy Larsen upon the passing of her mother. Quilt Show: The committee will meet again on January 27, at 6:00 p.m. at the home of Becky Harvey. Barb still needs a co-chair, a person to handle the quilt racks, and one for publicity. Quilt School and craft shows: Amy Ottens: Summer Quilt School through RVC begins July 15 and runs through August 5. She needs teachers and assistants for each session. There are two upcoming craft shows. One is at City Market on August 16, and the other September 8 at Beattie Park. Bring your donated items to the July and/or August meetings. She also needs helpers for each sale. Last year the guild made $800 at these craft sales.

Old Business Dorothy Blair won the Pastel Fan quilt and Elaine Powers won the Tulip quilt and the Star quilt. Congratulations ladies!!! Ticket sales were over $350.00. Please remember to save your Hobbs UPC labels. Amy Otten is still looking for people to volunteer for the craft show crew so they can get going in February. She has 5 volunteers. If we don’t get more help I think we can schedule 3 local shows ( Art councils Friday Markets and maybe Edgebrook Craft Show.) If we get more volunteers we can do a few out of town shows that are more affluent.

New Business: Amy Salamone would like help from the membership to decide what type of programs the members would like see for the 2020/2021 year. A survey will be available on Survey soon. Please participate. Paper copies will be handed out/mailed to those without email access.

Patricia A. Powers would like assistance with a project. “Our St. Rita Sewing Ministry has donated items to Northern Illinois Hospice in the past. We recently received a request to make a quilt out of flannel shirts for one of the hospice clients. (Our group has just a few quilters.).” Please contact Helen Johnson at N. Illinois Hospice: 815-398-0500. Jan Pearson is getting together a group for this activity.

Jane Erickson talked about shoeboxes with appropriate items for kids which will have reusable sanitary pads. Email have been sent out and there is information on our website. We will assemble some on February 6 from 9 – 11:30 and give them to Vicky to distribute.

Show & Tell: Ruth Perley / Joann Stuart. Janis Albeck won for afternoon and Becky Harvey won the drawing in the evening.

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December 5 2020 Holiday Party

Anne Biedowicz welcomed members Hospitality: Denise Ethun / Kathy Bender / Sherry Debuhr Thanks for the treats and beverages. Treasurer Report: Susan Halverson / Colleen Magee. Gave an update on checking account and money market account. Publications Deadline for the February and March newsletter is January 15. Membership: Michelle Watson, Janis Albeck & Becki Dennis (A)/ Eleanor Potts, Mary Leach & Jane Erickson (E) Currently the guild has 144 members. Afternoon attendance was 37; evening: 25. Birthday prize went to Jane Erickson (A) and (E) Rhonda Settle. Nametag prize went to Mary Field (A) and (E) Carol Folkerts. Programs: Sue Swenson: January will be a social meeting. Members to bring handwork and show and tell. February brings Monique Jacobs who will be holding a workshop on Friday, February 7 . Monique will be featured at Quilter’s General Store in December with a new line of fabric. The pattern will be Coastal Getaway. A sample will be available in January. Kits will be available. The Board is firming up the registration policy. Registrants must pay at time of sign up. Refunds will only be made up to two weeks prior to workshop. After that registrants will forfeit money or be responsible for filling the slot. March will be the Neonatal Sew in. Special Projects: Carol Folkerts / Pam Surmo. 27 quilts were brought in at the November meetings. Carol delivered 8 to each of the hospitals. There are now 46 on hand. The neonatal workshop on the 21 went well, 8 people attended. They have made up 20 pillow case kits. Pam has scheduled January 9, 2020 with CVL for a sew-in from 10-4. After checking with the hospitals, the quilts can now be a smaller size. The suggested size will be 40” x 50”. More Hobbs labels are needed to get the second bolt of batting.In January, they will possibly have another I Spy quilt. A thank you letter was read from Mercy NICU. Quilt Show: Barb Clucas. Barb reported the committee will meet again on January 27, at 6:00 p.m. at the home of Becky Harvey. She still needs a co-chair, a person to handle the quilt racks, and one for publicity. They may have someone to handle the quilt racks. Spam@CVL: Elizabeth Franck Two dates are available 12/19 from 10-7 and 12/29 from 1- 4. Comfort Quilts: They are looking for 12.5” blocks in cool colors. Old Business: The sale of raffle tickets for the Laurie Larson quilts will continue at the December meetings; with the winners being drawn at the close of the evening meeting. Please remember to save your Hobbs UPC labels. New Business: Jane Erickson filled us in on the shoe box project that is sent overseas at Christmas time. They are in need of reusable sanitary napkins. She said that several women will be making them at the January meeting. Vicky will get the pattern soon. Patricia A. Powers would like assistance in making a quilt out of flannel shirts. Debbie Hoffman has a Pfaff Grand Quilter 18.8 w/Qbot version 1.27, Serial #QB02106 (long arm and table) for sale. Is asking $4,500 for it. Her phone number is 815-238-0035. Additional New Business: We received a thank you note from Janice Ollik for the comfort quilt that she received. We also received $100 from the American Legion. Show & Tell: Day - Ruth Perly/ Joann Stewart: A -Janis Albeck; E – Judy Mullen In Addition: The raffle quilt auction was also held. Dorothy Blair won the pastel fan quilt. Elaine Powers won the red and green tulip and star quilts.

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5 Joann Stewart 12 Karen Grover 7 Bobbi Martin 24 Laura Guerin-Hunt 6 Vicky Larson 13 Star Pittaway 9 Linda Egeland 28 Cecila Mann 6 Toni Wallin 21 Donna Akey 9 Penny Ford 30 Lillie Rude 10 Pam Surmo 22 Sandy Piper 10 Harriet Basel 31 Carla

Schumacher 11 Cindy Larson 27 Elaine Powers 16 Barbara Wells 31 Betty Sorenson 18 Ying Chi 31 Jan White