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Hunter LefflerJournalism 102 October 29, 2014A Little Club with a Big Purpose Continues to Grow on UNLV CampusThe bhakti yoga club, which has been resent on !"L#$s camus since 2012, continues to be an outlet for stu%ents who are intereste% in a holistic an% healthy aroach to %ealing with the stresses of e&ery%ay stu%ent life' (This organi)ation is an oen sace for stu%ents to come together an% learn how to coe with the stresses of college life, an% %eal with it by ha&ing a healthier more conscious lifestyle,* sai% &ice resi%ent +hris Trenn, who has been a ma,or art of the club for three semesters now'The bhakti yoga club recently articiate% in -ebels .o .reen, an e&ent that took lace at !"L#$s /i%a /la)a last 0e%nes%ay' This e&ent feature% many clubs with organicinfluences tabling to ro&i%e information an% erforming &arious talents' The bhakti yogaclub was foun% at this e&ent raising awareness for their organi)ation as well as selling books on me%itation an% hilosohy an% clothing' They also %i% a %emonstration of mantra me%itation, a ractice that they %o at their weekly meetings' The refi1 2man$ actually means min%, while suffi1 2tra$ means a soun% that can %eli&er the min% from an1iety' 3antra me%itation is sai% to be the most sublime form of me%itation in the worl%' 4uring the %emonstration the club members use% instruments an% &oice to create a calming effect an% to hel the min% get totally in&ol&e% in the me%itation' ( 5 imme%iately felt a wa&e of rela1ation ,ust from the short %emonstration, their &oices an% music were ,ust so soothing,* sai% 6rances 7keirik, a stu%ent who atten%e% the.reen 6est on 0e%nes%ay' (5 can$t wait to learn more about this lifestyle,* she continue%'The club ma%e a comeback on !"L# camus o&er two years ago an% now has 89 official members, an% o&er 400 eole on their email list' Trenn %escribe% the organi)ation as more of a community of eole an% not ,ust a club' (3y life is comletely change%, 5$&e e1erience% a eace an% fulfillment 5$&e ne&er felt before, it$s more than a club, it$s a lifestyle,* sai% Trenn' He %escribes how he was tire% of a tyical lifestyle, %ealing with stresses in unhealthy ways an% ha% a %esire togrow more siritually' : hilosohy teacher of his suggeste% the ;hakti 'm' in the recreation center room 110 for mantra me%itation an% beginning yoga oses' They %o out%oor me%itation on camus e&ery 3on%ay from 11 a'm' until 2 'm' There is also free &egetarian foo% at all meetings' The bhakti yoga club has a big ucoming e&ent featuring guest seaker 4r' 3ichael +remo' The e&ent is a two=%ay lecture series that will be hel% on camus in the ;arrick 3useum at > 'm' on "o&ember 9th an% 8 'm' on "o&ember >th' The club sonsors a secial guest seaker once e&ery semester' 4r' 3ichael +remo, a bhakti yoga erformer, is consi%ere% to be a forbi%%en archaeologist an% will gi&e a lecture resenting his research that %escribes an archaeological ara%igm that has been suresse%' Trenn %escribes the club as, (: way to e1erience an inner state of eace an% connect to bliss that is a art of all of us'* The bhakti yoga club continues to be an a&enuefor !"L# stu%ents to connect in a lo&ing atmoshere that encourages ositi&e lifestyle changes'