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FDA and Statistical learning theory

Nathalie Villa-Vialaneix - [email protected]://

Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse - IUT de Carcassonne, Université de PerpignanFrance

La Havane, September 17th, 2008

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Table of contents

1 Basics in statistical learning theory

2 Examples of consistent methods for FDA


4 References

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Purpose of statistical learning theory

In the previous presentations, the aim was to find an estimator that is“close” to the model.

The aim of statistical learning theory is slightly different: find a regressionfunction that has a small error.More precisely, binary classification case:

we are given a pair of random variable, (X ,Y) from X × {−1, 1}where X is any topological space;

we observe n i.i.d. realizations of (X ,Y), (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn), calledthe learning set;

we intend to find a function, built from (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn),Ψn : X → {−1, 1} that minimizes

P (Ψn(X) , Y) .

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Purpose of statistical learning theory

In the previous presentations, the aim was to find an estimator that is“close” to the model.The aim of statistical learning theory is slightly different: find a regressionfunction that has a small error.

More precisely, binary classification case:

we are given a pair of random variable, (X ,Y) from X × {−1, 1}where X is any topological space;

we observe n i.i.d. realizations of (X ,Y), (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn), calledthe learning set;

we intend to find a function, built from (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn),Ψn : X → {−1, 1} that minimizes

P (Ψn(X) , Y) .

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Purpose of statistical learning theory

In the previous presentations, the aim was to find an estimator that is“close” to the model.The aim of statistical learning theory is slightly different: find a regressionfunction that has a small error.More precisely, binary classification case:

we are given a pair of random variable, (X ,Y) from X × {−1, 1}where X is any topological space;

we observe n i.i.d. realizations of (X ,Y), (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn), calledthe learning set;

we intend to find a function, built from (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn),Ψn : X → {−1, 1} that minimizes

P (Ψn(X) , Y) .

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Purpose of statistical learning theory

In the previous presentations, the aim was to find an estimator that is“close” to the model.The aim of statistical learning theory is slightly different: find a regressionfunction that has a small error.More precisely, binary classification case:

we are given a pair of random variable, (X ,Y) from X × {−1, 1}where X is any topological space;

we observe n i.i.d. realizations of (X ,Y), (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn), calledthe learning set;

we intend to find a function, built from (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn),Ψn : X → {−1, 1} that minimizes

P (Ψn(X) , Y) .

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Purpose of statistical learning theory

In the previous presentations, the aim was to find an estimator that is“close” to the model.The aim of statistical learning theory is slightly different: find a regressionfunction that has a small error.More precisely, binary classification case:

we are given a pair of random variable, (X ,Y) from X × {−1, 1}where X is any topological space;

we observe n i.i.d. realizations of (X ,Y), (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn), calledthe learning set;

we intend to find a function, built from (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn),Ψn : X → {−1, 1} that minimizes

P (Ψn(X) , Y) .

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First remarks on the aim

1 infΨ:X→{−1,1} P (Ψ(X) , Y) is the “target” for the expectancy of theerror. This lower bound for error expectancy is called Bayes risk,denoted by L∗.

2 Generally, Ψn is chosen in a restricted class of functions from X to{−1, 1}, C; then the performance of Ψn can be quantified by:

P (Ψn(X) , Y) − L∗

=(P (Ψn(X) , Y) − inf

Ψ∈CP (Ψ(X) , Y)

)︸ ︷︷ ︸

Error due to the training method


infΨ∈CP (Ψ(X) , Y) − L∗

)︸ ︷︷ ︸

Error due to the choice of C

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First remarks on the aim

1 infΨ:X→{−1,1} P (Ψ(X) , Y) is the “target” for the expectancy of theerror. This lower bound for error expectancy is called Bayes risk,denoted by L∗.

2 Generally, Ψn is chosen in a restricted class of functions from X to{−1, 1}, C; then the performance of Ψn can be quantified by:

P (Ψn(X) , Y) − L∗

=(P (Ψn(X) , Y) − inf

Ψ∈CP (Ψ(X) , Y)

)︸ ︷︷ ︸

Error due to the training method


infΨ∈CP (Ψ(X) , Y) − L∗

)︸ ︷︷ ︸

Error due to the choice of C

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First remarks on the aim

1 infΨ:X→{−1,1} P (Ψ(X) , Y) is the “target” for the expectancy of theerror. This lower bound for error expectancy is called Bayes risk,denoted by L∗.

2 Generally, Ψn is chosen in a restricted class of functions from X to{−1, 1}, C; then the performance of Ψn can be quantified by:

P (Ψn(X) , Y) − L∗ =(P (Ψn(X) , Y) − inf

Ψ∈CP (Ψ(X) , Y)



Ψ∈CP (Ψ(X) , Y) − L∗


=(P (Ψn(X) , Y) − inf

Ψ∈CP (Ψ(X) , Y)

)︸ ︷︷ ︸

Error due to the training method


infΨ∈CP (Ψ(X) , Y) − L∗

)︸ ︷︷ ︸

Error due to the choice of C

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First remarks on the aim

1 infΨ:X→{−1,1} P (Ψ(X) , Y) is the “target” for the expectancy of theerror. This lower bound for error expectancy is called Bayes risk,denoted by L∗.

2 Generally, Ψn is chosen in a restricted class of functions from X to{−1, 1}, C; then the performance of Ψn can be quantified by:

P (Ψn(X) , Y) − L∗ =(P (Ψn(X) , Y) − inf

Ψ∈CP (Ψ(X) , Y)

)︸ ︷︷ ︸

Error due to the training method


infΨ∈CP (Ψ(X) , Y) − L∗

)︸ ︷︷ ︸

Error due to the choice of C

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From this last remark, we can define:

Definition: Weak consistency

A algorithm leading to build the classifier Ψn is said to be (weaklyuniversally) consistent if, for all distribution of the random pair (X ,Y), wehave

E (LΨn)n→+∞−−−−−−→ L∗

where LΨn := P (Ψn(X) , Y | (xi , yi)i)

Definition: Strong consistency

Moreover, it is said to be strongly (universally) consistent if, for alldistribution of the random pair (X ,Y), we have

LΨn n→+∞−−−−−−→ L∗ p.s.

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From this last remark, we can define:

Definition: Weak consistency

A algorithm leading to build the classifier Ψn is said to be (weaklyuniversally) consistent if, for all distribution of the random pair (X ,Y), wehave

E (LΨn)n→+∞−−−−−−→ L∗

where LΨn := P (Ψn(X) , Y | (xi , yi)i)

Definition: Strong consistency

Moreover, it is said to be strongly (universally) consistent if, for alldistribution of the random pair (X ,Y), we have

LΨn n→+∞−−−−−−→ L∗ p.s.

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Choice of C and of Ψn

1 The choice of C is of a main importance to obtain good performancesof Ψn:

too small (not rich) C have a poor value of

infΨ∈CP (Ψ(X) , Y) − L∗,

but too rich C have a poor value of

P (Ψn(X) , Y) − infΨ∈CP (Ψ(X) , Y)

because the learning algorithm tends to overfit the data.

2 A naive approach to find a good Ψn over the class C could be tominimize the empirical risk of C:

Ψn := arg minΨ∈C


where LnΨ := 1n∑n

i=1 I{Ψ(xi),yi }.

The work of [Vapnik, 1995, Vapnik, 1998] links the choice of C to theaccuracy of the empirical risk.

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Choice of C and of Ψn

1 The choice of C is of a main importance to obtain good performancesof Ψn:

too small (not rich) C have a poor value of

infΨ∈CP (Ψ(X) , Y) − L∗,

but too rich C have a poor value of

P (Ψn(X) , Y) − infΨ∈CP (Ψ(X) , Y)

because the learning algorithm tends to overfit the data.2 A naive approach to find a good Ψn over the class C could be to

minimize the empirical risk of C:

Ψn := arg minΨ∈C


where LnΨ := 1n∑n

i=1 I{Ψ(xi),yi }.

The work of [Vapnik, 1995, Vapnik, 1998] links the choice of C to theaccuracy of the empirical risk.

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Choice of C and of Ψn

1 The choice of C is of a main importance to obtain good performancesof Ψn:

too small (not rich) C have a poor value of

infΨ∈CP (Ψ(X) , Y) − L∗,

but too rich C have a poor value of

P (Ψn(X) , Y) − infΨ∈CP (Ψ(X) , Y)

because the learning algorithm tends to overfit the data.2 A naive approach to find a good Ψn over the class C could be to

minimize the empirical risk of C:

Ψn := arg minΨ∈C


where LnΨ := 1n∑n

i=1 I{Ψ(xi),yi }.

The work of [Vapnik, 1995, Vapnik, 1998] links the choice of C to theaccuracy of the empirical risk.

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A way to quantify the “richness” of a class of functions is to calculate itsVC-dimension:

Definition: VC-dimensionA class of classifiers (functions from X in {−1, 1}), C, is said to shatter aset of data points z1, z2, . . . , zd ∈ X if, for all assignments of labels to thosepoints, m1,m2, . . . ,md ∈ {−1, 1}, there exists a Ψ ∈ C such that:

∀ i = 1, . . . , d, Ψ(zi) = mi .

The VC-dimension of class of functions C is the maximum number ofpoints that can be shattered by C.

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A way to quantify the “richness” of a class of functions is to calculate itsVC-dimension:

Definition: VC-dimensionA class of classifiers (functions from X in {−1, 1}), C, is said to shatter aset of data points z1, z2, . . . , zd ∈ X if, for all assignments of labels to thosepoints, m1,m2, . . . ,md ∈ {−1, 1}, there exists a Ψ ∈ C such that:

∀ i = 1, . . . , d, Ψ(zi) = mi .

The VC-dimension of class of functions C is the maximum number ofpoints that can be shattered by C.

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Example: VC-dimension of hyperplans

Suppose that X = R2 andC =

{Ψ : x ∈ R2 → ±Sign(aT x + b), a ∈ R2 and b ∈ R



4 points canto be shattered by C:

More generally, VC-dimension of hyperplans in Rd is d + 1.

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Example: VC-dimension of hyperplans

Suppose that X = R2 andC =

{Ψ : x ∈ R2 → ±Sign(aT x + b), a ∈ R2 and b ∈ R

}. Then,

2 points are shattered by C:

4 points canto be shattered by C:

More generally, VC-dimension of hyperplans in Rd is d + 1.

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Example: VC-dimension of hyperplans

Suppose that X = R2 andC =

{Ψ : x ∈ R2 → ±Sign(aT x + b), a ∈ R2 and b ∈ R

}. Then,

2 points are shattered by C:

4 points canto be shattered by C:

More generally, VC-dimension of hyperplans in Rd is d + 1.

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Example: VC-dimension of hyperplans

Suppose that X = R2 andC =

{Ψ : x ∈ R2 → ±Sign(aT x + b), a ∈ R2 and b ∈ R

}. Then,

2 points are shattered by C:

4 points canto be shattered by C:

More generally, VC-dimension of hyperplans in Rd is d + 1.

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Example: VC-dimension of hyperplans

Suppose that X = R2 andC =

{Ψ : x ∈ R2 → ±Sign(aT x + b), a ∈ R2 and b ∈ R

}. Then,

3 points are shattered by C:

4 points canto be shattered by C:

More generally, VC-dimension of hyperplans in Rd is d + 1.

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Example: VC-dimension of hyperplans

Suppose that X = R2 andC =

{Ψ : x ∈ R2 → ±Sign(aT x + b), a ∈ R2 and b ∈ R

}. Then,

3 points are shattered by C:

4 points canto be shattered by C:

More generally, VC-dimension of hyperplans in Rd is d + 1.

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Example: VC-dimension of hyperplans

Suppose that X = R2 andC =

{Ψ : x ∈ R2 → ±Sign(aT x + b), a ∈ R2 and b ∈ R

}. Then,

3 points are shattered by C:

4 points canto be shattered by C:

More generally, VC-dimension of hyperplans in Rd is d + 1.

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Example: VC-dimension of hyperplans

Suppose that X = R2 andC =

{Ψ : x ∈ R2 → ±Sign(aT x + b), a ∈ R2 and b ∈ R

}. Then,

3 points are shattered by C:

4 points canto be shattered by C:

More generally, VC-dimension of hyperplans in Rd is d + 1.

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Example: VC-dimension of hyperplans

Suppose that X = R2 andC =

{Ψ : x ∈ R2 → ±Sign(aT x + b), a ∈ R2 and b ∈ R

}. Then,

3 points are shattered by C:

4 points canto be shattered by C:

More generally, VC-dimension of hyperplans in Rd is d + 1.

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Example: VC-dimension of hyperplans

Suppose that X = R2 andC =

{Ψ : x ∈ R2 → ±Sign(aT x + b), a ∈ R2 and b ∈ R

}. Then,

4 points cannot be shattered by C:

4 points canto be shattered by C:

More generally, VC-dimension of hyperplans in Rd is d + 1.

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Example: VC-dimension of hyperplans

Suppose that X = R2 andC =

{Ψ : x ∈ R2 → ±Sign(aT x + b), a ∈ R2 and b ∈ R

}. Then,

4 points canto be shattered by C:

no Ψ ∈ C can have value 1 on the red circles and −1 on the black ones.

4 points canto be shattered by C:

More generally, VC-dimension of hyperplans in Rd is d + 1.

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Example: VC-dimension of hyperplans

Suppose that X = R2 andC =

{Ψ : x ∈ R2 → ±Sign(aT x + b), a ∈ R2 and b ∈ R

}. Then,

4 points canto be shattered by C:

then, VC-dimension of C = 3.

4 points canto be shattered by C:

More generally, VC-dimension of hyperplans in Rd is d + 1.

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Example: VC-dimension of hyperplans

Suppose that X = R2 andC =

{Ψ : x ∈ R2 → ±Sign(aT x + b), a ∈ R2 and b ∈ R

}. Then,

4 points canto be shattered by C:

More generally, VC-dimension of hyperplans in Rd is d + 1.

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Relationship between VC-dimension and empiricalerror

Theorem [Vapnik, 1995, Vapnik, 1998]With a probability almost equal to 1 − η,


∣∣∣E (LΨ) − LnΨ∣∣∣ ≤ √

VC(C) − log(η/4)


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An alternative to VC-dimension

Remark: In most cases, VC-dimension is not enough precise. Then,another quantity can also be considered:

Definition: Shatter coefficientThe k -th shatter coefficient of the set of functions C is the maximumnumbers of partitions of n points into two sets that can be obtained from C.This number, denoted by S(C, n), is almost equal to 2n

Example: If C is the space of hyperplans in Rd ,

S(C, n) =

{2n if n ≤ d2d+1 = 2VC(C) if n ≥ d + 1

Remark: For all n > 2, S(C, n) ≤ nVC(C).

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An alternative to VC-dimension

Remark: In most cases, VC-dimension is not enough precise. Then,another quantity can also be considered:

Definition: Shatter coefficientThe k -th shatter coefficient of the set of functions C is the maximumnumbers of partitions of n points into two sets that can be obtained from C.This number, denoted by S(C, n), is almost equal to 2n

Example: If C is the space of hyperplans in Rd ,

S(C, n) =

{2n if n ≤ d2d+1 = 2VC(C) if n ≥ d + 1

Remark: For all n > 2, S(C, n) ≤ nVC(C).

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An alternative to VC-dimension

Remark: In most cases, VC-dimension is not enough precise. Then,another quantity can also be considered:

Definition: Shatter coefficientThe k -th shatter coefficient of the set of functions C is the maximumnumbers of partitions of n points into two sets that can be obtained from C.This number, denoted by S(C, n), is almost equal to 2n

Example: If C is the space of hyperplans in Rd ,

S(C, n) =

{2n if n ≤ d2d+1 = 2VC(C) if n ≥ d + 1

Remark: For all n > 2, S(C, n) ≤ nVC(C).

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Vapnik-Chervonenkis inequality

Theorem [Vapnik, 1995, Vapnik, 1998]



∣∣∣LnΨ − E (LΨ)∣∣∣ > ε) ≤ S(C, n)e−nε2/32.

Consequences for the learning error on C: If Ψn has been chosen byminimizing the empirical risk, i.e.,

Ψn := arg minΨ∈C



I{Ψ(xi),yi }

and then,

P(E (LΨn) − inf

Ψ∈CE (LΨ) > ε

)≤ S(C, n)e−nε2/128.

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Vapnik-Chervonenkis inequality

Theorem [Vapnik, 1995, Vapnik, 1998]



∣∣∣LnΨ − E (LΨ)∣∣∣ > ε) ≤ S(C, n)e−nε2/32.

Consequences for the learning error on C: If Ψn has been chosen byminimizing the empirical risk, i.e.,

Ψn := arg minΨ∈C



I{Ψ(xi),yi }

and then,

P(E (LΨn) − inf

Ψ∈CE (LΨ) > ε

)≤ S(C, n)e−nε2/128.

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Vapnik-Chervonenkis inequality

Theorem [Vapnik, 1995, Vapnik, 1998]



∣∣∣LnΨ − E (LΨ)∣∣∣ > ε) ≤ S(C, n)e−nε2/32.

Consequences for the learning error on C: If Ψn has been chosen byminimizing the empirical risk, i.e.,

Ψn := arg minΨ∈C



I{Ψ(xi),yi }


P(E (LΨn) − inf

Ψ∈CE (LΨ) > ε

)≤ P

(2 sup


∣∣∣LnΨ − E (LΨ)∣∣∣ > ε)

and then,

P(E (LΨn) − inf

Ψ∈CE (LΨ) > ε

)≤ S(C, n)e−nε2/128.

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Vapnik-Chervonenkis inequality

Theorem [Vapnik, 1995, Vapnik, 1998]



∣∣∣LnΨ − E (LΨ)∣∣∣ > ε) ≤ S(C, n)e−nε2/32.

Consequences for the learning error on C: If Ψn has been chosen byminimizing the empirical risk, i.e.,

Ψn := arg minΨ∈C



I{Ψ(xi),yi }

and then,

P(E (LΨn) − inf

Ψ∈CE (LΨ) > ε

)≤ S(C, n)e−nε2/128.

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Additional notes for the regression case

Same theory can be developed for the regression case under additionalassumptions. To summarize, let (X ,Y) be a random pair taking its valuesin X × R and (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn) a training set of n i.i.d. realizations of(X ,Y). Then, we can introduce

the risk as, for example, the mean square error: for Ψ : X → R,LΨ = E

((Ψ(X) − Y)2 | (xi , yi)i


the Bayes risk is: L∗ = infΨ:X→R E((Ψ(X) − Y)2

). In this case,

L∗ = E (LΨ∗) where Ψ∗ = E (Y | X);the empirical risk: for Ψ : X → R, LnΨ = 1


i=1(yi −Ψ(xi))2.Hence, in this case, a consistent regression scheme, Ψn, satisfies:


E (LΨn) = L∗;

and a strongly consistent regression scheme, Ψn, satisfies:


LΨn = L∗ p.s.

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Additional notes for the regression case

Same theory can be developed for the regression case under additionalassumptions. To summarize, let (X ,Y) be a random pair taking its valuesin X × R and (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn) a training set of n i.i.d. realizations of(X ,Y). Then, we can introduce

the risk as, for example, the mean square error: for Ψ : X → R,LΨ = E

((Ψ(X) − Y)2 | (xi , yi)i


the Bayes risk is: L∗ = infΨ:X→R E((Ψ(X) − Y)2

). In this case,

L∗ = E (LΨ∗) where Ψ∗ = E (Y | X);

the empirical risk: for Ψ : X → R, LnΨ = 1n∑n

i=1(yi −Ψ(xi))2.Hence, in this case, a consistent regression scheme, Ψn, satisfies:


E (LΨn) = L∗;

and a strongly consistent regression scheme, Ψn, satisfies:


LΨn = L∗ p.s.

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Additional notes for the regression case

Same theory can be developed for the regression case under additionalassumptions. To summarize, let (X ,Y) be a random pair taking its valuesin X × R and (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn) a training set of n i.i.d. realizations of(X ,Y). Then, we can introduce

the risk as, for example, the mean square error: for Ψ : X → R,LΨ = E

((Ψ(X) − Y)2 | (xi , yi)i


the Bayes risk is: L∗ = infΨ:X→R E((Ψ(X) − Y)2

). In this case,

L∗ = E (LΨ∗) where Ψ∗ = E (Y | X);the empirical risk: for Ψ : X → R, LnΨ = 1


i=1(yi −Ψ(xi))2.

Hence, in this case, a consistent regression scheme, Ψn, satisfies:


E (LΨn) = L∗;

and a strongly consistent regression scheme, Ψn, satisfies:


LΨn = L∗ p.s.

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Page 43: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Additional notes for the regression case

Same theory can be developed for the regression case under additionalassumptions. To summarize, let (X ,Y) be a random pair taking its valuesin X × R and (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn) a training set of n i.i.d. realizations of(X ,Y). Then, we can introduce

the risk as, for example, the mean square error: for Ψ : X → R,LΨ = E

((Ψ(X) − Y)2 | (xi , yi)i


the Bayes risk is: L∗ = infΨ:X→R E((Ψ(X) − Y)2

). In this case,

L∗ = E (LΨ∗) where Ψ∗ = E (Y | X);the empirical risk: for Ψ : X → R, LnΨ = 1


i=1(yi −Ψ(xi))2.Hence, in this case, a consistent regression scheme, Ψn, satisfies:


E (LΨn) = L∗;

and a strongly consistent regression scheme, Ψn, satisfies:


LΨn = L∗ p.s.

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Page 44: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Table of contents

1 Basics in statistical learning theory

2 Examples of consistent methods for FDA


4 References

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Page 45: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Remains on functional multilayer perceptron byprojection approach

Data: Suppose that we are given a random pair (X ,Y) taking its values inX × R where (X, 〈., .〉X) is a Hilbert space. Suppose also that we have ni.i.d. observations of (X ,Y), (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn).

Functional MLP: The projection approach is based on the knowledge ofa Hilbert basis of X that we will denote by (φk )k≥1. The data (xi)i andalso the weights of the MLP are projected on this basis truncated at q:

Cnq =

Ψ : X → R : ∀ x ∈ X, Ψ(x) =


w(2)l G

w(0)l +


β(1)lk (Pq(x))k



|w(2)l | ≤ αn

where (pn)n is a sequence of integer, (αn)n is a sequence of positive realnumbers, G is a given continuous functions and the weights (w(2)

l )l ,

(w(0)l )l and (β

(1)lk )l,k have to be learned from the data set in R (see

Presentation 2 for further details).

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Page 46: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Remains on functional multilayer perceptron byprojection approach

Data: Suppose that we are given a random pair (X ,Y) taking its values inX × R where (X, 〈., .〉X) is a Hilbert space. Suppose also that we have ni.i.d. observations of (X ,Y), (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn).Functional MLP: The projection approach is based on the knowledge ofa Hilbert basis of X that we will denote by (φk )k≥1. The data (xi)i andalso the weights of the MLP are projected on this basis truncated at q:

Cnq =

Ψ : X → R : ∀ x ∈ X, Ψ(x) =


w(2)l G

w(0)l +


β(1)lk (Pq(x))k



|w(2)l | ≤ αn

where (pn)n is a sequence of integer, (αn)n is a sequence of positive realnumbers, G is a given continuous functions and the weights (w(2)

l )l ,

(w(0)l )l and (β

(1)lk )l,k have to be learned from the data set in R (see

Presentation 2 for further details).Nathalie Villa (IMT & UPVD) Presentation 3 La Havane, Sept. 17th, 2008 14 / 39

Page 47: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Assumptions for consistency of functional MLP


n = arg minΨ∈Cn



and suppose that:

(A1) G : R → [0, 1] is monotone, non decreasing, withlimt→+∞G(t) = 1 and limt→−∞G(t) = 0;

(A2) limn→+∞pnαn log(pn logαn)

n = 0 and ∃ δ > 0: limn→+∞α2

nn1−δ = 0;

(A3) Y is squared integrable.

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Page 48: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Assumptions for consistency of functional MLP


n = arg minΨ∈Cn



and suppose that:

(A1) G : R → [0, 1] is monotone, non decreasing, withlimt→+∞G(t) = 1 and limt→−∞G(t) = 0;

(A2) limn→+∞pnαn log(pn logαn)

n = 0 and ∃ δ > 0: limn→+∞α2

nn1−δ = 0;

(A3) Y is squared integrable.

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Page 49: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Assumptions for consistency of functional MLP


n = arg minΨ∈Cn



and suppose that:

(A1) G : R → [0, 1] is monotone, non decreasing, withlimt→+∞G(t) = 1 and limt→−∞G(t) = 0;

(A2) limn→+∞pnαn log(pn logαn)

n = 0 and ∃ δ > 0: limn→+∞α2

nn1−δ = 0;

(A3) Y is squared integrable.

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Page 50: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Assumptions for consistency of functional MLP


n = arg minΨ∈Cn



and suppose that:

(A1) G : R → [0, 1] is monotone, non decreasing, withlimt→+∞G(t) = 1 and limt→−∞G(t) = 0;

(A2) limn→+∞pnαn log(pn logαn)

n = 0 and ∃ δ > 0: limn→+∞α2

nn1−δ = 0;

(A3) Y is squared integrable.

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Page 51: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Strong consistency of projection based functionalMPL

Theorem [Rossi and Conan-Guez, 2006]Under assumptions (A1)-(A3),



LΨpn = L∗ p.s.

Sketch of the proof: The proof is divided into two parts:1 The fist one shows that

L∗p = infΨ∈Rp→+∞

E((Ψ(Pp(X)) − Y)2 | (xi , yi)i

) n→+∞−−−−−−→ L∗ a.s.

2 The second one shows that, for any fixed p


LΨpn = L∗p .

Remark 2: The principle of the proof is very general and can be applied toany other consistent method in Rp .

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Page 52: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Strong consistency of projection based functionalMPL

Theorem [Rossi and Conan-Guez, 2006]Under assumptions (A1)-(A3),



LΨpn = L∗ p.s.

Sketch of the proof: The proof is divided into two parts:1 The fist one shows that

L∗p = infΨ∈Rp→+∞

E((Ψ(Pp(X)) − Y)2 | (xi , yi)i

) n→+∞−−−−−−→ L∗ a.s.

2 The second one shows that, for any fixed p


LΨpn = L∗p .

Remark 2: The principle of the proof is very general and can be applied toany other consistent method in Rp .

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Page 53: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Strong consistency of projection based functionalMPL

Theorem [Rossi and Conan-Guez, 2006]Under assumptions (A1)-(A3),



LΨpn = L∗ p.s.

Sketch of the proof: The proof is divided into two parts:1 The fist one shows that

L∗p = infΨ∈Rp→+∞

E((Ψ(Pp(X)) − Y)2 | (xi , yi)i

) n→+∞−−−−−−→ L∗ a.s.

2 The second one shows that, for any fixed p


LΨpn = L∗p .

Remark 2: The principle of the proof is very general and can be applied toany other consistent method in Rp .

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Page 54: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Strong consistency of projection based functionalMPL

Theorem [Rossi and Conan-Guez, 2006]Under assumptions (A1)-(A3),



LΨpn = L∗ p.s.

Sketch of the proof: The proof is divided into two parts:1 The fist one shows that

L∗p = infΨ∈Rp→+∞

E((Ψ(Pp(X)) − Y)2 | (xi , yi)i

) n→+∞−−−−−−→ L∗ a.s.

2 The second one shows that, for any fixed p


LΨpn = L∗p .

Remark: The limitation of this result is in the fact that it is a double limitand that no indication on the way n and p should be linked in given.

Remark 2: The principle of the proof is very general and can be applied toany other consistent method in Rp .

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Page 55: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Strong consistency of projection based functionalMPL

Theorem [Rossi and Conan-Guez, 2006]Under assumptions (A1)-(A3),



LΨpn = L∗ p.s.

Sketch of the proof: The proof is divided into two parts:1 The fist one shows that

L∗p = infΨ∈Rp→+∞

E((Ψ(Pp(X)) − Y)2 | (xi , yi)i

) n→+∞−−−−−−→ L∗ a.s.

2 The second one shows that, for any fixed p


LΨpn = L∗p .

Remark 2: The principle of the proof is very general and can be applied toany other consistent method in Rp .

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Page 56: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Presentation of k -nearest neighbors for functionalclassification

This method has been introduced in [Biau et al., 2005] for the binaryclassification case and it exists a regression version in the work of[Laloë, 2008].

Context: We are given a random pair (X ,Y) taking its values inX × {−1, 1} where (X, 〈., .〉X) is a Hilbert space. Moreover, we are given ni.i.d. observations of (X ,Y) that are denoted (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn).Functional k -nearest neighbors also consists in using the projection ofthe data on a Hilbert basis, (φj)j≥1: denote xd

i = (xdi1, . . . , x

did) where

∀ i = 1, . . . , n and ∀ j = 1, . . . , d, xij = 〈xi , φj〉X.k -nearest neighbors for d-dimensional data is then performed on thedataset (xd

1 , y1), . . . , (xdn , yn): if for all u ∈ Rd ,

Vk (u) := {i ∈ [[1, n]] :∥∥∥xd

i − u∥∥∥Rd belongs to the k smallest of these values},

Ψn : x ∈ X →{−1 if

∑i∈Vk (xd) I{yi=−1} >

∑i∈Vk (xd) I{yi=1}

+1 otherwise

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Page 57: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Presentation of k -nearest neighbors for functionalclassification

This method has been introduced in [Biau et al., 2005] for the binaryclassification case and it exists a regression version in the work of[Laloë, 2008].Context: We are given a random pair (X ,Y) taking its values inX × {−1, 1} where (X, 〈., .〉X) is a Hilbert space. Moreover, we are given ni.i.d. observations of (X ,Y) that are denoted (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn).

Functional k -nearest neighbors also consists in using the projection ofthe data on a Hilbert basis, (φj)j≥1: denote xd

i = (xdi1, . . . , x

did) where

∀ i = 1, . . . , n and ∀ j = 1, . . . , d, xij = 〈xi , φj〉X.k -nearest neighbors for d-dimensional data is then performed on thedataset (xd

1 , y1), . . . , (xdn , yn): if for all u ∈ Rd ,

Vk (u) := {i ∈ [[1, n]] :∥∥∥xd

i − u∥∥∥Rd belongs to the k smallest of these values},

Ψn : x ∈ X →{−1 if

∑i∈Vk (xd) I{yi=−1} >

∑i∈Vk (xd) I{yi=1}

+1 otherwise

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Page 58: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Presentation of k -nearest neighbors for functionalclassification

This method has been introduced in [Biau et al., 2005] for the binaryclassification case and it exists a regression version in the work of[Laloë, 2008].Context: We are given a random pair (X ,Y) taking its values inX × {−1, 1} where (X, 〈., .〉X) is a Hilbert space. Moreover, we are given ni.i.d. observations of (X ,Y) that are denoted (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn).Functional k -nearest neighbors also consists in using the projection ofthe data on a Hilbert basis, (φj)j≥1: denote xd

i = (xdi1, . . . , x

did) where

∀ i = 1, . . . , n and ∀ j = 1, . . . , d, xij = 〈xi , φj〉X.

k -nearest neighbors for d-dimensional data is then performed on thedataset (xd

1 , y1), . . . , (xdn , yn): if for all u ∈ Rd ,

Vk (u) := {i ∈ [[1, n]] :∥∥∥xd

i − u∥∥∥Rd belongs to the k smallest of these values},

Ψn : x ∈ X →{−1 if

∑i∈Vk (xd) I{yi=−1} >

∑i∈Vk (xd) I{yi=1}

+1 otherwise

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Page 59: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Presentation of k -nearest neighbors for functionalclassification

This method has been introduced in [Biau et al., 2005] for the binaryclassification case and it exists a regression version in the work of[Laloë, 2008].Context: We are given a random pair (X ,Y) taking its values inX × {−1, 1} where (X, 〈., .〉X) is a Hilbert space. Moreover, we are given ni.i.d. observations of (X ,Y) that are denoted (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn).Functional k -nearest neighbors also consists in using the projection ofthe data on a Hilbert basis, (φj)j≥1: denote xd

i = (xdi1, . . . , x

did) where

∀ i = 1, . . . , n and ∀ j = 1, . . . , d, xij = 〈xi , φj〉X.k -nearest neighbors for d-dimensional data is then performed on thedataset (xd

1 , y1), . . . , (xdn , yn): if for all u ∈ Rd ,

Vk (u) := {i ∈ [[1, n]] :∥∥∥xd

i − u∥∥∥Rd belongs to the k smallest of these values},

Ψn : x ∈ X →{−1 if

∑i∈Vk (xd) I{yi=−1} >

∑i∈Vk (xd) I{yi=1}

+1 otherwise

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Page 60: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Selection of the dimension of projection and of theparameter k

d and k are then automatically selected from the dataset by a validationstrategy:

1 For all k ∈ N∗ and all d ∈ N∗,

compute the k -nearest neighborsclassifier, Ψd,l,k

n , from data {(xdi , yi)}i=1,...,l


2 Choose

(dn, k n) = arg mink∈N∗, d∈N∗

1n − l


I{Ψd,l,kn (xi),yi

} +λd√

n − l

where λd is a penalization term to avoid the selection of (possiblyoverfitting) very large dimensions.

Then, define Ψn = Ψdn ,l,kn



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Page 61: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Selection of the dimension of projection and of theparameter k

d and k are then automatically selected from the dataset by a validationstrategy:

1 For all k ∈ N∗ and all d ∈ N∗, compute the k -nearest neighborsclassifier, Ψd,l,k

n , from data {(xdi , yi)}i=1,...,l .

2 Choose

(dn, k n) = arg mink∈N∗, d∈N∗

1n − l


I{Ψd,l,kn (xi),yi

} +λd√

n − l

where λd is a penalization term to avoid the selection of (possiblyoverfitting) very large dimensions.

Then, define Ψn = Ψdn ,l,kn



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Page 62: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Selection of the dimension of projection and of theparameter k

d and k are then automatically selected from the dataset by a validationstrategy:

1 For all k ∈ N∗ and all d ∈ N∗, compute the k -nearest neighborsclassifier, Ψd,l,k

n , from data {(xdi , yi)}i=1,...,l .

2 Choose

(dn, k n) = arg mink∈N∗, d∈N∗

1n − l


I{Ψd,l,kn (xi),yi

} +λd√

n − l

where λd is a penalization term to avoid the selection of (possiblyoverfitting) very large dimensions.

Then, define Ψn = Ψdn ,l,kn



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Page 63: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Selection of the dimension of projection and of theparameter k

d and k are then automatically selected from the dataset by a validationstrategy:

1 For all k ∈ N∗ and all d ∈ N∗, compute the k -nearest neighborsclassifier, Ψd,l,k

n , from data {(xdi , yi)}i=1,...,l .

2 Choose

(dn, k n) = arg mink∈N∗, d∈N∗

1n − l


I{Ψd,l,kn (xi),yi

} +λd√

n − l

where λd is a penalization term to avoid the selection of (possiblyoverfitting) very large dimensions.Then, define Ψn = Ψdn ,l,kn

n .

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Page 64: FDA and Statistical learning theory

An oracle inequality

Oracle inequality [Biau et al., 2005]

Note ∆ =∑+∞

d=1 e−2λ2d < +∞. Then, it exists C > 0, only depending on ∆,

such that ∀ l > 1/∆,

E (LΨn) − L∗ ≤ infd≥1

[(L∗d − L∗) + inf



(LΨl,k ,d


)− L∗d



n − l


√log ln − l

Then, we have:

by a martingale property: limd→+∞ L∗d = L∗,

by consistency of k -nearest neighbors in Rd : for all d ≥ 1,



(LΨl,k ,d


)− L∗d

) l→+∞−−−−−→ 0,

the rest of the right hand side of the inequality can be set to convergeto 0 when n grows to infinity, for suitable choices of n, l and λd .

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An oracle inequality

Oracle inequality [Biau et al., 2005]

Note ∆ =∑+∞

d=1 e−2λ2d < +∞. Then, it exists C > 0, only depending on ∆,

such that ∀ l > 1/∆,

E (LΨn) − L∗ ≤ infd≥1

[(L∗d − L∗) + inf



(LΨl,k ,d


)− L∗d



n − l


√log ln − l

Then, we have:

by a martingale property: limd→+∞ L∗d = L∗,

by consistency of k -nearest neighbors in Rd : for all d ≥ 1,



(LΨl,k ,d


)− L∗d

) l→+∞−−−−−→ 0,

the rest of the right hand side of the inequality can be set to convergeto 0 when n grows to infinity, for suitable choices of n, l and λd .

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Page 66: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Consistency of functional k -nearest neighbors

Theorem [Biau et al., 2005]Suppose that


l = +∞ limn→+∞

(n − l) = +∞ limn→+∞

log ln − l

= 0


n→+∞E (LΨn) = L∗.

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Page 67: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Table of contents

1 Basics in statistical learning theory

2 Examples of consistent methods for FDA


4 References

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Page 68: FDA and Statistical learning theory

A binary classification problem

Suppose that we are given a random pair of variables (X ,Y) where Xtakes its values in Rd and that Y takes its values in {−1, 1}.

Moreover, we know n i.i.d. realizations of the random pair (X ,Y) thatwe denote by (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn).We try to learn a classification machine, Ψn, of the formx → Sign (〈x,w〉Rd + b), or, more precisely, of the form

x → Sign (〈φ(x),w〉X + b)

where the exact nature of φ and X will be discussed later.

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Page 69: FDA and Statistical learning theory

A binary classification problem

Suppose that we are given a random pair of variables (X ,Y) where Xtakes its values in Rd and that Y takes its values in {−1, 1}.Moreover, we know n i.i.d. realizations of the random pair (X ,Y) thatwe denote by (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn).

We try to learn a classification machine, Ψn, of the formx → Sign (〈x,w〉Rd + b), or, more precisely, of the form

x → Sign (〈φ(x),w〉X + b)

where the exact nature of φ and X will be discussed later.

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Page 70: FDA and Statistical learning theory

A binary classification problem

Suppose that we are given a random pair of variables (X ,Y) where Xtakes its values in Rd and that Y takes its values in {−1, 1}.Moreover, we know n i.i.d. realizations of the random pair (X ,Y) thatwe denote by (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn).We try to learn a classification machine, Ψn, of the formx → Sign (〈x,w〉Rd + b), or, more precisely, of the form

x → Sign (〈φ(x),w〉X + b)

where the exact nature of φ and X will be discussed later.

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Page 71: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Linear discrimination with optimal margin

Learn Ψn : x → Sign (〈x,w〉Rd + b)

Learn Ψn : x → Sign (〈x,w〉Rd + b)


margin: 1‖w‖2


Support Vector

w is such that:

minw,b ‖w‖Rd ,

such that: yi(wT xi + b) ≥ 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

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Page 72: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Linear discrimination with optimal margin

Learn Ψn : x → Sign (〈x,w〉Rd + b)

Learn Ψn : x → Sign (〈x,w〉Rd + b)


margin: 1‖w‖2


Support Vector

w is such that:

minw,b ‖w‖Rd ,

such that: yi(wT xi + b) ≥ 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

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Page 73: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Linear discrimination with optimal margin

Learn Ψn : x → Sign (〈x,w〉Rd + b)


margin: 1‖w‖2


Support Vector

w is such that:

minw,b ‖w‖Rd ,

such that: yi(wT xi + b) ≥ 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

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Page 74: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Linear discrimination with optimal margin

Learn Ψn : x → Sign (〈x,w〉Rd + b)


margin: 1‖w‖2


Support Vector

w is such that:

minw,b ‖w‖Rd ,

such that: yi(wT xi + b) ≥ 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

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Page 75: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Linear discrimination with soft margin

Learn Ψn : x → Sign (〈x,w〉Rd + b)

Learn Ψn : x → Sign (〈x,w〉Rd + b)


margin: 1‖w‖2


Support Vector

w is such that:

minw,b ,ξ ‖w‖Rd + C∑n

i=1 ξi ,

where: yi(wT xi + b) ≥ 1 − ξi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n,ξi ≥ 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

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Page 76: FDA and Statistical learning theory

Linear discrimination with soft margin

Learn Ψn : x → Sign (〈x,w〉Rd + b)

Learn Ψn : x → Sign (〈x,w〉Rd + b)


margin: 1‖w‖2


Support Vector

w is such that:

minw,b ,ξ ‖w‖Rd + C∑n

i=1 ξi ,

where: yi(wT xi + b) ≥ 1 − ξi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n,ξi ≥ 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

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Linear discrimination with soft margin

Learn Ψn : x → Sign (〈x,w〉Rd + b)


margin: 1‖w‖2


Support Vector

w is such that:

minw,b ,ξ ‖w‖Rd + C∑n

i=1 ξi ,

where: yi(wT xi + b) ≥ 1 − ξi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n,ξi ≥ 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

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Linear discrimination with soft margin

Learn Ψn : x → Sign (〈x,w〉Rd + b)


margin: 1‖w‖2


Support Vector

w is such that:

minw,b ,ξ ‖w‖Rd + C∑n

i=1 ξi ,

where: yi(wT xi + b) ≥ 1 − ξi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n,ξi ≥ 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

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Mapping the data onto a high dimensional space

Learn Ψn : x → Sign (〈φ(x),w〉X + b)

Original space Rd

Learn Ψn : x → Sign (〈φ(x),w〉X + b)

Original space Rd Feature space X

φ (nonlinear)

w is such that:

(PC ,X) minw,b ,ξ ‖w‖X + C∑n

i=1 ξi ,

where: yi(〈w, φ(xi)〉X + b) ≥ 1 − ξi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n,ξi ≥ 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

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Mapping the data onto a high dimensional space

Learn Ψn : x → Sign (〈φ(x),w〉X + b)

Original space Rd Feature space X

φ (nonlinear)

Learn Ψn : x → Sign (〈φ(x),w〉X + b)

Original space Rd Feature space X

φ (nonlinear)

w is such that:

(PC ,X) minw,b ,ξ ‖w‖X + C∑n

i=1 ξi ,

where: yi(〈w, φ(xi)〉X + b) ≥ 1 − ξi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n,ξi ≥ 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

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Mapping the data onto a high dimensional space

Learn Ψn : x → Sign (〈φ(x),w〉X + b)

Original space Rd Feature space X

φ (nonlinear)

w is such that:

(PC ,X) minw,b ,ξ ‖w‖X + C∑n

i=1 ξi ,

where: yi(〈w, φ(xi)〉X + b) ≥ 1 − ξi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n,ξi ≥ 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

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Mapping the data onto a high dimensional space

Learn Ψn : x → Sign (〈φ(x),w〉X + b)

Original space Rd Feature space X

φ (nonlinear)

w is such that:

(PC ,X) minw,b ,ξ ‖w‖X + C∑n

i=1 ξi ,

where: yi(〈w, φ(xi)〉X + b) ≥ 1 − ξi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n,ξi ≥ 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

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Details about the feature space: a regularizationframework

Regularization framework: (PC ,X)⇔

(Rλ,X) minF∈X



max(0, 1 − yiF(xi)) + λ ‖F‖X .

Dual problem: (PC ,X)⇔

(DC ,X) maxα∑n

i=1 αi −∑n


j=1 αiαjyiyj〈φ(xi), φ(xj)〉Xwhere

∑Ni=1 αiyi = 0,

0 ≤ αi ≤ C , 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

Inner product in X:∀ u, v ∈ X, K(u, v) = 〈φ(u), φ(v)〉X

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Details about the feature space: a regularizationframework

Regularization framework: (PC ,X)⇔

(Rλ,X) minF∈X



max(0, 1 − yiF(xi)) + λ ‖F‖X .

Dual problem: (PC ,X)⇔

(DC ,X) maxα∑n

i=1 αi −∑n


j=1 αiαjyiyj〈φ(xi), φ(xj)〉Xwhere

∑Ni=1 αiyi = 0,

0 ≤ αi ≤ C , 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

Inner product in X:∀ u, v ∈ X, K(u, v) = 〈φ(u), φ(v)〉X

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Details about the feature space: a regularizationframework

Regularization framework: (PC ,X)⇔

(Rλ,X) minF∈X



max(0, 1 − yiF(xi)) + λ ‖F‖X .

Dual problem: (PC ,X)⇔

(DC ,X) maxα∑n

i=1 αi −∑n


j=1 αiαjyiyj〈φ(xi), φ(xj)〉Xwhere

∑Ni=1 αiyi = 0,

0 ≤ αi ≤ C , 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

Inner product in X:∀ u, v ∈ X, K(u, v) = 〈φ(u), φ(v)〉X

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Example of usefull kernels

Provided that

∀m ∈ N∗, (ui)i=1,...,m ∈ Rd , (αi)i=1,...,m ∈ R,


αiαjK(ui , uj) ≥ 0

K can be used as a kernel mapping the original data onto a highdimensional feature space: [Aronszajn, 1950].

The Gaussian kernel: K(u, v) = e−σ2‖u−v‖2

Rd for σ > 0;

The exponential kernel: K(u, v) = e〈u,v〉R ;

Vovk’s real infinite polynomial: K(u, v) = (1 − 〈u, v〉Rd )−α for α > 0;

. . .

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Example of usefull kernels

Provided that

∀m ∈ N∗, (ui)i=1,...,m ∈ Rd , (αi)i=1,...,m ∈ R,


αiαjK(ui , uj) ≥ 0

K can be used as a kernel mapping the original data onto a highdimensional feature space: [Aronszajn, 1950].

The Gaussian kernel: K(u, v) = e−σ2‖u−v‖2

Rd for σ > 0;

The exponential kernel: K(u, v) = e〈u,v〉R ;

Vovk’s real infinite polynomial: K(u, v) = (1 − 〈u, v〉Rd )−α for α > 0;

. . .

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Example of usefull kernels

Provided that

∀m ∈ N∗, (ui)i=1,...,m ∈ Rd , (αi)i=1,...,m ∈ R,


αiαjK(ui , uj) ≥ 0

K can be used as a kernel mapping the original data onto a highdimensional feature space: [Aronszajn, 1950].

The Gaussian kernel: K(u, v) = e−σ2‖u−v‖2

Rd for σ > 0;

The exponential kernel: K(u, v) = e〈u,v〉R ;

Vovk’s real infinite polynomial: K(u, v) = (1 − 〈u, v〉Rd )−α for α > 0;

. . .

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Example of usefull kernels

Provided that

∀m ∈ N∗, (ui)i=1,...,m ∈ Rd , (αi)i=1,...,m ∈ R,


αiαjK(ui , uj) ≥ 0

K can be used as a kernel mapping the original data onto a highdimensional feature space: [Aronszajn, 1950].

The Gaussian kernel: K(u, v) = e−σ2‖u−v‖2

Rd for σ > 0;

The exponential kernel: K(u, v) = e〈u,v〉R ;

Vovk’s real infinite polynomial: K(u, v) = (1 − 〈u, v〉Rd )−α for α > 0;

. . .

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Assumptions for consistency of SVM in Rd


X takes its values in a compact subset of Rd ,W;

the kernel K is universal onW (i.e., the set of all functions

{u ∈ W → 〈w, φ(u)〉X, w ∈ X} is dense in C0(W);

∀ ε > 0, the ε-covering number of φ(W), that is, the minimum number of

balls of radius ε that are needed to cover φ(W), is such that:N(K , ε) = O (ε−α) for α > 0;

the regularization parameter, C, depends on n by:limn→+∞ nCn = +∞, Cn = O


)for 0 < β < 1/α.

Remark: The Gaussian kernel satisfies all these assumptions withN(K , ε) = O




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Assumptions for consistency of SVM in Rd


X takes its values in a compact subset of Rd ,W;

the kernel K is universal onW (i.e., the set of all functions

{u ∈ W → 〈w, φ(u)〉X, w ∈ X} is dense in C0(W);

∀ ε > 0, the ε-covering number of φ(W), that is, the minimum number of

balls of radius ε that are needed to cover φ(W), is such that:N(K , ε) = O (ε−α) for α > 0;

the regularization parameter, C, depends on n by:limn→+∞ nCn = +∞, Cn = O


)for 0 < β < 1/α.

Remark: The Gaussian kernel satisfies all these assumptions withN(K , ε) = O




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Assumptions for consistency of SVM in Rd


X takes its values in a compact subset of Rd ,W;

the kernel K is universal onW (i.e., the set of all functions

{u ∈ W → 〈w, φ(u)〉X, w ∈ X} is dense in C0(W);

∀ ε > 0, the ε-covering number of φ(W), that is, the minimum number of

balls of radius ε that are needed to cover φ(W), is such that:N(K , ε) = O (ε−α) for α > 0;

the regularization parameter, C, depends on n by:limn→+∞ nCn = +∞, Cn = O


)for 0 < β < 1/α.

Remark: The Gaussian kernel satisfies all these assumptions withN(K , ε) = O




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Assumptions for consistency of SVM in Rd


X takes its values in a compact subset of Rd ,W;

the kernel K is universal onW (i.e., the set of all functions

{u ∈ W → 〈w, φ(u)〉X, w ∈ X} is dense in C0(W);

∀ ε > 0, the ε-covering number of φ(W), that is, the minimum number of

balls of radius ε that are needed to cover φ(W), is such that:N(K , ε) = O (ε−α) for α > 0;

the regularization parameter, C, depends on n by:limn→+∞ nCn = +∞, Cn = O


)for 0 < β < 1/α.

Remark: The Gaussian kernel satisfies all these assumptions withN(K , ε) = O




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Assumptions for consistency of SVM in Rd


X takes its values in a compact subset of Rd ,W;

the kernel K is universal onW (i.e., the set of all functions

{u ∈ W → 〈w, φ(u)〉X, w ∈ X} is dense in C0(W);

∀ ε > 0, the ε-covering number of φ(W), that is, the minimum number of

balls of radius ε that are needed to cover φ(W), is such that:N(K , ε) = O (ε−α) for α > 0;

the regularization parameter, C, depends on n by:limn→+∞ nCn = +∞, Cn = O


)for 0 < β < 1/α.

Remark: The Gaussian kernel satisfies all these assumptions withN(K , ε) = O



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Consistency of SVM in Rd

Theorem [Steinwart, 2002]Under assumptions (A1)-(A4), SVM are consistent.

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Why SVM can’t be directly applied to functional data?

Suppose now that X takes its values in a Hilbert space (X, 〈., .〉X).

1 We already talk about the advantages of regularization orprojection of the functional data as a pre-processing;

2 The consistency result can’t be directly applied with infinitedimensional data because the condition of covering number forinfinite dimensional Gaussian kernel is not valid.

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Why SVM can’t be directly applied to functional data?

Suppose now that X takes its values in a Hilbert space (X, 〈., .〉X).

1 We already talk about the advantages of regularization orprojection of the functional data as a pre-processing;

2 The consistency result can’t be directly applied with infinitedimensional data because the condition of covering number forinfinite dimensional Gaussian kernel is not valid.

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Why SVM can’t be directly applied to functional data?

Suppose now that X takes its values in a Hilbert space (X, 〈., .〉X).

1 We already talk about the advantages of regularization orprojection of the functional data as a pre-processing;

2 The consistency result can’t be directly applied with infinitedimensional data because the condition of covering number forinfinite dimensional Gaussian kernel is not valid.

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A consistent approach based on the ideas of[Biau et al., 2005]

1 (ψj)j is a Hilbert basis of X: Projection on (ψj)j=1,...,d ;

2 Choice of the parameters: a ≡ d ∈ N, K ∈ Jd , C ∈ [0;Cd ]

Splitting the data : B1 = (x1, y1), . . . , (xl , yl) andB2 = (xl+1, yl+1), . . . , (xn, yn);Learn a SVM on B1: Ψl,a

n ;Validation on B2:

a∗ = arg mina

L̂n−lΨl,an +


n − l

with L̂n−lΨl,an = 1


∑ni=l+1 I


n (xi),yi


⇒ The obtained classifier is denoted Ψn.

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A consistent approach based on the ideas of[Biau et al., 2005]

1 (ψj)j is a Hilbert basis of X: Projection on (ψj)j=1,...,d ;2 Choice of the parameters: a ≡ d ∈ N, K ∈ Jd , C ∈ [0;Cd ]

Splitting the data : B1 = (x1, y1), . . . , (xl , yl) andB2 = (xl+1, yl+1), . . . , (xn, yn);Learn a SVM on B1: Ψl,a

n ;Validation on B2:

a∗ = arg mina

L̂n−lΨl,an +


n − l

with L̂n−lΨl,an = 1


∑ni=l+1 I


n (xi),yi

}.⇒ The obtained classifier is denoted Ψn.

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A consistent approach based on the ideas of[Biau et al., 2005]

1 (ψj)j is a Hilbert basis of X: Projection on (ψj)j=1,...,d ;2 Choice of the parameters: a ≡ d ∈ N, K ∈ Jd , C ∈ [0;Cd ]

Splitting the data : B1 = (x1, y1), . . . , (xl , yl) andB2 = (xl+1, yl+1), . . . , (xn, yn);

Learn a SVM on B1: Ψl,an ;

Validation on B2:

a∗ = arg mina

L̂n−lΨl,an +


n − l

with L̂n−lΨl,an = 1


∑ni=l+1 I


n (xi),yi

}.⇒ The obtained classifier is denoted Ψn.

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A consistent approach based on the ideas of[Biau et al., 2005]

1 (ψj)j is a Hilbert basis of X: Projection on (ψj)j=1,...,d ;2 Choice of the parameters: a ≡ d ∈ N, K ∈ Jd , C ∈ [0;Cd ]

Splitting the data : B1 = (x1, y1), . . . , (xl , yl) andB2 = (xl+1, yl+1), . . . , (xn, yn);Learn a SVM on B1: Ψl,a

n ;

Validation on B2:

a∗ = arg mina

L̂n−lΨl,an +


n − l

with L̂n−lΨl,an = 1


∑ni=l+1 I


n (xi),yi

}.⇒ The obtained classifier is denoted Ψn.

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A consistent approach based on the ideas of[Biau et al., 2005]

1 (ψj)j is a Hilbert basis of X: Projection on (ψj)j=1,...,d ;2 Choice of the parameters: a ≡ d ∈ N, K ∈ Jd , C ∈ [0;Cd ]

Splitting the data : B1 = (x1, y1), . . . , (xl , yl) andB2 = (xl+1, yl+1), . . . , (xn, yn);Learn a SVM on B1: Ψl,a

n ;Validation on B2:

a∗ = arg mina

L̂n−lΨl,an +


n − l

with L̂n−lΨl,an = 1


∑ni=l+1 I


n (xi),yi


⇒ The obtained classifier is denoted Ψn.

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A consistent approach based on the ideas of[Biau et al., 2005]

1 (ψj)j is a Hilbert basis of X: Projection on (ψj)j=1,...,d ;2 Choice of the parameters: a ≡ d ∈ N, K ∈ Jd , C ∈ [0;Cd ]

Splitting the data : B1 = (x1, y1), . . . , (xl , yl) andB2 = (xl+1, yl+1), . . . , (xn, yn);Learn a SVM on B1: Ψl,a

n ;Validation on B2:

a∗ = arg mina

L̂n−lΨl,an +


n − l

with L̂n−lΨl,an = 1


∑ni=l+1 I


n (xi),yi

}.⇒ The obtained classifier is denoted Ψn.

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Assumptions on X

(A1) X takes its values in a bounded subset of X.

Assumptions on the parameters: ∀ d ≥ 1,(A2) Jd is a finite set;(A3) ∃Kd ∈ Jd such that: Kd is universal on any compact of Rd and∃νd > 0 : N(Kd , ε) = O (ε−νd );(A4) Cd > 1;(A5)

∑d≥1 |Jd |e−2λ2

d < +∞.

Assumptions on training/validation sets

(A6) limn→+∞ l = +∞;(A7) limn→+∞ n − l = +∞;(A8) limn→+∞

l log(n−l)n−l = 0.

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Assumptions on X

(A1) X takes its values in a bounded subset of X.

Assumptions on the parameters: ∀ d ≥ 1,(A2) Jd is a finite set;(A3) ∃Kd ∈ Jd such that: Kd is universal on any compact of Rd and∃νd > 0 : N(Kd , ε) = O (ε−νd );(A4) Cd > 1;(A5)

∑d≥1 |Jd |e−2λ2

d < +∞.

Assumptions on training/validation sets

(A6) limn→+∞ l = +∞;(A7) limn→+∞ n − l = +∞;(A8) limn→+∞

l log(n−l)n−l = 0.

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Assumptions on X

(A1) X takes its values in a bounded subset of X.

Assumptions on the parameters: ∀ d ≥ 1,(A2) Jd is a finite set;(A3) ∃Kd ∈ Jd such that: Kd is universal on any compact of Rd and∃νd > 0 : N(Kd , ε) = O (ε−νd );(A4) Cd > 1;(A5)

∑d≥1 |Jd |e−2λ2

d < +∞.

Assumptions on training/validation sets

(A6) limn→+∞ l = +∞;(A7) limn→+∞ n − l = +∞;(A8) limn→+∞

l log(n−l)n−l = 0.

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Theorem [Rossi and Villa, 2006]Under assumptions (A1)-(A8), Ψn is consistent:

E (LΨn)n→+∞−−−−−−→ L∗.

Ideas of the proof: The proof is based on a similar sketch as in the workof [Biau et al., 2005] but the result allows the use of a continuousparameter (the regularization parameter C), based on the shattercoefficient of a class of functions that includes SVM.

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Theorem [Rossi and Villa, 2006]Under assumptions (A1)-(A8), Ψn is consistent:

E (LΨn)n→+∞−−−−−−→ L∗.

Ideas of the proof: The proof is based on a similar sketch as in the workof [Biau et al., 2005] but the result allows the use of a continuousparameter (the regularization parameter C), based on the shattercoefficient of a class of functions that includes SVM.

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Application 1: Voice recognition

Description of the data and methods3 problems and for each problem, 100 records sampled at 82 192points;

consistent approach:Projection on a trigonometric basis;Splitting the data base into 50 curves (training) / 49 (validation);Performances calculated by leave-one-out.


Prob. k -nn QDA SVM gau. SVM lin. SVM lin.(proj) (proj) (direct)

yes/no 10% 7% 10% 19% 58%boat/goat 21% 35% 8% 29% 46%

sh/ao 16% 19% 12% 25% 47%

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Application 1: Voice recognition

Description of the data and methods3 problems and for each problem, 100 records sampled at 82 192points;consistent approach:

Projection on a trigonometric basis;Splitting the data base into 50 curves (training) / 49 (validation);Performances calculated by leave-one-out.


Prob. k -nn QDA SVM gau. SVM lin. SVM lin.(proj) (proj) (direct)

yes/no 10% 7% 10% 19% 58%boat/goat 21% 35% 8% 29% 46%

sh/ao 16% 19% 12% 25% 47%

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Application 1: Voice recognition

Description of the data and methods3 problems and for each problem, 100 records sampled at 82 192points;consistent approach:

Projection on a trigonometric basis;Splitting the data base into 50 curves (training) / 49 (validation);Performances calculated by leave-one-out.


Prob. k -nn QDA SVM gau. SVM lin. SVM lin.(proj) (proj) (direct)

yes/no 10% 7% 10% 19% 58%boat/goat 21% 35% 8% 29% 46%

sh/ao 16% 19% 12% 25% 47%

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Regression by SVM

Suppose that we are given a random pair of variables (X ,Y) where Xtakes its values in Rd and that Y takes its values in R.

Moreover, we know n i.i.d. realizations of the random pair (X ,Y) thatwe denote by (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn).Once again, we try to learn a regression machine, Ψn, of the form

x → 〈φ(x),w〉X + b

where the exact nature of φ and X will be discussed later.

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Regression by SVM

Suppose that we are given a random pair of variables (X ,Y) where Xtakes its values in Rd and that Y takes its values in R.Moreover, we know n i.i.d. realizations of the random pair (X ,Y) thatwe denote by (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn).

Once again, we try to learn a regression machine, Ψn, of the form

x → 〈φ(x),w〉X + b

where the exact nature of φ and X will be discussed later.

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Regression by SVM

Suppose that we are given a random pair of variables (X ,Y) where Xtakes its values in Rd and that Y takes its values in R.Moreover, we know n i.i.d. realizations of the random pair (X ,Y) thatwe denote by (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn).Once again, we try to learn a regression machine, Ψn, of the form

x → 〈φ(x),w〉X + b

where the exact nature of φ and X will be discussed later.

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Generalization of the classification case toregression

w and b minimize

C ‖w‖2X



L εk (xi , yi ,w)

where L εk , for k = 1, 2 and ε ≥ 0 is the ε-sensitive loss function:

L εk (xi , yi ,w) = max(0, |yi − 〈φ(xi),w〉X|k − ε


or any other loss function.

Remark: A dual version, which is a quadratic optimization problem in Rn,also exists.

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Generalization of the classification case toregression

w and b minimize

C ‖w‖2X



L εk (xi , yi ,w)

where L εk , for k = 1, 2 and ε ≥ 0 is the ε-sensitive loss function:

L εk (xi , yi ,w) = max(0, |yi − 〈φ(xi),w〉X|k − ε


or any other loss function.Remark: A dual version, which is a quadratic optimization problem in Rn,also exists.

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A kernel ridge regression

When ε is equal to 0 and k = 2, the previous problem becomes: Find wand b that minimize

Υ ‖w‖2X



(y − 〈φ(xi),w〉X)2

which can be viewed as a kernel ridge regression. This method is alsoknown under the name of Least-Square SVM or LS-SVM.

A multidimensional consistency result is available in[Christmann and Steinwart, 2007]: the same method as for SVMclassifiers can then be used for the regression case !

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A kernel ridge regression

When ε is equal to 0 and k = 2, the previous problem becomes: Find wand b that minimize

Υ ‖w‖2X



(y − 〈φ(xi),w〉X)2

which can be viewed as a kernel ridge regression. This method is alsoknown under the name of Least-Square SVM or LS-SVM.A multidimensional consistency result is available in[Christmann and Steinwart, 2007]: the same method as for SVMclassifiers can then be used for the regression case !

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Table of contents

1 Basics in statistical learning theory

2 Examples of consistent methods for FDA


4 References

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Further details for the references are given in the joint document.

Aronszajn, N. (1950).Theory of reproducing kernels.Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 68(3):337–404.

Biau, G., Bunea, F., and Wegkamp, M. (2005).Functional classification in Hilbert spaces.IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 51:2163–2172.

Christmann, A. and Steinwart, I. (2007).Consistency and robustness of kernel-based regression in convex riskminimization.Bernouilli, 13(3):799–819.

Laloë, T. (2008).A k-nearest neighbor approach for functional regression.Statistics and Probability Letters, 78(10):1189–1193.

Rossi, F. and Conan-Guez, B. (2006).Theoretical properties of projection based multilayer perceptrons withfunctional inputs.Neural Processing Letters, 23(1):55–70.

Rossi, F. and Villa, N. (2006).Support vector machine for functional data classification.Neurocomputing, 69(7-9):730–742.

Steinwart, I. (2002).Support vector machines are universally consistent.Journal of Complexity, 18:768–791.

Vapnik, V. (1995).The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory.Springer Verlag, New York.

Vapnik, V. (1998).Statistical Learning Theory.Wiley, New York.

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