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  • 7/25/2019 fcps surg .


    FCPS-Part-1, Surgery & Allied Paper 1 & 2 (1stJanuary 2015) - SOL!"CPSP Past papers for FCPS part 1 past paper solved of

    1st January 2015 for the speciality of Surgery & Allied.1. Most appropriate about Clavipectroral Fascia:

    A. Above the clavicle connects wid Pretracheal Facia

    B. Part of Endothorac Fascia

    C. Covers Pectoralis Major

    D.Covers Pectoralis Minor

    . !f "ateral Cord of Brachial Ple#us will da$a%e which $uscle will %et paral&sed $ost li'el&:

    A. Pectoralis Major

    B.Pectoralis Minor

    C. (eres Major

    D. (eres Minor

    ). Patient with fluid loss now show $etabolic acidosis e h&po'ale$ia. $ost fluid loss will be


    A. *to$ach

    B. Colon

    C. Pancreas

    D. Duodenu$

    E. +ujenu$

    ,. Fracture of sur%ical nec' of -u$erus da$a%e to:

    A. A#illar& erve

    B. /adial

    C. Musculocutaneous

    D. Median

  • 7/25/2019 fcps surg .


    0. !nversion of foot b& which $uscle:A. Peronues "on%us

    B. Peroneus Brevis

    C. Peroneus tertius

    D. (ibialis Posterior

    . Pain fro$ 2allbladder felt in Anterior (rian%le of nec'3 this $echanis$ of /effered Pain

    appropraite state$ent is:

    A. 4a%us erve has wide distribution in thora# and $ost of abdo$inal or%ans

    B. Accersor& nerve %ives fibers to 2allbladder

    C. Paras&$pathetic so$ethin%

    D. /oot value of nerve suppl& is sa$e in both re%ions

    5. "ateral foot der$ato$e:

    A. *1

    B. *)

    C. ",

    D. "0

    E. ")

    6. 7hich $uscle and nerve pair is correctA. Biceps8 C

    B. (ricep8 C6

    C. Brachioradialis C

    D. (eres Major (1

  • 7/25/2019 fcps surg .


    9. ME"A* s&ndro$e histolo%ical findin%:

    A. "oflar bodies

    B. !nclusion bodies

    C. 2ranulo$asD. C&st

    E. /ed ra%%ed fibers

    1. 2iant Cell (u$ors histo findin%:

    A. *potted calcifications

    B. *oap Bubble appearance

    C. Basal 2ranulesD. E#cessive eutrophils

    11. Blast Cells in peripheral blood:

    A. !ron deficienc& ane$ias

    B. Er&throblastosis fetalis

    C. Folate deficienc&

    D. Bone $arrow depression

    1. Most co$$on cause of -epatocellular Carcino$a in developin% countries:

    A. -EP B ; C

    B. -ep C

    C. -ep B


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    C. Cholan%io CA

    D. -epatitis

    1,. /e%ardin% "&$ph draina%e of breast e#cept:

    A. Apical

    B. *upraclavicular odes

    C. Pectoral odes

    D. !nferior Phrenic odes

    10. Closure of lips involve: or unable to close lips which $uscle involved:

    1. Depressor an%uli oris

    . Depressor labii inferioris

    ). Depressor labi superioris

    ,. =rbicularis oris

    0. "ateral pter&%oid

    1. *uperior (h&roid arter& arise fro$:

    A. First branch of *ubclavian Arter&

    B. E#ternal Carotid Arter&

    C. !nternal Carotid Arter&

    D. *upraclavicular Arter&

    15. !ncubation period of which disease is lon%est:

    1. Measles

    . /ubella

    ). Chic'en po#

    ,. !nfectious $ononucleosis

    0. Mu$ps

  • 7/25/2019 fcps surg .


    16. Chronic Fun%al infection with rhinosinusitis causin% $edial erosion and %ranulo$as:1. Cr&ptococcosis

    . Mucor$&cosis

    ). /hinoph&co$&cosis

    ,. -istoplas$osis

    0. Asper%illus

    19. 7hich of followin% has hi%hest chances of developin% endo$etrial cancer

    1. *i$ple h&perplasia

    . Co$ple# h&perplasia without at&pia

    ). Co$ple# h&perplasia with at&pia

    ,. *>ua$ous $etaplasia

    0. Chronic endo$etritis

    . /e%ardin% C*F

    1. For$ed b& epend&$al cells

    . For$ed 0$l?da&

    ). For$ed onl& )percent b& chorioid ple#us

    ,. Arachnoid villi are visible

    1. A%e esti$ation at fifth to 1th wee' is done throu%h:A. Biparietal dia$eter

    B. Crown ru$p len%th

    C. Crown heel len%th

    D. Abdo$inal circu$ference

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    .A sprinter durin% runnin% had injur& to his an'le. -e can stand on his toes but with severe

    pain.. (here is a visible ecch&$oses around an'le joint:

    A. Plantaris tendon

    B. Deltoid li%a$entC. *oleus (endon

    D. Peroneus lon%us tendon

    ).=tic %an%lion is between $andibular nerve and tensor t&$pani. !t@s superior border is for$ed


    A. Fora$en laceru$

    B. Fora$en ovaleC. Fora$en rotundu$

    D. *t&loid process

    ,. A$oeba causes lesions in which part of %ut:

    A. (er$inal ileu$

    B. Cecu$

    C. Ascendin% colon

    D. (ransverse colon

    E. *i%$oid and rectu$

    0. A &oun% bo& with inc appetite wei%ht %ain and sleep proble$s. =n e#a$ination he is havin%

    %enitals h&poplasia:

    A. -&poth&roidis$

    B. Pineal tu$or

    C. Craniophar&n%io$a

    D. arcoleps&

    E. Cushin% disease

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    . *ensor& suppl& of uterus passes throu%h which li%a$ent:

    1. Broad li%a$ent

    . /ound li%a$ent

    ). Cardinal li%a$ent,. terosacral li%a$ent

    0. terocervical li%a$ent

    5. -i%hest nu$ber of alpha resceptors are present in:

    1. (ri%one

    . ec' of bladder and pro#i$al urethra

    ). Penile urethra,. Me$branous urethra

    0. E#ternal urethral openin%

    6. /e%ardin% elbow joint:

    1. Capsule deficient posteriorl&

    . Covered all around b& $uscles

    ). -in%e joint

    ,. *upination occurs here

    0. +oint between hu$erus3 radius3 ulna

    9. A needle when inserted c$ below and lateral to pubic tubercle will be closel& related to on:

    A. =bturator nerve

    B. !lioin%uinal nerve

    C. *ciatic nerve

    D. Fe$oral nerve

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    ). /e%ardin% Pter&%opalatine /aphe:

    A. Buccinator

    B. !nferior constrictor

    C. Parts fro$ all constrictors

    D. Middle constrictor

    )1. Most i$portant characteristic of 2l&co%en *tora%e diseases are:

    A. -&per%l&ce$ia with -epato$e%al&

    B. -&per%l&ce$ia with sple$o$e%al&

    C. -&po%l&ce$ia with -epatospleno$e%al&

    D. -&po%l&ce$ia with -epato$e%al&

    ). Buccophar&n%eal Me$brane:

    A. *to$odiu$ fro$ Fore%ut

    B. ose fro$ Phar&n#

    C. "ar&n# fro$ cricoid

    D. (on%ue fro$ phar&n#

    )). P(:

    A. inhibits s&nthesis of th&roid hor$ones

    B. inhibits release of th&roid hor$ones

    C. inhibits upta'e of th&roid hor$one

    ),. Most co$$on position of appendi#:

    A. /etrocecal

    B. Pelvic

    C. !leal

    D. Absent

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    )0. Pretracehal fascia infections spreads to:A. Anterior $ediastinu$

    B. Posterior $ediastinu$

    C. Middle

    ). *ensations fro$ tip of fin%ers b&:

    A. a fibers

    B. a beta fibers

    C. a delta fibers

    D. c fibers

    )5. *hiverin% center is located in:

    A. Anterior h&pothala$us

    B. Posterior h&pothala$us

    )6. 7hich tu$or involves e#tension to nerve sheath:

    1. Mo$as

    . Adeno$as

    ). -e$an%ioperic&to$a

    ,. Carcino$a e#pleo$orphic adeno$a

    )9. Anterior epitheliu$ of cornea is:

    1. *tratified s>ua$ous 'eratinied

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    . *i$ple s>ua$ous

    ). *i$ple colu$nar

    ,. *tratified *>ua$ous non 'eratinied

    ,. A ) &ear old wo$an in aad 'ash$ir was injured $ildl& in an earth>ua'e that 'illed $an&

    people apart fro$ her distant uncle. *he would $ost probabl& be in

    1. *ocial crisis

    . Personal crisis

    ). *ituational crisis

    ,. Develop$ental crisis

    ,1. 7hile a sur%er& on sub$andibular %land which has $ore chances of injur&:

    1. *uperior th&roid arter&

    . "in%ual nerve

    ) Mandibular nerve

    ,. Facial nerve

    ,. Function e#clusivel& lin'ed with vit E:

    1. Carboh&drate $etabolis$

    . Endothelial protection

    ). *'in inte%rit&

    ,. Di%estion

    0. hor$one re%ulation

    ,). 7hich one co$bination is correct:

    1. (hiopental reduces heart rate

    . Profofol increases cerebral blood flow

    ). Morphine reduces apnoeic threshold

    ,. eta$ine causes bronchodilation

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    ,,. A )1 &ear old &oun% $an has heaviness in his scrotu$ for si# $onths. =n e#a$ination a solid0c$ $ass is palpated. =n labs his alpha feto protein level was 61n%?$l while b-C2 level was 10

    !?l. *a$e side orchiecto$& was done and 7hich of followin% could be the cause

    1. "e&di% cell tu$or

    . E$br&onal carcino$a

    ). Choriocarcino$a

    ,. (erato$a

    ,0. 7hich li%a$ent supports odontoid process of a#is on atlas ste$ not sure

    A. Posterior lon%itudinal li%a$ent

    B. Anterior lon%itudinal li%a$ent

    C. (ranverse li%a$ent

    D. "i%a$entu$ nuchae

    ,. A patient ca$e in E/3 with bleedin% fro$ i %uess Fe$oral Arter& so$ethin%. and due to

    h&povole$ia which will be "EA*( affected:

    A. M&ocardiu$

    B. Brain

    C. /etina

    D. *'eletal Muscles

    E. !ntestines

    ,5. Medial %eniculate bod&

    A. /eceives oculo$otor fibers

    B. =ptic tract fibers

    C. Fibers ascend to thala$ocortical areas

    D. *olel& to thala$us

    E. Project to 4isual Corte#

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    ,6. Cerebral Malaria caused b&:A. Plas$odiu$ Falciparu$

    B. Plas$odiu$ Malariae

    C. Plas$odiu$ =vale

    D. Plas$odiu$ viva#

    ,9. C5 4ertebrae has:

    A. "on%est spine

    B. Broad bod&

    C. Most co$$onl& fractured

    D. 1st vertebrae to develop

    0. P( !s indicated b&:

    A. !!!

    B. 4!!!

    C. !

    D. !!

    E. !

    01. Percenta%e of Plas$a out of ECF:

    A. )GB. G

    C. 0G

    D. 10G

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    0. Direct !n%uinal -ernia:

    A. Medial to epi%astric Arter&

    B. "ateral to epi%astric arter&

    C. *uperior to epi%astric arter&

    D. !nferior to epi%astric arter&

    0). ewborn with a Er&throblastosis Fetalis havin% Blood%p Bpos what is best for $ana%e$ent:

    A. 2ive an& blood

    B. 2ive blood of fetal blood %roup

    C. 2ive =8ve

    D. 2ive Blood of Maternal blood %roup

    0,. A $an durin% fastin% his urine beco$e concentrated because of:

    A. Decrease inta'e of water

    B. Adh secretion

    C. 2rowth hor$one

    D. !nsulin

    00. /e%ardin% (halese$ia

    A. Defect in ratio of chains

    B. Defect in %lobin production

    C. Defect in er&thropoietin secretion

    D. Defect in /BC se>uestration

    0. For assess$ent of nutritional status of a person alon% with wei%ht loss what u will assess: A.


    B. 4ita$ins

    C. Albu$in

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    D. Electrol&tes

    05. Most radiosenstive tu$our:

    A. 2lioblasto$a $ultifor$e

    B. 2lio%lio$a

    C. Craniophar&n%io$a

    D. Astroc&to$a

    06. !f a person is ta'in% Protein in his diet which will be necessar&:

    A. /iboflavin

    B. (hia$ine

    C. 4ita$in B1

    D. Ascorbic acid

    09. /e%ardin% AD- secretion:

    A. /eleased in increased Plas$a os$olarit&

    B. /eleased in decreased plas$a os$olarit&

    C. Decreased durin% sleep

    . *cenario bif on Marfans wid $itral valve prolapse died and on autops& is prolapse this was

    due to defect in

    A. FibrillinB. *pectrin

    C. 2lobin

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    1. 2roup of &oun% $en bathin% n beech ne#t da& develop blisters on bac' shoulder li$bs re%ion

    cause is:

    A. Mast cell destruction

    B. Endotheliu$ venules destruction

    C. Platelet destruction

    D. !(P

    . =bstruction to /CA after %ivin% Mar%inal branch will affect:

    A. A4 ode

    B. *A node

    C. A4 bundle

    D. Bundle of -is

    ). /e%ardin% -EA/( what is appropriate:

    A. *A ode %enerates spontaneous i$pulses

    B. A4 node

    C. Bundle of -is

    ,. *econd -eart sound produced b&:

    A. Closure of aortic and pul$onar& valve

    B. Fillin% of ventriles

    C. Contration of ventricles

    D. Contraction of atria

    0. "eft Atriu$ supplied b&:

    A. "C

    B. /CA

    C. "CA

  • 7/25/2019 fcps surg .


    . !nferior 7all M! arter& involved:A. /i%ht Mar%inal Arter&

    B. /CA

    C. "eft $ar%inal arter&

    D. "C

    5. Aortic valve closure outsets:

    A. /apid fillin%

    B. !sovlu$ic /ela#ation or !sovolu$etric rela#ation

    C. !sovoul$etric Contraction

    D. Contraction of ventriles

    6. -i%hest Cardiac =utput in:

    A. Ane$ia

    B. Pre%nanc&

    C. Beri Beri

    D. awashior'er

    9. Most suitable *A!D durin% "actation:

    A. !buprofen

    B. Pero#ica$C. apro#en

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    5. Mali%nant tu$our $esench&$al in ori%in:

    A. *arco$a

    B. ADeno$a

    C. Melano$a

    D. Menin%io$a

    51. /enal Colu$n:

    A. Collectin% Duct

    B. !nterlobar arter&

    C. !nterlobular arter&

    D. Minor cal&ces

    5. 16 &ear old %irl has fever tenderness in ri%ht ileac fossa. =n labs 7BC 15cells?$$).

    Appendicecto$& was prefor$ed. 7hich of the followin% would be seen on histolo%&

    1. ( l&$phoc&tes in wall of appendi#

    . Pol&$orphonuclear neutrophills

    ). 2lissenin% $ass at ape# of appendi#

    5). Mo$as $ost co$$on location:

    A. "eft Atriu$

    B. /i%ht Atriu$

    C. !nterventricular septu$

    D. Pur'inje $i#ed fibers

    5,. /e%ardin% Bain Brid%e /efle#:

    A. !ncreases -/

    B. Decreases -/

    C. Maintains posture and balance

    D. !ncreases s&ste$ic resistance

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    50. *ur%eons injects d&e durin% sur%er& throu%h:A. "i%a$entu$ (eres

    B. "i%a$entu$ flavu$

    C. (rian%le of safet&

    D. pper outer deltoid re%ion

    5. Appendicular Arter& is a branch of:

    A. Posterior Cecal Arter&

    B. !liocolic Arter&

    C. Anterior Cecal Arter&

    D. !nferior Mesenteric Arter&

    56. Bladder carcino$a:

    A. *chistoso$a he$atobiu$

    B. CM4

    C. -P4

    D. (o#oplas$a %ondii

    59. /e%ardin% (h&$us:

    A. -assals corpuscles

    B. s&nthesis of t l&$phoc&tes within lobuleC. /each $a#i$u$ sie at birth

    D. /each $a#i$u$ sie in old a%e

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    6.!nion is:

    A. Part of pterion

    B. Posteroinferior pro$inent part of occipital bone

    C. Posterior to frontal bone

    D. !nternall& to occipital bone

    61.Function e#clusivel& lin'ed with vit E:

    A. Carboh&drate $etabolis$

    B. Endothelial protection

    C. *'in inte%rit&

    D. 2er$inal epithelial protection

    6.-eterophile antibod& is seen in:

    A. !nfectious $ononucleosis

    B. -erpes si$ple#

    C. 2onorrhea

    D. Down *&ndro$e

    6).Deep to post di%astric and near palato%lossus a structure runs obli>uel& upwards

    A. Facial arter&

    B. "in%ual arter&

    C. Ma#illar& arter&

    D. *uperior th&roid

    6,.ucleus of %eneral visceral efferents of tenth nerve to palate $uscles is present in:

    A. "ocus ceruleus

    B. (ractus solitarius

    C. ucleus a$bi%uous

    D. ucleus raphe

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    60.7hich tu$or involves e#tension to nerve sheath:1. Mo$as

    . Adeno$as

    ). -e$an%ioperic&to$a

    ,. Carcino$a e#pleo$orphic adeno$a

    6. "oss of abduction and adduction of fin%ers and adduction of thu$b with intact s'in

    sensations involves:

    1. /ecurrent branch of $edian

    . Deep branch of ulnar

    65.A 0 &ear old $an underwent coronar& arter& b&pass %raft two wee's a%o and now presents

    with purpuric patches on s'in. =n labs his P( and aP(( were nor$al. Followin% is true:

    A. -eparin induced thro$boc&topenia

    B. Dru% induced thro$boc&topenia

    C. !(P

    D. ((P

    66./e%ardin% pneu$oto#ic center followin% is true:

    A. !ncreases inspirator& potential

    B. Fires d&na$ic respirator& driveC. !ncreases respirator& rate while sleepin%

    D. /esponsible for neonatal /D*

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    69. 7hat is correct about th&roid:

    A. *upplied b& ) paired arteries

    B. *urrounded b& prevertebral fascia

    C. !sth$us attached to cricoid

    D. 4enous draina%e in bracheocephalic vein

    9. /e%ardin% Pituitar& %land:

    A. *ecretes (*-

    B. *ecretes (/F

    C. *ecretes Epinephrine

    D. *ecretes /enin

    91. Color differentiation due to red and %reen:

    A. Protonopia

    B. (ritanopia

    C. -e$ianopia

    9. Dental carries due to: or infection due to

    A. Bacillus

    B. "actobacillus

    C. *retptococcus

    D. *taph aureus

    9). "a&er of the viscera fro$ outer$ost to inner$ost:

    A. serosa subserosa $uscularis $ucosa sub$ucosa $ucosa

    B. serosa sub$ucosa $ucosa subserosa $uscularis $ucosa

    C. subserosa $uscularis $ucosa sub$ucosa $ucosa serosa

    D. sub$ucosa $ucosa serosa subserosa $uscularis $ucosa

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    9,. D&spha%ia due to li>uids onl&:A. Plu$$er 4inson s&ndro$e

    B. euro$uscular bloc'ade

    C. *tro'e

    D. Esopha%eal tu$or

    90. Cholan%iocarcino$a spread b&:

    A. Clonorchs sinuses

    B. Portal circulation

    9. Post 1?) of the ton%ue supplied b&:

    A. Cranial nerve 9

    B. Cranial nerve 1

    C. Cranial nerve 11

    D. Cranial nerve 1

    95. Blood %roup AH transfusions reaction due to:

    A. AH

    B. BH

    C. =8

    D. A8

    96. -= found in:

    A. Pero#iso$e

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    B. Mitochondira

    C. "&soso$e

    D. /E/

    99. !CAM and 4CAM are for:

    A. "eucoc&te adhesion

    B. Platelet adhesion

    C. eutrophil adhesion

    D. Activation of $ast cells

    1. Breast atroph& in &oun% fe$ale is due to:

    A. Estro%en

    B. Estro%en and Pro%esterone

    C. Pro%esterone

    D. F*-

    11. /e%ardin% cancer3 it is caused b& $utations in:

    A. Protoonco%en

    B. =nco%en

    C. $itochondrial DA

    D. onl& %er$ cells

    1. Essential a$ino acid:

    A. Phen&lalanine

    B. Acarbine

    C. listerine

    D. alpha lenoleic acid

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    1). Fecal incontinence after trau$a da$a%e to:

    A. E#ternal anal sphincter

    B. /ectu$C. !nternal anal sphinter

    D. 2luteus $a#i$us

    1,. +oinin% of !CA and Basilar arter&:

    A. Posterior co$$unicatin% Arter&

    B. Anterior co$$unicatin% Arter&

    C. "ateral co$$unicatin% arter&D. Median Arter&

    10. /e%ardin% Beta A%onists:

    A. !ncrease -/

    B. Causes Bronchoconstriction

    C. o effect on heart

    1. Polio$&elitis:

    A. Anterior horn cell defect

    B. Dorsal colu$n disease

    15. *cenario about C-F than as'ed about reason for ede$a:

    A. Dec Colloid os$otic pressure

    B. !nc Colloid os$otic pressure

    C. Dec h&drostatic pressure

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    16. /e%ardin% P 4alue:A. Chec's probabilit&

    B. Percentile so$ethin%

    C. is sa$e as $edian value

    19. /e%ardin% - Bloc'ers:

    A. !nhibits both %astric acid secretion and paras&$pathetic sti$ulation

    B. !ncrease %astric acid secretion

    C. binds per$anentl& to receptors

    11. Mechanis$ of 4ibro cholera:

    A. Cl channel

    B. dec -C=)

    C. inc a upta'e

    111. (wo point discri$ination least at:

    A. *capula

    B. "ips

    C. Pal$s

    D. Fin%ers

    11. *pread of renal tu$or will be throu%h:

    A. /enal 4ein

    B. /enal l&$phatics

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    11). About an'le joint:A. *upplied b& superficial arter&

    B. *upplied b& superficial paroneal nerve

    C. Fibrocartila%e on hialine surfaces

    D. lateral $allaeolar li%a$ent on $edial side

    E. Deltoid is on $alleolar side

    11,. /e%ardin% "esser =$entu$:

    A. Contains -epatic DC( and arter&

    B. Attaches to second part of duodenu$

    C. is a bila&er structure

    D. have no attach$ent to liver

    110. ucleous Pulposus herniation will cause co$pression of:

    A. "08*1 =/ ",8"0

    B. *8*)

    C. *)8*,

    ,. *, onl&

    11. /etention of C:

    A. /espirator& failureB. -eart failure

    C. M&ocardial infarction

    D. h&perventilation

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    115. "&$ph draina%e of (estes:

    A. Paraaortic "

    B. *uperficial !n%uinal "

    C. !nternal iliac "

    D. Deep in%uinal "

    119. Antiseptic for s'in:

    A. Phenol with clorhe#idine

    B. G %lutaraldeh&de

    C. 1G alcohol

    D. *oap

    1. Cardiac disease scenario wad there and the& as'ed about the fluid accu$ulation3 proteins

    $ore than ). %?dl:

    A. E#udative

    B. (ransudative

    1). *cenario was %iven about $assive spleno$e%al&:

    A. Acute "eish$anias

    B. Chornic Malaria

    C. &ellow fever

    D. -ep C

    1,. /e%ardin% %ra& $atter foot processes:

    A. Protoplas$ic Astroc&tes

    B. $enin%ioc&tes

    C. *chwan cells

  • 7/25/2019 fcps surg .


    10. Most i$portant renal tubular buffer is:A. hB

    B. hC)

    C. Protein

    D. Phosphate

    1. Cause of %lobal blindness:

    A. -erpes *i$ple#

    B. /ubella

    C. Chla$&dia (rocha$atis

    15. 7hich is nor$al -B:

    A. -bA

    B. -bF

    C. -bC

    16. (halese$ia carrier percenta%e in Pa'istan:

    A. 0G

    B. 1G

    C. 10G

    19. *ur%er& for re$oval of ovar& done which is da$a%ed:

    A. !nternal !liac Arter&

    B. E#ternal !liac Arter&

  • 7/25/2019 fcps surg .


    C. terine Arter&