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FBWF Memory Watcher W indows driver software for Classembly Devices®

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Chapter 1 Introduction 3

1.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Features................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Chapter 2 Product Specifications ......................................................................................4 2.1 Functional Specifications ...................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Product Composition............................................................................................................................................. 4

Chapter 3 Programming Guide 5 3.1 Class Library......................................................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 Programming Guide.............................................................................................................................................. 6

3.2.1 FBWF Memory Monitoring ..................................................................................................................... 6 3.2.1 Interrupt Event ....................................................................................................................................... 6

Chapter 4 Reference 7 4.1 List of DLL Function.............................................................................................................................................. 7

4.1.1 MwGetStatus ......................................................................................................................................... 8 4.1.2 MwSetEvent......................................................................................................................................... 10

4.2 Callback Functions ............................................................................................................................................. 13 4.3 Structure ............................................................................................................................................................. 14

4.3.1 MW_EVENT_REQ............................................................................................................................... 14 4.4 Return Values ..................................................................................................................................................... 16

Chapter 5 Sample Programs 17 5.1 MemWatchCall ................................................................................................................................................... 17 5.2 MemWatchMsg................................................................................................................................................... 18

Chapter 6 FBWF Memory Watcher Utility Program 19 6.1 Overview of the Interface FBWF Memory Watcher............................................................................................. 19 6.2 Starting the Utility................................................................................................................................................ 19 6.3 Commands ......................................................................................................................................................... 19 6.4 Setting Dialog Boxes........................................................................................................................................... 20

Chapter 7 Terms of Use 21 7.1 Limited Warranty................................................................................................................................................. 21 7.2 Copyrights and Intellectual Property Rights ........................................................................................................ 21 7.3 Warning Regarding Medical and Clinical Use of Our Products ...................................................................................... 21 7.4 Prohibition of Reproduction................................................................................................................................. 21 7.5 Limitation of Liability............................................................................................................................................ 21 7.6 Trademark .......................................................................................................................................................... 21

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Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview

FBWF Memory Watcher is software to monitor disk space that File-Based Write Filter (FBWF) consumes in an Interface Classembly Devices® by applications running on Windows. Application software links a provided dynamic link library (DLL) and monitors them through the application programming interface (API). The FBWF Memory Watcher utility program included in this software configures and monitors the disk space that FBWF consumes with Graphical User Interface (GUI).

1.2 Features - The software monitors free disk space of FBWF to ensure system stability. - An interrupt event is generated when the free disc space of FBWF becomes less than the specified value. - The free disk space of FBWF can be confirmed with GUI utility program. A warning balloon appears

when the free disk space of FBWF exceeds the threshold value.

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Chapter 2 Product Specifications 2.1 Functional Specifications

Function Description

FBWF memory monitoring Retrieves free disk space of FBWF Interrupt event Detects that the free disk space of FBWF is less than the lower limit. FBWF Memory Watcher - Shows the value of disk space allocated for FBWF.

- Shows the disk space that FBWF consumes. A warning balloon appears when the disk space that FBWF consumes exceeds the threshold value.

2.2 Product Composition Item File Name Description

Latest information README.HTM Latest information Installer SETUP.EXE Installation program Utilities IFFBWFMEMORYWATCHER.EXE FBWF Memory Watcher

MemWatchCall Sample program for FBWF memory monitoring (callback)

MemWatchMsg Sample program for FBWF memory monitoring (window message)

Sample programs

IFCFBWFMEMORYWATCHER Class library source for Visual C# .NET and Visual Basic .NET

IFFBWFMEMORYWATCHER.DLL Dynamic link library file





Dynamic link library file for utility program

INI FBWFCONF.INI Configuration file for utility program IFFBWFMEMORYWATCHER.H Header file for Visual C++ Header files IFFBWFMEMORYWATCHER.BAS Header file for Visual Basic

Help HELP.PDF Help (PDF file) Note: Sample programs for Visual C# .NET and Visual Basic .NET are built with Visual C# .NET 2003

and Visual Basic .NET 2003, respectively.

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Chapter 3 Programming Guide 3.1 Class Library

This product includes the source files of the class library. Creating the class library from the source files makes it easier to define DLL functions. (To customize DLL function call, refer to the class library sources.)

1. Creating a Class Library

Prepare class library to call DLL functions on .NET. Visual C# .NET

1. Start Visual Studio. 2. Open the following project file.


After building the project file, IFCFBWFMEMORYWATCHER.dll is created in the bin folder.

Visual Basic .NET 1. Start Visual Studio. 2. Open the following project file.


After building the project file, IFCFBWFMEMORYWATCHER.dll is created in the bin folder.

2. Adding Class Library Reference Visual C# .NET and Visual Basic .NET

1. Start Visual Studio. 2. Select Project > Add Reference. 3. Click the Browse button. 4. Specify the class library DLL to refer.


<Installation destination> \interface\IFCPMGR\samples\VB_NET\IFCFBWFMEMORYWATCHER\bin\Relaase\IFCFBWFMEMORYWATCHER.dll

5. The DLL file will be displayed in Selected Components. 6. Click OK. 7. Add the namespace of InterfaceCorpDllWrap as below at the header of your source file to call the

DLL functions.

Visual C# .NET using InterfaceCorpDllWrap; Visual Basic .NET Imports InterfaceCorpDllWrap

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3.2 Programming Guide This section explains basic control instructions. The examples are written in C.

3.2.1 FBWF Memory Monitoring The MwGetStatus function retrieves free disk space of FBWF. UINT Ret; UINT Status; // Retrieving free disk space of FBWF Ret = MwGetStatus(&Status); An interrupt event is generated when the free disk space of FBWF becomes less than the lower-limit value. Refer to “Interrupt Event” for details.

3.2.1 Interrupt Event The MwSetEvent function registers interrupt events. Once interrupt events including messages and callback functions are registered, interrupt events are notified when the free disk space becomes less than the lower-limit value The following example shows a pattern that a callback function is called at event occurrence. // Callback function void CALLBACK UserCallback(PVOID User) { UINT Ret; UINT Status; // Retrieving the free disk space of FBWF Ret = MwGetStatus(&Status); // Process per event … } int main(void) { UINT Ret; MW_EVENT_REQ EventReq; // Event registration ZeroMemory(&EventReq, sizeof(MW_EVENT_REQ)); EventReq.CallBackProc = (LPMWCALLBACK)UserCallback; Ret = MwSetEvent(100, &EventReq); … } To close an interrupt event, specify Null in pEvent of the MwSet Event function and release the interrupt event. UINT Ret; // Releasing interrupt event Ret = MwSetEvent(0, NULL); Refer to “Sample Programs” to use functions other than the callback function.

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Chapter 4 Reference 4.1 List of DLL Function

No. Function Description <WDT>

1 MwGetStatus Retrieves the free disk space of the FBWF <Interrupt Setting>

2 MwSetEvent Registers interrupt events.

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4.1.1 MwGetStatus Description

The MwGetStatus function retrieves the free disk space of FBWF.

Syntax C UINT MwGetStatus(

UINT* pStatus

); Visual Basic Declare Function MwGetStatus Lib "iffbwfmemorywatcher.dll"( _

ByRef pStatus As Long _

)As Long Visual C# .NET [DllImport("iffbwfmemorywatcher.dll")]

public static extern uint MwGetStatus(

out uint pStatus

); Visual Basic .NET Declare Function MwGetStatus Lib "iffbwfmemorywatcher.dll"(_

ByRef pStatus As Integer _

)As Integer

Parameters pStatus The parameter stores the free disk space of FBWF. The unit is MB.

Return Values

Code Value Description IFMW_ERROR_SUCCESS 0 Successful completion IFMW_ERROR_NULL_POINTER C0000005h NULL pointer detection IFMW_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE C0000007h Internal error Refer to “Return Values” for details if the function returns a value other than 0.

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Retrieving the current free disk space of FBWF C UINT Ret;

UINT Status;

Ret = MwGetStatus(&Status); Visual Basic Dim Ret As Long

Dim Status As Long

Ret = MwGetStatus(Status) Visual C# .NET uint Ret;

uint Status;

Ret = IFCFBWFMEMORYWATCHER.MwGetStatus(out Status); Visual Basic .NET Dim Ret As Integer

Dim Status As Integer


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4.1.2 MwSetEvent Description

The MwSetEvent function registers and deletes interrupt events (window message and callback function) which are generated when the free disk space of FBWF becomes lower than the specific value.

Syntax C UINT MwSetEvent( UINT Threshold, PMW_EVENT_REQ pEvent ); Visual Basic (Registration) Declare Function MwSetEvent Lib "iffbwfmemorywatcher.dll"( _ ByVal Threshold As Long, _ ByRef pEvent As MW_EVENT_REQ _ )As Long (Delete) Declare Function MwKillEvent Lib "iffbwfmemorywatcher.dll" _ Alias "MwSetEvent"( _ ByVal Threshold As Long, _ ByVal pEvent As Long _ )As Long Visual C# .NET (Registration) [DllImport("iffbwfmemorywatcher.dll")] public static extern uint MwSetEvent( uint Threshold, ref MW_EVENT_REQ pEvent ); (Delete) [DllImport("iffbwfmemorywatcher.dll")] public static extern uint MwSetEvent( uint Threshold, IntPtr pEvent ); Visual Basic .NET (Registration) Declare Function MwSetEvent Lib "iffbwfmemorywatcher.dll"(_ ByVal Threshold As Integer, _ ByRef pEvent As MW_EVENT_REQ _ )As Integer (Delete) Declare Function MwSetEvent Lib "iffbwfmemorywatcher.dll"(_ ByVal Threshold As Integer, _ ByVal pEvent As IntPtr _ )As Integer

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Threshold The parameter specifies the free disk space of FBWF in MB unit to generate an interrupt event. The configurable range is from 1 through 1023. When the current free disk space of FBWF which is larger than the value specified here becomes less than the value.

pEvent The parameter specifies a structure for event registration. Refer to MW_EVENT_REQ

for details. To delete registered events, specify Null for C, and IntPrt.Zero for Visual Basic .NET. For Visual Basic, specify 0.

Return Values

This function returns the following return values. Code Value Description

IFMW_ERROR_SUCCESS 0 Successful completion IFMW_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER C0000002h Invalid input parameter IFMW_ERROR_ALREADY C0000003h Event is already registered IFMW_ERROR_NOT_YET C0000004h Event has not registered yet. IFMW_ERROR_NOT_ALLOCATE C0000006h Memory allocation failed IFMW_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE C0000007h Internal error

Refer to “Return Values” for details if the function returns a value other than 0.

Comment An event can be registered per application. The value specified in the Msg member of the MW_EVENT_REQ structure is passed to WPAEAM. The value specified in the User member of the MW_EVENT_REQ structure is passed to LPARAM. Refer to "Callback Functions" for more details on the callback functions.


The callback functions are available only in C. Use message window for other languages.

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Registering the window message which appears when the free disk space of FBWF becomes less than 100 MB. C UINT Ret; MW_EVENT_REQ EventReq; EventReq.Wnd = this->m_hWnd; EventReq.Msg = WM_USER + 1000; EventReq.CallBackProc = NULL; EventReq.User = NULL; Ret = MwSetEvent(100, &EventReq);

Visual Basic Dim Ret As Long Dim EventReq As MW_EVENT_REQ EventReq.Wnd = Form1.hWnd EventReq.Msg = &H400 + 1000 EventReq.CallBackProc = 0 EventReq.User = 0 Ret = MwSetEvent(100, EventReq)

Visual C# .NET uint Ret; IFCFBWFMEMORYWATCHER.MW_EVENT_REQ EventReq = new IFCFBWFMEMORYWATCHER.MW_EVENT_REQ(); EventReq.Wnd = this.Handle; EventReq.Msg = 0x400 + 1000; EventReq.CallBackProc = IntPtr.Zero; EventReq.User = IntPtr.Zero; Ret = IFCFBWFMEMORYWATCHER.MwSetEvent(100, ref EventReq);

Visual Basic .NET Dim Ret As Integer Dim EventReq As IFCFBWFMEMORYWATCHER.MW_EVENT_REQ _ = New IFCFBWFMEMORYWATCHER.MW_EVENT_REQ EventReq.Wnd = Me.Handle EventReq.Msg = &H400 + 1000 EventReq.CallBackProc = IntPtr.Zero EventReq.User = IntPtr.Zero Ret = IFCFBWFMEMORYWATCHER.MwSetEvent(100, EventReq)

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4.2 Callback Functions Description

The callback function is available only in C.

Syntax C void CALLBACK UserCallBack( PVOID User );


User User parameter The value specified by the User member of the MW_EVENT_REQ structure is passed. Refer to “MW_EVENT_REQ” for details.


Refer to “Interrupt Event” for details.

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4.3 Structure 4.3.1 MW_EVENT_REQ

The MW_EVENT_REQ structure is used to register interrupt events.

C typedef struct _MW_EVENT_REQ{ HWND Wnd; UINT Msg; LPMWCALLBACK CallBackProc;

PVOID User; } MW_EVENT_REQ, *PMW_EVENT_REQ; Visual Basic Type MW_EVENT_REQ Wnd As Long Msg As Long CallBackProc As Long

User As Long End Type Visual C# .NET [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct MW_EVENT_REQ { putlic IntPtr Wnd; public int Msg; public IFCFBWFMEMORYWATCHER.LPMWCALLBACK CallBackProc;

putlib IntPtr User; } Visual Basic .NET <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> Structure MW_EVENT_REQ Dim Wnd As IntPtr Dim Msg As Integer Dim CallBackProc As IFCFBWFMEMORYWATCHER.LPMWCALLBACK

Dim User As IntPtr End Structure

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Member Description

Wnd The member specifies a window handle to post the message specified by the Msg member. If you do not post message, specify NULL for C, 0 for Visual Basic, and IntPtr.Zero for Visual C# .NET and Visual Basic .NET.

Msg The member specifies a message code to be sent when interrupt event notification is

generated. The message code specified here is passed to WPARAM of message. If you do not use message post, specify WM_NULL for C, and 0 for Visual Basic, Visual C# .NET, and Visual Basic .NET.

CallBackProc The member specifies a pointer to the callback function to be called when interrupt

event notification is generated. The callback function is available only in C. Specify 0 for Visual Basic, and IntPtr.Zero for Visual C# .NET and Visual Basic .NET. When you do not use the callback function in C, specify NULL.

User The member specifies a user data to be passed to the callback function. The data

specified here is passed to LPARAM of massage or to the first argument of the callback function. Specify 0 for Visual Basic, and IntPtr.Zero for Visual C# .NET and Visual Basic .NET.

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4.4 Return Values Error Code Value Description Comments/Solutions


C0000002h (-1073741822)

Invalid input parameter Check the configurable range to configure parameters.

IFMW_ERROR_ALREADY C0000003h (-1073741821)

Events have already been registered.

Execute under the condition that any events are not registered.

IFMW_ERROR_NOT_YET C0000004h (-1073741820)

Any events have not registered yet.

Execute under the condition that events are registered.

IFMW_ERROR_NULL_POINTER C0000005h (-1073741819)

NULL pointer detection NULL is passed to the argument. Specify a valid variable.

IFMW_ERROR_NOT_ALLOCATE C0000006h (-1073741818)

Memory allocation failed.

Refrain from consuming disk space.

IFMW_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE C0000007h (-1073741817)

Internal error Internal error during initializing DLL. Restart the application program.

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Chapter 5 Sample Programs 5.1 MemWatchCall

Description MemWatchCall is a sample program to generate an interrupt event. The sample program configures the threshold value of the free disk space of FBWF and generates an interrupt event (callback function) when the free disk space of FBWF becomes less than the value. It shows the free disk space of FBWF every second.

Execution Procedure Executable files of the sample programs are not included with this product. Compile the source code and create executable file (*.exe) to start. Visual C++

1. Start Visual C++ (Visual Studio). 2. Select File > Open Workspace. 3. Open the makefile, MemWatchCall.mak. 4. Build the project file. 5. Run the executable file, *.exe.

Visual C# .NET

1. Start Visual Studio. 2. Select File > Open > Project. 3. Open the project file, MemWatchCall.csproj. *1 4. Build the project file. 5. Run the executable file, *.exe.

Visual Basic .NET

1. Start Visual Studio. 2. Select File > Open > Project. 3. Open the project file, MemWatchCall.vbproj.*1 4. Build the project file. 5. Run the executable file, *.exe.

Note: *1 The class library will be automatically built at the same time as opening the project files.

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5.2 MemWatchMsg Description

MemWatchMsg is a sample program to generate an interrupt event. The sample program configures the threshold value of the free disk space of FBWF and generates an interrupt event (window message) when the free disk space of FBWF becomes less than the value. It shows the free disk space of FBWF every second.

Execution Procedure Executable files of the sample programs are not included with this product. Compile the source code and create executable file (*.exe) to start. Visual C++

1. Start Visual C++ (Visual Studio). 2. Select File > Open Workspace. 3. Open the makefile, MemWatchMsg.mak. 4. Build the project file. 5. Run the executable file, *.exe.

Visual Basic

1. Start Visual Basic. 2. Open the project file, MemWatchMsg.vbp. *1 4. Build the project file. 5. Run the executable file, *.exe.

Visual C# .NET

1. Start Visual Studio. 2. Select File > Open > Project. 3. Open the project file, MemWatchMsg.csproj. *1 4. Build the project file. 5. Run the executable file, *.exe.

Visual Basic .NET

1. Start Visual Studio. 2. Select File > Open > Project. 3. Open the project file, MemWatchMsg.vbproj.*1 4. Build the project file. 5. Run the executable file, *.exe.

Note: *1 The class library will be automatically built at the same time as opening the project files.

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Chapter 6 FBWF Memory Watcher Utility Program 6.1 Overview of the Interface FBWF Memory Watcher

The following operations are available with the utility program. - Confirming the setting values of the disk space for FBWF - Configuring the threshold value of the disk space for FBWF

6.2 Starting the Utility This utility program starts automatically when the operating system starts. To see if the utility is running, check the system tray. The following icon appears when the utility is running.

6.3 Commands Right click on the icon of Interface FBWF Memory Watcher to open the command window.

The table below describes each command.

Command Description Open Opens the setting dialog box and configure the settings. Exit Closes Interface FBWF Memory Watcher. The icon will disappear when

this command is executed.

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6.4 Setting Dialog Boxes The following dialog box will appear when the Open command is executed.

Item Description FBWF Memory Utilization Shows the current disk space that FBWF consumes. FBWF RAM Shows the total amount of disk space available for FBWF. FBWF Threshold Shows the threshold value of the disk space that FBWF

consumes. When the FBWF consumes disk space larger than the threshold values specified here, a warning balloon will appear. The configurable range is from 10 MB to 340 MB and the default value is 300 MB.

OK Click the OK button to reflect the setting value. Cancel Click the Cancel button not to reflect the setting value and

minimize the dialog box.

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Chapter 7 Terms of Use 7.1 Limited Warranty

Interface Corporation does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operations of the software product. The entire risks as to the quality of or arising out of use or performance of the software products, if any, remains with you. Interface believes that information contained in the document is accurate. The document is carefully reviewed for technical accuracy. Interface reserves the right to make changes to subsequent editions of this document without prior notice to holders of this edition. Interface is not liable for any damages arising out of or related to this document or the information contained in it. Charts and tables contained in this document are only for illustration purposes and may vary depending upon a user's specific application. All official specifications are in metric. English unit is supplied for convenience.

7.2 Copyrights and Intellectual Property Rights Interface Corporation owns all titles and intellectual property rights in and to the products. The products include the product software, audio/visual content such as images, texts, or pictures.

7.3 Warning Regarding Medical and Clinical Use of Our Products Our products are not designed for components intended to ensure a level of reliability suitable for use under conditions that might cause serious injury or death. Our products are not designed with components and testing instrument intended to ensure a level of reliability suitable for use in treatment and diagnosis of human. Applications of our products involving medical or clinical treatment can create a potential for accidental injury caused by product failure, or by errors on the part of the user or application engineer.

7.4 Prohibition of Reproduction No part of this document may be reproduced or changed in any form without the prior consent of Interface Corporation.

7.5 Limitation of Liability Interface Corporation will not be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages whatsoever even if Interface Corporation or any reseller could foresee the possibility of damages. Users shall assume any subsequent risks whatsoever resulting from such as using and installing this product. Interface Corporation shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, including damages or other costs resulting from defects which might be contained in the product, product supply delay or product failure. Customer's right to recover damages caused by fault or negligence on the part of Interface Corporation shall be limited to the amount paid by the customer for the product. This product is designed under Japanese domestic specifications. Interface Corporation is not responsible for the use of this product outside Japan. We do not offer any maintenance service or technical support abroad. Interface Corporation is not liable for any damage arising from the included document or information.

7.6 Trademark Products and company names are trademarks, registered trademarks, or servicemarks of their respective owners.