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Page 1: FAULT-TOLERANT CONTROL SYSTEMS: THE 1997 SITUATION · 2017-12-25 · 1035 Fault-tolerant control is not just a safety-critical issue; it is of interest to process plant operators



Ron J Patton

The University of Hull,School of Engineering,Hull HU6 7RX, UK

Phone/FAX:0044 1482 46 5117/878e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: The fault-tolerant control problem belongs to the domain of complex control systems inwhich inter-control-disciplinary information and expertise are required. This paper outlines the stateof the art in a field which remains largely a theoretical topic with most application studies based uponaerospace systems. The directions in which the subject is going are summarised and some pointersare given as to the likely future issues and where new research effort is required. The paper providesa basic literature review covering most areas of fault-tolerant control.

Keywords: Fault-tolerant systems, fault diagnosis, adaptive control, robust control,redundancy control

1 INTRODUCTIONA conventional feedback control design for a processplant or vehicle system may result in unsatisfactoryperformance (even instability), in the event ofmalfunctions in actuators, sensors or othercomponents of the system. In order to overcome thelimitations of conventional feedback, new controllersare being developed which are capable of toleratingcomponent malfunctions whilst still maintainingdesirable and robust performance and stabilityproperties. Research into fault-tolerant control hasattracted many investigators and is now the subject ofwidely scattered publications (Stengel, 1991;Veillette, 1992; Patton, 1993; Stengel, 1993;Antsaklis, 1995; Rauch, 1995; Blanke et al., 1997;Frank, 1995; Walker, 1997; Wu, ‘95-’97). Littleinformation from these and other similar (academic)studies has ever been applied to real process plants orvehicles. The problem is partly due to a general viewthat practitioners have of sophisticated controlsystems techniques. “Simplistic” approaches to fault--tolerant control have been applied in many industrialand aerospace systems, e.g. for jet engines, flightcontrol, electrical drives for railway traction,automotive engine management systems, etc. Fault--tolerant systems based on rather basic engineeringfundamentals may require a significant amount ofmaintenance. However, the view is usually taken thatit is better to work with principles that are easily

understood and verifiable, rather than use morecomplex methods for which the fault-tolerant systembehaviour may pose intolerable risks in terms ofsafety, cost, instability or unpredictable behaviour.There is an argument that simpler monitoringschemes, with fewer components or lines of softwarecode are intrinsically more reliable. Most often, themain requirement is that the system should maintainsome “acceptable” level of performance or degradegracefully, subsequent to a malfunction. When it isproved that this can be achieved the fault-tolerantapproach becomes acceptable to systems and controlengineers. Further complexity would not be costeffective. This is the philosophy behind many day today existing real engineering system.

We need to determine what the limitations of these“simple minded” methods are for each individualapplication problem. There is no doubt that fault-tolerant control is an application-specific field -strategies for fault-tolerance tend to be developedusing available equipment, measurements andapplication-specific know-how. Ideally, not one butseveral alternative methods should be compared onthe basis of cost, robust stability, degree to which thesystem behaviour is predictable and can be degradedgracefully (without loss of life/injury and/orsignificant economic loss). Computational burden isoften a deciding factor. Complexity can decrease theoverall system reliability.

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Concerning fault-tolerant control theory, there is asubstantial body of literature and the “academic”subject has advanced with reliability requirements ofsafety-critical systems. A number of studies aremotivated by the possibility of application; examplesinclude: hazardous chemical plants (Himmelblau,1978); the control of nuclear power plant reactors(Kitamura, 1989; Garcia et al., 1991; Eryurek et al.,1995); space craft (Gelderloos et al., 1982); Buckleyet al., 1995; Blanke et al., 1997) and the control ofunstable fly-by-wire aircraft (a non-exhaustive list)(Westermeier, 1977; Chandler, 1984; Meyer et al.,1984; Looze et al., 1985; Ostroff, 1985; Rattan, 1985;Razza et al., 1985; Smith et al., 1987; Caglayan,1988a&b; Lane et al., 1988; Moerder et al., 1989;Gao et al., 1990; Morse et al., 1990; Ochi et al., 1991;Rauch, 1995). However, research into fault-tolerantcontrol is largely motivated by the control problemsencountered in aircraft system design. the goal is toprovide a “self-repairing” capability to enable thepilot to land the aircraft safely in the event of a seriousfault. The interest has been specially stimulated sincetwo commercial aircraft accidents in the late 1970’s.In the case of DELTA flight 1080 (McMahan, 1978),the pilot successfully reconfigured the remaininglateral control elements and landed the aircraft safely;the elevator became jammed at 19 degrees up and thepilot had been given no indication that thismalfunction had occurred. In the second accident thepilot had only 15s to react and the plane crashed.Subsequent studies showed that the crash could havebeen avoided (NTSB, 1979). These studies shaveshown that prompt presentation of fault information tothe pilot could enable him to take accommodatingaction. The pilot cannot, however, enable the aircraftto recover from some types of malfunctions for whicha redundancy management system (Westermeier,1977) with duplex redundant flight surfaces and/oractuators and sensors become essential. A system foraiding the pilot by providing special automatic faultaccommodation strategies is necessary for both civiland military aircraft.

The main task to be tackled in achieving fault-tolerance is the design of a controller with suitablestructure to guarantee stability and satisfactoryperformance, not only when all control componentsare operational, but also in the case when sensors,actuators (or other components e.g. the controlcomputer hardware or software) malfunction. Thishas sometimes been referred to as a control systemwhich possesses integrity or which has control loopswhich possess loop integrity (Owens, 1978). Someauthors prefer to use the term reliable control(Birdwell et al., 1986; Veillette et al., 1992).Although, broadly speaking reliable control isequivalent to fault-tolerant control, there are somedifferences, as pointed out by Stengel (1991) who alsogive definitions of reliability reliability,maintainability and survivability:

“Failure-(Fault-) tolerance may be called upon toimprove system reliability, maintainability andsurvivability. The requirements for fault--tolerance aredifferent in these three cases. Reliability deals withthe ability to complete a task satisfactorily and with aperiod of time over which that ability is retained. Acontrol system that allows normal completion of tasksafter component fault improves reliability.Maintainability concerns the need for repair and theease with which repairs can be made, with nopremium placed on performance. Fault--tolerancecould increase time between maintenance actionsand allow the use of simpler repair procedures,Survivability relates to the likelihood of conducting anoperation safely (without danger to the humanoperators of the controlled system), whether or notthe task is completed. Degraded performancefollowing a fault is permitted as long as the system isbrought to an acceptable state.”

Reliable control is an idealistic goal. However,several investigators have pursued a line of reasoningthat robust control theory can be used to maintainacceptable system stability and performance whencontrol loops malfunction (Birdwell et al., 1986;Veillette et al., 1992). Clearly, additional loops arerequired to make this possible.

As stated in Section 1, simpler ways of achievingfault-tolerance are used in practice. For example,consider the main longitudinal stability channel of anaircraft. If the pitch angle gyro signal or inertialnavigation system is impaired, the longitudinal motionof the aircraft will be unstable. The fault must beisolated rapidly, to switch off the impaired signal, andto activate a correct control law with the use of theunimpaired (redundant) gyro signal. It is not alwaysnecessary to use sophisticated techniques to discernthat the gyro has malfunctioned; a comparativescheme in dual redundancy will indicate that the faulthas occurred by simply noting that there is adiscrepancy between two gyro signals. Simple dataconditioning can then be used to determine that onepitch rate measurement is out of range and that thecorresponding gyro is faulty. The redundancymanagement system will thus switch the feedbackfunction to the healthy instrument.

However, to decide that the gyro has a developingfault i.e. before the fault becomes serious, is moredifficult, as the gyro output will still appear normal. Itis then of interest to use methods which can, amidsteffects of noise, turbulence etc, pick out the abnormalsignal before the aircraft is unstable. There is also aprinciple that the pitch rate signal could be estimatedfrom other measurements using kinematicrelationships. This is the basis of an alternative formof “analytical” redundancy which can be used todetect and isolate very small faults. Hence, “modern”methods (based upon analytical redundancytechniques) for fault-tolerance could be used on thissafety-critical application (Willsky et al., 1975). Theuse of such methods will depend very much on theirdemonstrable advantages; this is the hard part!

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Fault-tolerant control is not just a safety-critical issue;it is of interest to process plant operators who are keento increase productivity and make more money. Thereliability of a system component (including thecontroller) affects the plant operation economy. As anexample, consider a tandem rolling steel mill. It isalso important that the plant’s operation is maintainedin a closely checked envelope of performancethroughout each operation shift. In a dangeroussituation the mill can be shut down safely. However,there are situations (which are far from dangerous) inwhich small “fault” effects (e.g. undesirable stripthermal stresses) which degrade the quality of the steeland the performance of the mill. Ideally, the plantsupervision system (or operator!) should have thecapability of recognising such undesirable behaviourand reconfiguring the control action to improveperformance and steel quality. One must not forgetthe role of the human operator in monitoring theseactivities.

Recent application studies (not safety-critical) includea rail electric traction system (Bennett et al., 1997), asatellite system (Oested) for measuring the earth’smagnetic field (Blanke et al., 1997), a ship propulsionsystem (Izadi-Zamanabadi et al., 1997), ruddersurface electro-hydraulic aircraft actuator (Eich et al.,1997), fault-tolerant model-based predictive control ofa boiler system (Son et al., 1997).


Actuator Plant

H u m a nInterface

Sensor Supervis ionController

Faul t Faul t Faul tReference


Fig 1.1 Scheme of fault-tolerant control systemwith supervision subsystem

Fig 1.1 shows the general schematic arrangementappropriate to many fault-tolerant control systemswith four main components: the plant itself (includingsensors and actuators), the fault detection andisolation (FDI) unit, the feedback (or feed-forward)controller, and the supervision system. The solid linerepresents signal flow, and the dashed line representsadaption (tuning, scheduling, reconfiguration orrestructure). The plant is considered to have potentialfaults in sensors, actuators (or other components).The FDI unit is responsible for providing thesupervision system with information about the onset,location and severity of any faults. Based on thesystem inputs and outputs together with fault decisioninformation from the FDI unit, the supervision systemwill reconfigure the sensor set and/or actuators toisolate the faults, and tune or adapt the controller toaccommodate the fault effects.

Fault-tolerant control is a strategy for reliable andhighly efficient control law design. To achieve these

requirements, it is also a systematic problem. Blankeet al. (1997) demonstrate the principles involved inthe systematic design and development of a real fault-tolerant control application. As they point out, theeffort to be expended affects the development of eachstage and aspect of the overall system design. Fault-tolerance objectives are important from the plan toconcept design and then to the final realisation. Inprinciple, all relevant science/technology domains areincluded e.g. materials science, electronics, computerscience, sensor technology, control theory and design,signal processing and even human factors. Here,attention is paid to the following fault-tolerant controlaspects: FDI, Robust Control, Reconfigurable orRestructurable Control, and Supervision.


During the past two decades, there has beensignificant but scattered activity in the numbered areasof Fig 2.1.

6 Supervis ion



3Reconf igurable




Fig 2.1 The scattered areas of fault-tolerantcontrol research

Area 1: Most of the research in FDI to-date does notinclude the combined design of controllers with faultdetection, fault isolation and fault identification(estimation). However, FDI research is now a verymature field providing many powerful quantitativeand/or qualitative modelling tools and artificialintelligence. Key references to this work can be foundin: Willsky (1976), Mironovski, (1980), Walker(1983), Isermann (1984), Milne (1987), Gertler(1988), Frank (1990), Patton & Chen (1991), Leitch etal. (1992), Patton & Chen (1993), Frank (1994),Isermann (1994), Krishnasaami et al. (1994), Patton(1995), Chen et al. (1996) and Isermann et al. (1996)and in books: Basseville et al. (1986), Patton et al.(1989), Brunet et al. (1990), Basseville et al. (1993),Pouliezos et al. (1994) and Patton (1997). Thesestudies fall into area 1 in Fig 2.1, i.e. they do not dealwith joint problems of robust control/robust FDI.Area 2: Robust control design has been the hottestresearch topic since the late 1970’s (Safonov, 1978;Morari, 1989; Maciejowski, 1989 and Zhou et al.,1996). However, information concerning the effectsof faults upon the controlled process is not usuallyconsidered. Few cases where insensitivity to faultshas been considered are referred to (sometimesunwittingly) as the passive approach to fault-tolerant

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control (Eterno et al., 1985; Stengel, 1991; Patton,1993; Frank, 1995). The distinction between activeand passive fault-tolerance is discussed in Section 4.Area 3: The reconfigurable control problem hasattracted the attention of several investigators. Forexample, Lane et al. (1988) and Ochi et al. (1991)pursued the use of feedback linearisation and Gao etal. (1990, 1991) described the use of pseudo-inversemethods. Åström (1991, 1996), Ioannou, (1996) andothers have considered adaptive control approaches.Huang et al. (1990), Morse et al. (1990) and Jiang(1994a) have made important contributions basedupon model-following principles.Area 4: This represents robustness issues whichaccompany reconfigurable control. Studies in thisarea are few. Wu (‘92,’93,’95,’96,’97) addresses theproblem of performance robustness during normalsystem operation versus fault sensitivity at the time asystem component fault is determined. She uses aparametrised set of controllers satisfying a prescribedperformance level. The set is optimised under adetection criterion sensitising the measurements tospecific faults. Wu considers the integration issues asa control design problem, where the designer islargely free to choose one of a number of suitable FDItechniques. She also considers (1997) a performancemeasure based upon a “coverage interval”, the size ofthe interval reflecting information deficiency. In thisway the reliability and performance requirements ofvarious modules can be related. Jiang (1994b)discussed how reconfigurable control can be achievedusing eigenstructure assignment design.Area 5: This covers joint design of robust controllersand robust fault estimation (Nett et al., 1988;Valavanis et al. 1989; Helmicki et al.;1994, Tyler etal. (1994); Murad et al., 1996; Åkesson, 1997, Eich etal., 1997; Niemann et al., 1997; Stourtstrup et al.,1997). The fault estimation problem here is not thesame as the quantitative modelling approaches takenin FDI, according to Area 1. These studies are basedupon the idea that the robust controller optimisationand fault estimation designs are best combined (Tyleret al., 1994), for example using H∞ optimisation.

The arguments for doing so are plausible. However,this approach leads to complex interaction betweenthe controller and FDI robustness problems. This issimple to see as the design freedom is utilised to solveboth problems simultaneously. The alternative way ofperforming “open-loop” FDI (as in Area 1) andseparate controller designs obviates the designfreedom complexity. The separate design approachalso gives rise to a “one way coupling” in robustness -the controller affects the FDI robustness but not vice-versa. This is not the case in the joint control/ faultestimation problems.Hatched area: Few studies combine the functions ofFDI and reconfigurable control (Noura et al., 1993;Chiang et al., 1995; Jiang, 1994b). It is now oftenunderstood that the FDI function (together withsuitable redundant equipment) can avoid thedevelopment of more serious faults. However, the

combination of FDI/control reconfiguration is acomplex issue as reported by Mariton (1989) whodescribes important consequences that the detectiondelay has upon system stability. Guided by practicalconstraints arising from application studies,Srichander & Walker (1993) proposed a stochasticapproach to the stability analysis of some active fault-tolerant control systems employing FDI schemes.Such systems can be shown to have dynamicbehaviour governed by stochastic differentialequations as the faults/fault decisions occur randomly.The stochastic differential equation parameters varyrandomly in time and the equations can be analysedusing Markov theory. These stochastic approaches torobustness analysis are an emerging theoretical fieldin fault-tolerant control.

The hatched area of Fig. 2.1 represents a field ripe foran interesting harvest. There has been little researchin combined robustness design with reconfigurablecontrol and FDI. The challenge is to integratetogether the design and implementation of areconfigurable control scheme (based upon robustcontroller designs) and an FDI unit. As stated underArea 5, the joint design of robust controllers androbust fault estimation has been considered by severalinvestigators However, these studies do not includethe full function of FDI and because of the approachtaken, the fault estimation affects the controllerrobustness (see Section 5). When fault detection andisolation is carried out using the “open-loop”approach (generating residuals which do not influencethe controller - see for example Frank (1994) or Chenet al., (1996)), the controller robustness problem isde-coupled from the FDI unit design, although thecontroller does affect the robustness of both the faultdetection and fault isolation tasks.Area 6: Rauch (1994), Buckley et al., (1995),Eryurek et al., (1995), and Polycarpou et al., (1995)introduce different forms of selection logic and systemmanagement into the fault-tolerant system. Whilstsupervision is essential for the active form of fault-tolerant control, few investigators have paid muchattention to this area. The supervision systemmanages the fault decision information and selects themost suitable control function (parameters butsometimes structure), subsequent to the declarationthat a fault has occurred. The supervision systemmust also determine whether a fault has a detrimentaleffect on the system’s performance and stability towarrant controller changes. It is important that theFDI unit should be capable of providing diagnosticinformation in a suitable format to facilitate theadaption of the system’s feedback.


Fault-tolerance in control requires effort at every stageand in all aspects of system design. Most papers incontrol systems research only consider problemswhich are based on mathematical models of the plant.There are other important non-mathematical

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challenges. As stated in the introduction, fault-tolerant control should ideally be accompanied by asystematic and integrated approach to design. Thestrategy should (again ideally) commence with anunderstanding of the structure of the system, thereliability of different components, the types ofredundancy available (or to be generated) and thetypes of controller function which are available andmight be required. Some interesting studies, forexample by Blanke et al. (1997) have paid attention tothe development of the overall concept of systematicdesign for fault-tolerant control. They focus on thedevelopment of an overall concept of systematicdesign which gives a consistent design and assuressystem dependability.

Most studies in fault-tolerant control focus on aselection of one of the areas in Fig. 2.1 withoutconsidering the wider issues that might be involved.

3.1 Fault-tolerant system requirement analysisThe first stage of the development of a fault-tolerantsystem is the requirement analysis and system plan.The reliability distribution analysis is the key issue atthe planning stage. This includes the followingprocedures (Blanke et al., 1997):

Possibility analysis for component faults; Failure Mode& Effects Analysis (FMEA); System reliability analysis;Reliability distribution.

The essential properties of a fault-tolerant controlsystem must be acquired from some knowledge ofprevious and likely process fault conditions. Hence,all potential faults and their effects should if possiblebe determined. A number of investigators (Lege,1978; Herrin, 1981; Bell, 1989; Hunt et al., 1995)have discussed the use of failure mode effects analysis(FMEA) techniques to determine systematically howfault effects in components relate to faults at inputs,outputs, or elements within the components. Blankeet al. (1997) describe the development of a matrixFMEA approach using Bond graph system componentmodelling. They show how component models can besimplified into generic types which can be useful forfault-tolerant system design, with an emphasis on thedevelopment of degrees of criticality and theimportant issue of determination of control systemaction to faults. They also describe a three-levelarchitecture for a supervisor-based fault-tolerantcontroller. Some completeness properties can beobtained using the Bond graph and array theoryimplementation of the supervisor logic.

Through possibility and system reliability analyses,and reliability distribution, it should be clear whichcomponent(s) suffer(s) more from certain faults thanfrom others. The weakest link in the chain can then bedetermined.

3.2 Redundancy designThe second stage in the development of a fault-tolerant system is system redundancy design. At thisstage, the nature and location of all redundancies in

the process must be determined, i.e. the type ofredundancy and whether it is suitable for the particularsituation; the level of redundancy, etc. This stageincludes:

Fault criticality assessment; Fault detectability; faultdetectability/isolability; Counter/remedial actiondesign; fault accommodation requirements; Optimalsensor location.

In principle, in order to achieve fault-tolerance,system redundancy is necessary. Direct redundancymeans that multiple independent hardware channels(e.g. triplex/quadruplex replication) with a majorityvote selection of healthy system channels are used.

Even though direct redundancy can be realised byinvolving strictly hardware channel replication, inmany cases, fault-tolerant and high integrity computersystems involve redundancy in terms of dissimilarsoftware and hardware. Dissimilar redundancy, isachieved using another (different) subsystem orcomponent (can be software) with the same functionas the first, whilst built according to differentprinciples and technologies. The advantage ofdissimilar redundancy is that the necessity forindependence can be satisfied.

A usual procedure in fault-tolerant control is that anon-impaired identical alternative (or redundant)component (e.g. sensor, actuator, control computer,etc) is brought into service to replace an impairedcomponent when a fault occurs. This is knowninvariably as hardware (or software), direct orparallel redundancy.

The replacement is often done on the basis of “knownreliability” (difficult to quantify!) - use up the bestcomponents first. In an m-ary (where m > 2)redundant scheme a majority voter can decide whichcomponent is “out of line” with the remainingcomponents and thus considered faulty. The choice ofthe most reliable component can be achieved with aquadruplex redundant scheme to keep the systemrunning with satisfactory performance.

It is not necessary to use direct or hardwareredundancy; an alternative form of functionalredundancy is often viable. Sometimes a combinationof the two forms of redundancy is necessary (forexample to keep the hardware redundancy index (m)down to, say 3). Making the best use of both directredundancy and functional (analytical) redundancyprovided by the systems, is a major task of fault-tolerant control system design. Functionalredundancy is achieved by careful design or byarranging different subsystems to make the function ofthese subsystems overlap.

Flight control system example: In a flight controlsystem, the vertical gyro can provide both the pitchand bank angle signals. If the horizontal gyro (whichprovides both bank and yaw angle signals) is used,there is a direct redundancy in the bank anglemeasurement. If one of these bank angle signals is

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out of range, simple signal conditioning can point tothe fault. The measurement system is thereforetolerant of a single bank angle fault - as long as thesecond gyro does not malfunction!

We assume for this example that the heading and pitchangles are reliable. Now add the roll rate gyromeasurement, the rotational kinematics given by Eq.(3.1) can then be used to estimate the roll rate p

(from other measurements) when the roll rate gyrosignal is out of range (Labarrère et al., 1993).

p = − +• •Ψ Φsinθ (3.1)

Φ ,Ψ and θ are the bank, yaw and pitch angles.



1 01+ . s


s1 01+ .


1 01+ . ssinθ

Φ Φ•




p fp




Fig. 3.1 Example of Analytical RedundancyAnalytical redundancy means the use of functionalrelationships between system variables. Fig. 3.1illustrates how the filtered roll rate gyro signal ( p f )

can be generated from filtered estimates of the bankangle Φ f , together with a filtered estimate of the

product term ( sin )Ψ•

θ f , according to Eq. (3.1).

The estimated roll rate gyro signal p f can be used

to replace the measured gyro signal p f . This

filtered estimate p f can also be used to compare

with the filtered measurement p f to yield a

Residual Signal: r p pf f= − (3.2)

where the subscript f denotes filtered signal, i.e., alow-pass/band-pass filter is used to eliminate theeffects of unwanted high frequency disturbances.When all system components can be inter-relatedmathematically, all the analytical relationshipsconstitute the complete dynamical system model. Byusing this model, estimates of many system variablescan be derived for the purpose of providing extraredundancy i.e. to back-up the system’s availablemeasurements (Deckert et al., 1977; Labarrère et al.,1993; Lou et al., 1986; Willsky, 1976) for faultdiagnosis/controller reconfiguration.

Residual signals, as represented by Eq. (3.2) aregenerated singly or in vector form. These residualscan be generated functionally using linear or non-linear observers, parity equations or Kalman filters.Apart from parameter estimation these constitute themain methods of quantitative model-based analyticalredundancy (Patton, 1995). Analytical redundancy

provides higher system independence than directredundancy. As it is based upon functional or modelinformation, it suffers more from system non-linearityand parameter or model structure uncertainty. Inaeronautical applications, there has been an increasingtendency to not substitute direct redundancy entirelyby the analytical alternative, but to suppress someindex of redundancy. It is now very appropriate tocombine analytical and direct redundancy schemes toenable real time fault accommodation. This powerfulcombination of redundancy methods is the key tothe way forward in fault-tolerant control.

Using redundancy, scenarios for detecting faults inevery possible process component or subsystem canbe listed out. The fault detection coverage rate canthen be analysed as a direct correspondence with FDItechniques and the use of redundancy. If the coveragerate is lower than that which is required, a moreefficient FDI approach should be utilised, or furtherindependent sources of redundancy should beadopted. With knowledge of the fault possibility ofcertain components, the reliability of a component orsubsystem can be obtained (Wu, 1997). If thisreliability is too low the level of redundancy must beincreased or more reliable component/subsystemsshould be built into the process.

Analytical redundancy is not only useful for isolatingfaults, it can also be used to provide an estimatedmeasurement signal. The analytically-derived signalcan be used instead of the impaired sensor signal,perhaps under limited authority. Alternatively, a newcontroller with different structure (using a different setof sensor signals) could be utilised when the fault hasbeen detected.

If a fault occurs in a simplex actuator, the only way toaccommodate the fault is to reconfigure the controllerto operate in a restricted way according to the faultseverity (perhaps to provide graceful degradation ofthe process performance). This is what is known as“single fail operate” as one fault can be isolated andcorrected so that the system will continue to operate(albeit with degraded performance).

Without the fault-accommodating controller thesystem would be “fail passive” - once the faultyactuator is isolated it is disengaged and the actuatorshould not have been crucial to the safe operation ofthe system. In safety-critical situations this is rarelypossible and a single-fail-operate level of fault--tolerance must be used as the closed-loop system isreconfigured. Some systems become “dual failoperate” i.e. they become fail passive after twoisolated malfunctions. This is important in aircraftand other safety-critical systems.

In some aircraft systems it is desirable to have manycontrol “effectors” independently driven toaccommodate faults. A control reconfigurable combataircraft (CRCA) has, typically 17 flight surfaces.Many fault-tolerant control techniques have been

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developed for the CRCA system structure. For all“down to earth” applications this level of actuatorredundancy would be impossible to achieve!

It is then clear that the design of location, number andmultiplicity of actuators and sensors of a process arean important part of systematic procedure for fault-tolerant system design.

3.3 Fault Accommodation DesignHere, the control and input/output requirements foreach fault must be determined to provide guidelinesfor the development of a reconfigurable controldesign. This includes:

Guidance for setting up control and input/outputrequirements for each fault effect; Determination ofcontroller configuration (including whatsensors/actuators should be used); Determination ofthe concept, properties and requirements forcontroller reconfiguration; Reconfiguration system forcomplete fault-tolerant control system.

Section 4 provides more information on the realisationof fault accommodation.


4.1 Decomposition of fault-tolerant controlFig. 4.1 shows a taxonomy of fault-tolerant controlmethods, based upon either passive or activeapproaches.













Fig. 4.1 Decomposition of fault-tolerant control

In active fault-tolerance, a new control system isredesigned using desirable properties of performanceand robustness that were important in the originalsystem, but with the reduced capability of theimpaired system in mind. In order to achievefeedback control reconfiguration/restructuring offeedback control, an active fault-tolerant systemrequires either a priori knowledge of expected faulttypes or a mechanism for detecting and isolatingunanticipated faults. In the latter case, decisionsconcerning the location and nature of faults are thenused to reschedule the controller function.Active approaches are divided into two main types ofmethods: projection-based methods and on-lineautomatic controller redesign methods. The latterinvolves the calculation of new controller parameters

in response to a control impairment. This is oftenreferred to as reconfigurable control (Huang et al.,1990; Gao et al., 1991). In projection-based methods,a new pre-computed control law is selected accordingto the required controller structure (i.e. dependingupon the type of malfunction which has beenisolated).

A reconfigurable or restructurable system, whosefeedback action is changed automatically is a specialform of an intelligent control system (Åström, 1991;Passino et al., 1988; Stengel, 1991).

Reconfigurability implies that a system with fixedstructure can be modified to account foruncontrollable changes i.e. faults in the system. Inthis case, restructurability subsumes reconfigurability,implying that not only parameters but the systemstructure itself can be changed to accommodateuncontrollable changes.

Active fault-tolerant systems based on unanticipatedfaults must have a mechanism for identifyingabnormal system changes. This is essentially thefunction of a fault detection and isolation (FDI)scheme. Whilst it suffices to use the FDI procedures,it may also be important to identify the fault type andits severity as well as the reason for the faultdevelopment. When these functions are includedalong with FDI, we call it a fault diagnosis subsystemor scheme.

4.2 Passive ApproachesA closed-loop system can have limited fault-toleranceby means of a carefully chosen feedback design,taking care of effects of both faults and systemuncertainties. Such a system is sometimes called apassive fault-tolerant control system (Eterno et al.,1985; Stengel, 1991). Although there are systems inwhich a specially fixed controller can compensate forthe effects of certain faults, usually information aboutthe fault nature and location is required before thecontroller is able to react to the fault.

Passive approaches make use of robust controltechniques to ensure that a closed-loop systemremains insensitive to certain faults using constantcontroller parameters and without use of on-line faultinformation (Eterno et al., 1985). The impairedsystem continues to operate with the same controllerand system structure, i.e. the main objective is torecover the original system performance. The schemeeffectiveness depends upon the robustness of thenominal (fault-free) closed-loop system.

The system is made “robust” to faults by assuming arestrictive repertoire of likely faults (usually onefault!) and the way in which they affect the controlfunction. This is suitable in restricted cases, perhapswhen a fault has a small effect on the system.

Passive fault-tolerance can be used in connection withreliable control (Birdwell et al., 1986; Veillette et al.,1992). Although reliability is an idealistic goal

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requiring repeatability of system stability andperformance, there has been a growing interest inrobust design methods which seek to maintain aconstant controller design under certain “loopfailures”. The system is over-designed, making use ofthe available functional redundancy so that the closed-loop behaviour is optimal when a sensor signal isremoved. The design uses “inferred measurements”(analytical redundancy in the FDI literature) i.e.generating estimates of dissimilar quantities usingavailable (healthy measurements).

For any control system, the robustness againstdisturbances and modelling errors is a difficult butbasic requirement, because it is impossible to get aperfect match between the mathematical model andthe real process, and to describe disturbancesintroduced by sensors, actuators, and plantcomponents precisely. If the effects of faults aresimilar to those of modelling errors and disturbances,the robustness ability can also be used to developcontrollers to be insensitive to certain faults. Inpractical applications, some faults have the effect ofdeviations on system dynamic parameters. These areeffectively the multiplicative faults which affect theresidual signal as a product of state/or control termswith parameters deviations. Other faults have anadditive effect upon the system inputs and/or outputsand therefore affect the residual signals additively; wecan refer to these as additive fault signals. In theadditive case, if the fault signals are not physicallyseparable from the signals in nominal system signalflow, i.e. with significant difference in frequency bandor signal direction etc., it is difficult, sometimesimpossible, to use one robust controller to deal withboth nominal and faulty conditions. Hence, an FDImechanism has to be engaged as a “filter” removingall unwanted signals from the system, whilst at thesame time accentuating all fault effects to bemonitored (detected and isolated). Fortunately thereis a well developed field of state estimation for FDIwhich can provide very fast detection and isolation offaults as long as the faults have an additive effect uponthe monitored system.

If it can be guaranteed that a fault will act asuncertainty upon the system in a way which can bebounded, fault-tolerant control can be achieved by acarefully designed robust controller, i.e. the is the so-called passive approach to fault-tolerant control.

Among those who have extended their work on robustcontrol to deal with passive fault- tolerance areHorowitz et al., (1985) and Keating et al. (1995) whouse quantitative feedback theory, and McFarlane(1988) and Williams et al. (1990) who employed thefrequency domain approach, based on H∞ - norm

optimisation. Nett et al. (1988), Tyler et al. (1994),Murad et al. (1996), Niemann et al. (1997) andStourstrup et al. (1997) present robust designapproaches to integrated control and fault estimationbased upon the so-called 4 parameter controller.

Whilst this has some attractions, it suffers from twoproblems as follows:

The main disadvantage of their designs is that theyconsider large fault effects which do not challenge therobustness problem! A consideration of smaller orincipient (hard to detect) faults would have given amore realistic and challenging robustness problem tosolve.

Fig. 4.2 shows the 4-parameter controller structure.

G(s)u(s )


n s(s)n a(s)

w c(s)ed(s)

K 2 2 K 2 1

K 1 2 K 1 1

Uncer ta in t ies

Fig. 4.2 Passive f-t control with fault estimationWhere ( )G s is the transfer function matrix of plant,

∆ is additive uncertainty, wc are exogenous inputs,

ed is diagnostic signal, n fa a a= +η and

n fs s s= +η are used to model sensor and actuator

noise ( n ns a, ) and faults ( f fs a, ), ( )u s is the

control signal, ( )y s is the output, and Kij are

control parameters. The estimated control signal isgiven by:

( ) [ ] ( )( )u s K K

w s

y s




21 22 (4.1)

and the estimated fault signal is given by:

( ) [ ] ( )( )e s K K

w s

y sd




11 12 (4.2)

The H∞ optimisation approach is employed to

achieve the following properties:

1) Plant output signal tracks reference commands andis insensitive to actuator faults;

2) Diagnostic output signal tracks actuator faults(abrupt and slow ramp-type faults);

3) Properties (1) and (2) hold in the presence of abounded uncertainty.

Most studies using the 4 parameter controller arebased upon actuator faults. However, if there is asensor fault, the situation changes, no guarantee forperformance and stability is then available.

In this integrated (fault estimation and control) designthe closed-loop signals (reference input and systemoutput) are used for the fault detection. This makesthe fault detection task difficult as there is bi-lateralcoupling between the controller and fault estimation(or FDI) robustness. The robust controller can de-sensitise the fault estimation and conversely faults candestroy controller robustness.

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A further disadvantage of the 4-parameter controllerapproach is that, by combining together the roles offault diagnosis and control into one design we havedifficulty in knowing how to balance the degrees ofdesign freedom.

The advantage of separate designs of fault diagnosisand robust control is that their separate robustnessproblems can be optimised; whilst the controlleraffects the robustness of fault detection and isolation,the “open-loop” approach to fault diagnosis does notin any way affect the controller design. Hence, byseparate designs of controller and diagnosis functions,the degrees of freedom in controller design are notcompromised.

In general, passive fault-tolerant control does notinvolve the joint estimation of control and faultsignals. The basic idea of passive fault-tolerance is tomake the closed-loop system robust againstuncertainties and some very restrictive repertoire oflikely faults. However, in many practical situations,the use of robust control alone to achieve fault-tolerance may be quite a risky thing to do. As a non--intelligent controller, without the use of diagnosticinformation and with no knowledge of faultoccurrence - where and how serious the fault is - thepassive system will have a very limited fault-tolerancecapability. Basically, the passive controller will rejectthe fault only if can be de-sensitised to the fault effectjust as if it were a source of modelling uncertainty.

All signals which are controller inputs/outputs havetheir roles in system stability and performanceachievement. Hence, no guarantee of stability andperformance can be made, if the impaired signals areused in the closed-loop system. This is true eventhough it is said that the controller can be robustagainst some special kinds of faults. Without the useof FDI, the system’s fault-tolerance is limited.

All the passive fault-tolerant controllers are actuallygood examples of baseline controllers which can beused further in fault-accommodating (or active)controllers. The robustness being important duringthe detection and reconfiguration interval.

A robust baseline controller has a degree of passivefault-tolerance for a limited range of fault effects. Formore significant faults the controller requiresreconfiguration, re-scheduling or restructure.

4.3 Active approachesActive fault-tolerance has this title because on-linefault accommodation is used. Active fault-tolerantcontrollers are generally variable in their structure.Whilst all use the concept of unanticipated faults,some use the FDI function and others do not. Someuse a baseline controller and some do not.

We can more usefully classify active fault-tolerantcontrol methods as to whether or not they are:

a) based on off-line (pre-computed) control laws;b) on-line fault-accommodating;

c) tolerant to unanticipated faults using FDI;d) dependent upon use of a baseline controller

The philosophies behind the various active methodsare so different that it is sometimes difficult to use theabove classification.

On-line restructuring or reconfiguration of control is atopic of ongoing research. For example, Huber et al.(1984) designed a self-repairing control system thatutilised a control mixer concept to distribute controlauthority to remaining effectors, after a surfacemalfunction has occurred. Ostroff et al. (1984)applied a command-generator/proportional-integralfilter control law to an experimental Boeing 707aircraft at NASA Langley. Rauch (1995) provides thepre-computed control law re-scheduling approach toF/A-18 aircraft. This experimental system hadinduced control surface faults and was flight-testedunder turbulent flight conditions. Looze et al. (1985)reported an automatic redesign technique thatrestructures the control such that a frequency-domainsystem performance metric is maximised.

Control law re-schedulingThe simplest way of achieving fault-tolerance is tostore pre-computed gain parameters. The concept ofcontrol law re-scheduling originated in connectionwith the development of flight control systems. It isconsidered as a solution for dealing with changes inaerodynamic coefficients whilst the flight status, suchas Mach number and altitude, change. In theseapplications, the re-scheduling mechanism is triggeredby measured flight data. This approach is now used inmany areas, such as flight control, space control,chemical process control, etc. Theoreticalinvestigations of control law re-scheduling arerelatively new (Shamma et al., 1992; Rugh, 1991;Lawrence et al., 1995; Kaminer et al., 1995). Thisapproach is particularly suitable for CRCA aircraftwhich have a significant level of flight surfaceredundancy.

The main features of control law re-scheduling are:

1. Use of FDI Mechanism2. State estimation information used for controller re-

configuration3. Control laws (gains or structure) pre-computed and


Moerder et al. (1989) developed a realisable schemeusing an FDI unit to monitor the system’s controlimpairment status, and provides state estimates whichare used in an optimal gain scheduling scheme. Thelatter is based on a proportional & integral controllerwith a feedforward processing element switches offcontrol surface command error integrators as surfacesare taken out of the system.

Control law re-scheduling can be viewed as a systemwith feedback control where the feedback gains orstructure are adjusted by feedforward compensation.It is clear that this adjustment is an open-loop action,because there is no feedback from the closed-loop

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system performance to compensate the action of anincorrect re-scheduling. It implies that the correctoperation of control law re-scheduling relies verymuch on the robustness of the FDI mechanism. Anyfalse or missed alarm, or incorrect isolation mayinduce a disaster to the stability and performance ofclosed-loop systems.

Motivated by this robustness issue, Zheng et al.(1997) have developed another way of developingfault-tolerant control, based on FDI information. Intheir approach the theory of LMI is used to synthesisethe control feedback as a function of “fault effectvectors”. The latter are derived from the residualvector of the FDI mechanism. Whilst synthesising thecontroller, their approach also takes into accountmodelling errors and inaccuracies of the fault effectvectors as a robustness problem. The approach hasbeen demonstrated on a longitudinal motion flightcontrol system for an unmanned aircraft with non-linear dynamics.

Feedback LinearisationLinear controllers generally work well for smallvariations of state or control variables. However,when an aircraft suffers a malfunction, coupledmotions should be taken into account whenrestructuring the controller. The concept of feedbacklinearisation can be used to compensate for these non-linear dynamic effects, whilst also enabling flightcontrol restructuring. Fig. 4.3 illustrates a typicalflight control scheme.

During a control effector malfunction, the couplingbetween the lateral and longitudinal dynamics canbecome significant as non-linearities begin to effectthe aircraft dynamic behaviour. Feedbacklinearisation is an established technique in flightcontrol (Meyer et al, 1984; Smith et al, 1987; Lane etal, 1988 and Ochi & Kanai, 1991)

Generic InputGeneration






ReferenceInput U


Fig. 4.3 Feedback Linearistion Approach

The faults are identified indirectly by estimating theparameters of the aircraft equations of motion indiscrete-time using recursive least-squares. This wayof fulfilling the FDI function can be related to theparameter estimation approach of Isermann (1984).The estimated parameters are used to update the newparameters of the controller. A important feature offeedback linearisation is the combined use of a controldistributor (CD) and generic inputs (GI) (Ochi et al,1991).

Recall that in active flight control it is desirable tohave many control effectors independently driven toaccommodate faults. During the design the number ofinputs must be at least equal to the number of outputsto be controlled. The CD is introduced to reduce thereal input vector to the GI vector which has the samenumber of elements as the output vector. When faultsoccur, the control law (rather than the CD) is changedusing non-linear adaptation based on the parameterchanges. As a CRCA has a large number ofparameters, difficulties can arise in parameteridentification due to independence of the longitudinaland lateral control variables. By using the GI in theidentification procedure, problems arising fromcoupled motions are alleviated. However, the GI mustbe modified when real inputs are structured so thatparameters can be identified correctly.

Ochi et al. also considered the actuator dynamics anduse the concept of the imaginary actuator to generatea particular GI signal.

Model-following ApproachesModel-following is an alternative to feedbacklinearisation. There are basically three strategies asfollows (with basic fault-tolerance properties):Explicit (Morse et al.,1990): Limited on-line faultaccommodation; no baseline controller; no FDImechanism; capability of distributing control effortamongst effective control surfaces;Implicit (Huang et al., 1990): Very limitedaccommodation to control surface malfunctions; nobaseline controller; limited use of simple FDImechanism; emphasis on maintaining the nominalsystem eigenstructure (can be classed as robust);Multiple model Kalman filtering (Napolitano et al.,1991): Multiple-model Kalman filtering used toestimate dynamics of damaged vehicle; limited use ofsimple FDI procedures.

Model-following is an attractive candidate for theredesign process associated with fault-tolerant controlbecause the goal is to emulate the performancecharacteristics of a desirable model, with or withoutfaults or failures. The ideal form of model-followingis perfect model-following (PMF) in which thebehaviour of the system can be completely specified(Erzberger, 1968). The Erzberger conditions areactually very restrictive since most systems have morestates than inputs. An approximation to PMF can beaccomplished explicitly (by requiring system outputsto follow those of the model in a least-squares sense)or implicitly (by minimising a quadratic function ofthe actual and modelled state rates) (Erzberger, 1968;Tyler, 1970).

Explicit model-following is normally less sensitive toparameter variations, but the model states must begenerated, and feedback gains may be high forsatisfactory performance. Implicit model-followingon the other hand can be implemented more simplywith lower gains, and the weighting matrices are

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directly affected by the difference in plant and modeldynamics.

The idea of controlling an impaired system so that it is"close", in some sense, to the nominal system, hasbeen explored in numerous papers (Caglayan et al.,1988a; Huber, 1984; Ostroff, 1985; Rattan, 1985; Gao& Antsaklis, 1990, 1991). The model-followingreconfigurable flight control (MFRFC) system wasfirst proposed by (Huang et al.,, 1990) whoconsidered the suitability of the Implicit Model-following Method for reconfigurable control.Following this, (Morse et al., 1990) described ascheme utilising a multi-variable model-followingadaptive controller to directly adjust the controllergains in real time to force the plant to follow thetrajectories of a desired model. The MFRFC systemhas the capability of distributing the control effortimplicitly amongst the aircraft's effective surfaceswithout explicit knowledge of the malfunction.

Explicit knowledge that a fault has occurred is notneeded for reconfiguration using this approach, directreliance on FDI is removed and so is the danger thatfalse alarms can have upon reconfiguration. On theother hand, it removes the necessity for a baselinecontroller, which provides good robustness duringFDI time delays (Mariton et al., 1989).

In their MFRFC scheme, Morse et al. made use of theModel-Following Adaptive Controller (MFAC)proposed by Sobel et al. (1982), which is based on thecommand generator tracker of O'Brien et al. (1980).This model-following adaptive controller has thefollowing structure. The model which possesses thedesired dynamic response is given by:

( ) ( )( )

x A x t B u t

y C x t



•= +



⎭⎪ (4.3)

The model of the system or plant under control isgiven by:

( ) ( )( )

x A x t B u t

y C x t



•= +



⎭⎪ (4.4)

where A A RM Pn n, ∈ × , B B RM P

n m, ∈ × ,

( ) ( )x t x t RM Pn m, ∈ × , C C RM P

q n, ∈ × ,

u u RM Pm l, ∈ × , and q m< . It is assumed that

the plant matrices AP and B p and the initial

states are unknown. The adaptive control law thatforces the plant output to track the output of the modelis given by:

( ) ( ) ( )[ ]

[ ] ( )

u K x t K u K y t y t

K K s t

P x M u M e M P

l p

= + + −

= +



( ) ( )[ ] ( ) ( ) s y t y t y t y tTM P


PT= − , , (4.6)

( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

K t e t s t

K t K t e t s t

P yT

l l yT


= − +




Ωµ (4.7)

where, ( ) ( ) ( )e t y t y ty M P= − is the tracking error,

Ω is a square positive definite matrix, and Γ is a

square positive semi-definite matrix. The adaptivegains have been given the basic form corresponding toa proportional-plus-integral controller. The trackingerror ( )e ty can be shown to be asymptotically stable

using Lyapunov's second method, provided that theplant can be stabilised using constant output feedback.Morse et al. (1990) provide a detailed discussion ofhow suitable stability properties can be achieved.They also describe the construction of a stabilityaugmentation loop incorporating feed-forward actionso that the MFAC scheme can be applied to non-minimum phase plants. However, with the feed-forward augmentation it is only possible to guaranteethat tracking errors are bounded; there is no guaranteeof asymptotic stability.

Morse et al. (1990) outline the difficulties involved informulating a methodological process to optimise theelements of the required matrices. They proceed togive some general guide-lines, based on an example ofreconfigurable flight control, based on a simulation ofan experimental aircraft - the AFTI/F-16. In theirstudy they considered only one type of fault, namely, acontrol surface that is centred and stuck. This ismodelled by zeroing out its respective surfacecommand input column vector within the input BM

matrix. They chose this fault type because of itsmodelling simplicity and its use as a standard test casein other reconfiguration studies. In their study theysimulated:

(a) a right horizontal tail surface fault,(b) double flaperon and rudder faults,(c) double horizontal tail surface faults

They show that their proposed adaptive proportional-plus-integral MFRFC system can maintainperformance, even in the presence of quadruple faultsLimited FDI - faults identified indirectly usingparameter estimation; feedback linearisation based onparameter estimates.

Pseudo-inverse modelling methodsAccording to Gao et al. (1991), a viable alternative tothe model-following approaches, a reconfigurablecontrol approach known as the pseudo-inverse method(PIM) has been used reasonably well in flightsimulation studies by (Huber et al., 1984; Caglayan etal., 1988a; Ostroff, 1985 & Rattan, 1985; Raza et al.,1985). The PIM principle is to modify the constantfeedback gain so that the reconfigured systemapproximates the nominal system in some sense. Thismethod uses no FDI mechanism and certain faultmodels are assumed. The objectives of PIM inreconfigurable control are to:

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a) maintain as much simplicity as possible in thecontroller design,

b) reconfigured system made to approximatenominal system closely, and

c) provide graceful degradation in performance,subsequent to a fault.

The open-loop plant model is given by Eq. (4.4).Assume further that the closed-loop system isdesigned using state-feedback with control law:

u K p x p= (4.8)

with K Rpm n∈ × The nominal closed-loop plant

system is thus:

( )( )

x A B K x

y C x t

P P P P p


•= +



⎭⎪ (4.9)

Suppose that the model of the system, in which faultsare assumed to have occurred, is given by:

( )( )

x A B K x

y C x t

f f f f f

f f f

•= +



⎭⎪ (4.10)

where K f is the new feedback gain matrix to be

determined. The main idea of PIM is to modify theconstant feedback gains of the nominal system, so thatthe reconfigured system approximates the nominalsystem in some well defined sense. This is attractivebecause of simplicity in computation andimplementation. A measure of closeness betweensystems before and after a fault is the Frobenius normof the difference between the closed 'A' matrices. Gaoet al. (1990, 1991) showed that by minimising thisnorm, the bound in the variations of closed-loopeigenvalues due to faults is minimised.

There are several variants of the PIM method. Somefit into the category of active fault-tolerant control,others may be better classified as passive methods.The method due to (Ostroff, 1985) is based on thedetermination of K f such that the closed-loop state

transition matrix for the system derived fromEq.(4.10) approximates in some sense the transitionmatrix of the normal plant described by Eq.(4.9).Hence, we can require that the two closed-loop system

matrices ( )A B KP P P+ and ( )A B Kf f f+ are

equated so that an approximate solution for K f is

given by:

( )K B A A B Kf f P f P P= − ++ (4.11)

where B f+ denotes the pseudo-inverse of B f

which can be defined using a singular valuedecomposition of B f . K f can be calculated from

Eq.(4.11) for many anticipated faults and be stored inthe flight-control computer. Once the fault has beendetected, isolated and identified (i.e. the model of thefaulty system is obtained), the feedback gain ismodified. This is a relatively fast solution to stabilisethe impaired aircraft. This method has been used for

anticipated faults see (Caglayan et al., 1988b; Huberet al., 1984; Ostroff, 1985; Rattan, 1985).

There is a severe drawback of the PIM method (in itsoriginal form) which limits its applicability (Gao etal., 1991). The stability of the impaired system is notguaranteed and this may lead to undesirable effects incertain fault scenarios. To attempt to overcome thisstability problem Gao et al. (1991) also describe amodified pseudo-inverse method (MPIM) in whichthe difference between the closed-loop 'A' matrices isminimised subject to stability constraints, whilstrecovering the performance as much as possible.

The MPIM is based on results on the stabilityrobustness of linear systems with structureduncertainty (Bartlett et al., 1988; Barmish, 1988;Yedavalli, 1988; Zhou et al., 1987) as a constraintminimisation problem. It is first assumed that

( )A Bf f, form a stabilisable pair. If this

assumption is not valid, stabilisation can be achievedusing an inner-loop stability augmentation. Themodification is based upon a consideration ofstructured uncertainty in the state-space model, i.e. byconsidering the perturbed state-space model, withperturbation matrix ∆Ap , such that:

( ) ( ) ( )( )

x A A x t B u t

y C x t



•= + +



⎭⎪∆ (4.12)

It is assumed that a stability bound can be found suchthat if

( )K i j i m j nf , , ( , ,.., & , ,..., )< = =δ 1 2 1 2 (4.13)

then the system in (4.10) will be stable. Gao &Antsaklis (1991) describe in more detail how thebound δ can be derived using Zhou's method (1987)or Yedavalli's method (1988). The algorithm for theMPIM reconfigurable control system is as follows:

Step 1 Calculate K f from Eq. (4.11)

Step 2 Check the stability of Eq. (4.10) for theK f obtained in Step 1

Step 3 If (4.10) is stable, stop; otherwise calculateK f using

( ) ( )( )( )K

K i j if K i j

K i j otherwisef

f f




, ,

sgn ,


δ (4.14)

McLean et al. (1991) used the same philosophy ofPIM reconfiguration. Their idea is to redistribute thecontrol commands in order to improve the closed-loop system stability. They proposed the weightedcontrol redistribution method which actually fallsmore closely in line with the projection-basedreconfiguration. After inspecting their method itbecomes clear once again that closed-loop stability isstill not guaranteed, in some cases.

There are however, two further limitations of PIMapproaches:

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Robustness in FDI: The PIM approaches make noexplicit use of the robustness properties of thedetection, isolation and identification of faults andthey depend very much on the ability of thesupervision system to determine the fault signature.Unfortunately, this is a very difficult problem which isoverwhelmed by uncertainty not just in control - butalso in fault detection and isolation!Limitation to sate feedback: Unfortunately, the PIMtheory has only been worked out on the assumptionthat the system to be reconfigured has a state feedbackstructure. For many real applications of control thestate variables are not available so that, outputfeedback control is the only way to stabilise the plant.As output feedback severely restricts the freedomavailable in achieving either stability of performancerobustness, the PIM approach becomes severelyrestricted.

The alternative use of state estimate feedback istroubled by loop-transfer recovery problems, unlessspecially designed robust observers are used. The useof robust observers can become a part of the robustFDI problem, although this aspect is seldomconsidered in the literature.

Unfortunately, when all these problems areconsidered, the PIM and MPIM methods are not asrealistic and practically realisable as one may think atfirst sight.

There is an interesting link between the PIM (orMPIM) approach and linear model-following (LMF)for reconfigurable control. In both cases the plant isforced to attempt to follow a reference system,although in with LMF the plant approximates thereference model (e.g. using the output trajectory). Inthe MPIM case, the impaired system imitates thenominal system in terms of a norm or 'closeness' of theclosed-loop state space 'A' matrices.

Hybrid Adaptive Linear Quadratic ControlAn adaptive control approach which obviates the useof FDI procedures has been proposed by Ahmed-Zaidet al. (1991) who described the augmentation of aflight control system using a hybrid adaptive linearquadratic control (HALQC) scheme. This approachhas an on-line capability of learning andaccommodating to "drastic" changes in the aircraftdynamics, due to surface or hardware faults.

Their adaptive control system was designed for thereduced-order linearised dynamics of the AFTI/F-16and was tested using the full-order non-linear model.Emphasis is placed on the use of reduced-orderlinearised models to decrease the number ofadjustable parameters in the adaptive scheme. Theyuse the Hankel Norm model reduction algorithm andverify carefully that the resulting reduced-order modelmatches the full-order dynamical system model withinthe frequency range of interest. These careful stepstowards model design are made before the adaptivecontroller design. Although limited to control surface

(actuator faults), the method has on-line fault-accommodation capability. No explicit knowledge offaults is required. The feedback system is gain-scheduled but augmented with HALQC.


FDI has an important role in the active way ofachieving fault-tolerance. When using directredundancy, extra hardware channels or componentsprovide additional signals. These can be used togenerate residual signals by direct comparison.Voting techniques can be used to indicate andpossibly isolate a faulty component.

When analytical redundancy is used (see Section 3)analytical relationships are used to produce additional(or back-up signals, as well as the residual signals.When the system is fault-free, all of the residualsshould be close to zero. After a fault occurs, themodule that is used for residual generation anddecision-making is responsible for finding out thelocation of the fault. The system can then bereconfigured or restructured so that any non-impairedor healthy channel (or component), or signals will bechosen to take a role in system operation. In somecases, an alternative pre-calculated controller will beactivated or the parameters of the controller will bechanged according to real time diagnostic informationprovided by the FDI unit.

The key problem for active fault-tolerant control ison-line reconfiguration (or restructuring) of thecontroller. For this to be possible detailedinformation about changes in the system parameters(or changes in the system operating point) due toeither normal process changes or component(multiplicative) faults is required. The major task ofFDI is to acquire this information, whilst it is the taskof a supervision system to manage the controllerreconfiguration (for example, by model-selectionbased upon FDI unit information). There is now anincreasing interest in steps towards integrating the FDImechanism efficiently into the design of a fault-tolerant controller (Jiang, 1994a; Kobi et al., 1994;Chandler et al., 1995; Åström, 1996).

At present, many reconfigurable controllers use realtime estimates of system parameters provided byparameter estimation based FDI. It is often claimedthat the parameter estimation approach to FDI canprovide the controller with system information in aformat more suitable for on-line reconfiguration thanthrough the alternative approach to FDI based uponstate estimation. Unfortunately, there are still manydifficulties along the route to getting reasonablyaccurate parameters on-line. In order to get goodestimates, it may be necessary to introduceperturbation signals to make sure that all the plant’smodes are sufficiently excited. However, in manypractical applications, it is impossible to applyadditional perturbation signals. Additionally, the

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parameter estimation algorithms are quite complicatedand computationally time consuming. Furthermore, inmany cases, the system model structure will changedue to the faults. This is in turn causes furtherproblems in achieving suitably accurate estimation.

In order to overcome the disadvantages of usingparameter estimation, researchers are trying to use: (I)different controller reconfiguration mechanisms basedon other kinds of FDI information (Rauch, 1995;Jiang, 1994b); (II) alternative ways to provide FDIinformation more efficiently and in ways more suitedto the reconfiguration mechanism (Narendra et al.,1990; Gevers, 1993; Van den Hof, 1995).

In addition to the signal and parameter estimation andresidual generation, the FDI unit is also expected toprovide more detailed information about faultyconditions. Recently, researchers have been trying tomake the best use of all the information given by FDIto improve the ability of on-line controllerreconfiguration (Noura et al., 1993; Jiang, 1994a;Polycarpou et al., 1995).

For some real applications, the possibility ofoccurrence of some kinds of faults is much smallerthan that of others. However, no one can guaranteethat faults with small possibility will not occur. Insome iterative approaches for on-line reconfigurablecontroller design, as a consequence of considering justsome special faults, explicit knowledge about thenature, location and the time of fault occurrence is notneeded. However, the reliability of the operation ofsuch iterative methods must be guaranteed by the useof an FDI unit. This implies that reconfigurationmechanisms of this type can be activated only by thedecision that a fault has occurred (using an FDI unit).

Thus, the FDI mechanism appears to be quitenecessary in a fault-tolerant control system.

5.1 FDI approaches & diagnostic informationOver the past two decades, many kinds of FDIapproaches have been developed. Of theseapproaches, there are quantitative model-basedapproaches (Willsky, 1976; Mironovski, 1980;Walker, 1983; Isermann, 1984,1994; Himmelblau,1986; Basseville, 1988; Gertler, 1988, 1991; Frank,1990,1994,1995; Patton, 1991,1993,1994,1996) andbooks: (Himmelblau, 1978; Patton et al., 1989 and1997; Brunet et al. 1990; Pouliezos et al., 1994),qualitative model based approaches (Arkin et al.,1990; D'ambrosio, 1989; Dvorak et al., 1989;Falkenhaimer et al., 1988; Mavrovouniotis et al. ,1990; Pearce, 1988; Travé-Massuyes et al., 1990;Leitch et al., 1992), and knowledge based approaches(Hayes-Roth et al., 1983; Bobrow et al., 1984;Passino et al., 1988; Tzafestas, ‘89, ‘94)

In order to design the controller, precise knowledgeabout the plant dynamic model should be known apriori. The same information is required forreconfiguring the control system. On consideringthese requirements, more emphasis has been

traditionally placed upon quantitative model-basedFDI approaches as these are reliant on detailedknowledge of system dynamic model and may finallyprovide more details about the changes in systemdynamics, in keeping with the requirements forreconfiguration and closed-loop adaption.

The major emphasis therefore in the field ofquantitative model-based FDI has been placed uponmethods of detecting and isolating faults rapidly andaccurately. There is an increasing research interestinto answering the question of how the diagnosticinformation can be used more efficiently tocompensate for or counteract the effects of somefaults, rather than others - thus giving strong faultisolation possibilities, whilst taking care of modellinguncertainties (Chen & Patton, 1996).

At present, most FDI approaches can only provide afault alarm or quite limited information about thenature of faults, such as which sensor or actuator isimpaired, and how large the fault signal is. Mostmethods are also restricted to the assumption that thefaults are additive on the system (i.e. sensor oractuator but not component faults).

Few studies have considered how much furtherinformation can be provided by the FDI unit.Similarly, there is little information available aboutthe kind of fault information (for a particularapplication domain) that may be required by differentreconfigurable controllers. It is clear therefore thatmechanisms for achieving a systematic integrateddesign of both the FDI unit and the reconfigurablecontroller scheme are still awaited.

Model-based fault diagnosis can be defined as thedetection, isolation and determination of thecharacterisation of faults in components of a systemfrom a comparison of its available measurements, witha priori information represented by the system'smathematical model. Faults are detected by setting a(fixed or variable) threshold on a residual signalgenerated from the difference between realmeasurements and their estimates using themathematical model. The generalised way of doingthis is given by Eq. 3.3. A number (or vector) ofresiduals can be designed with each componenthaving special sensitivity to specific faults (or sets offaults) occurring in different locations in the dynamicsystem. The subsequent analysis of each residual,once a threshold is exceeded, then leads to faultisolation and also fault categorisation.

The major sub-classes of model-based FDI (usingquantitative models) are state estimation approaches(using state or output observers), parameter estimationapproaches, and parity equation approaches.

5.2 Robustness problem for FDIAll the quantitative model-based approaches requirethat the process can be described by a time-domain orfrequency domain mathematical model.

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Unfortunately, there is almost never an exactagreement between the process and its model. Asmodel-based FDI is based upon the use ofmathematical models of the supervised system, theFDI function performance is always deteriorated bymodelling errors and disturbances. Hence, therobustness of FDI against modelling uncertainty is ofprimary interest.

Put another way, the main property of interest in theFDI function is the achievement of a low missed-alarm and low false-alarm rates. If a fault occurs andthe FDI unit cannot confirms this accurately, then thecontroller, which is normally suitable for the fault-freesystem, has to take up a new role in the faultycondition. In this case, there is a risk of loosingsystem stability or deteriorating system performanceseriously.

If there is a false-alarm which triggers thereconfiguration mechanism to adjust the controller on-line, it may give rise to a risk of putting an unsuitablecontroller into closed-loop action.

The FDI robustness implies that residuals must beonly certain sensitive to faults, even in the presence ofmodel-reality differences (e.g. parameter variations),turbulence, and the effects of manoeuvres. Clearly,analytical techniques have to maintain conventionalsystem performance and reliability and the robustnessproblem in FDI is at the heart of this.

FDI system reliability must be higher than themonitored system. The better the model used as arepresentation of the dynamic behaviour of thesystem, the higher will be the chance of improving thereliability and performance in detecting and isolatingfaults.

However, this reliability is limited as perfectmodelling is impossible for complex engineeringsystems, and hence is dependent upon the insensitivityproperties of both the detection and isolation functionsto normal disturbances and effects of systemparameter variations. Usually, parameter variationsand disturbances act upon a real process in anuncertain way, so that in the presence of modellingerrors and disturbances, increasing the fault detectioncoverage whilst at the same time decreasing the false-alarm rate is a very tough challenge. This problem isnow well recognised and one can refer to a number ofeffective solutions (Frank, 1995; Patton & Chen,1996; Gertler et al., 1993). There have been severalimportant survey studies on model-based FDItechniques covering a two-decade span (Willsky,1976; Isermann, 1984; Patton et al., 1989; Frank,1990; Patton et al., 1995, 1996; Gertler, 1991; andGertler et al., 1993).

5.2.1 FDI residual generation robustnessIn order to design robust FDI schemes, we need thedescription of normal disturbances and systemuncertainties (modelling errors) acting upon thesystem, during typical process plant operation.

Considering the basic fact that the characteristics ofmodelling uncertainty can never be fully known (!),one way of dealing with system uncertainties is toincorporate all of these effects into one signal knownas the “unknown input” acting upon the system(Watanabe et al., 1982; Massoumnia, 1986; Frank,1990; Patton, 1995; Patton et al., 1996). In thecontext of using unknown inputs the system can bedescribed as:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

x t A x t B u t R f t E d t

y t C x t Du t R f t E d t

= + + +

= + + +

1 1

2 2


where the state variables are ( )x t Rn∈ , the

measured process outputs are ( )y t Rm∈ , the control

signals are ( )u t R p∈ , the fault signals are

( )f t Rn∈ with distribution R1 or R2 . The

unknown inputs representing uncertainty anddisturbances are ( )E d t1 and ( )E d t2 . In the time-

domain, disturbance decoupling methods, such as theunknown input observer (Kudva et al., 1980) and usedin the context of FDI by Watanabe et al. (1982);Massoumnia, (1986); Wünnenberg et al., (1988,1996)); eigenstructure assignment (Patton et al.,1989, 1991, 1996; Duan et al., 1997), and robustparity equation approaches, are now well understood.An important assumption upon which these methodsare based is that the unknown input distributionmatrices E1 and E2 must be known a priori.

Unfortunately, their derivation is, (apart from verysimple examples), a very complex problem. The mostsignificant term is ( )E d t1 and Patton et al.

(1991,1993, 1995, 1996) have proposed a number ofmethods for computing E1 , based on the assumption

that can be ignored.

In order to achieve disturbance decoupling, the keyprinciple is to find a p n× matrix H to satisfy the

equation H E1 0= . If ( )rank E n p1 ≤ − , the

equation has solutions and exact disturbancedecoupling is possible. However, in practice, as thematrix E1 is derived via considering all uncertain

factors contributing to the unknown input(s) (Chen etal., 1996), it is most often the case that

( )rank E n p1 > − and hence the equation

H E1 0= has no solution and exact decoupling is

impossible. In order to achieve the decoupling, a low

rank matrix E1∗ is used to approximate the original

matrix E1 and is then used to achieve H E1 0∗ = ,

with the Frobenius norm (chosen for computational

convenience) E EF

1 12

− ∗ is minimised.

Even though many successful applications are basedon this kind of time domain method (Chen et al.,1996), research into time-domain approaches to robust

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FDI is still a very open matter for research. Oneimportant aspect for future consideration is that if:

( ) ( )Ker R Ker ET T

1 1∩⎛


⎠⎟ ≠∗ φ , considering for

example the eigenstructure assignment approaches,fault signals corresponding to some fault mode withrespective to:

( ) ( )Ker R Ker ET T

1 1∩⎛


⎠⎟∗ are also de-coupled

whilst integrated disturbances have been decoupled.Unfortunately, for a complex system with a manyfactors of uncertainty, this is a common situation.Hence, the decoupling of a residual from a set ofintegrated disturbances sometimes makes the residualcompletely or partially insensitive to some faults.

In the frequency domain, Marquez et al. (1992)developed a new observer structure for FDI, based onunstructured uncertainty. However, their workbelongs essentially to a class of frequency domainapproaches, based on sensitivity optimisation. In anattempt to overcome the limitations on achievingsuitable sensitivity imposed by the structure ofclassical state observers, Marquez et al. weremotivated to find a new generalised observer structurewhich provides additional degrees of freedom inshaping the observers sensitivity to unknown inputs.They gave a parametrisation of all stabilisinggeneralised observers, through an observer sensitivityminimisation problem, via H∞ optimisation.

In recent years, frequency domain approaches for FDIdesign have attracted much attention using H∞ -

based factorisation methods (Ding et al., 1991; Frank(1994); Qiu et al., 1994; or the complete approach toan H∞ solution (Edelmeyer et al., 1997; Sadrnia et

al., 1997).

Chen et al., (1994) proposed a systematic approachbased on multi-objective optimisation to robustresidual design for detecting incipient faults. Toreduce false- and missed-alarm rates, a number ofperformance indices were introduced into the observerdesign. Some performance indices are expressed inthe frequency domain to take account of the frequencydistribution of faults, noise signals and modellinguncertainties. All objectives are reformulated into aset of inequality constraints on the performanceindices.

5.2.2 Robustness in decision-making The goal ofrobust decision-making is to minimise the false- andmissed-alarm rates against the effects of modellinguncertainties and unknown disturbances. Emami-Naeini et al. (1988) and Frank (1994) reported howefforts to enhance the robustness of FDI can be madeat the decision-making stage. Due to inevitableparameter uncertainty, disturbance and noiseencountered in a real application, one will rarely finda situation where the conditions for a perfectly robust

residual generation are met. This is especially true forunstructured uncertainties. It is therefore necessary toprovide sufficient robustness not only in the residualgeneration stage but also in the decision-making stage.When the decision-making stage of FDI is maderobust against uncertainty, we can speak of passiverobustness in FDI (Patton et al., 1991) in which caseit may not be necessary (or it may be difficult) tomake the residual robust. Passive robustness can beachieved in several ways, e.g. by statistical dataprocessing, averaging, by finding and using the mosteffective threshold, or by using fuzzy decision-makingtechniques (Frank, 1994).

The methods of passive robustness in FDI which havereceived the most attention are based on the use ofadaptive thresholds (Emami-Naeini et al., 1988), i.e.each threshold becomes a function in some way ofmeasurable quantities. Another idea makes use offuzzy logic techniques for decision-making (Frank,1993).


In a closed-loop control system, the model-basedprocess of detecting and isolating faults can operate intwo different ways depending on the availability ofsystem signals. It is by far the most usual to employan observer or parity equation FDI in such a way thatit has no effect upon the controller function - in otherwords an “open-loop” approach as shown in Fig.6.1.In this structure, the control command u(t) to theactuators is available for the FDI purpose and thissignal together with the measured output signal y(t) isused to generate a residual signal. When the residualsignal exceeds a threshold, the variation is due toeither to a fault or to the effect of uncertainty.

P L A N T SensorsActua tors

Faul tDiagnos is



contro lc o m m a n d faults

robust control ler


u(t) y(t)r(t) +


Fig. 6.1 Closed-loop system with “open-loop” FDI

The basic principle of model-based FDI is to checkthe consistency between the system input and outpututilising the input-output relationship provided by themathematical model. Referring to Fig. 6.1, therelationship between y(t) and u(t) is described by theopen-loop system model which means that the FDIsystem can be designed separately. Using thisapproach in contrast to the 4-parameter controllerapproach of Nett et al. (1988) (the work of Area 5 inFig. 2.1 and under Section 4.2), the FDI unit has noeffect on the controlled system. In the alternativeapproach of Fig. 4.2, the robust control and faultsignals are estimated using a robust estimator. In thiscase there is a clear two-way interaction between the

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robustness of the residual signal to uncertainty and thecontroller robustness to uncertainty. This is seen bythe FDI community as a clear disadvantage under thegoal to achieve reliable fault diagnosis forreconfigurable control.

Whilst the “open-loop” form of FDI (Area 1 in Fig.2.1) has no effect upon the controller, the controlsignal directly influences the FDI residual when thereis modelling uncertainty present. A robust controllercan then have the effect of de-sensitising the residualsignal to faults and ruin the FDI unit’s capability ofdetecting and (more particularly) isolating incipientfaults (Wu, 1992). To overcome this difficulty, someextra constraints must be imposed on the controllerrobustness, i.e. to make the FDI system sensitive tofaults and at the same time insensitive to the controlsignal and to the uncertainty.

It is feasible to design the robust control and FDIsystems together by optimising a set of mixed controland fault detection/fault isolation objectives. Due tothe extra design constraints imposed, the performanceand stability robustness of approaches based upon the4 parameter controller structure (“closed-loop”approach) of Nett et al. (1988) it will not, in generalbe possible to achieve the same level of robustnessfrom the controller as would be possible via thesystem with separately designed controller and FDIsystems. This structure should be avoided in the fault-tolerant control system configuration.

The effect the control signal has on the “open-loop”FDI residual can be seen through the following simpleanalysis based upon an observer-generated residual.

Consider the model of Eq. (6.1) with the variablesdefined in Eq. (5.1):

x A x B u

y C x D u

= += +


The real plant dynamics are:

x A B u R f

y C x D u R f

p p

p p

= + +

= + +1



where A A Ap = + ∆ , B B Bp = + ∆ ,

C C Cp = + ∆ , D D Dp = + ∆ .

The observer dynamics are:

x A x B u L C x L y

y C x D u

•= + − += +


⎭⎪ (6.3)

Then, we have:

( )( )

( ) ( )( ) ( )

e x x

A x A x B u B u R L R f

LC x LC x L D D u

A LC e R L R f

B L D u A L C x

p p

p p

• • •= −

= − + − + −

+ − + −

= − + −

+ − + −

1 2

1 2

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ (6.4)

The Laplace transformed residual vector is given by:

( ) ( )( ) ( )

( )( ) ( )( )

r s We s

W R C sI A LC R L R f s


B L D u s A L C x s


= + − + −

+ − +

− + −

( )

( ) ( )


1 2


∆ ∆ ∆ ∆


where W is a ∈R pxm design weighting matrix.

From Eq. 6.5 we see that because of modelling errorsand system non-linearity, the control signal ( )u s ,

which is also input to the FDI observer, will affect theestimation error ( )e s , and hence also the residual

signal ( )r s which is a function of ( )e s . The terms

( )∆ ∆B L D u s− ( ) and ( )∆ ∆A L C x s− ( ) here work

as additive disturbances to the residual generator andcompete with fault signal, thereby making thediscrimination between faults and uncertainty adifficult problem. Put another way, the residualgeneration becomes de-sensitised to faults through theeffect of modelling uncertainty, with the term

( )∆ ∆B L D u s− ( ) illustrating the special effect that

the controller has upon the residual. The smaller thecontrol deviations the lower the effect of the controlon the FDI, and so on.


Supervsion for fault-tolerant control is actually theleast developed of the areas shown in Fig 2.1.However, a variety of schemes of supervision havebeen developed for managing diagnostic informationand on-line redesign or restructure of the controllerThese studies use wide-ranging methodologies - fromthe use of FMEA (Blanke et al, 1997) to ideas basedupon the use of intelligent computing (Rauch, 1995;Kwong, 1995; Napolitano et al., 1995; Werbos,1995), such as fuzzy logic (FL), neuro-computing(NC), genetic algorithms (GA), and probabilisticreasoning (PR). Generally speaking, FL is amethodology for dealing with imprecision,approximate reasoning, rule-based systems andcomputing with words; NC is based upon systemidentification, learning and adaptation; GA issystemised random search and optimisation; and PR

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inolves decision analysis and management ofuncertainty (Zadeh, 1996).

Undoubtedly, the integration of these powerfulintelligent computing tools within the framework offault-tolerant control will give us new scope forresearch in this area.


A fault-tolerant control system must be plannedcarefully and designed using systematic and wellintegrated procedures. This means that this is a trulymulti-disciplinary field of research. This is one reasonwhy it has not fully emerged as a mature field ofresearch. There are significant challenges to beovercome as investigators widen their scope andunderstanding of the required complexity of fault-tolerant control systems. The subject is not just abouttolerating faults but rather more about reliability,redundancy, reconfiguration, robustness andsupervision. In addition to system theoretic controland diagnosis concepts, research effort must beexpended in examining carefully fault-tolerant systemrequirements. Some tools for establishing theserequirements are possibility analysis for componentmalfunctions, failure mode and effects analysis,system reliability analysis, reliability distribution andredundancy design.

There are also a number of important areas ofresearch. Fig. 2.1 illustrates these areas and Section 2has discussed the concepts and results that are widelyscattered in diverse literature, making it difficult toestablish the precise nature of fault-tolerant controland the directions that should be taken to make itmore useful and relevant to the needs of practisingengineers and scientists.

A fundamental but ideal requirement is that thereliability of all components of a dynamical system beunderstood. The possible redundancies (bothanalytical and parallel) need to be known in order toprovide maximum reliability through on-line systemrepair and tolerance to faults.

The redundancy is used to substitute impairedfunctions by healthy “backup”. It is also used todetect and pinpoint the location of faults in variouscomponents - actuators, sensors, computers and othermore process-specific components. Without this FDIrole, the fault-tolerant capability of control systems islimited. Indeed systems which do not include the FDIfunction can only be fault-tolerant to some specialkinds of faults (in most case just one fault), with minorinfluence on the closed-loop system. However, in realapplications, even though the possibility for somekinds of faults is smaller than it is for others, no onecan guarantee that the faults with small possibility willnot occur. Hence, the safety conditions for theoperation of those control systems must be enhancedthrough reliable detection and isolation of faults.Reliability of the FDI function actually means that the

models used to generate the analytical forms ofredundancy must replicate accurately the plantdynamic behaviour. This degree of modellingprecision is impossible to achieve in practice andhence there is an accompanying robustness problem inFDI as discussed in Section 4.2.1. The drive towardsstrong discrimination between the response effects ofmodelling uncertainty and faults in carefully designedresidual signals has been at the heart of a very welldefined area of research (Area 1 in Fig. 2.1).

Rapid detection and isolation of faults is necessary tominimise the undesirable effects of detection andreconfiguration delays. These delays lead to seriousinstability unless the controller which operates at thebaseline (the baseline controller) has high integrityand stability and performance robustness.

So robust control is another important function infault-tolerant control (Area 2 in Fig. 2.1). Manyresearchers working in robust control have notappreciated that fault-tolerance is as important achallenge as the robustness problems themselves.

However on its own, robust control is a passive wayof providing limited tolerance to faults (this is indeedthe baseline control function). More powerfulapproaches require active controllerreconfiguration/restructuring over and above thebaseline function - Area 3 of Fig.2.1. There must beno false or missed alarms in FDI for thereconfiguration to work correctly. The stochasticnature of this problem means that the active fault-tolerant control system is exceedingly complex.

The paper has reviewed the literature in these varioustopics and described the areas of overlap - Areas 4, 5& 6 in Fig. 2.1. Bearing in mind the need for robustFDI, robust baseline control together with reliable androbust reconfigurable control, an important directionfor future research is marked by the hatched region ofFig. 2.1. Very few papers considering the fault-tolerant control problem have properly examined theFDI and baseline control functions. It is important tonote that whilst the FDI and robust control designs canbe integrated, the robustness of the FDI system shouldnot influence the passive robustness of the controller.This has not been the case for the approach basedupon the 4-parameter controller. On the other handwhen the FDI robustness and robust controllerproblems are designed using the “open-loop” FDIapproach, the FDI robustness does not influence thecontroller robustness.

With both approaches, the controller influences therobustness of the detection and isolation of the faults.This is a topic which investigators can pick up onimmediately and produce useful solutions.

The fault-tolerant control system must have a form ofsupervision system to decide on the severity of faultsand select the most appropriate control function (Area6). This is best done using artificial intelligence -

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probably based upon fuzzy rules and fuzzy controllerselection.

Finally, it would be helpful to develop the awarenessof the issues involved, their complexity and the multi-disciplinarity of this work. To the author’s knowledgethis is the first paper to bring these issues togetheralbeit in a limited way. There are no easy solutions,but if we can achieve a cross-fertilisation of ideas andconcepts into the various areas loosely covered byfault-tolerant control, we will make great progress inthis field.


The author is indebted to members of his researchgroup, Dr Jie Chen, Dr Hassen Benkhedda and ZhengChen, for many valuable discussions. A specialthanks is due to Professor Bruce Walker from theUniversity of Cincinnati for his helpful guidance infield of fault-tolerant control.


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