Download - Farmers And Commoners


Keeping the Quantock Hills special

5. Farmers and commoners

What would you enjoy about this kind of life?

It’s a great life to be a farmer on the hills

But spot the problem ...

When you have thought about this, click onto the next slide ...

Be a photo-detective …

What are the dangers about herding sheep onto roads?What might happen next?

What might happen if this person left the gate open?

What other difficulties might farmers face?

What can happen ...

Farmers have to use the lanes of the Quantocks for herding their sheep; also on the hills there are often no fences so sheep can wander onto roads. Car drivers may drive too fast and collide with animals on the roads, or visitors may leave gates open and sheep may get lost. There are many dangers to livestock.

Add some arrows and comments to your “user groups spider diagram”, to show how farming can conflict with other user

groups on the Quantock Hills

So how can we make this better?And keep the Quantocks special?

What do you think?Can you think of some solutions?

When you’re ready, click onto the next slide to see what the Quantock Hills Rangers have done so far

This fence allow walkers to have access to the hills, but keeps their dogs away from the fields which might have young lambs in them

So how can we make this better?And keep the Quantocks special?

The AONB Rangers are helping put up stock-proof fences, which if walkers remember to keep shut, keeps the animals safe.

And ...

So how can we make this better?And keep the Quantocks special?

... all sorts of signs warn visitors that there are animals around, which need caring for