Download - FAQ FINAL


We expect a lot of queries from parents as the subject matter of the

courseware involves their children. We have tried to list the most important

set of questions i.e. the frequently asked questions and hope it will answer

most of your queries. Should you have any further query, please do not

hesitate to write to us at [email protected]

FAQ’s on Brain Peak – Mid Brain Activation Program

Q.1 What is the Midbrain and what is the mid brain activation course

all about ?

The nervous system is a complicated and elaborate system which helps the

body in functioning. It is divided in to the central  and preipheral nervous

system. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord.

The brain is further divided into the Fore brain, Mid brain and Hind brain.

While the Fore brain controls the functions such as thought reasoning,

voluntary movement, language, it is the Mid brain that controls the

auditory, Eye movement, vision and body movement.

In the human cerebrum, there is a section called the interbrain that lies

between the left and the right hemispheres. It is crucial to awaken this so-

called third brain in order to improve the capabilities of the human brain.

The interbrain, located at the centre of the cerebrum, links and consolidates

the functions of each part of the brain. It also allows the work of each field

of the brain to appear onto consciousness..

The interbrain acts as a sort of control tower of consciousness and is

equipped with highly advanced intelligence. If a person develops his

interbrain, he will acquire a memory that will allow him to never forget

whatever he has seen or heard once.

The interbrain is in charge of controlling the entire human organism

including the viscera. The deep human consciousness controls the


Once you learn how to access the interbrain, you can become a super

human. In order to awaken this part of the brain , it is necessary to

stimulate a hormonal discharge by sending a special vibration.


Q.2 Who can do this course ?

Any child in the age from 5 -15 years can do this course. It is a fun filled

course which children would love to attend. Please do not force your

childeren to join your course as also don’t pressurise them to get results as

you are spending so much of money.

Q 3. Photos shared have children Blindfolded, Why ? 

Blindfolding enhances child’s concentration by developing QSR ability

which absorbs the information through the waves emitted based on the

theory of quantum mechanics that everything around us has its own wave

pattern. Blindfolding also helps sharpening the other senses.

Q.4 What is the success rate for the course?

Normally 9 out of 10 students will perform well in the course. To take most

of the benefit of this course the child need to do practice which enhances

memory, concentration and intellectual facilities.

Q.5 How do some kids are left behind?

While having midbrain activation programmes child acquire the ability to

‘sense’ and ‘feel’ because brain works like radar sending signals to the

brain and eventually they are able to ‘see’ behind too.

Q.6 What should parents do after the attending the Brain Peak


Like swimming & cycling needs practice even after you have learnt the

same, similarly even after attending the workshop, the more your kids

practice the better they will get.

Q.7 Does Idea Ultimind conducts practice sessions?

As a standard a few practice sessions are part of the workshops depending

on which version of the workshop you join. You may do some practice at

home also. Just start with colours and then to move on books, write and

drawing capablity and then shift on to objects which are farther away. To

acquire stabilisation, experts suggest to practice in a ‘dark room’. Once a


swimmer always a swimmer, the great part of the Brain Peak program is

that once your kid learns it, they will retain this ability for a life time.

Q.8 What if your child is not performing consistently after the

workshops ?

Consistency will come with practice. More your child practices, greater will

be the the stability in performance. But parents must not put it as a burden

on their childeren. Its a natural process and any kind of persuasion,

pressure on the kids will only hamper their ability rather then helping it. Let

it flow like a natural process. No pressuring, no rebukes, least of all never

say that you have spent so much on them and you are expectiving the


Q.9 What if the child does not practice?

Optimum results can be expected if child practises it at least once a day for

the 45 days immediately after attending the Mid Brain Activatin program.

The mid brain gets activated with the workshop, but to make the most of it,

you need to practise. A few practise sessions are part of the basic, standard

or advanced course that you may choose to do.

Q.10 Are there any side effects of the work shops. Is it medically

safe ?

Japan has continuosly been conducting right-brain development

programmes for more than 50 years and benefitted thousands of students.

Brain Peack MidBrain activation programmes will probably do the same and

make child smarter and more sparkling.

Q.11 Does the Brain Peak Workshop help your child in studies also?

As per Japanese researchers, the memory increases many times after the

brain activation. Theoretically, a person should show improvement in

studies because of the increase in memory and sensory capabilities.

However, if a person is not interested in his studies, it is very difficult to

improve because he uses his memory for other purposes that he is

interested. With every Brain Peak workshop, Idea Ulti Mind will provide you

analysis of your childs in born talents. Parents are advised to focus on the

STRENTHS that their child already has and avoid their child to progress on

the areas that are not to his interest. Every child can not become a Doctor

or Engineer, but every child can becomes ‘SOME THING’. You will discover


through the reports given by Idea Ulti Mind about what your child is really

capable of and it is all up to you to explore those visible or hidden talents.

Q.12 How is child able to see with blind folds or in dark?

Yes, it is possible only because the midbrain is activated. There are animals

who can see in dark. Spookefish can see in the dark. You will be amazed to

know the Mid Brain Activation program can make even a blind person read

a book or tell the color of ball. It is because they will no more be seeing it

through the eyes but using sense of touch, smell, sound to evaluate the

colors or text written.

Q.13 Can parents sit in the class room?

Childrens are distracted in parent’s presence. If child is under any kind of

pressure the work shop results will not be as desired. So in the interest of

their own children parents are not allowed in the work shop area.

Q.14 How you may be doing the wrong thing to your child?

Most of the parents want their child to perform extraordinary well after

Midbrain activation programmes. But if they are in any doubt that a child

peeps through blindfold then they can gently ask their child to be

blindfolded properly rather than to acuse, numb or being loud.

Q.15 Why some kids wont practice ?

Parents need to find the root cause why their child is no practicing and

directing them accordingly. Sometimes parents put their interset on their

child’s heart and so they hurt their child.

Q.16 Any advises for the practise sessions at home ?

If your practicing with the flashcards then try touch, smell or listen to sense

the colors on the flashcards. If your child is able to get many right answers,

then get him/her to read, copy, draw, coloring etc. Then train your child to

use other senses when the dominant (first one that he/she uses to sense the

cards blindfolded) sensory is stable. Please note that different kids will use

different senses. Even though they might guess it with all but one of the

senses, i.e. either touch or smell or listen will be dominant. Let them do

their practise using the most dominant sense in them and focus on the

dominant sense only.

Q.17 Any exercises before kids practice?

Enviroment has great role. Its good to start the practice with deep


breathing as oxygen is maximized in the brain. Then blindfold a child and

start to use super sensory perception for sensing objects and things.


No. Midbrain activation allows the children to detect things by using all the

senses which is different from third eye. For example: ‘Skin vision’ allows

reading by touching with hands and mouths. and ‘hear dominant’ allows to

judge the color and number of cards by putting it near to the ear so as with

‘smell dominant’ he/she can detect the numbers and colors by smelling. .

Q.19 What is the methodoly for mind activation followed at Brain

Peack Workshops by Idea UltiMind?

Idea Ulti Mind mid brain activation program is based on research of years

by eminent doctors and educationist. Games, songs, music and sounds are

part of the whole system.  The process is totally natural and scientific. The

Brain Peak workshop is filled with fun and happiness. Once your kid attend

he will be happy to be back again and have fun with friends as work shops

are done with min 7 kids in a batch.

Q.20 What if your child is already a school topper ? Do we still

recommend the course ?

You kid may not be more intelligent the Einstein. Even Einsteind used just

10% of his brain as per scientific research. The Midbrain activation program

has the potential to transform by awakening child’s maximum potential and

to tap the hidden genius and capable of changing them into an outstanding

kids. This workshop aims to Activate and Stimulate child’s Midbrain which

Accelerates photographic Memory, Promotes high speed reading, Develops

Multiple intelligences that is an essential part of the new era. It also helps a

child to achieve unleashes exceptional Intellectual abilities

Q.24 My child study in a Hindi Medium School. Can he attend the


Any child in age group 5-15 is welcome to join. You may send your children

to attend the workshop, regardless of your child’s academic level or

achievement, this workshop will enhance and improve your child’s abilities


Q.25 Are parents allowed to accompany the children?


The children need to pay full attention and concentrate during the

workshop. Also the results are highly affected in negative if children are

made to perform under parental pressure. Parents are strictly advised not

to pressurize their children to perform well in the the activation program. It

will give results on the contrary. Just tell your kid to go and have fun at the

workshop. Parents are not allowed beyond the reception area.

Q.26 What is the role of parents after the workshop?

Practice is required. Parents are advised to guide and encourage their

children to practice 10 to 15 minutes a day for at least 30 days. It’s just like

riding a bicycle; you know how to ride but you may falter. Similarly the

children’s skill is not stable yet after the workshop. Continuous practice for

30days will stabilize the skill, and after that, it will be second nature, just

like riding a bicycle or swimming. Once a swimmer, always a swimmer,

once u know how to ride a bi cycle, you know it for your life time. Similarly,

once your mid brain is activated, its works ever after.



FAQ’S on Scientific Fingerprint Analysis System

Q.1Relationship between fingerprints and the human brain?

During the earlier days, when American doctors discovered a strange case

where the baby is born without a brain. In this case, the absence of brain is

associated with the absence of fingerprints as well. Cases like this repeated

throughout history, leading medical experts to believe that the brain is

absolutely linked to the fingerprints.

Neurobiologists point out that our fingerprints development are

synchronised with that of the neocortex. For example, children with Down

Syndrome have a fingerprints with distinguishable characteristics.

Canadian neurology professor Penfield published the chart between brain

regions and bodily functions. In the chart, the relationship between

fingerprints and the brain is also pointed out. Japanese medical expert

professor pointed out that the fingers are closely related to the brain

hemisphere. Therefore, this has been widely used in many fields.


Q.2 Is dermatoglyphics a form of fortune telling?

Absolutely not.

Palmistry or Chiromancy is the divination of the future by interpretation of

the concave furrows of our palms. The lines of the palms are impermanent

and will change over time. According to over 7000 research papers and

reports by various scientists, the human brain is closely related to

fingerprint patterns. With the aid of computers, we can now analyse the

brain composition, organisation, learning models and styles, eight

intelligences and personalities.

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Assessment is the science of

comparing, analyzing, and classifying the patterns of skin and ridge counts

of each person’s fingerprints. The analysis does not tell one’s future, but

rather gives a comprehensive insight into one’s innate intelligence

distributions, potentials, preferred learning and communication styles. The

information contained in the dermatoglyphics report will not change with

age, unlike the ones use by fortunetellers.

Q.3What is Dermatoglyphics?

Dermatoglyphics is generated in the human fingers, palms, toes, and feet

rose on the lines. Born in finger dermatoglyphics, called “fingerprint”, and

born in striae on the palm of your hand is called “palm.” In the genetic

counselling related to science Jieyou Description: The person’s skin texture

in the 13th week of embryonic development to 19 weeks of the formation of

the brain are synchronous growth lines and striae. After the formation of

striae, life unchanged.

Q.4 How accurate is the dermatoglyphics test?

Dermatoglyphics is a professional industry that combines neurobiology,

genetics and embrology. Fingerprint patterns are not random. They are

arranged according to individual genetic make up.

Dermatoglyphics multiple intelligences test is scientifically proven. Besides,

the data acquisition process is computerised. Therefore, we can achieve an

accuracy of more than 90%.striae formation and the formation of the brain

are synchronized, all fetus in the mother’s body in the first 13 weeks ~ the

first 19 weeks. Medically clinically proven, striae, and the existence of


multiple intelligences necessarily completely linked. The proponent of

multiple intelligences theory of Howard Gardner Howard Gardner,

Professor found that Multiple Intelligences exist in the brain system, and

further identify the brain structures are in charge of the intelligence area.

Therefore, the sooner the child understands the situation of

dermatoglyphics, we can inspire and help the child’s multiple intelligence

development as soon as possible