Download - Fanbase Music Mag Issue 15

Page 1: Fanbase Music Mag Issue 15






Jo’s Corner



And in other news Krystle T / Divine Affliction / This Dying World

The Writing is on the wall



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♦ Editors Note

♦ Team Profile

♦ The Writing is on the


♦ Featured Bands (by



Energy Related

Yung Majik

♦ and in other news

♦ Danni’s Punk Pit

Spindoctor DJ

Poem of the month


♦ Jo’s Corner

Quote of the month

Just for Giggles

The Story Behind Easter

♦ Togger of the Month Artur Jabba Photography

♦ Contact Page

Issue 15 — April 2012

Yung Majik


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s N


W ow can’t believe we’re already into our 15th issue. Time really flies when you’re having fun. As we approach this awesome issue, I can’t help but think it needs more to it , so I think it’s time for a change. So look out for some changes in the upcoming issues. Why not drop us a

line with any comments or advice on what you would like to see in the mag and we will try and accommo-date the changes. So our wonderful readers, please send your ideas to [email protected]

We’ve got a very exciting issue this month, with loads of awesome interviews, articles and things for you to read. I have taken a bit of a back seat with this issue, leaving all the interviews up to our gorgeous Danni to take care of. So check out Danni’s Punk Pit for interview on an awesome band called Tattered. I’m very excited to be featuring them in the mag and having them grace our front cover as well. Danni also inter-views Energy Related an awesome band set to do big things on the airways. Just when you think the interviews can’t get any better, Danni interviews an awesome rapper who goes by the name of Yung Majik who has his own video playing on Channel O. Danni also interviews an amazing D.J who goes by the name of Spindoctor. What a good mixture of read for you all.

I would like to take this opportunity of wishing Danni a very Happy 21st birthday on the 21st April. You’re now officially hundred percent legal girl. Party hard and make it a night to remember. Hope you have many more rocking birthdays to come!!! We all love you loads... HOBO HUGS!!!!

In light of being the month of Easter. Jo’s Corner takes a look at what Easter really means. We hope you’re able to spend this time with your loved ones and take time to realize the real meaning of this special time. It’s not all about the extra long weekend and Easter eggs. Although those things are also nice ha-ha. You can also find in Jo’s Corner her quote of the month and “Just for giggles. Go check it out !

Last month I started a new section in the mag called “and in other news” where I search high and low for news/gossip related stuff on bands and musicians. This month I have managed to get some latest news on Krystal T, a new band called Divine Affliction and I help a metal band, This Dying World, find a new drummer so if you think you could be interested go check out “and in other news” how to get in contact with the band. If you would like your band to be featured in that section. If you think you have some info worth reporting back on such as album and video releases, tour dates etc then email me on [email protected] and I will report on it in one of our issues.

And last but not least, this month we feature a very talented photographer, Artur Jabba’s. Check his article and photo’s— awesome!

Well that is it for this month. Hope you enjoy the read. Thanx so much to my awesome team who put this mag together. Thanx to my mom for designing this awesome issue. Love you lots

Keep Rocking

Hobo hugs

Duwyne, Jo, Danni and Mom

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Name: Duwyne Nickname: Duzzy

Fave saying right now: Mamu or Lani

Greatest ambitions in life: In the words of Just Jinjer’s song “What he means”, “

PEACE , LOVE MORE, TOLERANCE (Live by that and you won’t go wrong)

Fave shoes: All Stars

What’s playing in your CD player/iPod right now: Rock till you drop volume 4 (but I

find myself playing “Flyleaf- all around me” on repeat... That women’s voice is amazing.

Name: Daniela Nickname: Danni / Greenday

Fave saying right now: "To do something that you feel in your heart that's great, you

need to make a lot of mistakes. Anything that's successful is a series of mistakes."

Billie Joe Armstrong

Greatest ambitions in life: Become a music journalist and follow Green Day around

the world!!

Fave shoes/item of clothing: My Green Day chucks and doc martens (Oh and my crazy

high heels) and black hoodie.

What’s playing in your CD player/iPod right now? Green Day's Warning CD and some Aerosmith

Name: Joanne Nickname: Jo

Fave saying right now: Yebo

Greatest ambitions in life: To be a teacher

Fave shoes: Black boots

Fave item of clothing: Jeans

What’s playing in your CD player/iPod right now: Seether

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Hey Team—

Awesome mag—such a variety of musical artists—very entertaining. Happy Reader x

Duzzy replies:

Thanks “Happy Reader” we hope to keep you entertained for a long time to come. Duzzy hugs !

Great Mag—thanks to such a great team to bring us up and coming artists—keep up the amazing work ….. Risca !

Duzzy replies :

Thanks Risca—really appreciate you taking the time to give us some positive feedback ! We hope to keep you rocking ! Duzzy hugs x



Hey everyone out there—don’t be

shy, drop us a note for “The Wall”.

Would luv to hear from you all !

The Fanbase Team

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“and in other news! “ Krystal T. going from strength

to strength Sensational singer Krystal T, is doing some big things this year. Having just been

confirmed for touring in the U.K, Belgium and Texas in July she’s also going into

studio with Tree 63 fame John Elli . On top of this she will also be laying down

some tracks for a full release of CTTF as an album.— and just when you think her

schedule cannot get any busier, she is doing some various charity projects as


This girl Just keeps on going and deserves all the luck that comes her way. Well

done Krystal T.

This Dying World in search

of a new drummer Cape town Christian metal band This Dying World are in search

of a new drummer.

So if you fit the following criteria : hard working have your own

drum kit and transport, and able to blast beat, have good con-

trol with a double bass pedal and is familiar with Born of Osiris,

Northlane, Erra and Veil of Maya, please contact any of the

band members by going on the This Dying World band page

or email us on [email protected] and we will put you in contact with the right people

Divine Affliction

Rising from the ashes, remaining Conclave members have teamed up with

Wesley Price (Terror Kings) on vocals and Mathew Allen who originally

used to play bass for Conclave in the early years and now make up an all

new Death Core melodic metal band going by the name of

Divine Affliction. All set too tear sh*t up. You can catch them at the

following gigs for a night of brutality and metal

13 April at the Black Dahlia in JHB with Deity's Muse 14 April at Shivas Rock PTA with Deitys muse 20 April at the Winston with Stellawood Decapitation, Freedom For Your Life (JHB) and A Fate Like Yours (JHB).

Look out for future issues of Fanbase where we will give you an exclusive interview with this newly formed band.

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Hello my lovelies!!!!!! Wow it has been a rather insane month.

Hope you are all keeping on track with your lives or at least try-

ing ;) I am seriously in a bit of a pickle. I am turning 21 this

month!!!! Goodness I am getting old....sigh...hahaha! Anyway I

hope you all like the interviews I have in store for all of you. Go

check them out! PS: A big shout out goes to my Emmylicious for

being so fantastic and always making Fanbase look beautiful! Keep

it Punk and take things with grace kids x

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My name’s Brad and I’m the lead singer,

songwriter, rhythm guitarist, manager and

promotions guy for Tattered. I started

Tattered 2 years ago, but have been in bands

reforming live for the past 13 years. Tattered

started with myself and a guitarist named

Luke who is no longer with the band. My

neighbour Clayton was a drummer so I invited

him over one day to jam with us. His person-

ality matched our crazy ways so he was a

good fit. After jamming together a few times

we found our bass player Graham through a

friend of Clayton. We played a many shows

together, people kept asking if we had a CD

so we decided to go into studio and record a

3 song EP. 2 weeks after the release of our CD

our lead guitarist Luke moved and we were

on the search for a new guy.

We found Tim! He had just moved from

Fredricton, we invited him to come practice,

it was obvious he was skilled and was a good

fit. So he has now joined Tattered and he did

well during his first headlining show with us

on March 16th.

Clayton is a wicked drummer who's main

focus is on his double kicking skills. He has

been in several bands, he was a sponsored

boxer before our band started and demand-

ed too much of his time. He decided to quit

boxing and focus on Tattered. Quite a char-

acter, always has something hilarious to say.

Graham is an extremely talented bass

player. He has a collage education in music,

and just graduated. A joker is what Graham

is. He will make you laugh till you cry.

Tim is the newest member of Tattered

and has now been with us for 4 months.

He is just like the rest of us, a joker and

trickster. He will be a good fit for

Tattered. He likes to paraglide in his spare


Brad (myself) I’m a very high energy ani-

mated character. Always have to be busy

and causing a scene. If it’s not interesting

I will find a way to make it interesting. At

13 years old I have my first show with my

first band. I have in the past been in a few

bands on the radio. Nothing has come

close to where Tattered is going. I like to

spend my spare time I love riding my

Ninja 1000 around accompanied with

drummer Clayton who rides a Ninja 750. If

its not fast, dangerous, death defying or

extreme, I’m not to interested.

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In relation to our lyrics

I use music as my vent/therapy. Every-thing I write about is directly tied to my life. While I was writing Lies I was going through a tough time with my girl, we had been together 6 years. I truly felt the truth was no longer an option if we want-ed to continue on. Lies was born. I write about the frustrations, challenges and beauty of my life. Everyone goes through hard times, its why our music has caught so much attention. I am blessed that peo-ple like and relate to my life. What I write just comes out of me, its not so much thinking about being current. I just write what come to me. I’m glad everyone feels that they can relate to our music.

Our dreams as a band is to make music our profession. We are currently talking to Sunset Island Music about a record deal. They have us on a very short list of bands they want to sign. We love the stage! Playing live is what this band thrives on, we are a high energy band and that all translates into the crowd.

Music is my therapy, the same to many others. Music is so important! Its that release I need to get out the anger, the thing I need to get motivated.

Kony 2012

What can I say! The though of child soldiers sickens me. That man should pay for corrupting the beauty and innocence of all those children. I pray for them, and that justice will be served!

Tattered is now in 9 countries! We want to show the whole world our music. We are not targeting our county of Canada or the USA. We have started this band inter-nationally and that is how we want to continue to grow.

Here is a bio of Tattered and recent happen-ing as lots of interesting things have happened to us lately.

Tattered is a hard rock group, with influences ranging from Soundgarden to Avenged Sevenfold, from death metal to radio rock, but that's not to say that their style is easily classified into any of those groups, or easily compared to any of their influences.

The music is serious, and to the point; songs of self reflection and expression, but full of hooks and memorable melo-dies. Driving rhythms, plenty of riffing guitars. Solid chugging bass, clear mid toned vocals.

What’s been happening in the past few months?

Our EP's debut on Rock 104.5 were #6 on the top 6@6, we stayed on for 3 weeks peaking at #2 for a week and a half, just under Red Hot Chill Peppers. We played with recording artist KO ( 29th Sept 2011. We are being played on 70+ radio stations across the globe (Greece, Uruguay, Canada, Ireland, Ethiopia, UK and USA). Included in those are local (to us) stations 106.7 The Drive and Rock 104.5 We are currently talking to a few rock magazines & web magazine about doing an article/EP review in there magazines. We are excited to announce that we will be in Extreme Rock Magazine's next issue.

We were finalists in Canada's largest radio contest through Supernova. Voting has now ended. We are in the finals!

THIS MONTH HAS BEEN WICKED !! We have been invited to play Alberta's Own sharing the stage with some killer bands like Our Lady Peace, Social Code and many more. We

are co-headlining the 2nd annual Mountain View Rock Festival with Sweeney Todd writers of the hit Roxy Roller. We were in studio last Sympul Studio recording a new single. Our killer Promo peeps and Buff Naked are help-ing us talk to Sunset Island Music about a

Music is so

important. It’s that

release I need to

get out the anger !

record deal. We were featured on 106.7

THE DRIVE's Indie Spotlight for a se-cond time this Saturday and a live in-terview on Rock 104 last Friday before our show at Tracks Pub with Calling All Wave. Pulled on another booking agency/Production company called Of Thorn and Vine Productions of where were doing a goggles for April 26th right after an on air interview at 106.7 The Drive studios had some kill-er reviews done on us by Indie Music Magazine, Rock4em and Bigger than Beyonce. Our local paper is doing an article on us as well.

Interviewed by : Daniela de Almeida

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Check out a few killer reviews done on us lately

*Bigger Than Beyonce http://*Indie Music


We just got invited to play Albera's Own Ft Our Lady Peace, Stair-

well and Social Code

Co-headliners of the 2nd annual Mountain View Arts Festival

Headlines is Sweeter Todd writers of the hit Roxy Roller

Were a high energy rock band with a good mix of covers and orig-

inals. We have tunes on the radio (our EP single Lies) and have

radio stations joining daily.(including local stations 106.7 The

Drive and Rock 104.5 ) We have a large following and many good

caliber bands like Kingdom of Few that will play with us so we can fill a large timeslot. We have a full PA and sound guy if needed as

well. Were booking shows for mid Feb. Contact us at

[email protected] Tattered's EP is now available to stream

and purchase on Reverbnation, iTunes, Amazon, Emusic and many

more as well as a CD available for purchase. Download our free an-

droid app! Just search Tattered Influences Audioslave Avenged Sev-

enfold Bullet For My Valentine Facebook http:// ReverbNation http:// YouTube http://

We’re a high energy

rock band with a good

mix of covers and

originals !

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People in Joburg are so lucky. Lately I have been noticing all these trendy bands emerging

from that busy city!! Luckily us laid back kids in Durban are observant enough to spot these

bands. Although we have amazing bands of our own! Anyway I now have the pleasure of pre-

senting Energy Related to all of you. They are FANTASTIC!!! Please go and give them a listen

and check out their website after reading their interview!!

Keep an eye out for these guys!! Thanks to Lauryn Mackenzie for the awesome photos!! X

Interviewed by : Daniela de Almeida

Photography by : Lauryn Mackenzie

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The name Energy Related originally came from a

song I wrote in a previous band. I started Energy

Related in the year 2011.

As a solo artist I didn’t want to use my own name

as a stage name so I came up with "Energy Relat-

ed". Energy Related basically started out as a

solo project backed up by session musicians and

only later became an on-going project .

Well Byron Horn (the Bass guitarist) is a good musi-

cian and a very good friend of mine that I’ve known

for years. He is a very professional musician to work

with and is dedicated to his music. Byron also play

drums for a metal band called "Because of Betrayal"

Storm "Awesome" Thomas (the drummer) is proba-

bly one of the most hard working, inspiring and ded-

icated musicians I have ever seen or had the oppor-

tunity to worked with.

Storm has mad talent behind a drum kit and Energy

Related is very blessed to have a musician like Storm

around. He is also a session drummer, percussionist

and a professional photographer.

Energy Related is based in Edenvale "Also known as

the garden of Eden"

The first time a saw Storm he was jamming a rad

show with the Death Valley Blues band at some hip-

py fest in Edenvale. A few years later he came to a

birthday party of mine and I invited him to jam for

my first album “Strings Of life”

Byron I met in 2003. We use to ride skateboard to-

gether, party hard together and became good

friends and eventually started making music togeth-

er. He jammed the drums for me in three previous

Bands and now plays the bass guitar for Energy Re-


I loved reading the story about how Don came

up with the name "Energy Related”, please

tell our readers how it came about!

Well it they were still alive and going I would have

loved to play with Bob Marley and the Wailers. They

had an awesome vibe to them and spread peace,

love and freedom everywhere they

went. I look up to any band that

has a positive message to deliver.

Another band that I would love to

play with is a Band called "the

Death Valley Blues Band" a previse

band that Storm Thomas (Energy

Related Drummer) use to play for. They make some

of the best rock and roll music I’ve ever heard and

the energy they have to them is amazing. Those

boys know how to put up a show .

Donovan Fourie writes all the songs for Energy Re-

lated. All songs are inspired by events that’s hap-

pened in my life and the way I chose to live life.

Tell us about each of the band members

I started energy

related in the

year 2011 ...

Where are you guys based?

Where did you all meet?

If you could play with any band in the world,

who would it be and why?

Who writes the songs and what inspires them?

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Music is a very powerful force in the world. It all

starts with a Birthday song and ends up with our

favourite song that people sing to us at our fu-

neral. Music is one of the only ways to say

something these days without having someone

criticise your opinions on life. There are many

songs out there with very powerful messages

and for people that can’t read or don’t like to

read music is the perfect solution to still make

sure everybody , every culture, every religion has

a little inspiring word to help them see a positive

life style. Personally I think this world will be lost

without music.

Why is music a vital part of the world?

Personally I think

the world will be

lost without music

I think what motivates us the most is the fact that

we all make music for the pure love of it and the

fact that our music is very positive. Energy Related

is not in this music business for the fortune and

fame of it, we make music for our supporters, to

deliver a good message and for ourselves. What

also motivates us is that there is always a cool vibe

in the band and all the band members really get

along good.

We are looking to tour Cape Town in August 2012

to perform two shows and spread some love to our

supporters over there

How do you all keep motivated?

When will you guys go on tour?

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Anything that sounds good to us and that we

can relate to. There are a lot of old-school

music we don’t relate to and there are a lot of

new school music that we don’t relate to


Just anything, whether it’s new school or old

school as log as we relate to the music.

Makemore records manager (Donovan Fourie)

did the designing and Sites for Africa manager

(Jan Fourie “Donovan’s dad”) set it up and

registered the domain.

Storm Thomas: in my car at the moment I

have a homemade compilation disc including

some Africana music, tool and some sublime

Donovan Fourie: don’t have any CD’s. I’m still

kick it old-school with my Sony tape deck and

on tape in my car I have some Bob Marley,

Nirvana, best of Johnny Cash and only CD’s in

my car is the new Energy Related Strings of life

album that I have for sale.

Do you guys prefer old school or new

school music?

Your website is beautiful! Who set it up for


What cd is currently in all your cars at the


Log onto and order the new

Strings of life album. It’s a CD you won’t regret having

in your CD collection.

Byron Horn: also don’t have any CD in the car. Also

kicking it old-school with a tape deck but I listen to

more radio stations while I drive.

Energy related

website :

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Coffee Shop


You are causing me to evolve from a foolish girl,

To a sensual woman,

You pick me up like a rag doll,

And I succumb to your demands and desires,

For they are the same as mine

You make life beautiful.

Twirling, feeling, touching...

Bursts of dizzy highs

And Goosebumps racing through my legs,

Which creep around your waist,

Enticing you to come even closer,

An expression of love is performed in a hidden room,

A room that has become our world.

I love you beyond belief.

Page 17: Fanbase Music Mag Issue 15

Emmanuel M. Kabamba better known by his stage name, Yung Majik, is a talented rapper, songwriter and performer. He started

his rapping career in 2006 when he recorded and released his first 5 tracks mix-tape around his neighbourhood, city and school

under the name of Doh Stacks.

Years later in 2009, with a new stage name, and a craze for making great music, Yung Majik got back into the studio to polish up

his craft. He continued to develop as a rapper and songwriter and working with some of Zambia’s biggest musical names such as

Macky 2 and many others.

In 2011, this extremely talented and charming young man had already achieved so much, thanks to his drive and focus for turning

his life’s experiences into incredible music.

Early that year, he released his first single “Party Hard” produced by Jerry Fingers; one of Zambia’s acclaimed producers which

earned him great recognition and attention. Later the same year he also released “She Got It” produced by Cash Roll of So’ Good

Entertainment which saw the video on Zambian TV stations, Congolese TV stations as well as Channel 0 and was also nominated

under the category of best hip hop video in Zambia on the Born n Bred award show. He has just recently released a new single for

the year 2012 called “Black on Black” accompanied with a hot video.

He is currently studying in China and pursuing his music career, with countless shows all over China he had the opportunity to

share the stage with top Chinese artist, Raz B from the American group B2K. He’s being managed by Chris Kay from Tampa Flori-

da and signed under an American label Select Entertainment, future looks bright for this young talented African artist.

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Why did you start rapping?

Because I love music and I was influ-

enced by my older brother who used to rap.

Who has inspired you during the years? Lil Wayne has inspired me to work harder in what I do because just like

anything else music also requires a lot of hard work. Jay-z is another

big inspiration to me because of his hard work and inspiring me to be a

leader in my field.

What's your take on this Koney campaign?

I support the Koney campaign because

I believe in freedom and no-one should have their freedom and hu-

man rights taken away from them.

Name your favourite artist in the world. Well there is a few and all for different

reasons, like Jay-z because he’s a trendsetter and his leadership abilities,

and Ludacris, I love how he flows he could jump on any beat and sound

dope, Lil Wayne because he’s a hard worker and very diverse with his


Give us your list of credentials! My first year I was nominated for the Born n Bred

Zambian Music Awards under the category of best hip hop video, my first music video played on

channel 0 and various African TV channels in Zam-bia and Congo, I shared a stage with established

Zambian artist like K’Chinga, Macky 2, Zone Fam,Slap Dee just to name a few, I also shared

the stage with Raz B from B2K.

Where do you want to achieve in life?

I want to go where nobody’s been. I don’t just

wish to be like the people I look up to but better, I want to be where I will be looked at as one of the

greats of my time and time to come.

When did you know that this was your calling?

When I got good at it.




In your opinion how do young rappers make it in the music industry?

By learning from the past artists and adding their own touch to it.

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Can you tell us 3 random facts about yourself? I watch 90210 Beverly Hills, I have a secret crush on lira and Tiwa

Savage, I’m a really good cook.

If you could say anything to your fans, what would it be? Here is your chance! Thank you for all your support and together we can reach new heights.

Interviewed by: Daniella de Almeida

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I don’t think that this DJ needs much of an introduction. The one and only Spindoctor!!!!! Enjoy his interview you lucky kids x

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I fell in love with music at an early age, just

like many other DJ's did. The difference being that it

was for my dancing and acting addiction during my

school career. I later decided that I wanted to make

people dance to the music I love, so DJ-ing became an

option to fill that gap for me. It was also a means of

income as a student.

Hmmm, I wanted to choose a name that

could be a good brand, appear catchy and turn

heads for those who weren't familiar with who I

am and what I do. A Spin Doctor is also a person

who markets themselves which is a massive part of

being a successful DJ or entertainer. My father

actually thought of the name though!

I have managed to grab opportunities and push them

to the edge. You have to in this industry. I left the

21sts, the 16th's, the weddings and moved into the club scene, later developing into bigger, better clubs

and playing around the country. I seized an opportuni-ty with a job at G&G Productions and up until now,

have played at the largest and most successful events

that G&G hosts, as well as shaping those events. To name a few: 4U Rage Festival, The Official Vodacom

Durban July Afterparty, The 5fm Ballito New Year's Eve Street Party and many more. I also have had the op-

portunity to play some of SA's finnest Clubs including Truth JHB, Trinity CT, Origin DBN (residency) and

many more.

Other achievements include:

5fm Ultimix at 6

5fm Shakedown Show

5fm's Roger Goode's Saturday Surgery

Selected to play at the Avicii SA Tour, small sponsor-ship achievements and most of all, I have achieved a

following, an audience who appreciate, and show so much support. Without that, I would be absolutely


How did you become a DJ?

What made you decide to call yourself "Spindoctor"?

Tell us about your achievements.

I’m inspired by my audience, and those

partyrockers on the dance-floor. The feeling that I get when I see someone appreci-

ating the set is amazing and I just want to play better

and better. I am inspired by my colleagues, fellow DJ's, my family, and the music itself.

Eish madoda! Wake up at 7! Get fresh, do the hair and

eat the oats! Off to work, or any meetings I have for the day. After work, it's gym, or the airport! When I kick back

after that, it's studio time, working on mixes, tracks, mar-

keting and communication! Anywhere from 11pm to

1am do I hit the pillow, depending if I have to rock

a gig that night or not!

Avicii SA Tour DBN Show, then the 4U

Rage Festival Street Party at Manhattan in Rivonia.

The secret is to believe in yourself. Stay humble and

deliver on every single bit of performance that is required

of you.

Facebook Page

'Spindoctor'. Twitter @DJSpindoctor, and my agency

Greenstar Management. There are many other ways I

market myself, but if I told you, that wouldn't be power-

ful marketing now would it? ;-)

Music is a love, it's a feeling and a way of life. It links

people together and is easily the best medicine I have

come across. I believe that different sounds and melodies

can make your body react in different ways. It brings

across positive emotion and happiness to everyone’s life.

Today, it can be hard to achieve that happiness.

“ Music is a love,

it’s a feeling and a

way of life”

Name some of your inspirations.

What is your typical day like?

When is your next gig?

Tell us a secret....

How do you market yourself?

Why is music important to you?

Where is your dream place to perform?

Hmmm, Tomorrowland! Haha, there are so many plac-

es I'd love to perform but, hey, if there's a beach, 300 people, a good vibe and boss sound system, I guess

I'm on next! :)

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You rock Danni ! Have a good one!

All at Fanbase


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Hello Hello. Hope all you readers are doing well. As you all can tell by now there are many different coloured chocolate easter bunnies in the shops so that means its Easter time again. Even though there is a commercial side to Easter we should still try to remember the real message of Easter. A time to reflect on Jesus and how he suffered to save our sins. In this months Jo's corner I decided to find out the real story of Easter. I found the story to be quite interesting as it has two different sides.

Be sure to read the Easter jokes and Quote in Jo's corner .

Till next month I wish you readers a very happy Easter. Stay safe.

Jo x

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Quote of the Month …..

Just for laughs …..

If Easter says anything to us today, it says this:

You can put truth in a grave, but it won't stay there.

You can nail it to a cross, wrap it in winding sheets and shut it up in a tomb, but it will rise!

Clarence W. Hall

Why did the Easter egg hide?

A: He was a small chicken!

What do you call a rabbit that tells excellent jokes?

A: An amusing bunny!

What’s the best way to send a letter to the Easter


A: Hare mail!

How do you know carrots are excellent for your


A: Have you ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses?

Why does the Easter Bunny have a shiny nose?

A: Because the powder puff is on the other end!

How does the Easter Bunny travel?

A: By hare plane!

How does the Easter Bunny keep his fur clean?

A: With a hare brush!

What did the rabbit say to the carrot?

A: It’s been nice gnawing you!

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Easter is a very religious time of the year. To most Christians it's the day Jesus rose from the dead. It's a festive

holiday with pretty spring colours, yummy easter eggs, flowers, and cute bunnies.

Easter has been celebrated, since at least, the fourth century and is also an annual celebration of the resurrection of

Christ. Although some churches did not accept some of the religious holidays, Easter has always been a special time for


Before the fourth century, Christians celebrated "Pascha or Pesach", adapted from the Jews. Pesach was a celebration of

the Crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, this was celebrated in spring. Many gentile Christians did not want to accept

Jewish traditions but eventually, after the fourth century, Easter became an accepted holiday.

Easter and holidays related to it (Passover) are movable feast. They do not fall on a specific date. Its based on the lunar

calender, created by the Council of Nicaea, in A.D. 325. The calculations of their dates are complicated but Easter is cele-

brated on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the Spring Equinox (March 21st). Easter can be from March

22nd to April 25th. In Western Christianity ,Easter marks the end of the forty days of Lent. During Lent, we fast and pray

to prepare for Easter, beginning Ash Wednesday and ending on Easter Sunday. Easter has not fallen on March 22nd since

1818 and won't until 2285!

Easter also has a non religious side. Somewhere around the second century, Easter was originally a non Christian festi-

val. The ancient Saxons celebrated this holiday for their Goddess of Offspring and Springtime, Easter. When the Chris-

tians saw many tribes were worshipping Easter, they tried to change their faith to Christianity. The Christians slowly, but

surely, spread their faith but allowed the tribes to celebrate non Christian feasts.

Easter happened at the same time as Christ's Resurrection. Over time, Easter was changed to a Christian celebration and

named Easter.

During Easter we have lots of symbols. The cross is not only a year round symbol, but an Easter symbol also. It symbolizes

the crucifixion of Jesus.

The Easter Bunny has been an Easter symbol since pagan festivals. It's goddess, Easter or Ostare was worshipped by

Anglo-Saxons via her earthly symbol, the rabbit. The rabbit also means fertilization and growth (springtime). She is the

friend of all children and to amuse them she changed her pet bird into a rabbit. This rabbit brought brightly colored

eggs, which the goddess gave to the children as gifts.

The egg is a symbol of rebirth ,in most cultures. In the early days, eggs were wrapped in gold leaf or colored by boiling

them with pedals and certain flowers.

As with other Christian holidays, Easter extends the church. It has always been a time of celebration and feasting.

Nowadays it's commercially important. Greeting cards, candy, jelly beans, etc., has increased sales during Easter season.

Even for people without a nominal faith, Easter and Christmas are celebrated.

All in all, Easter is a time of celebrating the resurrection of Christ. In the beginning, it was a non Christian religion, now its

a religious celebration.

What is the story behind Easter

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Interviewed by : Duwyne Clayton

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How did you get into Photography?

The adventure of photography, started when I was 10

years old and from then on, with varying intensity, is in

my life permanently.

I started with analogue photography. Today I have the

full use of the advantages of digital photography. De-

spite some differences, in each of them, I invariably still

look at the world through the aperture of the lens with

my finger on the trigger, ready to shoot.

What camera are you currently using?

Camera: Nikon D3


14mm -24mm f2.8

28mm – 70mm f2.8

50mm – 500mm f4. 5.6

35mm f2

50mm f1.4


What do you like about photography?

Photography for me, is not just a chance to capture the

best time in your life, work and memories, but a way to

capture the time and all important moments, emotions

and feelings.

What style of photography do you


My style is a combination of passion with experience

in my daily work on projects and work with my individ-

ual photographic arts.

I like to confront each photo session with your expec-

tations, because the satisfaction of my clients is the

fulfilment of my mission. My clients are my inspira-

tion, and photography, for me, has no borders.

Who is your favourite Photographer

and why?

Serguisz Sachno, a Polish photography I’ve had the

good fortune to shoot with on numerous occasions.

His use of lighting really intrigues me and his style and

artistic views really inspires me.

Describe a day in the life of a photog-


I wake up early, check, test and charge all equipment.

Clean lenses and camera. Pack it all up and travel to

shoot. Once at the shoot I make sure lighting, acces-

sories and models are all in place, get creative and

take photos. The most difficult part is the post produc-

tion and all the editing and printing of the images.

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What advice do you have for up and coming photographers?

Lots of practice, training and always try and shoot with equipment on manual settings not automatic. Always

carry your camera with you because you never know when an opportunity will arise to take a photo.

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You can catch more of this photographers amazing work by visiting his

website at :

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