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Family planning does not mean either stopping the couple from having children or preventing pregnancy through illegal practices of birth control. Rather, it is having children only when the couple wants them in order to best take care of them. Parents have the freedom to choose fro themselves the number of children they want and they preferred spacing of births..


Analyn and celina Report


Family planning is also a means of enhancing their quality life through the proper spacing of the birth of every child. Couples can easily regulate pregnancy and child birth, thus helping them build a household with secure finances. The husband and wife have to decide on the family planning method best suited to their health, religion and resources.



Key Questions for Family Planning

Are they ready to take the responsibility of rearing one, two, three or more children?Do they have the emotional stability to deal with the conflicts and other pressures of family life?Are they financially capable of supporting and caring for their children in a loving, comfortable and healthy home environment



FAMILY PLANNING#ElementsofFamilyPlanning

Proper Timing

Proper Spacing

No. of Pregnancies




FAMILY PLANNING#ImportanceofFamilyPlanning


For the Children

Children are better taken care of their parents.The parents could meet the basic needs of the children.Children can receive the health care they need.The parents can provide them good education.Children will be showered with love and will receive proper attention from their parents.

For the married couples

Family planning is a preparation for responsible parenthood.They will only have the number of children they can afford to support.There will be no unwanted pregnancy for the couple.They will have enough time to enjoy each other’s company without having too many children to attend to.


For the community, the country & the

worldFamily planning provide a peaceful, orderly and self-sustaining community with fewer problems, like juvenile delinquency.All plans and efforts for development will be derailed by an undisciplined citizenry.Family planning helps promote national development by lessening the burdens brought about by rapid population growth.It also ensures that the young ones are reared well, thus individually contributing more toward economic progress.


For the community, the country & the

worldFor the world, overcrowding can be minimized, and government can focus their economic efforts on production rather than consumption.There would be fewer countries suffering from starvation brought by population explosion.#ImportanceofFamilyPlanning

End ng report nina analyn at celina




Marriage is an intimate, lifelong partnership in which husbands and wives give and receive love unselfishly. The sexual relationship expresses their married love and shows what it means to become “one body” (Genesis 2:24) and “one flesh” (Mark 10:8, Matthew 19:6). The sexual union is meant to express the full meaning of a couple’s love, its power to bind them together “the unitive aspect of marriage “and “its openness to new life” the procreative aspect.

What Does The Church Say About Contraception?


The Church believes that God has established an inseparable bond between the unitive and procreative aspects of marriage. The couple has promised to give themselves to each other, and this mutual self-giving includes the gift of their fertility. This means that each sexual act in a marriage needs to be open to the possibility of conceiving a child. “Thus, artificial contraception is contrary to God’s will for marriage because it separates the act of conception from sexual union” (United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, p. 409).A couple need not desire to conceive a child in every act of intercourse. But they should never suppress the life-giving power that is part of what they pledged in their marriage vows.

What Does The Church Say About Contraception?


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opinionsAbout this



End of Wendy’s report

Types Of Family








Types Of Family Planning

#NaturalFamilyPlanning #BarrierFamilyPlanning #PermanentFamilyPlanning


Natural Family Planning No introduction of chemical of foreign material into the body.

Practice may be due to religious belief, “natural” way is best for them.

Effectiveness varies greatly, depends on couples ability to refrain from having intercourse on fertile days.

Failure Rates: about 25% Poses no risk to fetus #NaturalFamilyPlanning





Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)

Amenorrhea Method (LAM) is used by a woman who has just given birth and is exclusively breastfeeding. This method is highly eff ective for the first six months after childbirth, provided the woman breastfeeds the baby at least every four hours during the day and every six hours through the night, and that her menstrual period has not yet returned. After six months fertility may return at any time.

Temperature MethodIn the Temperature Method a woman

takes her waking temperature to identify a rise in temperature indicating ovulation has passed. Elevated waking temperature for three days in a row is considered confirmation of the post-ovulatory less fertile phase.

Rhythm (Calendar) MethodRhythm (Calendar) Method is a much less

effective natural birth control method. It predicts a woman’s fertile days using calculations based on the length of past cycles and not daily observations of fertility signs as used by FAM/NFP. The Standard Days Method/Cycle Bead System is a variation of the Rhythm Method. These are the least effective natural birth control methods and are not generally recommended.

WithdrawalIn this contraceptive method, the

man withdraws his penis from a woman’s vagina before ejaculation. Both partners must be in agreement on this method, and must be prepared to deal with an unplanned pregnancy, which can occur in 1 out of 5 users.

Remember!Put simply, withdrawal is better than nothing. If you rely on withdrawal as your primary method of birth control, there is a good chance of having an unplanned pregnancy. Unless you are prepared to deal with that possibility, it is highly recommended that you put off intercourse until some other form of contraception can be obtained.

This method isn’t very effective because there may be sperm in the pre-ejaculate, which can lead to pregnancy. It also requires a lot of self-control and practice. Studies show a failure rate of 19% in typical users. Withdrawal also offers no protection from STIs.
