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The 2nd Great Awakening and rise of the Baptist Church: My family have been Baptists for as long as I can remember, and my Grandma recalled it truly originating during the early 19th century. This religious revival shaped my religion stand as a Baptist, shaping my life by deciding what church I go to and the people I have met on the way!

1861 Civil War begins and Grandfather J. J. White joins the Rough Riders: The extension of my mother’s father’s family dated back to South Carolina, until the Civil War caused them to move to Asheville to join the “Rough Riders” in fighting for the Confederate Army during the Civil War. Their move to Asheville influenced my birth and inhabitance here.


Papa buys the Model T Ford: My Great Grandfather bought the family’s first car, the Model T Ford for no more than $500. This began their ability to travel to Charlotte, where my Great Grandfather began investing in the stock market. His investments are what kept the family wealthy.

Great Depression: The Great Depression had little effect on my family the Sims. In fact, the Sims were more affluent in the 30’s than they were most other decades. They found business with the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) by killing chickens by making a slit in the roof of their mouths and let bleed to death, so as to pass as not a buzzard that other families tried to pass for chickens. Also, Papa Sims was a supervisor for a Hoover Farm, who was paid twice the amount of the laborers ($1.00 a day), and sold crops to the government. The Great Depression gave the Sims family much opportunity to increase their riches, much affecting their very good financial status today.Dust Bowl: This event caused the Radford family to lose the value of their farm, making them move from rural northern Iowa to the urban Des Moines. There they lived with their extended family who later decided to move to Asheville, affecting my place here today.

buz·zard/ bəzərd/ ˈNoun:1) Large hawklike bird of prey with

broad wings and a rounded tail, typically seen soaring in wide circles.

2) North American vulture, esp. a turkey vulture.

19751944Papa buys Chevrolet: During World War II, Papa Sims bought a Chevrolet, disappointed that the Ford Motor Co. “grumbled about its car factories being used for making military vehicles”. This shows the mark of the end of their rise in wealth during the Depression years.

Vietnam War ends: When the Vietnam War ended, 3 of my great uncles emerged very much alive and physically unharmed. However, my Uncle Sydney was diagnosed with PTSD. The end of the War also marked the end of Radford involvement in wars, putting less pressure on my family to join the forces.