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FALL 2018




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In the past two years, the faculty and

staff have made (and continue to make)

substantial changes to the curriculum in an

ongoing effort to modernize and keep up

with the rapidly shifting financial industry.

We have, for example, added six new

courses on machine learning in the last year,

as well as half-courses on cryptocurrencies

and cloud computing. This shift towards

financial technology paid off handsomely

for our students in terms of both summer

internships and full-time job offers. In fact,

for the first time ever, we were forced to

cancel all of our summer courses, because

first-year students found better ways to

advance their careers. Additionally, this

past summer, the incoming cohort became

part of Tandon history as we held our first

on-campus boot camp, and this fall we also

inaugurated our first for-credit online course

for our students, which complements a

non-credit MOOC taught via Coursera that

launched last summer.

To keep up with our evolving program and

curriculum, during the last academic year

we added several new part-time professors,

hailing from such iconic firms as Bank of

America, Morgan Stanley, and Google. This

fall, we plan to hire both a new full-time

professor and a new full-time staff person to

meet the growing academic and professional

needs of our students.

This past fall, we had a record-breaking

1,905 applicants to our program — an almost

20% increase over the previous year and

up almost 50% since my arrival two years

ago. Deputy Chair Barry Blecherman and

Program Manager Zahra Patterson worked

tirelessly to evaluate the candidates, and

the result is a relatively small, elite cohort

of talented students with an average Quant

GRE score of 169.1, up from 168.9 last year.

The entering group is almost evenly divided

between men and women, reflecting NYU

Tandon’s commitment to closing the gender

gap in the STEM fields. In another exciting

development, we saw the arrival of Dean

Jelena Kovačević, the first woman to

head the School of Engineering since

its founding in 1854.

The new professors and staff are integral

parts of my broader vision for the department,

which includes a strong emphasis on re-

defining financial engineering, bridging the

gap between theory and practice, conducting

innovative research, and preparing graduates

for increasingly high-tech careers. I look

forward to meeting with new students and

hearing from alumni to discuss how we can

continue to re-engineer both ourselves and

our futures.

On a more personal note, this summer,

my new book, Convex Duality and

Financial Mathematics, was published

by Springer. Aimed towards graduate

students, researchers, and practitioners

in mathematics, finance, economics, and

optimization, it will, I hope, prove to be a

valuable reference. I also spent time over

the summer giving talks in Lisbon, Dublin,

Shanghai (Fudan/SAIF), and SWUFE in

Chengdu, China, and I visited NYU Shanghai

to check out a new Quant Finance master’s

program that will be launched next year

by the NYU Stern School of Business.

This new academic year promises to be

a productive and fulfilling one, and I am

certain I will have more good departmental

news to share with you as it progresses.

Peter Carr Department Chair

NYU Finance and Risk Engineering


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ON THE JOB FRONTAs the semester commences, FRE students

have already had the opportunity to

attend exclusive, on-campus recruitment

presentations from many top firms, including

PwC, Chicago Trading Company, Ernst

& Young, Citadel, Barclays, Credit Suisse,

Morgan Stanley, American Express and

Goldman Sachs. These popular events

allow students to network with potential

employers and learn more about job

openings in risk, quant, and other finance-

related fields.

Companies are invited to contact the

Career Placement Director, Sara Tomeo

([email protected]), with any career

opportunities that you would like to share

with our department.

Students Preparing Students

Capstone Projects with Real-World Importance

Companies on Campus

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018, more

than 75 first-year M.S. in Financial Engineering

students gathered to hear a panel of their

successful second-year counterparts speak

about their experiences and give insights

on a variety of topics, including seeking an

internship, preparing for interviews, and

winning full-time jobs. The second-year

students featured included Yusi (Sara) Yang,

Jianqiu (Lisa) Chen, Zhongyuan (Lucas) Bi,

Tiancheng Hou, Pei-Ling Wu, Xiao Liu, and

Fangya (Freya) Li. The highly engaging panel

concluded with a chance to ask individual

questions and a networking session.

In 2017, the department began inviting

industry employers to assign second-

year FRE students capstone projects that

would allow them to apply their content

knowledge to real-world problems, gain

industry exposure, and receive mentorship.

The program has been highly successful,

and this fall our industry hosts include

Oppenheimer, Deutsche Bank, Barclays,

and UBS O’Connor, to name just a few.

We will soon be accepting project

proposals for spring 2019. If you would

like to hear more about industry-hosted

projects and how you can get involved,

please contact Professor Agnes Tourin

([email protected]) or Sara Tomeo

([email protected]).3

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This August, the department launched its

first-ever in-person pre-program boot camp

for newly admitted students. An extension

of our online summer boot camp, which

had been piloted in 2017, the event was

intended to prepare students with the solid

foundation of knowledge they would need

to meet their maximum potential once

classes and summer internship interviews

began in the fall. The boot camp courses

covered such topics as risk management,

math, probability, statistics, stochastics, and

financial engineering.

It wasn’t all work and study, however.

On August 9, the department hosted its

first-ever New Student Welcome Boat

Ride aboard a Hornblower yacht in the

Hudson, and the incoming cohort enjoyed

an evening of dancing, food, and amazing

views of New York City.

Meet the Visiting Boot Camp Professors

Pasquale Cirillo, who taught a Risk

Management course for the boot-campers,

specializes in risk analysis and extreme

value theory, with applications in economics

and the social sciences. He holds a position

in the Applied Probability Group at the

Delft University of Technology, in the

Netherlands, where he also coordinates the

Financial Engineering Specialization of the

master’s program in Applied Mathematics.

Outside of academia, he has collaborated

as a statistical consultant with international

institutions like the World Bank and the

European Food Safety Authority, as well as

with many private companies and banks.

Cirillo received his Professorial Habilitation

in Applied Statistics from the University

of Bern, in Switzerland, and his Ph.D. in

Statistics from Bocconi University, in Italy. In

addition to statistics, he studied economics

at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in

Pisa, Italy.

“My students were motivated and eager to

learn, so it was an intensive and rewarding

experience to work with them. Students

often seemed shy, but during breaks they

asked interesting and relevant questions.

I think we met our goal of providing them

with the necessary knowledge to have

successful interviews and to start their

Masters coursework with confidence.”

— Pasquale Cirillo

Conall O’Sullivan, who taught “From Brain

Teasers to Black-Scholes,” a boot camp

course focused on Quantitative Finance,

is an Assistant Professor of Finance at

the Michael Smurfit Graduate Business

School at University College Dublin (UCD),

where he directs the M.Sc. program in

Quantitative Finance and teaches courses

in Derivatives, Financial Economics,

Numerical Methods and Fixed Income

Securities, among other topics. He has

also taught in Singapore and Hong Kong

and is the recipient of a 2017 UCD Award

for Teaching Excellence. His primary

research interests involve numerical

methods for derivatives pricing, option

implied information, and fixed income

securities markets, and his published

works have appeared in such publications

as Quantitative Finance, the International

Journal of Theoretical and Applied

Finance, and the Journal of Computational

Finance. He has presented papers at many

international conferences, including the

European Finance Association, Bachelier

World Congress, and Computational

Financial Econometrics.

“I really enjoyed my time at NYU teaching

the boot camp course. We covered

a number of crucial topics in quantitative

methods and financial engineering

with an emphasis on problem solving.

The students worked very hard, and I’m

looking forward to catching up with the

group when I return to NYU in the spring.”

— Conall O’Sullivan

Boot Camps and Boats


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“News Analytics and Machine Learning,” a

new course taught by Adjunct Professor

Andrew O. Arnold, introduces students

to machine learning (ML) and natural

language processing (NLP), with a focus

on how they can be used to develop

quantitative trading strategies. “Students

will learn the mathematical fundamentals

underlying many of the latest ML and

NLP technique including deep neural

networks, embeddings, and sentiment

models,” he explains, “along with the

basics of developing practical quantitative

trading strategies based on these insights,

such as quantifying the positive or

negative sentiment of text, determining

the relevance of text to particular stocks

or classes of stocks, and the amount of

novelty contained in textual content.”

An expert in machine learning and

quantitative trading, Arnold is currently

working on large-scale machine learning

problems at Google; previously, he served

This year, Visiting Professor Gianna

Figatalamanca and Industry Associate

Professor Agnes Tourin are both teaching

courses on the topic of cryptocurrency.

Tourin’s course, which begins in the spring,

is a novel offering that addresses both

the technological and financial aspects

of cryptocurrencies and culminates in

individual projects carried out by the

students on a variety of topics introduced

in class, such as market microstructure,

cryptocurrency price models, volatility

estimation, investment and trading

strategies. She explains, “Cryptocurrencies

and the technology behind their existence

undeniably constitute major innovations,

which led to the creation of a broad range

as a quantitative portfolio manager and

research director at Cubist Systematic

Strategies. His CV also includes stints as a

hedge fund co-founder, CTO, quantitative

portfolio manager, machine learning

researcher, and software engineer at such

companies as Ophir Partners, Trexquant,

WorldQuant, Merrill Lynch, Microsoft

Research, IBM Research, and Bloomberg.

Adjunct Professor Meninder Purewal’s

course, “Machine Learning in Finance,”

is dedicated to preparing students for

an increasingly data driven world. The

syllabus emphasizes both the mathematics

that drive machine learning techniques and

the practical implementation in Python of

real-world financial problems. This course

will feature several guest speakers from

major banks, hedge funds, and tech firms

for a discussion of how machine learning is

used in a professional setting. “Job postings

related to data science and machine

The Fine Points of FinTech

Demystifying Cryptocurrency

of cryptocurrency focused jobs, in particular

for traders or financial software developers,

both within cryptocurrency startups and

well established companies. In practice,

today cryptocurrencies have a total market

capitalization of almost $200 billion and a

daily trading volume of $11 billion.”

Figa-Talamanca, who is visiting from the

University of Perugia, in Italy, adds, “My

course gives an introduction to blockchain

technology and the consensus protocols

behind BitCoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Most importantly, cryptocurrencies and

blockchain are a hot topic within the Fintech

sector that deals with digital banking and

financial innovation, and the need of experts

in this domain is constantly increasing.”


learning are outpacing fundamental and

quantitative analyst positions,” Purewal says

of the course’s importance.

With a decade of experience in the financial

industry, Purewal is currently a Data Scientist

for the Equities division of Bank of America,

where he is a Director. He holds a Ph.D. in

Applied Physics from Columbia University,

where he began using data to understand the

fundamental properties of electron transport

in low-dimensional materials.


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Nassim Nicholas Taleb recently

received the Wolfram Innovation

Award for his contributions to “decision

making under complicated and less

idealized probabilistic structures” and

“computational pre-asymptotics” in


This past year, he has presented several

keynotes, the most prominent being

at the International Conference on

Complex Systems, held in Boston in July

2018. A few months earlier, in March,

he gave a lecture to the entire staff of

researchers and practitioners at NASA’s

Jet Propulsion Laboratory and took

part in Jeff Bezos’ MARS conference, a

gathering a collection of roboticists, data

scientists, and innovators. Other speaking

engagements took him to Tbilisi, Madrid,

Hong Kong, Miami, and Toronto.

Thus far this year, he has published six

peer-reviewed papers, including one on

probabilistic risk in medicine. His main

paper, on the pre-asymptotics of the law

of large numbers, was accepted in the

International Journal of Forecasting.


The Bachelier Congress is a bi-annual

conference, and this year’s installment

took place at Trinity College in Dublin,

Ireland. Among the high-profile plenary

speakers were Walter Schachermayer from

Vienna, Monique Jeanblanc from France,

Mete Soner from Zurich, Jianfeng Zhang

from the University of Southern California,

and Xin Guo from UC Berkeley. FRE

Department Head Peter Carr and Assistant

Professor Andrew Papanicolaou attended,

as did visiting professor Conall O Sullivan

Like most years, this has been a busy one

for Charles Tapiero, whose titles include

Topfer Distinguished Professor of Financial

Engineering and Technology Management,

and Founder of the Department of Finance.

On the publishing front, he saw the release

of a brand-new edition of his highly

regarded 1977 two-volume Managerial

Planning: An Optimum and Stochastic

Control Approach, which explains the

dynamic processes and provides a

bridge between quantitative optimal and

stochastic control theories imbedded in

the systems approach and managerial

decision-making over time and under

risk. Additionally, along with co-author

Unurjargal Nyambuu, he published

Globalization, Gating, and Risk Finance, a

timely and in-depth guide to global and

risk finance based on financial models and

data-based issues that confront global

financial managers.

By invitation from the Cournot Institute at

École Polytechnique, in Paris, he delivered

a talk on R/S and Fractional Finance and

at their invitation produced a booklet

on financial and fractional statistical

randomness. In addition, he was invited

and delivered talks on financialization

and data science at France’s École des

Mines at Nantes, where he was co-founder

of its department on Production and

Automation. Finally, he was also invited

and delivered several talks at the University

of Hong Kong, where for the last ten years

he has been a member of its board in

the department of Actuarial Science and

Statistics, as well as at the City University

of Hong Kong.

With a new book on financial models and

data science in the works and other projects

being planned, slowing down is obviously a

zero-probability event for Tapiero.

and visiting Ph.D. student Sander Willems

[see page 10 for more about him], and

each gave a special-session talk on their


The Bachelier Society’s membership

includes the most well-known financial

engineering and financial mathematics

professors from around the world, and this

year’s congress was lauded by many as one

of the liveliest, thanks to its vibrant location

and fascinating speakers. The 11th Congress

is scheduled for June 2020 in Hong Kong.

Peter Carr Andrew Papanicolaou Sander WillemsNassim Nicholas Taleb

Charles Tapiero


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In recent years, competition for skilled data scientists has been

fierce, with major companies vying eagerly to identify and recruit top

talent. Citadel, a leading global investment firm, has found a novel

way to address the issue. In partnership with search firm Correlation

One, they mount a series of “datathons” – competitions aimed at

finding the best young data experts the world.

It came as no surprise to anyone at Tandon that at the September

22 event held in Princeton, a group of M.S. in Financial Engineering

students from the Department of Finance and Risk Engineering

(FRE) crunched their data all the way to a podium finish.

This year’s competition involved using statistical models to analyze

the relationship between income level and mortality rate for cancer


The team, which garnered a share of a $25,000 prize pool for their

second-place win, included M.S. candidates Xiao Liu, Shuowen Shen,

and Siqi Cao. (They were joined by Columbia University student

Letian Wang.)

“The annual Data Open organized by Citadel is a challenging

and exciting way for students to test their skills in a real-world

scenario and to gain the attention of potential employers,” said FRE

Department Chair Peter Carr. “Our students represented their school

and their department in a stellar manner, and we are proud that their

immense talent and worth were recognized at the competition.”


Mysterious Orient Datathon Winners

The Mysterious Orient team of FRE students from Tandon came out

on top at the International Association for Quantitative Finance’s

Seventh Annual Academic Affiliate Membership Student Competition,

which attracted 23 teams representing 16 academic programs.

Teams were required to construct four portfolios and analyze option

and momentum strategies, and their submissions were then subjected

to a blind, multi-level selection process and reviewed by a judging

panel comprised of IAQF Board Members.

The winning student paper, “Implementing Momentum Strategy

with Options: Dynamic Scaling and Optimization,” was the work of

team captain, Beixi Chen, along with team members Yizhou Chen,

Xutao Chen, Tiancheng Hou, Yusi Yang, and Mengrui Zhang. Deputy

Department Chair and Industry Professor Barry Blecherman served as

their faculty advisor.



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Director of Operations Carmen Montes De Oca tied the knot with

her fiancé, Michael, in an intimate and spiritual Mayan ceremony on

a beach in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, on May 21. The bride arrived

by canoe to meet her groom at the altar, and the two exchanged

their sacred vows before authentic Mayan Shamans who, as per

tradition, presented them to the four cardinal points and blessed

their union to the four elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air) with

prayers in the Mayan language. As part of this ancestral tradition,

the bride and groom then spread seeds, representing prosperity, in

the ocean as an offering to Mother Nature. They then drank balché,

a fermented drink made from tree bark, flowers, anise, and honey,

meant to ensure that the sweetness of love remains with them

forever. As part of the ceremony, the Shamans burned incense

and blessed the couple to the sound of drums, flutes, conch shells,

and other Mayan musical instruments, and at its conclusion, the

wedding guests showered the couple with flower petals and shook

maracas during their first kiss as husband and wife.

Making this a true NYU love story, the couple first met here in

2009, while working and attending graduate school.

Love was in the air this past summer for two FRE staff members.

FRE Career Placement Director Sara Tomeo and her fiancé, Steve,

joined hands in marriage on July 7th at the Church of the Precious

Blood in Monmouth Beach, New Jersey, followed by a reception

at the waterfront venue Windows on the Water, in Sea Bright. The

bride wore a Pnina Tornai ball gown and was escorted down the aisle

by her father. The joyous wedding reception was attended by 200

guests, who danced the night away and concluded the evening with

a beachside “sparkler sendoff.” The newlyweds honeymooned on

the French Polynesian Islands of Moorea and Bora Bora. They now

reside in the New Jersey town of Hoboken, where they first met.

Here Come the Brides


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Graduations, Promotions, and Awards


Program Manager Zahra Patterson earned her second master’s

degree this past May, graduating Magna Cum Laude from the NYU

Steinhardt School of Education, where she studied Secondary

English Education with a concentration in Special Education.

Everyone in the department wishes her hearty congratulations and

continued success! (Even alumni are joining us in wishing her well;

during a well-deserved trip she took to Europe after walking the

stage at commencement, Jorge Carbonell Navio, who earned his

degree in 2014, flew in from his home in Madrid for a day to celebrate

with her in Barcelona.)

We’re pleased to announce the promotion of full-time faculty

member Agnes Tourin to Industry Associate Professor. Her new title

comes in recognition of her dedicated service, excellence in teaching,

and tireless efforts in advising our graduate students.

Department Head Peter Carr has nominated Assistant Professor

Andrew Papanicolaou for the Goddard Junior Faculty Fellowship,

given to assistant professors upon the successful completion of

their three-year reviews. The fellowship provides junior faculty

with a concentrated period of time in which to conduct research

and scholarship. This past June, Papanicolaou attended the First

Congress of Greek Mathematicians (FCGM), hosted in Athens by the

Hellenic Mathematical Society. There he presented a talk entitled

“Consistent Inter-Model Specification for Stochastic Volatility and

VIX Market Models.”

Zahra Patterson

Andrew PapanicolaouAgnes Tourin


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This semester Sander Willems,

a doctoral candidate at École

Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, is

visiting the department and will present

a lecture on November 1 entitled “A

Term Structure Model for Dividends

and Interest Rates.” A student of Damir

Filipović, the head of the Swiss Finance

Institute, Willems focuses his research

on the derivatives pricing applications

of polynomial processes, as well as on

the ongoing transition of the London

Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) to

alternative benchmarks rates. He holds

bachelor’s and master’s degrees in

Mathematics from Ghent University and

an advanced master’s in Quantitative

Finance from the Solvay Brussels School

of Economics and Management (ULB).


A Valuable Network

Think Big, ThinkHub

A Welcome VisitorOn May 7, 2018, current FRE students

were joined by alumni of the master’s

in financial engineering program for

an evening of networking. The alumni

hailed from the Class of 1997 all the way

up to the Class of 2017 and worked in

various areas of the financial industry.

The evening allowed students to make

professional connections and meet

potential mentors, while the alumni had

the chance to reconnect with former

classmates. We look forward

to continuing these mixers bi-annually,

with the next event tentatively

scheduled for late 2018. If you would

like to receive alumni communications

and are not already on the mailing list,

please contact Sara Tomeo

([email protected]).

The T1V ThinkHub is an interactive,

multi-touch tool that unifies the moving

pieces of collaborative work in real time,

and FRE faculty and students can now

experience it for themselves in the Distance

Learning Room (Rm. 264), located on the

26th floor of 12 MetroTech. The system’s

interactive wall allows faculty and students

to work simultaneously from anywhere

in the world. A “bring-your-own-device”

environment, it enables anyone with an

Android, iOS, Microsoft, or OSX operating

system to connect, interact, share ideas,

teach a class, collaborate on team projects,

or hold presentations, to name just a

sampling of its impressive functions. Used

initially during the Summer Boot camp for

incoming students, the system is being

more widely deployed for research and

instructional purposes during the year.


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Thursday, September 13Peter Carr, FRE Department Head

“A Probabilistic Interpretation of an Arbitrage Free Implied Volatility Smile”

Thursday, September 20Santiago GarciaQuantitative Analyst, Wells Fargo

“Almost Quantum Finance”

Wednesday, September 26Ben SteinerGlobal Fixed Income, BNP Paribas Asset Management

“Model Risk Management for Deep Learning & Investment Strategies”

Thursday, October 4Frederic SibouletNYU Tandon Adjunct Professor

Managing Director, Deloitte

“LIBOR Extinction”

FRE Fall Lecture SeriesThe department kicked off a lecture series this fall with invited speakers from

across academia and industry discussing a broad range of topics in finance.

This semester, the talks are being held on Thursdays at 6PM, in the event room

at Tandon’s MakerSpace (with one exception, on Wednesday, September 26th).

Below is a schedule of past and upcoming talks:

Thursday, October 11Ken PerryConsultant in Risk and Quantamental Investing

“Challenge for Finance: AI Interpretability”

Thursday, October 18Gregory PeltsWells Fargo

“Quantum Pricing”

Thursday, October 25J. Huston McCullochProfessor Emeritus of Economics and Finance,

Ohio State University

“Particle Filtering with Stable Errors”

Thursday, November 1Sander Willems, Ph.D. CandidateSwiss Finance Institute,

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

“A Term Structure Model for Dividends and Interest Rates”

Thursday, November 8Dilip MadanProfessor of Mathematical Finance,

Robert H. Smith School of Business

“Machine Learning for Quantitative Finance: Fast Derivative Pricing, Hedging and Fitting”

Thursday, November 15Christoph ReisingerProfessor of Applied Mathematics,

University of Oxford

“A Forward Equation for Barrier Options for Efficient Model Calibration”

Thursday, November 29Zachary FeinsteinAssistant Professor, Electrical and Systems Engineering

Department, Washington University

“Illiquidity and Financial Contagion in a Multi-Layered Financial Network”


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Department of Finance and Risk Engineering 12 MetroTech Center, 26th floor Brooklyn, NY 11201

ABOUT Catching FiREContributing Writer: Zahra Patterson and Co.

Comments or Questions? [email protected] or 646-997-3279