Download - Fajitas Madness


Fun With Fajitaz!

An experiment in I just don't know what the hell I'm doing!

Some Frikkin Chikken

1 tsp Cumin

1 tsp Oregano

1 tsp Thyme

1 to 2 tsp Paprika

1 to 2 tsp Sugar

Lemon Juice

Olive Oil

1/2 Medium Red Onion

Bunch Green Onions

1 Red Bell Pepper

Corn Starch


Cut chicken breasts in to strips.

Marinade chicken in spices, lemon juice and olive oil.

Let the chicken marinade for at least a few hours.


Core pepper and make sure to get all the seeds and membranes.

Cut the pepper and half onion in to strips.

Cut the green onions to lengths approximately the same length as the onions and bell pepper.

Cut the green onion strips length ways in half, or quarters, or whatever, based on the diameter the green onions started.


Whisk a small amount of corn starch and water. .

Add the water and corn starch to the chicken and marinade.

Pour the chicken, marinade, and corn starch into a medium skillet on a medium high heat. Add more oil if necessary.

Sautee chicken until just white, then add veg.

Continue until marinade thickens and chicken is done.


Serve by arranging strips of chicken and veg all together along with:

Half slices of tomato

Thinly cut strips of jack and sharp cheddar

Sliced black olives

Sliced fresh or roasted jalapeo peppers

Salsa fresca, sour cream and guacamole on the side


Salsa Fresca

As taught to me by my Chinese Great Grandfather

1 Medium Tomato

1 Half White Onion

1/4 to 1/2 bunch Fresh Cilantro


Chop tomato and onion relatively small, around 1/4" or so.

Finely mince cilantro.

Mix everything.

This will keep well in the refrigerator for4 to 5 days if kept in an air tight container.

Optionally you can add any or all of these:

Sliced olives, sliced or chopped fresh jalapeo peppers, sliced or chopped roasted jalapeos



Lime juice instead of lemon

1 tsp Sage

1 to 2 Tbs Paprika

1 finely cut fresh jalapeo pepper

1 tsp chili powder or cayenne pepper powder