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A TIME FOR EVERYTHING (TIME Selections from Ecc. 3)

In Colon, Panama, they built the first

Church of God building, working with the

congregation, then later moved by faith to

Panama City where they bought a printing

press, carrying it up three flights of stairs

to their small apartment and started

printing and distributing tracts in Spanish,

with great sacrifices and many tests of


[Then] in 1934, Brother and Sister

L.Y. Janes moved to Corpus Christi, Texas

with a home-made trailer and started

building. God worked many miracles just to

get started and has worked many more

miracles through the years, providing

buildings and machines.

Brother and Sister Janes’ hopes of

sowing the Gospel seed throughout all of

Latin America with more tracts began to be

more fully realized, after Frank Courvisier

made a trip to South America and helped

others to learn of the desperate needs for more Gospel literature. (copied from a CT book)

The time for sowing that had begun in Panama continues in 2015. A TIME TO TEAR DOWN AND A TIME TO

BUILD. In the last few years, the treasured old buildings that Brother Janes, his family, and many faithful missionary partners helped to construct have begun to deteriorate... The safety of the workers and the church congregation has become essential. It has taken “time” to pray, “time” to discuss what is best; yet, out of necessity, it became, simply, “TIME” to let go and trust in God.

Contents: A Time by Elena…....……....…......2

Pastor Israel’s Greetings…….…. 3-4

Prayer Changes Things……......…...5

Return on Investment.……..………6

Who Cares About India?.......….......7

*Volume 79 *No. 07 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * SEPT 2015

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TO GIVE UP …searching… and build.

Christian Triumph Church 2015



By Elena Independence Day is a celebration for the United States of America. As well it is a time of great joy for Christians who have the choice and freedom of religious beliefs. On July 4th, it delighted Pastor Israel Hernandez to share the dedication of the new church at Christian Triumph. What a great blessing it was for the local community and this mission ministry. Not all details are finished yet with this Temple of God, but with God’s guidance and the prayers of His people, the song of Victory will be sung. Thank you to every person who has prayed or given in any way to help accomplish this miracle.

On this day of thanksgiving, the great spiritual celebration began with a breakfast prepared by the church for those who attended. Approximately 125 - 150 people came to honor this special occasion. From San Antonio, Texas, a Christian band praised God with their music. The (Evelyn) Anderson family also sung several beautiful songs. All was very enjoyable. Sunday, July 5th, a group of gifted ladies from Arkansas and Texas held a seminar entitled “Woman with Purpose,” which began at 10:30 a.m. and ended at 5:30 p.m. Even now, one of the lessons is included in El Mensajero, Volume 92 No. 1. This lesson is very good, and if you would like a copy, please write Christian Triumph PO BOX 5187, Corpus Christi, Texas 78465-5187 and request one. (Continued on Page 3)

Faith Messenger

Permit #695

Published monthly, except July and August.


P.O. Box 5187

Corpus Christi, Texas 78405

L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez,

President; William Anderson, Vice-President;

Fred Pena, 2nd

Vice-President; Diana Beletic,

Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas.

This periodical is issued without charge in the name

of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and

maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of

God. To send donations or for your FREE

SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or

contact Christian Triumph Co. at

[email protected]. Or see us on the web


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Donna Schillinger, writer and speaker, is definitely being used by God’s Spirit, similar to her Grandmother, Evelyn Anderson. Also before these activities, God helped Christian Triumph to have a Vacation Bible School. Because of an unsafe building and lack of resources, we have been unable to do this for several years. Thanks to God and to our Brothers and Sisters for providing materials, gifts of time and ministry so that the local Bible school could be held. Working with children is a very special opportunity, and we thank God for this blessing. Please continue to pray for Pastor Israel and his family to overcome any adversities and to provide continuing strength with unfailing faith in Christ. May God supply the needs for each of us, according to His will and according to His riches in Glory. God bless you!

L. to R. Vitalina Hernandez and Pastor Israel

Hernandez, Elena (Missionary), and Diana,

Secretary, Treasurer of Christian Triumph

The following article is by Pastor Israel and includes his comments about the July 4th celebration.

The Judgment of Christ

For we must all appear before the

judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us

may receive what is due us for the things

done while in the body, whether good or

bad. 2 Corinthians 5:10.

Some preachers assure us that Christians will not stand before judgment at the throne of God. Clearly, we are not saved by our works, but the Bible says that faith without works is dead—one needs faith and works. The judgment of Christ is a judging of our works and has to do with the stewardship of each believer. “This, then, is how you ought to regard us: as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the mysteries God has revealed. 2 Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful,” 1 Cor. 4:1-2. It will be a personal accounting of each believer (Rom. 14:12) and the judge will be Christ (John 5:22, 27). Our works will be tested (I Cor. 3:10-13). There are seven materials for construction: gold, precious stones, wood, straw and hay. The Lord will send our works through the fire, and he who is able to withstand the fire with their works intact will receive a crown of reward. On the 4th of July, 2015, at 9:45 a.m., we inaugurated the new Christian Triumph church building with the word of God recited by myself and the congregation.

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We dedicated this church to the Lord. This was made possible thanks to work of many people who were good stewards of what God has given them. I pray to God that when we are at the judgment of Christ, who knows all, he confirms our works. I will ask God to multiply and make happy the families of all who were able to give from the heart, here on this earth and in the next life. Look what it says in Ephesians 2:10; when we do things for the glory of God, there is a reward:

A crown that will last forever, 1 Cor. 9:25

A crown of joy, 1 Thess. 2:19

A crown of life, James 1:12

A crown of righteousness, 2 Tim. 4:8.

I am happy, along with the congregation, for having realized this dream on the 4th of July. We had two services, and Pastor Cardoza from El Salvador, a long-time friend of Sister Evelyn Anderson, preached a tremendous message. Then on the 5th of July, we continued with a women’s conference for eight hours straight! Sisters Lucia Silva, Helena Merida, Marie Green and Donna Schillinger helped to coordinate it and present the teaching. Thank you, thank you all who made it possible for Christian Triumph now to take under its care and under the power of God many people in this community who need salvation. Please pray for us.

Pastor Israel Hernandez

Together, we go to make


Picture: Left to Right

Pastor Israel, President of Christian Triumph

William Anderson,

Grandson of Rev. and Mrs. Janes, Son of Noel and Evelyn Anderson,

Vice President of Christian Triumph.

These two men have been

instrumental in building and finishing the new local church in Corpus Christi, as well as several other dedicated men and women. All are greatly appreciated!

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From: Editor of the Faith Messenger:

During the long, difficult days before the new CHRISTIAN TRIUMPH CHURCH was built, I witnessed and took part in prayer by Pastor Israel, his family, and devoted church members. God has answered their boundless, faithful trust in Him, as well as the prayers of our missionary partners. As a result, this Corpus Christi neighborhood has been and will be forever changed.

In an old Christian Triumph tract, How a

Church Was Set on Fire, the author writes: “Ours was a church that did not have a summer slump, for ours was a year-round slump. How we worked for that church! But despite all our efforts the services continued to dwindle and lose ground Sunday after Sunday, until it seemed we would have to close. About this time a quiet, middle aged woman moved into town. Her faith was boundless. She knew the Bible from cover to cover. Her quiet but trusting faith put us to shame. The sight of our unfilled pews…left her undismayed. ‘God wants His house filled,’ she said, ‘He wants the young people saved and the older ones reclaimed. He wants men and women delivered from Satan’s power. We must take ourselves to prayer for them.’ Encouraged by her insistent, unfaltering faith, we set ourselves to praying. We began, a little band of eight earnest souls…as God laid it on our hearts, so we prayed…prayer became our business. We

gave ourselves to it with all that was in us. AND HOW GOD DID HELP US! Soon the attendance in church and Sunday school began to increase. By God’s help we built an altar of prayer in our church and built all other things around it. The leadership of the Holy Spirit was acknowledged. Human leadership and self-assertion were not encouraged in our midst. All self was humbled. Our spirits were contrite and broken under the burden of prayer for lost souls. Our minister caught the fire. Our church became holy ground and the spirit of a heaven-sent revival pervaded the whole town and country side.” -Selected

PRAY ON! ____________________________________

___________________________________ A testimony to prayer: Recently, we received a phone call from Wayne who told about misplacing a check. (This is an easy thing to do.) He searched for it until he had just about driven himself crazy. At some point, he began to pray, and in about 3 hours, God answered that prayer! He was encouraged to look in a top drawer, and there the check was, protected by God’s Hand.


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Return on Investment Guaranteed By Donna Schillinger

Christian Triumph Company is on Facebook, so if you’re a frequent Facebook user, I invite you to like our page. I try to post things periodically on Facebook, but I’m actually not so good at keeping current our social network (nor website, Nonetheless, on the day before I left my home to travel to Corpus Christi for the inauguration, a message came via Facebook that I was able to share at the inauguration as a great reminder to all of us that God uses not just the really big things, like a shiny new building, but also the very little things, like a tract, to advance His kingdom. Receres Basso of Joaçaba, Brazil wrote: “In 1987, I sent a request for tracts and received 150 tracts from Christian Triumph. From the distribution of these tracts, we have now a congregation of more than 100 people. Our pastor is João Ederli Ferreira and I am on the board. We thank you for prayers and affection.” One hundred and fifty tracts--that was probably a $10 investment in paper, printing, postage and personnel. And the yield was a congregation that has been going strong since 1987. That’s a God-sized return on investment. And so it goes. We don’t always have the privilege of learning the impact our literature has made, but these tracts carry the good news of Jesus Christ, and we can be assured they will yield an eternal return. It’s with this same expectation

that we dedicated the new church in one of the worst neighborhoods of Corpus Christi. I remember Grandma Evelyn telling me that when she first moved to Corpus, they were on the edge of town. Well, town grew up, around and way past that first little church, and now the property is in inner city Corpus Christi. And God knew that would happen. They were then, and we are now, just where God wants us to be. Please pray that the Holy Spirit would empower the congregation to reach out to the men, women and children of inner city Corpus in a fresh way, full of compassion, vision and conviction for their souls.

ECUADOR: Yamile requested Sunday school materials in Spanish for 35 children in his church. Their ages range from two to fourteen years of age.




by Nasser Farag

Available: English, Spanish tracts Spanish Correspondence Courses English lessons: The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ – Saint in Light. Basic, English Bible lessons

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Who Cares about India?

And the gospel must first be preached to all

nations. Mark 13:10

One out of seven people on the face of this planet live in India—that’s 1.25 billion of the world’s 7 billion people. Of that 1.25 billion, only about two percent identify as Christian. When we think of these statistics in terms of reaching the lost, there’s no way around it: We need to care about how the Gospel is advancing in India. But do we, really? We hear a lot about Christian persecution in India and we know a lot of churches send missionaries and mission groups. We’ve got people on the ground there—India’s covered, right? Not exactly. We all need a better education about India. The more we know, the more we will care, which will generate more prayer—the most powerful contribution any of us can make toward advancing the Kingdom of Heaven in India.

This fall, we have two ways for you to become better engaged with India. David Jerald of the Mount Olive Foundation in Tamil Nadu, India, will be visiting us again in the last two weeks of October. We would love to bring him to your congregation so you can learn first-hand about the Spirit-led work they are doing in India. Please contact Donna Schillinger to get him on your calendar. 479-774-5699, [email protected]. Secondly, support the Mount Olive Foundation through the purchase of One

Billion Souls: Spiritual Hunger in India, a photojournal by Gwendolyn Anderson and Donna Schillinger. With more than 40 full color images, this attractive and intriguing book is a true eye-opener about India and makes a great gift, addition to the church library, coffee table or reception area. Adding one to your church, home or office will provide much needed support for The Mount Olive Foundation. The cost of printing the books has been donated, so proceeds go directly to supporting evangelism work in India.

One Billion Souls can be pre-ordered at, or by sending a donation of any amount to Christian Triumph Company. Please specify “India” in the memo section of the check.

September 13th is the day on the calendar to celebrate Grandparents. The Lord delights in those… who put their hope in his unfailing love. Psa.14:11 NIV

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Faith Messenger

A publication of Christian Triumph Company

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