Download - Fairmont Falcons Press - · DHH Kindergarten teacher) to Fairmont. September is a busy month and we ask parents to help us ensure everyone’s safety by visiting

Page 1: Fairmont Falcons Press - · DHH Kindergarten teacher) to Fairmont. September is a busy month and we ask parents to help us ensure everyone’s safety by visiting

Fairmont Falcons Press

1040 Hamilton Road

London, ON N5W1A6

Telephone: 519-452-8200

Principal: Mrs. Burns

Administrative Assistant: Mrs. St Germain

Superintendent: Lynne Griffith –Jones

Trustees: Sheri Polhill & Lori-Ann Pizzolato

Find our website at

Message From the Office

Welcome back to all of our Fairmont students and

families! It’s always exciting to see the enthusiastic

and smiling faces of the students at the beginning of

the school year. We extend a warm welcome to those

students and families new to the Fairmont community

and we are looking forward to a productive and excit-

ing year of learning and growing together.

We are thrilled to work with such an amazing team

of dedicated personnel and our strong and supportive

parent community. We would like to welcome

Ms.Haycock (our new Kindergarten teacher), Ms. Shyu

(Kindergarten prep teacher) and Ms. DeVries (our new

DHH Kindergarten teacher) to Fairmont.

September is a busy month and we ask parents to

help us ensure everyone’s safety by visiting the parent

portal to update important information by September

26th (see page 2 of newsletter for more information).

Fairmont is very excited to introduce our Website

to parent. The website is a great place to receive Fair-

mont and TVDSB news, check for important dates on

the calendar, and connect with school cash online to

pay for school activities and lunches. You are invited to

visit our website, explore the content and subscribe to

any pages that interest you.

We would like to remind parents and guardians who

are picking up their children that JK/SK pick ups are

done in front of the school, and Grades 1 - 8 pick ups

are done at the back of the school near the rear park-

ing lot. Handicap parking spaces are reserved for per-

mitted vehicles only.

Parents who would like to sign their children out are

asked to come to the office. Please keep in mind that

every minute of instruction is valuable learning time.

We therefore request that you limit early sign-outs to

appointments and/or special circumstances.

We wish all of our students, staff and families a

great start to the year!

September 26th - Last Day to Update im-

portant information through Parent Portal

September 26th - Meet the Family Night

September 28th - PA Day

October 7th - Parent Council Meeting @ 6:00

PM in the library

School cash online is safe, fast, convenient way for

parents to pay for school activity fees.

Again this year, School cash will be the only way to

pay for all school Hot Lunch days.

See page 4 of this newsletter for more information.

Dates to Remember

Cash Online. Sign up Now!

Cell Phones

Cell phone use has become a growing challenge in

our schools. The current government is putting guide-

lines into place for this coming school year. Students

are required to keep their cell phones out of sight and

not use them at school unless requested by the teach-

er for educational purposes. Should you need to get a

hold of your child please contact the main office and

we will give them your message. Thank you for your


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Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical / Health Conditions in Schools

To ensure children with potentially life-threatening medical conditions remain safe while at-tending school, TVDSB requests Parents/Guardians update the necessary medical information on the Parent Portal so that an Individual Plan of Care (IPOC) for the student can be re-viewed by the school’s admin-istration. Medical conditions considered potentially life-threatening may include:

1. Asthma

2. Anaphylaxis

3. Epilepsy

4. Type 1 Diabetes

5. Any other potentially life-threatening condition that could result in a medical incident*

(discuss with your school administrator)

Parents/Guardians can provide important information about their child's life-threatening or prevalent medical condition by logging into the TVDSB Parent Portal and clicking on the fol-lowing tab: Student Medical Information. Once an Individual Plan of Care is submitted, the school administrator will then review the information. Parents/Guardians may be contacted for further information, if required. New for 2019-2020 – Parents/Guardians now have the opportunity to complete Individual Plans of Care online and submit them electronically to the student’s school.

Parents/Guardians who cannot access the Parent Portal on the Internet should contact the school of-fice. Please note that Parents/Guardians are expected to be active participants in supporting the man-agement of the student’s prevalent medical condition(s) while the student is in school. It is the responsi-bility of Parents/Guardians to inform the school of such condi-tions to ensure the student's safety at school.

*A medical incident is a circumstance that requires an immediate response and monitoring, since the incident may progress to an emergency requiring contact with Emergency Medical Services – 911.

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Our next School Council meeting of the year will be held on Mon-day October 7th at 6 PM in the library. Come and get involved

to help us start the year off!

We build each student’s tomorrow, every day.

School Council News Sign up / Sign Into the Parent Portal

This year, the TVDSB is encouraging parents/guardians to update their child’s information online through the Parent Portal. The Portal will be open until September 25th.

Parents/guardians who have established access to the TVDSB Parent Portal are asked to update the following:

Student Information Sheet

Emergency Contact List

Parental Consent for Release of Student Infor-mation

Medical Forms

G-Suite Computer Use Agreement

Sun Protection

Protect your skin and eyes from the sun

1. Time of Day: Limit time in the sun when the

UV index is 3 or higher, usually between 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

2. Shade: Seek shade or make shade using an

umbrella or pop up shade shelter.

3. Cover up: Wear clothes that cover as much

skin as possible or UV protective clothing. Wear a wide brim hat or baseball cap with flaps that cover the head, neck or ears.

4. Sunscreen: Apply plenty of sunscreen with

SPF 30 or more, labelled “broad spectrum” and “water resistant”. Reapply after swimming, sweat-ing or toweling.

5. Sunglasses: Wear close fitting/wrap-around

sunglasses with UV 400 or 100% UV protection.

Your Public Health Staff

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Nutrition Breaks - Kindergarten to Grade 6

1st Nutrition break 10:45 – 11:35; Second Nutrition break 1:15 – 1:55)

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Please note that for all students in Kindergarten to Grade 6, it is the expectation that if a parent wishes to take their child for lunch or for their child to come home for lunch, then a parent or designate will sign-out and pick their child up at the office.

Students who stay are expected to show good manners, just as you would expect at your own table at home. Our expecta-tions are that students will:

eat their own lunches using appropriate table manners

stay seated and talk quietly to their neighbours until dismissed

raise their hand if they need anything

clean up their eating area before going outside, using the garbage and recycling bins appropriately and as need-ed

upon dismissal, go to the bathroom if necessary and then go directly outside

Once the nutrition break is over, students are to remain outside unless they have a pass to stay in and are supervised by a teacher.

Nutrition Breaks - Grade 7 and 8

1st Nutrition break 10:45 – 11:35; Second Nutrition break 1:15 – 1:55)

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Students in grade 7 & 8 will be allowed to leave the property for lunch with written parental permission. It is our expectations that students will be respectful when in the community and will return on time for classes. Should these expectations not be met, this could lead to the loss of this lunch privilege and the offending students will be required to remain at school for the lunch hour.

Students who stay are expected to show good manners, just as you would expect at your own table at home. Our expectations are that students will:

eat their own lunches using appropriate table manners

stay seated and talk quietly to their neighbours until dismissed

raise their hand if they need anything

clean up their eating area before going outside, using the garbage and recycling bins appropriately and as need-ed

upon dismissal, go to the bathroom if necessary and then go directly outside

Once the nutrition break is over, students are to remain outside unless they have a pass to stay in and are supervised by a teacher.

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School Bus

For information on bussing,