Download - FACULTY SENATE MINUTES · 2019. 2. 11. · FACULTY SENATE MINUTES December 3, 2018 3:30 p.m. . The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, December 3, 2018, in


    December 3, 2018

    3:30 p.m.

    The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, December 3, 2018, in the

    South Ballroom in the Keen Johnson Building. Chair Winslow called the fourth meeting of the

    academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.

    The following members were absent: R. Baggett, R. Byrd*^, A. Cassidy, Z. Eser*, J. Fitch*^, A.

    Gossage*^, L. Jones*^, P. Kraska*, T. Nowak*, J. Palmer*, B. Young*^

    * Indicates prior notification of absence

    ^ ALT Nathan Jasinski attended for R. Byrd

    ^ ALT Ginny Whitehouse attended for J. Fitch

    ^ ALT Kim Creech attended for A. Gossage

    ^ ALT Fontaine Sands attended for L. Jones

    ^ ALT David Fifer attended for B. Young


    Chair Winslow reminded senators to let him and/or the secretary know of any anticipated

    changes in membership for the spring semester.


    Senator Dyer moved approval of the November 5, 2018 minutes, seconded by Senator Woodruff.

    Motion carried. (YES = 51 votes NO = 1 vote ABSTAIN = 0 votes) (See Also: Individual



    Senator Hartch made the following recommendation:

    Establish an infrastructure for faculty organizations similar to student organizations.


    EKU now has an articulation agreement with Bermuda College which will allow their students to

    transfer easily to EKU to enroll in the online Bachelor’s Degree in Risk Management and


    The Board of Regents will meet on Wednesday, January 9th


    Pending Board of Regents approval, the asset preservation fee that has been collected over the

    past several months will be used for teaching spaces on campus. The first item slated for

    renovation will be the Ferrell Room in the Combs Building. Later, additional spaces for updates

    include the math classrooms in Wallace and the renovation of the Moore Building.

    Next week we have some discussions in Frankfort about the pension. That continues to be top of

    mind for all of the public comprehensive universities. We are working diligently with our sister

    institutions to see if we can come up with some solutions that will not further hamstring us as we

    move forward with performance funding in the future.

  • Faculty Senate Minutes December 3, 2018 Page 2

    Just a reminder that the tuition benefit whereby you can go to another school and other schools can send their students here will continue through the spring semester. With roots dating back to 1874, our University has weathered many changes. Each new era brings the opportunity to serve our students, our service region and our Commonwealth in new and different ways. What has become timeless over the last 144 years, however, is our commitment to a quality education, and — just as importantly — delivering that education through exceptionally caring faculty and staff who make our students feel like part of a family. Recently, John Strada, a senior lecturer in the Department of Communication, has been recognized for going above and beyond for those values. He received the Vernon Gantt Award for Distinguished Service from the Kentucky Communication Association for his commitment to service and experiential learning in the classroom. Outside the classroom, Strada was named EKU’s first faculty-in-residence at Martin Hall, choosing to live on campus this semester in order to help students become more comfortable interacting with professors. In another recent distinction for the Department of Communication, the Public Relations program has once again earned the Certification in Education for Public Relations (CEPR) administered by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Educational Affairs. EKU has held this distinction the second longest of any university in the world. Only 40 programs worldwide are certified, and Kentucky has only two collegiate programs certified — Eastern and WKU. We have a lot to be proud of this year. During these few remaining weeks of 2018, we can all reflect on EKU’s many achievements. Here are just a few of them:

    • EKU has received the 2018 Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award from Insight into Diversity magazine for the third consecutive year.

    • Eastern’s aviation program was one of only two public universities nationwide represented on panel discussions at the Aviation Workforce Symposium held recently in Lexington.

    • Our four-year graduation rate continues its steady rise. It has more than doubled in an eight-year span. • Our freshman class is the best academically prepared class in recent history. • Our University is again among the leading four-year schools nationally in the annual Military Times: Best

    for Vets rankings. EKU finished 12th in the recently announced 2019 rankings. That’s the top in Kentucky and surrounding states. The next-highest-ranking institution in Kentucky came in at number 40.

    • EKU’s new Science Building now has 120 solar modules to help the campus increase its renewable energy supply and reduce its carbon footprint.

    • A LEED Gold plaque now adorns a wall in the Science Building atrium. LEED is the most prestigious green building rating system in the world, and its recognition of EKU testifies to the University’s focus on energy efficiency and environmental design.


    Student Recruitment and Retention. Dr. Gill Hunter and Dr. Brett Morris were in attendance to provide information on student recruitment and retention and to address concerns raised during the October EKU Forward discussion. Review pages 7 & 8 of their report to learn about ways faculty can participate in recruitment and retention of students.

  • Faculty Senate Minutes December 3, 2018 Page 3


    Policy 11.2.4 – Information Security. Senator Bishop-Ross moved approval of Policy 11.2.4, seconded by Senator Fleischer. Motion carried. (YES = 49 votes NO = 0 votes ABSTAIN = 3 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes) Policy 9.3.3 – Governing Time, Place and Manner of Demonstrations, Meetings, and Other Assemblies. Senator Brewer moved approval of Policy 9.3.3, seconded by Senator Woodruff. Motion carried. (YES = 48 votes NO = 1 vote ABSTAIN = 4 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes) NEW BUSINESS:

    Policies Introduced for First Read. Chair Winslow presented the following policies for first read and stated that action is anticipated at the February meeting.

    Policy 4.1.1 – Academic Freedom Policy 4.7.9 – Limitations on Academic Work while under Contract to Teach at Eastern

    (recommending repeal) Policy 4.3.12 – Degree Completion for Accomplished Professionals (recommending

    repeal) Policy 4.7.7 – Consulting and Outside Activities by Faculty

    Report from Council on Academic Affairs. Vice Provost Robinson presented the following materials.

    Program Revisions

    College of Business and Technology

    Applied Engineering and Technology

    1. M.S. in Applied Engineering and Technology - Change program title to M.S. in Technology Management; Change concentration title from: Applied Engineering and Technology Management to Engineering Operations Concentration; Change concentration title from: Agriculture Operations and Management to Agriculture Operations Concentration; Change concentration title from: Network Security Management to Cyber Systems Tech Security Concentration; Update list of potential supporting courses.

    College of Education

    Curriculum and Instruction

    2. MAEd in Elementary Education - Update professional teacher leader core to include a requirement for the full Teacher Leader endorsement. Since this master’s degree is an advanced degree, EPSB/OELE requires that the TL endorsement be fully embedded.

    3. MAEd in Middle Grades - Update professional teacher leader core: include a requirement for the full Teacher Leader endorsement. Since this master’s degree is an advanced degree, EPSB requires that the TL endorsement be fully embedded. In addition, the sequence of information is adjusted to align with the MAED programs in elementary and secondary.

    4. MAEd in Secondary Education - Update professional teacher leader core to include a requirement for the full Teacher Leader endorsement. Since this master’s degree is an advanced degree, EPSB/OELE requires that the TL endorsement be fully embedded.

    College of Health Sciences

    Medical Laboratory Science

    5. B.S. Medical Laboratory Science – Add MLS 209 & 211 to Core; Move MLS 290 from Support to Core; Remove BIO 378 from Support; change hours in BIO 348.

  • Faculty Senate Minutes December 3, 2018 Page 4

    College of Justice and Safety

    Fire Protection and Paramedicine Sciences

    6. B.S. Fire, Arson, and Explosion Investigation - Remove FSE 200 from the FAEI degree. Reduce number of free electives to 13.

    7. B.S. Fire Protection Administration - Remove FSE 200, OSH 261 and TRS 235. 8. B.S. Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology -Remove FSE 200, OSH 261. 9. Minor in Fire and Safety Engineering Technology - Remove FSE 225 or OSH 262;

    add classes; FSE 221, FSE 224, FSE 355, FSE 445 and FSE 480. Remove 12 hours of electives.

    College of Science

    Computer Science

    10. B.S. Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity - Add a programming course, CSC 190, to the major requirements.

    Senator Ciocca moved approval of items 1-10, seconded by Senator Woodruff. Motion carried. (YES = 50 votes NO = 1 vote ABSTAIN = 2 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes) Volunteers Needed for University Committee. Chair Winslow asked for two faculty volunteers to serve on the new Parking Appeals Committee. Senator Julie George and Alternate Nathan Jasinski volunteered to serve for spring 2019 only. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS


    During the October Faculty Senate meeting a Senator brought up the issue of students adding a class either late in the add/drop period or after. There was some question as to the impact on students’ performance if they add the course after the first day if that means they have missed a substantial portion of the course. The Executive Committee asked Drs. Gill Hunter and Tanlee Wasson to address this issue at the November XC meeting. Dr. Hunter pointed out that our last day to add is 6 days after the semester begins which closely follows the process used by other Kentucky institutions. Following that discussion they shared the following information.

    This semester, we have experienced some technical issues with the TurningPoint software used to collect votes during Senate meetings. Jonathan Sikora and others from IT have worked diligently on this issue and have come up with a solution. Mr. Sikora has briefed members of the Faculty Senate IT Committee on the solution, and they will continue to operate the software during Senate meetings. Thanks to Mr. Sikora and his colleagues in IT, and members of the Senate IT Committee for saving the University the money a new version of the software would cost, and helping us to meet our obligations for open meetings and open records.

    REPORT FROM FACULTY REGENT: Senator Day On December 18, President Benson and most members of the Board will be attending the “invitation-only” 2018 Postsecondary Education Symposium in Louisville. Arizona State University President Michael M. Crow will present the keynote address discussing his model for reinventing postsecondary education institutions for the 21st century. Governor Matt Bevin will address the group at lunch.

  • Faculty Senate Minutes December 3, 2018 Page 5

    The next quarterly meeting of the EKU Board of Regents has been scheduled for January 9, 2019. As of this writing, the specific time, location, and agenda are yet to be determined. A likely change of leadership on the Board of Regents is anticipated in January. Speaking of leadership, I am very pleased that President Benson will continue serving EKU for the foreseeable future. As you might imagine, the Board was already reviewing search firm contracts and was preparing to hit the ground running with an expanded search committee if he had been selected for the job in Charleston, SC. REPORT FROM FACULTY CLUB BOARD OF GOVERNORS: Senator Ciocca The Faculty Club originated in 1940 when faculty salaries were garnished to establish three rooms in the Keen Johnson Building for the purpose of creating an environment where faculty, staff, and their guests could relax and exchange ideas. The Faculty Club has been in continuous use for that purpose over the years, with the most recent mention in the minutes of the Senate of November 2016, when the Senate voted to reconstitute the Board of Governors as a standing University committee. A subsequent vote in March 2017 led to approval of a new constitution for the Faculty club. The rooms in the Keen Johnson in which the Faculty Club resides have gone through extensive renovations and now host refreshments, courtesy of President Benson, all day before each Senate meeting. Details and activities of the newly renovated facility can be found on the Faculty Club Website: Currently, the Faculty Club hosts a weekly Brown Bag Lunch, details of which can be found in the above website.

    REPORT FROM PROVOST: Senator Whitehouse As most of you know, this is my last Faculty Senate meeting as your Interim Provost. I feel fortunate to have been part of Eastern’s great tradition and to have worked with the talented faculty, staff, and administration that make EKU special. I have loved this University from my first days on campus. It has been an honor to have been part of the EKU family and history. As we prepare for wintry weather and the possibility of delays and cancellations in the coming months, now is a good time to revisit our Inclement Weather Plan and review other important information regarding inclement weather. Please mark the following upcoming dates on your calendars:

    December 5 – 2018 Showcase of Teaching & Learning Innovations. (10:10 a.m. – 1:10 p.m., FCT&L) December 5 – TILT Session: Using the Transparency in Learning & Teaching (TILT) Model to Enhance

    Rubric and Assessment Design. (2:30 – 3:20 p.m., FCT&L) January 9 – Deadline for Spring 2019 FCT&L Course Proposals.

  • Faculty Senate Minutes December 3, 2018 Page 6

    (calendar dates continued)

    Jan. 28-Feb. 1 – 2019 DEEP Week.

    February 1 – Application deadline for the 2018-2019 Annual Faculty Awards.

    February 8 – Submission deadline for the 2019 Pedagogicon.

    February 21 – Posters-at-the-Capitol

    May 17 – Pedagogicon.


    Academic Quality Committee. Senator Koger stated that they are continuing to work on their


    Elections & University Nominations Committee. Senator McCardle shared a copy of the criteria

    and procedures and ballot petition form for the upcoming Faculty Regent Election in the spring

    as well as a proposed timeline.

    Rules Committee. Senator Bishop-Ross reported that the committee met with Vice Provost

    Robinson who informed them that part seven of the Faculty Handbook is completely under the

    purview of the Senate. So the committee plans to begin working on re-defining the definition of

    faculty and the different classes of faculty. In addition, Senator Gremp is checking with other

    Kentucky institutions to see if they classify their president as a faculty member, since our

    president is considered a faculty member but our provost is not.


    Senator Whitehouse moved to adjourn at approximately 4:45pm.

  • Attached are the motions (in brief form) as presented in the online polling for each motion, as well as

    the votes by individual senator.

    Please note, the official language for motions is available in the written minutes. What is presented

    for polling purposes is a summation of the actual proposed motions.

  • Eastern Kentucky University Faculty  Senate Mee ng


    Session Name:  New Session 12‐3‐2018 4‐41 PM

    Date Created:  12/3/2018 3:02:12 PMActive Participants: 55 of 75Questions: 5


  • Count

    YES 46

    YES 6

    YES 2

    Totals 54


    A. Yes 51

    B. No 1

    Totals 52


    A. Yes 49

    B. No 0

    C. Abstain 3

    Totals 52

    3.) 11.2.4 Information Security (Multiple Choice)

    Results By Question

    1.) Attendance - 12/3/2018 (Multiple Choice)

    2.) Approval of minutes (Multiple Choice)

  • Count

    A. Yes 48

    B. No 1

    C. Abstain 4

    Totals 53


    A. Yes 50

    B. No 1

    C. Abstain 2

    Totals 53

    4.) Policy 9.3.3 (Multiple Choice)

    5.) Program Revisions (Multiple Choice)

  • Session Name: New Session 12-3-2018 4-41 PM

    Date Created: 12/3/2018 3:02:12 PM Active Participants: 55 of 75

    Average Score: 0.00% Questions: 5__________________________________________________________________________

    Results By Participant

  • Name: Matt Winslow

    User Id: 01 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 1 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes Information Security

    4.Policy 9.3.3

    5.Program Revisions

  • Name: Gina Purdue

    User Id: 02 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 2 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Chad Cogdill

    User Id: 03 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 3 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions B. B. No

  • Name: Carla Hagan

    User Id: 04 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 4 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Chris Pyle

    User Id: 05 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 5 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Michelle Gerken

    User Id: 06 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 6 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Rachel Bishop-Ross

    User Id: 07 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 7 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Tara Stevens

    User Id: 08 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 8 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Ken Engebretson

    User Id: 09 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 9 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Richard Crosby

    User Id: 10 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 10 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Molly McKinney

    User Id: 11 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 11 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 B. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Todd McCardle

    User Id: 12 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 12 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Ann Callahan

    User Id: 13 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 13 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Jon Endonino

    User Id: 14 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 14 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Allison Noland

    User Id: 15 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 15 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Marco Ciocca

    User Id: 16 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 16 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Clint Pinion

    User Id: 17 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 17 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Melissa Powell

    User Id: 18 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 18 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Eugene Styer

    User Id: 19 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 19 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 B. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Nathan Jasinski - Alternate

    User Id: 20 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 20 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes Information Security C. C. Abstain

    4.Policy 9.3.3 C. C. Abstain

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Christopher Budano

    User Id: 21 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 21 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Scott Self

    User Id: 22 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 22 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Daniel Enz

    User Id: 23 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 23 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Julie George

    User Id: 24 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 24 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Ginger James-Wendel

    User Id: 25 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 25 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Tyler Huffman

    User Id: 26 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 26 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Fontaine Sands - Alternate

    User Id: 27 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 27 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Renee Causey-Upton

    User Id: 28 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 28 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Bryan Dyer

    User Id: 29 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 29 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Todd Hartch

    User Id: 30 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 30 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security C. C. Abstain

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Ginny Whitehouse - Alternate

    User Id: 31 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 31 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 B. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Anne Fleischer

    User Id: 32 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 32 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Esther Randall

    User Id: 33 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 33 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Ben Woodruff

    User Id: 34 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 34 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Joe Gershtenson

    User Id: 35 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 35 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Tracy Spigelman

    User Id: 36 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 36 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Charles Elliott

    User Id: 37 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 37 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions C. C. Abstain

  • Name: Kristen Brewer

    User Id: 38 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 38 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Victoria Koger

    User Id: 39 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 39 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 C. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Lindsay Calderon

    User Id: 40 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 40 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Erin Eliassen

    User Id: 41 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 41 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Margaret Ndinguri

    User Id: 42 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 42 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 C. C. Abstain

    5.Program Revisions

  • Name: Matthew Pianalto

    User Id: 43 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 43 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Brent Shannon

    User Id: 44 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 44 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 B. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Pei Gao

    User Id: 45 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 45 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Carter Sickels

    User Id: 46 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 46 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 C. C. Abstain

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Steve Szabo

    User Id: 47 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 47 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 B. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Philip Boutin

    User Id: 48 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 48 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Travis Marcum

    User Id: 49 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 49 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Gerald Nachtwey

    User Id: 50 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 50 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Erik Liddell

    User Id: 51 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 51 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Michelle Gremp

    User Id: 52 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 52 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 A. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Brooke Bentley

    User Id: 53 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 53 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 B. YES

    2.Approval of minutes B. B. No Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 B. B. No

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: Kim Creech - Alternate

    User Id: 54 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 54 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018 C. YES

    2.Approval of minutes A. A. Yes Information Security A. A. Yes

    4.Policy 9.3.3 A. A. Yes

    5.Program Revisions A. A. Yes

  • Name: David Fifer - Alternate

    User Id: 55 Total Points : 0.00

    Responding Device : 55 Score: 0.00%

    Question Response

    1.Attendance - 12/3/2018

    2.Approval of minutes Information Security C. C. Abstain

    4.Policy 9.3.3 C. C. Abstain

    5.Program Revisions C. C. Abstain

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