Download - FACILITATOR’S MARKETING KITMarketing+Kit.pdf · 2014-08-25 · After you publish your event, it will show in “My Upcoming Events,” where you can edit the event or track RSVPs.

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July 22, 2014

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Welcome Welcome to the Pachamama Facilitator’s Marketing Kit. This document is a series of tools, tips and best practices to help you promote the events that you host in your community, and to continuously attract new audiences to your events. There are four main sections:

• Promotion

• Public Relations & Media

• Community Partnerships

• Useful Templates

How to Use this Resource Welcome to You can read this document on your own, print it out and circulate amongst your community, or even hold a community meeting around this to start putting together your marketing plan and brainstorm new ideas. This kit is also broken down into sections online on the Pachamama website (

Regardless of how you use it, we hope it helps you become a savvy, effective, and powerful organizer so we can spread this message far and wide to create a more thriving, just, and sustainable human presence on this planet.

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1. Promotion • Using the Pachamama Events Map 4

• Marketing 101 6

• Using Social Media 8

• Offline Promotions 12

2. Public Relations & Media • Tips on Reaching Out the Media 12

• Public Relations Timeline 15

3. Enrolling Community Partnerships • 15 minute PowerPoint Intro 17

• Links to Video Trailers 17

• Elevator Pitch 17

4. Useful Templates • Sample Email Templates for Event Invitations 18

• Flyers 19

• News Release 20

• Community Calendar Listing 22

• Public Service Announcements for TV and/or Radio 23

• Symposium Facts 23

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1. Promotion

The Pachamama Events Map Pachamama has designed an online event management tool for you to post your events on our website, so that they receive greater exposure and more participants. Site visitors use the map ( to search for events or Pacha Communities in their local area, where they then find your event and can register or RSVP online.

Benefits of Using the Events Map The tool has a number of benefits and useful functionality to you as a host organizing events. You can:

• Reach new audiences

• Create events with all information registrants need to know such as location, time and date, registration details and cost. You can also enable Pay Pal to accept payment.

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• Receive email notifications when people RSVP and track them online.

• See your event statistics, including number of past events and attendees.

• Manage and download registrant information and contact details.

• Receive email messages via your online profile, or email registrants through the system with specific updates about your event.

• Set up automatic email reminders for event registrants.

• Provide feedback about the event.

• Duplicate past events easily to save you creating new ones each time.

• Create private events that don’t show on the map but generate a link for you to send to selected guests.

How to Use the Pachamama Events Map To use the tool, you will need to register for the Facilitator’s Hub on, which takes about three minutes:


1. Go to “My Events” 2. Add an event 3. Fill in the information requested, such as location, date, time, cost, event

description etc. 4. You may save as draft, or publish your event 5. Once published, your event will show on the map for all to see!

After you publish your event, it will show in “My Upcoming Events,” where you can edit the event or track RSVPs.

Your Online Profile People can click through to your online profile if they see one of your events on the map. You can edit this anytime by going to the “profile” section behind the Facilitator’s Hub. We recommend you fill this out fully and add a photo, to help people get a sense of who you are.

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Pachamama Communities on the Map Pachamama Communities show up as pins on the Events Map and are another way for users searching for events to get involved locally.

Community Pages are managed by volunteer community leaders and provide a clear idea of what that community is up to, how you can join, and how to get in touch directly. Community Pages include a map of that community, including upcoming events, so they are another way to highlight activity in your area. Any event you add to the map will automatically be shown on your Community Page.

Marketing 101 You can have a successful event with a small or large number of participants, however, our goal is to help you maximize attendance as a key player in building the critical mass to bring forth an environmentally sustainable, socially just, and spiritually fulfilling world.

Below are some tips for starting from wherever you are, using what you already have and who you already know.

Communication Channels Some ways of communicating (i.e. “channels”) you are likely familiar with already:

• Email

• Print: letters, postcards, flyers, newspaper ads

• Phone calls

• Social networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

• Text messages

• In-person

Use Your Existing Network Start a guest list of who might be interested in your event, such as:

• Family and extended family

• Close friends

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• Acquaintances, like your gym friends or other parents at the park

• Colleagues and connections from the workplace

• Service providers close to you, such as your doctor or your favorite vendor at the farmer’s market

• Local business owners

• Other community members with whom you interact

Personalize Your Invitations Personalizing your invitations may be time intensive, however, it can make a big difference. You can customize wording per person or for segments of your guest list. Speaking to individuals, as opposed to more generally can go a long way. For sample invitation wordings, see Sample Texts for Event Invitations.

Don’t feel reluctant about sending a couple of reminders about your event – people get busy and if you’re inviting by email, they can be easily overlooked.

Widening Your Outreach through Local Partnerships The following are a few simple ways to increase the number of participants by reaching out to people outside your network:

• Ask your invitees to invite others: Extend this message on your original invitation (they might be more inclined to join if they can go accompanied) and in any reminder you send before the event.

• Talk to others who have access to groups: If you take yoga classes, volunteer at a community center, or your office has a social mailing list, reach out! Talk to those in charge and ask if you can extend an open invitation to their groups. It might look something like this:

Dear students,

Some of you might not know Mary yet! She is a fellow student, and a loyal regular at our Wednesday evening class. I have been lucky to connect with what she is up to outside the classroom, and I am delighted to extend this invitation to all of you. I’m confident you will find lots to reflect on at this very inspiring opportunity she has brought forth for us.

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• Do anything you can to make it easier for them to ask their network – provide them with sample text, or a flyer and the reason why it’s relevant or interesting for their network.

• Tap into other online channels:

o Blogs: If you write a blog, have friends who do, or subscribe to one, use it to tell your/their readership about your event. The more relevant and compelling you make the blog entry, the more likely it will be passed on and shared beyond your immediate circle.

o Listing on third-party sites: Think of websites that consolidate and advertise events (ie.; some may allow you to list your event automatically for free, some others might request you to submit it for approval, or ask for a fee. Also, some of these websites are specialized by type of event. A little bit of research can have a big payoff. Find the most suitable website for your event and your area, and try it out!

• Other social platforms such as Find active groups that would be interested in your event, join them and ask the group host to post an invitation to the group.

Value Propositions To some, especially those not already engaged with environmental, spiritual, or social justice issues, the benefit of attending any educational program is not evident or self-explanatory.

By highlighting the benefits or including a “value proposition,” prospective participants are more likely to come. For example, “As a group already interested in the environment, the Symposium will provide you with a grounding in the key issues of our times, and some tools to turn commitment into action.”

Sending Reminders and Follow Up Messages The Pachamama Events Map automatically sends people registered for your event reminders and follow-up messages by email.

However, you can complement those messages with personal notes, perhaps reminding participants of logistical details before the event, and personal

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recommendations of next steps or inspiring readings after the event. You can create these emails using functionality that is built into the Pachamama Events Map.

A follow-up message to those who do not attend might be suitable if you can offer them something that could get them excited about joining in the next opportunity (i.e., a short video of one session or a testimonial from someone who attended). The important thing is to acknowledge them as well, while keeping it relevant and brief.

Using Social Media “Social Media” defines online media such as text, photos, messages, or video that is “social” – it starts conversations, encourages people to pass it on to others, and finds ways to travel on its own.

The main benefit of using social media to promote your events is that it's the least expensive and fastest way to reach new audiences.


• Create your event on Facebook. Make sure it links to the Pachamama Events Map.

• Use your personal cover and/or profile picture to promote your event.

• Post the Facebook event and Events Map link periodically with different messages. You can choose to focus on the benefits, outcomes, parts of the event, number of people registered already, or someone special who is attending. Always repeat the date and time. Target the posts by location and/or language.

• When you create the event on Facebook with your personal profile, you have the ability to send a message to the friends you want to invite. Avoid sending the invitation to all your friends–a more targeted approach will probably yield better results.

• Invite your invitees to bring a friend. Make the benefit explicit, restating the value proposition of the event for them.

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• Post a status update asking people if they have any questions about the event and answer them on Facebook.

• Use the functionality Facebook already includes for events:

• Generate buzz by writing on the wall of the event. For example, you could unveil half of a surprise element of the Symposium

• Message guests who have registered and ask them to share and/or invite others

• Select an eye-catching, intriguing photo to represent the event


Twitter doesn’t need to be complicated. It’s essentially about interacting and building relationships. Here are some tips:

• Don’t overcomplicate Twitter: Be honest, be real, be human. Don’t over think your Twitter entries. Use your own voice, not a detached, institutional one.

• Tweet in the moment: Are you at an event that ties in with the Symposium? Don’t be afraid to live tweet as it’s happening and mention your upcoming event.

• Follow the 60-30-10 rule: That’s 60% re-tweets and pointers to promote items from other users or sites, 30% conversation and responses, 10% announcements and events (such as your Symposiums). If all you ever talk about is you, no one is going to pay attention after a while. So build your constituent follower base on an ongoing basis, and you will have a good tool for promoting your events as you hold them.

• Be supportive: Follow like-minded users and engage with them. Re-tweet liberally. Link to interesting news stories about your partners or sector.

• Use hash tags: Join in relevant Twitter conversations and trending topics by using #hashtags. Use existing ones or create your own. Check out this list of 40 hashtags for social good:

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• Get into a groove: Consider focusing on one topic for a day or a week. Combine your updates with a hashtag theme like #WaterWednesday or #socialjustice.

• Ask questions: Use Twitter to conduct research, to solicit ideas, to identify experts, to thank attendees and to ask questions of your followers.

• Use calls to action: It’s OK to say “Please check out our latest photo essay” or “Please RT.” Just don’t abuse people’s attention spans.

• Include links: Social media expert Dan Zarella found that tweets containing a url are three times more likely to be re-tweeted.

• Have one regular, daily tweet: Consider sharing a “Photo of the Day” or “Tip of the Day.” It gives you a chance to link back to your website, blog or event posting.

• Ask attendees to post and tweet with a particular hash tag: It will help create buzz for future events.

More Links on Using Twitter:

• Getting Started:

• What not to tweet:

• Twitter’s own best practices:


LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with over 175 million members and growing rapidly. LinkedIn connects you to your trusted contacts and helps you exchange knowledge, ideas, and opportunities with a broader network of professionals.

• Promoting events on LinkedIn:

• Learn more about LinkedIn:

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Offline Promotions

Print Ads

Local community organizations, churches, shopping guides and newspapers are good outlets to place print ads to promote your Symposiums. Often, you can get these at no charge. We have included some sample ads in the Useful Templates section, and you can modify them to various sizes.

Printed Materials

This isn’t necessarily a daunting piece of your promotion actions. We have sample materials you can print at home or at a professional shop. You can find flyers and posters in the Useful Templates section.

Get creative with printed materials:

• Print some posters and flyers for the coffee shops, grocery stores, libraries, laundromats or other high-traffic gathering spots in your area. Make sure to ask for permission, and seize those interactions to extend more personal invitations.

• Ask to share some flyers at a friend’s dinner party.

• Ask permission to distribute flyers in your workplace.

• Look for like-minded community organizations and ask them to distribute to their constituents.

2. Public Relations & Media Providing materials to your local media (newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, blogs) to publicize your event can be effective in spreading the word about your Symposium widely. How useful the media is will depend on your own community and what media outlets are available. Used well, they are a great way to have people hear about you.

Basic Media Relations • Do your research and find out what are the best local media outlets.

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• Where possible, find out exactly who to send information to, their phone number and email address; the more you can personalize your media materials, the better your chances are of having it published or broadcast.

• Writers and broadcasters are always looking for interesting content to engage readers/viewers. Help them reach their goal.

• It is most effective to reach out proactively and cultivate ongoing relationships with media contact, rather than only reaching out when you want promotion of your event.

Promoting a Symposium 1. Create an event listing on the map at so that people

can easily register for your event.

2. Post to your Facebook page(s) to promote the event, and link to your event registration page.

3. Post to Pachamama Alliance Facebook page, and link to your event registration page.

4. Create a press release, calendar listing and/or public service announcement to send to local media to publicize your event.

5. Follow up with a phone call to each publication or news station asking if they received your release and if you can provide them with additional information about it.

Here is a description of when to use each:

• Tools for your media plan (samples are in Useful Templates)

• Press releases: Send to newspapers and online news services to publish with the intent to generate interest—either to run as is, or to pique the interest of a reporter in doing a story. Send 5 weeks ahead to local newspapers, both print and online.

• Calendar listings: Send to be run in calendar of events listings of local newspapers, online services or e-newsletters. Be sure to include contact information and price. Send 4-6 weeks ahead; resend multiple times.

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• Public service announcements (PSAs): Send to radio and TV stations to air at no charge. Provide 20- and 30-second versions, typed in all caps, double-spaced; one per page; send at least one month in advance.

• Fact sheets: Have available as background for the media if they cover your event or want more information.

Additional Media Tools In addition to contacting the media to publicize your event, make use of these additional tools to keep the conversation about the Symposium and its content fresh in people’s minds:

1. Letters to the editor: To express your viewpoint on something that the particular publication has published. A great way to weigh in on newsworthy issues and bring attention to the issues. Here’s a link to some guidelines:

2. Op-Ed piece: To express your viewpoint on more significant issues, in a longer piece than a letter to the editor.

3. Editorial: To influence the local newspaper to write about a particular topic. These are written by the newspaper. If you have a topic idea or particular point of view, request a meeting with the Editorial Board. This could be anything like a local environmental issue, or a news story dealing with social justice issues in your community, or the larger community. You can also encourage your event attendees to submit editorials to local media after the event, highlighting the importance of these issues.

4. Blog posts: To comment on related stories you see online, with links back to your event information. A good article on guest blogging:

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Suggested Timeline for Media Relations

Six weeks before the event

• Write calendar listing

• Write public service announcements (20-, 30-second versions)

• Write press release

• Prepare media list; remember to include local organizations that publish newsletters or e-newsletters

Five weeks before

• Send calendar listing to local newspapers, both print and online

• Send PSAs to local radio/TV stations to announce the event

• Send press release to reporters at local papers, both print and online

Four weeks before

• Follow-up phone calls to encourage running PSAs, press releases

Three weeks before

• Resend calendar listing

3. Enrolling Community Partners

Introduction to Enrolling Partners Adapted from Bill Grover, Facilitator

Think of individuals, organizations and companies that would benefit from the Symposium, and that can assist you in reaching out to new audiences. This could be a tool for them to bring new information to their own audiences, to complement

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skills-building or educational programs they already offer, and to guide people into being in action around their own mission and purpose as an organization.

The goal is to enroll local organizations in finding value in the message of the Symposium as a tool in fulfilling their mission. This might be an opportunity for creating their own version of the Symposium.

Some tips:

• Research the vision and mission of each organization you approach. How do these connect with the purpose of the Awakening the Dreamer Symposium?

• Develop your elevator speech. Practice: pay attention to how it is received in informal situations; modify as needed. (see sample below)

• Create a short (10- to 15-minute) PowerPoint or Keynote presentation and modify as needed for the specific organization that you are enrolling in hosting a Symposium. Tailor the talk and graphics for your audience. (see sample in Useful Templates)

• Attend networking events such as local "Green Drinks" gatherings and follow up with phone calls or emails to contacts who expressed interest in the Symposium. Become familiar with the organizations those people represent prior to contacting them.

• Focus on local organizations or local chapters of national organizations that have or can pull together a community of members to support the Symposium.

• If appropriate, present the Symposium as a recruiting tool to increase membership of the host group.

Prospective host group contacts include:

• Groups that have frequent outside speaker events. You can offer a brief talk about the purpose of the Symposium.

• Committees of larger local organizations (Unity Green Team, Unitarian Social Action Committees).

• Boards of directors for local non-profit organizations or NGOs (go to to find listings in your area)

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• Contact event planners of networking and service groups (Local Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Kiwanis, Green Drinks, Rotary Clubs, community event planners for Green Festival or similar local festivals)

• Department heads for local academic institutions.

• Local media organizations - for leads to groups planning events in your area.

10-15 Minute PowerPoint Intro See sample 10- to 15- minute presentation to use when speaking with community groups about presenting a Symposium to their constituents.

Download on website:

Links to Trailers Symposium trailer (4 minute):

Symposium trailer (7 minute):

Elevator Pitch A sample “elevator pitch” from Facilitators Sue Trisler and Bruce McGraw:

‘The Awakening the Dreamer Symposium is about waking up from the “dream of the modern world” that is destroying our planet and way of life. Through videos, slides, presentations, and discussions, we aim to create an environmentally sustainable, socially just, and spiritually fulfilling human presence on Earth. While we initially deal with some disturbing facts, we promise that you will leave feeling optimistic, empowered and inspired to help create our new future.’

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4. Useful Templates * Please note that most of these will be downloads from the Pachamama website behind the Facilitator’s login (

Sample Email

Possible subject lines

• Are you ready for a deeply transformative experience?

• Join me on [event day and/or date] for a deeply transformative experience

• X hours that will have you looking at the world with fresh eyes

• I think you’ll get a lot out of this

Body of email

Dear [recipient name, or “friend/s”],


• Having everything we need to create a sustainable, just, and fulfilling world

• Understanding the unique contribution you can make in your community

• Feeling hopeful about the future of our planet and species

You don’t have to just imagine these things–together, we can make them real.

Explore how we can and why we must create the world of our dreams. Join me for a transformative, multimedia workshop I will be [facilitating/hosting/etc.].

Awakening the Dreamer Symposium

• Date

• Time

• Location

• Cost

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You can reserve your spot by visiting [URL] to register, or contact me at [phone number and/or email address].

Whether you feel you know a lot or a little about environmental sustainability, social justice, or spiritual fulfillment, I promise the Symposium will have you looking at what you know and how you live in an inspiring light.

(You could also substitute the previous paragraph with a paragraph explaining why you thought this person/group would be interested and what you think they’ll get out of it, for example.)

“As someone who works to…, you could add a lot to the conversations the Symposium inspires. And I promise you’ll leave this event all fired up with new ideas and a powerful context for your work and life.”

It’s also a great way to connect with like-minded people in your area and forge new friendships and collaborations.

(If desired, this would be a great place for a personal anecdote that can further persuade the invitee to RSVP.) Some starting points:

• “I am hosting/facilitating this Symposium because…”

• “The first time I attended a Symposium, I…”

• “I got involved with the Symposium and The Pachamama Alliance (the organization that created it) because…”

If you would like to learn more about the Symposium, please visit:

Looking forward to seeing you there!

[Facilitator/event host name]

P.S. If you know someone else who would be interested in this transformative experience, please share this email and invite them to join you–the more the merrier!

Flyers These are for download on the website in both JPG and Word format:

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(Add your organization logo if appropriate)

News Release

For Immediate Release

Date of submission

Contact: Host Name Organization (if appropriate)

Host Phone Host Email

Symposium Examines Link Between Justice, Sustainability, and Spirituality

Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium Scheduled for (Date); all interested invited.

On (Date), an Awakening the Dreamer Symposium will be held at (Location) from (time – time), offering an interactive, multimedia experience for anyone who wishes to deepen their understanding of the current state of our world and how we can take action to create environmental sustainability, spiritual fulfillment, and social justice for all humanity.

Participants will explore these three core aspects of our societal condition via facilitated interaction and engaging audio-visual elements. We’ll hear from some of the world’s leading experts on topics as diverse as the current state of the Earth’s biodiversity and the reality of the socio-economic disparity throughout the world.

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After grounding our awareness in the facts regarding the consequences of humanity’s current relationship with the Earth and each other, we will examine how we arrived at this point. Through a process of guided self-inquiry, each individual will discover the unique stand that they wish to take for a more just, sustainable, and fulfilling world. This is an opportunity to share your concerns about the state of the world with like-minded members of your community, and offer support to each other in taking steps to effect the changes that you wish to see.

“(quote from Symposium facilitator / host illustrating purpose of symposium and/or why they do this work)”

Participants will leave the Symposium empowered to take clear steps to embody their vision for a better world, and having established new connections to work with others on common issues. For more information, call (host phone) or email (host email).

The Awakening the Dreamer Symposium is developed and distributed by The Pachamama Alliance, a San Francisco-based nonprofit started at the invitation of indigenous people of Ecuador’s Amazon rainforest. Through the Symposium and other workshops, they work to generate widespread awakening at the grassroots level and a transformation of our worldview, such that humanity becomes committed to restoring and protecting the environment and moves towards social justice and spiritual fulfillment.

Currently, over 3,700 volunteer Facilitators have delivered the Symposium in 71 countries. It has been presented in 12 languages and reached at least 100,000 people, generating countless community projects and individual change.

“(quote from Symposium participant about how Symposium has impacted them, or another quote from Symposium organizer about their personal experience)”

The End

(Add your organization logo if appropriate)

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Community Calendar Listing

For Immediate Release

Submission Date

Contact: Host Name Organization (if appropriate)

Host Phone and email

Interested in helping bring forth a new human presence on the earth? Attend an Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium.

What: An engaging, interactive seminar in which concerned citizens will deepen their understanding of the state of humanity and connect with each other to envision change. You will explore with fellow citizens the current situation including:

• Current statistics regarding the environmental, social, and spiritual state of humanity.

• A view of how we arrived at this point as a species.

• An in-depth exploration of the industrial worldview using a contrasting worldview as a mirror.

An exploration of the emergence of a new worldview (‘new dream’) that points to a large-scale societal transformation already underway, and how we can each engage in that transformation in ways that speak uniquely to us as individuals

Who: Open to anyone who wishes to take practical steps to bring about transformation to the environmental, social and spiritual presence of humanity on the earth.

When: (Date), (Time)

Where: (Venue name, address, city state zip)

Info: (Host phone and email)

(Add your organization logo if appropriate)

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Public Service Announcements

For Immediate Release

Submission Date

Contact: Host Name Organization Host Phone Host Email

30 sec.

Want to empower yourself and your community to take action towards a more sustainable, just and fulfilling world? Come to the awakening the dreamer symposium and explore in-depth where we are, how we got here, and where we might go from here. It takes place (day, date, time, location/address). The event is sponsored by (host person/organization). Please call (phone) or visit for more information. That’s (phone again),

20 sec.

Come to an awakening the dreamer symposium on (day, date, time) at (location/address). You will leave empowered to take steps towards a more environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, and socially just human presence on this planet. For more information, call (phone) or visit

Awakening the Dreamer Symposium Facts

What is the Symposium?

The Awakening the Dreamer Symposium is a dynamic multimedia workshop that uses videos, personal reflection, and group activities to engage people everywhere as the co-creators of an environmentally sustainable, socially just, and spiritually fulfilling world.

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This unique transformative learning experience interweaves indigenous wisdom and modern knowledge, reflecting its origin in the partnership between The Pachamama Alliance, a US based nonprofit, and the indigenous Achuar people of Ecuador’s Amazon rainforest.

The Symposium is available as a live event, and as a digital DVD experience. Live events are delivered in homes, workplaces, and community centers in more than 70 countries around the world by a network of 3,500+ volunteer Facilitators.

Altogether, this network has brought the core Symposium conversation of what is at stake for humanity and what is possible at this historic moment to at least 150,000 people globally, with more joining in every day.

What Topics Does the Symposium Cover?

The Symposium takes participants through four key questions to reveal how our modern worldview and economic and political systems are preventing us from creating the world in which we want to live:

• Where are we? A snapshot of the current state of our world, using data and insights from a wide range of experts.

• How did we get here? An exploration of the root causes behind our current social and environmental crises.

• What is possible now? Examples of widespread social change movements from history and the present.

• Where do we go from here? Tools and next steps for you – a conscious and committed person co-creating our future.

The through-line between these four explorations is the interrelationship between environmental sustainability, social justice, and spiritual fulfillment. Using this systemic lens, and with help from global leaders such as Joanna Macy, Van Jones, Paul Hawken, and Wangari Maathai, the Symposium looks at everything from peak oil and climate change to social justice and racism.

What Can the Symposium Do for You Personally?

As they take in the videos and engage in the exercises, Symposium participants:

• Begin to understand the issues facing humankind and how they are integrally connected.

• Reveal the unexamined assumptions holding our current systems in place.

Page 25: FACILITATOR’S MARKETING KITMarketing+Kit.pdf · 2014-08-25 · After you publish your event, it will show in “My Upcoming Events,” where you can edit the event or track RSVPs.

The Pachamama Alliance is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco. Its mission is to empower indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest to preserve their lands and culture and, using insights gained from that work, to educate and inspire individuals everywhere to bring forth a thriving, just and sustainable world. Learn more at

Pachamama Alliance Presidio Bldg #1009, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 29191 San Francisco, CA 94129 +1 415 561 4522

• Appreciate the extraordinary possibilities emerging at this time in history.

• See a role they can play in turning things around.

• Feel a renewed sense of hope, inspiration, and empowerment.

“At a time when I felt only despair about the conditions I saw in the world, the Symposium provided me with a new way of seeing things, with hope and with inspiration. It neatly organized all the things I cared about most into three easily manageable categories, and gave me a framework and language for communicating my concerns and for understanding what I could do to make a difference.” - Symposium Participant, Pennsylvania, USA

Visit to learn how the Symposium can foster your personal growth as a leader, including resources and trainings for you to learn to deliver the Symposium in your own community.

What Can the Symposium Do for Your Community or Organization?

The Symposium can be a powerful tool that complements the mission or goals of a wide range of organizations or communities. We’ve been thrilled to work with organizations and networks as diverse as United Nations Development Program, Sisters of Mercy, a major defense contract, Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University and the International Coaching Federation.

Among the possible benefits for your community or organization:

• Engage your stakeholders or staff with a unique experience

• Use the Symposium message as an inspiring context for your work

• Generate creative ideas or solutions that can further organizational goals

Bring the Symposium to your community or organization and inspire a timely, creative conversation about what’s possible for our future.

For even more details on the Symposium and The Pachamama Alliance, please visit

Ready to plan your event? To get started today, contact (Name) at (email) or (phone).

(Note: If it’s not appropriate for you to be the contact person, please feel free to use “Contact [email protected] or call 415 561 4522 to get started today.”)