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  • 8/9/2019 Faber submission.pdf



    To Beauty

    Oh, you, Beauty, surface, here,

    your skin overgrowing objections

    like a fine graphical user interface -

    the radiance of a fruit machine.

    Unerring. Flawless, vectorised sheen;

    inviolate rhetoric, infinitely scalable;

    pixel perfect, down to max pinch zoom

    No jaggies. Unjemmyable. Hermetically gorgeous.

    Illusionist of settlements,

    your edifices rearing up before construction.

    In time, in layers, ruining decay;

    growth to mutilated perfection.

    Touch me, oh-so-nearly Beauty!

    Your verisimilitude puts me in disorder.

    The console indicates that our lines cross,

    but boundlessly we keep on, alone.

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    Affair 1: Telling it

    You ripped off my crown of thorns

    stripped me out of my sackcloth and ash,

    kissed each pebble from my mouth,

    blasted apart my noblesse oblige.

    And you say, the drummer, hes hitting the skins,

    shaking his fists as the crowd shouts. And you say

    the soloists banging his head

    as hes banging his foot on the stage.

    And you are just so. Here.

    A piston. Bare stripped. Fresh. Nude.

    Dense as column and firm under hand,

    and we high. So high. And so it is high time

    to say what I want, sloughed right out of my skin;

    be naked, outrageous in my desires,

    unsheathed, keen as my thumb at your jaw.

    And bone-flesh, so solid man, now I must tell it,

    amtelling it: what I desire is you.

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    Affair 2: Talk about the Weather

    Please dont get me all wet, babe.

    Let us leave those clouds full plumped.

    We wont dance their rain down; seed them

    with our shot, orgiastic rockets.

    Say well keep the Earth swept clean of tears,

    (dusty dry-bone, baked mud)

    so loves potential leaps kept fat

    sluggard in the pod; small roots

    feebly unfumbling the pavements underside;

    In no wise threatening the cornerstones

    of both of our houses

    (for the most part, secure)

    by which, I mean God! Look, Im not that sad

    Yours - he aint too bad;

    lets take a rain-check on this, love.

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    Unmuzzled words

    from dear and kindred

    blue our skin

    like buck and grapeshot.

    Bruises hatch:

    indigo worms

    venture, relishing

    the marrow


    we learn to tuck

    Our gentle folds

    beneath the horn -

    spiral tight

    push out our shells:

    corporeal armour,

    knees and skulls

    serrated spines

    ridged and coiled ,

    the carotene

    subsumes our love.

    Still, deep inside

    we throb against

    the walls of self

    with desperate pulse

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    Oh, sinking down

    we sideways smite

    our friends and lovers

    as we plunge.

    And only seeing

    good when passed:

    too late! Lain on

    seabed graves.

    Soon, buried under

    mud of time

    become at length

    these snakestone charms.

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    His Anger

    for Chris Bullock

    The world is a soft sac

    through which his anger flows:

    sticky, warm,

    in frail capillaries.

    At windows, the rage face,

    the scream face,

    moves back when he looks up.

    A bodily thing climbs on him

    from the borderlines of shadows.

    When he turns, this succubus does,

    thrusting his spine with thirty-one thumbs.

    Theyll hear it weigh in when the door slams

    and the carpet wavers at each footfall,

    searching his eyes for the red-black pulse

    at the sides of blue irises.

    No. It will not be looked at,

    but vent, alarmingly, at boiling

    point, scalding the expressions of those

    he reckons caused it.

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    The dispassionate privet has never known love like this;

    not been gripped like these tendrils fondle

    along stubby limbs, to hold his sheeny palms.

    The fence, old wooden heart, creakily welcomes

    the probing tip, at last feels lucky, being so deeply known,

    explored, understood.

    The flowerpot has been awaiting a broken one

    to rely on him, cracks and all; nurses an earthen hope

    in his rent soul, as the spirals trace his broken openings.

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    A flock of sheep

    Clouds, spring lambs.

    All meaningless.

    Give me:

    the breedits face,

    its curve of horn and fall of hoof;

    whose Day-glo mark it bears;

    if this tup, neck-daubed daily,

    has mounted, marked a ewe.

    Read its ear tags to me,

    drink grass breath for teeths integrity.

    Copy that humanness of baa, or pitch of bleat.

    I must know which separate one

    the vet would minister

    if it hobbles or falls ill

    since, vaguely raised in woolly love,

    not grasped enough,

    my rage blossomed

    to herd each beast.

    To pen, sort, tag

    to diagnose.

    To feel beneath each fleece.

    to show love like husbandry.

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    My Angel

    Your plastic keyfob snapped

    off. Its Perspex angel hula-hulaed

    into the muck; she, given to keep

    watch over me and instil hope


    in my heart.

    She was never really my style,

    this limp promise

    too transparently

    Californian. Overreliant on recently coined


    spiritual beings. In man-made materials!

    When she fell, I thought losing her

    would not cause much practical deficit.

    Yet, now shes gone,

    my angel, house keys slither

    to the bottom of pockets and bags,

    and the panic wells

    when I cant find them.

    They will probably show up,

    I assure myself. Being less weighty;

    harder to locate through fingertouch.

    And so I domiss my angel

    and would like to petition her return.

    But you are also gone.

    Or youre out there, somewhere,

    silent messenger:

    keeping the promise you made

    to say goodbye.

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    Alzheimer's sufferer on the ward

    A seahorse husk

    drowning in shrouds:

    hospital gowns.

    Features float.

    Each eyebrow

    puffs vague in his sky.

    Breath rushes in,

    escapes once more

    from his mouths cave.

    Sometimes, up floats

    a chicken joint shoulder

    submerged by nurses.

    Blue paper drapes

    closed for the bed wash

    Heavings. Gibberings.

    Soft shushings: ,

    "SORry Robert.

    Darlin, I'm sorry."

    Visiting hour.

    "Bob, it's your wife,

    Wendy, and Liz,

    your daughter.

    We're here, now,

    we love you to bits."

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    A whimper?

    Or a cough? Liz,

    I think hes speaking.

    His oxygen count is up, say

    the improbable purple screen

    orange, blue squiggles, digits.

    so hell resurface - this time

    floating at the tide's mercy

    before his empty shell

    loosens into the eternal blue.

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    Kaths man did not come back in '45,

    and so she nannied Theo Peacey's kids.

    And when, in 69, Tom Peacey died,

    Kath stayed. A union of sorts: Kath washed

    and cooked, and Theo owned the house, grew flowers;

    sent clippings of the Telegraph to friends.

    For forty years, they walked the dogs through fields...

    Today, the curs have talkedlet slip, they smudge

    the valley's page, a ginger-piebald dash.

    Blast! says Kath, broad Sussex, knows theyve run

    through Hole Wood, by the brook to Coggins Mill.

    Barney! Jake! calls Theo, her treble cracked.

    Heedless, Kath, shoots back They won ear you!

    Then Mrs P., (with wounded fury): Kath!

    you know I hate it when you snap at me!

    The cowman bustles up his twilight song

    HEyyHEyy ... HEyy... brrr... geddon...

    a hint of hazard in his hazel stick

    to steer his milk herd to the lower field.

    And late after his holding gates shut firm,

    they wait, arms folded on the lighted porch;

    the copper beech is burnished by the dew,

    as Kath and Theo call the dogs back home.

    Her lights

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    When she died, they found love set in store,

    like Christmas candles, high up on a shelf;

    when it came down, their hands no longer kissed,

    but, raising arms, saw what theyd always known

    soft rituals of careby new, internal lamps:

    a lemon-sugared sponge, leaf-burning days,

    the nonsense gifts, and field-edge walks with dogs,

    her gold-brown fingers sewing at a hem

    These lanterns left for them to put about

    at windows cracked by disappointments fist,

    or tint drab work-worn walls; and lift those days

    when morning came on like a cramp; and close

    night eyes - crescent them with gold, as: Turn, your faces, loves,

    from inevitable woe. And watch these wicks we lit together glow.

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    The Black Panther Plumb Drop

    There was that time in the sixties

    when your mother pulled Dad right down

    onto the floor.

    It was a Black Panther move she'd seen,

    on footage of a Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh


    someone grabs you from behind,

    so, sink like a case-clock weight,

    and kick their kneecaps, backwards, horse-wise.

    "Why won't you be married to me -

    properly married!?"

    Dad had been screaming,

    to his alarm, mostly,

    after she had hosted

    one of her poker nights

    for the girls.

    Looking into his red mouth,

    she'd tasted metal, herself,

    turned to go.

    "I can't see you like this, Bob,"

    she'd said. "I can't be with you

    when you're like this."

    The gap between his bruised intimacy

    and her burning flight

    proved too much.

    He got her

    in a bear hug,

    tried to swing her.

    And that's when they fell

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    but Mum sat on your father's toes,

    he went "ow,"

    and of course they saw themselves.

    Fatal! Couldn't help but laugh.

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    Old Friend

    Come, my dear

    let us hold our faces to the traffic

    invite its sodium beams to our eyes whites.

    Turn your cheek brazenly toward the stream

    of your faces next worst intention

    where the light kernels in the saggings, mounds and hatches.

    Dare the roads funereal parade

    to make good on a pinched cheek, a crease, a crows foot

    and on,

    slake the faces of our once friends

    with this worn fork

    take it up and turn them over:

    good manure

    for next years fruit

    then well tread onwards

    turning this way and that

    through this old town

    and thumb its corners

    like an loved compendium