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Page 1: Eye guidance in natural vision: Reinterpreting saliencedana/Tatler.pdf · The extensive psychophysical literature on visual search has demonstrated that basic visual features can

Eye guidance in natural vision: Reinterpreting salienceSchool of Psychology, University of Dundee,

Dundee, UKBenjamin W. Tatler

Center for Perceptual Systems, University of Texasat Austin, Austin, TX, USAMary M. Hayhoe

School of Life Sciences, University of Sussex,Sussex, UKMichael F. Land

Computer Science Department, University of Texasat Austin, Austin, TX, USADana H. Ballard

Models of gaze allocation in complex scenes are derived mainly from studies of static picture viewing. The dominantframework to emerge has been image salience, where properties of the stimulus play a crucial role in guiding the eyes.However, salience-based schemes are poor at accounting for many aspects of picture viewing and can fail dramatically inthe context of natural task performance. These failures have led to the development of new models of gaze allocation inscene viewing that address a number of these issues. However, models based on the picture-viewing paradigm are unlikelyto generalize to a broader range of experimental contexts, because the stimulus context is limited, and the dynamic, task-driven nature of vision is not represented. We argue that there is a need to move away from this class of model and !nd theprinciples that govern gaze allocation in a broader range of settings. We outline the major limitations of salience-basedselection schemes and highlight what we have learned from studies of gaze allocation in natural vision. Clear principles ofselection are found across many instances of natural vision and these are not the principles that might be expected frompicture-viewing studies. We discuss the emerging theoretical framework for gaze allocation on the basis of rewardmaximization and uncertainty reduction.

Keywords: salience, natural tasks, eye movements, reward, learning, predictionCitation: Tatler, B. W., Hayhoe, M. M., Land, M. F., & Ballard, D. H. (2011). Eye guidance in natural vision: Reinterpretingsalience. Journal of Vision, 11(5):5, 1–23,, doi:10.1167/11.5.5.


Visually guided behaviors require the appropriateallocation of gaze in both space and time. High acuityfoveal vision must be directed to locations that provideinformation for completing behavioral goals. Behavior-ally informative locations change with progress througha task, so this allocation of gaze must not only be tothe right places but must also be at the right times toserve behavior. Understanding the principles that under-lie the deployment of gaze in space and time is, there-fore, important for understanding any visually guidedbehavior.In this article, we review the current state of models of

eye guidance for complex scene viewing and whether theycan generalize to natural behavior. In particular, wereview the dominant class of models that has emerged toexplain gaze allocation in picture viewing: those that arebased on low-level image properties, often operationalizedas image salience. While this approach has providedinsights into oculomotor selection and has given rise to a

considerable volume of research, we argue that mostcurrent models offer only a limited description of humangaze behavior. Moreover, we argue that the dominantparadigmVthat of picture viewingVis an inappropriatedomain of explanation if we wish to understand eyemovement behavior more generally. While most modelshave been built around a core of low-level featureconspicuity, some emerging models attempt to baseselection on higher level aspects of scenes. We considerthe direction that these models are taking and whether thiswill allow insights into vision in natural settings. Weapproach this by considering what a model of natural eyeguidance should be able to explain. That is, we highlightthe principles of fixation selection in natural tasks that canbe found to generalize across many real-world situations;these are the components of eye movement behavior thatneed to be explained by any theoretical model. Thecommon underlying principles for eye guidance suggestthat behavioral relevance and learning are central to howwe allocate gaze. These principles necessarily changethe emphasis of what should be modeled and we suggestthat a framework incorporating behavioral rewards will

Journal of Vision (2011) 11(5):5, 1–23 1

doi: 10 .1167 /11 .5 .5 Received December 21, 2010; published May 27, 2011 ISSN 1534-7362 * ARVO

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provide a useful approach for understanding the mannerin which models of eye guidance may be implemented inthe future.

Image salience and eyemovement behavior

The extensive psychophysical literature on visual searchhas demonstrated that basic visual features can captureand guide attention (see Wolfe, 1998). If a target differsfrom a set of distractors in just a single feature dimension,such as color or orientation, it can be detected veryrapidly, and detection time remains fast irrespective of thenumber of distractors present (Treisman & Gelade, 1980).This “pre-attentive” capture (“popout”) suggests thatfeatures can drive the allocation of attention. Similarly,more complex search, where targets are defined by theunique conjunction of two features, can successfully beexplained using serial selection driven by image features.Models such as Treisman’s feature integration theory(Treisman & Gelade, 1980) or Wolfe’s (2007) guidedsearch model produce human-like search behavior usingonly low-level featural information. A natural extension ofthis work was to ask whether this principle could beapplied to understanding how attention is allocated inmore complex scenes. These models of visual searchunderlie the most influential class of models of gazepatterns in picture viewing based on low-level imagefeatures. One computational implementation of this classof model is the notion of the “salience map,” a spatialranking of conspicuous visual features that could be

candidates for covert or overt attention (Itti & Koch,2000; Itti, Koch, & Niebur, 1998; Koch & Ullman, 1985).The salience map concept has had a profound influence onthe research field and has become an integral componentof many subsequent models of gaze allocation. In theoriginal implementation of the salience model, whenpresented with a scene, low-level features are extracted inparallel across the extent of the viewed scene (Figure 1).Local competition across image space and feature scalesresults in feature maps for luminance contrast, colorcontrast, and orientation contrast. These individual featuremaps are combined by weighted sum to create an overalldistribution of local feature contrast, known as the “saliencemap.” Attention is then allocated to locations in the sceneaccording to the salience in the computed map using awinner-takes-all principle. To avoid attention becoming“stuck” at the most salient location, a local, transientinhibition is applied to each attended location. Eachiteration of the modelVa winner-takes-all selection of themost salient location followed by inhibition at the attendedlocationVeffectively represents a relocation of attention.

Explanatory power of the salience map

Visual conspicuity models such as Itti and Koch’s saliencemap can explain aspects of human attention allocation.The salience model described in Figure 1 can localizepopout targets in a single iteration of the model. However,conjunction targets can take several iterations of the modelbefore they are selected, and the number of iterationsdepends upon the number of distractors present (Itti &Koch, 2000). This serial search behavior with search timesdependent upon the distractor set size mirrors human

Figure 1. Schematic of Itti’s salience model. Figure from Land and Tatler (2009); redrawn from Itti and Koch (2000).

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search behavior. When presented with a complex photo-graphic scene, the model predicts serial search behaviorin which visually conspicuous locations are selected for“fixation,” in a manner that appears superficially similarto human eye movement patterns.

Empirical evaluation of salience-basedselection in complex scenes

It is clear that under certain circumstances imagesalience (or other feature-based models) can provide agood explanation of how humans orient their attention.However, the evidence so far discussed is derived almostexclusively from situations in which the stimulus is asimple visual search array or in which the target isuniquely defined by simple visual features. These studiesprovide a proof of principle for the notion that the visualsystem can select fixation targets on the basis ofconspicuity. Indeed, the original goal of such modelswas to explain attentional capture rather than to provide amodel of eye movements in complex scenes. It seemsreasonable to ask whether the principles derived fromsimple paradigms might generalize to viewing morecomplex scenes. However, a real-world scene provides amuch greater range of information types than these simplesearch displays. It is, therefore, important to empiricallyevaluate whether visual conspicuity contributes signifi-cantly to fixation selection when a greater range ofinformation is available. Empirical evaluations of thesalience model using complex, natural scenes show thatmore fixations lie within regions predicted by the saliencemodel than would be expected by chance (e.g., Foulsham& Underwood, 2008) and salience at fixated locationsis significantly higher than at control locations (e.g.,Parkhurst, Law, & Niebur, 2002). Findings such as theseare widespread, suggesting a correlation between low-levelfeatures in scenes and fixation selection by humans. However,as argued by previous researchers, these correlations aloneshould not be taken to imply any causal link between featuresand fixation placement (Henderson, 2003; Henderson,Brockmole, Castelhano, & Mack, 2007; Tatler, 2007).Despite the widespread interest in this model and the

considerable successes that it has had in predicting fixationselection at above-chance levels, it is important to considerjust how much fixation behavior can be explained by afeature-based model of selection. Empirical evaluations ofthe extent of the difference in salience at fixated and controllocations are informative in this respect. Using signaldetection approaches, it is possible to consider not onlywhether statistically significant differences in the salienceat fixated and control locations can be found but also themagnitude of these differences (see Tatler, Baddeley, &Gilchrist, 2005). Essentially, the technique can be used todetermine the extent to which fixated and control locationscan be discriminated on the basis of low-level featureinformation. The magnitude of the difference describes

how well fixation selection can be described by low-levelfeatures. Such evaluations have found areas under thereceiver–operator curve in the region of 0.55 to 0.65 (where0.5 is chance), which suggests that the proportion offixation behavior that can be accounted for by imagesalience is modest (e.g., Einhauser, Spain, & Perona, 2008;Nystrom & Holmqvist, 2008; Tatler et al., 2005). Whenthe viewer’s task is manipulated, this modest predictivepower can disappear (e.g., Foulsham & Underwood, 2008;Henderson et al., 2007). The weak statistical support forlow-level factors in fixation selection can be contrasted tothe support offered for other factors in fixation selection.Using the same logic of attempting to discriminate betweenfixated and control locations on the basis of a particularsource of information, areas under the receiver–operatorcurve for other factors can be compared to those found forimage salience. Einhauser, Spain et al. (2008) found thatfixated and control locations can be better distinguished byobject-level information than by image salience. Tatler andVincent (2009) found that fixated and control locationscan be better distinguished by biases in how we move oureyes than by image salience.Despite these empirical shortcomings of the original

implementation of the saliencemodel (and of similar models),conspicuity-based accounts continue to feature prominentlyin much of the recent work on eye guidance (e.g., Xu, Yang,& Tsien, 2010; Yanulevskaya, Marsman, Cornelissen, &Geusebroek, 2010; Zehetleitner, Hegenloh, & Mueller, 2011;Zhao & Koch, 2011, and many others). Recent special issuesofCognitive Computation (Taylor & Cutsuridis, 2011) andof Visual Cognition (Tatler, 2009) reflect the continuingprominence of image salience and similar conspicuity-basedfactors in current research. Indeed, even recent emergingmodels often continue to retain a key role for visual con-spicuity (e.g., Ehinger, Hidalgo-Sotelo, Torralba, & Oliva,2009; Kanan, Tong, Zhang, & Cottrell, 2009), a point wewill return to later in this article. However, this conspicuity-based class of computational model of eye guidance requiresa set of assumptions that are conceptually and empiricallyproblematic. In the section that follows, we highlight theseassumptions and evaluate empirical evidence about theirvalidity. Following this, we will consider the emergingmodels that overcome some of these limitations, includingmodels that place less emphasis on visual conspicuity. Wethen consider situations in which conspicuity models mayprovide useful descriptions of human behavior.

Assumptions in models of sceneviewing

Assumption 1: Pre-attentive features drive!xation selection

One of the essential assumptions behind saliencemodels is that simple features are extracted pre-attentively

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at early levels of visual processing and that the spatialdeviations of features from the local surround can, there-fore, provide a basis for directing attention to regions ofpotential interest. While there exist statistically robustdifferences in the low-level content of fixated locations,compared with control locations (e.g., Mannan, Ruddock,& Wooding, 1997; Parkhurst et al., 2002; Reinagel &Zador, 1999), the magnitude of these differences tends tobe small (see above), suggesting that the correlationbetween features and fixation is relatively weak. Further-more, correlations are only found for small amplitudesaccades (Tatler, Baddeley, & Vincent, 2006) and,crucially, disappear once the cognitive task of the vieweris manipulated (e.g., Foulsham & Underwood, 2008;Henderson et al., 2007). This does not mean that stimulusproperties are unimportant. A high signal-to-noise ratiowill make a variety of visual tasks such as search fasterand more reliable. The question is whether simplestimulus features are analyzed pre-attentively and can,thus, form the basis for a bottom-up mechanism that candirect attention to particular locations. When walkingaround a real or virtual environment, feature-basedsalience offers little or no explanatory power over wherehumans fixate (Jovancevic, Sullivan, & Hayhoe, 2006;Jovancevic-Misic & Hayhoe, 2009; Sprague, Ballard, &Robinson, 2007; Turano, Geruschat, & Baker, 2003). In avirtual walking environment in which participants had toavoid some obstacles while colliding with others, imagesalience was not only unable to explain human fixationdistributions but predicted that participants should belooking at very different scene elements (Rothkopf,Ballard, & Hayhoe, 2007). Humans looked at mainly theobjects with only 15% of fixations directed to the back-ground. In contrast, the salience model predicted thatmore than 70% of fixations should have been directed tothe background. Thus, statistical evaluations of imagesalience in the context of active tasks confirm their lack ofexplanatory power. Hence, the correlations found incertain situations when viewing static scenes do notgeneralize to natural behavior. In ball sports, the short-comings of feature-based schemes become even moreobvious. Saccades are launched to regions where the ballwill arrive in the near future (Ballard & Hayhoe, 2009;Land & McLeod, 2000). Crucially, at the time that thetarget location is fixated, there is nothing that visuallydistinguishes this location from the surrounding back-ground of the scene. Even without quantitative evaluation,it is clear that no image-based model could predict thisbehavior. Similar targeting of currently empty locations isseen in everyday tasks such as tea making (Land, Mennie, &Rusted, 1999) and sandwich making (Hayhoe, Shrivastava,Mruczek, & Pelz, 2003). When placing an object on thecounter, people will look to the empty space where theobject will be placed. As has been pointed out before, it isimportant to avoid causal inferences from correlationsbetween features and fixations (Einhauser & Konig, 2003;

Henderson et al., 2007; Tatler, 2007), and indeed, higherlevel correlated structures such as objects offer betterpredictive power for human fixations (Einhauser, Spainet al., 2008).

Assumption 2: There is a default bottom-upmode of looking

An implicit assumption in salience-based models is thatthere is a “default” task-free, stimulus-driven, mode ofviewing and that vision for tasks is special in some way.The possibility of such a default viewing mode that can beoverridden by other factors is discussed by several recentauthors (e.g., Einhauser, Rutishauser, & Koch, 2008;Underwood, Foulsham, van Loon, Humphreys, & Bloyce,2006). Higher level factors are conceptualized as modu-lators of this basic mode of looking (see below). Thisassumption can be found at the heart of a wide range ofstudies and has motivated the use of “free-viewing” as acondition in studies of picture viewing, in an attempt toisolate task-free visual processing (e.g., Parkhurst et al.,2002). Here, the viewer is given no specific instructionsduring the experiment other than to look at the images.The assumption that “free-viewing” is a task-free con-dition for the viewer is questionable. It seems more likelythat free-viewing tasks simply give the subject free licenseto select his or her own internal agendas (Tatler et al.,2005). A reasonable assumption about what people maybe doing when asked to simply look at images is torecognize and remember the contents, but we cannot besure of their internal priorities. Consequently, we are notstudying viewing behavior while free of task, but ratherwe are studying viewing behavior when we have no realknowledge of what the viewer has chosen as the purposeof looking. Of course, the fixation behavior we engage inwhen “freely viewing” an image will be very differentfrom that when engaged in a specific task such as search,but this does not imply that the former reflects any“default” task-free mode of looking. Not only is free-viewing a conceptually problematic task, but even whenparticipants are freely viewing images, correlationsbetween features and fixations are weak (Einhauser, Spainet al., 2008; Nystrom & Holmqvist, 2008; Tatler, 2007).

Assumption 3: Target selection from the map

Within the salience map framework, the decision aboutwhere to fixate arises from the computation of salienceacross the entire visual field, followed by a winner-takes-all process to select the most salient location. In order forthis to allow more than one saccade, there is transientinhibition at each attended location. While this schemeseems like a reasonable computational solution to the

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problem of creating an iterative model of target selection,there exist at least two problems with this aspect ofmodels.

Retinal sampling and eccentricity

In most accounts of salience-based schemes, the retinalposition of image information is not accounted for; thus,decreasing retinal acuity in the periphery is overlooked(see Wischnewski, Belardinelli, & Schneider, 2010, forfurther information about the failure to consider peripheralsampling limits in most recent accounts of fixationselection). Some recent models do account for retinalsampling and we will consider these later. However, wefirst consider the problems associated with failing toaccount for this aspect of visual sampling. Vincent,Troscianko, and Gilchrist (2007) showed that featurecoding becomes unreliable in the periphery once thevariable resolution retina is taken into account. Thefeature maps and resultant salience maps generated whenaccounting for the variable spatial resolution outside thehuman fovea are very unlike those generated if uniformresolution sampling is assumed. This means that saliencemaps computed without taking into account the resolutionof peripheral vision are biologically implausible. More-over, salience computations that do account for spatialsampling heterogeneity fail to discriminate natural objecttargets in photographic scenes (Vincent et al., 2007).Retinal anisotropies in sampling result in tendencies tomove the eyes in particular ways (Najemnik & Geisler,2008). Humans tend to select nearby locations morefrequently than distant locations as targets for theirsaccades (e.g., Bahill, Adler, & Stark, 1975; Gajewski,Pearson, Mack, Bartlett, & Henderson, 2005; Pelz &Canosa, 2001; Tatler et al., 2006). Similarly, whenviewing pictures, horizontal saccades dominate (e.g., Bair& O’Keefe, 1998; Lappe, Pekel, & Hoffmann, 1998; Lee,Badler, & Badler, 2002; Moeller, Kayser, Knecht, &Konig, 2004). Incorporating these tendencies into modelsof fixation selection dramatically improves the predictivepower of the model (Tatler & Vincent, 2009); indeed,these motor biases alone predicted fixation selection betterthan a model based on homogenous salience computationor homogenous edge feature extraction. We must, there-fore, account for where information is in the retinal imagerather than simply where peaks in any arbitrary whole-scene feature map might occur. Failing to accountproperly for where the winner is in the salience mapresults in distributions of saccade amplitudes that do notmatch human eye behavior (Figure 2).It is interesting to compare the logic behind a winner-

takes-all selection process and how we typically view theneed to move the eyes. The general conception of the needto move the eyes is to bring the fovea to bear oninformation that is not fully available in the limited acuityperipheral vision. Thus, eye movements serve to provide

new information about the surroundings, maximizinginformation gathering or reducing uncertainty about thevisual stimulus (e.g., Najemnik &Geisler, 2005; Renninger,Verghese, & Coughlan, 2007). This contrasts with thewinner-takes-all approach of selecting the region with thebiggest signal as the next saccade target.

Inhibition of return

To allow attention to move on from the most salientpeak in the salience map, transient inhibition of eachattended location is included in the model. The inclusionof transient inhibition at attended locations is based onpsychophysical experiments suggesting that there is anincrease in latency when returning to recently attendedlocations (Klein, 1980, 2000; Klein & MacInnes, 1999;Posner & Cohen, 1984). However, empirical evidencesuggests that there is no reduction in tendency to return torecently fixated locations when viewing photographicimages (Smith & Henderson, 2009; Tatler & Vincent,2008). Hooge, Over, van Wezel, and Frens (2005) foundthat while saccades back to the previously fixated locationwere preceded by longer fixation times (showing temporalIOR), there was no evidence of any decrease in thefrequency of saccades back to previously fixated loca-tions. Whether we observe something resembling inhib-ition of return or not depends upon the statistics of thedynamic environment being observed (Farrell, Ludwig,Ellis, & Gilchrist, 2010) and tasks that require refixationsbetween objects show no evidence of IOR (Carpenter &Just, 1978). When specifically engaged in foragingbehavior, refixations are rare (Gilchrist, North, & Hood,2001), but it is not clear whether this is due to a low-levelinhibitory mechanism, particular oculomotor strategiesspecific to foraging, or simply memory for previouslyvisited locations (Gilchrist & Harvey, 2006). Indeed,Droll, Gigone, and Hayhoe (2007) demonstrated thatlocations are fixated more frequently if they are morelikely to have the target.The implementation of IOR in computational models of

salience presents an obvious problem when attempting tosimulate extended viewing. If the inhibition is longlasting, then refixations are impossible; if the inhibitionis transient, then the model predicts cyclic eye movementbehavior. Neither of these is compatible with humanbehavior. When viewing a picture of a face, participantswill cycle around the triangle of central facial features(Yarbus, 1967). However, this cyclic behavior is notcommonly found in more complex scenes and is certainlynot an unavoidable consequence of looking at the samescene for more than a few seconds. Figure 3 comparesfixation patterns for a human observer viewing a scene foran extended period to Itti and Koch’s (2000) saliencemodel inspecting the scene for the same number offixations. Thus, it seems likely that a different mechanismis required to explain the transition from one fixation to

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the next. This is likely to be a more active mechanism,driven by a particular goal such as search or informationacquisition.

Assumption 4: Time and target selection

A reasonable starting point when developing a model ofeye movement behavior is to make the simplifyingassumption that a first goal should be to explain spatialrather than temporal aspects of viewing behavior. It isbecoming increasingly clear, however, that importantinformation about the underlying mechanisms for saccadetarget selection also lies in the temporal domain. Fixationdurations vary from a few tens of milliseconds to several

hundred milliseconds and, in certain situations in real-world behaviors, can last for several seconds (Hayhoe et al.,2003; Land et al., 1999). Work on the importance offixation duration in picture viewing is beginning toemerge (Henderson & Pierce, 2008; Henderson & Smith,2009; Nuthmann, Smith, Engbert, & Henderson, 2010).Evidence from natural tasks emphasizes the need toconsider fixation durations: fixation durations dependcritically on the on the time required to acquire thenecessary information for the current act (Droll, Hayhoe,Triesch, & Sullivan, 2005; Hayhoe, Bensinger, & Ballard,1998; Hayhoe et al., 2003; Land et al., 1999). If fixationdurations vary according to the information extractionrequirements, then ignoring this source of informationwhen evaluating and constructing models of eye guidance

Figure 2. Saccade amplitudes from humans and the salience model. (A) Sample scan path from one participant looking at a photographicscene for 5 s. (B) Overall distribution of saccade amplitudes from humans looking at photographic scenes (N = 39,638 saccades). Dataare taken from 22 participants, viewing 120 images for 5 s each. These data are drawn from the participants in Tatler and Vincent (2009)and full participant information can be found in this published paper. (C) Sample scan path from Itti’s salience model. Simulation data aregenerated using the latest version of the saliency tool box downloaded from using the default parameters.Full details of the model can be found in Walther and Koch (2006). The simulation shown here was for the same number of “saccades” asrecorded for the human data shown in (A). (D) Overall distribution of simulated saccade amplitudes from the salience model (N = 39,638simulated saccades). Separate simulations were run for 22 virtual observers “viewing” the same 120 images as the human observersused in (B). For each image, the virtual observer made the same number of simulated saccades as the human observer had on thatscene. The salience model produces larger amplitude saccades than human observers and does not show the characteristic positivelyskewed distribution of amplitudes.

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misses a fundamental aspect of the control of attentionalallocation.Within the context of both simple laboratory paradigms

and complex natural behavior, there is evidence thatsequences of fixations may be planned in parallel (Zingale& Kowler, 1987). Unusually short fixations are ofteninterpreted as implying that they are part of a pre-programmed sequence and the evidence for this in simple

tasks is considerable. Express saccades are found predom-inantly when they are part of an ordered sequence offixations in the same direction as each other (Carpenter,2001). In the antisaccade task, erroneous prosaccades arefrequently followed by short duration fixations before acorrective saccade to the opposite hemifield, a result thatis interpreted as reflecting parallel programming of boththe erroneous and corrective saccade before the error isinitiated (Massen, 2004). The prevalence of very shortfixation durations in some natural tasks (e.g., Hayhoe et al.,2003) could be interpreted in the same manner as shortduration fixations have in simple viewing paradigms: aspart of a pre-programmed sequence of eye movements.From picture-viewing experiments, we know that the

consistency between observers changes over time, suchthat different people will pick more similar locations fortheir first few fixations than for later fixations (Buswell,1935). One possible explanation for this has been that thefirst few fixations in a viewing period are primarily drivenby image properties (e.g., Parkhurst et al., 2002). However,subsequent studies have not supported this notion, suggest-ing that the correlations between features and fixations donot change over time (e.g., Nystrom & Holmqvist, 2008;Tatler et al., 2005). Consequently, the changes in viewingbehavior that are found across viewing time must comefrom higher level factors. Thus, time within a viewingepoch may prove to be an informative component formodeling the underlying target selection processes.

Assumption 5: Saccades precisely targetlocations for processing

Eye guidance in picture viewing is often assessed bycomparing image statistics at fixated and control locations,extracting image properties over a small window (1–2 degreesof visual angle) centered at fixation (e.g., Parkhurst et al.,2002; Tatler et al., 2006; and many others). This approachassumes that the information at the center of gaze containsthe intended target of each saccade. This seems plausiblefrom the perspective of eye movement behavior in simplelaboratory-based viewing paradigms. When required tofixate a small peripheral target, saccades that land shortwill almost always be corrected so that the fovea isbrought to bear precisely upon the target (e.g., Becker,1972, 1991; Carpenter, 1988; Deubel, Wolf, & Hauske,1984; Kapoula & Robinson, 1986; Prablanc & Jeannerod,1975). However, it is unclear whether such precision, evi-denced by the presence of small corrective saccades, is afeature of natural image viewing (Tatler & Vincent, 2008).In the context of more natural tasks, such precision may

be unnecessary. When moving an object past an obstacle,getting the center of vision within about 3 degreeswas sufficient: saccades that brought the foveae within3 degrees of the obstacle were not corrected (Johansson,Westling, Backstrom, & Flanagan, 2001). Similarly, in teamaking, saccades of amplitudes less than 2.5 degrees are

Figure 3. Behaviour during extended viewing for (left) a humanobserver and (right) the salience model. The human observerviewed the scene for 60 s with no instructions. The modelsimulated the same number of !xations as made by the observerduring viewing (N = 129 !xations). Data are shown for the entireviewing period (top row). Note that the salience model simplycycles around a small number of locations, whereas the observerdoes not. The lower three rows show data divided into the !rst 10 s,the middle 10 s, and the !nal 10 s of viewing, with matchedportions from the simulated sequence of !xations generated bythe salience model. Simulation data were generated using thelatest version of the saliency tool box downloaded from using the default parameters. Full detailsof the model can be found in Walther and Koch (2006).

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very rare (Land et al., 1999). These findings suggest thatgetting the eye close to but not necessarily precisely on toa target is sufficient to serve many aspects of naturalbehavior, particularly when the objects being dealt withare large in the field of view. When making largerelocations from one side of the room to another, gazewill sometimes be shifted in one large combined move-ment of eyes, head, and body. However, on otheroccasions, the relocation may involve one or more shortduration fixations en route to the intended target (Landet al., 1999). In this case, the fixations made en route donot appear to land on any particular locations in the scene.It seems unlikely that these were intentionally targetedfixations; rather, they represent incidental stops during aplanned relocation to the final, intended object. As such,the contents of these en passant fixations are unlikely tohave played a key role in saccade targeting and modelingtheir visual characteristics of these fixations is likely to bemisleading.One question that arises when considering eye move-

ments during natural behavior is whether all of thefixations we make are strictly necessary for serving thecurrent behavioral goal or whether there is a certainamount of redundancy. Figure 4 shows an example of eyemovements made while waiting for the kettle to boil.Many of these seem unlikely to be strictly necessary forthe primary task and may reflect a variety of otherpurposes. It is entirely possible that these non-essentialfixations are not targeted with the same precision or usingthe same selection criteria as other fixations. In general,the tight linking of fixations to the primary task will vary,depending on such factors as time pressure or behavioralcost. For example, fixations during driving may be morecritical than when walking, where time is less critical. It isprobably a mistake to think that every fixation must havean identifiable purpose and should be targeted with thesame precision or selection criteria. It may be under

conditions of reduced cognitive load that conspicuity-based fixations are most likely to be manifest.

Emerging alternative accounts

Not all of the issues identified above are fatal forexisting approaches to the computational modeling offixation selection. For example, incorporating peripheralacuity limits (Assumption 3) into models is tractable andseveral authors have incorporated aspects of this incomputational models (e.g., Peters, Iyer, Itti, & Koch,2005). Recent models emphasize the importance ofinhomogeneous retinal sampling (e.g., Wischnewski et al.,2010; Zelinsky, 2008). Similarly models can incorporateinformation about when in a viewing epoch a fixationoccurs or the duration of the fixation (Assumption 4).Models of fixation durations in scene viewing are begin-ning to emerge (Nuthmann et al., 2010).Several recent models that attempt to incorporate higher

level factors into accounts of fixation selection have beendeveloped, a limitation of the original salience model thatwas recognized from the outset (Itti & Koch, 2000). Onepossibility is to suggest that top-down control is used toselectively weight the feature channels in the saliencemodel to emphasize features that define the target of asearch (Navalpakkam & Itti, 2005). A successful approachhas been to incorporate prior knowledge of whereparticular objects are likely to be found in a scene in orderto guide eye movements (Torralba, Oliva, Castelhano, &Henderson, 2006). In this model, a salience map of low-level conspicuity is modified by a contextual map ofwhere particular targets are likely to occur. Contextualguidance and low-level features combine to provide goodpredictive power for human fixation distributions (Ehingeret al., 2009). In addition to using spatial expectations torefine the search space in a scene, prior knowledge ofthe appearance of objects of a particular class can beused (Kanan et al., 2009). Using the combination of aprobabilistic appearance map, spatial contextual guidanceand low-level feature salience can again be used to predicta sizeable fraction of human fixations (Kanan et al., 2009).While the majority of recent computational models have

retained a central place for low-level visual conspicuity,some models depart from this and build around alternativecores. The two most developed of these alternatives comefrom Wischnewski, Steil, Kehrer, and Schneider (2009;Wischnewski et al., 2010) and Zelinsky (2008). InZelinsky’s Target Acquisition Model, retinal inhomoge-neity of sampling for the visual image is computationallyimplemented. Visual information is represented not assimple feature maps but as higher order derivatives, andknowledge of the target is incorporated. This model issuccessful at replicating human-like search of photo-graphic scenes and the direction of the first saccade in a

Figure 4. Pro"igacy in eye movement behavior. From Land andTatler (2009).

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viewing epoch. The model can generalize to simplerstimuli and reproduce phenomena such as the center ofgravity effect, where saccades land between potentialtargets (Zelinsky, Rao, Hayhoe, & Ballard, 1997).Wischnewski et al.’s (2010) model builds upon

Bundesen’s (1990) Theory of Visual Attention.Wischnewski et al. attempt not only to move away fromsimple static visual features but also to overcome someof the problematic assumptions described above. In thismodel, retinal inhomogeneity of feature processing isincluded and the model centers around the integration ofstatic features, dynamic features, proto-objects, and task.The emphasis in this model is not how static features aremodified by other factors, but rather that the representationunderlying saccade targeting is an integration across theselevels of processing. These authors suggest that the differ-ent levels of information are integrated into an overall,retinotopic attention priority map. The notion of anattention priority map that integrates low-level and high-level cues has been suggested several times in the neuro-physiological literature (Fecteau & Munoz, 2006). Theneural implementations of such a priority map includethe superior colliculus (McPeek & Keller, 2002), pulvinar(Robinson & Petersen, 1992), V1 (Li, 2002), V4 (Mazer& Gallant, 2003), LIP (Gottlieb, Kusunoki, & Goldberg,1998), and the frontal eye field (Thompson & Bichot,2005). Indeed, the emergence of a priority map to reflectthe choice of either a target or an action in the posteriorparietal cortex and subsequent areas is well supported andis clearly necessary to mediate targeted movements. It isalso commonly accepted that both bottom-up and top-down signals contribute to such priority maps (Bichot &Schall, 1999; Gottlieb et al., 1998). The way that suchactivity emerges from the combination of stimulus andtask context is unresolved, however, and beyond the scopeof this review.Wischnewski et al.’s notion of proto-objects as a key

component in fixation selection is similar to recentsuggestions by Henderson, Malcolm, and Schandl(2009). These authors suggested that selection proceedsfrom a representation of proto-objects ranked by cognitiverelevance.One other notable feature of Wischnewski et al.’s model

is the incorporation of dynamic features. The need toaccount for dynamic stimuli and the inclusion of motionas a feature in models have been recognized for some time(see Dorr, Martinetz, Gegenfurtner, & Barth, 2010), andseveral versions of conspicuity-based models have incor-porated dynamic features (e.g., Itti, 2005). However, itremains the case that the vast majority of studies of eyemovements when viewing complex scenes use photo-graphic images of real scenes, which necessarily fail tocapture both the dynamics of real scenes and the complex,time-dependent, nature of task influences. Given thisparadigmatic dominance of picture viewing, we will firstconsider whether this paradigm is a suitable domain in

which to study eye guidance, before considering what canbe learned from studying eye movements in dynamic andimmersive contexts.

The picture-viewing paradigm

Can we learn about how we allocate gaze in naturalenvironments and during natural behavior from howpeople look at pictures? While it is clear that models ofpicture viewing have utility for understanding tasks thatinvolve looking at images on a computer monitor, it isimportant to consider whether we can use them to inferprinciples for fixation selection when behaving in naturalenvironments. We are not the first to ask questions aboutthe suitability of pictures as surrogates for real environ-ments. Henderson (2003, 2006, 2007) has discussed thisissue on several occasions. We wish to draw attention totwo particular issues: biases introduced by the framing ofthe scene and effects of sudden scene onset.The physical difference between photographs and real

environments is obvious: the dynamic range of a photo-graph is much less than a real scene; many depth cues(stereo and motion parallax) are absent in static images;motion cues (both egomotion and external motion) areabsent when viewing photographs; the observer’s view-point in a still image is fixed and defined by the viewpointof the photographer, which typically reflects composi-tional biases (Tatler et al., 2005). Not only is the field ofview limited to the angle subtended by the displaymonitor, but also the scale of the image is typicallyundefined and depends on an inference by the observer.For example, a plate in a real setting might subtend10 degrees, depending on the location of the observer, butin a picture of a scene it may subtend only a degree ortwo, and the subject must infer the viewpoint. This seemslike a fairly sophisticated computation and is at odds withthe essential idea of salience that low-level pre-attentiveimage features control gaze, with only limited perceptualanalysis. Not only are the contents of photographs farremoved from real images, but also placing the imageswithin the bounds of the computer monitor’s frameintroduces strong biases in how the scenes are viewed.There is a strong tendency to fixate the center of imageson a monitor irrespective of the scene’s content (Tatler,2007; Vincent, Baddeley, Correani, Troscianko, & Leonards,2009). If, as Vincent et al. suggest, up to 34–56% of eyemovements are best accounted for by a bias to fixate thescreen center, then modeling the visual contents of thesefixations will be very misleading.Picture-viewing paradigms typically take the form of a

series of trials characterized by the sudden onset of animage, followed by a few seconds of viewing, followed bythe sudden offset of the image. Sudden onset may, initself, influence inspection behavior. As discussed earlier,

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viewing patterns appear to change over time: there isinter-observer consistency in the locations fixated early inviewing, but this decreases with increasing viewing time(e.g., Parkhurst et al., 2002; Tatler et al., 2005). While thisobservation has given rise to a continuing debate aboutwhether this arises because of an early dominance ofsalience followed by a switch toward more top-downcontrol later in viewing, a more fundamental issue is whatthe implications of early differences are for the general-izability of findings. If viewing is different for the first fewseconds after sudden scene onset (an observation thatauthors are in agreement about), then the selection criteriafor these first few fixations are different for those later inviewing. The problem arises because there is no real-world analogue of the sudden onset of an entire scene, andit is known that the activity of neurons involved in targetselection is very different for sudden onsets (Gottlieb et al.,1998). Even opening a door to a room is not like a suddenonset: here, the scene still emerges as the door opens. Ifwe accept that sudden whole-scene onsets are peculiar tostatic scene paradigms, then the targeting decisions thatunderlie saccades made early in viewing periods may bespecific to the sudden onset paradigms. Because suchexperiments typically only show scenes for a few seconds(in the region of 1–10 s in most studies), this couldinfluence a sizeable fraction of the eye movements that aremodeled.It could be argued that the “purpose” of vision is very

different when looking at a static scene to when engagingin real-world behavior. In natural tasks, a key goal ofvision can be seen as extracting the visual information andcoordinating the motor actions required to complete thetask. However, when viewing photographic scenes, thereis rarely a task that involves the active manipulation ofobjects in the environment. Rather, in static scene view-ing, the task may be to search for a target, to rememberthe scene, or to make some judgement about the contentof the scene. These classes of task are only a subset of therepertoire of behaviors we execute in the real world. Thus,the principles governing saccade targeting decisions in thetasks used in picture-viewing paradigms are most likelydifferent from those used when engaged in active, real-world tasks.

Videos as surrogates for real-world settings

The shortcomings of static pictures as surrogates forreal environments has been recognized by numerousinvestigators (e.g., Henderson, 2007; Shinoda, Hayhoe,& Shrivastava, 2001). As a result of this recognition, agrowing number of studies are starting to use videosbecause these stimuli include dynamic information (e.g.,Carmi & Itti, 2006; Itti, 2005; ’t Hart et al., 2009).Dynamic features can be strong predictors of eye move-ment behavior (Itti, 2005). However, this may notgeneralize to natural behavior because the frequent

editorial cuts that are found in many movie sequencespresent an unusual and artificial situation for the visualsystem. Editorial cuts result in memorial and oculomotordisruptions to normal scene perception (Hirose, Kennedy,& Tatler, 2010). Moreover, such cuts result in behaviorthat is unlike how we view continuous movies with nocuts (Dorr et al., 2010; ’t Hart et al., 2009). When viewingcontinuous movies of a dynamic real-world environment,the predictive power of both static and dynamic featurecues was vanishingly small (Cristino & Baddeley, 2009).Thus, movie-style edited video clips may be problematicstimuli. It is also possible that the framing effects of themonitor continue to induce central biases to scene viewingthat are ecologically invalid: while the central bias isweaker for continuous movies, it still remains andexplains a considerable fraction of eye movement behavior(Cristino & Baddeley, 2009; Dorr et al., 2010; ’t Hart et al.,2009).

A role for visual conspicuity?

It should be reiterated at this point that the original goalof conspicuity models was not really to explain eyemovements but rather to explain attentional capture,evaluating this by using eye movements. In this respect,such models were not really designed to explain eyemovements in general and should not be expected togeneralize to natural behavior. There is a large literatureon attentional and oculomotor capture that we will notreview here. In general, the findings of this literature aremixed. There is good evidence that specific stimuli suchas sudden onsets, new objects, or motion transients havesubstantial power to attract attention (Franconeri &Simons, 2003; Gibson, Folk, Teeuwes, & Kingstone,2008; Irwin, Colcombe, Kramer, & Hahn, 2000; Lin,Franconeri, & Enns, 2008; Theeuwes & Godijn, 2001). Itis less clear whether certain classes of stimuli attractattention in an obligatory fashion, independently of thesubject’s task set or ongoing cognitive goals (Jovancevicet al., 2006; Yantis, 1998). While much of naturalbehavior might be under task-driven control, there isclearly a need for a mechanism to capture attention andchange the ongoing cognitive agenda. Many aspects ofnatural environments are unpredictable and there must besome mechanism to alert the observer to unexpectedhazards. Our subjective impression that attention and gazeare reliably drawn to unusual stimuli or events in theenvironment argues for some mechanism like salience. Itis a valid question whether salience models can work inthese cases. The essential difficulty is that free viewing ofstatic images is probably not a good paradigm either forattentional capture or for natural vision, as we havediscussed. The problem in natural vision is that a stimulusthat is salient in one context, such as peripheral motionwith a stationary observer, may not be salient in another

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context, such as when the observer is moving andgenerating complex motion on the retina. To address thisproblem, Itti and Baldi (2006) suggested that “salient”events or locations are those that are unexpected orsurprising, where surprise is defined as a statisticaldeviation from the recent history of visual stimuli.Surprising stimuli, therefore, correspond to statisticaloutliers in time, whereas salient stimuli are statisticaloutliers in space. A recent paper by Bruce and Tsotsos(2009) reflects this idea in the space domain by definingsalience as a “surprisal” value or the extent to which aregion differs from its neighborhood. Some kind ofsurprise mechanism is essential for attracting attention tostimuli that are important but not encompassed by thecurrent task set. There is only a little work on thestatistical basis for the formation of a surprise signal. Ittiand Baldi conjecture that the visual system learns thestatistics of images by estimating the distribution ofparameters of probability distributions that can explainrecent image feature data. In the context of videosequences, as subsequent image frames are processed,Bayesian inference updates the priors with the posteriorfrom the previous frame. They measure surprise as theshift between the posterior and prior probabilities ofmodel parameters. Itti and Baldi’s model is a complexmulti-parameter simulation of early visual processing andworks on very short time scales (100s of ms). Thus, it isunlikely to reflect the long-term memory factors involvedin natural behavior. Most scenes are highly familiar andobservers have the opportunity to build extensive long-term memory representations built up over thousands offixations. Brockmole and Henderson (2005, 2008) andMatsukura, Brockmole, and Henderson (2009) showedthat subjects are more likely to fixate changes in sceneswhen they have previously viewed the scene for a fewseconds. Uke-Karacan and Hayhoe (2008) showed thatseveral minutes experience in a virtual environment ledto increased fixations on changed objects in the scene.Thus, stimuli that are surprising with respect to a priorexpectation might constitute a robust means of attractingattention.It is, therefore, clear that there are circumstances in

which conspicuity-based models of eye guidance andattention can provide explanations of human behavior.When the visual signal in the environment is large (as isthe case in simple feature-based search arrays and suddenonset paradigms or when an unexpected event occurs),then this signal will drive eye movement behavior. It is anempirical question whether attentional capture by largesignals, that is, the mechanisms of surprise, constitutes asignificant portion of ordinary oculomotor behavior.Learned strategies such as searching for Stop signs atintersections can certainly deal with many of the vicissi-tudes of the natural world, but clearly some attention-getting mechanism is essential. Understanding how thevisual world is coded in memory to form the basis of priorexpectations and allow reliable detection of surprising

stimuli is an important question that needs to be resolved.A related question is the extent to which mechanisms ofsurprise might be modulated by behavioral goals. Forexample, one can imagine that the visual system mighthave the task of looking for surprising stimuli as a priorityin many circumstances, or alternatively, vision might onlyprioritize surprising stimuli when there is no otherpressing demand. The answer to these questions wouldhelp determine the extent to which results from pictureviewing might generalize to natural behavior.

Eye guidance in natural behavior

We have argued that the conspicuity-based theoreticalmodels are unable to explain many aspects of humanfixation behavior and that picture viewing (and perhapsmovie viewing) is a problematic paradigm for under-standing eye movement behavior. Given that a fundamen-tal function of vision is to provide information necessaryfor survival, if we are to understand the principles thatunderlie fixation selection, we must consider eye move-ments in the context of behavioral goals, where therequirement is to seek out relevant information at thetime when it is needed. Most contemporary models offixation selection acknowledge the importance ofaccounting for cognitive control of eye movements.However, few engage with the need to consider visualselection as being fundamentally and intricately linkedto action. One exception to this is Schneider’s (1995)Visual Attention Model, which distinguishes “what” and“where” components of target selection, with the latterconsidering selection for action. Despite its conceptualand empirical strengths (Deubel & Schneider, 1996), theimportance of selection for action in models of eye guidancehas not featured prominently in more recent models.Empirical evaluations show that conspicuity-based

theoretical models lack explanatory power in the contextof natural behavior (e.g., Rothkopf et al., 2007). Thus, weargue that conspicuity-based approaches are not a suitabletheoretical framework for understanding eye movementsin the context of natural behavior. The challenge, there-fore, for this field is to develop a suitable theoreticalalternative. Moreover, models that make empiricallytestable predictions of fixation selection are required. Inthe sections that follow, we first consider the key findingsfrom studies of natural tasks that are common acrossmultiple instances of behavior. Our aim in this section ofthe article is to bring together common findings from arange of different natural task settings in order to identifycommon principles for fixation selection rather than toprovide extensive details on any one natural task. Under-standing the common observations allows us to identifygeneral principles that underlie eye movements in naturaltasks. From these principles, it is clear that the issues thatmust be explained by any theory of natural eye guidance

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are rather different from those typically considered incurrent models. The principles identified here offer theessential elements from which theoretical models mightbe built.

Spatial coupling between gaze and behavioralgoal

Cognitive control of eye movements was well estab-lished before the development of salience models (e.g.,Buswell, 1935; Kowler, 1990; Yarbus, 1967). This casehas been strengthened by more recent work in naturaltasks. All studies of eye movements during naturalbehavior show that there is an intimate link betweenwhere we look and the information needed for the imme-diate task goals (Epelboim et al., 1995; Hayhoe et al.,2003; Land & Furneaux, 1997; Land et al., 1999; Patla &Vickers, 1997; Pelz & Canosa, 2001). The link betweenour behavioral goals and the allocation of overt visualattention is highlighted by the fact that when engaged in anatural task essentially all the fixations fall on task-relevant objects (Hayhoe et al., 2003; Land et al., 1999),whereas before beginning a task (such as sandwichmaking) the distribution of fixations between task-relevantand -irrelevant objects is about equal (Hayhoe et al., 2003;Rothkopf et al., 2007). The extent to which fixationplacement is driven by the information-gathering require-ments for an interaction with an object was demonstratedby Rothkopf et al. (2007) in an immersive virtual realityenvironment. Here, fixations on identical objects varied

considerably depending upon whether the participant wasattempting to approach or avoid the object (Figure 5). Thisresult highlights the importance of understanding thefunction of each fixation for understanding fixationplacement.

Similarity between different individuals

The intimate link between vision and action is reflectedin the consistency that is observed between individualswho complete natural tasks. Different individuals show ahigh degree of consistency in where and when they look atinformative locations while engaged in natural behaviors.Drivers look consistently at or close to the tangent point ofa bend or the lane ahead, with around 50% of fixationsmade by three drivers falling within an area subtendingonly about 3 degrees in diameter (Land & Lee, 1994).Fixations on other pedestrians when walking are veryconsistent across individuals: despite a lack of any explicitinstructions, there was a high degree of consistency inwhen and for how long oncoming pedestrians were fixated(Jovancevic-Misic & Hayhoe, 2009). When cutting asandwich, subjects always fixate the initial point ofcontact with the knife and move their gaze along thelocus of the cut, just ahead of the knife (Hayhoe et al.,2003). The similarity in fixation sequences of differentindividuals when taking the kettle to the sink to fill it isillustrated in Figure 6 (Land et al., 1999).A similarly impressive degree of inter-observer consis-

tency can be found when recording gaze behavior of

Figure 5. When subjects navigating a virtual environment are told to approach and pick up an object, their !xations tend to be centered onthe object, but when the subjects are told to avoid the object, their !xations hug the edge of the object. The salience of the object isidentical, but its associated uses have changed, dramatically changing the !xation distribution characteristics. From Rothkopf et al.(2007).

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observers watching a magician perform a trick. Whenmaking a cigarette and lighter “disappear,” observersconsistently fixate certain locations at the crucial momentsin the performance (Kuhn & Tatler, 2005). This trick isbased on the simple principle of distracting the observerwhile first the lighter and then the cigarette is dropped. Atthese crucial points, the observers consistently look to theopposite hand to that being used to drop the object (Kuhn

& Tatler, 2005; Tatler & Kuhn, 2007). This misdirectionto the inappropriate hand is tightly controlled in space andtime, so that about 300 ms before the object is dropped,most participants will be looking at the same (inappro-priate) location (Tatler & Kuhn, 2007). Of course, thequestion must be asked as to how the magician ensures theconsistent misdirection of the audience at these crucialmoments. These authors have shown that it is the magician’s

Figure 6. Scan patterns of three people taking the kettle to the sink in order to !ll it prior to making tea (from Land et al., 1999).

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own direction of gaze that is the key to successfullymisdirecting the observer (Kuhn, Tatler, & Cole, 2009).A clear implication of the spatial and temporal

consistency that is found between participants in naturaltasks is that the decisions about where and when toallocate gaze must be governed by the same underlyingprinciples in different individuals. Given the role of eyemovements in gathering information to accomplish tasks,it makes sense that fixation patterns between individualsshould be similar, as they will reflect the physical anddynamic properties of the environment as well as commonbehavioral goals. This stability in fixation patterns makesthe investigation of natural behavior unexpectedly acces-sible to experimental investigation. The high degree ofconsistency found in gaze allocation in natural settings isin contrast to the often quite low consistencies foundbetween individuals when viewing static scenes. Espe-cially after a few seconds from the onset of a static scene,there is often very little consistency in where differentobservers fixate (Tatler et al., 2005). Consequently, onecould argue that the principles underlying fixation selec-tion during natural tasks may be more robust than thosethat researchers have tried to capture in models of eyeguidance when viewing static scenes.

Timing of gaze shifts

A striking feature of natural behavior is that there is notonly a tight spatial coupling between the eye and thetarget of the current motor act but also there is a tighttemporal coupling between vision and action. This waselegantly demonstrated by Johansson et al. (2001), whomeasured the departure time of the eye relative to thehand as the subject maneuvered an object past an obstacle.Gaze moved onto the next target just at the point that theobject cleared the obstacle. Similar time locking of thefixations and actions has been observed in driving (Land& Lee, 1994; Land & Tatler, 2001), making tea orsandwiches (Hayhoe et al., 2003; Land et al., 1999), musicsight reading (Furneaux & Land, 1999), walking (Patla &Vickers, 2003), and reading aloud (Buswell, 1920). Theubiquity of this eye–action temporal coupling underlinesthe necessity to consider placement of the eyes in time aswell as in space. Moreover, it may well be that the correcttemporal placement of the eyes is more crucial tosuccessful completion of behaviors than precise spatialplacement and that skilled performance is as dependentupon the correct allocation of gaze in time as in space(Land & McLeod, 2000).

The roles of learning

Implicit in much of the research on natural tasks is thefinding that people must learn what to look at and when

(Chapman & Underwood, 1998; Land, 2004; Land &Furneaux, 1997; Land & Tatler, 2009). For example, in avirtual driving environment, Shinoda et al. (2001) askedparticipants to look for Stop signs while driving an urbanroute. Approximately 45% of fixations fell in theneighborhood of intersections during this task, and asmight be expected from this, participants were more likelyto detect Stop signs placed near intersections than thoseplaced in the middle of a block. This result suggests thatdrivers have learned that traffic signs are more likelyaround intersections and so to preferentially allocate theirgaze to these regions. At a more detailed level, peoplemust learn the optimal location for the specific informa-tion they need. For example, where on the kettle a subjectwill look depends on what they need to do with that kettle.When waiting for it to boil, they will look mainly at thefill level indicator and switch (Figure 4). When placing iton its base, fixations will alternate between the bottom ofthe kettle and the fixings protruding from the base (on thework surface). When pouring water from the kettle,fixations will be made to the water stream in the receivingvessel. People must learn not only the locations at whichrelevant information is to be found but also the order inwhich the fixations must be made in order to accomplishthe task. Thus, when making a sandwich an individualmust locate the peanut butter and the bread before pickingthem up, pick up the knife before spreading, and so on.This means that a complete understanding of eye move-ments in natural behavior will require an understanding ofthe way that tasks are learned and represented in the brain,much of which presumably occurs over long time periodsduring development. In adult life, skills can be learnedmore rapidly, because they build on related skills alreadyacquired.In a study that explored the development of eye–hand

coordination in a novel task, Sailer, Flanagan, andJohansson (2005) used a mouse-like control task to showthat initially the eyes lagged behind action, apparentlyproviding feedback information about the success of thelast maneuver. However, once skilled at this task (afterabout 20 min), the eyes led the movement of the mousecursor systematically by about 0.4 s, anticipating the nextgoal of the cursor on the screen. Similarly, learner driversfixate just ahead of the car when cornering, whereas moreexperienced drivers look into the bend and fixate points onthe road that will be reached as much as 3 s later, thusanticipating any need for future action (Land, 2006; Land& Tatler, 2009).In stable environments, the observer needs only to

update the locations of items that are moved or monitoritems that are changing state. In dynamic environments,such as driving, walking, or in sports, more complexproperties must be learned. In walking, humans need toknow how pedestrians typically behave and how often tolook at them. The fact that humans do indeed learn suchstatistics was demonstrated by Jovancevic-Misic andHayhoe (2009). In a real walking setting, they were able

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to actively manipulate gaze allocation by varying theprobability of potential collisions. Manipulation of theprobability of a potential collision by a risky pedestrian(i.e., one with a past record of attempting collisions) wasaccompanied by a rapid change in gaze allocation. Subjectslearned new priorities for gaze allocation within a fewencounters and looked both sooner and longer at potentiallydangerous pedestrians. This finding generalizes earlierwork, for example, by He and Kowler (1989), showingthe sensitivity of saccades to stimulus probability.Further evidence for learning the dynamic properties of

the environment comes from the fact that saccades areoften proactive, that is, they are made to a location in ascene in advance of an expected event. In walking,subjects looked at risky pedestrians before they veeredonto a collision course. In cricket, squash, and catchingballs, players anticipate the bounce point of the ball by100 ms or more (Land & McLeod, 2000). This ability topredict where the ball will bounce depends on previousexperience of the ball’s trajectory in combination withcurrent sensory data. This suggests that observers havelearned models of the dynamic properties of the world thatcan be used to position gaze in anticipation of a predictedevent. Indeed, given neural delays between the eye andcortex, in time-critical behaviors such as driving and ballsports, action control must proceed on the basis ofpredictions rather than perceptions.It is clear from these examples that the types and time

scales of learning in the above examples vary consid-erably. Thus, any theoretical model must be able toexplain learning across this broad range.

Reward-based models of gazeallocation

If we are to place learning at the center of theoreticalaccounts of eye guidance, it is important to consider howit might be implemented in the brain. The reward system,which has been implicated in a variety of aspects oflearning, offers a suitable system for implementing thelearning that is required for deploying gaze in naturalbehavior.

Neural substrates for learning gaze allocationin task execution

It has become increasingly clear that the brain’s internalreward mechanisms are intimately linked to the neuralmachinery controlling eye movements. Schultz et al. haveshown that dopaminergic neurons in the basal gangliasignal the reward expected from an action. The role ofdopamine in expected reward is signaled as it is handedout in anticipation of the result of a behavior (e.g.,Schultz, Tremblay, & Hollerman, 2000). Sensitivity to

reward is manifest throughout the saccadic eye movementcircuitry. Caudate cell responses reflect both the target ofan upcoming saccade and the reward expected after makingthe movement (Hikosaka, Nakamura, & Nakahara, 2006).Saccade-related areas in the cortex (LIP, FEF, SEF, andDLPF) all exhibit sensitivity to reward (Dorris &Glimcher, 2004; Glimcher, 2003; Glimcher, Camerer,Fehr, & Poldrack, 2009; Platt & Glimcher, 1999; Stuphorn& Schall, 2006; Stuphorn, Taylor, & Schall, 2000; Sugrue,Corrado, & Newsome, 2004). The neurons involved insaccadic targeting respond in a graded manner to both theamount of expected reward and the probability of areward in the period prior to execution of the response.Sensitivity to both these variables is critical for learningand, consequently, for linking fixation patterns to taskdemands. The cortical saccade-related areas converge onthe caudate nucleus in the basal ganglia, and the cortical–basal ganglia–superior colliculus circuit appears to regu-late the control of fixation and the timing of plannedmovements. Such regulation is a critical requirement fortask control of fixations.The relevance of the neurophysiological work on

reward may not be immediately obvious for ordinaryhuman behavior. In neurophysiological paradigms, usuallya primary reward such as juice or a raisin is delivered afterthe animal performs an action. This, of course, does nothappen in real life when one makes an eye movement.However, eye movements are for the purpose of obtaininginformation, and this information is used to achievebehavioral goals, such as making a sandwich, that areultimately important for survival. Thus, visual informationacquired during a fixation can be thought of as asecondary reward and can mediate learning of gazepatterns by virtue of its ultimate significance for adapta-tion and survival. Indeed, several researchers havequantified the intrinsic reward associated with looking atparticular visual stimuli. Deaner, Khera, and Platt (2005)and Shepherd, Deaner, and Platt (2006) measured howmuch liquid reward monkeys were willing to give up inorder to obtain visual information about members of theirsocial group. In this case, liquid is the measurable,external equivalent of an internal reward resulting fromgaze. Thus, the dopaminergic machinery appears to beintimately related to the sensitivity of eye movementtarget selection to behavioral outcomes.

Modeling eye movements using reward

The reward sensitivity of the eye movement circuitryprovides the neural underpinnings for reinforcementlearning models of behavior (Montague, Hyman, &Cohen, 2004; Schultz, 2000). The mathematics of rein-forcement learning is potentially useful for understandinghow complex gaze patterns might be generated (Sutton &Barto, 1998). Dopaminergic cells signal the rewardexpected from an action, and reinforcement learning

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models are pertinent because they allow an agent to learnwhat actions or action sequences will lead to reward in thefuture. Given a set of possible states, and actions thatmight be associated with those states, reinforcement

learning algorithms allow an agent to learn a policy forselecting actions that will ultimately maximize reward.There have been few attempts to model the eye

movements observed in complex behavior. However, one

Figure 7. The model of Sprague et al. (2007). (A) A virtual agent in a simulated walking environment. The agent must extract visualinformation from the environment in order to do three subtasks: staying on the sidewalk, avoiding blue obstacles, and picking up purplelitter objects (achieved by contacting them). The inset shows the computation for staying on the path. The model agent learns how todeploy attention/gaze at each time step. (B) The agent learns a policy for choosing an action, given the current state information fromgaze for a given task. Each action has an associated value, and the agent chooses the option with the highest value. (C) Seven timesteps after learning. The agent chooses the task that reduces uncertainty of reward the most. The red lines indicate that the agent is usingvisual information to avoid the obstacle. The blue line indicates that the agent is using information about position on the sidewalk, and thegreen lines show the agent using vision to intersect the purple litter object.

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such model, by Sprague et al. (2007; Figure 7), showshow a simulated agent in a virtual environment can learnto allocate gaze to avoid obstacles and control direction inwalking (see also Ballard & Hayhoe, 2009; Rothkopf &Ballard, 2009; Rothkopf et al., 2007). The model assumesthat visual computations required in the real world can bebroken down into a set of subtasks, or modules, such ascontrolling direction, avoiding obstacles, and so on. Eachsubtask is associated with some reward value. Forexample, obtaining visual information that allows avoid-ance of an obstacle presumably provides secondaryreward. These authors have provided a computationalaccount of how we can successfully distribute attentionand gaze between these visual subtasks in a dynamicenvironment. Their chosen paradigm involves walkingalong a virtual path with three simultaneous tasks: stay onthe path, avoid obstacles, and pick up “litter.” Theproposed model assumes that we can only attend to onelocation at any moment in time and that our uncertaintyabout unattended tasks grows over time. The decisionabout which task to attend to is based on the expectedreward of switching attention to another task, evaluatedevery 300 ms. To choose between ongoing competingtasks, in their model, uncertainty increases (together withan attendant cost) when gaze is withheld from aninformative scene location. The model assumes that eyemovements are selected to maximize reward by reducinguncertainty that could result in suboptimal actions.Framing the decision about where to look in terms ofuncertainty reduction has been effective in explainingaspects of static scene viewing (Najemnik & Geisler,2005, 2008; Renninger, Coughlan, & Vergheese, 2005) aswell as dynamic scene viewing.Reward is a central component of recent applications of

statistical decision theory to understanding control ofbody movements. In this approach, the concepts of reward(costs and benefits of the outcome of the action),uncertainty (of both sensory state and outcome), andprior knowledge (probability distributions associated withworld states) are central to understanding sensory-motorbehavior (e.g., Tassinari, Hudson, & Landy, 2006;Trommershauser, Maloney, & Landy, 2008). Whenreward is externally defined (e.g., by monetary reward), ithas been shown that subjects making rapid handmovementslearn a complicated spatially distributed target rewardsystem and behave in a nearly optimal manner to maximizereward (e.g., Seydell, McCann, Trommershauser, & Knill,2008; Trommershauser, Maloney, & Landy, 2003). Sim-ilar targeting experiments using saccadic eye movementswith monetary rewards and losses showed that rewardaffected saccadic targeting, although stimulus strengthalso affected the movements particularly at short latency(Stritzke, Trommershauser, & Gegenfurtner, 2009). Otherevidence for the role of reward in saccade targeting hasbeen demonstrated by Navalpakkam, Koch, Rangel, andPerona (2010) who showed that subject’s saccade behav-ior in a visual search is consistent with an ideal Bayesian

observer, taking into account both rewards and stimulusdetectability. Thus, it is plausible that the patterns of eyemovements observed in the natural world takes intoaccount both the reward structure of the environmentand stimulus uncertainty (Trommershauser, Glimcher, &Gegenfurtner, 2009).Models that use reward and uncertainty as central

components are in their relative infancy and are not yetat the stage of providing a computational model thatexplains eye movements across multiple instances ofnatural behavior. However, such models offer the poten-tial to include ubiquitous aspects of fixation selection thatcannot be explained within conspicuity-based models. Forexample, the common tendency to look into empty spacesin anticipation of an event is very problematic forconspicuity models but can be explained if gaze allocationis based on expected (secondary) reward. Developing eyeguidance models based on reward is a difficult endeavorbecause it essentially requires a model of task execution.Not only this, but as we have seen the types and timescales of learning that we must be able to model varyconsiderably. At present, models based on reward focuson the immediate time scale of the current behavioralsituation but reflect the outcome of longer time scales oflearning. Reinforcement learning, for example, presum-ably functions on a developmental time scale, so adults’gaze patterns would reflect the end product of suchmodels. Many fundamental questions require empiricalsupport. For example, is it appropriate to model behavioras a set of semi-independent subtasks? This assumption ofbehavioral modules is critical to make the problemcomputationally tractable (Rothkopf & Ballard, 2010),but it is not known whether it is a good model of sensory-motor behavior. However, it is clear that reward is intrinsicto many aspect of cortical function (Glimcher et al., 2009)so the reward-based approach seems likely to provide akey building block from which to develop future theoriesand models of gaze behavior.


Investigation of eye guidance in scenes has been drivenlargely by studies of static scene viewing. The latestmodels of this behavior can be thought of as modificationsto the image salience framework, where a core bottom-upmode of looking is modified by various high-levelconstraints. We argue that the basic assumptions at theheart of such studies are problematic if we wish to try togeneralize these models to how gaze is allocated in naturalbehavior. That is, models developed from static scene-viewing paradigms may be adequate models of how welook at pictures but are unlikely to generalize to gazebehavior in other situations. Developing computationalmodels of gaze allocation that can generalize across manyinstances of natural behavior is a difficult goal. However,

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we see already from studies of gaze selection in naturalbehavior that there is a consistent set of principlesunderlying eye guidance involving behavioral relevance,or reward, uncertainty about the state of the environment,and learned models of the environment, or priors. Thesefactors control the decision mechanisms that govern whatwe should attend to on the basis of where we will gaininformation for fulfilling the current behavioral goals.


The authors would like to thank Werner Schneider andan anonymous reviewer for their helpful comments andsuggestions. We thank Brian Sullivan for his comments onan earlier draft. Work in this article was supported by twoNIH Grants (NIH R01 EY05729 and NIH R01EY019174) and two grants from the Leverhulme Trust(F/00 143/O and F/00 143/J). We thank Sharon Scraftonfor supplying the tea making footage used in the icon forthis article and Sarah Walls for contributing the eyemovement data used in Figure 3.

Commercial relationships: none.Corresponding author: Benjamin W. Tatler.Email: [email protected]: School of Psychology, University of Dundee,Dundee DD1 4HN, UK.


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