Download - Exploration Culture Clash Life in New France The Catholic Church Key Terms People of New France $ 200 $ 200$200 $ 200 $ 200 $400 $ 400$400 $ 400$400.

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Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Exploration Culture Clash Life in New France The Catholic Church Key Terms People of New France $ 200 $ 200$200 $ 200 $ 200 $400 $ 400$400 $ 400$400 $600 $ 600$600 $ 600 $ 600 $ 600 $800 $ 800$800 $ 800 $ 800 $ 800 $ 1000$1000 $ 1000 $ 1000 $ 1000 $ 1000 Slide 5 Final Jeopardy Topic Fathers Day! Slide 6 Final Jeopardy What is soldier, explorer, map-maker, missionary, diplomat, governor Name 4 jobs held by Samuel de Champlain. Slide 7 $200 Who is Christopher Columbus This was the 1 st European explorer sent by the King & Queen of Spain to find a short route to the Far East. Slide 8 $400 What is Newfoundland? This area was claimed for England, by John Cabot, in 1497. Slide 9 $600 Who was Jacques Cartier. In 1534, he was hired by King Francis 1 to find a short route to the Far East. Slide 10 $800 What are Acadia and New France. Name the 2 colonies which Champlain helped create for France in the early 1600s. Slide 11 $1000 What are a) short route to East; b) mercantilism, c) colonialism, d) power, e) knowledge, dangerous to go East (Turks) Name any 3 reasons for the increase in European exploration between 1450 and 1600. Slide 12 $200 What are canoeing, hunting, snowshoeing, how to combat scurvy. List any 2 things Natives taught early European explorers. Slide 13 $400 What is metal tools, guns, Christianity, written language. Name any 2 new things introduced to the New World by Europeans. Slide 14 $600 What is 1) spirituality/religion and 2) land ownership. *also government, resource use etc Describe 2 main areas Natives and Europeans had completely different views and values. Slide 15 $800 a) Who are the Huron and b) wiped out by small pox and Iroquois attacks. A) Which Native group was Champlain and the French most closely allied with and b) What eventually happened to them. Slide 16 $1000 What is a) Iroquois, b) Donnacona Cartier angered (A) this native group by kidnapping (B) this Chiefs sons. Slide 17 $200 Turn New France into a Royal Colony. King Louis the 14 th did this in 1663. Slide 18 $400 Who were the Bishop, Intendant, and Governor-Gerneral These 3 (BIG) were appointed leaders of the sovereign council. Slide 19 $600 What is the seigneurial system? This was the system used to distribute land in New France. Slide 20 $800 a)Poverty, over-population, lack of social mobility- political freedom b)Opportunities- job, land social mobility- adventure curiousity. Identify 3 a) Push factors and b) Pull factors for people of France to immigrate to New France. Slide 21 $1000 What are winter, English, Iroquois, scurvy (diseases). Identify 3 things that made life in New France dangerous. Slide 22 $200 Who were the Jesuits? This powerful group of priests were called Black Robes by the natives. Slide 23 $400 What is Montreal This city was originally settled by a religious group headed by Paul de Maissoneuve and called the Holy City. Slide 24 $600 What is a) schooling, b) nursing/medical, c) ran orphanages, d) helped new immigrants. Identify any 3 services provided by the early nuns of New France. Slide 25 $800 What is collect taxes, perform weddings, baptisms, etc Identify any 3 services provided by a Parish Priest in New France. Slide 26 $1000 What is A) Bishop, b) Francois de Laval A) This is the highest ranking Catholic official and B) this is the 1 st person to hold the position. Slide 27 $200 What is a martyr. This term is given to someone who dies for a specific cause or belief. Slide 28 $400 What is Mercantilism. This is an economic theory that involves the accumlation of gold and silver. Many European nations in the 15-17 th Century acted upon it. Slide 29 $600 a) What is Imperialism b) Colonialism. Theses 2 terms are related: A) the belief in adding territory to create an empire; b) the practise of establishing permanent settlements to get raw materials and a place to sell finished goods. Slide 30 $800 What is Assimilation This is the policy of absorbing cultures into the dominant one. Slide 31 $1000 What is Ethnocentrism. This term refers to the belief that your culture is superior to all other cultures. Both natives and europeans were somewhat guilty of this. Slide 32 $200 What is a) Runners of the Word and b) Fur Trade. Coureurs de bois translates to a) this in English and is connected to b) this industry. Slide 33 $400 What is a) provide a church, b) build a house and a flour mill, c) subdivide seigneury into 32 hectare, d) report info to Intendant. List 2 duties of a Seigneur. Slide 34 $600 What is a) build a house, b) farm the land, c) pay taxes d) perform free labour (corvee). List 3 duties of a Habitant. Slide 35 $800 What is a) Daughters of the King, b) dowry. The name given to a) poor female immigrants encouraged to go New France by the King paying b) this. Slide 36 $1000 Who is a) Marie de Lincarnation b) Ursaline Nuns. This a) famous nun established this b) group; both were very influential to the people of New France. Slide 37 The Jeopardy Champion!