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Page 1: Experimental Photographer Examples

Experimental Photography!!Maureen Gubia-!Maureen Gudia is a freelance artist from Ecuador. Though she works a lot in water colours and oil paints, she often combines it with photography. Her experimental photography pieces often have a lot of texture to them. One of my favourite pieces of hers is this one, a portrait of Noah Lennox (aka Panda Bear). The photograph itself is quite simple, but the use of paint over the top of the image gives it life.!!I think this particular piece of work is contemporary, By the looks of the photograph she has used modern technology. The image quality is very good, and it appears to be true to colour which is why i think this photograph was taken with a modern camera. Historically people have often used paints to create images, though I don’t think that paints have been used in this way until recently. This is why I think this work is fairly non-traditional. Rather than the paint being used to create a realistic portrayal of something, it is being used to make the image more surreal. Maureen Gubia often creates fine art, though in this case I think that piece is commercial. This is because this piece of work was created for some of Panda Bears music artwork. !!!Rob Sheridan- !Rob Sheridan is an American graphic designer, director, and also photographer. He is best known for his work with the band Nine Inch Nails as their art director. He often creates glitch art, a form of art that is created by destroying the images code, to make it appear broken and distorted. There are many different methods to creating glitch art, though the method that Rob used is called analog glitch art. He does this by disrupting signals through analog tape and display equipment. An example of his work is this one of a skull. As you can see the original image has been broken up and now has this wavy effect. The colours have also been distorted, as they should be a sort of off white colour, where as now the image has blue and green colours. !!Robs work is definitely contemporary and non-traditional. He has used technology that they would not have had in the past. The technique is a completely new concept that hasn't been attempted until recent years. In the past we have had artists such as Picasso create distorted images of people, with their facial features all jumbled up and the colours very bright and not realistic at all, however using technology to do this is a new thing. Much of Rob’s work is commercial, creating artwork for bands such as Nine Inch Nails. However I think that this particular piece might be fine art. I don’t think this piece of work was used for particular thing, just to share an emotion or point of view with its audience. !!!!!!!!!!!

Page 2: Experimental Photographer Examples

Olga Guerra-!This final image was created by Olga Guerra using a technique called scannography. For this technique you replace the camera for a scanner. This technique is very unique as you can take images of things from a different perspective. It’s only downside is that you cannot take the scanner around to different locations, and have to bring what you want to photograph to the scanner. !!Olga’s scannography work is also contemporary and non-traditional. Using scanners to take photographs of objects or people rather than just for office work I think is a fairly new concept. Scanners are technology that have only been around for a number of years. I think that this technique could be used for some commercial work, depending on the subject matter, though I think that this particular piece of work by Olga is fine art. The objects she has chosen for her work are interesting, and show potential for deeper meaning rather than just showing off the objects themselves. This tends to be what fine art is for, allowing the audience to look for deeper meaning to a piece rather than just looking as surface appearances.