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  • 7/28/2019 Exercise1.doc


    CS 5483 Data Warehousing and Data MiningExercise 1: Database Practice: Microsoft SQL Server

    Accessing MS SQL Server1. Login Windows XP by entering your CS LAB account and password2. Click Start => All Programs and select Microsoft SQL Server

    3. Click the Query Analyzer item4. Under Connect to SQL Server window, under SQL Server: type / select w2ksc from the

    browse button, under Use SQL Server Authentication, Login name: text box, type your

    group number, for example grp## (## is your group number, e.g. grp01), under Password

    text box, type abc123, click the OK button to connect to the server

    5. Under the grp##_db Database, type different commands within the query area, then the result

    will be shown in Result area.6. If you want to change your password, you may type this statement in Query area:

    sp_password old_password, new_password

    For example sp_password 'abc123', 'new123'

    Click the Play button


    You have the sole responsibility of keeping and remembering your new password

    After every execution of the statements, you should clear the previous statement(s)

    7. Type then execute the following statement:

    create table course


    course_no integer not null,

    primary key(course_no)


    8. Type then execute the statement

    create table person


    id_no integer not null,

    name varchar(50),

    birth_date datetime,height float,

    weight float,

    primary key(id_no)


    9. Type then execute

    create table student(

    id_no integer not null,

    student_id integer not null,

    dept_name varchar(100),

    course_taken integer,

    primary key(id_no)


    10. Type then execute

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    create table ft_student


    id_no integer not null,

    grade integer,

    primary key(id_no)


    11. Type then execute

    create table pt_student


    id_no integer not null,

    primary key(id_no)


    12. Type then execute

    alter table course add course_name varchar (50) null

    13. Type then execute

    alter table course add credit integer null

    14. Type then execute

    alter table course add teacher_name varchar (50) null

    15. Type then execute

    create table previous_course_required


    course_no integer not null,

    previous_course_no varchar(100) not null,primary key (previous_course_no),

    foreign key (course_no) references course(course_no))

    16. Type then execute

    create table students_registered

    (course_no integer not null,

    id_no integer not null,

    primary key (course_no, id_no),

    foreign key (course_no) references course(course_no),

    foreign key (id_no) references student(id_no)


    17. Type then execute

    insert into person (id_no, name, birth_date, height, weight)

    values (1, 'John Doe', 'mar 1, 1997 0:0:0.0', 1.11, 1.11)

    18. Type then execute

    insert into person (id_no, name, birth_date, height, weight)

    values (2, 'Able Chitson', 'mar 2, 1997', 2.22, 2.22)

    19. Type then execute

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    insert into person (id_no, name, birth_date, height, weight)

    values (3, 'Chris Bloor', 'mar 3, 1997', 3.33, 3.33)

    20. Type then execute

    insert into student (id_no, student_id, dept_name, course_taken)values (3, 3, 'Computer Science', 4)

    21. Type then execute

    insert into course (course_no, course_name, credit, teacher_name)

    values (4, 'Database', 3, 'Peter Smith')

    22. Type then execute

    insert into course (course_no, course_name, credit, teacher_name)

    values (5, 'Data Engineering', 5, 'Mike Denny')

    23. Type then execute

    insert into person (id_no, name, birth_date, height, weight)values (5, 'Keith Reagon', 'mar 5, 1997', 5.55, 5.55)

    24. Type then execute

    insert into student (id_no, student_id, dept_name, course_taken)

    values (5, 5, 'Computer Science', 0)

    25. Type then execute

    insert into ft_student (id_no, grade)

    values (5, 5)

    26. Type then execute

    insert into previous_course_required (course_no, previous_course_no)

    values (4, 'CS101')

    27. Type then execute

    insert into previous_course_required (course_no, previous_course_no)

    values (4, 'CS102')

    28. Type then execute

    insert into students_registered (course_no, id_no)

    values (4, 3)

    29. Type then execute

    insert into students_registered (course_no, id_no)

    values (5, 3)

    30. Type then execute

    select * from course

    31. Type then execute

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    select * from person

    32. Type then execute

    select * from ft_student

    33. Type then execute

    create proc show_person


    select * from person


    34. Type then execute28


    35. Type then execute

    create proc show_course @incourse_no integer as

    select * from course where course_no = @incourse_noreturn

    36. Type then execute


    execute show_course 4

    System TablesIn schema translation design, the database schema from source database is extracted using MS SQL server's

    system tables. System tables are tables used to store information about the system (the database catalog) or

    an individual database (the database catalog). MS SQL Server system tables used by our schema translation

    are shown in following table. Metadata of source database is extracted from system tables.

    Important System Tables used in ProjectTables Name Function

    syscolumns Contains one row for every column in every table and view, and a row for each

    parameter in a stored procedure.

    sysindexes Contains one row for each each clustered index and one row for each nonclustered index.

    These indexes are the result of a CREAT INDEX statement or the CREATE TABLE

    statement with a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint. Additionally, sysindexes

    contains one row for each table that has no clustered index and one row for each table

    that contains text or image columns.

    sysobjects Contains one row for each each database object and temporary object.

    sysreferences Contains one row for each FOREIGN KEY constraint.

    Sample SQL StatementsGet table information

    To create a tables, we should look at the tables syscolumns , systypes , syscomments and sysobjects. These

    tables contains the tables name, column name, column type, column length, default value, null value and

    identity. This SQL statement is order by the object ID and the Column ID (syscolumns.colid). cold is

    the order of the columns in a table. The first column in a table is 1 and the second is 2 and so on.

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