Download - Exercise Descriptions - · 147 Exercise Description I) Olympic Lifts/Explosive 1) Hang Clean With feet shoulder width and hands slightly outside the feet, set the back

Page 1: Exercise Descriptions - · 147 Exercise Description I) Olympic Lifts/Explosive 1) Hang Clean With feet shoulder width and hands slightly outside the feet, set the back


Exercise Descriptions

Page 2: Exercise Descriptions - · 147 Exercise Description I) Olympic Lifts/Explosive 1) Hang Clean With feet shoulder width and hands slightly outside the feet, set the back


Weight Training List (For explanation of the exercise, see corresponding number in the Exercise Description.)

I) Olympic Lifts / Explosive

36) Seated Row 1) Hang Clean

37) Pull Ups

2) DB Hang Clean

38) Chin Ups 3) Push Jerk (DB Push Jerk)

39) 1 Arm Bentover Row

4) Split Jerk (DB Split Jerk)

40) Bentover Row 5) Hang High Pull

41) DB Bentover Row

6) DB High Pull

42) Rear Delt Fly 7) DB 1 Arm Snatch

43) Inverted Row

II) Core Leg Lifts

VII) Arms - Biceps & Triceps 8) Back Squat

44) SB or DB Bicep Curl

9) Front Squat (DB Front Squat)

45) Hammer Curl 10) Leg Press

46) Reverse Curl

47) Crazy 8

III) Legs – General

48) Triceps Pushdown

11) Lateral Squat

49) Overhead Triceps Extension 12) Split Squat

50) Dips/Bench Dips

13) Pitcher Squat

51) Pullover Press 14) Single Leg Squat

15) Step Up with Knee Drive

VIII) Shoulders / Rotator Cuff (RC) 16) Explosive Step Up

52) DB Shoulder Press

17) Forward Lunge

53) Hand Step Up (variations) 18) Forward Lunge with a Twist

54) Steering Wheel

19) Backward/Retro Lunge

55) Upright Row 20) Lateral Lunge

56) Slow Scarecrow (RC exercise)

21) 45 Degree Lunge

57) Front Raise 22) 45 Degree Lunge w/ Twist

58) Lateral Raise

23) Short-Arc Extensions

59) Rear Raise

60) Empty Can (RC exercise)

IV) Legs – Hamstring

61) Robot (RC exercise)

24) Modified Dead Lift

62) ABC’s (RC exercise) 25) Leg Curl

63) Shoulder Prehab (RC exercise)

26) Single Leg Bucks

64) DB Shoulder Combo 27) SL SLDL

65) Plate Shoulder Combo

28) Good Mornings

66) T-Raise

67-68) Low Internal and External Rotation

V) Chest

69-70) High Internal and External Rotation

29) Bench Press 30) Incline Press

IX) Forearm/Grip 31) Close-Grip Bench Press

71) Wrist Flexion

32) DB Bench Press (variations)

72) Wrist Extension 33) DB Incline Press (variations)

73) DB Forearm Series

34) Push Up (variations)

74) Wrist Roller

75) Fist Clasps

VI) Upper Back

76) Plate Holds

35) Lat Pulldown (variations)

77) Farmer’s Walk

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Exercise Description

I) Olympic Lifts/Explosive

1) Hang Clean With feet shoulder width and hands slightly outside the feet, set the back by sticking the chest and buttocks out. The starting position is standing upright so that the hands are at mid to upper thigh. The first movement is to bend at the hips bringing the bar to a point 1-2 inches above the knee. Powerfully extend at the hips, knees, and ankles by pushing against the floor with the feet. Shrug the shoulders and pull the bar up. Drop under the bar by rebending the knees and hips; shoot the elbows up and under the bar. Catch the bar across the front of the shoulders. Lower the bar back to starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions. 2) DB Hang Clean With a dumbbell in each hand and the feet parallel shoulder width apart, stand up and set the back as would be done for the hang clean. The first movement is to bend at the hips sliding the dumbbells down the thighs to a point 1-2 inches above the knee. Extend the hips, knees, and ankles (jump) while shrugging the shoulders. Drop down and catch the dumbbells onto the shoulders as would be done with the bar. Be sure to keep the weight close to the body on the pull. Repeat for desired repetitions. 3) Push Jerk Approach the bar in the rack with the bar just below the clavicle. Grasp the bar just wider than shoulder width and remove the bar from the rack. Position the feet shoulder width apart. Begin the movement by bending the knees slightly and forcefully extend the hips, knees, and ankles, transferring the weight to the balls of the feet, and extending the elbows (pushing the bar over the head). Head should be positioned slightly forward and bar splitting the body. Lower the bar to the front of the shoulders, feet shoulder width apart. Repeat for desired repetitions. Can also be performed with dumbbells (DB Push Jerk). Only modification to DB Push Jerk is to hold the DBs with parallel grip (palms facing each other). 4) Split Jerk Approach the bar in the rack with the bar just below the clavicle. Grasp the bar just wider than shoulder width and remove the bar from the rack. Position the feet shoulder width apart. Begin the movement by bending the knees slightly and forcefully extend the hips, knees, and ankles, transferring the weight to the balls of the feet, coming of the ground and extending the elbows (pushing the bar over the head). The feet should shift straight forward and back during the jump phase. The feet should land in a split with the forward foot flat on the ground and the rear foot on the ball of the foot. Head should be positioned slightly forward and bar splitting the body. Lower the bar to the front of the shoulders, feet shoulder width apart. Repeat for desired repetitions. Can also be performed with dumbbells (DB Split Jerk). Only modification to DB Split Jerk is to hold the DBs with parallel grip (palms facing each other). 5) Hang High Pull With feet shoulder width and hands slightly outside the feet, set the back by sticking the chest and buttocks out. The starting position is standing upright so that the hands are at mid to upper thigh. The first movement is to bend at the hips sliding the barbell down the thighs to a point 1-2 inches above the knee. Extend the hips, knees, and ankles (jump) while shrugging the shoulders and finally pulling the weight to the shoulder. Be sure to keep the weight close to the body on the pull. Repeat for desired repetitions 6) DB High Pull With a dumbbell in each hand and the feet parallel shoulder width apart, stand up and set the back as would be done for the hang clean. The first movement is to bend at the hips sliding the dumbbells down the thighs to a point 1-2 inches above the knee. Extend the hips, knees, and ankles (jump) while shrugging the shoulders and finally pulling the weight to the shoulder. Be sure to keep the weight close to the body on the pull. Repeat for desired repetitions. 7) DB 1 Arm Snatch With a dumbbell in one hand and feet parallel shoulder width apart, standing up and set the back as would be done for the hang clean. Lower the dumbbell between the legs. Extend the hips, knees, and ankles (jump) while shrugging the shoulders to pull the weight over head. Drop down and lock the arm keeping the upper arm close to the side of the head. Be sure to keep the weight close to the body on the pull. Perform equal repetitions to each arm.

II) Core Leg Lifts 8) Back Squat Position the bar shoulder height on the rack. Walk to the bar and bend the knees slightly as you place the bar on the rear of the shoulders behind the neck. Do not place the bar on your neck! Slowly raise your arms and grasp the bar slightly beyond shoulder width apart. Extend the legs from the bent knee

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position and you will be holding the bar across the rear of the shoulders. Step back from the rack. Place the feet just beyond shoulder width apart with the feet slightly externally rotated (pointing out). Keep the lower back tight. Squat down, by pushing the hips back, keeping your weight in your heels, and lowering yourself until mid-thigh is parallel to the ground. Upon attainment of this point, start to extend upwards. Keep the weight centered over your body, do not lean forward. 9) Front Squat With the bar positioned on the front of the shoulders, grasp the bar as one would when catching the clean (bar across the front of the shoulders, elbows up and in). Be certain to keep elbows up so that the bar will not roll off the shoulders. Space the feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and toes pointed forward or slightly outward. Keep the chest up and the lower back tight. Squat down, by pushing the hips back, keeping your weight in your heels, and lowering yourself until mid-thigh is parallel to the ground. Upon attainment of this point, start to extend upwards. Keep the weight centered over your body, do not lean forward. A variation to this exercise is DB Front Squat. Hold DBs in both hands and rest them on the front shoulders (make sure to keep your elbows up and in). 10) Leg Press Perform the leg press using a leg press machine. Sit down in the machine, place your feet against the upper portion of the platform, at least shoulder width apart. Adjust the seat so that your knees and hip are both at a 90 degree angle. Make sure your body position is correct before performing the exercise. Push the platform out driving through the heels of your feet. Extend your legs until your knees are almost locked out, but do NOT lock them out. Then control the movement as you bring your knees back towards your chest. Perform desired number of repetitions.

III) Legs – General 11) Lateral Squat With a weighted bar resting on your posterior shoulders, position yourself with a wide stance. Keeping chest and buttocks out, slowly lean one direction making sure your knee does not go over your toes. Repeat equal repetitions for each leg. 12) Split Squat Perform these with a weighted bar across the back of the shoulders. Step backwards with one foot and position until back leg is slightly bent, heel off the ground. With chest up and back flat, lower body straight down (keeping weight centered) until the forward thigh is parallel to the floor and return to starting position. Perform equal repetitions on each side. 13) Pitcher Squat Position back foot up on a box or bench and the front foot flat on the ground (similar position to split squat except rear foot on box). With chest up and back flat, lower body straight down (keeping weight centered) until the forward thigh is parallel to the floor and return to starting position. Perform equal repetitions on each side. 14) Single Leg (SL) Squat Standing firmly on a box or bench, extend one leg slightly forward so that it just clears the box. You should be on one foot with it completely on the box/bench. Stick your buttocks out as you squat down. Push your hips back and keep your weight in your heel, lowering yourself until mid-thigh is parallel to the box/bench. As you are lowering down, have your arms out in front simultaneously raise parallel to the floor. Then return to starting position. Perform equal repetitions on each leg. 15) Step Up with Knee Drive Step up onto a 12-18 inch box with your left leg driving the right knee up, then slowly lower the right leg to the ground. Perform equal repetitions on each leg. This exercise can be performed either as all on one leg then the other or alternating. Can also be performed with a calf raise – when step up onto box, then raise up onto your toes as you drive your knee up. 16) Explosive Step Up This exercise is performed just like the step up with knee drive but have the foot on the box explosively push against the box, driving up (there should be air between your foot and the box – JUMP). 17) Forward Lunge Step forward with one leg and lower the body down until the lead leg’s thigh is parallel to the ground. Push back with the front leg to the standing position. Alternate legs and perform equal repetitions on each leg. 18) Forward Lunge with a Twist Step forward with one leg and lower the body down until the lead leg’s thigh is parallel to the ground. Rotate the upper body over the front knee (if left leg is forward then rotate upper body to the left) then rotate back to facing forward. Push back with the front leg to the standing position. Alternate legs and perform equal repetitions on each leg.

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19) Retro (Backward) Lunge Step backward with one leg and lower the body down until the front leg’s thigh is parallel to the ground. Make sure to keep your body weight centered. Push forward with the back leg to the standing position. Alternate legs and perform equal repetitions on each leg. 20) Lateral Lunge Step out to the side with each repetition and return to starting position. When you step out, keep the chest and buttocks out and slowly lean one direction making sure your knee does not go over your toes. Perform equal repetitions on each leg. 21) 45 Degree Lunge Step forward with one leg at a 45 degree angle (still keeping your shoulders facing forward) and lower the body down until the lead leg’s thigh is parallel to the ground. Push back with the front leg to the standing position. Alternate legs and perform equal repetitions on each leg. 22) 45 Degree Lunge with Twist Step forward with one leg at a 45 degree angle (still keeping your shoulders facing forward) and lower the body down until the lead leg’s thigh is parallel to the ground. Rotate the upper body over the front knee (if left leg is forward then rotate upper body to the left) then rotate back to facing forward. Push back with the front leg to the standing position. Alternate legs and perform equal repetitions on each leg. 23) Short-Arc Extensions Fully extend the knees using a leg extension machine. Lower the weight only 15 degrees and then fully extend.

IV) Legs – Hamstring 24) Modified Dead Lift Stand with soft knees and flat back. Hold the bar with an overhand grip in front of you. Slowly bend at the waist, keeping the back flat while pushing the buttocks out. Lower the bar until you feel a stretch in the hamstrings then return to a starting position in a controlled manner. 25) Leg Curl Perform leg curls on a leg curl machine, either lying prone (face down) or seated. Contract hamstrings, pulling heels towards the buttocks and slowly lower weight until legs are extended. These can also be performed one leg at a time (Single Leg (SL) Leg Curls). 26) Single Leg (SL) Bucks Lying supine (face up) on the ground, place one foot (the heel) onto a flat bench (or t-ball), with the knee at 90 degrees and the hips at 90 degrees. The other foot should be straight up in the air (towards the ceiling). Perform the exercise by driving your weight into the heel of the foot, slightly extending the knee and lifting the hips off the ground until fully extended. At this point, only your shoulders are touching the ground. Return to the ground so that the hips and knee are at 90 degrees again. Repeat equal repetitions for each leg. 27) SL SLDL (Single Leg, Straight Leg Dead Lift) Start by standing with a dumbbell in one hand and the opposite leg planted. Next, raise the non-planted leg (with knee bent at 90 degrees) to hip height. With your back flat, slowly (so you don’t lose your balance) bend at the waist allowing the non-planted leg to lower and extend back behind you. Only bend over until your chest is parallel to the ground and you feel a stretch in your planted leg’s hamstring. Do not go beyond parallel to the ground with your chest – to get a better stretch in your hamstring try to kick the back leg (non-planted leg) up higher and keep it straight. Repeat equal repetitions for each leg. 28) Good Mornings Position the bar shoulder height on the rack. Walk to the bar and bend the knees slightly as you place the bar on the rear of the shoulders behind the neck. Do not place the bar on your neck! Slowly raise your arms and grasp the bar slightly beyond shoulder width apart. Stand with soft knees and flat back. Slowly bend at the waist, keeping the back flat while pushing the buttocks out. Lower the bar until you feel a stretch in the hamstrings then return to a starting position in a controlled manner. Do not go beyond parallel to the ground with your chest.

V) Chest 29) Bench Press Lying flat on the bench with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor, keep the buttocks and shoulder blades in contact with the bench. Grasp the bar with a grip so that the hands are over the elbows when the bar is in the down position. Slow and controlled, lower the bar until it touches the mid-chest at approximately nipple level. Then in a controlled motion, forcefully extend the arms until locked-out. The bar is pressed upward and slightly back toward the shoulders.

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30) Incline Press Similar to the bench press but on an inclined bench. Lower the bar until it touches the top of the chest, approximately 1-2 inches below the clavicle (collar bone). When pressing to the starting position, the bar is pressed upward and slightly back toward the eyes. 31) Close-Grip Bench Press Performed in the same manner as the barbell bench press but with a different grip. The hands should hold the bar at shoulder width. When the bar is lowered to the chest, the elbows should be kept close to the body. 32) DB Bench Press Perform with the same form as the barbell bench press but with dumbbells in each hand. Lower the dumbbells until an easy stretch is felt in the chest then extend the arms. Palms should be facing your lower body not turned in. As the arms are extended the dumbbells should be brought together across the chest by squeezing the chest at the top. 33) DB Incline Press This is performed in the same form as the DB bench press but on an incline bench. 34) Push Up Start lying prone (face down) on the ground. With your hands at shoulder width apart pressing against the ground, extend your arms so that only your hands and toes are in contact with the ground. Keep your abdominal muscles contracted so that your shoulders, hips, and legs are in line forming your body into a straight board. Lower your chest (entire body should lower) towards the ground until the angle at your elbows reaches 90 degrees, then push back up. Perform desired number of repetitions. A variation to this exercise is a rotational push up. In a push up position, perform a push up and as you come up out of it, rotate so that only one hand is on the ground and the other is extended in the air (have your eyes follow the one in the air). Rotate back down, perform another push up and this time rotate the alternate way. Perform equal repetitions on each side.

VI) Upper Back 35) Lat Pulldown On a high pulley machine, grasp the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width (palms facing away). Begin the movement by initiating the shoulder blades (squeezing them together) and sticking your chest out. Next, pull the bar down until it reaches the upper chest, just below the clavicle. Slowly return the bar to the starting position. Be sure to maintain a slight arch in the lower back. Variations to this exercise are using a reverse grip (palms facing you and only shoulder width apart) or a parallel grip (palms facing each other – you will have to change the handle bar). 36) Seated Row Sit facing the machine. Grab the handle bar(s) so that your arms are at chest level. Begin the movement by initiating the shoulder blades (squeezing them together). Pull the bar until it touches your lower chest. Be sure your elbows travel as far back as possible. Return to starting position with arms fully extended. 37) Pull Ups Extend your arms and take a wider than shoulder apart, overhand grip (palms away) on a pull/chin up bar. Pull yourself upward until your eyes are above the level of the bar. Next, slowly lower yourself until your arms are fully extended. 38) Chin Ups Extend your arms and take a supinated/reverse grip (palms facing you) on the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart. Stick your chest out to pull yourself upward until your chin is above the level of the bar. Next, slowly lower yourself until your arms are fully extended. 39) 1 Arm Bentover Row Perform bent over at the waist with your back flat so that the upper body is parallel to the bench, knees slightly bent, feet shoulder width apart. Place one hand on a bench for support and grasp a dumbbell in the other hand. ). Begin the movement by initiating the scapula (shoulder blade) then pull the dumbbell to the side of the body, close to the ribs. Keep the elbow pointed upwards. Lower the dumbbell until arms are fully extended. Do not allow your shoulder to drop to the ground, keep it parallel to the ground and in line with the other shoulder. A variation to this exercise is the upper back 1 arm bentover row. This exercise is identical to the one just mentioned except that the elbow is kept out wide and the dumbbell is pulled up and out (keep elbow bent at 90 degrees). Repeat equal repetitions for each side. 40) Bentover Row Perform bent over at the waist with your back flat so that the upper body is parallel to the floor, knees slightly bent, feet shoulder width apart. Grasp a straight barbell or e-z curl barbell with the palms of your hands facing up or away from the body. Begin the movement by initiating the shoulder blades (squeezing them together). Next, pull the bar to the lower part of your chest, keeping your elbows close to your body and pointed upward. At the up position of the exercise, the elbows should be flexed at 90 degrees. Finally, slowly lower the bar until the arms are fully extended.

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41) DB Bentover Row Perform bent over at the waist with your back flat so that the upper body is parallel to the floor, knees slightly bent, feet shoulder width apart. Grasp a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing you. Begin the movement by initiating the shoulder blades (squeezing them together). Next, pull the dumbbells up to outside your chest, keeping the elbows out away from the body. At the up position of the exercise, the elbows should be flexed at 90 degrees. Finally, slowly lower the dumbbells until the arms are fully extended. 42) Rear Delt (RD) Fly Lie flat with your chest against an inclined bench and hold a dumbbell or weighted plate in each hand. The starting position is palms facing each other and almost touching. Begin the movement by initiating the shoulder blades (squeezing them together). Next, abduct your arms (move them away from your body) keeping your elbows just slightly bent. Finally, lower the weights back down to the starting position. 43) Inverted Row (Supine Pull Up) Set yourself up in a squat rack, so that the height of the barbell will allow for full extension of your arms without your upper back touching the floor. Have your hands at shoulder-width apart and using an overhand grip. Have your feet flat on the floor, knees bent at 90 degrees, and hips pushing up to the ceiling. As you get stronger, your knees should be less bent so that the heels of your feet are only touching the floor. Keep your knees, hips, and shoulders aligned throughout the movement by keeping the core muscles (muscles of your hips, abs, and low back) contracted. Have your head in a neutral position so that you are looking at the ceiling (do not tuck your chin). As you begin your movement, pull yourself up to touch your chest to the bar. As you reach this position, attempt to squeeze your shoulder blades together then slowly lower yourself to the start position. Repeat for designated repetitions.

VII) Arms – Biceps & Triceps 44) Straight Bar (SB) or Dumbbell (DB) Bicep Curls Perform this exercise with your hands outside your hips and standing with soft knees. Lift the bar/dumbbell up towards the body by bending at the elbow, elbows close to the body, and return to starting position with arms fully extended. 45) Hammer Curl Perform this exercise just like a regular dumbbell curl but with thumbs up instead of palms up. 46) Reverse Curl Using a straight bar or an e-z curl bar, grasp the bar with palms facing down. Lift the bar up towards the body by bending at the elbow, elbows close to the body, and return to starting position with arms fully extended. 47) Crazy 8 With a partner do one repetition of bicep curls. Hand the bar to your partner so he/she can do one repetition. Do two repetitions. The partner does two repetitions. Continue this procedure up to eight repetitions. Then descend back down to one repetition. 48) Triceps Pushdown On a cable machine, start with the bar in front of the body, arms fully flexed with elbows close to the body. Push bar towards the floor until arms are fully extended and return bar to starting position. 49) Overhead (OH) Triceps Extension Starting with knees slightly bent, arms extended overhead with a dumbbell, slowly lower the dumbbell by bending the elbows. Return to starting position by extending the elbows. Note: Avoid letting your elbows to flare out, keep them in close to your head. 50) Dips/Bench Dips Start with arms fully extended. Lower the body until you reach 90 degrees in the elbow and return to starting position. Keep the elbows close to the body throughout the movement. If bench dips, keep knees slightly bent and back flat. 51) Pullover Press Lying supine (face up) on a bench (unless otherwise noted like on theraball), start with an e-z curl bar, triceps bar, single dumbbell or plate on chest. Press it up (so arms fully extended) and reach back over head (elbows bending as the bar, db, or plate goes overhead). Next extend the arms from the elbow and pull bar, db, or plate back from overhead to directly above the chest. Finally press the bar, db, or plate to the chest and up again; one rep is complete. Continue for desired number of repetitions.

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VIII) Shoulders / Rotator Cuff

52) DB Shoulder Press Begin with dumbbells at shoulder height with palms facing forward. Press the dumbbells overhead by extending the arms. Slowly lower the weights to the starting position. Make sure to keep your back in a neutral position, knees slightly bent (soft knees), and abdominals contracted. Variations of the shoulder press are (1) 1 arm shoulder press – holding only 1 dumbbell perform the shoulder press, perform equal repetitions on each side; (2) alternating shoulder press can be performed 2 different ways – (a) holding the DBs overhead, elbows locked out, the movement starts by one arm coming down to shoulder level and pressing back up to full extension, then the other arm moving; (b) holding the DBs at shoulder height, alternate pressing one arm up and down, then the other; and (3) rotating shoulder press begins with DBs at shoulder height with palms facing forward and as you press up rotates so palms are facing each other, then rotate to forward as you bring the DBs back down to shoulder level. 53) Hand Step Up Start in a push up position with a box or bench in front of you. With your hands, step up onto the box/bench then back down. Keep your feet together and avoid pushing your buttocks up (keep body in line like a board). Perform desired repetitions. One rep = 1 hand up, other hand up, 1 hand down, other hand down. A progression of this exercise is to add a push up (hand step up w/ push up) on the up phase of the exercise (when hands are on the bench – in effect performing an incline push up). One rep = 1 hand up, other hand up, push up, 1 hand down, other hand down. 54) Steering Wheel Start by standing with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent. Extend your arms out in front of the body at shoulder level holding a weight plate at 9 & 3 (if looking at a clock). Perform the movement as though turning a wheel from 9 & 3 to 1 & 7 (turn to right), then all the way to 5 & 11 (turn to left). Perform equal repetitions in each direction. 55) Upright Row Perform these standing with soft knees. Either holding a barbell or plate, place your hands close together (less than an inch apart). Keeping the bar or plate close to the body, slide it up toward the chin, keeping the elbows above the bar or plate at all times. Then slide it back down. 56) Slow Scarecrow (Rotator Cuff (RC) Exercise) Start by standing with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent. Position your upper arms to shoulder height, elbows bent at 90 degrees. Rotate one arm so that the hand is up above shoulder height, the other arm is rotated with the hand down. Perform the movement by rotating at the shoulder so the hands switch position. Throughout the entire set, keep both elbows at shoulder height. Use light weight (2.5lb or 5lb plates) or a band. 57) Front Raise Perform these standing with soft knees. Hold the dumbbells (or weight plates) down in front of your body. Raise dumbbell in front of your body until arms are parallel to the floor. 58) Lateral Raise Perform these standing with soft knees. Starting with dumbbells in front of the body, elbows slightly bent, raise dumbbell laterally so that it is parallel to the floor. 59) Rear Raise Perform these bent over so that the chest is parallel to the floor. Keeping the back flat, knees and arms slightly bent, laterally raise the dumbbells with elbows upward squeezing the shoulder blades together. 60) Empty Can (RC Exercise) Perform these standing with soft knees. Hold the dumbbells (or weight plates) down in front of your body with thumbs facing down. Raise dumbbell in front of the body at a v-angle until arms are parallel to the floor. 61) Robot (RC Exercise) Similar to rear raise. Perform these bent over so that the chest is parallel to the floor. Keeping the back flat, knees and arms slightly bent, laterally raise the dumbbells with elbows upward squeezing the shoulder blades together then rotate from the shoulder so the hands are up. Rotate the hands back down and lower the dumbbells to starting position. 62) ABC’s (RC Exercise) Perform these standing with soft knees. Hold the dumbbells (or weight plates) in front of your body, parallel to the floor. With your arms extended, write the alphabet without letting your elbows bend. The movement should only be working from the shoulder.

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63) Shoulder Prehab (RC Exercise) Perform front raises, lateral raises with a shrug, empty cans, and robot for desired repetitions with no rest between exercises. Use light weight (2.5lb or 5lb plates) or a band. 64) DB Shoulder Combo Perform front raises, lateral raises, and rear raises for desired repetitions with no rest between exercises. The weight used for this combo should continue to go up as the reps go down. 65) Plate Shoulder Combo Using a single weighted plate, perform front raises, upright rows, and steering wheels for desired repetitions with no rest between exercises. 66) T-Raise Perform these standing with soft knees. Hold the dumbbells (or weight plates) down in front of your body. Raise dumbbell in front of your body until arms are parallel to the floor. Then abduct the arms away from midline (out with arms), bring them back to the center and finally lower your arms to the starting position again. Repeat this exercise for the desired repetitions. 67) Low Internal Rotation (RC Exercise) attach a band or rubber tubing to a wall or fence at waist height. Grasp the band with your hand, and make a fist with your thumb facing up. Position your body so when you are working your left shoulder, the band should be coming from your LEFT. When working your right shoulder, the band should be coming from your RIGHT. Press your upper arm against the side of your body, and keep your elbow bent at 90 degrees. Prior to movement, the band should be tight, no slack. Move your hand to your belly button, and then back to the start position in a slow controlled manner. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. 68) Low External Rotation (RC Exercise) attach a band or rubber tubing to a wall or fence at waist height. Grasp the band with your hand, and make a fist with your thumb facing up. Position your body so when you are working your left shoulder, the band should be coming from your RIGHT. When working your right shoulder, the band should be coming from your LEFT. Press your upper arm against the side of your body, and keep your elbow bent at 90 degrees. Your lower arm should be resting across your belly button; this is your start position. Prior to movement, the band should be tight, no slack. Move your hand away from the center of your body or externally as far as you can and then back to the start position in a slow controlled manner. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. 69) High Internal Rotation (RC Exercise) attach a band or rubber tubing to a wall or fence at shoulder height. The band should be coming from behind you; grasp the band while keeping your upper arm parallel to your shoulder, and your elbow bent at 90 degrees so your hand is pointing toward the sky. This is your start position. In a slow and controlled movement, while keeping your upper arm parallel with your shoulder, move your hand down toward the ground and return to the start position. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. 70) High External Rotation (RC Exercise) ) attach a band or rubber tubing to a wall or fence at shoulder height. The band should be coming from in front of you; grasp the band while keeping your upper arm parallel to your shoulder, and your elbow bent at 90 degrees so your upper arm and hand is parallel to the ground. This is your start position. In a slow and controlled movement, while keeping your upper arm parallel with your shoulder, move your hand up toward the sky and return to the start position. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

IX) Forearm / Grip 71) Wrist Flexion Perform these seated on a bench and lower arm resting on thigh (or kneeling on floor and lower arm resting on the bench with the hand hanging over it). With palms facing up, lower weight to the finger tips and then raise the weight through the full range of motion. 72) Wrist Extension Perform these seated on a bench and lower arm resting on thigh (or kneeling on floor and lower arm resting on the bench with the hand hanging over it). With palms facing down, raise and lower the weight through the full range of motion 73) Wrist/Forearm Series (DB Forearm Circuit) Perform wrist flexions, wrist extensions, pronation/supination (rotation), and ulnar deviation. Pronation/Supination is performed by rotating the wrist, from palm up to palm down position while holding a dumbbell. Ulnar deviation is performed by holding a dumbbell at one end by your side, palm facing your body and cocking wrist back. Equal repetitions are performed on each side.

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74) Wrist Roller Begin by curling the wrists until the weight reaches the top of the rope. Slowly lower the weight by rolling the wrists, and continue to curl the wrists until the weight returns to the top of the rope again. Slowly lower the weight to the starting position. 75) Fist Clasps With arms extended out the side at shoulder height, clench and unclench your fists as quickly as possible for a set time. 76) Plate Holds Hold a 25-45lb plate with just your finger tips in each hand for a set time. 77) Farmers Walk Holding either a plate or dumbbell in each hand, walk heel to toe for a set distance. Abbreviation Key: -RC Exercise = Rotator Cuff Exercise -DB = Dumbbell -SL = Single Leg

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Core Training List (For an explanation of the exercise, see corresponding number in the Exercise Description.)

X) Abdominals

1) Crunches 2) Twist Crunches 3) Hand-Toe Crunches 4) Seated V-Twist / Side Twists 5) Diagonal V-Twist 6) Roaches 7) Roaches with a Twist 8) Roll Ups 9) Pikes

10) Alternating Pikes 11) LMR Reach Crunches 12) Hanging Knee Ups 13) Hanging Knee Ups with Twist 14) Toe Ups 15) Alternating Heel Touches 16) Reach Ups 17) Pillars 18) Side Pillar 19) Overhead Medicine Ball Throw 20) MB Chest Pass 21) MB Side Throws 22) OH MB Throw Crunch

XI) Lower Back

23) Scorpions 24) Iron Cross 25) Back Extension 26) Back Extension with Twist 27) Hyperextensions/Superman/woman 28) Alternating Superman/woman 29) Belly Jacks 30) Kneeling Opposites/Quadruped

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Exercise Description

X) Abdominals 1) Crunches Lay on the floor in a crunch position with legs in the air and knees bent in a 90 degree angle. Move your shoulders toward your knees (shoulders should come 2-4 inches off the floor). Return back to the starting position in a slow and controlled manner. 2) Twist Crunches Lay on the floor in a crunch position with one leg crossed over the opposite knee and opposite hand placed to the side of the head, elbow pointed out. Move your shoulder toward your knee (shoulder should come 2-4 inches off the floor). Return back to the starting position in a slow and controlled manner. 3) Hand-Toe Crunches Lay on your back (supine position) with your legs and hands at a 90 degree angle with your body. Raise your hands up towards your toes by squeezing your lower abs. Return shoulders to the floor and repeat designated repetitions. Legs should remain straight up throughout the movement. Do not cross your legs and do not swing your body back and forth. This exercise can also be done holding a weight. 4) Seated V-Twist Sit on the floor in a V position balancing on your buttocks (feet are off the ground with knees bent). Twist side to side (have your eyes follow). This exercise can also be done holding a weight. 5) Diagonal V-Twist Sit on the floor in a V position balancing on your buttocks ( feet are off the ground with knees bent). Hold a plate or MB in your hands. Twist to one side bringing the plate or MB down to the floor outside of your hip then twist back reaching diagonally up with the plate or MB. Perform repetitions all in one direction then switch and perform them from the other side. 6) Roaches Sit on the floor in a V position balancing on your buttocks (feet are off the ground with knees bent). Extend your entire body out so that your shoulders and feet are almost touching the ground (but don’t let them) then return to the starting position. Do not put your feet down until you have completed the set. 7) Roaches with a Twist This exercise is a combination of a roach and a seated v-twist. Perform the twist phase when you are flexed in the V position. 8) Roll Ups Lay on the floor with your hands by your side and legs extended. Pull your knees into your chest then extend them up towards the ceiling, lifting your hips off the floor. Then in a controlled manner lower them to the floor in the same motion that they were raised. 9) Pikes Lay on the floor with arms extended overhead and legs extended. Keeping your limbs as straight as possible lift both your arms and legs until your hands touch your toes and you are balancing on your buttocks. Lower yourself to the starting position in a controlled manner. 10) Alternating Pikes (Alternating Jackknifes) Lay on the floor with arms extended overhead and legs extended. Keeping your limbs as straight as possible, lift one leg and both arms until your hands touch your toes. With each repetition, alternate your legs. This exercise can also be done holding a weight (be careful not to hit the weight against your shin). 11) LMR Reach Crunches Lay on the floor in a crunch position with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Extend arms and hands in front of you and reach L – left, M – middle, R – right towards your legs while squeezing your abs. 12) Hanging Knee Ups Hanging on a pull-up bar with feet together, pull the knees to the chest, then lower the legs back down to full extension. Do not swing. Control the body throughout the entire movement. A progression of this exercise is to keep the legs straight and raise them. 13) Hanging Knee Ups with Twist Same as the Hanging Knee Ups but twist side to side, bringing your knees to your opposite shoulder. With each repetition, alternate sides.

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14) Toe Ups Lay on your back (supine position) with your legs at a 90 degree angle with your body. Place your hands across your chest or to your side (do not place them under your lower back and buttocks). Raise your buttocks off the floor by squeezing your lower abs. Return buttocks to the floor and repeat for designated repetitions. Legs should remain straight throughout the movement, pushing them toward the ceiling. Do not let your legs go back toward your head. Do not swing body back and forth. 15) Alternating Heel Touches Lay on the floor in a crunch position with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your arms at your side. Lift your shoulders off the ground; touch your hand to your heel, alternate sides. 16) Reach Ups Lay on the floor in a crunch position with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Have your arms up in the air. Lift your shoulders off the ground and reach up and back with your arms. Lower back down to the floor with each repetition. 17) Pillars Position yourself in a push up with forearms on the floor rather than your hands (so only your forearms and toes are touching the floor and supporting your weight). Keep yourself flat, so that your hips and shoulders are aligned, by contracting the core musculature (abs, low back, hips and buttocks). This exercise is an isometric hold, meaning no movement occurs. Hold for desired time. Avoid bouncing. Progressions to this exercise are raising one leg, raising an arm, raising one leg and the opposite arm, or chopping your feet. A variation to this exercise is the Side Pillar. 18) Side Pillar (floor or Theraball) Resting on your side, raise up so that only your forearm and inside foot is in contact with the floor. If using a theraball, your forearm should be resting on there. This exercise is an isometric hold, meaning no movement occurs. Hold for desired time. Avoid bouncing. 19) Overhead (OH) Medicine Ball (MB) Throw Work alone against a solid (concrete) wall or with a partner. Start by standing with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, and holding the MB overhead. Bring the ball sharply forward with both arms, throwing it to your partner so he/she catches it overhead.

20) Medicine Ball (MB) Chest Pass Standing with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent, hold a med ball at chest level, elbows pointing out. Explosively pass the ball to your partner or against a solid (concrete) wall, ending with arms straight. A progression to this exercise is to perform it on 1 foot. Perform half the reps on 1 foot then switch legs. 21) MB Side Throws Begin by facing a solid wall (concrete) or your partner in an athletic position with a medicine ball held at your side. Throw the ball, striking the wall directly in front of you so that it comes off the wall going to your opposite side. If using a partner, throw it so the ball travels a diagonal line going to the same side on your partner (i.e., your right side to his/her right side). Perform all the reps from the one side then switch and perform an equal amount on the other side. Variations to this exercise are using different stances (i.e., perpendicular to wall or partner or standing on one foot) – side facing rotational throws. 22) Overhead (OH) MB Throw Crunch Work alone against a solid (concrete) wall or with a partner. Start by standing with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, and holding the MB overhead. As you throw the ball, crunch your abs (so bend at the waist), and throw the ball towards the bottom of the wall. It should bounce back up to you, but you will still have to bring it overhead again for each repetition.

XI) Lower Back 23) Scorpions Start by lying prone (face down) on the floor, arms out to the side at shoulder height and legs extended. Next, move one leg across your body and try to reach that heel to your opposite hand. With each repetition, alternate legs. 24) Iron Cross Start by lying supine (face up) on the floor, arms out to the side at shoulder height and legs extended. Next, move one leg across your body and try to reach your toes to your opposite hand. With each repetition, alternate legs. Note: try to keep your leg straight as it crosses the body and both shoulders flat on the floor. 25) Back Extension Lying prone (face down) on the floor, place your hands behind your head. Raise your upper body off the floor. Slowly lower back down to the floor.

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26) Back Extension w/ Twist Lying prone (face down) on the floor, place your hands behind your head. Raise your upper body off the floor then twist side to side. Return the shoulders to parallel to the floor and slowly lower back down to the floor. 27) Superman/woman Lying prone (face down) on the floor, arms extended overhead and legs extended, raise your body off the floor by contracting the glutes and back. Slowly lower back down to the floor. 28) Alternating Superman/woman Lying prone (face down) on the floor, arms extended overhead and legs extended, raise your opposite arm and leg off the ground. With each repetition, alternate sides. 29) Belly Jacks Lying prone (face down) on the floor, arms extended overhead and legs extended, raise your body off the floor by contracting the glutes and back. Next, spread both the arms and legs then bring them back together. Finally, slowly lower back down to the floor (that is one full repetition). 30) Kneeling Opposites/Quadruped Start with your hands and knees on the ground. Keep your back flat and your face looking down at the ground so that your spine stays in line. Keep yourself in line as you raise and straighten your opposite arm and leg. Neither should be higher than your hips and shoulders. Focus on keeping your abdominal muscles contracted (drawn in) and your hips and shoulders squared to the ground. With each repetition, alternate sides.

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Plyometrics List (For an explanation of the exercise, see corresponding number in the Exercise Description.)

XII) Plyometrics

1) Box Jumps 2) SL Box Jumps 3) Lateral Box Jumps 4) DB Squat Jumps 5) Squat Jumps/Double Leg Jumps

6) Knee Tuck Jumps (SL) 7) Split Jumps/Split Leg Jumps


Cycle Split Jumps (DB)/Split Leg Kick Jumps

9) Ice Skaters / Side to Side Jumps

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Exercise Description

XII) Plyometrics 1) Box Jumps Standing in front of a 12”-18” box, jump vertically and forward onto the box. Land with both feet completely on the box and as quietly as possible, absorbing the impact of the land. Then step off the box back to the ground. DO NOT JUMP DOWN. Emphasize body control and speed of movement. 2) SL Box Jumps Standing in front of a 12”-18” box on 1 foot, jump vertically and forward onto the box. Land with the 1 foot completely on the box and as quietly as possible, absorbing the impact of the land. You can then put the other foot down for balance. Then step off the box back to the ground. DO NOT JUMP DOWN. Emphasize body control and speed of movement. Perform all jumps on the 1 foot then do the same amount of reps on the other foot. 3) Lateral Box Jumps Standing sideways to a 12”-18” box, jump vertically and laterally onto the box. Land with both feet completely on the box and as quietly as possible, absorbing the impact of the land. Then step off the box back to the ground. DO NOT JUMP DOWN. Emphasize body control and speed of movement. Perform all jumps from one side, then turn and do equal amount of reps from other side. 4) DB Squat Jumps With a dumbbell in each hand, hold them outside the hips and feet shoulder width apart, set the back by sticking the chest and buttocks out. To start the movement, perform a squat by pushing the hips back, keep your weight in your heels, and lowering yourself until mid-thigh is parallel to the ground. At that point, powerfully extend at the hips, knees, and ankles against the floor. When you land back on the floor, slightly bend your knees and hips to absorb the floor impact. Repeat for the desired repetitions. 5) Squat Jumps Same as above, but without the dumbbells. 6) Tuck Jumps Perform successive vertical jumps. With each jump, pull the knees upward toward the chest prior to landing. Repeat the movement emphasizing the impulse off the ground (that is, quickly bound, spending as little time as possible on the ground). Can also be performed as Single Leg Tuck Jumps. For SL Tuck Jumps, stand on one leg, jump and pull the knee to the chest prior to landing. Perform all jumps on the 1 foot then do the same amount of reps on the other foot. 7) Split Jumps Standing with your legs in a forward lunge position, front foot flat on the ground and the rear on the ball of the foot, jump vertically. Upon landing immediately repeat the jump. Thrust the arms in an upward motion. Can be performed holding dumbbells. 8) Cycle Split Jumps In a forward lunge position, explosively extend the hips, knees, and ankles (jump vertically) and switch the front leg in the air. Try to emphasize the knee drive. Cycle your legs through, alternating one leg out in front of the other each jump. Continue for the desired repetitions. Can be performed holding dumbbells. 9) Ice Skaters This is a lateral moving plyometrics exercise. Start in a ready position, with your hips and knees slightly bent. Balancing on your right foot, jump from right to left (land on your left foot) and hold the landing for a full second before jumping back to the opposite side. Besides developing explosiveness, the pause is training your balance and focusing on body control. You should attempt to jump both up and out. A variation to this exercise is to make the jumps continuous with no pause in between. Master the ice skaters with a pause first before moving to continuous ice skaters.

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Agilities &

Conditioning Descriptions

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1) Agility Box: Pattern: Starting in a two-point stance, sprint forward to the outside of the first cone, lateral shuffle or carioca to the second cone, backpedal to the third cone, and lateral shuffle or carioca to the fourth cone. Flip drill and repeat. Set Up: 4 cones/markers spaced 10 x 10 yards apart (forming a square).

Start/Finish Start/Finish

2) Cone Chute: Pattern: Starting in a two-point stance, sprint around each cone. The athlete can also backpedal around each cone. Move the cones closer after each set. Set Up: 7 cones spaced 3 to 5 yards apart in a zig-zag pattern. Start/Finish Start/Finish

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3) Diagonal Box:

Pattern: Starting in a two-point stance, sprint forward to the outside of the first cone (opposite), lateral shuffle or carioca to the second cone, then perform a 45-degree pivot (sharp cut) and sprint through the third cone. Flip drill and repeat. Set Up: 4 cones/markers spaced 10 x 10 yards apart (forming a square).

Start/Finish Start/Finish

4) L-Drill: Pattern: Starting a two-point stance, sprint up to first cone and back to the starting cone, then sprint up and around the outside of the first cone. Next, sprint toward the second cone, go around the cone from the inside (like the start of a figure 8), and sprint back around the previous cone to the starting point. Flip drill and repeat. Set Up: 4 cones spaced 5 yards apart in a T-pattern.


5) Pro Agility, 20-yard Shuttle, or 5-10-5:

Pattern: Starting in a two or three-point stance at the center cone/marker, sprint 5 yards and touch line with your hand. Turn and sprint passed the center, 10-yards and touch the far line with your hand. Turn and sprint through the center to complete the drill. When going to

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the right, touch with your right hand, when going to the left, touch with your left hand. Set Up: 3 cones/markers spaced 5 yards apart. Offset the center cone from the outside cones, so it is not in the way. The center with an X in it represents the athlete.

Start/Finish 6) Snake Drill:

Pattern: Starting in a two-point stance, sprint around the outside of the outside cones and inside the inside cone. Set Up: 5 cones spaced 3 to 5 yards apart.

Start/ Start/

Finish Finish

7) Star Drill:

Pattern: Starting in a athletic/defensive position, shuffle or carioca to the middle cone, then sprint to each numbered cone/marker. Jog back to the starting point. Turn inside and sprint when you have reached the last two cones/markers. Flip drill and repeat. Set Up: 9 cones/markers spaced 3 to 5 yards apart (forming a square pattern).

Start/ Start/ Finish Finish

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8) T-Drill:

Pattern: Start in a two-point stance. Sprint forward 10 yards to a cone/marker. Lateral shuffle to the right and touch a line 5 yards away with your right hand. Shuffle back to the left for 10 yards and touch the far line with your left hand. Shuffle back to the right for 5 yards to the center cone/marker. Touch the cone/marker with either foot and backpedal 10 yards through the start line to finish. Flip drill and repeat. Set Up: 1 cone/marker for starting point forming the bottom point of the T placed 10 yards below center cone/marker. 3 cones/markers spaced across the top of the T with the 2 outside cones/markers 10 yards apart.

Start Finish

9) W-Drill: Pattern: Starting in a two-point stance, sprint around each cone. The athlete can also backpedal and sprint, lateral shuffle and sprint, or carioca and sprint. Set Up: 5 cones spaced 3 to 5 yards apart in W pattern.

Start/ Start/ Finish Finish

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10) Z-Drill:

Pattern: Starting in a two-point stance, sprint forward to the outside of the first cone, next sprint diagonal to the outside of the second cone, then sprint forward to the outside of the third cone and diagonal to the fourth cone (start and finish at the same cone). Set Up: 4 cones spaced 5 to 10 yards apart forming a square pattern.



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Square-Shaped 5-Cone Drills

1) Butterflies: 2) Attack & Retreat

3) Figure 8 4) Hourglass

5) “M” Drill 6) Modified “L” Drill


Sprinting Forward Backward Run

Lateral Shuffle Carioca

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7) Criss-Cross 8) Arrow

9) Triangle Transition 10) 4 Corner Sprint

11) 4 Corners


Sprinting Forward Backward Run

Lateral Shuffle Carioca

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Agility Ladder Drills *Can make a ladder: full length = 10 yards with 18” boxes (forms 18 total squares);

short ladder = 5 yards with 18” boxes (forms 9 total squares)

*These are brief descriptions in the order shown on the DVD. It is highly

recommended that you watch the DVD before performing the agility ladder session.

1. Run Through - 1 Foot in Each Box

2. Run Through - 2 Feet in Each Box

3. In-In-Out-Out (Forward): Say the name to yourself to follow the pattern “in-in-out-out”

through each box. It means first foot in, other foot in, first foot out, other foot out moving

forward with each step.

4. In-In-Out-Out (Lateral): Same as above but face sideways to the ladder. Have your inside

foot start the drill. Perform the drill back in the other direction so you train both directions.

5. Hopscotch: Start with your feet straddling the ladder. Jump so both feet land in the ladder then

jump out so that both feet straddle the ladder again. Move forward jumping in and out of each

box and continue to the end of the ladder.

6. Slalom: Start with one foot in the ladder and one foot out of the ladder. Jump and land so that

you are in the next box with the opposite foot in it and the other foot outside the ladder.

7. Icky Shuffle: Start with one foot in the ladder and one foot out of the ladder. Shuffle through

the ladder across and up to the next box. For example, start with the right foot in. Then step left

foot in the same box, right foot out of the ladder and move the left foot up to the next box. Try

not to step both feet out of the ladder. The pattern should follow (remember with one foot

already in box): “in-out-up.”

8. High Knee Crossover: Start with both feet outside the ladder and to one side. Drive your

outside leg and knee up into the first box. Step the other leg across to the other side of the

ladder (not in the box). Shuffle the foot that is in the box out of the ladder and next to the other

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foot. Again drive your outside leg and knee up into the next box. Continue this pattern to the

end of the ladder. Remember: only the outside foot steps into the ladder.

9. Lateral Scissors: Face sideways to the ladder and behind it. Have your inside foot in the first

box to start the drill. Jump and switch the feet so that the back foot lands in the box and the

lead foot lands out of the box. Jump and switch them again so the lead foot ends up in the next

box and the back foot lands outside the ladder. Continue to the end of the ladder. Perform the

drill back in the other direction so you train both directions.

10. Lateral Run (Keep One Rung Between Feet): Start facing sideways to the ladder. Have your

inside foot in the first box. Begin the drill by moving your inside foot to the second box, so two

rungs are between your feet. Move your back foot to the first box so now one rung is between

your feet. Continue with this pattern to the end of the ladder. Keep a minimum of one rung and

maximum of two rungs between your feet throughout the drill. Perform the drill back in the

other direction so you train both directions.

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1st Step Quickness, Acceleration, & Conditioning Drills

1) 300 Yard Shuttle: Procedure: Start in a two-point stance. Sprint 25 yards, touch the line with your foot and sprint back, making 6 continuous round trips for a total of 300 yards. Equipment: Cones spaced 25 yards apart and a stop watch

2) Backpedal and Sprint: Procedure: Start in a two-point stance, backpedal 5 to 10 yards, turn and sprint to finish line. Equipment: Athletic field or court

3) Full Gasser:

Procedure on a football field: Start in a two-point stance on the sideline of the field. Sprint across the width of the field, touch the line with your foot and sprint back, making 2 continuous round trips. Procedure on a basketball court: Start in a two-point stance on the sideline of the court. Sprint across the width of the court, touch the line with your foot and sprint back, making 6 continuous round trips. Procedure on a volleyball or tennis court: Start in a two-point stance on the sideline of the court. Sprint across the width of the court, touch the line with your foot and sprint back, making 8 continuous round trips. Equipment: Athletic field or court and stop watch Note: One full gasser should be completed in 46 seconds.

4) Get Ups: Procedure: Start in a push up position (lying prone or face down). Get up and sprint to the finish line. Other starting positions can be used, for example, seated starts, lying supine (face up), backward seated starts. Equipment: Athletic field or court

5) Half Gasser:

Procedure on a football field: Start in a two-point stance on the sideline of the field. Sprint across the width of the field, touch the line with your foot and sprint back, making 1 continuous round trip. Procedure on a basketball court: Start in a two-point stance on the sideline of the court. Sprint across the width of the court, touch the line with your foot and sprint back, making 3 continuous round trips. Procedure on a volleyball or tennis court: Start in a two-point stance on the sideline of the court. Sprint across the width of the court, touch the line with your foot and sprint back, making 4 continuous round trips. Equipment: Athletic field or court and stop watch Note: One half gasser should be completed in 20 seconds.

6) Lateral Shuffle and Sprint:

Procedure: Start in a two-point stance. Lateral shuffle 5 to 10 yards, turn and sprint to finish line. Equipment: Athletic field or court

7) Lean Fall Runs:

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Procedure: Start in a two-point stance. Come up on your toes with your body in line (abs tight and hips forward) and start to lean fall. As you lean fall, take a first step and sprint out of it. Try to lean further each time so that your first step has to react quicker. Alternate which foot does the first step. Equipment: Athletic field or court

8) Partner Get Ups: Procedure: Start in a push up position. One athlete starts slightly behind the other and is the chaser. On “Go”, both athletes get up and sprint to the finish line. The chaser is trying to tag the other athlete before getting to the finish line. Equipment: Athletic field or court and two athletes

9) Partner Lean Falls: Procedure: Start with you and your partner facing each other. Have your partner place his/her hands on the front of your shoulders with arms extended. You will come up on your toes and start leaning into your partner’s hands (keep your abs tight and hips forward). Lean until you think you wouldn’t be able to get your first step out quick enough. Have your partner hold you at this position, until he/she says “Go”. At that point, your partner will move to the side, out of your way, you will sprint out. Try to lean further each time so that your first step has to react quicker. Communication is very important here. Know which direction (left or right) your partner is going to move. If your partner moves out of the way to your left, you should step out first with your RIGHT foot. If your partner moves out of the way to your right, you should step out first with your LEFT foot. Alternate which foot does the first step. Equipment: Athletic field or court and two athletes

10) Pyramid Run:

Procedure: Sprint between 2 markers 20 yards apart completing as many levels as possible. Complete up to level 4 or 5. Level 1: Sprint up & back in max 7-8 sec Level 2: Sprint up & back twice in max 16 sec Level 3: Sprint up & back 3 times in max 23-24 sec Level 4: Sprint up & back 4 times in 32 sec Level 5: Sprint up & back 5 times in 41 sec You can not proceed to the next level without completing the previous level in allotted time. After working up to level 4 or 5, repeat each level working down to level 1 (i.e., after completing level 5, repeat level 5 again, then 4, then 3, then 2, then 1 all in the specified times). Equipment: Athletic field or court, stopwatch, and 2 cones

11) Suicides: Procedure: Start in a two-point stance on the basketball court baseline. Sprint continuously to the free-throw line and back, to half court and back, to the far free-throw line and back, and to the far baseline and back. Equipment: Basketball court

12) Tennis Ball Drops:

Procedure: Start in a two-point stance. Sprint and catch a tennis ball before the second bounce. Start at 3 yards away from the ball dropper and move back each time until you can no longer catch the ball before the second bounce. Equipment: Tennis balls and a person to drop the ball.

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Note: To make the drill more challenging, you could use a crazy ball instead of tennis balls.

13) Tennis Ball Drops with Turn:

Procedure: Start in a two-point stance with your back to the ball dropper. When the dropper says “Go”, turn, sprint, and catch the ball before the second bounce. Start at 3 yards away from the ball dropper and move away from the dropper each time until you can no longer catch the ball before the second bounce. Make sure to perform the drill turning both directions. Equipment: Tennis balls and a person to drop the ball. Note: To make the drill more challenging, you could use a crazy ball instead of tennis balls.

14) Track Endurance Drill: Procedure: Perform 1.5 mile run, 1.0 mile run, 660 yard run, 440 yard run, and 220 yard run. Run designated laps around track. Record time. For the first two runs (1.5 mile and 1mile), rest the amount of time it took you to complete the run. For the final 3 runs (660yd, 440yd, and 220yd), rest three times the amount it took you to complete the run.

Equipment: Track and stop watch

15) Volleyball 360 Drill: Procedure: Start in an athletic stance on the service line of a volleyball court. Sprint continuously to the 10 foot (3 M) line and back, center line and back, far 10 foot (3 M) line and back, and far service line and back. Without stopping, repeat starting with the opposite service line, working your way back down. Equipment: Volleyball court

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Run the following distances under the times set and rest the indicated time between each sprint.


1) 10 yard sprint 2 seconds 10 seconds

2) 10 yard sprint 2 seconds 10 seconds

3) 20 yard sprint 3 seconds 15 seconds

4) 20 yard sprint 3 seconds 15 seconds

5) 40 yard sprint 6 seconds 20 seconds

6) 40 yard sprint 6 seconds 20 seconds

7) 60 yard sprint 9 seconds 30 seconds

8) 60 yard sprint 9 seconds 30 seconds

9) 80 yard sprint 12 seconds 40 seconds

10) 80 yard sprint 12 seconds 40 seconds

11) 100 yard sprint 15 seconds 45 seconds

12) 100 yard sprint 15 seconds 45 seconds


14) 100 yard sprint 15 seconds 45 seconds

15) 100 yard sprint 15 seconds 45 seconds

16) 90 yard sprint 13 seconds 40 seconds

17) 90 yard sprint 13 seconds 40 seconds

18) 70 yard sprint 10 seconds 35 seconds

19) 70 yard sprint 10 seconds 35 seconds

20) 50 yard sprint 7 seconds 25 seconds

21) 50 yard sprint 7 seconds 25 seconds

22) 30 yard sprint 4 seconds 15 seconds

23) 30 yard sprint 4 seconds 15 seconds

24) 10 yard sprint 2 seconds 10 seconds

25) 10 yard sprint 2 seconds 10 seconds