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Excellent Tips to Quite Smoking

Smoking is a bad habit. It causes cancer and many other diseases.

Specifically it also causes mouth cancer, cancer of the larynx, pancreas, bladder and cervix. Smoking also raises the peril of lung disease such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis. These diseases are also known as COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Even female smokers can develop heart attack and blood clots in the leg.

Smoking may get scared to know that Prostate and breast cancer are more likely to appear among lady smokers. While withdrawing from smoking one may suffer from lack of sleep and there could be tightness in the chest, slight sore throat, coughing with mucus, bad breath and headaches.

Do you want to control over smoking habit? one must practice the following.

•Start with joining a good gym.

•Practice muscle toning and building of lean muscles.

•Go for a swim, brisk walk, running, cycling deep breathing exercises, etc.

•Watch a great comedy video or show and tickle your funny bones that will relax you from this kind of fatigue.

•Listen to fatigue control motivating cassettes.

•While exercising tightens all of your body parts and relax.

•Opt for a healthy diet consisting of pulses, green vegetables and salads.

•Lessen sugar and salt from your diet and visit your dietician frequently.

•Listen to classical music along with nature's natural sound.

•Meditate and put your focus on one word that makes you stress free.

•Drive your way to soothing and calm beaches, forest and meadow as well as to hill stations.

•Enjoy people's company and try to have conversation about other topics.

•An activity like sailing, painting, yoga, does reduce aggression.

•Have a good bath with aromatic oils.

•Make new friends, do your piece of social work. So, help others.

•Some hospitals conduct stress reduction classes. Call to get timings about next sessions.

•Hypnotize various body parts and relax them one by one.

practicing good habits diligently free one from the shadows of cigarette smoking in Before late