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Excel Templates to accompany Operations Management, Ninth Edition

created by Lee Tangedahl

Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Instructions for Using Excel Templates


General Instructions


Excel Templates to accompany Operations Management, Ninth Edition

created by Lee Tangedahl

Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Description of Excel Template Workbooks


The Excel templates are saved in Excel workbooks, or files (e.g. "ch02_excel.xlt"). "Ch02" is

the name of the workbook (or file) and .xlt is the extension for a template workbook. The only

real difference between a template workbook and a "normal" Excel workbook (with a .xls

extension) occurs when you save a template workbook - a digit will be added to the name

(e.g. "ch04s_excel.xlt" will be saved as "ch04s_excel1.xls").

An Excel workbook is made up of worksheets (or pages), each worksheet has a name

which appears on the tab at the bottom of the screen. You can move from one worksheet

to another by clicking on a worksheet tab or a hyperlink, for example the hyperlink to the

right will take you back to the table of contents worksheet. <Back

There is a student workbook for each chapter, or chapter supplement, and each workbook

contains a table of contents (on the first worksheet) and one or more individual templates

(each on a separate worksheet). For example, "ch02_excel.xlt" is the student workbook for

Chapter 2 and it contains one template - Productivity. The complete list of templates is

shown in the Index worksheet of this workbook. In addition to the table of contents and

individual templates, each student workbook contains a worksheet with the copies of the

examples in the text and a worksheet with copies of the solved problems in the

text. The copies show the data and results but do not contain formulas, buttons, or

graphs and cannot be manipulated. The data may be copied from these worksheets and

pasted into the appropriate template.

There is also an instructor workbook for each chapter or chapter supplement. For

example, "ch02_excel_instructor.xlt" is the instructor workbook for Chapter 2. Each instructor

workbook also contains a table of contents and individual templates. But unlike the

student workbooks, each example and solved problem is in the instructor workbook as an

actual template instead of as a copy. As a template, each example and solved problem is

ready to demonstrate in class using a computer and projector. Note that an example or

solved problem template is just a "repeat" of an individual template with the data already

entered. Each instructor workbook also contains one worksheet with lecture suggestions

and one or more worksheets with copies of the end-of-chapter problems. If you want to

manipulate an end-of-chapter problem in a template, you must enter the data into the

appropriate template, either by typing or by copying and pasting.


General Instructions


Software Requirements

These templates are written for Excel 2003, the templates can be used with earlier versions of

Excel with a few features disabled.

Display Resolution

These templates were created for a display resolution setting of 1024 x 768 pixels but can be

used with other settings. Use View/Zoom in Excel to fit a template to the screen size for a

different resolution.

Setting Macro Security

Most templates contain macro instructions, to run these macro instructions, you must set

macro security medium (use the command Tools/Macro/Security/Medium in Excel).

Using the Templates

The templates are contained in Excel workbooks, one workbook for each chapter or chapter

supplement (e.g. Chap8S.xlt contains the templates for the Supplement to Chapter 8). To use a

specific template, open the workbook for the appropriate chapter and select the template

in the index (first worksheet) or on the worksheet tab (at the bottom of the Excel screen).

Entering Data

Enter data only in cells which are shaded like the cell to the right. Input Area

You can enter formulas and cell references with an equal sign (e.g. =5*.243/12 or =H3) and you

can link a template with another worksheet by using a cell reference to the other worksheet

(e.g. =Sheet1!H3).

Deleting Data

To remove data from shaded cells, select the cell(s) and press delete, do not enter a space or

zero because many templates will distinguish between a blank cell and a cell containing the

space character or zero. Many templates have a Clear button which will delete all input data.

Copy/Pasting Data

When you copy data and paste it into the input (i.e. shaded) area of a template, you should use

Paste Special Values to avoid changing the formatting in the template.

You can copy any part (i.e. data or results) or all of a template and paste it into another


Programmed Buttons

Programmed buttons (see right) will allow you to clear the data from a

template or to solve the current problem entered in a template - just press it.

Spinner buttons allow convenient incrementing of certain parameters and x = 50

may appear without a variable increment (see right) or with a variable

increment (see right below). Pressing the spinner button will increment or

decrement the parameter (x in both examples) either by a fixed amount or x = 15.1

by a variable amount (Dx = .1 in the second example). You must enter Dx = 0.1

your desired value for a variable increment - try it out.


You may also enter data into the parameter (x in these examples) directly without using the

spinner button.

After pressing a programmed button, you may have to select any cell in the worksheet to

re-activate the worksheet (check it out on one of the buttons above).


Some of the templates have notes for using the template. The notes are at Notes

the bottom of the template and there may be a hyperlink (e.g. see at right) at

the top of the screen to take you down to the notes.

Making a copy of a Template

You can copy an entire template by right-clicking on the worksheet tab and selecting Move or

Copy.... You can put the copy into the same workbook or a different workbook, you should

check Create Copy to copy rather than move the template. The resulting copy will function

exactly the same as the original template, including the programmed buttons.

Inserting a Blank Worksheet

You can insert a blank worksheet into a template workbook by right-clicking on the worksheet tab

of a template and selecting Insert.... The blank worksheet can be used, for example, to perform

intermediate calculations or to link templates. You can also enter formulas (e.g. intermediate

calculations) in the template worksheet itself, using cells to the right or below the template


Printing a Template

You can print a template by pressing the Print task button or using the File Print command.

Examples and Solved Problems

Data for the examples and solved problems in the text are provided in the student workbook for

each chapter. You must enter the data into the shaded area of the appropriate template, either

by typing or by Copy and Paste Special Values.

Saving a Template File

These templates are saved as Excel template (.xlt) files, so if you make changes and save your

file, a number will be added to the end of the file name and your file will be workbook file (e.g.

Chap4S.xlt becomes Chap4S1.xls).

Using Trial and Error or Goal Seek

Some problems may require trial and error (e.g. changing the smoothing constant to achieve the

lowest MAD), spinner buttons are frequently provided to facilitate such trial and error.

Other problems are solved "backwards" (e.g. what service level results from a reorder point of

125). While trial and error will work, using the Excel command Tools Goal Seek will often get a

more accurate solution faster. To use Goal Seek, first enter values for all parameters that you

know, enter a reasonable guess for the parameter you don't know (e.g. service level), and then

use the command Tools Goal Seek to set the goal (e.g. reorder point to 125) by changing the cell

(e.g. service level).

Using Solver

Some templates (i.e. Transportation in Chap8S and Chap 14,and Assignment in Chap17) use the

Excel Add-In Solver. You must use the Tools Add-Ins command to add in Solver before using

these templates. You may solve (i.e. optimize) the problem by pressing the Solve button or

using the Tools Solver command. See notes at the bottom of these templates

Round off

There are several types of round off. First, a digital computer represents numbers as digital

numbers of fixed length, and may introduce a computer round off error, but this error is extremely

small and it would be extremely unlikely to notice it in these templates. Second, the Solver

Add-In has a set precision which also results in an extremely small round off error (e.g.

1.234E-10) and these numbers may be treated as zero. Third, the templates do not round off

numbers, but the textbook does (e.g. probabilities for the normal distribution are rounded off to 4

places), this will result in small but noticeable differences between results in templates and the



Excel Templates to accompany Operations Management, Ninth Edition

created by Lee Tangedahl

Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.<Back

Index of Templates

Chapter Chapter

2 Competitiveness, Strategy, and Productivity 10S Acceptance Sampling

Productivity Acceptance Sampling - Binomial Distribution

3 Forecasting 12 Inventory Management

Moving Average ABC Classification System

Exponential Smoothing Basic EOQ Model

Linear Trend Equation Economic EPQ Model

Trend Adj Exp Smoothing Quantity Discounts

Compute Seasonal Indexes ROP with EOQ Ordering

Trend and Seasonal Fixed Order Interval Model

Simple Linear Regression Single Period Model

Forecast Accuracy and Control

13 Aggregate Planning

4S Reliability Aggregate Planning

Reliability Transportation Model

MTBF - Exponential Distrbution Master Scheduling

Service Life - Normal Distribution


14 MRP and ERP

5 Capacity Planning Component Requirements

Efficiency MRP

Process Requirements Capacity Requirements Planning

Breakeven Analysis

Comparative Breakeven Analysis 15 JIT and Lean Operations

Level Capacity Loading

5S Decision Theory

Payoff Table 15S Maintenance

Decision Tree Expected Number of Breakdowns

Sensitivity Analysis

16 Scheduling

6 Process Design and Facility Layout Assignment Model

Line Balancing Job Sequencing

Min Transportation Distance Johnson's Rule

Cyclical Scheduling

7 Design of Work Systems

Normal and Standard Times 17 Project Management

Sample size Pert/CPM with Deterministic Time Estimates

Pert/CPM, Probabilistic Time Estimates

7S Learning Curves Pert/CPM, Probabilistic Completion Time

Learning Curves Time-Cost Tradeoffs: Crashing

8 Location Planning and Analysis 18 Waiting Lines

Locational Cost-Profit-Volume Analysis Single Channel Model

Center of Gravity Method Multiple Channel Model

Multiple Priorities Model

8S Transportation Model Finite Source Model

Transportation Model

10 Quality Control

Normal Distribution

Mean Control Chart (s known)

Mean Control Chart (s unknown)

Range Control Chart



Runs Tests

Process Capability
