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Thursday, 25 April, 13Sit in. Rosa Parkes refused to leave the “whites only” area of the bus in Montgomery Alabama.Her action was the start of a 381 boycott of the bus service in Montgomery by African Americans and allies. This is the strategy. This issue was one of many issues that led to the Supreme Court decision to ban segregation.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Students for a Free Tibet posted images of the Tibet on buildings in key cities during the lead up to the Olympics in China.This is a tactic.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Stop the Cuts organized a protest in City Hall demanding that the City expand not cut subsidized child care spots. The kids asked Rob and Doug Ford to pinky-swear they wouldn’t cut services.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Stop the Cuts organized a day long strategic planning session where residents of Toronto came and decided what they want City Council to save during the budget negotiations.This is a tactic.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic. Rainforest Action Network sent out a petition asking people to support the girl scouts who were trying to convince the Girls Scouts USA to make their cookies with palm-free oil. This campaign was very successful and Girl Scouts USA agreed to source their oil elsewhere, and not from plantations that were contributing to the destruction of forests in Indonesia.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Here are the two girl scouts.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic. Lobbying meeting. Energy Action Coalition meets with Obama to demand the Obama Administration invest in green energy and drop fossil fuels.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic. The Energy Action Coalition organizes a big rally at Congress in Washington DC to demand Congress invest in green energy and solve climate change.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic. Report card. This group put together a questionnaire and asked all the parties where they stand on specific issues. Then they published the report. This is a great tactic to execute during an election campaign where elected officials are most vulnerable.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic. During the protests in Seattle against the World Trade Organization and its plan to reduce tariffs, activists submitted a ‘fake’ paper in news boxes throughout the city.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic. Mayoral debate. A non-profit, Habitat for Humanity Toronto, organized a mayoral debate and asked mayoral candidates to attend. The candidates were asked questions about what they would do to tackle affordable housing.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Strategy / mega tactic. Climate Action Network invited Christina Bose, a teenager from the Solomon Islands, to talk to Canadians in Toronto about how climate change was flooding her island.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic. Climate Action Network organized a bike ride from Windsor to Toronto, stopping at MPs offices along the way, demanding they take action on climate change.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Climate Action Network members gave some MPs (mainly Conservative ones) an award for being the “Best at Being the Worst On Climate Change”.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic. Climate activists occupied the offices of Finance Minister, Jim Flaherty’s offices to protest the Conservative Government’s inaction on climate change.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Senate page, Bridget DePape, protests the Harper Government during the Throne Speech in 2011.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13The Coalition of Immokalee Workers created this visual for the back drop of a press conference with former UN High Commissioner for H.R. Mary Robinson who was speaking in support of the CIW Taco Bell boycott at the Yum Brands annual shareholders meeting in Louisville, KY Spring 2004. The pyramid represents the number of tomatoes workers pick to earn $50 pay. The campaign successfully pressured Taco Bell to pay their suppliers more so farmers could get a pay increase.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic. This campaign invited high profile people to live on social assistance for a week in order to raise welfare rates in Ontario.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic. No One Is Illegal and other groups organized a rally to pressure Immigration Canada to let Alvaro, a refugee claimant, stay in Canada instead of being deported back to Mexico and face persecution for being gay. Alvaro got to stay.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13100 people gathered in prayer and protest outside, Alabama anti-immigrant law HB 56 sponsor, Sen. Beason’s church on Sunday.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic. Members of the United Auto Workers Union used a form of non-cooperation called a sit-down strike, to force General Motors to raise their wages and recognize unions within the auto industry.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic. SEIU workers organize a sit-in in downtown San Francisco to demand building owners pay security workers a living wage.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Activists wear a beautiful costume at a biotech conference in Sacramento to protest genetic engineering.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Activists “hang” themselves off a Shell gas station sign to protest Shell’s links with the Nigerian army who killed activists protesting a Shell refinery in Nigeria. The activists were asking for less pollution and access to jobs. This person is sitting in a harness, by the way.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic. Rainforest Action Network asked people to design ads that simulated but mocked (ad jamming) Chevron’s latest ad campaign. For more go to:

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Thursday, 25 April, 13

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic. Activist group, Bay Rising, organizes a direct action outside the headquarters of Chevron in San Ramon to protest the company’s involvement in securing Iraq’s oil fields.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic. This is an image created by over 500 people to draw attention to the plight of whales.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Picket. Tactic. This was during the 1968 Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike led by Martin Luther King Jr.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13US athletes TommieSmith and John Carlos won the gold and bronze medals, respectively, in the 200-meter race in the 1968 Mexico City Olympics. As the “Star Spangled Banner” played during the medal ceremony, they each raised one hand, covered by a black glove, in a Black Power salute. Their gesture was meant to bring attention to the conditions of blacks in the United States. The salute resulted in their expulsion from the games.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13After the death of pro-democracy leader Hu Yaobang in mid-1989, students began gathering in Beijing's Tiananmen Square to mourn his passing. Over the course of seven weeks, people from all walks of life joined the group to protest for greater freedom. The Chinese government deployed military tanks on June 4 to squelch the growing demonstration and randomly shot into the crowds, killing more than 200 people. One lone, defiant man walked onto the road and stood directly in front of the line of tanks, weaving from side to side to block the tanks and even climbing on top of the first tank at one point in an attempt to get inside. The man's identity remains a mystery. Some say he was killed; others believe him to be in hiding in Taiwan.Read more:,29307,1906434,00.html#ixzz1Zl0oX1yb

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Thursday, 25 April, 13ACTUP New York occupies Bruno's office in Albany to demand access to aids drugs. Diane Greene Lent

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Thursday, 25 April, 13

On new year’s day 1994, the Zapatista national liberation army (EZLN) declared war on Mexico in the interests of indigenous rights.

From December 2000 to April 2001, the Zapatistas and the National Indigenous Congress of Mexico marched from the state of Chiapas to the capital, Mexico city. The march was part of a campaign to demand the establishment of a national indigenous congress and to lay out a bill of rights for indigenous people. The bottom picture is an image of thousands of people converging on the Zocalo in Mexico City at the end of the long march, in 2001.

The EZLN’s demands were for the following eleven points: work, land, housing, food, health care, education, independence, liberty, democracy, justice, and peace. The Zapatistas have insisted throughout the peace talks and other forums they have sponsored that only a complete transformation of the political system, allowing for an authentic democratic space and for local autonomy, will achieve these demands.

This is what the G8/G20 protests are going to look like.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13More than 500 people protested coal mining and exports currently underway. Newcastle Harbour is already the world’s biggest coal port.Several hundred paddled into the harbour on a fleet of canoes provided by protest organisers. Others brought their own canoes or surfboards, or even homemade rafts.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Last week, mid may in LA. "Disney is printing children's books with paper that is driving the destruction of Indonesia's rainforests," said Robin Averbeck, Rainforest Action Network's Forest Campaigner. "It is past time for Disney to catch up with its peers and adopt a policy that guarantees tiger extinction and deforestation will no longer be found in kids' books or in any products the company sells. Of all companies, Disney should not be harming the earth's real magic kingdoms.""Disney is printing children's books with paper that is driving the destruction of Indonesia's rainforests," said Robin Averbeck, Rainforest Action Network's Forest Campaigner. "It is past time for Disney to catch up with its peers and adopt a policy that guarantees tiger extinction and deforestation will no longer be found in kids' books or in any products the company sells. Of all companies, Disney should not be harming the earth's real magic kingdoms.” Here's one way to get half-lidded 7 a.m. commuters to notice your niche environmental campaign:Dress up as Mickey and Mickey Mouse, chain yourself to the gaudy front gates of Walt Disney studios and force a team of local police officers to cut you loose and haul you down to the station.Sergeant Mitchell Ross at the Burbank Police Department says the protesters were arrested for trespassing this morning, but (staying in the character of giant cuddly mice) "were not resistant." Two accomplices in climbing gear and Mickey Mouse hats had climbed onto the iconic Disney archway, where they stretched 35-foot banner reading "Disney: Destroying Indonesia's Rainforests."'Twas a sight to see, no doubt:

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic. Letter from Grassy Narrows Band Council to the Ontario Government telling to them stop allowing logging on their territory.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic/strategy. Members of Grassy Narrows blockade the road that trucks use to access their forests to log. All trucks stopped accessing this area as a result of the ongoing blockade that continues to this day.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic/strategy. Members of Grassy Narrows blockade the road that trucks use to access their forests to log. All trucks stopped accessing this area as a result of the ongoing blockade that continues to this day.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Activists travel up to Grassy Narrows territory to participate in a two-month internship to support Grassy Narrows’ campaign.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Activists blockade the Transcanada Highway to stop logging on Grassy Narrows’ land, Summer 2006. Tactic.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Activists occupy new logging roads for three days to stop logging in a remote corner of Grassy Narrows’ territory.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Activists display projected images on buildings around Seattle just before Weyerhaeuser’s Annual General Meeting. Weyerhaeuser is logging on the territory of Grassy Narrows.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic. Report. RAN releases a report linking wood from Grassy Narrows to homes being built in Seattle.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13This is one of those homes.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Members of Grassy Narrows travel to Seattle and occupy the home of a house built using wood from their territory.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Grassy Narrows supporters hang a banner of the Weyerhaeuser subsidiary (Quadrant) that builds the homes from Grassy Narrows’ wood.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Activists protest and speak to customers outside a store that sells paper made from wood from Grassy Narrows.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Tactic. Activists speak to customers and rally outside a store that sells paper made from Grassy Narrows’ wood.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Activists set up a teepee outside Queen’s Park to demand the Government respect the right of Grassy Narrows to say no to logging on their territory.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Inside the teepee.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Supporters make a giant banner and point it at Queen’s Park to demand the Government respect native rights and allow communities like the KI First Nation and Grassy Narrows to say no to industrial development on their territory. This was during the election of the McGuinty Government.

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Thursday, 25 April, 13Grassy Narrows supporters organize a large meal of traditional foods, including wild rice from Grassy Narrows’ territory. This meal took place at the start of a court case that Grassy Narrows initiated stating that the Ontario Government has no jurisdiction to issue logging licenses to companies to log on their land.