Download - Evolution delusion of Reachard Dawkins

Page 1: Evolution delusion of Reachard Dawkins


Sam Hard-to-understand: RD, dude, you did not mention about me on this presentation. I am a joker, thinker, best at being evasive through my three-days-later-understandable analogies and BJJ. Richard Darwinkins: Sorry, chap! This David guy prepared this presentation. He is a believer.

Dear readers!

My sincere apology goes to Sam Hard-to-understand (It is not Sam Harris,) and Daniel Betterbe (not Denette) Especially to Sam who contributes a lot to evolution with his calm, knowledgeable and moral attitudes(!) ,and to compensate for my mistake, I put his photo first, a photo where Sam fails to convince a believer that we came from a fish and now he is trying his BJJ on him as a final resort.

Sam Hard-to-understand’s jokes/analogies;

1.Sam: RD, dude, Good news! I could not find God in the Science lab! . RD: I told you chap! There is no God! We proved it, then, I declare “God does not exist!”

2.The Bible says all people who do not believe in Jesus will go ho hell? What about the people in India? They will go to hell too? They do not know about Jesus. This is unjust. So God does not exist(!) then we can conclude that we came from a fish(!)

3.God is allowing the children to die thus God is unjust. Therefore God does not exist(!)

4.Miracles of evolution(!)

Solar system happened out of a Big bang: Explosion resulted in order and design.

400 thousand species came from a soup! So did all vegetables and fruits and plants.

Apes turned into human being, different races, cultures and languages.

5. That we came from a soup is reasonable, but God’s creation of all species and human being is not reasonable or prophets’ miracles, nor Jesus’ miracles are not reasonable either(!). Well, let’s see!

To be continued. (The questions above will be discussed at the last part of presentation)

Page 2: Evolution delusion of Reachard Dawkins

Reason & Logic vs. Evolution delusion

Is evolution a made-up story? Richard Darwinkins’ impossible dream.

Welcome to our site.(Side?) We will talk about evolution. Our discussion is to see whether Reason & Logic and science are against Evolution Theory (ET)or NOT. We will prove that evolution theory even is not a theory but just a fairy tale judging on its illogical assumptions and unreasonable claims, which lack of reason and logic.

Reason & Logic and FACTS are the foundation of Science and it is the first step of the ladder of science; If evolution can’t take first step, it can’t climb up higher. In other words, we all admit that there are designs, orders, CORRELATION, COOPERATION, HARMONY IN LIVES OF 400 THUSAND SPECIES AND IN universe and Solar system, so are IN the INTERPRETATIONS OF CREATION LIKE Biology, Physics, Thermodynamics, Chemistry, Ecology, Geology, zoology. Then who is the designer? Evolution or Intelligence designer, God? Imagine that we are in the court of Truth and our judge is Reason Logic.

Our jury members are the branches of said science above and world people. We will allow you to see whether ET assumptions are logical or not. Please read it sitting in a comfy armchair with a cup of coffee and clear mind. Let’s the wheels of Truth spin up:

Evolution delusion; Life begins with an acid rain coming from rocks in Space.

Once upon time, Long ago, far away, far, far away there was nothing but nothing, no existence. Suddenly out of this nothing(!) (We have no idea how the first matter happened in the beginning though, (but no worries, Dawkins comforts us; he is working on it) there was a big bang. Then planets were formed and popped up like popcorn out of this Big Gang, sorry, Big Bang! Through all planets’ crashing into each other by luck, coincidences, random chances and survival of the fittest, a perfect solar system and galaxies just happened in a perfect design: A solar system in which all the planets are located in their orbits with perfect location and necessary distance. Gotcha? Nope!



The galaxies and well-designed and well-calculated solar system just happened after an explosion and through evolution? Chaos bears Chaos not design!

If the earth were a bit near to the sun we would be fried chicken or a bit farther from the sun, we would be icicles. So the question is how come the planets hit each other and strong ones survived and by luck, coincidences and chances, and then a perfect design in solar system could come out? Take 10 marbles and throw them on the floor and see what odds we are going to have to make a similar a solar system?

So one million dollar question, who designed the universe?

Or a mini model of solar system needs a maker but the real one does not need maker?

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Knockdown questions about ET! 1. Scientists agree that this world is engineered; DNA is pure engineering, so are atoms and atom-liked designed solar systems. So, who is the conscious engineer that can create alive things consciously? Coincidences, luck, chance? Conscious creation demands a conscious creator! 2. Tilting the earth in right angle, the speed of the earth and its spinning around itself and orbiting the sun to make nights & days and years for humans, just happened by luck and chances and luck? Earth’s solar system is located on the outer edge on the Milky Way, about 28,000 light years from the center of the galaxy. Most of the Milky Way’s 200 billion other stars and their planets are clustered in the center. This leads many scientists to believe that if the solar system were located more toward the center of our giant galaxy, life on Earth would be impossible because of the overwhelming heat and energy emitting from those stars? So who designed it?, 3.The earth has been rotating around itself and orbiting the sun! Who spins it? We keep saying it’s been spinning but we never think that where that spinning energy comes from? Our kids will spin their spin-top by themselves or they will put it on the ground and it will spin itself?

4. How do you explain all kinds of vegetables, fruits, animals, and humans, just came from a worm?

. Delusional evolution Family tree

Granny water worm is trying to make family tree for evolution(!)

Water worm granny: My grandkids please line up in order. We will make a family tree. Everybody will find his partner that evolves from and pair up with him. Monkey: Granny, I found my pair; it is banana! Water worm: Don’t make jokes! I have got 400 thousand species and fruits and vegies to pair up! Penguin: Did I evolve from you, Peacock? Peacock: Don’t you look in the mirror! You are so ugly and I am so beautiful! Hippo: What are you doing on my head, hamster? Hamster: Are you my evolving partner? We look like each other! Hippo: Oh boy, five minutes ago a pig came up with that stupid question, now you did the same. Get out of my head and be gone!

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Giraffe: Hi Goat! I guess you are my partner! You look like me! And you stretch your neck too. Goat: I aint look like you! We are different! Even I would play in MBA I cannot be like you! So beat it! Giraffe: Hi deer! (Dear) My partner! Deer: In your dreams, you giraffe boy! I have got antlers and you wanna try them on you? Giraffe: But we look like each other! Deer: Look Pal! This is you and this is me! How possible that I will change into you? They make stories if they see any small tiny similarities in look of animals! They have some kind of “Eureka” attitude if they find any resemblance, then, there you, evolution pops up! Oh boy! God help us!

Penguin: Dear granny. I feel really bored! Can I play in the primordial pond, please! Water worm: Nope! There are amino acids trying to figure out their right and left hands! Elephant! I can’t find my pair! Scorpion: In your size I couldn’t either! But I found mine! Come here little ant! You look like me! Human being: Monkey, can you do the shopping for me! I need to do my homework! Monkey: Are you kidding me? Monkeys at the supermarket shopping around with a shopping list in their hands? I don’t have self-conscious like you to lead your life consciously! I can steal banana and hit the road and go ape! Hey Hitchens, don’t even think about it. It is my banana. Water worm: Penguin, get out of that primordial pond; You are confusing amino acids. Oh God! Hitchins, stop chasing that monkey! I will give you another banana! Oh God, help me, please! TV Host: Sir, my question was how evolution explained transition period of species? Daniel Betterbe: If the world is full of atheists, it will be much better! I am telling you! TV Host: Your answer is irrelevant and audiences are started dozing off, Daniel, please back to Earth. Waterworm: Elephant, stop chasing the giraffe; It is not your evolving partner. Hey Kangaroo, what are you doing? Drop that Rabbit! It is not your partner! Good God.

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Eagle: Dear granny, who is my partner? There are almost 10500 kinds of birds! Water worm: I will lose my mind! You know what! I just quit! I will run away from this mess(Mad)ness! I will go do some business! Bear: Sheep, please don’t run away! You are my partner! We look like each other! You have got hair; I have got hair! I just pour this black paint all over you then there we go we are evolving partner! Okay? Size does matter! So does logic!

Oh Boy! Comparing the species to one another makes my logic wear out. Hi crab! How are you! What? You feel weird? Tell me about it. I will cut the crap(b). The whale is not your grandkid! Elephant; Hey ant, Why do I have a big brain and you have got a small one! Aunt(Ant): My Dear! It is just evolution. Selfishy Genes and natural selection! Elephant: What does evolution mean, ant? Aunt(ant): That means you and I are cousins: You changed into me because of selfish genes! Elephant: Pardon me? Humming bird: Mum, can I play with my granny, Dinosaur? Mother humming bird: Are you crazy? It is gonna use you as a tooth pick! Baby pig: Mum, can I play with the hippo? Mummy pig: Are you kidding? Baby pig: but, mum, it looks like us! We are like cousins! Mummy Pig: Your teacher is still teaching those fairy tale stories that all animals changed from one into another? Oh! Dear! Don’t go near them. They will eat you for their lunch! Each species is unique in its own kind; there is no way that one kind will change into another one!

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5. The sun has been burning for thousand years for Earth! Who formulated

the reaction of nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium in Sun’s core? Without any gas, coal or oil and smoke how has it been heating us like a big heater and giving its color and its light to give life to the plants and vegetables on Earth? God who created the vegetables, trees or plants consciously, knowing that they would need the light and heat as well, thus, created the Sun as a big heater to serve them and relatively humans. The huge heater like sun which has been burning like a very big fire ball out in the sky, and it is not under command of anyone but random chances and luck? That is scary! But is indeed; It has been serving human without hurting them! Tomato get red colour and cucumber gets green colur under the sunlight while being grown: That is amazing!

How big sun is this? How small the earth is? So who made this amazing heater and located the earth in the correct and right suitable distance from it? Evolution?

Darwinkins’ grandparents visit him in his house:

Grandparents: My dear RD how are you? You look so tired? Richard Darwinkins(RD): I just came back from USA. Grandparents: Oh Dear! You keep travelling! Be careful about your health. You have bought a heater yourself. Weather is very cold these days. What brand is it? It looks very good.

(RD): No! It just happened by luck and chances!

Grandparents: No, not again!(Grannies looking at each other worriedly whispering) “This kid, I am telling ya, one day, will lose it completely, I am afraid!” My dear, how is that possible! That heater cannot happen by chances and luck. Somebody made it!

(RD): There was a scrapyard at the backyard and from that backyard, that heater came into existence through a hurricane. Kinda of complex! It is luck, chance and coincidences that made it. You would not understand it.

Grandparents: Luck? Nothing will come into existence without any design and itself! My dear! Your idea is totally irrational. But if you insist on that, that is okay. Don’t be upset! So what we are going to have for breakfast? Luck and chances will make it or you will make it?

(RD): Grannies! You are teasing me!

Grandparents: Just for fun. Take it easy. Please don’t wear yourself out that much to prove that we came from a water worm(they are smirking). Get a life.

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6. How come an amazing order, communication, cooperation and correlation among plants, animals and humans came out by chances?

Trees work like a washing machine for air and provide us with oxygen. Trees take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen; rain and sunlight work with each other through an amazing divine cooperation to make oxygen for humans. This amazing design cannot be explained by luck and chances or coincidence but God’s creation and design.

There is an amazing connection and correlation between the earth and sky; that cannot be explained by luck and random chances. Claiming that all these amazing order, cooperation and communication among creatures just happened by evolution is just to insult our logic and reason.

Our earth is like a very big ship that swims in the sea of Aether or Ether: Otherwise, our laws state that light-waves canNOT travel through space without it! We could not watch TV or satellite communications would not happen. And those stars canNOT move that fast without it. So that perfect Ether happened by evolution as well to make life easy for humans? results_main

A luxury cruise ship requires a maker, designer, food supplier etc. while our ship like earth spinning around itself with 25000/24 or just over 1000 miles per hour (Earth is also moving around the Sun at about 67,000 miles per hour.) and with all life conditions, sun, heat, vegetables, servant like animals ready to serve has no maker, no designer, no provider?

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AN ASSUMPTIONAL ET CONVERSATION – Let’s have a fun break. Evolution theory( ET): Hey primordial soup? Quickly please! Mutate or change! Hurry up!

Primordial soup(PS): Why are you rushing? I am just trying to communicate with amino acids! Hey amino acids! What it took you so long?

Amino acids: We cannot figure out which is right and which one is left? We are confused!

PS: Oh boy! It is gonna be a very long evolution? Amino acids cannot figure out which one is right and left hand?

ET: I do not care! Tell him to be quick. I should evolve 400 thousand species. This is not a tale!

PS: Not a tale? It will be very soon! How was it in sky? You evolved all planets and solar system?

ET: Not really. I tried my best but I failed in space! Instead God created them. If I failed on earth too, Richard Darwinkins and maybe Darwin will kill me! There they go; they are coming.

Darwin: Everything is done?

ET: No Sir. We have got a problem with amino acids’ right hand and left hand thing!

Darwinkins: I told you to ask help from luck, coincidences and random chances?

ET: No offence, but they cannot think of anything about it; you know; they can’t think and act.

Darwin: Look son, I am on the side of the world and now I know that God exists. Please give up on evolution theory. I just made up a fantasy and some people took it too seriously. In my time, I even could not figure out the evolution of an EYE either. Please forget what I said.

Darwinkins: Eye does not matter! Just from simplicity, from soup, to complexity, to an eye!

Darwin: From a piece of metal to a Canon camera, Ha! Oh boy! God help you!

Darwinkins: A watch/camera is manufactured out of other materials. Life was the result of complex biological processes. The comparison to the lucky construction of a watch/camera is fallacious because proponents of evolution do not consider evolution "lucky"; rather than luck, the evolution of human life is the result of billions of years of natural selection.

Darwin: Any designed items/things like watches, cameras, eyes, or solar system or man-made model solar system, surely, have a design to come into existence. So if there is a design then there must be a designer! If a scrap metal comes into a camera by natural selection or luck then, a lovely soup can change into an eye too! By the way, if a human being’s evolution needs billions of years’ natural selection, can you do the math for how much time is needed for 400 thousand species’ evolution? Oh, son, just quit on these vocabulary; Billions of years, complex, random, luck, selection blind, chance, selfish, natural! and don’t play with the words to be evasive. you look not LUCKY BUT FUNNY!

Scrap of metal can change into a Canon by chances? Nope! Man-factured

Neither a soup can change into a more than best camera like eyes!


Page 9: Evolution delusion of Reachard Dawkins

Amazing servant-like animals!

On cruise-ship like planet, servant-like animals work for humans: chickens that eat dirt but give us nutritious eggs or cows and sheep eat green grass but give us white delicious milk or bees travel from one flower to another to collect nectar to make honey for us. There is life on earth and life conditions provided for humans while other planets have no life and life conditions. This can’t be explained again luck and chances or coincidences, or mutation.

Cows and sheep eat green grass but give us white milk like a servant! They serve human beings not only with their milk but also their meat, skin and wool. You can think of the rest.

Cheese from milk Clothes from Beef from Cow Leather clothes from sheep’s wool cow skin Indeed we are surround by these God’s blessings but we are not aware of these magical things since we get used to them. What happens if the sun does NOT rise from the east ONE morning? Or Bees will say that they will not work for humans anymore( I like the Bee movie a lot) Or one day our stomach would go for a strike, what would we do? Some parts of our body work on with our wills but some of them work through the signals (neurons) coming from our best computer like brain. Indeed when we look in mirror, we see the best proof of creation there. A human being who can walk, talk, think, produce etc. How excited are we when we see a robot that can talk with us? What about a human being? A robot needs a designer but a human has no designer?

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So Reachhard (sorry, Richard) Darwinkins continues to have delusions;

There was an accidental acid rain from rocks in sky and that acid rain made a single cell in a pond or soup. ET‘s famous Primordial soup - According to ET(evolution theory), this soup contains 400 thousand species. From this soup, Whales, elephant mosquitos, humans, tigers, chickens sheep, you just name it, came into existence through evolution(!) That single cell changed or mutated by luck and chances and there we go, we have a lovely water worm; Please take off your hats and greet your water worm as your great great great great…….. grandfather.

I donna wanna go on this funny story like water worm changed into frogs that changed into lizards that changed into big birds that changed into dinosaurs that changed into donkeys,(OH BOY I AM LOSING IT I KNOW. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GO FOR EVOLUTION TREE)) horses changed into dogs that changed into apes which changed into humans by Self-selecting, self-thinking and acting selfish genes or natural selection with gang name, Blind watchmaker, and there we go we have 400 thousand species with different colours and DNA structures(!) Does it make sense? Is it logical? Hold it tight; all vegetables and Fruits come from water worm too? Please don’t tell me potato evolved into watermelon!



Sorry, Darwin, Survival of the fittest. Your photo just survived.

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IF THERE IS AN ART, THERE MUST BE AN ARTIST. Imagine that we are visiting a very big art exhibition center, which has 400 thousand paintings of animals, planets vegetables, trees, solar system, human being etc. The paintings are so beautiful and alive. We just admit that the artist who made all these paintings so amazing. We praise the Artist a lot; while we are clapping for the artist, one guy screams and shouts and stomps on his feet mumbling that there is no artist, la la la; and he worse claims that all 400 thousand paintings come from one single drop of paint (which came from sky)that changed and changed through natural selection, luck and chances and finally 400 thousand paintings came out with the frames. Very soon mental doctors come and take him away. How come even the paintings of the creatures, animals, plants, humans and solar system need an artist, but the real ones, alive ones have no creator? Art exhibition with 400 thousands paintings of human and animals.

Our evolution guys sings

“La, la la , no creator! Just a small drop of and this painting came evolved into other colours out and this painting - evolved into 400 thousand paintings.

So our La la la NO creator guy ends up in mental Hospital to be cured by Doctor Logic and Reason.

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EVOLUTION DELUSIONS FOR FUN: To the evolution our daily life would be so funny:

Customer: Excuse me RD, when can my furniture set be ready? Richard darwinkins: Your piece of wood is still under evolution process; you have to wait for a while for that piece of wood to evolve into your furniture set, okay! No worries! Customer: But I have been waiting for 6 million years; No furniture yet! Richard darwinkins: Sorry about that but our workers Selfish genes and Mr Blind watchmaker are still working on it and once they are ready, I will evolve, sorry, inform you! Customer: Why do we have to wait for that long? Richard darwinkins; Look mate! It is really too complex and hard to understand so you could not figure out. Read my books okay! Oh, Boy! You are so impatient! You just waited for 6 billion years! Reason and Logic: Dear customer, there is a carpenter shop over there; They can make it what- ever you want. Please go there. Please excuse RD. He is really tired and confused as well. It is not easy to give seminars, lectures, writing books or travels from one place another to prove that we came from a LOVELY water worm by unexplainable, too complicated, random chances and coincidences. He cannot answer logical questions; He either gets evasive, having humor in his own way to satisfy his super ego or playing dumb and clueless? Let me handle with RD. Richard Darwinkins: Go read my books and science books! (This is another cliché used by ET followers as if Science approves ET.) Mr Logic and Reason: I read yours that is why I am talking! If the letters of your book can come together by itself or coincidences or through evolution of a letter into an alphabet, and then mixing up that alphabet in a logical order to write your books, then I will agree with you! What about a book-like each unique species written in DNA compiled in Genomic library through genetic alphabet has no writer? It just happened by evolution?

Who created 400 hundred thousand book like species with their DNAs: evolution, luck and chances, or genes? The alphabet of species or alphabet letters of species cannot come together on their own to write a book. Genes are the letters NOT THE WRITER!

The 400 thousand species and universe are the best books to be written/made (created) by God. If there is a book, there must be a writer. If there is a book-like creation, there must be a writer/creator. What part is confusing you dear? We are really worried about you and we do not want you to end up, saying “La La La no creator, No creator.” Richard darwinkins: (gets angry); Look pal! Get out of my way! Hitchins where are you? Mr Logic and Reason: Sorry Mate! This is my job to stand in the way for illogical ideas. Please make up your mind. Face the truth! Don’t wear yourself out writing books giving seminars to prove that you are not deluding! Your delusion is totally against ME and you are destined to lose this battle with ME. Is it logical to unscramble letters of alphabet letter and make 400 thousand books by, coincidences and chance? Nope! Neither are the genes (alphabet of DNA) that can evolve into 400 thousand book-like species by themselves or blind random chances, mutations and luck!

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NATURE IS NEITHER OUR MOTHER NOR A MAKER. NATURE IS AN ART NOT THE ARTIST. Natural Laws are not Lawmakers; you are confused again. Dear RD, I am worried about you!

UNCONSCIOUS LUCK, CHANCES OR COINCIDENCE OR A SELF-CONSCIOUS CARPENTER A BLIND STORY Customer: Excuse me! When can you make my custom made watch? Blind watchmaker: Let me put my glasses on; You’re saying? Customer: You are blind and what on earth for those glasses are for? How can you make watches? Blind watchmaker: Glasses are my fashion! I have got helpers; Coincidence, Luck and Chances and Plenty of time! Customer: Excuse me! You are holding my nose! Blind watchmaker: Sorry I thought it is my tweezers! Customer: Even you have no design! Blind watchmaker: I have no design, no plan and no purpose. I am so random and time is on my side, Time is on my side; Within time, no worries! I will make your watch. Customer: Now you started singing! God! So how long do I have to wait for? Blind watchmaker: You see that piece metal; that one will evolve into the pieces of watch gradually a gradual process, you would not understand) then within time, with the help of my loyal helpers, Selfish gene, and natural selection, I will make your watch and other watches; Customer: Oh boy! It seems to be forever. Why do you choose to be a watchmaker? You are blind. Blind watchmaker: I don’t know either! This Richard Darwinkins guy is pushing me to be like that! Customer: Oh my dear! Poor guy! Can I call Reason and Logic? Blind watchmaker: No please if he hears that I am asking Logic and Reason’s help, this Darwinkins guy will make me mute and deaf too. I will be worse than before and will become a subject of stand-up comedians. Customer: I see. How can I help you? Blind watchmaker: Nobody can help me unless I am falsified! Please, can you go and buy some watches from watch shop across from the street for me; You can buy yours there too.

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Customer: Buy some for you Why is that? Blind watchmaker: If RD comes and sees no watches are made, he gets angry; he is losing it. He asks ‘why’ question again and again, you know the movie Tomstone, Kurt Russell’s line, “Why?” Customer: That is weird, ha! Blind watchmaker: Tell me about it! Poor RD. He is deluded so badly. He asked me as well to make 400 thousand different electronics goods. Even I cannot make a watch! Selfish gene just ran away when it hears the figure of 400 thousand; It says, it is just a gene, unconscious A BRICK OF LIFE with the divine data coded in itself to pass it to next generation in its assigned species. It is NOT BRICK MAKER OR brick builder. It is just a brick of the creation.



Evolution Tale or Our lovely soup Nope! He is not RD Blind watchmaker. Oops! E.T: Extra - Tales He is not blind. We could Not find a blind one.

Well, I FEEL WEIRD OR SHOULD Seeing Shrink is unavoidable Random chances; Evolution exists I SAY NO COMMENT! If you have ET delusions Does not exist. Final stage of stubborn evolution guys.

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Did we come from apes? As we see in picture clearly, not million years but even billion

years can pass but this ape cannot change into a human! A human can think, act wisely and consciously. Self-Conscious is a divine gift for human beings where animals do not have it. Animals act with a divine instinct. That’s why we differentiate from apes; they do not have self-conscious humans have!


A Tale of Two Monkeys (apes) who are talking in their own language(!) A hairy story about hair as well! Monkey 1: Oh man now what is next? Monkey 2: We have to evolve into human being! First we have to hit our face to each other so that the hair on our face can fall out. But we should keep the hair on our head. This is the job description. Monkey 1: What are you doing? Monkey 3: Eating worms! Monkey 1: Are you out of your mind? If Richard Darwinkins sees it, you are in trouble. You are eating your great grandfather! Monkey 3: But it is delicious! Monkey 2: Okay, focus on falling out the hair, we have to learn to walk up straight as well. Monkey 1: Oh boy this is gonna be hard. I like to walk on my forearms? This does not make sense. Monkey 2: We have to figure out human languages and create the alphabets too! Monkey 1: How is that possible? We are animals. We have just animal instinct given by God! We have no self-conscious. Can random chances, luck and evolution can help us? Monkey 2: Even they don’t exist! How come non-existing things will help to make something exist? Did you say God? Oh mate! if Darwinkins hears of it, you are history! Monkey 1: But why are we into this evolution thing? We are different. We will be still staying as apes forever and we did so far unchanged! So what is this “ Apes will become humans” story about? Monkey 2: You are really disobeying evolution theory. We have to turn into African, later, African will turn into Chinese, white people, Blondes etc. through climate and weather(!)

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Monkey 1: How come climate and weather can change the genetic code of humans! Hot weather can change only the skin color. This is a primary school topic. Darwinkins is considering suntan as evolution. That is funny. Besides how can the apes have a dramatic change? I don't want to move to Africa! Please stop hitting my face! Monkey 2: Come over here! You are full of hair that should be gone and be fallen out good! Monkey 1: No way. It will grow back anyways. And I like being hairy the way God created me! Monkey 2: Come up here! Walk straight on your feet. Oh Boy! We have to learn to read, write, think and act accordingly the same way humans do! And I have no idea how we will be civilized; we are still eating our great grandfathers. Maybe he is right! I just should enjoy myself being a monkey!

Evolution checklist; Richard Darwinkins RD: (Talking to evolution) Solar system galaxies are done my ET? Evolution tale (ET); Done! RD: What about Acid rain from sky, my dear ET? ET: Already rained. We just made a small pond there. RD: What about our dummy amino acid? Did it find its left hand? ET: No Problem! Thanks random chances, it found its left-hand. RD: What about my unforgettable DNA soup, sweetheart? ET: Ready to serve! Just kidding. RD: 400 hundred thousand species evolved? ET: Perfectly! Now elephant is measuring up the ant’s brain size! RD: Nice! Monkeys evolved into human race by falling our all hair except their head? ET: Yep! But a few just ran into the forest. They wanted to stay as monkeys! RD: Good! Then we can get rid of the questions why we have monkeys today! What about other races, of humans and their languages and cultures? Are all they evolved? ET: No worries! Just we had a problem with Chinese language. It has 2000 characters so it took some time to change into other languages but no problem now! RD: Yes! That is it. I made it. I made it. We made it my ET. We made it. I am the best thinker! Wife: Richard, Richard, wake up. Honey! You are talking in your dream again! I made the breakfast. RD: Not again! Was it a dream? My blind faith, when are you going to make my dreams come true? Wife: Richard, hon, I told you to have another hobby. This one is really wearing you out!

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Mind-boggling questions

How can the apes change into To be or not to be! That Blondies even would not believe many races and able to create many is the question to be held. in evolution either. Languages and able to have self- conscious to lead their lives logically.


Monkey business! Monkey 1: Hey! When we are half human and half monkey, how our babies will be looking like? Monkey 2: No idea! How can I learn to think and have the skills humans will have? Any ideas? Monkey 1: Nope! I am confused as well. We have animal instincts. Will I be turning into Chinese man first? Let me check the list! Nope! African first? I don’t know how can I change into African first and dark skin! Even they have curly hair? We have to move to Africa first! Monkey 2: Hair is easy. We can go to the hairdresser! For skin, we can stay under the sun. But our body is full of hair? How we are going to get rid of them? Monkey 1: It beats me! I have to turn into human being first and then African Chinese, Blondes, white and different races; I do not have a genes treasure like the first human ADAM had! I am just an ape! And figuring out other races’ languages, civilizations and their cultures! God! This evolution thing drives me banana. By the way, do you have any navigator to find the directions to Africa? Sheep: I survived I survived. The survival of the fittest does not bother me! Monkey 2: Oh Boy, this evolution is getting messed up so badly.

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This page is dedicated to very important accomplice of Evolution Tale; . GENES

Please be patient: we are just waiting for Blind watchmaker to select the letters evolutionarily below in the GENES POOL or asking Genes’ to make groups finish this page! Let’s see! I will be back to this page after five days pass! Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyz!

Five Days later It has already 5 days passed and as we see the letters above are untouched. And we can wait forever but nothing will change. I feel weird when I waited for the letters above to be a paragraph by natural selection that has a nick name Blind watchmaker or Selfish(y) genes. But Richard darwinkins claim that 400 thousand different species with different DNA books came out by blind watchmaker and selfish genes that are able to think and write each species’ DNA book without confusing them(!) It is like same thing that the alphabet above will unscramble all by themselves and make a paragraph. Or a computer chips will act on his own and change into an Iphone 5! Because computer chips have a sudden accidental tendency to become a mobile phone; like the same way lions who eat meat change into antelopes because of Lions’ genes’ accidental urge to eat grass. I have to stop here otherwise our reason and Logic will go bankruptcy. Well no further comments!

Sorry this is NOT GENE’s pool but Reason & Logic and Science Pool


but they are not brick builder! Or Genes are the alphabet of Life; They are not the


Their duty is to be a brick and pass the

info to next generation

are the bricks of Life

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Chaotic, Random very very delusionary evolution fairy tales William Paley: My God! I found a watch. It is so beautiful! The watchmaker should be a skilled one.

Darwinkins: Now this guy will go make an analogy and refer to God as the maker of the universe! I have to steal it. (and he grabs the watch from William and runs away)

William Paley: RD come back here! I promise, I won’t mention God. Oh boy! Gone with the Wind!

Darwinkins: I got the watch ha ha ha! (then he tumbles over a bag of cement and some bricks on the street). What is this? Hmm there must be construction of building around! This is the sign.

Lion: I am really tired of eating meat!

Blind watchmaker: Go to the Genes pool. They can help you.

Lion: (It goes to Genes Pool)Dear Genes, please help me. I want to eat grass, please!

Gene1: There we go, another animal. Call that Blind watchmaker. He keeps sending animals here to change into another animal. This is crazy. We can’t do that! He is losing it now!

Gene 2: Tell me about it. Last time a pig came here and asked me to change him into an eagle! He says he wants to fly because of his genes’ accidental urge to fly. I just told him that Pigs might fly.

Ugly duck: Hello Genes! Please help me! I want to be a peacock. Any peacock genes available!

Bat: Please genes help me; I want to be a pigeon. I am tired of hanging down and ugly!

Gene 1: This evolution thing is getting out of hand; they think that we are GENIES in fairy tales!

Gene 2: That will fit in the evolution since it is called as a fairy tale!

An Eye tale to be eyed carefully Primordial soup: Can you check the do-evolution list? Blind watchmaker: Well, 400 hundred species and fruits, vegies and the hardest one is human being!

Primordial soup: 400 hundred thousand species and Human being? Are you out of your mind? How can I do that? Blind watchmaker: Darwinkins say, I have powers like natural selection and time! Time is on my side. Primordial soup: For God’s sake! How your natural selection will help me to make a beautiful eye as the best camera on the earth that works and cooperates with Human memory amazingly. What does RD think? Am I witch in a fairy tale and I am gonna stir up soup and there you go, an eye will pop up? Blind watchmaker: I am really tired of it. I really want to jump off the cliff to see the truth! (It jumps) And he screams; I found the gravity! Gravity exists! Is this gravity, the truth? RD Help! RD: You blind thing! Are you out of your mind? You are not stone! Who pushed you! God?

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Cicada(s) vs Evolution Amazing insect cicadas and their circle of life knocks down evolution with their perfect life cycle; The female and male mate each other, and after that the females lay their eggs in the branches of trees, the holes, they made earlier. and the females fade away ending their 2-3 week lives after they emerged from the soil. And the eggs, after a few months, are hatched, and they drop down with their size of a grain rice from the branches of the trees to the ground and they find a way to burrow away from the ground to the underground, and amazingly either they stay underground either for 13 years or 17 years. After seventeen years, they emerge from the ground in billions and to mate again! This is the life circle of cicadas, amazing insects, the most populated one, and the living the longest one. One of the beautiful creation of God.

Click the link please!

Darwinkins: Objection. They are insects: their genes are shaped to be survival underground. They are not creation of God! Cicadas 1: Creation of what? What is that genes thing that shape us about? Excuse me! Mr! We are God-driven insects that act with divine instincts! Darwinkins: No you are not! You came from a fish! Your ancestor is a fish! Cicadas 2: Who is this guy dear?

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Cicadas 1: NO idea; he keeps saying that we came from a fish. And he says genes taught us how to survive! Cicadas 2: Geez! Genes are non-living matter that is able to build us; with they can’t even think! They are the alphabet of creations in their cells. They are not book writer, they are the letters of book! He is also confusing the sea with soil, poor guy! Darwinkins: Stop talking! What is this funny thing about? You can’t talk and even you can’t think! You are insects! Cicadas 1: Oh Chap! You are saying that genes can do everything as a non-living matter and insects cannot talk as a living creature! Well you started it. This is an delusionary conversion like your evolution idea and we go with the flow!

A FISH(Y) STORY – self judgment and self evaluation of ET

Richard Darwinkins: These faith heads claim that God created Adam, the first human being and he had the genes of all races and those genes spread through his children, thus, we have different races and colors today! So we have to have a counter claim that Fish, our great grandpa had all the genes of 400 thousand species and humans and its different races!

Daniel Betterbe: It would be better not to be going that way! According to the believers, God created Adam and other animals separately; it is very smooth task; ours is very irrational. How can we find so many kinds of genes in the fish?

Sam hard-to understand: Oh poor Daniel! Let me make an analogy! If the fisherman has got a fish to catch it, then, fisherman and fish has got a connection? Gotcha?

Richard D: Sam, please! not again! Stop making analogies! Even I do not understand them. We have enough problems now! Hitchins did you get the fish?

Christopher Hitchins: RD I bought a trout, is it okay? I could not find an ancestor fish?

Darwinkins: Oh Mate!..?????????????? Toward the end of this fish story! Hitchins: Richa’d! A question has been boggling my mind recently! What if we are wrong? What if God exists? Richard: Then we are doomed, old Chap! We are really doomed!

HItchins: I am thinking about this world and Heaven, you know I am dying. I have just kinda of this feeling that I feel a creator and design in all this world. Maybe I am getting closer the truth.

Richard: Please don’t give another deathbed story the same way Darwin did it! I am having hard time to cover it up and be evasive.

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Creation of a baby in mother’s womb cannot be explained by luck and chances but GOD’s creation!

If we look in mirror, we would see that how beautifully we are created. Our body parts are created or portioned wisely and beautifully. Our ears are NOT on our shoulders! Or our eyes are NOT located at the back of our heads? How can unconscious, luck, chances or coincidences which are defined with one phrase ” disorder and chaos” can make our well-portioned and well designed self-conscious body with souls? This part is just for punch line for a final knockout for evolution. The book of DNA

Genetic letters background: Different Unique In each DNA, Pairing up letters in They can’t be written/matched Fingerprints of each ladders with correct match cannot

by luck and chances each human being be explained by coincidence

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Only some of Amazing divine/scientific facts about DNA A human cell consists of 100 trillion cells! Each human cell has one DNA molecule withtwo strands. The genome is entirety of an organism's hereditary information. It is encoded in DNA. The genome includes the genes as well. There are an estimated 20,000 to 25,000 genes in our genome. Each genome contains all of the information needed to build and maintain that organism. In humans, a copy of the entire genome—more than 3 billion DNA base pairs—is contained in all cells that have a nucleus. In other words, each genome consisted of 3 billion genetic letters to keep the information belonged to its body. That is, each genome is a library that keeps the information about our body. DNA is the “blueprint” of life.

If you unwrap all the DNA you have in all your cells, you could reach the moon 6000 times!

Human genome/library has 3 billion letters: how come the letters of DNA alphabet of a cell can come together by chance and coincidence in correct order and sequence to make a creature? Closing argument: Nothing happens by itself. Design needs designer. An art needs and artist. Creation needs a creator.

RD and his followers compare religion and Science as if they are different. One RD follower claims that Evolution theory is a scientific idea and adds up how come religion can get involved in creation; This is ironic. God created all galaxies, universe, solar system and our earth with his Ultimate knowledge, science, wisdom and determined will and calculation. If we look into solar system, we will see that there will be an amazing calculation about the location of the earth, its spinning around itself or orbiting the Sun to make days and nights or years. If we look at the gravity to get us stuck to earth which has been spinning with a great speed like a very big ship, and it would be normal that we should have been thrown out of earth, but we are not, since we have gravity.

If we look at our body working system, we see that amazing biology; correlation and communication between our brain and other parts of our body cannot be explained by evolution.

Shortly, all these amazing calculations of the Math in solar system, perfect biology in our body parts and animals’ circle of life, Physics in shield like seven layers around the earth to protect it from meteors or radiation or thermo-dynamics that can be seen in every act of creation that demand a creator NOT random chances and coincidences. Science is the language of God to explain HIS creation and to make people understand it correctly so that they can maintain their lives safely and comfortably. We just try to understand that language within time to make our lives better.

Without Science, religion is mute, without religion, science will be blind.

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Last session in the court of Truth and RD comes out as speaker for ET. Mr Logic and Reason: So Mr RD, how do you explain this Genome library? Richard darwinkins: (shocked but still ready to be evasive) So easy Mate! Through chance mutations and natural selection, living things evolve. Yet to evolve means to gradually change certain aspects of some living thing until it becomes another type of creature, and this can only be done by changing the genetic information! Mr Logic and Reason: Who changes the information? Richard darwinkins: Luck, chances, coincidences, blind watchmaker, Selfish Gene! Mr Logic and Reason: You are saying that Genes work like a designer and they have divine wisdom and knowledge, and change the genetic info from one species into another one? Oh Boy! You are deluding very badly that unconscious Genes will act consciously and would say “Hmm. There is a water worm in our hands, right dear Blindwatcmaker, then let’s change the genetic code of it for frog upon its request, okay? What do you say dear Coincidence? That is fine with me, mate! Let’s do it.” That is very funny! Genes are like computer chips; They are not computer makers or designers! A plant’s’ genetic code is different! A mosquite’s is different! Or an elephant’s is different! An Ant’s gene will think(!) and say, ‘Himm I wanna be big,” then it would change into elephant’s gene? Oh Boy! We are losing it! Let’s cut it out here! My mate, GENES CANNOT THINK, MAKE DESIGN AND ACT. This is really elementary school biology. Richard Darwinkins: Mate, this is too complex and too complicated to understand! It is luck okay! Mr Logic and Reason: Oh mate! There we go again dodging the question with double C (complicated and complex). There are 400 thousand species on earth, and each of them has different genome with million letters, and the odds for each of them to be written in a book design like to keep the information of its body by luck and chances or your evolution delusion is very odd. Keep in your mind, your evolution idea that has chaos, disorder but no Reason. From chaos and disorder, we cannot have order and design. You cannot explain even one tiny DNA with evolution or luck and chances. Even a DNA beats your evolution idea up so badly! Please give it up. Richard darwinkins: La la la no creator, No creator! Mr Logic and Reason: Oh boy! I told you. Now you completely lost it. Dear Jury members, the branches of the science, so will you have a meeting to make a decision? Jury: No need! Honour, we, all the branches of science, Biology, Physics, thermodynamics, Chemistry, Ecology, Geology, Zoology and related ones, agree that evolution theory is not a theory; it is just full of assumptions which lack of proof, observations, probability and possibility, reason and logic. We find evolution delusion is guilty of insulting science, logic and reason and trying to create chaos in society through unacceptable ideas and assumptions. Mr Logic and Reason: With the power of Law of the court of Truth, I sentence ET, evolution theory, for life without any parole option. It will spend its rest of life in the prison of Improbability and Impossibility. I declare that evolution is just a tale; even it does not have reason and logic a regular tale has in its own way! Case closed.

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1 year later, after this presentation RD and his followers Richard Darwinkins and the number of his followers lessened and lessened, after this presentation was out. Only dozen of them are still stubborn to insist that they came from a water worm. RD and this bunch of followers bought a village in the high mountains of Tibet and built up a lab. They are still trying to get a molecule from a pond. They are on the level of amino acid; they are trying to teach amino acid which is right and which is left, some of them are plucking the daisies leaves saying that Evolution exists, does not exist thing though. For the safety of entire world people, around the village there is perimeter security and there is a world security to check up on RD and his bunch of followers every other two weeks

Sam Hard-to-understand: He is still trying to find God in science lab to prove that God does not exist.

David Chamber After this presentation, he has continued teaching science to the students. He keeps a happy life since he believes that nothing in this universe is purposeless. Every creation has a purpose to be created. And he feels safe and secure in a world that there is a designer and protector who is watching over it, protecting it and observing it every instant.

Selfish Genes: They sued Darwinkins about the fairy tale he made about themselves since he messed with their real duty and identity of them as a brick of each creation. They tell RD that even a primary 1 kid will know the difference between the brick and brick maker and designer; Bricks on their own cannot change, cooperate with other bricks to build a new building. We have got a small cottage and there we go with the help of selfish genes, we have Oxford university? They continued their lives as bricks of each species with Divine command. They keep passing the info of its species to its next generation.

William Paley: He never found a watch again. Even he found one, he hid it from Richard Darwinkins.

Evolution theory With the decision of World scientists committee, ET(Evolution Tale) was shelved in the library of history titled as an idea with has no proof, evidence and scientific foundation. It is next to Darwin’s.

World people Since they have completely ET free days on Earth, no evolution stories, People enjoy their lives and become so happy and joyful and have been leading their lives happily believing that there is a creator, and owner of this world.

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Amino acid 1: Hey buddy which one is right and which one is left? Amino acid 2: It beats me but if we cannot figure out shortly, this RD guy will surely kill us.

Primordial soup = PS It just gave up the idea to make amino acids since it is a failing task. It opened a chicken soup restaurant and it is a fishing bait supplier for fishermEn as well. No worries! The soil at the backyard of restaurant is very rich and is full of worms, not water worms though since they never exist in PS.

Blind watchmaker He had an eye operation; Now he can see it. Nope! He did not open a watch shop. Instead he became a shrink; He is treating people who have delusions with natural selection, ET and selfish genes.

Monkey 1 and Monkey 2

Monkey1: Run monkey run! They are coming.

Monkey 2: Who are coming! RD and Hitchins and Crauss?

Monkey1: Right on! Coming along with an ape! Good God. They shaved the ape’s whole body hair except his head hair. Run monkey run!

Monkey 2: Oh my God! Please help us. Last time my face was full of bruise because of their hitting to get the hair to fall out. They tried to cut my tail as well!

Luck and random chances and coincidences These abstract concepts just have been kept in dictionaries where they belong to.

Final word; While I rest my case, I just inform you that the reason I prepared this presentation is my 13-year-old daughter’ s teacher who tried to teach her that humans came from monkeys. Then I thought about other kids and people in the world! Anyways, my presentation can be used at schools or at any intuitions or the conversations can be role-played by the students.

I also aim to address those people who are really thinking about God’s creation and almost take one further step to believe in HIS creation. I had to use humor because illogical things are always funny. For your information, Richard Darwinkins is not a living personality though he looks like Richard Dawkins! Maybe they are the same person; God knows! I just made up that name combining with the name Darwin; The Darwinkins’ name is the only evolution in the world that evolved from Darwin; He represents a bunch of stubborn atheists who design web pages and on there they exchange their ideas, jokes, praise each other, motivate one another and make absurd assumptions like in a delusional world trying to prove that they are not DELUDING. THEY ARE DELUSION –MOTIVATED people. I am sure that William Makepeace Thackeray would take them in his famous novel “Vanity Fair” if he lived in our times. I hope some day they CAN wake up from their delusional world and see the TRUTH. I might add up some extra readings at the end of the presentation. God bless you all and I wish and pray that Evolution free days can wait for you along with that happiness, peace, harmony (please no luck and chances) and joy that can fill in your lives! David Chamber email: [email protected]

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Intelligence Quotes from intelligence scientists on Intelligent designer

This most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.” By Isaac Newton (“General Scholium,” in Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, I.Newton. 1687)

“The human mind is not capable of grasping the Universe. We are like a little child entering a huge library. The walls are covered to the ceilings with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written these books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. But the child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books - a mysterious order that it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects.

Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.

“The statistical probability that organic structures and the most precisely harmonized reactions that typify living organisms would be generated by accident is zero.” By Ilya Prigogine (Chemist-Physicist) Recipient of two Nobel Prizes in chemistry I. Prigogine, N. Gregair, A. Babbyabtz, Physics Today 25, pp. 23-28

“...How surprising it is that the laws of nature and the initial conditions of the universe should allow for the existence of beings who could observe it. Life as we know it would be impossible if any one of several physical quantities had slightly different values.” By Professor Steven Weinberg (Nobel Laureate in High Energy Physics [a field of science that deals with the very early universe], -Scientific Journal.)

. “If you equate the probability of the birth of a bacteria cell to chance assembly of its atoms, eternity will not suffice to produce one… Faced with the enormous sum of lucky draws behind the success of the evolutionary game, one may legitimately wonder to what extent this success is actually written into the fabric of the universe.” By Christian de Duve. “A Guided Tour of the Living Cell” (Nobel laureate and organic chemist)

“The really amazing thing is not that life on Earth is balanced on a knife-edge, but that the entire universe is balanced on a knife-edge, and would be total chaos if any of the natural ‘constants’ were off even slightly. You see,” Davies adds, “even if you dismiss man as a chance happening, the fact remains that the universe seems unreasonably suited to the existence of life—almost contrived—you might say a ‘put-up job’.” By Dr. Paul Davies (Noted author and Professor of Theoretical Physics at Adelaide University)

“I find it quite improbable that such order came out of chaos. There has to be some organizing principle. God to me is a mystery but is the explanation for the miracle of existence, why there is something instead of nothing.” By Alan Sandage (Winner of the Crawford prize in astronomy) Willford, J.N. March 12, 1991. Sizing up the Cosmos: An Astronomers Quest. New York Times, p. B9.

“As we look out into the universe and identify the many accidents of physics and astronomy that have worked together to our benefit, it almost seems as if the universe must in some sense have known that we were coming.” By Professor Freeman J. of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton

“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force, which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” By Max Planck (founder of the quantum theory and one of the most important physicists of the 20th century

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“...The capacity of DNA to store information vastly exceeds that of any other known system: it is so efficient that all the information needed to specify an organism as complex as man weighs less than a few thousand millionths of a gram. The information necessary to specify the design of all the species of organisms which have ever existed on the planet…could be held in a teaspoon and there would still be room left for all the information in every book ever written…” By Dr. Michael Denton (Australian microbiologist)

“We are, by astronomical standards, a pampered, cosseted, cherished group of creatures... If the Universe had not been made with the most exacting precision we could never have come into existence. It is my view that these circumstances indicate the universe was created for man to live in. By John O’Keefe (astronomer at NASA) Heeren, F. 1995. Show Me God.

“It is, for example, impossible for evolution to account for the fact than one single cell can carry more data than all the volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica put together.” “It now seems to me that the findings of more than fifty years of DNA research have provided materials for a new and enormously powerful argument to design.” By Anthony Flew Professor of Philosophy, former atheist, author, and debater

“When I began my career as a cosmologist some twenty years ago, I was a convinced atheist. I never in my wildest dreams imagined that one day I would be writing a book purporting to show that the central claims of Judeo-Christian theology are in fact true, that these claims are straightforward deductions of the laws of physics, as we now understand them. I have been forced into these conclusions by the inexorable logic of my own special branch of physics. By Frank Tipler (Professor of Mathematical Physics) Tipler, F.J. 1994. The Physics Of Immortality. New York, Doubleday, Preface.)

“When I went to the moon I was a pragmatic test pilot. But when I saw the planet Earth floating in the vastness of space the presence of divinity became almost palpable and I knew that life in the universe was not just an accident.” By Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14 Astronaut)

“A life-giving factor lies at the centre of the whole machinery and design of the world.” By John Wheeler (American Physicist) Wheeler, John A. “Foreword,” in The Anthropic Cosmological Principle by John D. Barrow and Frank J. Tipler. (Oxford, U. K.

Unexpected visitors

Solar system just came into existence through an explosion. God did not do it. Evolution did it. Lions are ancestors of Antelopes. Elephants and ants are cousins. Time is on my side. Garden demands gardener; But the garden of the Earth does not demand a gardener! When the evolution happened we were not there. This is the evidence for evolution. We were even not there. Probably I exist so does God! Crauss, you got me addicted to slipping the word God out of my mouth. You made me lose my face! Jesus turned water into wine so why my lovely pure primordial soup cannot change into 400 thousand species? I hate Anthony FLEW. I hate DNAs. (Hey! Where are you taking me: Let me go! I still have a lot of things to say to prove that we are the children of Fish. Crauss where are you?) By Richard Darwinkins. An atheist who believes that he came from a soup!

Sorry dear readers, he just sneaked into this category! He just ran away from the security parameter. Very last moment we caught him. We just squared his saying without banning it respecting freedom of speech. We have got really petty, sorry pity on him.

Lowdefence Crauss: If something is absence of nothing then, nothing is something. Evidence of reality is something. Math is based on something but if something is nothing then Math is nothing.

World security: Sarge, we have found the last lost atheist. I am bringing him back to the perimeter. What does he say? Sir, he says nothing!

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A year ago when this presentation was not on, there was a debate between . the believer, David Chamber and Darwinkins & Crauss.

THE believer VS some unbelievable unbelievers


TV Host: We have a debate between the believer and some unbelievers! We have Richard Darwinkins and Lowdefence Crauss representing some unbelievers and David Chamber for the believer’s side!

David: We, believers, believe that God created the universe and solar system and earth with perfectly perfect design, flawlessly. Adam is the first human who possessed the genetic codes of different races like a treasure of Genes in him. God created all different genes in his DNA, and through Adam’s children, those races came out. So we are the children of ADAM and EVE, the first human beings on the earth.

Darwinkins: We believe that we came from a soup! Soup turned into single cell and cell turned into worm and worm turned into fish an fish turned into lizard and so on and on, ending up in apes that turned into humans! We are the children of water worm. But this is ancestor water worm. Or I can say that we are the children of fish!

David: What is your proof for evolution or with Crauss’ wording “Evidence of Reality?”

Darwinkins: A close friend of mine answered the question in the following link. Let’s look at it together!

Darwinkins: Second proof is that we were not there at present when evolution happened!

David: But we were not there as well when God created the universe and first human being. But we have 400 thousand species created by God to prove HIS existence.

Darwinkins: Nope! All species came from a water worm, which is a very rational idea!

David: So you’re saying that ‘WE are the children of fish’ is logical and “humans are the children of Adam” is illogical?

Darwinkins: Can we talk about something else?

Crauss; Yeah! This world is nothing and something is out of nothing!

Darwinkins: LC.(Lowdefence Crauss) don’t go into that jungle! You are embarrassing me!

David: if you do more categorizing like modern animals are our cousins; Ancestor fish is different; Then you need very unbelievable time length you need for evolution?

Lowdefence Crauss: Oh God! Don’t you understand! Time is on our side.

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Darwinkins: The word God slipped again out of your mouth! CRAUSS?

Lowdefence Crauss: Oh God did I? Oops I did again. Sorry RD! I will not slip it again.

David: How did the universe and came into existence!

Lowdefence Crauss: Please RD Let me handle with this question. Okay

Darwinkins: Okay! But watch your mouth!

Lowdefence Crauss: The universe began with nothing. Nothing is something. Absence of nothing is something! But something is not nothing.

Darwinkins: Lowdefence. Let me take it from here! Otherwise you will mess up with evolution. There was a Big bang that came out. From that explosion solar system and galaxies happened.

David: According to the Physics, nothing can start without any cause! Every effect has a cause. So what is the cause for Big bang and how did first matter come from? And explosions are NOT to be able to build something. Design requires a designer. Explosion requires chaos and disorder from which we cannot have design and, order!

Darwinkins: We really don’t know how the first matter started but we are working on it. And big bang is the beauty of complexity, Evolution can do designed things from chaos.

David: So you are saying that there is junkyard and from that junkyard we have a model solar system out of an explosion?

Darwinkins: Yep! Luck and chance, complexity, easy to say from simplicity to complexity.

David: Genes thought, designed and created 400 thousand species, and the space and perfectly designed solar system, and very well shielded the earth with seven layers unknowingly, unconsciously came out with just luck and chances and chaos?

Darwinkins: This is the charming of evolution! Complexity and confused, sorry I mean complicated! Simplicity and complexity.

David: Physics and thermo-dynamics laws say that non-living matter is unable to create any living matter. You are telling world people that there is a simple brick at the beginning then that simple brick multiplied and built the White House up. Or Shakespeare’s Hamlet was written by accidental chances; the letters just came together by themselves or luck and chances to write Hamlet! Please do not cover up illogical evolution theory by playing words or semantics! And do not insult our logic! Darwinkins: Religion is bad! So much hatred and barbarian attitudes.

David: You changed the topic being evasive Indeed, bad examples of each religion is a different issue and have nothing to do with searching the logic and reason in evolution idea, and it does not make your evolution idea true! Keep this in mind; Being evil HAS NO RELIGION, NO RACE AND NO COLOUR.

Darwinkins: Well, we don’t see God!

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David: Well we don’t see your conceptual incapable unable imaginary evolution thing either. But we see God through his art. You know the famous analogy. The Art exhibition and the artist! We have got 400 thousand species, perfectly prepared life conditions for the earth and human being like the best painting, then, there must be a maker who intelligently designed everything to serve humans, and God wants to be known and acknowledged through his Art on this earth!

Darwinkins: But evolution happened billions years ago! If we were there we would see evolution.

David: That is a very funny defense. This is the only proof in your hands?

Darwinkins: We have a few fossils!

David: According to your evolution, there must be many transition fossils like half horse –half dog etc if you consider 400 thousand species! In other words, the earth should be full of transition fossils. Apart from your a few fabricated fossils; by the way some students at an American university found some Dinosaur fossils that belonged to 500 years ago? So?

Darwinkins: That is a disgrace to evolution. Tell the students to change their university.

David: Thank you for you smart answer(!) Why do you keep looking for God in Science Lab?

Darwinkins: If God exists then we should find God as a scientific fact?

David: With you logic, then we should find Leonard Da Vinci inside the painting of Mona Lisa. You cannot find the artist inside in its art! Why are you so blinded? The whole world and universe is God’s Lab in which all species are created and God leads us to work in this lab to make inventions or discoveries to have better life conditions, NOT to scream lab that there is no God!

Darwinkins: Okay! Let’s say that God exists? What about some babies who are born crippled?

David: This is related human being’s life style and how much he follows the manual book of humans, the holy books. God sent upon the prophets with manual book like holy books. We just brought the sickness and abnormal births upon ourselves through the bad influences of civilization, leading a life according to our fleshy desires, like home- sexuality or similar tendencies that resulted in having many sicknesses today! I bet maybe 200 years ago we don’t have any babies born crippled! Briefly everything before was natural but now we are eating food that might be contaminated by radioactive substances because of using nuclear weapons.

Darwinkins: Religion is not scientific. David: Science and Faith are the wings of wisdom/truth. We have faith that God created the universe with His ultimate Knowledge and His creation is based on. We can’t separate Religion from Science. Gravity is a law created by God to make our lives better; otherwise we will be flying in the space. God granted us the science to live our lives physically in the best way and revealed the religions upon us through HIS prophets to live our lives spiritually in the best way. They complete each other; they are compatible with each other! Darwinkins: But the Church in the past clashed with science. They insisted that the earth was flat!

Page 32: Evolution delusion of Reachard Dawkins

David: Why do you keep defending evolution by bad examples or bad time periods of religions. That does not make sense. I say evolution is delusion; it has no logic, and you pop up that all religions had a clash with science in the past or some religious guys are extremists! These are different issues. Bad examples of religions are not a proof that evolution is not a delusion. Darwinkins: How come Jesus changed the water into wine? That does not make sense. It is not hard to believe and it is not scientific! David: Hold your horses! You want us to believe that your soup changed into 400 thousand species and fruits and vegetables, and it makes sense? But that Jesus changed water into wine through God’s almighty power as a miracle does not make sense while the same God created the earth and species and human being, as the best miracles.

FREE WILL-SAM HARD-TO-UNDERSTAND (NOT SAME SORRY SAM HARRIS) SOMEWHERE IN PARKING LOT! (Sam is parking his car and suddenly he sees a grizzly bear) Sam Hard-to understand: Oh my God! a grizzly bear! What am I going to do next? I do not know! Let me call my daddy! (talking to his father) Dad, there is a grizzly bear in front of me Dad! I am so scared! So what should I do now? Any genetic help from your genes, please? It is a mystery. Sam’s father; Run my son run! My Gosh! I told you not to study on this evolution thing. You are messing up badly son. If you do not run, forget about mystery, you will be history! Sam H.: But Dad, I have no free will so are you sure that I have to run away? Sam’s father; This kid will get himself killed. A grade 3 kid: Sir, we have to run away! Come run this way! Sam Hard-to understand: I am sorry I am very late. Traffic Jam and I saw a grizzly bear in parking lot and I am confused about whether I should run or stop!

David: You are the guy who makes a lot of analogies, which are understood three days later, right? And Free will guy.

Sam H: There is no free will. We just act according to genes that passed from our parents!

David: That is interesting! So in this case, all prisoners should be released since they are not guilty.

Sam Hard-to understand: Well, I guess so!

David: Dear Sam, genes cannot think act or build something. They are the smallest creations of God! They are the letters of the book, they are not the writer of the book. They are the bricks of building; they are not the builder of the building. So they pass information to its next generation like hair colour or eye colour etc. In that regard, God gave us free will to hold responsible for what we do in this world. Genes have nothing to do with what we commit in this world. There are very bad fathers but very good sons of them or vice versa. I really feel weird when I say Genes and our deeds are not related. The whole will be full of killers very soon according to your funny claim. Free will is given to us to have the test in this world. It helps us to pass the test or fail the test, it depends on the faith we have, not the genes that passed from our parents! You are very funny!

Page 33: Evolution delusion of Reachard Dawkins

Sam Hard-to understand: If God exists, then why did God not to stop Hitler who killed innocent people because he had free will to do that? Or why are there tsunamis killing many People?

David: First, God does not let any bad people to get away with what they do! They both get punished here and in Heaven. God is so merciful and compassionate that we breathe in and out every second because of one of His blessings, oxygen that is made by trees; You can figure out the rest of the blessing by yourself. What do you know about those people who were killed by Hitler or by Tsunami? Did you see them in heaven? You are considering this world as forever! Nope it is not. This world is temporary and real world is the forever Heaven, and all religions say that the innocent people who were killed by oppressors or in disasters, will have more blessings than a person who died of natural causes. We believe that innocent people killed by any means of disasters, will go to better place than the earth!

Sam Hard-to understand: What about the people In India? Maybe they did not hear any word about Jesus, Moses, Buddha or Mohammed? So it is unfair for them to go hell! Or why does God allow the children to die?

David: You are so ironic! God created you and put the mercy and compassionate in you from HIS MERCY, and now you are trying to be more merciful and more compassionate than God? God will not punish anyone who is not aware of HIM! God will punish those who have no mercy on others and God will have no mercy on them either! God will punish those who consciously insist that God does not exist. You are not in charge of God’ s divine mercy department. Don’t worry! You did not create them but God did it. SO GOD will take care of them through his Mercy.

God who is most merciful and compassionate has endless mercy for those people like Indians who did not hear a word about other religions or they become good people in their lives without hurting anyone on purpose. That is, the most compassionate God will not punish HIS innocent creations since HE even is so merciful in this world with his blessings for humans, then, He will have more blessings for us in Heaven. As for children, innocent children will go directly to paradise, and as a blessing of God, they will stay as children in paradise forever so that they can play with their parents as a divine gift to the parents who lost their kids too early in this world!

Sam Hard-to understand: You talk good! You have an answer for everything.

David: Dear Sam, my answers are coming from holy books; they are divine answers. So I hope some day you can see the truth! Any last comment, Darwinkins?

Darwinkins: I challenge you! If you make entire world believe, except my team, that God exists and evolution is a delusion, then you are right, but you can’t! I am challenging you.

David: Okay! Done deal! I will make a presentation about existence of God and prove that Evolution is a delusion with my God’s help.

Darwinkins: Let’s see what you have! Daniel wake up! Hey Old Chap! You are dozing off again?

Daniel betterbe: What! Where? Did the debate start? Oh dear! It is finished!

Lowdefence Crauss: Daniel, I told you not to eat hermit crab before the debates. It makes you slow, you know, they are kind of our cousins too.

Darwinkins: What if this faith head makes it? I am doomed then!

Page 34: Evolution delusion of Reachard Dawkins

David: Dear readers, I know it was a long way to go for me to prepare this presentation. Searching all the sources etc.! But we came to an end, and I really appreciate and be grateful in advance for your support if you read this presentation and share with others if you think it is useful; You know the reason why I prepared this presentation indeed; Because of my daughter’s teacher who pushed her to believe that she came from monkeys. Then I made this presentation for her and rest of students all over the world and people. I also made another related presentation at . Letter of Truth

Vanity Fair Of course, these horse men will go on their illogical and irrational claims like we are the children of fish or there is no free will or we came from a soup etc because everybody has its own point of view, and this depends on where he stands. If you stand on a place where there is no logic and no reason, and you will have illogical ideas that have no reason and ration. What is next? Hundreds of books, debates, journals, web pages to prove that we came from a fish! The atheists’ attempts to prove that they are not deluding turned out to be a jungle where a lot of their evolution ideas are tangled which cannot be untangled, rather, covering that tangled ideas up by being evasive like playing words or being funny or making jokes. Or can we call all four-horse men attempts as “Vanity Fair”

I finish my presentation with a quote from William M. Thackeray’s Famous Novel “Vanity Fair”

“Ah! Vanitas Vanitatum! Which of us is happy in this world? Which of us has his desire? or, having it, is satisfied?-Come, children, let us shut up the box and the puppets, for our play is played out.”

Caption: Haven’t you heard that Caption invisible: Oops! . you are supposed to stretch after you walk!