Download - EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

Page 1: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.


Student Version

Page 2: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

Today’s Workshop

• Basic grasp of how EViews manages data• Creating Workfiles• Importing data• Running regressions• Performing basic tests• Creating/changing Series• Working with commands

Page 3: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

Thinking About EViews• Workfile

Central place to keep all of your work

• Objects – Series (Numeric, no alpha series in student version)– Equations– Graphs– Groups

*Always comes with series for a constant, c, and residuals, resid

Page 4: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

Workfiles• Creating a Workfile

– File → New → Workfile

• Data StructureTime Series → Dated/Regular → Frequency + Date Range Cross-Sectional → Undated/Irregular → Range of observations

• Save & Name(do not have to do this for this exercise)

• New Pages (Eviews 6)– By clicking on the “New Page” label at the bottom of the Workfile

you can create new pages• Select “By Frequency”

Page 5: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

Exercise #1

• Open the Excel file EViewsLab_data.xls, we will be working with the “Macro” sheet

• Create a new Workfile for today’s workshop

Page 6: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

Importing Data• Copy/Past Method

1. Open new “Empty Group”• Quick → Empty Group• Click on Cell 1 and press the “Up” arrow on keyboard

2. Open Excel• Make sure variable names are one constant “String” (no spaces!)• Troubleshoot for other problems

3. Copy Data4. Paste into Eviews Cell 1

Page 7: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

Exercise #2

• Import data Series from Excel sheet 1: Macro

Page 8: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

Importing Data• Import Directly

1. Count the number of variables and CLOSE Excel file2. Proc →Import →Read Text-Locus-File3. Browse for Excel file4.

Page 9: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

Exercise #3

• Create a new page in the Workfile for the unstructured data in the “Micro” sheet

• Import, directly, the data from the “Micro” sheet

Page 10: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

Descriptive Statistics• Group

– Stores select series together– Object → New Object → Group → Select Series → Name

• Descriptive Statistics– When group spreadsheet is open:– View → Descriptive Statistics → Common Sample

→ Correlogram

Page 11: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

Exercise #3

• Create a group for you INDEPENDENT variables (hint: consumption is your dependent variable)

• Find the Standard Deviation for each variable

• Run a correlation matrix of independent variables to determine if you might have multicolinearity (hint: look if off-diagonal absolute values are bigger than 0.5)

Page 12: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

• Create a new Equation– In your Workfile:– Object → New Object → Equation

Separated by spaces: *Dependent variable *Constant, c *Independent variables (or Group)


Sample Range

Type of Regression

Page 13: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

• Output

• Name = Save to Workfile

Regression Tests & Fixes

Estimate: Modify Regression

This View

Useful to Create Model

To Run Tests

Regression Summary

Coefficient Summary



Page 14: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

• Looking at Residuals– In Equation View:– View → Actual, Fitted, Residual → Actual, Fitted, Residual Table

• Plotting Resid Vs. Fitted Values– Generate fitted values– In Equation View: “Forecast” → OK (is named “variable”f)– In Workfile: Object → New Object → Graph

• Graph: resid “variable”f• Options → Type → Scatter

Regression Tests & Fixes

Page 15: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

• Heteroskedasticity– In Equation View:– View → Residual Tests → White Heteroskedasticity (no cross)– Look at Chi-square value

from a table (want a small value)

– Fix: Click on “Estimate”• Click on “Options” → check box for “Heteroskedasticity consistent

coefficient covarariance” → OK

Regression Tests & Fixes

Page 16: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

• Normality– View → Residual Tests → Histogram-Normality Test– Look at Jarque-Bera stat

– Fix: Depending on skew, you can adjust variables (ex: square, log, etc) or add/delete variables

Regression Tests & Fixes

Page 17: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

• Correlation & Multicolinearity– Create Correlation Matrix:– Quick → Group Statistics → Correlations

– Off-diagonal values should be less than 0.5

– Fix: Talk to your advisor

Regression Tests & Fixes

Page 18: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

Exercise #4

• Plot fitted values vs. residuals• Check for Heteroskedasticity and fix if

necessary• Check for Multicolinearity• Check for Normality

Page 19: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

Changing/Creating Variables

• Edit Mode– In Spreadsheet: Toggle “Edit+/-”– CAREFUL! No “undo”

• Generate new variable– In Workfile:

• Click on “Genr”• Enter equation:“new variable name” = equation

• Regular math function keys• Lag: variable(-1)

Page 20: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

Just for Fun…• Opening a non-excel data file

– Open peacekeeping.txt– Open Excel and open this .txt file from Excel

• Delimitate correctly

• Student Version does not use “alpha” objects (series with words)

• Select only numeric variables or change alpha variables into numeric values

– Import into EViews as before

• Import Directly: Proc →Import →Read Text-Locus-File

Page 21: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.


• Top, Left-Hand “Command Box”

• Single commands • Batch (program)

• Syntax:Command (Option) Argument

Page 22: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

Commands• Frequently Used Commands:

– show variable– genr variable = equation– sample n1 n2

• n1 and n2 represent the start and end of range• Or qualifiers such that:

sample variable if >15

• Statistical Operations:– equation name .ls(h) dependent c independent variables– cor variables– group variables

Page 23: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

Help!• For general instruction or commands:

– EViews PDFs !– Help → Users Guide (pdf)

→ Command & Programming Reference (pdf)

Page 24: EViews Student Version. Today’s Workshop Basic grasp of how EViews manages data Creating Workfiles Importing data Running regressions Performing basic.

All Done!If you would like more, individual help

please see the Technical Statistical Coordinator