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Visiting from Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia


Date 2014.12.2



1. Anna Fitriati, M.Hum, Chairperson of the English Letters Department

2. Dr. Francis Borgias Alip, Senior Lecturer

3. Dr. Bernadine Ria Lestari, Senior Lecturer

4. Dr. F.X. Siswadi Senior Lecturer, Dean of Faculty of Letters

5. Dr. Sri Mulyani, Senior Lecturer

6. Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani, M.Hum., Head of the Language Laboratory

7. Elisa Dwi Wardani, M.Hum. Senior Lecturer, Director of the English

Extension Course

8. Dewi Widyastuti, M.Hum., Senior Lecturer

9. Dr. Gabriel Fajar Sasmita Aji, Senior Lecturer

10. Adventina Putranti, M.Hum., Senior Lecturer

11. Ninik Sumarni, Administration staff

12. Tatang Iskarna, M.Hum., Senior Lecturer

13. Dr. Paulus Sarwoto, Senior Lecturer

14. Maria Ananta, M.Ed. Senior Lecturer, Head of the International Office

15. Fransisca Kristanti, M.Hum., Junior Lecturer

16. Scolastica Wedhowerti, M.Hum., Junior Lecturer

17. Risang Baskara, M.Hum., Junior Lecturer



1. 2013 年 3 月至 6 月 1 名該校學生至文藻擔任交換學生。

2. 與文藻教師進行經驗分享與交流,並洽談合作的可能。

1. A student from Sanata Dharma University studied in Wenzao Ursuline

University of Languages in March – June, 2013.

2. To share teaching experiences with Wenzao faculty and seek possible

collaboration with Wenzao.



� 林潔國際長(左)與(右)Dr. Anna Fitriati, M.Hum 互贈紀念品予。

Dr. Kit Lam, Dean of the Office of International and Cross-strait Cooperation

and Dr. Anna Fitriati, M.Hum, Chairperson of the English Letters Department

gave souvenir to each other.


Dr. Kit Lam hosted the formal discussion.

� 雙方教師進行經驗分享

Teachers from Sanata Dharma University share teaching experiences with

Wenzao faculty.

� 國合處同仁帶領來賓參觀文藻校園

The staff of the Office of International and Cross-strait Cooperation introduced

Wenzao campus to the guests.

