Download - Evening Hearld_1947 … · ^nrtrratrr Enfnhto Jfrratd FBIDAT, AFKIL 4, IJMT | (ibifiTown min fc* «n Important •t U.* Roberlaon Srltool rrvt^mmMy rrm up. April

Page 1: Evening Hearld_1947 … · ^nrtrratrr Enfnhto Jfrratd FBIDAT, AFKIL 4, IJMT | (ibifiTown min fc* «n Important •t U.* Roberlaon Srltool rrvt^mmMy rrm up. April

^nrtrratrr Enfnhto Jfrratd F B ID A T , A F K IL 4, IJMT |

(ibifiTownmin fc* «n Important

•t U.* Roberlaon Srltool rrvt mmMy rrm up. April at I ^plecp fair sH parmta of achod ■pr poO prt-rrf.ool tpr rbikirea Mer*«UiP in tomiliip a PTA. All pamwta arr tinM to attmP.

PI><moriiU Icmplr, P>-thlaB •!#- trra, will hoM ita rrpalar mMtlnf Tutailajr rrcninp at T e'clork In Odd FWlowa Hall followinp which thm will he a public card party at • oVIoch. Mia. Nonmr HIMinp

. will hr chairman.

The American Lrplon Auailiarjr Will hold ita drat monthly rnrrtmp at Uir Lrfion Home on Lr<inard atrart at 8 a'doefc Monday cvminf, ApOl 7.

Tha tagular monthly mrrUnp of tlM Chaminadr Muatral Ctub will he baht Monday (rreninc at S a'Aock in the South Mrtbodlot church. TTia propram la In charpr of Mra. Irene ranter, and wiH be daentad to the life and muatc of Ptapben roatar.

' Mancheater Jueenlla Clranfr will meet toatorrow at 3 p. m and take part In an Baatrr piuciam ahicb haa been planned. ||

Due to the many local paydaya; that were advanced one day for the holiday aaaaon. banka here yea. tipday afternoon and eeentiit kad ah nnnaual pay-chark caohinc rush. |*we or rnainnwra trailed away m m each tefler'a cape mod of thettme.

.Oaad rrtday aerricaa wtB be haM at the Chvanant Oancretatlonal fftinrch tsmgbt at 7:M unlock. Itav. J Or. Ctartat O. iohnaon wlU brtap, » aMaaaga on ‘'lha Otery af the

m il ka by a vealad chair, maa Grata Nalaan mU be, •hdolMM. _____ II

A aon. thalr trat child, waa horn to Mr. and Mra. HaroM Maaeangtr af tS Uanmora drive yantarday at|ha npitfWril boapltal. The bay baa i|ta nnflnd Haratd Oiarga,

' A ll Oub Soouta and thalr Iand>i| M h a the Manchaater dMrIet are;'

tuhuailad m aaaamhli at Armoey tamorrair after*

kht tJdaArioek for dnal ra-| IT tha hBanl Jaaahaoaa. m ha hrtafad an hnai; datallB and CHh hcauul

• chanaa tn parfarm

A datMffht hara «a Mr. and,Taeoidano af 47 Bari,

ly at tha Hartford

notary of •aard atjl U reaMadti

Jaaiaa B. WUaon, tha lacal Ova Oan tha Peat OBMa. wW aay and all aarvtoa man i «a tin an appMration far ary Clark-Carrier, moat 4 t fn Aprtt 7, Maaday.

a ( tha Mmeatlvi Baaid af thai i Phtitet ad tha Chaadl af |

grfMhaa Wami , arm ha haM Than*

diay. AptU A at 10 ;M n m. at Can* tar Ohnrck Houaa, Hartford.

Naatssr atlon of

Uka part In the national I af Army Weak. Dnrini; i

thb tiaan aaiatmanta m il ha, ainMM, aad apodal dhpMya mn ha' m A hy the ariay la vartoua dtiaa: ha aefoalnt tha puhOa artth tha nn- ttanh paoaant mWtary dafaahoa. {


B I M O O T h a i g h t S p. m.




dOCCPB ADAMS Tohphaoa « - ia t





BBMKMBCa!BTa tharh Sna Mothing

If wa rm i Tn He« Tmw raapartv

Why na wnrh aa yhi|^m aadaay*

van wtS ct*v aa a hal*

I atnrt «Mrh aa M rtaht •aw aad M wv fan la adl tt aav warh fat natWna.

lilM WeMiim PbN. Try I'a. - tha OH BaaHfa.


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eProm oar laria atnok o f Navy, BUck add Paatal eotora. tha aaa- aon’a nawaat matarlala: Ton aih aura to.ind pwt what you waaC. iMra far atyla and htwUty. Mhay alM araaaan’a alseo.


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PANTIESXace trim panUaa tn tna gualt^ akoH r a ^ with fuU or half elaatlc tops, Cdora: Whltf or tearqpa- Blaee M to 43.^

$X*00 each

Pina Tax


TOILETRIESHdBTth Sflvt Cofofne.................. 11.00Appld Blogaowfl ColoRne..............$1.00Denari Flowtr Cotonnr............ ..11.23Bond Street Cologne.................. $1.50IrOtoa Irkveiider Cnkigne............. SI.30itthdi Hagic Cologne.................. $1.75April Violet Perfaine.................S2r75

- YoiUiee Clover Toilet Water.........$1.00P W T . . .

-d I > .A-'



A rcrago D ally ClrcBlatlon The the Month ad March, IMT

9335Th e W eatherad O. B «NaHm

MenekeHer ■ 'A City o f VUiaeo Charm

' ■■■i7


Marshall Confers With Bevin Today;

Discuss Progresscoor iMtog < o '-|Rus8ell Wauts

tee Pottin g ' Last M in-.ate Toaches to Re-| C r e e k P c O p l c

Vote on RulepeM fo r Session' on Germany’ s Fnture Pro- yisional GoTemment

Moscow, April 6.—<ff)— British Foreign Secretary Emeflt Bevin conferred with Secretary of State George C. Manhall for 90 minutes over luncheon at Spaaso house to­day. They were believed to have discussed the progress o f the Council of Foreign Mlniatara to date, together mth

jmedble future moves.Plalahlag Vp BepaH

A t the sanm time, the Oouncil’e Coordinating committee was put­ting laat-mlnute touches on s ra-

Srt for today's cooncU aeaalon on t subject of Ocnnany*a fiitun

provMonal govemmenL There waa some epeculetion that

If tha dlacuBslon of this report was flnlohed on time, the mlnlstera might be able to begin a dlaOus- oion of German fron tiara.

In tha mMtlng of deputy foreign mhUaters working on the Austrian paoca treaty today, tha Ruaolaaa uned up mth the United Statee against British aad French de- mande for compensation from Aus­tria for war damage to property of tlM United Nations and their dtlaens.

The British and French deputies faiBlat on compeneation at the rate o f two-thirds of the full value of damaged property, which come In­formants aatimate would coot Auo- tiln about 130:000,000. Hw Ameri* cans contand this would hamper the ecoaomie rehabilitation of tha country.

Some western diplomets pre­dicted today that If the Big Four

^.foreign ministers fail to agree on Germany—oa it appears they may —the United States and Britain would make new efforts to pull the French Into the existing Ameri- eoa-Brittsh ■ ednonite ~ inWf Ui*' of Oenusa occupation aonao.

Dtkwlng dooely Tegather - Shine evidence ima seen that Bm three western nations wera dkpwlng more cloeely together. French eoureea talking privataly mth reporters have called to their attention French Foreign Minis­ter Qeorgaa Bldault’a occasional ngraamenta mth Secretary of lu te MarahaU'a proposals. Amer- leane aad British have tried so hard to neact Bldault's demand for Oenaan coal, said eome oiBclala, that aa agreement on this Issue seems aosuaed.

TTiough their prograaa seemed to have reached a near standstill, tba minlstars trere scheduled to re­turn today to their old dispute over powers to be vested la a prospective Oeraian government

They aklpped a,meeting set for last night becauM' a committrc to prepan on agenda on political prtnclplas was not ipady mth Ita Ttnati.

11m British were ipported try­ing to force a ohowdowa diseus- alen oa tha fEovarnment problem, but moat diplomats weip agreed that no effectlvs movak |o aat up a central govaranMnt tn Germany could be made until baaie econo­mic queetloas had been settled.

The Economic committee o f the Mlniatara’ council waa dtadosad last night to have been la rcceea etnee Tuesday. One autboritatlve Informant said It never would meet again unlaaa somebody pro­duced a really naw proposition.

The hay economic proUam was

(Oenttanad aa Page Tea)• '

Suiteh FallSeen Soon

C h in e s # Government Spearheads Advance to W ithin Few Miles

Nanking. April » —(iP)—Govem- BMnt spearbaada advancing from Teaan under cover of warptoaea wera reported today mthln a feW aaileg of Suiteh, capture of which govamawnt offloen said would virtually and tba dvil war In aorthom Shaaol provtaoe.

Military obaarvara said Suiteh, •4 nUles northeast of Tanaa, fall- an Rod eapital, might ha ea|riured m th ln a few days.

la aolghbortag Shansi provlaca, gorcraiwawt hrfaatry aad eavstry warc reported to have captured Plaglu. SO Briloa aouthwost o f tho aoramm berdor d ty of Tatung. Plaglu guarda the entrance to norUMra Shand from Shenot and its capture would be an important step la the govemmeat'a caai-

' I C w a a a . * — * —71m aewepaper Hein Min Pao

oald Ooauaualota were aaovlag •uppHtfl tato tlM TatbMnf bm)ub« W M on the Sbanal-Hopoh bonier.

Proposes Condition to A m e r i c a n Financial And Military A id ; W ill* ing to Support Plan

Woohlngton, April S—(4V-*«na- tor Rueocll (D., Ga.), proposed to­day that Oongreoa require a new vote by the Greek people on the kind of government they want oa a condition to American financial and military aid.

Ruoaell announced hla general support of a pending 1400,000,000 aaetetance bill deeigned to bolater Greece and Turkey against Com­munism.

Ho llhMions On DemoeracyBut he told a reporter he does

so with no Uhietone that elUwr country now haa a democratic form of government and that be hopes provlalon mU be made for a new plebiedte In Greece when the Senate oonddere the aid meas­ure next week.

*Tm being reallatlo about this.” Ruasall said. ‘I'm not saying that I want to help democracy in Greece and Turiuy, becauae I don't believethe people have it there, for helping democracy

But rm In tho

United Statee.“To do thsL fm willing to help

arm the Turks against our only possible.enemy—Russia. The TUrlu are good fighters and if they are going to stand up against the Rueeiana. who seem to be the only people we are Ukeiy to have any trouble mth, Fm willing to help them.”

Agrees Rale UndemocraUc Senator Taylor (D.. Idaho), a

vigorous opponent at the 3400,- 000.000 aid bm . agreed mth.Rua- aell that the Oreak govenunent la undemocratic. Taylor told a radio audience last night:

T o t us ha clear about this. Amerkmn military aid to Greece is not a crusade to aid democracy, for there Is no democracy tn the Greek government And surely we are not crusading for democracy In supporting the Turkieh Army.”

Taylor, who has proposed mth Senator Pepper (D., Fla.), that the Greek-Turkey problem be turn­ed over to the United Nations, said he sees behind the aid program “an oil grab” to benefit “ American mooopoHea.” Some critics of the proposal contend Ita main value would he to safeguard U. S. oU conceaalona In Arabia.

■eSevea People NH SaUsflei Taylor sold he believes the

American people are not satlafled mth an amendment by Senator Vandenberg (R.. Mich.), giving the U. N. a limited veto on Amer­ican action, becauae it “merely permits the United Nations to eome Into the picture, but does

(Oentinaed ou Fnge Tea)

tOkiMnuad so Page Tkrce^

Murder Case Now Closed

Three Fascists Are Sen­tenced and Two Ac* quitted by Rome Court

Rome, April 8.—<^)—ltal)r’a 3S- ]Aar-old MattootU murder case was marked closed today mth the sentencing of three Faacifta and the acquittal of two othero.-A Rome court laat night con-

vieted Amerigo DunUnl, Amleto Poveromo and Okiseppe Viola of the political IdlUng at aatl-Fasdat Deputy Giacomo Matteottl and aanUnoad them to 30 years tn prison. They had senrod time be- forc for the same crime. The court acquitted CSaate Roaal and Fnmcrcco ^

Tliclr two-month trial wound up a long drawn out prosecution of a list o f accused that ooce num­bered 73, Including Benito Mueeo- Unl—many of them now dead. Earlier to the trial, Filippo FUlp- prill and Flhppo Panaeri had been found guilty of complicity In the ■laytng but had been granted “am* nooty of tha rapubUc.” Auguoto Maloeria. aa eighth defendant, was shown to have died. Viola. FlHp- peOI and Malacria were tried is aheentle.

MattootU. a Soclaliat whooa erlUetoms la Um Chamber of Da- puttee had thraat^Md to topple MuosoUnl'a Faaelat state, vanished June 1, 1S34, and waa found dead and muttlatad near Rome several Weeks later.

On the mtneee stand. Oumini odid be and tour othera soiaad MattootU while the -deputo walked beside the Tiber rtver pear Ms home, boat him ao badlythe died aad carried hla body around in aa automobile for oeven houra hetorc

^Ceattaaed aa Pago Mx>

Two Dead in Freak Sl^eamliner-Slation Crash

Thif view Inside the waiting room of the Burtliigton rnllroad’a atatloa at DowTMr*s Grove, Dl, a suburb of Chicaga ohowa how the MlnneapoUe-to-Chloago Zephyr sliced Into the station after being derailed by a tractor which had fiOlen onto tha tracks. Two persons arera klUed and more than a aooro Injured. (A P wlrephoto).

Says Spellman Being Boomed As PapaV Aide

Tass Asserts S. A. Seeking to Promote’ Cardinal’s Choice as Secretary o f State

London, April 5.—OH—Tarc, the Soviet Nears agency, said today “the U. 8. A. . . . Is seeking to promote” the appointment of Francie Cardinal Spellman, arch- btohop of New Tork, ae Vatican aecretary of otate.

The story did not make clear whether It referred to the United States government or United Statee CatboUca. Before making the atatement. however, Taas oald the VaUcan waa aeonomlcally de­pendent upon “America" berouae. It aoaerted, 80 per cent of Ita In­come came from the U. S. and Canada.

“Notwithstanding Ita economic

(OaaUnuad ao Paga Two)

Wm Not Hand Over Papers

McMahon Says Span* ish Government Must Give* Reasons First

Bnllctin!Madrid. April S—GPi—4^ B

Ckarge d’Aftelrva PMUp Ban- oal made rrprvseatatleae to­day to the Mpaalek Fevelga MtaUatry cwMieralag the olth- drawal cf Ike press aerrcdlta Ueo ef Froarie MeMakea, New Verk poet carreepoodeat. Bao- oal aald ha toM a FarHga Mlatotry affM al “aor feHlag la tkia arntler and so tha treatowat af Mr. McMabaa.” He added that ha axparted “conwlklag drSalta” fraaa tka FarHga Mlalatry aaxt areHb

Madrid. April 8— — Francla E. McMahon, New Tork Poet eor- reepondent In Spain, aaya be will not a'urtender his preae rredentlala until he la Inform ^ by the 8pan- lah government why ^ y are de­manding them.

McMahon, arho arrived here yes­terday from Sevilla artth Former United Statee Vies Consul WllUam Calderhead. told aaaramen lost night that he ares reporting to the American embassy here dally.

The Poet correapondent said that a govvrnnMnt press ropreaen UUva at Savnis had told him that unless ha ourrendarad tba eredaa- Uali, arithout which be canno| work In this country aa a nevia*' paper maa, the police would be eent to get them.

MrMahon oald ha had aoBriaed Paul Tleriney, managing editor of The New York Pant ef the aiUia- tion and that Tie may had In- struetad him to place hlnwalf un­der the protoeUon e f the United SUtee Sag. baeauae an "aectdmit” might occur.

Tomaa Cerro. Spanioh press di­rector, said earner that the de­mand for the post carreapondent’a credenuala waa the raeuR ef a ‘three-meotha campaign ef defa- auttoa“ by tka wriUr.

O rro deacrlbad McMahan’s dUpatebea as “Intolarabla” and —tri that in one at them ha had aoeueed Spanish Foreign Minister Alberto Martin Artajo of "dirty dealings.”

(On Thursday. T. a TTuiekrey. editor and general manager of The Foot requested the U. B StaU dspartaeant to “aoeuia tka personal safety” of McMahon.)

"1 have but one aim In Spain,”

(Oaatlaasd oa Papa Mx>

Chinese Communists KiU Five Americans

Efforts Increased To Mediate Dispute ■

In Phone Industry'Plan Designed to Halt A n y Paralysis Strikes

Attack Marine Artil­lery Supply Depot Near Tangku in Far- Jy Morning Darkness

Peipitif, April 6.—<A*>— Chinese Communists, sweep­ing suddenly out of the esny morning dsrkness, today st- tacked s U. 8. Marine artil-! lery supply depot near Tang- ku, killing five Marines a ^ wounding 16 others, six of whom were not expected to Uva.

Skew Attach ere OeaaaaaMePapera found on the

BlSin attacKcra YcHlWd 'Utey Oommunlata, an offlctal Marine atatement oald.

The etatoment did not mention the number o f caoualUca suffered by the attackers, but Chlnaoe mili­tary offioeni reported 100 of the band killed or wounded.

These offloers aanouneed that 600 government troops from Chlang Kal-ShekV Second Army had been diapatebed from lientatn to aid Marines In tracking down the attackera, whose numbers warc not known.

Evan oa the attackcre faded Into the darkness from which they had struck at a Marine ammunition dump, a heavHy-armed Marine convoy waa made ready at Ttant- otn, 35 mllas to the weeL to set out in pureolt

Stung by the biggest casualty toll in a long series of claohaa with North China Irregulars. CUL Julian N. FrlsMe, oommamlrr of the Fifth Marinre at Pelptas. waa flying to Tlentain to taka, poraonal com­mand.

FIgbttag Regaa Faer HaunA brief Marine ennouncement

eonflrmed that tha flghUng, at Hstnho, five ariloa went of Tangku, raged for four hours and 15 min-

News TidbitsC a M Prsoi A F W livs

utoa beginning at 1:15 a. oS.rnorta of the fighting wen

fragmentary, oaylng that one Ma­rine tank waa dircblad by a land mine, and that aeveral exploainna of etored ammunition rocked tha dump.

Marine flghUr pUnce were called out hut the Chinect had van- lohod before tho airmen could get Into action.

This easM dump waa raklad last Oct. 3 by on eotlamted 300 Cblneoe who wounded a Marine slightly but left several of their oam dead ka- hlnd. They sueeeeded In carrying off some emmunlUon.

That may have been their motive this time, but they found the dump manned by about a company of Marinas from the Fln4 Battalion at the First Marine divlMon.

MwUt — nialiairat“ At 1 ;1S on the morning of April

5.” a brief Marine oUtement said, ”a dtoMdent fbrc« o f unknown numbers attacked the First Ma-

Tnicktng companleo and Teaai- etors oaokle to macli ngrctrnml ea new contract at New London meeting . . . Review at conviction of Mayrc Curley of Boeton sought from Supreme court . . . Toung Colorado _pllot Seed hero of Ap- otborpe, Eng., farm area.. . . 3f triheemen arrveted la Tangaayika for mere tkoa 4S kUWagy attributed to "lloomen."

Round-the-world flight of MUkm BeyaeMs delayed until mid-after­noon by vreaUwr condlUons . . .

(fknNnned on »

furled In etreeia c»r Jeruoalent Romans rilikrala Rna4rr despite economic trouMee . . . Recovery of 30 bodies of miners diaawaed oa slnto v«a|wnalkaHy by Ken­tucky offld iil . . . Record of four- power AlUrri Council for Japan, one year Hd today, ter frem tan- pivaelre.

Gandhi says If Christiana in In­dia not ■erseeniad they probably are net Mvlog as real Ckriettgae . . . .A)>athy rulea poet-holiday stock market. . . .Unconecious 47 days, Norwood, fllaaal, vetoraa, Ralph Abbott, tranaferred to VA koopltal. . . .Oonservattve Lon­don weekly eeee Vandenberg pro* poeal “ahowa reallaaUon Aawricn net gelag to nria werM.” . . .One German sentenced to death, three others to life Imprisonment and rix to leaser prlaoA terms for part la mek mnrdrr ef Aamrlena Stor near Lueheck in 1S44.

Bridgeport union dropa $3,000.- 000 portal to portal pay suit agaliwt Maaateg. Maawell and Meore, lar. . . . .Truman kcepa calling list free at appointmenU to roaeal^ work on apeech. . , . Q. Benjamin Gertg named deputy rapraaaptatlve o f United Statee In Trueteeeklp council o f United Ns- Uona. . . .Oregon metoorologtst produces snow by reirnelag Ire pokele at 10,000 test.

James Minker, teoerter who later became a poratreep hrf% gets hla aontence for desertion re­duced from two year* to rix months . . . . A ll nine Brooklyn

back behind bars montha aftri Ihstr eacap*. • • finish on Stototo of Liberiy

deSee Spotlrh defacemenU.Folleh affklal eays that Herb la

UJL Embooey has confroaed Ualoon with "eubveroive bands'' and token advantage of govenunent amneoty . . . David WifgM aad Felrr May. Army veterans, die in rented cubplane l|i Maiaachuaetta.............nuktag meters In M llfot< M a » produce three bO-eent pieces . . . Band ef Huka, PhtlippUM guerril-

vernmeat troops, rrturna to Korva,

pledging atrcnglbentag of demo­cratic and eeonemir oonditiona la American aone . . . Mors thaq half this natten's farntlande serteimty injured by noil eroelen, aaya Agri- rulture Secretary Anderson

• goven I I t e ^ ;

Bad Weather h Forecast For Moat Faster Parades

By Tkc Asseciated Bastor parades over most

aatlon wiB ba bsM wttkont aratton from tha ww

Mlte4y*s new frock will ba omr- arsd by wlater fun In many citlas and ^brsUaa will be aaceaoafy la oona aactloaa to protect eprlog booneta.

WM4a Baalar Crrtotety A wklto Easter was a certainty

la Montana and tha Dakotas Sevan bichea of mamm fell yeeterdey at MUas a ty , Mont., and Svs taehea at WUHoton. N. D.

Oansrally. the Raster foreesM called fer cloudy oklee and betow normal temperaturoe. Rata waa

n S M aprsdlctod for the •t eltkaTke^ond Mataa, and

southern New a lo ^ the roast Oregon.

Bunny weather ihowever, tn Florida, tl otatos, loarar Mliriealprt vi lower plains stotoa and through most of the PaclSc etatea aad

ipilfr alley.

Rate wklck otertad last night la aaatani Iowa, nilnota. ladtaaa and lower Miehlgan moved east­ward today but waa eapactad to be eew ty Sunday BMralrg. la Cklcafo, a throe teeb rainfall was raearo td In a 13-|iaur period Fri­day alght end Saturday mnrnbig.

Offered to Senate La­bor Committee as Part o f Draft of General Labor Bill

Wsahinfton. April 5.—</F) — A proposal deslfned to b l o c k ‘national paralysis** strikes was offered to the Senate Labor committee to­day at part of the prelimina­ry draft of a general labor bill. Senalore eaid this tenta­tive version which the com­mittee plans to dtocuM next week provtdee, among other thlaga, for a ban on the closed shop and for the outlawing of JuriodlcUonal etrtkea and aecondary boycotta.

It would make It an unfair la­bor practlee for a national union to dictate contract tonne to Ita lo- cole, but would Impoee no outright ban on induatry-wide bargaining.

B HiA committee member who help­

ed draw up the plan to avert "na­tional paralyola’' strikes told a re­porter It provides for tbase stops when coUactlve bargaining and mediation efforts break down la the ease of a thraatonad otrtko which arouM arriouoly affect the pubUc welfare:

1. The government couM obtain a temporary ji)unctioa to avert the strike.

3. The disputing parties would be required to renew and contiaue medtatlon efforts while the tajunc- Uon was In affect

3. If no oetUement was raaehod. the president cmild decla*a aa eanatfsnap andHdl Mtaenffnamw at a apecial aeoatoa If neceoaary— to deal with the situetion.

4. Any actlor. Cnngreee might take would apply only to the par­ticular enMrgency at hand. It could paoa a bill authorising gov* eminent aetaure or handle the case In any other way It saw fit

The committee member who aided In drafting the prepooal aald It had been incorporated In a “very preliminary” general tabor Mil written by tha committee's staff.

Cauridercbli Bavlalau UketyThis tentative draft llkaly to be

revised oonetderaMy la Ita daUtls, will provide a starting point fer dlscueeiao when the full Labor committee turns to It next weak.

The staff vanton would outlaw Um cl oaad shop, but permit the union shop sad malnionanro at mcmberatiip provtalona In union coutracta. under a union etem a worker must Join the union to keep his Jek.

One member said there Is “no

(OentteUKd eu Nine)

Few Closed Mines Safe

Only Srattrrrd Handful G ^ ifird ae Rrady to R e s u m r Opfralions

By Tkc Aauerialc4 Preae Only a arottrred handful of the

513 s ^ coal mines ordered Hosed by the government for safety roa- sona were oertlSed today aa ready to resume operation Monday but a Goal Mines admtnlatraUon apoheaman In the rick Plttoburgh dwtrict predictod ‘‘a Sood of laat minute certtScattons.” 4

Another Federal efftHal pradtet- ed 35 per cent at the ml nee deemed unsafe would he ready to reopen at the end e f the AFL- Unlted Mine Workers’ ota-day oanuiplng paUod, for the virtlou of the Centralis, III., mine dtaaa- ter. 71m 51S mlaea la l i atatos normally produce 313,600 teas dally, or about ane quarter of the nsUon'e total.

SooM UMW leaders called for mutton la agreeing with arine op- eraton In oertlSeattoa of nttne safety but the DepartOMut of In­terior aald at Waohlngton that pits could ha reopened—ragardtoaa of the uaMu’e attitude—If Secretary Krug ae ordered after reeetvteg reports ef a Federal ra-toapacUoa.

The altcraatlve method ealle for operators and Unkm Safety eem* mlttoea to declare the ariaee cafe end for the Navy to loeue tte eei^ tlScation of safety.

Coal Truffle Dvepe Marpty Meaawhlla, aa the

period naarod an and the Balti­more and Okie aad the Weatern Maryland raUraada aald thalr eoal traffic la Marylaad. Pmnsylvanta

(Ceatlauad oa Fage Six)

Blasting May Have Caused

Mine DeathsI

Belief Expressed by In­spector Dust Explo­sion Set O ff by Igni­tion from Blasting

OHitralla, IlL, April a —tff> -A bellaf that ”blaaUiig provided Dm IgnlUoa that set off a duet ea; elon” la tha Oantiolla eoal a where t i l attnara died March

by State Mkia Inspector DrlaeoB O. Scanlaa, la testlaumy befon a Utrce maa U. a Senate oubeoanalttea lavaatt gattog the tragsdy.

Scaalaa aloo told the Sen Mat night that dynaasita Improp­erly temped with seal duet “could have baoa tha oaurca of the

The Saaata oubeoaualttes sought to and Um OmUaBa phoaa o f Its baartegs today. Maaawhila. a tS- wemher ruinote leglalattve group plaanad a tour e f the m-teted riiaft.

The stele tect-Saders traaocripte at vehiailaous mony eubmlttod to the U. B 1 tore. laekuUag a doutal by a BMT stote aHnee dtooctor that ties aras Maked with adae lai Uon. ao chargad by Seoalaa.

Rahatt M. MedIB. atole mtnoa dhuetar who rcaigm

^aAhg% ^l^qwrt'^Laaiaa'a ptee to abut dona the OrntraBa 6 ^ compaay No. S adaa, dialad had ashed laapectorc poMelag the mlnee to solicit RrpaUleaa elec- tloa campaign funds from mlae ovriMta

Modlll oald ba ofraad with Sen­ator Gordon (R.. O n.), that

would be"pnaaurv." Me to the poHUrol conti BMstete ployea, Srohmtery,

htekast dagVM." ributtoao roeelvH

irteMBt or Its

lag tte GentraUa adna to op- daspAs safety ramplalnia by

ate dooart I, lachMteff

' MedDI teoUSod.-Ooffty af OHmSaal NefBgemPraoklaat Hugh White at tte

nUnots district 13. Ualtad Mine Workers, teattfled Secretary at tte latorlor Krug aad MadUl had I “mdlty of criminal negUgenro” In anowUiff ■ eratataffDDCtOfffa

T te UMW oteto cldaf. rcpiyiag to a question by Senator GMrioa. said te “would rather take a chance on tte rederal govern­ment” than tte oteto gev^ m eat la enforcing safety rulee.

WllUam a. Rewekamp, recarS- lag aecrcteiy o f tte adae’e UMW local unkm No. 53 aad a Mast marf viror. UoUSed te had submitted wriitea eompMtaU twice In the last year <m pracUeee and condL Uoevs In tte odne which te eoa- mdered unoafe.

ftowohamp said te wrote a let­ter to Qoveraor Green March 3. IS44 urging him to he^ “ rcvo our Uvea,” but had “aevar baea told” what a aakaequent iaveetlfatton revealed.

The Senate comodttee any hearKrug and John U Lawto, UMW chief, naat wash In Waoktaftea before meking Ita report.

Truman Talk To €ki on Air

Drmorrats Expret He W ill Furnish Ammu­nition fo r Campaign

Waohlagtoa. April S (d1 Fre#' Ideal Tiumia auikea Ida Srct peh- Ueal epeiek tonight dace tte Ito- puMtcaae took over Goagrarc. Forty memkire gaim iil that te wtU furaleh them wtth aeme mm- munlUoa tor tte IS4S eampalga wlthaut amallnatag hla ewa futurelAifffltkMff.

The onraatea ia tte aanual 3I0S- a plate Jefferaaa day dinaar. whMh Bupplante tte Jarteoa day duumra tte MU Pramdiat aoaarcoM fra- qucally need for teportoat petltl- eal aaanuacrci i nte. Y te diaaer Is a XedS-ttekat. 3S30,oes aaS-auL

Eapaatad to Shetoh FN^jraiaMr. TtuBMUi Is eapartad to eaa-

Saa hla raoMriu to aketoklag the Democratic party's program aa te aaas I t without aay apoa aaaauR ea the aepuMteans which eoaM be tetorprctod ae btaerblag tte tww- way eoaperatlar te has urged be- twean tte White Hm im aad Oan- griie oa Mgietattve matton.

Dime crate wui be watebteg tr

Government Trying to Beat Deadline fo r Strike Monday by Settling Row With- ont Seizure o f Sys­tem ; C o n c i l i a t o r s Hold Private Con­ferences on Demands

WhshiBftOD. April 6.—<F) — The goverameat today rs- doublsd Its fffforts to bsht tbs deadlins lor s cohst-taeohst

ihons strike Monday by ilhUng the dispute with­

out seizure of the Indostnr* Concilistlon Director L. Warren and John W. Gib- sea, oaHstoat aacielary at laber* sU li hoped to daptteato thU r foot ‘ of last year whan they I a aattlanMat Juat 3S — ea*: fora a natteawMa w aUm t at te la- phona w orkan waa due to bagla.

T te eoatroat aegetlatiaae bo* Matteaal

raderattoa atayatoai tavalve >

ly 387.003 wewberc at IS i But tte N TTW aap iita m 340,000 workore te aa oet K tbie otriko dsvHopo ee aehodalad et 4 * e. oa, la aaek tiBM aea

Bava Stepped Ue Team OoVSnUWBt DOMllIttIffffV taffs

stopped up tte ir toOw tevoM ht ‘ two of tte Ateiflnea ' '

ipk eocaBaajr*a Im DortsBi

era tte L o ^ tia e o iBvtelea. kaadloa loag < tte Bell aysl westeni BaS

W klto ttewtth uataa ead eoeepaay rcpne«te tetlvas te ettvato eoateraaeoa, C tP ■ ea aad W am a eaOad a saM M ilebuddto WtU A . T . a T . Vtoe r dent a r . O alg.

deal at tte A . T . a T . pregi aaa waa amda tewaid owat” In yaattedar*a d^ea “altteagh several ^ t n am tor offers w en amda ky boU parc ties.” ^

Attorney General T a a d a itt gave Pramdent T liim aa oa opfotehyaetorday that tte Industty ooaM ba selasd under tte redoiat aaoto moaleattoas aot but aa oCflaM cloM to tte Mtaattoa aaM flatty that solaun has ao fa r rarctead ae aarloua conalderctleB,

'Dm tilip kea a llaea wtti ka < ovar only after tte strite l If It doaa—aad than only

« oa ftg a le a )

Flashes!Mn. Boaoevqll to Oct Award

New Terk, Apett S»' OD ■ T te Iteileaal -------

ostvo Me 1341 award “a rrrigaltleB at hat para ea hrkalf at to

T te aurard uid te Mto p riilirc re widow Apett

ig . Ape# S -on rcd Dutab arc-

torcMp Ofuaje gat into Seathamp- ton today after tte leea at foer

ef tte rrcw daateg a tte Bay^BM ror.^^atow-

ef tteto tte

eWpra see p a iie^ im ea■ their heoMS to HeSmto

trcai T te Nrtkcilaate East ladCie, wvM lajurcd.

• • •Arfwet Pteawr Naat Agoat

rarta, April 3—(ff) —T te Mm-

____ AptS S —. ( f f ) - .

"eercteTfiadw*to roto


« Thrcaj I '


Page 2: Evening Hearld_1947 … · ^nrtrratrr Enfnhto Jfrratd FBIDAT, AFKIL 4, IJMT | (ibifiTown min fc* «n Important •t U.* Roberlaon Srltool rrvt^mmMy rrm up. April

'j fm '

M A N rH R R T K R C V rV TN G W F R A f.n M A V n iF J n T R C O N N . S A T U R D A Y , A P R IL S. 1947 M A N C H C S IE K C V C N IN U H K R ALD . M A N O fE S T E R . CONN. SATURDAY, A P R IL S . 1947 PACE THRF.fil

i^ays Spellman Boomed

As Papal Aide « •)

_______ m Aiparica. th* V*U-c u ku ctmtiBuad m fftr to oppoM Ik* *ppotnf*nt e i Ike Amncan riiiillinl kp*Mnwii to Um t t V*Uaut lU te ■cercUry feartnc l**t thla appointment wmiM atlll fortber Incnaa* tbe dependenc* of UM Vatteaa *■ tb* U. A. which la MililiM; to praaioto thla appoiiit- Mat.'Mka rapait aaM.

Wrtttoa rraai Vtaam Tk* Tai* atory waa written

from Vienna and quoted "reports raaaMaf bar* frou Itoma.** It aaki *nka Vatican la aaparleactng a«1- o«a leanomir dtffleuItlM.

^Oaly 10 per cent of ita Income," It aald “comaa from lUIy. France, Spain and other countries.'’

Report o f Prwurm Oedmred *VnfoumM'

Cardinal Spellman -as raportad by Taaa."

Umae aourcea, cloaa to tbs stats aacratariat at the Vatican, aakl tbs Taaa report “on ita face vwua was without 4'oundatlon.”

Speealatloa oa Saeceaaar Since the death of Uitsl Car>

dlnal MagUone. aacrstary of stats, in August, 1044. there has been apaculatlow upon tha appolntmant of his successor "and eBametimea," aald the Vatican soureaa, "also Taaa anariilatf a **

These aourora added that only Pope Plus Xn "could have any* thing to say about the appoint* ment of his aecreUry of state," adding that the ponUff "waa not subject to pressure from snjron*."

Speculation on the appolntmant of Oardinal Spellman aa state sec­retary has been Intermittent, reaching a peak during tha con* aistory of last year when he was made a cardinal and was singled cut by the pontUf for special honors.

South iioventry

aty. April S—< ^ ~ declared "un*

Vatlean VatleanInmded" todav a Taaa report that praasure was being exerted on the M y Sas far tk* appointment of rraaaia Cardinal Spellnwn, arch* Maksp of Maw York, as papal aeo* lataiy of stau.

Tkarsfore, aald these sources, "it was not trae that the Holy see waa laalatlng U. S. attampu la pram It I tbs appointment of

iiWieats y va t UUN^

G 0' ^


Mrs. Caroline Oaer has arrived home from the Manchester hoe- pi tal arlth her Infant daughter.

Eora Brannon of Waterfront Park appeared on the Windham High school 4>year honor roll. Her average wpa 12.31.

Tha Young Mothar’a Chib held Its annual meeting and banquet Tuesday evening at "The HayMt” with M members and guests pres­ent. The flnanc* committee chair­man, Mrs. GarniU Fostor, gave a complata report on tbs March card party aa M7.11 which will be used by the club for Ita charitabi*

Lies. The annual report read by Mn. Elisabeth Rychiing, sac- ratary. stated that there had been la aMStlngs, 10 social and 10 busl- peas, a ptcnlc In July and an outing to Chclsaa, In August Th* club's mamberahlp has Increaaod thla year in 40.

During th* year the club sponsored Tha Wall Child Ooo' farancas, contributed food stuff to tba Hot Lunch program In tha local schools, eontributsd to tha Canoar drive, March of Dimes, Had Cross, Veterans Dinner and Danes, ai Bored the Diptheria Antl-Tcndn cllflte, sent sunahtna boxes to taro town children bedridden with rhau- maUe fav*r and In March voted to MMnsor the nearly organlaad Girl Scout troop. Th* annual refort of tbe Flnanee Oommlttae, Mra. C. Foster, chairman and Program Commit tee, ohalrman, Mrs. nartlis Salta arara read aadaooaptad. Tha state of officers am oomnlttaas for the coming year ware Installed. Praridant Mia. Elisabeth llych- Uag; Tlca preatdant Mrs. Carroll Foster; aecretary, Mrs. Deborah Home; traaaurar, Mrs. Margaret

myon; axecuUve board ooaalsts af tM 4 officers and Mra. Oladyc*

111. Mrs. Alloe WlUlama. Mrs. Jaanetta PattlagUl; Ananc* com- mlttsa, chairman. Mm. Marlon Bcbulthalsa, Mrs. Marta Cktaa, Mm. Mildred Hlltgan, Mrs. MUdmd

Mm. M arJ^ KaUabar Ira. Clyda lasaan; saambar-

■hlp eommlttoe, Mia. Cbial Loyrim and Mm. Baa Darll^; sunshine oommlttae, Mra Edfth doora and Mra Bvaljm Beniamin; program committee, Mra Ruth Sinlth, Mra Wtnnlfrad ElUot and Mra Edith Blaaell; hospitality commltt^ Mra Evelyn Benjamin; tha WaU Child confarancae. Mra Doris Bouadmau, Mra Mary Frana Mra Marion Johnson, Mra Evelyn Benjamin, Mra Jana Wallaa Mra Jeanette PettlnflU. The next meeting will ba a Daffy Party at Mra Edith Churchni'a home an South atraat on April IS.

Muafe lovam will ba Interested la the nrasantatlon of Sir Ckrts- topher Marks' Cantata "V lc t^

DIvIn*" on Easter Sunday eve­ning at th* Second Oongregatlonal church at I pjn. by tbe choir un­der the direction of Donald Hay­den director of music In tha aetaols In the town of Windham. Bololste wUI be Mias Lomtta Mc­Kinney. Miaa Betty Banker, David Motycka Lawrence Robertson and Mr. Hayden. Mrs. Shirley Hayden will accompany the choir on the organ. The offering taken will be used toward the purchase of a new organ for th* church.

Tbe paefeet attendanee Hat for th* Coventry grade schools In March Is as follows:

First Orade: Albert Sammuela, Cart MacDonald. Shirley Shlrahac, Robert Vance.

Sacond Orade: Richard Barry, Ronald Bats. Bruce' Leighton, Da­vid MacDonald, Bruce Rosa, Oarry Ruasell, Lester Taylor, Paul Twer-

William Warnock, Barbara Oontoe. Bonnie Laaaen. Dorothy MacDonald.

Third Orade: Lillian Lucy, Mary Ann Moreau, Jeanne Rych- Ung, Oeorg* DeWItt, Albert Mar­tin, Lucius Pettlnglll, Jr.. Robert R o ^ Kenneth Shlrahac, Pater Moray.

Fourth and Ftfth Oradas: Joan Upton, Mary HloMck, Lepn Olg* llo, Paul Oramberg, Ernest Jones, Warner Moors, Robert PMpoeny, Raymond StreA, John Wynwn, Roger Ackley. Robert Boynton, Al­bert Braun, Sherwood Rose, John Silvia. Maurtoa Kelly.

Sixth Orade: Norma Barry, Ann Bloodgood, Eva DIett*. Batty Hawkes, Joan Tabor, Karl Torge- son, Mary Farrell, Dlan Richard- aon, Harriet Kelly, Nornum Barry, Oerald Mitchell, Stanley Boynton, Paul Chartlar, Oeorge Lynch. Curtland Olaon, Richard Pratt, Earl* Rosa, Jr.

Seventh Orade: Walter BaaaatL Donald Bllaworth, Harold Hill, Mary Kellay, Marylia LoyMm. Ruth Bimma, Shirley Smith.

BIghth Orada; Leo OhelA, Al­bert Lagaca, Lionet Mayer, Henry Proulx, Hobart White, Eugene Clough, Clalra Barno, Jean stanUna, Mary FUnL Anna Jonaa. Althea Olaan, Lillian Richardson. Barbara Ruraph, Joan Stuart.

Chinese Reds Kill .Five Americans

Six Quarteto For Concert

Barber Shop Fours to Be H^ard Tuesday Ev^ ning in the H. S. HallTuaaday nigbL April I, Man-

chaatar adU ba treated to a concert of novel entertainment The Broth­erhood of Bmnnuol Lutbaran church haa aaeuras alx Barber Shop Quartoto to alag tha good (dd songa# Moat of tbasa guartato are wall known and received with *n-tbuelasm wherever they nppenr.

w tbanewly orgnnlaad "Four Sgum ^"

One of tbaao quartets

raptaaanUng tba Emanlal hood. Tba otban are ‘HIm Silk a ty Four" from Mpnahaator, *Tha Rasor Streps" -ffom ReclnrtUa, "Tha CromatlCB and ‘The Four Shavtag Muga" from Hartfoed and

SUN. - MON. - TUSa

«M O s

curttd hoNd.. lovodhorl

4< from Pag# Ose|



Easter Qreetings To You A ll!

FRED'S PA CKA G E STOREOsnMT Spruce sinI BisBeB Sts. TclepluNM 7723

rina division ammunition supply potht nanr Thngku.

"By S:M U|ls force wna being purauod norUwnrd by Marine forces. Five Marinas ware kUlad and id wounded la lighting off the attack."

While this aald that the Marinas were puraulng their nasallaate. subsequent reports Indicated the engagament waa broken off when the Chlnaaa dlsperaed.

The wounded were taken by {tone to tbe Marina hospital at Tlaateln. All names ware with­held pending notlScatlon of kin.

The attack occurred just three days before Sdd Americana of tha disbnndod truce headquarters at Palplim ware scheduled to board a train for Tnnkku on tha way baoh to tbe United SUtea.

Ha Chaaga at Plaa IntrndedNanking soureaa aald tha attack

might prompt tha Amarlcaas to 8y to Tangku, but truce haadquar- ton oBtclals In Peiping aald thara wna no Immediate intention ohnngtag ptens.

Th* assault also followed three daya tba annouacamant Admiral Owrlas M. Cooks, Jr„ commander of U. 8. naval foroaa of tha western Pacldc, that the Marinas war* being withdrawn from North China as rapidly aa poaalbl*.

An aatlmated t.OOO to lo,ooo Marinas atUI an In Narth China. Savaral thouaand of thase are llka- te to raauln at Taingtoo, th* Shantung province port to tbe south.


e r•tairlae



tm i H1T!<Fire Bath. .ForBorder Badlands --4U nmon Bi«rdcr-riiiR bhsU frontier outpost!

ZANE GREY’SCode of the West




“Tha TH a ty Fouf"' from North Hampton, Mass.

A great deal of laterast has baao abown lately In ravivlng tbla type of singing. Th* mambera of tbe committee can assure the paopi* of Maacbastor tba bast la Barber Shop Quartoto baa bean obtained.

Tba concert la benefit tba Memorial at Emenuel Lutheran church. Tleksta arUl ba on aals at tbs door and may be obtaiasd now from mamban of tba Brotbarbood or at any of tba following stoma: Houm aa, Manebaster Plumbing and Sup­ply On., CUfford'a, Johnson Paint on., Jobasen Bros. Bteetrle Co., and Lae's Baao Stotlon.

hrriiian C A V EY- t;

baUM given to iai Organ Fund

l.uiidieon Servt'd Dailv

My wife, Roannn Royc*. having left my bed and hoard without lust cause or aravacatloa. I here­by give notice that I win no longer be reqjwaslble for HUa of her cen- traction on and after this date.

Ckirl Roj^.i n Main street,Manchester, Qonn April S. 1MT.



EVERY SAT. N1CHTS ilt P. M. to U MItnIght

St. Mary’s HaUMats S tra ti

East HartfnrS, Conn.

Psrfclag hi th# R tsr.


H A N l POST. Prwaipitr





MORIARTY BROTHERS**Oh the Level at Center and Broad**



Pits: ^StrsBfft SAT.-SrN. MATINEE ONLY I






WaBne* Eeary • Bdw. ArneM-----ALBO—— 0

**Two Smart People*^


es ^ MiStT’t HalMand TtenpUte f t mM ^ FtaMat

ry SaftrSay HlgMI• i t i s p . n .

Jim and George Prevent




Evtrybody’t Happy While At


37 Oak Street Telephone 3922


Who’s M U lu? Who’s MULLIG?


Venue’s Grill446 Center Street Telephone 3861

TO N IG H TFlip And H it Conn. Wranglers


Steaks, Hamburgers, French Fries, Chops, Chicken, Seo Food



SH ER ID AN613 Main Street Telephone 3802

*‘Firtl With the Finettr



PLUSU m Ever Popalir



A Happy Eaeter to AUt



M A RYLIN GREEN- M t e r l k u E n r r


BEN DRAGOAiwtlwr Pknril. t t Tiwra m . Oaral



TO N IG H TWe Ikk*






S Happy Eaeter to Our Many Friende S and Patrone


II: DANCETo tht Mm Ic of B

A R TIE CU STER 'S O RCH ESTRA "GIitm for tlw Bcm* of I

ItsHsa*American SoftbaO Team ||

Itolian-Am erican Club H oll uEldridge Street ^

SA TU R D A Y , A P R IL 5 «. 8:S0 P. M. to Ii;80 P. H.

^TIcket»~TSx Included............................. 60 Cents

Sundoy Night's Big AttractionBUFFET SUPPER

Served 6:00 Until 9:00

For rtnl enjoyment of OEIoICIUUS FOOD... and delectsUe eocktsilg eerved in eauirt o«fo nNuMiiags, com# to tbo Nathan Halo.





ART MeKAYa iM f JM f O r d b M lM r



381SO rJ tU

The Vernon Inn bappyj^ stbr:EASTER SU N D A Y DINNER

Choko ofCroom of Mnehroom or Vegctsblo Soap or Jskoo

Bshed Virginia Ham with Ptnesimle Banco Roast Vermont Turkey—Dreooing and oranberry Sauce

Roast Leg t f Lamb—IHnt InlyVEGETABLES

Chtkt sf Candied Sweet Fotatoes — Maahod Potatoes or French Fries

Green Peas or Buttored CanNSowor Homo Rtede RolM

Spanish Pndding with Whipptd CrtamGingerbrrad or let Cream



For Rcoervationt Call Rockvlllt 1335

OAK GRILL30 Oak Slrstt TekphtM 3894



For Ytnr Dinlag and Dandae FItaamfO! ^NO COVER OR MINIMUM CHARGE!

DBLKIOUS FOOD Tasty, Tempting Menu Vaiirty!


LEGAL BEVERAGES Wo Serve Finest of



Plan Concert By Glee Clubs

RockvUle Groups Are To Take Part in Affair On April 11BockvlU*. April 5—(Spaclal) —

Yh* RockviUa High school boys and girls 01*« club* wlU go to Wtaatod on kriday, April 11, wBlra they win sing In a pro­gram In Which abrut 40 01«* auba tram throughout tba atata arill taka part. The RockviUa alngam will leave hare at t:S0 a. m. by btu and am acbadulcd to ring at 11 a m.

Daarlag CIsmiAbout 40 High school and Taan-

Agam have enrolled in th* danc- Ing clam sponsored by the Rock­ville Recreation Board which ■tartod laat Saturday njgl\t with the second aafklon 'tonight. Kn- follmenU wtU Still ba accepted to­night, and surprialnx aa It may seem them la still a need for a few more girls as the boys out- numbemd tha girir at the flrat aeirien. However, both boy* aad girls may register tonight at 7:30 o'clock at the East School Oyra- naaium. 'The class Is being con­ducted by Joseph Neville of Hart­ford with tha Racmation. Board paying part of the cost of th# courae. Ballroom dancing only is taught.

Sethark rartyTh* Silhouette Drum Corps wUl

sponsor a setback party this eve­ning at eight o’clock at the Dob- sonvilie achoolhous*. There will be prlaes and refreshments.

Special Service#Special services wlU be held on

Sunday In obeervance of the Easter Day. with appropriate ser­mons and special music.

At St. Bernard’* churrii on Sun­day tbe masses will be as usual with music at the 10:30 s.m. mass with the Senior choir sing­

l e Orst mass at St. Joseph's church on Easter Sunday will be at • a.m. preceded by a procea- rion around the Interior of the church. All will be High Masses «rith'others at t *.m. and 10 a.m.

At the 10:49 a.m. service at the union Oongregatlonal church there will be sp^a l anthems by both chotm, gifts for children over 2 years of age and a sermon theme "A Day of Rejoicing."

Festival music rnider the direc­tion of Miss Eva Little, choir di­rector will feature the 10:30 a.m. aarvlc* at SL John's Episcopal church on Sunday. There will be Holy Communion and sermon at this service. At 6 a.m. there will be Holy Communion, with festival music no sermon; st 3 p.m. the Sacrament of Infant Baptism; at 4 p.m. the Church school carol service. .

•The Miracle of the Risen Christ" win be the subject of th* Xtester Sermon at the 10:49 s.m. aervice at the Rockville Methodist church.

There will be an Easter worship Bsrvlce and Communion at 11 a.m. at the Rockville Baptist church. The ministry of the Lord's Supper wfiU be by Deacon Reginald Kent at the organ and Deacons Arthur Edwards. Oeorge Schwarx. Irving Sweet and Abner Thorne. There WlU be a service of BsptUm at 7 p.m.

There will be no Sunday school sessions in the morning at the First Lutheran church, with the Sunday school holding a service wfith pageant at 7 pjn.

Easter Boarise Service There will be an Easter sunrise

service at 9:30 a.m. on Fox Hill tomorrow with the young people of all the churches participating. Th# speaker will be Rev. Forrest Musatr who wrlU have for hla sub­ject. "Dawm or ‘Dvlllght?’*

Those planning to attend the aervice are reminded to dress wrarmly.

BscspUoa Of Meatbera •Thsm will be reception of new

wUl » "The

membem at the Vernon Center OoRgrcgatloaal church on Sunday. Rev. Woodbury 8. Stowell. pastor

have for his ssrmon subject. Power of the Resurrectlon.'V

Mrs. NcIUe Lamsn. organUt wSf b* assistad by James H. Sulliyan, vioHnlat.

Meet MoadayTh* Qilldren of Mary of St.

Bernard'a obwrcb vriU nteet on Moaday. April 7, at 7:30 p.m. Due to th* fact that Sunday la Bsstcr, XSttt society wrill not receive Com­munion In a body tomorrow, but will receive it on the following Sunday, April 13.

File lateatlMMAppUcattona for marriage li­

censes have been made at the of­fice of Town aerk Kerwln A. El­liott by tb«; following: Oeorge Ed­mund Caldwell, Jr., of Tolland and Norma Dorothy Hamel, of 41 Orchard street, Rockville, Henry Joseph Lavle. of 6 Spring street. Rockville and Mias Msriori* Julia Kirch of Manchester; Robert Fran­cis North and E3sle Rita Plchette, both of Windsor avenue; PYederick Perry Huntington of Manchester and Ora Mae Morin, of 10 Rau straet, Rockville.

Death§ Last NightLondon—The Marquess of Salis­

bury, 89, born James. EMwrard Hu­bert Olsscoyne-Cecil, former lord privy seal and former president of the British Board of Trade.

Dallas—Richard Foy, 42. son of the late Eddie Foy, Sr. and during hla youth a member of the vaude­ville team known as the Seven Little Foya. In recent years he had been a theater manager In Dallaa. . .

San Francisco—Mra. Edward I Hardy Clark, 75, author and I Shakespearean authority who sup- j ported the theory that the English i dramatist’s works actually were { written by a 17th century Earl of I Oxford, ^w ard De Vere.

Is Going Back To Deliveries

Pick Up Service Also to Be Resumed by New Model Laundrv


Starting Monday, April 7, the New Model Laundry on Summit street will resume plck-u|l and ds- livery aervice. This follows an In­terruption of several years caused by the emergencies of war. Not oaly were trucks unavailable, but gas rationing did not permit such aervice and man power was not available. The many cuatomcra of the New Model Laundry who have mjoyed the pick-up and delivery service and are awara of the ex- Gllcnt work turned out by this laundry, win be delighted with this announcement.

George H. Willard, proprietor of the laundry, now haa both hla sons wrorking with him after their dis­charge from the Armed services aad Uiey have made plana for the improvement of the business. Since VE Day quite a number of chang­es have been made In the laundry Itself, much new machinery has been added. Including a new and very up-to-date Ironer. which has doubled the capacity of th* old Ironer. New washers and new' ex­tractors hsva also been added and the whole plant has been stream­lined to handle a much greater vol­

ume of bualneaa. One of the laat and latest Improvements la a new, oil fired high pressure boiler with four automatic controls w'hich pro-1 vMea a qnlform supply of staam at 100 pounds of pressure all of thej time. Mr. Willard la particulqrfy enthuslaatic about this Improve­ment and says that it haa Increased production efficiency Immessure-1 ably. '

Mr. Willard and sons have mapped out extensive plans for the' future and have great oonftdenc*. in the expansion of their business and the public response to their! services.

Siliteli FallSt*eii Soon

Fuad Tope .%moirat Sought

Anaonla. April 9.— The Jer­ry Fainer fund today was slightly above th* required $3,190 needed to provide the four-year-old son of Mr. and Mra. Stephen Fainer, | who Buffers from ncphroelB. a'usu­ally fatal kidney condition, with I 90 days treatment with scrum al-t

I bumln. The boy is confined to i jOriinn hospital, Derby.

(CsaHaaed freas Fag* Oac)

wliera the Reds were expected to establish mobile headauartem for Ipierrilla wrarfsre.

Government armies hsye been on th* mo\'e without Irt-Lp since the fall of Yenan. Capture of Wayaopao, SO miles north ol Yenan, and Tingplen. 130 miles northwest of the one-time Red capital, waa announced jresterday The force which captured Waya^ pao wfiu mported near a junction with troops from the north which would out off the Communists' re­treat toward Inner Mongolia.

Truman TalkTo Go on .\ir

Designed to make eating of such foods as popcorn In theaters noiseless, a paper hag ha* been Invested which la a soft and nolselsa* a cloth.

(Caatlaaed from Page One)

see whether the president makes any raference *o the recent asser­tion by Oael Sullivan, party execti- live director, that the Nations^

Terms Death Snirlde


with Every Roll nf Film Developed and Prtated


Jewett a ty , April 9.—(Ft—Med­ical Examiner Martin L. O'Neil termed suicide the death of An­drew Steens whose hotly was found hanging In the kitchen of his home here late yesterday by a neighbor. It was not Immediately known If he had any survivors.


- '' “ii i


MANCHBSTB»-DIMEDIATB OCCUFAWOY 9 Baaoi Hmme. a 9*01. aid. aS DiaTsalrarrs. la- dadfag hat water brat wrltb all botuer. Oa* car garaga. Larg* tel. Sale Prtee fitfiJWS. Tcrnm Arroagad.

OOVB-NTEV— Paras af approx- haately SS acre* elcamd laad, a-raosi boo**. S-car . garage, cMckea coop*, located aa bard- paved read. Hal* Pricafl last. TsrwM Arraaged.

OOVENTEY — IMMBOIATB ■WCrFA.NCY — New 4-R*Ma Heass. fanmes hast, fan bath- Twwear garage, teonted a* largs let, eloe* to *cheol aad boa aas. Sal* Price g«.1tt. Yanas Arraaged.

VERNON — fMMIXHATE OC- CUFANCT - t Easai Hswe^ oU taebed garage. All eaavealeaees. taebiding steam brat with ad boraer. Large lot. Loeated a* boa Use. Frieed to aeO.

BAST EARTPORO — S-R«nb Magla. all aaavaalnwea. tar- aaea bast. Oaa ear garag*. Lorga 1*1. laeated eiaas to boaSa* aad sbopptog eeater. Sale Frtes S7JSS. Tenas Arrangsd.

MANCUESTCR—Several Oaad EMMlBg Lota Par Sals. Prtead Daoi a«fit Mid ap. TetoM A»-




An LbM* at iMor****, l*eladi*g Lit*.

Mortgage* Arraagad

Place Your Order For Your Plowing Work NowDon’t wait and*be diuppointed! We Do Plowing, Wheel Harrowing, I.Rwn Grading and Seeding. Trees Re­moved.



Special Dinner








Parah Enclosures Made With "A LSC O " A ll Aluminum

Combinaton Windows, Screens and Doors


A LSC Q -IT WINDOW CO M PAN Y( (Marlow’s Basement)

Tel. Man. 2-9260 or Htfd. 5-2135 Free Estimatco!


rimimittee doesn'i wnnt the help of Former Vice »*re#lclent Henry A. Wallace In th* 1948 campaign.

Wallace was expected to be on kand. but had' no plans to take pert In the progiam.

Mr. Truman's 20-mlnutc ad­dress will be hroadrast by the NBC, ABC and Mutual networks Olid win be beam by Oemocft.ts at­tending other .lofferson day din­ners from coeat t> coast.


“ 1

SWEAR”My lanndr)- rome. hark from New System bet­ter than' I eosM even do H mysell.. And they give n real gentle rare, to*!




Harrison Sl„ Off K. Centar HI. Tekphone 3753

Tpmetem gift * f Ilf* that metbse■Mesa never be repaid. Il ran ' passed,** again la aar saas

a*d daogblcrs. aeda leas lbs*

TfHATprseb gave toast aaly be p*

a*d daagblcm. UM ae So leas ISa* paM m•a with it, eadnriag evideac* •€ her JP awmery said wbsl h aweal to as7 90*ly tba fiacst toeararlal woaM be ae- reptsblr far • BMtber's grave aad ac am glad lhal we ran saggerl ihc Best.

Scirct Barra Gra*ll*.

1 O IH L D I ^*** **** ■dries belpfbl aad ■adsmtoadiag laL O U U | ^ lJs**lBg ihe p*rebst**flbtelsstl*ggMII*b*rmsatory«


Opea I ays

-n IMISI> IN S i l K I RUI - I •••‘ . I I

It's Worth Your TimeTo Come To McConville Greenhouses For Your Easter Plants



Hydrangeas$3.00 and up

Hyacinth$ 1 . 5 0 Z .p

(Singles 50c)Pink — Purple — White

EASTER LILIES . Poi $2.00 up(SOcBloaaom)

TU LIPS $1 D A FFO D ILSFat **d np 4Ll e Pot

25c BloNMom 9 1 . and unBed. Yellew. Flak ^

CORSAGES ea. $1.00 upCut Flowere at Beaeonable Prices

Open Evenings Until 10 P. M. Until EssUr!

We Deliver



TskiNB Bud Dry f trliNM

■*»h only

ScMled Hieicfc e«4 to>«4 ' tsg»H»ir. I. r«e*lw tin tonni, toMlm 4 *1. takim *.4 lYei.

dqr (lecton.Ckeice ef IntoHeM* S»c*r 8 OeU«I

fiegr*iK*i: Mw* Cerneilsn. flevn d'Axieer, Niglii •< OvUtI"-


901 Main St. Tel. 5.321


7 GAR.AGES BUII-TMonthly Payments!

Free Estimates!

Tham at D. Col laTelephone 2-9219


NEWSTo Tho Homo Ownov—

Astt About Our . . .Property

Improvement PlanOvFF s ppriod uf three years, pay fur the stldFtl roniforln o f

a new fflorHirtl k itrbn i. niorleruisFcl ksthruum. sdtHlitinnl

rooms, sitinii w inflows, iiisulstioii. n new gsraRF. rrcrfulion

room, new roof, painting, m ilfloor firepluer, lamlHeapiiig, 4ir

any o llirr improvemenl to your htnnF.

'I’liis plan, with no iltiwii puvnirnl i f ilFsirrtl, involves no m l

lapr, and is ronlifiriitially arrsiigrtl nl eithFr our Bolton or

Manrlirslrr offiri*. This plan avsiliddF, cvrn though >our

' property is miirigugril. You simply Rgrrr to pay f4»r lln*

4*osl o f iht* ini|>F4i\f‘ ni4‘n l, o v r r s |>rrio fl o f l i i i i r , n o t e x f f r d i n g

.3f> m on th )*, u in l f o r an a n io i in l nu t o v r r $2,.>IN).

For Further Information Call Everett T. McKinney, Owner

McKin n e yLU M BER « i SU PPLY CO.

Bolton Notch Phone 5250

.>05 Main St„ Manchester Phone 6060 I


Page 3: Evening Hearld_1947 … · ^nrtrratrr Enfnhto Jfrratd FBIDAT, AFKIL 4, IJMT | (ibifiTown min fc* «n Important •t U.* Roberlaon Srltool rrvt^mmMy rrm up. April


Carter is? Stt«e lorx w tt. MtllwH Ctarrh %n Ifm tk Matm aHiwt

Hm m m. ONI*. MWM*r Mn. Oi. M. ■ f U t. OrsanM-

•:M a. at.—SnnrtM wnrice at Om OM Oalf Oreunda, Baat Cm* Ur atiaat Tliia wUI ba uadcr the aiMjIri- of the Youth rellowahlp gnm fa In the ProtaaUnt churchee-

f:M a. ak**-Th« Stirm ry Hour far «aaU ehltdrm whoae parmU atuad the ■aomtnc aarvire. Wa b ^ paraeta faal fraa to bring UMir dOMran and mjojr tha auratoig aanrtea. Wa hope par* aaU arUI faal fraa to bring thair afeUdrm and enjoy the arorahlp aervtea. --

1«:4S a. m.- Morning a-orahlp. yralf a “LargUtto" from tha

4th BaaaU with nelln by Bua-aan Wllaen ................ Handal

Xntmtt—“ The whole bright arorldftajoioea** ........... Bugana HIU

Md~-"MadtUUon’' from ‘^ThaU"................. ........... MaaaanatVloUn Solo by RuBOall Wllaon

CMFartory Anthem —“AllaUila totha King" .......C. B. Clamcni

XoaUuda—"Hoaaanah*’ .. Dubota •araaen: “*Bayond the Sunaet"

g.-dO 9. Youth rellowahlpHoar. DavoUona lad by the frat dapartawnt Dtactiaalon and topic ta ba aaaotmcail.

Monday. 7:4A p. m.—Maifa club nMatlaf. Jaama •. Klar win UU about ua propoaad plana for the Momorlal riald and bring tha layout (or tha man to Me. Wa : hope U have Harold Turklngton priaint alao to anawar any quae* ; tioaa. Ha ia tha chairman of tha; cemmlaafawi. You will want to i know about thla before tha Town ,

whan tha approprtaUon i wm eaaw up. Brlaf bualaoaa maat* tag. tha uaual fatloarahip porlod | aad lafraahmenU. Any man who; m lataraotad la walcome. |

Taaaday. 7:4# p. m .- Church; aeiwal board aMotlng at tha par*, aaaaga. Thla Includaa tha oglcara ! Uaabaia aad tha membara of tha | aiaaatlon oomadttaa. j

Wadaaaday. SKW p. m. The WICB monthly aMoUng wUI ba | hdd ia tha Social rooiaa. Rev. U ! O. Huat wtn apeak on India. Tha■i------- will ba Mra. Shadd. Mra ;Oora. Mra. Walker and Mra. Xlawart. Tha hUbaa are planning • mmamga aala an April If.

Thuraday. 7 :»f R m. — Senior •batr rahaaraal In tha Social |

Ptlday avantag tbara will ba a ■eout Jamboroa In tha SUU Ar* ■mry. Lat’a aopport the boya. Thay have tlchata.


■4, Chair DtreHee

Heath Methodtot Churrh Mala M. aad Hartford Road

Rev. W. Ralph Ward, dr, tllaMar fieerge G Aibtea.Mlalater of .Maeic• 1

Morning Worah>p 10:43 a. m. Prelude*. “Awake. Thou Wintry

Barth.” Johanii Sebaatlen Bar:h •The Strife N O'er"........... V, Peleetnna(Ancimt Beater Choral of IfSOi

ProcoMlonal Hymn. "Chi let The Lord 1* Rieeti Today"

Anthem, “Reeiirreetlon"........ ................... PVnna Lleat

Hymn, “Crown. Him With Many Croama"

Offertory Antlum. "When the Dawn Wee Rrenktng*'........... I'larence Dicklnaon(•Tradltlcmal '* Pollah Boater Carol)

Sermon. “Chiiot ei.d Life gkemal”........ Rev. W. Ralph Ward. Jr.

Anthem. “The Hallelujah Chorue” -............Ludwia van Bci-thoven

Receaolonal Hymn. “The Day of Reeurrertlon''

Organ Prrludea. * Baeter Banafre"................. Robert Wllllama“Symphonic !■ antasla".......................... Plor Peetem(Baaed on an Boater PInInaongl Organ and choir accompanied by

bnuM aai|tet conijpooed of: William ' Holts. Milton Orcenberg, trum*

U ; Herber Holta, Patera Arlro. ma; Bernard Mehiman. Alrlde

Knoa, trombnnea.f:90 a. m.—Church School Bant* -

er Servlet In th« Sanctuary.10:43 a. m.—Nuraery In charge i

of Mra. Earl Car ran. d:30 p. m.—Kpwortb League. d:30 p. m. -Methodist Youth

Bellowahlp will meet to plan for the Nutmeg T.all to be held at South churrh A|irll 30.

7:M p. m.- Baeter Evening Service In the Sanctuary. Sermon by Mr. Ward. '*rhe Baeter After- ^ w . ” Harold Raglln will aing "Hosanna” bv Otanler and “Come Y# Bleaaed" by Scott.

rUe WeakMonday. g:M p m.- Buppei

Church Oanvaaaara and rin Committee.

Tueeday. 3:13 p. m.—Brownlee. Mrs. Chatlca Jacobean, leader.

4:30 p. m.—Qirl Scoute. Mlaa Bml^ Klaeman. leader.

7:00 p. m .-Bc) Scouts.•:30 p, m.- Stanley Qraup will

return to the church following Pragreealve .iiippcr

W.C.T.U, artll meet all day. Bualnaaa meeting at 3:30 p. m.

Wedneaday, 7:43 p. m. Waeley Group will meat

Thuraday, f;W’

as NewifeefwH ~ ’ -------- .

rH I ona day, mar# than atiy alhnr. upon which Amarkan* oM a^ ta- Ualay$ MrvIcM k tha faaat of tha Aaaurrattlan. A fimo for rajulci^, H ia tha graataat Chrlatian taatkal at tha yaar. ha eoromonfoa hava moan

hald In widaly dhtaraa plataa, at w hkh a taw ara ahawn.




ON IHI RANGELot Vogen, Nov.

Center Congregational Church

Easter Sunday Evening Service 7:30

Thfr THESPIANS Will Present

THE ROCKB y M a r y P . H a m U n


Ravertnd Clifford O. SiaipsoR, M ia isttr

Mrs. H tk n Psirt SkisRtr

Prtsid tnt

A. WiniSM Astl«7 Director


Cbufeh of the Naaarene 464 Main Street, Maache*ter Bev. James A. Yoang, Pastor

Hnancs '9:30 a. m.. Church achool. Bpe*


Johnson, “The Bnilts of the Spirit: Communion. Preparatory aervices Mcekneu." will begin at 9:13 a m.

3:30 p. m. Wedneaday, Quar- « 30 Program by the 8un- lerly bualnes* meeting of the ' ,iay school. The Paster story will

r for rhurch, ; be presented. All membera and3:00 p. m. Next a.iturday. friends of Comonlla are welcome. | rial features. Tennyson

Covenant League at the home of r>:30a.m. Sunrise Ekuiter service ; superintendent.Robcrl 1. Klhsnii. 31 Benton street, candurlcd by the young peoples | 10:43 a. m.. Morning Worship.

— ■ " ------- iNoelcUca of Mane-heater on Memo-; {^.nnon by the paator: "The Word' rlMl Field. A cordial Invitation la la True."cNtcndcd to all. f ..j h ,

Order of aei vire: My Redeemer'Uveth" by Pounds;Prelude, "Hosanna" i ... .Hopkins j “He Uvea" by A. H. Ackley.Choir. “ Awake Thou That Sleep- 6:30 p. m.. N. Y. P. 8. Mlaa

ret” ............................Maker Marion E. Janes, president.Offertory, "Christ Aro^ .. Wilson j p ^ Evangelistic service,rieersslonal. "Faster Triumph • • > aubject: “ In the Right

Direction.” Choir will sing; "Alive

EASTER SERVICESSouth Methodist Church

Main Street and Hartford Road

Rev. W. Ralph Ward, Jr Minister

HI. .Mary's Kpiveopal f'hiir«-h ( bureh and laieu«t SI recta

Rev. .\Hred 1, tVIlUaiiia, Rector

Easter Day services:6:00 a.m. Holy Communion.

Introlt, "Christ Our Passover" 3:00 a.m. Holy Communion.

I Full Choln Proceaalon. “Jesus Christ Is Risen

Today , latrolL

A m. WaaleyO i ^ Rummage Sale. latrolL •‘Christ Our Passover -

8:10 p. m.- Asbury Oroup will ....................................... (jnssi Kyrta Btelwm .................. WiUan

7:30 p. m.- MteUng of the Shut- Oradual, "Th Strife Is .O'er ___In Visitation Cotnmlttee. I .................................Hymn 91

7:00 p. m. Oirl acouta Saturday. 3:43 p. m


S*JS A IA—Church School aaa* maa. Tha ragular aaaaioo will ba feaM. A largo attaadaaeo Is oa*

*^S s«i A m.—Moralag worahtp - aarvloA Durtag thla aarvios a ba^ ttaoHl aarvioa vmll bo hdd. Also tbo rooaptlon of laombrra by the OoufaaMoo of ftiith and letter of | tewmfor._ Rcrvlro

C U to worohlp -choir.>lui.ioaainiial hyaui—No. 163. MraooaUen and Lord’s Prayer.


Aatham: Gloria (from theTTuretfth Maso) ............Moaart

•crlpture Raodlng Xaatotlal Prayer.Paoiartol rasponac.

Oftactory antoom: Thanks Ba to God. Boliaiou. Mra. Allco Simon*' ealU, Oeoald Preoman. Wilfred i KaoL

Itomnael Latboraa Churrh Otomh SL, OMoelle Myrtle St. Or. JoltaB MaHa*A Vico PiMtor

Clarewe W< Metelag, Orgnalel aad Chelr Director

Sunday. April glh** Biaiier Day 6:00 A m.—Chlldren'a Easter

Worahip Sendee.Prelude:

"MediUtlon” ........Antheaw;

"In Jueeph'a LovelyGarden” ...........

“One Early BaeterMorning" ........ .

(Junior CholnOffertory:

"Air for the G String Sermon topic;

"W'hy Easter la a Happy Day" Paator Liindeen

10:30 a. m.—Boater Morning Worahip Sendee.


Gloria Uhl and Lain Tllil ,. Rrl<lge Ctioir re* GrMtlng by The Rei-tnr !

I Offertory. “Awaken, Thou niatSleepeat" ......................Maker

Sanctus ......................... OldroydCommunion Hymn*. Noa 89, 213,

139 Ii Gloria In Excelala ..............TallisiNune Dlniittla (after Benediction)I ............... ................. .Corfe II Receoalonel, "Come, Ye Faithful" j' .................. (Tunc 2| Hymn 94 I

10:43 a.m.—Holy Communion. ^ ^ ^ > U O io lr and Sermon I

,.i, "Welcome, HappyMoinlng" ...............Hymn 8V

Introlt, '•C3\riat Our Pnaaovr-"amp

n .............Gradual. "They Have Taken Away {

> „i>rd ....................Stainer i

. Kern ,Mrr. Klcnnor Tureek will offl-i

.T!H>inn"85 IThe Week |

Monday, 7:30 p.m. The Ladles; .\ld Society.

Tucs«lay, 8:00 p.m. Tlir Sunday srhiKil tenehers.

VyfrdneiMlay, 3:00 p.m. nie Church Iktarcl.

Friday, 7:00 p.m. The Intermc- diute Luther League wlH meet.

Again" bv Paul Rader. Vocal duet: ‘‘Willing To Take His Cross. * sung bv Marion Janea and WilliamFish.

The WeekTueaday at 7:30 p. m.. Church

Board will meet for its monthly buslncas.

Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.. Pray* er and Prntae meeting with the p:i8tor in charge.



Maryott! (• Hymn, “Ha Is Rl.ien" ..Hymn 90 ' Sermon by The Rector Surouni Onila . .Cantus SoUninlajSanetua ..........................WrnlavCommunion Hymns, Noa 89, 343,

194; Gloria In Bvcelnia

Offering raaaonac. ■yma Ma idl.

"Par Thiaa la Tha King*dem” ............Rev. McCalliatcr

Belo: "The LnttTa Prayer,” aololat Oaetoao Simoacelli.

B:mdictiaA SewllcUou Kugonee. y oRttiwt#.

.Muftoea tor the WeakTiMie will he no Junior Young

Praptos Society uieeting this eve* Blag dire to B-tater,

Widweerfoy. April 9—3:30 p. m. There udn be ■ meeting of the WooMu'e Mlae)aiu>ry Society at the ebureh. At tbia moating they ehail saw for tha Rod CrooA

9:30 p. ■ . H m Ooldeo Rula Chib aad the Womeo's Mleeionary So- e^ety will eouabute for their eupper ■ aetiag. The Ooiden Rule Chib u ta chargo of the supper. The en* toctaliunetit program wlU ba pro- VtSad by the Women's Mlaaionary

April 11. There

"Chnaone” . . . .Anthem;

“The Promiee Which WasMade" ............. Balratow

(Ruella Curt lee. Soprano I "Alleluia* Christ la

Risen" ........Offertory;

"Vision" ........Poatlude:

"Grand Choeur" ...... GuilmantSermon topic; -

“But Christ Did Rise"Paator Lundeen

Ksrg-ETert ftyi,,. Dtniittls..................Old tk'ottlsh Chant

.................... . ...............BnmbyReccsalonal, ‘‘Alleluia! Hearta and

I Voices" ..................Hymn 933:00 p.m.- Chlldren'a Featlval.

I (Church orliool membera are asked to meet In the Pariah House

• Kopolyoir j.jQ p,m _ {• bring theirI Lenten Mite Boxes I

Rhelnherger ' pntcsmional. Hymna 94 (Time 3i and 90

“Come, Ye Faithful""He la Risen"

Motto of 81. Mary'a School ; Creed and Prayers

Note. SwedUh Service postpone,! throl. "Kaater Flowers Aie HUh>iii-unUI Sunday. April 30th. i Ing Bnght ........... John Holler

calendar for the h-eek: The Junior ChoirMonday: , The Easier l,eaaon, 81 Matthew

-3.-60 p. m. Girt Bcouta meeting 23:1-10 6:30 p. ro Boy Scouts. t'grola by the Kindergarten1:00 p. m Beethoven Glee \ ‘There Is A Green HIU'

Club rahcaranl. "Gulden Harps Are Hounding"Tumday: - Hymn. No. X33:13 p. m. Brownlea meeting. 1 “Jeaua Chriat la Risen Today" 3:00 p. m Brotherhood Coo- ‘ of the Lenten Mite

cert of Barbershop Quartets the High School hall.

Wedneeday:7:30 p. m. Choir rehearaal.


evening, ... .. ... .lo ehoir rehearaal this I

Prtoay ewta ha Bi ________ _____matfc. Moot at Uie membera an fOtag to nttond a numical program M the Oantral Banttat church In Nhilfiiid. OoiiA Thla holy program ‘

to ba ntolerad by the CbIgaU I Chotr.

Thursday: 3:30 p m. 7:30 p. m.

has rani. Friday; 3.00 p. m. 3:00 p. IA Saturtoy: 9:00 a m.


Lndiea' Aid aoclely. G Oef nub re­

confirms lion elaaa Deacons meeting.

Junior Choir re-

dng oerviee at 11:00

I "Btobat M ^ ‘ RoMinl •VtoS.

to mtaarn Taday"

“Thaa W. Warran

Anthaia. "Lift Up Tear..........A. Woodaoch

•he Day el Bamimctloii" BeaurreeUon"

Baniath thelar toaaff*

Cbva t’engregnttoiml fharrh

BnjmoM Crneel A

41 Mjwnce Htteel



O g n a B Mallard

Bunday:3:30 a. m.- Bai ter Sunrise Serv­

ice at Old Gulf L< U3:30 a. m.—Burday 8<-hooi.11 dW a. m. Easter Morning

Service. Beimen. "The Meaning of Baeter" by Dr. Chariea Johnaen Bneiapl tnuaie from the Choir and Mlm OcAa J^lr on.

11:09 m. m i^nr nurs-

**1[:30 p. m Eai *,er Candle light aerviog. by the Youth Cliuir Mlaa Onto Nclaon. directing.

The Week7:00 p. m.-Tuepday. Youth'

Choir rehaaraal.7:k0 p. m.-Wednfsday Mid-

vaaak service. Meditation by Dr.

RoxeaHymn. No 39

"At Th* Lamb's High Feast" . Kaater 8tor>- by The Hector Offertory. “My Heart Ever E'allh-

' ful J s HachThe Junior Choir

I Reeraaional, No. 91•The Htrtfe )s O’er"

Notice' The Kaeter Communion I will be taken to sick persona and . ahut-lna, where requeatrd. on

; a.a&lcr aloiulay and the davs fo|. ' kiwing V I

t'om-wrdia Lalkeran Garde* aad Wlatrr HIreela jRri, Karl Kirkirr, Paalur i, 1

9:30 am. Special Kaater Day ■ervice with oriebrallon of Holy

Easter SundayA T TH E


Winter and (•nrdeji Streets KKV. K.\RI. RICHTKR. Pastor '

5:30 a. m. Siiiirisr Sriwicr at MemoriHl Fleltl.

4./ *

*>;I,5 H. m. Preparatory .Service Holy Com* iiiiinion.

9:30 a. tii. Worship Servire,

fi:30 p. III. S|> *ial Faster program of the Sunday School.

-\ll who wish to share in the rhiirrh's ohserv* uiire of Faster are iiivitetl to attend any of the ahtive services. Mrs. Fleanor Tnrek will officiate at the organ.

■ +

9:30 A. M . Church School Service of Worship

10:45 A. M . Morning WorshipSooth Church Choir in Esatcr Music

George G. AshtoB, Organist and Choir Master Accompanied by

Brass Sextet of Hartford S^ool of Mosic Sermon t

::CHR1ST AND ETEI(]!jAL LIFE"(A Nursery for SnuUl ChiMren la Available During This Service)

6:30 P. M . Methodist Youth Fellowship and Epworth League


7:30 P. M . Evening WorshipHarold Baglln, Solobt

Sennon by the Minister

Cordial Welcome To All

Hsrsi tributol csrsd tor ond orrongod by tbeio who rotpoef tbo Im o and tympotby thoy oaprow.

D U R K E 0 II ■ ,-f. ■■■ ■ “ ..t

Easter GreetingsFrom the


Rev. James .M. Gage, .Minister

S U N D A Y , A P R I L 6 '

1 0 t -L 3 a . 111.

SPEtTAI. EASTER .MUSIC VioHn Selections by Rimbell Wibon

Sermon:“ I lK Y O IV I ) T H E S U N S E r *

Small Children Cared For In the Nuruer^

Horkln'li S|xMv In ♦t C r r ■ ' 'of



EASTERSunday Services

At the

Polish National Catholic Church

Of St. John23 Vtohirmy Street — Just Off Depot Square


W m B e f i e l d tu F o U o u r ts

Resurrection Mass and Procession 6 a. m./ Rev. P. Koalowiki Wdl Speak on

*^Dark Perioila in History and Faith in Reaurrected Christ**

High Mass A t 10:30 a . m .Thriue of Sermon WUI Be “From Suffering tu Glory“

St. Cecilia and Lulu in Qioira Will .Sing Undw the-i'

'No' Dhreclion of Walter Gnyb

ChurchesAmur 9 at. taaaara Bat

9C1 Ifaki mt«s4 Bov. WBBsm *.AgJotoat sad Mra. Blrhafd AtwoU Bev. rrs(tori^ *Wesd, AsMslMit

Suads): ------- . o9:13 A ns All Bandnsstora Bunday ntssess:

sad soldiers art urged to omsC at > For sdulU: 7, 9:l0, 9:48 and 11 tbs Center to psrticlBste in the s. m. In the upstotrs ehureh. ■isirti to the old Golf uoto where : • Children’s meeeee tn tower the Bunrlae eervioe will be held. church, 9:39 sad 9:48 A m.

9:30 a. m. Sunday sehooL Spe* 1 —•Isl Esetor program win he pre­sented hy the TOung People.

11:00 s. m. Morning Holtnese asrvlee. Major Marshall of Mart*Herd to participate.

3:00 p. m. Sunday Schecl at the miver Lom Community Hon.

d;90 p. m. Prayer service.Open Air eerrice.Bslvatloti meeting.

8 t Bt4dgto*a B. C.Bev. James B. Timmlaa, Peetor

Memre on Sunday at 7:30, 9. 10 and 11 a. m.

7:00 p. m. 7:90 F Mondey d:30 p

heoraol.7:00 p. m. 8:00 p. n. Tucodey: 8:00 p. m. 7:00 p. ra.

J 8:00 p. m. Wedneeday 3:00 p. m. 6:30 p. m

m. Junior Bond re-

Cub closees. Friendship Circle.

Sunbeam clooeea. Songster fsheereal. Bond rehearsal.

Home League.___ , . The young people

will meet for reetdentlol Opro Air mi vices.

Thursday;7:90 p. m. Open Air service. 3:18 p. m. Special BokBere

nwetlng.Friday:7:90 p. ra. HoUnem meeting. Program for Salvation Army

Young People'^ service.Eosler Fiegrom

Opening Excrcieee—The Young Soldier

"As Jeeue Walked by Galilee'Boys* Choir

The Baeter Story In Scripture and Bong.

In the GardenDavid Turklngton Jsmm McCurry

Robert lUchardoon Th e Beautiful Garden of

Prayer" ............... OIrW TrioThe Betrayal and Trial

Robert Cole Jocky CoMwellRobert Duncon Tbomoe RumenBdwnrd ArmatniM

Howard Hostlnga "Wore You There?”

Singing Company Cructdxlon

WUliara Duncan Ronnie Krtetoff wnniam McOirry

•Then 1 Survey the Wondrous Cram"

Mole Quartette The First Boater Morning

Charlotte ArraetrongEllen Lee CaMwen

Romnuiry ArmstrongBetty McCurry

"He Uvea” ........ Brom SostetteMedlUtton;

He lives. Hs liras Christ Jesus llvm today*He walks with me, and talks

with meAlong life's narrow ways.He lives. Ha Uvea.SahrstlAn to Impart. ^You oak me bow I know He

Uvea—He llvm within my hearL

Our BoaterPrelude Edna SomuelsonT I m Old Rugged Crooa"

BoyV ChoirBensdlcUon

*Xrt every day be Caster In our Heerle"

BL JelHi'e PoBab NaltomI 63 Oetwav Straot

Bav. Pool Keelowsld. PnotoeWalter Orayh. Orgaalet

3:30 a. m.. Mom.16:30 a. m.. MomChoir rehearsal after each mom.

The Buckingham church and the Boot aiooUmbury Methodtot church

I wUI Joui m a ounrlm service at d : A m. on Brook otrect noor Mon* j cheater road. The eervtee will bo conducted by the young people of

I the two churches and the oddrsm will be given by Rev. L Lester Hart

: of Coot Olootonbury. j Boater Servlee

Buckingham Oongregattonol ! Church achool will asoot at 10 A m.

Easter oarvlco at 10:49 a mi Theie wiU ht a ehUdron'o oorv*

Ice of btooring the nowera foDowed by the Boater worship. Muato wtu be by a gaortoC eeaetattsg of Choiim Bader. Richard Ogy. Bo- gene HotUn and Fred L. S^ftord. Mrs. Walter Keorna and B. Brain*

I ord BeU wilt ring a dusL The od* j drem by Rev. PhUlp M. Rom. D.D.. onn bora 00 Its oubJecL *T1m Me*

I dium of our Boater Joy."

Chrlelton Bctonee Servlcm

Horttord. Flrri Church. Sunday. Jl; Bdndsy SetooL 11: Wedneedsyt 9. 597 Fanatnatou oranaa.

Second CburA. Bunday, 11 and 9: Bunday BchooL 11; Wednaeday, 9. Lafayette and Rum otroeto.

RockvUto. Flrri Oiurch. Sunday, 11; Sondoy BchooL 11: Wedneodoy. t. 64 Unfcm otreot.

"UnrooUty" will ho tha oubloct of the Looeon Serraon (or Sunday.

The Qoldm 'Toat Is frpm Mat­thew 7:16. "Bvery trm that bring- eth not forth good fndt Is hewn

i down, end cori Into the 6re."Selections from the Bible In­

clude the following; "And Jesus aold unto him. No man. having put Ms hand to th# plough, and look­ing bock, is at for tha KUigdora of God. . . . As ra hove therefore recetvod Christ Jeous the Lord, so woQi ye In him." (Luke 6:63, Oeloo- Blans t.-#).

Correlotlva peemgee from the Christian Sclonca toxtbook. "gel* ence and Health with Key to the BertptureA" hy Mary Baker Eddy, inchide the following (p IJ3): "Bvery step towards gooteem la a departure from melertollty, end la a tendency towards God. Spirit."


Boater BondoyNo Sunday Bchool on account of

final rshmraal In the afternoon at 3:90 for Bootor rvoning service.

6:40 A BL Freporotory servlee for Holy OoeeanoriOA

10:00 A m. Beater featlval ser* vice with Holy Communion. Test: 1 Cbr. 18:93-99. TheaM: "Easter Victory—Eternal Victory: through the Risen Chrjet"

7:90 p. as. Baadsy School Eao-

tor atrrim togethor with toe con* gragation. Prean rienaL Koda* chroma ptetarsA Uvlng Btator DoKology. Peremlonal.

Taeodoy and Friday, 6 p. as. Oon- fimmuea Inotructlon.

Taaoday. 7:30 p. a . Young Peo- p’A'a socloty (Wolther League.)

Wedneaday. 7:90 p. m. Lsdlea* Aid will meet. Members ora re* minded to bring their mite boxcA

»emad CengrognUenal Church , Bev. Letoad a Rant. Minister Etaeri Cheman. Orgaalet aad

Chetr DtrectarMIm Pertla Perry. Church Schoel


6:99 a. m. diureh Bchool.10.43 A m. Morning Worship.

Prelude-"Boater Dawn” ...CUuaainann“Boater Day" ............... Loret

Introlt—"O Morn at Beauty" ..Blhellua Chorale front "Fintandla”

Th* Combined Choirs Anthem—

The Hallelujah Chorus . .Handel From ‘The MesoUh”

The Senior Choir Anthem—

"In Jomph's Lovely Garden” TradlUenol Bpantsh Carol Arranged hy Dloklneon

The Combined Choirs Offertory—

"Boater Meditatien’’ Kotalmann ■ormon-

*The Other Rcourrectlon"Post hide—

"Esster Alleluia" Ottcnwolder Tueeday, April 9 7:00 p. m. Girt Scout Troop 13

meets at the church. Wednesday. April 9 7:30 p. m. Women’s League

meeting at the rtiiirch. Mrs. Le* land O. Hunt will speak brledy on "Women’s Work In the Church" and Mrs. William Bela ooaUted by Mra. Fred Pohimsnn. will give an Illustrated talk on Manchester gardens. Hoatemee; Mra John Buck' Mta Ralph RsckwelL Mrs George Stllea and Mra. Albert PoeL. Thvca6s)k April 10

3:30 p. n>- Women’s Study Group will hoM lU Oral meeting at tlM porsoasga. 106 Henry 8 t

Friday. April 116:00 p. ra. Men's Club meet­

ing. at the church. A member of the club will talk on a subject of apeolal Interest at this aeoaon of tlM ymr.

Unusual Service At South Church

An unusual oorvlca of music will i be presented tomorrow morning at South Metbodlot church at the Easter worship. The South Church choir and organist will be accom­panied by the aoxtet of trumpeto,! horn oond trombonoA The playen. I WlUiam HoltA Milton Greenberg, Herbert Holto, Peter Arico, Ber­nard Mehlmon and AMde Rots are from the Hartford School of Music and membera of the Hartford Bym-

Wlth George O. Ashton, minister phsoy ordMrira.of music. St the console of the or­gan the sextet will be heard In the preludes and posthideA And with the chrir In two anthems "Resur* rectlon" by Fraaa LJsri and "The HaOeluJah Chorus” by Bsethovsn. In addition the choir will sing n traditional PoMoh Easier Carol. "When the Dawn Was Bresking," by Ctoiencs Klclilnaon.

Preceding the service of morn­ing worahip which win begin at 16:46 A ra., the Chse Memorial Chimes will be played from ^ e tower of the church by Frederiric L RogerA Rev. W, Ralph Ward, Jr, mlnloter win lead the Easter aervica and praeeh the sennon.

The Easter Story He It if (sen I *Sideuxilk Supervisors”Have a Great Day Here

A rolling automehUe caoM to a holt stop-a feUlnlng wall on Main street late yesterday aftornoop, end it took all the adyiee and abilities of .some thirty "ridewalk superinundenU" to. get it free again.

The automobile, which hod a New York lleenee plate, had left parked 4n the yard pf Service Station, ~svl6en^Ita brakes improperly set. ed backward' eeverol fi ' rsA wheels went everabout three feet high; and cams


fto raet below. A group gatherad at oscs end proposed to push the car tha rest of the way ovor.

Many objected to this Ides fearing that It might be tmpoori* Me to-keep the front end from dropping with such fores os to ^ariags It.

Then it was deeidod to build a rump bach from the wall and run the car don-n it. W ia Many a haavc*ho and ha!p*

lag haad. oticka atones, oil cons and stray pieces sf other debris weto' gsUiered and piled up. Then the car was freed.

"He la not here, but ta rieeA ’ the hue dcpicta the eternal miracle of

E)a8ter Music ' | At St. Bridget’s i

A special musical rarvice will be given e f 8t. Bridget’s church tonxwrow. This will mark the 6ra| appearance of the two choirs since they have become vested.

At the 10 o'clock mesa the male choir will sing;

Alleluia ............ .MendelsoshaHaec Dies ...................BurdceePonis Angeliciu ............FranckAye Marls ................. SchubertCTiriet la Risen ......................

....nistara of Notre DameAt the U o'clock moss the com­

bined choirs will ring:VIdIa Qusm . . . . . . . . .GregorianMoos in honor of 8t. Michael. Kyrie BUeleon.Olorie.Offertory: Msec Dlys.Credo.Benedlctus.Agnus Del.Recessional: Alleluia ...............

. . . . . . . . . . . . . ktendelseohn

Angel tells the three women at the Boater.

tomb. This sketch Vie Donn-

Cox Will Retire From Post J iilv 1

Hartford. April 8—(J*)— Con­necticut appears destined to have a new state highway commUrion- er after July I.

WUllom J. Cox, Democratic oc­cupant ef the post for ten yeora. yesterday eonirmed that he ha«

Informed Republican Gov. Jsroea L. McConaughy he is unavailable for reappointment.

Cox declined to dlscuos hia fu­ture plana but said he la "consid­ering” en offer to teach civil en­gineering at » southern college, ft la reported he may return to Virginia.

Pressman Crushed By Drum of Ink

Wsterbury. April 8--(A*)—Crush­er beneath a 300-pound drum of printing Ink which rolled from an elevator loat night at the plant of th# Eastern Color Print company here, John Hartlgon, 33, a prsoa- man died five minutes after being admitted to Wsterbury hospital.

Medical Examiner Edward H. KIrschbaum esid death was due to a fractured neck and Internal in­juries.

Hartlgon. who wa« a veteran of four years service with the Navy, was married and the father of an elght-montha-old daughter.

late yeeterdsM When a email ro'w- boat with which they were playing •ank.

The b ^ i were Identified by po­lice os Robert Gullo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Guito 37 White street, and John Laspino. son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Loaplno 3d White street both of this. city.

Clean Upwards On^FOod Friday

rdoy was cleanup day In maira yards In Manchester. The

ling of th< Cheney Mills, and rlost of the ineuronco offtcea In srtford gave property owncra on

opportunity to start elcanlng up their yardA 'Che members of the fire departments were alert all day. expecting to set many eslla for gntM ftrsA but this did not prove to be the cose.

No. t of the South Menchester Fire Department had two (trea, one of tlicse being a ehimney (Ire St 164 Pine street, and the other a gnus fire on ODolldge atrect. No. 3 was called to HomlMk street to extinguish s grass (ire and at 4:30 yesterday oftsrnoon Na 8 was called to tha parking lot on Ihirnelt Place to extinguish a (Ire started In a parked automobile. The lost call of the day was an­swered by No. 4 at 6:34 last night

to axUnulsh « fire In the woods at the upper end at School street

§49,969 Doiaags la Fits

RIdgeneld. April 8.—(iP-F lra last jilght did an eatimated 940,000 damage, said Fire Chief Doi^d W. Cummlffg to La BrlUgne. on Inn conducted here by MAtoros Blolse Prijent for the past sM 't years and used during World War Two os a rsst bouse for Proa French aollorfl. Peter GommsA * volunteer member of one sf Svs 6rc companies that fought the bloxe, received a fractured l i ^ t arm and was token to hie home after treatment at Danbury hospi* tol. Cumming sold the 6re atorted In a ehimney of the 17*room Inn.

MeelJea Deetor DIee

Meriden. April 8—(F)— Dr. El- bridge W. Pierce, 64, president emeritus of Meriden hospital which he eerved In many capaci­ties rinoe It was opened tn 1693. dleo at his home here last night

Police SeekingBodies of Boys;

tNew Haven. April 3—(4^—Police j

of thla city and West Haven today | returnsd to the grim task o f '

] searching for the bodies of two j 14-year*old New Havrn boys who

I were drowned In West river lagoon ,

Welcome To Easter Services

Covenant ,Congrtigational Church

4S Spmet Straat♦

Sunday Sdiaal 9:S0 A.Easter Morning Strvict............ .... 11 lOS A. M.

Samion by Dr. Ctiarlas JohnsonSunday Bvfnlng 7:S0 P. M.

Candla. Light rrlet■ k 4'

**Jmus cania and atood. in tha midat, and snith unto thep, Paact be unto 3'on.** John 20:lf.

May tha hope Crop tha meaaaga of a rtacn Chriat bring you gcaca today .and fpovar. •

liar. RaynoM G. Juhnaon, Paator

Easter Day Services* t

St. M ary 's Episcopal ChurchChurch aad Locagt Straata ^

Tha Rav. Alfred L. WIlHaBU, RJ).. Rector

6 A .M . HOLY C O M M U N IO NLow cBlebntUon, without muaic.

8 A. M. HOLY C O M M U N IO NFcwtJval celebration with full cboir.

10:45 A.AA HOLY C O M M U N IO NFeatlval celebrmtiuu, full cboir and aermon.

3 P.AA CHILDREN'S FESTIVALQ>IWpc*** dioir, Eaater story by the Rector.

PresenUtioM of Lenten* Mite Boxes.

**A U o m m m f P rm y a r P a r 4 t t P a rn y U **

em£W l i t S T e R

9;fW A,

Children’s Easter Service<4 *»Why Easter h A Happy Day


10:30 A. M.• e

Easter Morning Worship"B u i Christ D id R u e ”


Serm ons by rev . r eu ben lu n d e e n




(Eptnual Choir)

C L A R E N C E H E L S IN G — Orj^anist and Choir Director

4 ^

Emanuel Lutheran Churchaaen


Page 4: Evening Hearld_1947 … · ^nrtrratrr Enfnhto Jfrratd FBIDAT, AFKIL 4, IJMT | (ibifiTown min fc* «n Important •t U.* Roberlaon Srltool rrvt^mmMy rrm up. April

PUttLIMHCD V r TH E aSK A LD PRtNTINO OO.. IN C ia MrMtf M in w i'll Cm b . rmomjkt rcRousuN

rtM .. T tm a . Om't lUnatM Ve«MM O f >»i Un.

I________ Ovcnr Cv«iiia«

•miar* •»* .CotmK m iSM* *t Maacfc—w*. Oma..rwMtalM«

•mROaoBaa Claa*

CaMai E n ta f ai th* a*

Mattar.'w jn cR im u N fUTcs

Oaa Taat Ey Ma'i ........................ Jail'SX a aMaiM ay Hall ................... * ^OM ••••I #•••••••••••*£•■a«la Copy .................................. f *5WaakJy. ay OarrItT .....................I »

I Haaa. M iyaraC Oaa Taar .........IIEWW«a< at Hiaa.. faraica ..............aU-OnHBMMR OI i'HH AMuaATSO PRESS THa aaaanataa Priaa v aariua<*aly

•atttiaS M OM aaa at rtpuMieatMo of an aa«a SMsataSaa sm ants m n ar aM ctaarasa erasnaa >a taia sasar aaa alaa Um lacal aava pnH'aaaa aart.

AH rl«ata at rasoaitaaUoa of apaetal attataAM aarata. art alaa reaefyaa.

raU any’a* HMal at N. ■. A Saryto*'

PaaihriKta ItiaratataliTaa: Taa t Juraa Hatay** Sa iHal Agaary — Naa « Tark. CHMasa. Oatta'i aaa Beataa.



Tha HaraM Pnalmg U e a f ny. lac., aiaiiiaai av Saaaeial raapaaaibnny tat typestapkiaai arreta aapaanas is aS> MaaMaata aaa aikar raaaiaa aiaHar. la K a Maackaalat » f aiag Haraia.

Saturday, April 5

The Brotherboed Of ManIn tfea atary of tba last daya of

Ckrtat an oarth. in tba praachins af Ha(y Waak, tbcra ara cartaln kay ladloaa to th« natura af tha trot ChtlaUan faith ar to tha na- tura af any benrrolent, dacant ra* hglan amonf rmr.

Xartiapo an no Caatar In tha sratira hlatary haaa thoaa who profcaa thamsahraa to ha tha prae> titlenaro of a Kraat faith had mora Mod to ratnm to tha laaoana of that Srat Holy Waak. For man In hla great and cynical knowledge of worldiy and matarial things baa •aalty coom to tha point wham bis awn vary ourvival, hla oam last chance af attaining the good goal far dvUlaatlon, depend upon hla ahlitty to aaek and adopt the ram> adias af tha spirit.

One af the vary fundamental prindplaa Christ laid down during tba period of His own greatest tact and travail ravaalad Hla own attitude toward thoaa who heard Him aad hoMevad Him not.

“ And if any man,” He said, Phaar my words, and baliava not, 1 Judge him not; for 1 came not to judge tha world, hut to aava tha world."

Thera hai’O bean barbaric crual* tiaa in tha history of civUlsatlon, hut no greater tragadiea have oc> earrad in Mslaiy thiui these by wfikh tha baHevara in one faith or loUghm have sought to spread their own faith by the crusading and avenging sword. Thera have bean tow sins In history greater than tha aina of those who, in tha name of a faith, have dared to Judge uabaltavere and carry out thWr own vanhet ngninat such un- bahovera. Tbara la. and ran ha, ba-dar Chiistinn dortrlna, no aiich

^thing on "boly wnr.""In my Pnthar's house,'* said

Christ in this aame rvark, “there are many nuutsions.'’

Ihara ara, parbapa, many inter- praUtlons of that remark. But the one intarprstatlon wMcb can- apt be aanda from It la that any ana creed af tha Chrlatlan religion la suthortaad to aat Itself up with SnaUty as tha one and only tma way to Oulai. And it .aaama to us that tha various branebaa of tha Chrlatlan religion ha\’s nax-ar bean nmra un-Chrlatian than they ara in thaaa daya, whan so many

• af these branchaa ara ao vary rioar to brusque and aeaeping denial of tha right of any other branebaa even to aniat.

In this Holy Waak, Christ wnahad the fast of tha dtadpIcA No SMae lowly mlnlstraUon could ho iBMginad. And then he Mid to thorn;

"If I than, your Lord and Mas- tar. have washed your feat; yt al­so aught to wash ona snothar'sM—A ea

Among tham, avan ms Ha spoke, was Judas Iscanot. But fla did aot aay to them that they ahould ha caraful oot to mcluda Judea in thair practloa of humility. Ha did

.act tall tham that tiiay aboukl aaek only tha feat of tha l|oly ami Bood. What Ha did tall tham waa tbaf no Chrlatlan could aver right- taBy aat himaatf up as superior to any other human being.

' In this Holy Waak, as He was larmulaHng Hla last and climactic ■waaagB, to amu. Christ ended In loltsratlon of ona theme.; “ A saw commandmant," He

, *T give unto you, that ye love anothar.’*!hasa things I command you." ■aM. "that ya lova ona anoth-

.Ha dM not aay maroly to love Christians. Ha did not aay

leva aMraly other Jana Ha did any to lava only white man.

not draw a distinction the ovortoed Romans than

PnlaoUnt. Ha did aot rnaraty thoM who bap-

ilM a b ^ w o d m HadMaetj

any to leva only tha* rich, or only tha poor. Quita to tha contrary, as Paul MW so clearly after Him. Ha meant a good, dynamic broth­erhood of all mankind.

In true adherence to the taach- inga of tha frat Holy Weak tbara can ha no licanae for tha Judging of othara, avan of iinbrllavara. Thera ran be no pm id and thraat- aning claim by any ona rhiiatlan creed that It alone has found tha tma way. Thera can be no cer­tainty in tha heart of any Chrla- tian individual or any Chrls- tlaif nation that ha or It Is suparl- or to miy dna rise.

ThaM things Christ warned against. In His climactic last daya. because Ha was than Intaraatail In giving Hla last and most Impor­tant maaMga, Hla broad, unlimit­ed rscommandatlon for the broth- arhood of man. It waa that broth­erhood Ha urged upon iir without reaarvatlona of any kind, as Ha stood In the shadow of His own Cross.

If wa pretend to follow Him In anything. If wa aincerely atrive to follow Him in anything, It should be In that.

Playing The l ^ g ShotPracUcad pollUclana look with

dtamay upon the conduct of Har­old B. Btaaaan. who la openly pre­paring hlnuMlf for an atUmpt up­on tha praaldancy. Tat ha la going calmly ahead with a methodical and iindiaturbad atyla of campaign which conalata, simply enough, of giving hlmaelf tba bast possible preparation and knowledge for the Job.

At the praaent Ubm, for in­stance. be la in Biiropa ptiraiilng a two month course of travels dur­ing which he will observe Ameri­can foreign policy, and that of other nations, at work In tha midst of foreign rondltions. Ha la following his own cohvlcthm that tha President of tha United flUtra, In these Umaa, stands a chanca of balng a batter Praaldant if ha hlm- ••If has a flrst hand imdaratand- Ing of condlUona abroad. It will also ba a part of his future cam- paignlng for tha presidency for him to Btata hla vlawa and conclu- alons on mattara of fortign pol­icy. For that, too, he la preparing hlmaelf thoroughly and conaelen- tlously.

The long shot Stasaan Is play­ing la that tha Republican nation­al eonventlon nest year will pick not the man who has been nwat adroit In garnering pnlitical dele- gkl^A—although he ran he expect­ed to play that game too - nor the man who seems perhaps tq have t ^ most glamoraiis appeal to tha ahallow-mlndad voters of the country. Ha la playing tha chanca that the convention will pick the man who aaema best quallSed and beat prepared for the Job.

That, by all tha ordinary nilaa of politloa, la a long ahnt Indeed. Thera la all too oftan a vary great eontraat batwaan tha actual stat­ure of a randkiata and tha number of votes ha has in a political « «in- vanllon.

RUaaan. as ^matter of fact, has sonw company In his long shot po- slUon. Next bast qiiallAad for the prMidency, or perhaps equally qualified, or parbapa even better qualUUd. Is Danator Arthur H. Vandanbarg of Michigan. How Well quallBed he is can be guessed from Um fact that hla name led all tha poaalbtliUcs In a arerrt poll of Republican sanatora, who hava toen him at work and who know his abilities. Btit, so fsr ss dala- gstea to the natlonsi convention ara concerned. Renator Vandap- berg Is also a dark horse, whose convention pros|iecU will ha far out of proportion to hla true rligi- bllity.

If soma mlrsrta should happaii. and tha chotca of tha 1M8 Repub­lican convanUon lie between Rtas- aan and Vandanbarg, Rapublicniia c-nild relax and consider tfiain- salva* fortiinste and assured of a deserved victory. But although ihg t cNivanUoii could conceivably arrive at such a final choice, after a prolonged deadlock between lesser Sguiea, it will be thr leaser Ogurea who have tha delegates as the seMlon opens

Few (JomhIMiiieti Safe

(t'«a|ta«Md trsM Fags Ihw)

j and West Virginia had dropped sharply during the past week

ElMwhara. the greatest effect of the work stoppage by the na­tion's 400.000 soft coal mineis ap­parently waa In steel mills is here some planu wars forced to curtail production for lack of coke. The coke-producing beehive ovena are manned by UHW members. In- duatry generally appeared to be blaaed with adequaU stockpiles to aaa It through the week.

YankeeBy A. H. O.

The four Indtvhliia^ aarvtng aa probate Jiidgea in Mn*,, fbur big (.\mnecticut clUes drew down a to­tal of 1110,770.04 rifi Mlaries dur­ing the year 1040.

This flgiira Is a slight drop from their cqmpnalte high rec-ord. which was 0113.070.07. achieved In the previous year. Thr year haforr that their total sals^v was 1107,- noo.37.

The flow of proliste court busi­ness In 1040 distributed these sals- riea as follows:

Naw Haven. 036.770.01: Hart­ford. 031,000.60: Bridgeport. 024,- 03A.43; Waterbiiry. 017,474.70.

There was some slight fluctn- atlaa la the annual salary sweepstakes. Harlforil maxed up Inta seroud place, which Bridgrpart had heM a year aga. New Haven, although still haustlug the highest paid Judge- ship lu the world, rame dowu from $40,00t,04 as af last year.

But all In alL hy and very large, such Mlaries will da. «It waa the apactacle of siicb sal-

ariea which moved the Probata rvimmlsalon appointed by the I04fl Oeneral Asaembly to make some slight snd gentle gesture in the direction of soma Indirect reduc­tion, all In its report submitted In the present Oenrrsl Assemhlv.

The formula the Probata (,V>m- miMion avolvwl for easing the strain of such Mlaries upon the pocketbooks of those who receive them consistad In setting up s special probate fund, to which all probate Judges should contrihiite a certain percentage of thair aal- ariea. Thia probate fund would be iiaed to make studies for the ' In provement of the probate court aystem In Connecticut, and what­ever surplus was not used In mak­ing such study would be turned Iwrk to the toMois from which It came.

The Prohale CommlHsloN's proposed scale of such contribu­tions would he a sliding scale, becamtag unite severe In tbe higher hraekels. Applying this seale ta Hw IMd aalarirs we Nad (bat New Haven weuM lake a Mrt fram i 00,0M to approsl- nwlely gM,aai{ tkat Hartford wauM skM from Ml.tao to a III- tla aver m O M i tkat BrMgrport wauM taka a rut fram Nt4,tNM down to aapraximatoly NM.aoa. aad tkat W'atertNiry waiM drop fram t l l j a o ta a Mtlle oxer|lll,atM.At the legislative hearing on

this measure there waa aome ob­jection from probate Judges, not, of course, on the bailn ot thair own financial Interest, but purely aa a matUr of Judicial principle. Byen should the measure be passed, howex'er, we woulii gusM that tha state's four leading Jur­ists would still And aome consola­tion In salaries still - at 126,000, 123.000. 130.000 and ItS.OOO.

The problem of bringing some rhyme and reason Into probate court MlBiita has now been he- foie the Oeneial Assembly for six .vesra. Four years ago a Judicial Rtudy CVtmmlsslon was appointed. It recommended that s special Probate COmmlsilon be sppoint- eil. This latter commission has now reportetl. and by its report a aalary of 136.000 is apparently Ane. But there seems to be no urgent reason why even such mod­erate action should he taken. Thr sasumplloii of the cvnica, to thr cffe<'t that If the problem could be kicked around long enough the public would tend to forget it. seems to he gaining In validitv. Bv next session we might well have another romnilsslon rcp'irtlng that, after all, mir prohAte Judges are iinderfuild.


All Makes! All Models’Plek-np and Bellvery

Triephune 7!I77 F. BARLOW

(Caalinned from Page One)

Anally deciding to bury him in a shallow roadside grsx-e.

Cauteudo Killing OrderedProsecutor Commendstore, Olo-

vannl Rpsgnuolo contemied thst Mussolini hsd ordered MsIteotU killed. DilminI testifled that Olo- vsnnl Msrinelll, Fascist party se»> retorv, had ordered only thst the depiitv be kidnaped and hsd de­nied that II Duce knew of the or­der. He said the kidnapers hsd not Intended to slsy the man hut only to get information from him.

Uite In the trial. Defense Coun­sel Vlllorio Amhrosinl asked xvby Matteottl's slayers should be pe­nalised while "another execution­er"- Walter Aiidlslo. who claimed he shot Mussolini'-went free. He has demanded prosecution ot par­tisan leaders who ordered Miiaso- llhl executed.

The Communist newspaper L’Unila charged that Ambroainl. in making stich statements, was trying to revlx'e Fascism for hla own political adyantage.

Will Not HandOver Papers

(Coaltniied from Page One)McMahon told reporters last night. 'T o expose the tiuth about con­ditions here. 1 have not tried to please the Rpsniah government or anyone else. If what I have said Is not the truth, the government should point out the where, the why and the when.

"I shall be happy to rectify any mlaatatement. I luive Mid during the last three months that there wan nd freedom of thr press in Spain. I have aald tbaf there ex­ists no democratic freedom of speech. I have said that as regards religion, even the documents of the papacy, tike the encyclical against Nasism and the papal dafense of democracy, have bran suppressed for a peri^ or published In'mut­ilated form.

"I have likewise Mid that the present regime is totalitarian In form, baaing my assertion In part upon the speech of the raudlllo I Francisco Franco) hlmMtf deliv­ered In Burgos In 1006 when Fran­co declared that hla regime rMta

upon a totalitarian bass. Does thr Spanish governaxrnt want to drny tbrsr facts?

"I hayr not comr to Spain to Kir up violence >or brip provoke anotlier civil war. I am against

I surti vioirnce or war. Nor am 1 | hcra to help the spread of Com­munism whether In Rpain or. any­where else. But 1 am trying to do my little bit eo tbe people of Spain ' may aome day hava a democratic, potttical and snetal order in agree­ment both arlth 'the principles of , nstiral Justice and Christian faith. Some moatha of Inteoae lavrstlga- tlon of most parts of Spain have convinced me that Spain today does not enjoy such an order."

The Spanish preM. which la ron- | trolled by O rro, made no mention ' today ofAhe Spanish government's attempt to oust McMahon as a correspondent.

The Poet's Column |I Easter. It47On Calvary there, the hill of

aha me,. He carried our curse, He did not

blame: His CroM He bore, condemned Hla

throna' For this for all. He atones alone.' Ah! then through the grave to

aave,.The prophets of Him proclaimed; Himself fulfilled, the spoken Word In three days I'll rise again

The Easter dawning, demands our Praise,

Hitherto the Lord hath wrought; The glorloua passion of the croM The triumph o’er the grave,

, Our Peace abounds o'er tombe of doubt,

A resurrection from within;I Revealing our path, this Easter

bringsI Our Victories over sin.

! In twain for all our veils ara rent—, Tbe poor may enter In,Hla loss our gain. ^ Calvary's

I P**"' i II Eternal Life begins. I

* When Jordan we reach and pisre I our claim,! By death shall escape hy death.The shouts of angels will burst the '

skira, And the Bridegroom meets Hla

Bride.—Cecil Kittle,.

Buenos Aires ranks sixth In slxa of the citlea of the world.

We Have Obtained Some1947 Sedans and Two

. Door Jobs-C O M K IN A N D L ( K ) K T H E S E O V E R

l/PRs T h u n .>li|pn O n A n y o f T h p s r ( !u r s

1 9 ‘1 7 F o n I T H i n D o o r — R I a r k

1 9 ‘1 7 F o r d T w o « D o o r ....C r r y

1 9 4 7 M w u r j ' S e d a n — - B l u r

1 9 1 7 F t»rd 6 <a I. S r t iu n — T w o T o n e

1 9 4 7 P l y n i o i i l l i S|M*<'iul D r L i i x r S r t la n

COLE MOTORS9 1 . 9 3 O u t e r S i r r r i

Spring ancixonl- meni in__lhit colortut

pockoga. Surta Nocon of rarfuma and Eau de Cologne.



ge eWuaes DralbPraMah. AprU 6— Medical

BxamlnOr George H. Gllderaleeve aald that an Intracrantal hemor- rhaga raaulting from a fall on March M caused the dt-ath at hl:< homa last night of Harold C. Bu i long, 17-year-old eexond year stu (Mat at Marwick Fraa academy.

lovaly both kiauriax . . . Eou da

Cetogna, Talcum and lubblingloth EtMnce.................. 9.3SOlhar Gift Sato 1.90 to f4M>


BOl Main « l . TtL 9S21

ijOuper S hopl-radinff Floriata Sinrv 1912

R E.\ST CENTER 8T. TEI« 519.1

A Happyj. H ealthy Easter To You :



T H €


You Have Helped Ut Build for You, o B a k e r y Equal To Any In the Country for Quality Cokes and Pastries.




6 e i*

1. Even Richer Pastry!2. No Advance In Prices!#

3. Something New In Cakes Every Week!

4. Dividends To You As a Customer!


1. Add New ond Modern Machinery2. Continue To Improve Manchester's Old­

est Bakery3. Make of It (the Bakery) a Food Center

You'll Be Proud Of4. Reduce Our Prices With Our Growth


Stop in today and yon will

JuMt how nincn help our rlerkn can* be

Making MugRrMtionn for a meat or two

Or planning the diet the whole waek throucli.

It Is o«r aim to hr af grratat srrxirr la uar rostumrrs. Oar aalrsprnpto ara ad0p4 hi aug- grsllng swI.iMr foods fnr rxrery mral to thr day. Thry rrollx amka stotpptog with a* a ptoa*-


MENUWe will be well slocked' with

Whipped Cream ileiua, Aeeorted .

Cakes and Pastries Also Easier

Decorated Cakes and Specially

Made Hoi Easter Bread

May we recall it to year Blind

All our pies are the better kind

Of which your family will eat their fill

And quite agree that they mi the bllL

All aar pira ara laaia trsaa haaw4ypa ireipca artth Plaaty af tha brai oMtortola Mtala- aMr. Tha m«at arxarr ola ertt •ca M Ihto arighborboae iaiva at toaiad ta Ibrir

NOTE: If At Any Time Our Cakes Are Not Up To Par . . . PleaVe* Return Them and Receive Cred­it. Your .Criticism Will H e l p Us Make B e t t e r Goods. We'll Reword You With Double the Volue.

MANCHESTER EVBNDtG HERALD. MANCHESi'ER. SATURDAY. APRHTS, 194)• \ f*' t) '' ■ I I ■■■— ' I I I I I IX W I. — aaaa—a— — M»aaa i i ii naii ■ ).ia— mMa jLP A G E S E V E N

w n a o -.LZ. today's Radio

WONS—Scramby Amby. '—I Oaal In CMaasl

t i l

iise— ♦WDRC—Nawa.WKNB—Nawa; Duka ElUngton.WON8—Naws. iWTHT—Scrano OammtU.W n O —Naxra. '

l i lS . -WDRC—Eastar BkS Hunt WONS—Richard Hlaber*a Or-

chaatra.' WTHT— Saturday A furnoon

Saranada.w n O —Know Toursalf.

1 4 0 —WDRC—County Fair.WKNB—S40 Club. WTMT—PkWomop OuisWONS—Sym^onlaa fOT W TIC-Judy Oanora!^W n ry —^Btarican Lagion Aux-


WnC-^Truth or Oonsaquancao.

WDBO—Hit Farads. W O f^ M lg h ty Oasay. • . WTHT—Gangbuatora.WTIO—Praviaw ot HR Farada.

WONS—Chicago Theater ot the Air.

WTHT—Murtlar. Mr. Malone. W n c —can Tou Tbp TMsT

WDRC-rRandall Playhouse, le iso ^ '

iUary.'WTIC— National

Home Hour.Farm

WTHT—Rachel McKntght. SK ie-

WDRC—Oive and Take.WKNB—Naws; Olcn Oray. WTHT—Our Toxrn Spaaka. w n c -F la k e Jubllaa SingarS.'

9:IS—WKNB—Olenn Millar.

SiSO-.WDRC—Grand Central SUtlon. WKNB—Aoofdlon Tima. WONS-Yankea Network Insti­

tute Journal of tha Air. WTHT—Hill Toppers, w n c —The Baxters.

S :4V -WKNB—Freddie Martin. WTHT—This Is For You. w n c —To ba announcad.

SiSS—WDRC—Cross Section-U.S.A. WKNB—Nawa; Ruas Morgan. WONS—Art Mooney's Orchea-

tra.WTHT—Phil Braatoff Orches­

tra.w n c —Orchaatraa of tha Na­

tion.SilS—WKNB—A Boy and a Giri.

S:S»—WDRC—Treasury Bandstand. WKNB—Soup to Nuts. WONS—Sports Parade. WTHT—Sunaet Roundup.

4:06—WDRC—StricUy Sxrlng. WKNB—Nawa; Mailbag.WONS — Description of the

' "Paumonok" Handicap. WTHT—Horsa Races, w n c —Doctors, Then and Now,

4:15—WONS— Cleveland Symphony

Orchaatra.WTHT—To be announced.

WPRC—Adventures In Setanoa. WTHT—Traaaury Show, w n c —Columbus Boy Choir.

4:48—' W DRC- Of Men and Books.Sise—

WDRC — PhUadelphia Orchea- I tra.' WKNB—Nawa; Swedtoh-Amer*

lean Hour.WTHT—Saturday Concert, w n c —Grand Marquee.

»«»*— • .. WONS — Latin- A m e r i c a n

Rhythms.S ite —

WKNB—News.WONS—For Your Approval. W n C —Musical Program, Three


WKNB—Sports Revlaw. w n c —King Goto Trio.

s:oe—Nawa on all stations.

e :l5—WDRC—Community Chest Pro­

gram.I WONS—Let's Oo to the Gamea; I Musical Roundup.

WTHT—Chlttlaon Trio.' w n c — Bob Steele; V. A

Weather Bureau. '«:se—

WDRC—Jimmy and Me. WONS—Answer Man.WTHT—Deowcratic State Can-

, tral COmmlttoa.w n c —Naw England Forum ot

tha Air.• » « —WDRC—Larry Lasueur.

WONS—Winnie tha Wave. WTHT—Labor. U. S. A.

l iM —WDRC—WalUn for Clayton. WONS—Tankas Network Instt-

tuts RoundtaUa..WTHT—It's Tour Buainaas.

* w n c —Our Foreign Policy.

I ^VDRO—Jean Sablon 8bo»’. t WJHT—Knights of Columbus.,7ise—\ WDRC—Vaughn Menraa Orch- I astra.' WOMB—Kew England in Con-

graa.WTHT—Journeys in Jaxx.W n O —Curtain Time.

TrltWONS—F. U LaOuardis.

S t« e -WDRC—To be announoed. WON8—Twenty Queatloaa. WTHT—Faasoua Jury Trials, w n c —Ufa ot Riley.

• i se—WDRC—Mayor ot tha Town;

Nad Oatanars, News.

WDRC—This ta Hollywood, Hed- da Hopper.

MtSS-«WONS—Jaffenon Day Dinner.

PreM dent Truman.WTHT—Sama aa WONS. - wnc—SaoM as WONS.

IdidS—WDRC—Talks.WTHT—Dance Orcheetra.

ifiee—News on all atotlona.

l l t lS —WDRC—Nawa; Footnotes. WONS—Korn’s-A-Krackin', WTHT—George Hicks Presents. W n C -W . W. Chaplin.

I l : ie -WDRC—Columbia Masterworks. WONS—Emil CotoBMM'a Orebea-

tra; Naxra.W n C —Dance Orcheetra.

Itid e —WONS—Benny Strong’s Orches­

tra.w n c —Nexva; Mai McIntyre Or-

ebastra. "ISiM—

WONS—Joe 8ud3r*a Orchestra, w n c —^Thrsa Sims.

13 :46-WONS—Oriff WUUams Orches­

tra.wnc—Lea Simms.

Eco no m y Seen A s B u tch ered

Bailey Attacks Repub* lican Leadership as *Drunk With Power’Hartford. April 5—uP)—Damo-

crattc State Chairman John M. Bailey has described the Connecti­cut Republican leadership aa being "drunk xrith power and arrogant­ly confident."

Hla latast verbal attack ou Gov. James L. McOonaughy and other admin latratlon heads xras made yesterday aa ha charged the Re- puhlicana xrith having "butchered the report ot the Legislative Boon- oesy eammlttee and Ita reeomasan- datiooa for saving g l1,500,000.

VIetta ot "rhStleal rreaaurar* "The Republican party has dla-

I played its trxM ooktra.” Bailey said ia hia weekly statement on legla- lative dexrelopmeaU. “They consid­er the welfare of the people sub­ordinate to the welfare of their own politleal party and tha Rapub- Ucaa leadara."

Ballsy declared the committee’s report containing propoaalb for af­fecting tbe aarin^ by budget cuts xras the victim of "craaa. party political, pressure.

"As a result." continued Belley, "the chairman of the committai^ Rap. Walter V. Daray, a R e p ^ - can. has announcad that tba eom-

AUVB OOFEAN (Known Aa (|nsaa Alice)

Bavcnlh ItongM er of a Mevanlh San I ■ o n W ith n VaB

BanUnga OaKy. Ineindtog annan. . ,• A M . t o 9 P. N .O rB y AppaKiX ntont. la Mto 8andaa « t tba Pan* I^ **8P ?an T A t AUBDIITM ISS O n e n Mteast. Har tf ord. Uaa

Phono S-3M 4

nittoo will jnake ao further ia- .’estlgatloas. A sincere man xvho tried to da a good Job, Mr. Davey admits that hla committee war outmaneuvered Jby hia own party's

political leaders and that the Re­publican fellow-members xrerr puahtd to the xrall."

The Democratic boss .again charged Governor . McCOnaugh;

with giving "mere lip seA'lce” to economy. . • -

Nicaragua Is the largest of the Ontral American ropublica. r

f \A ic( CBtflm

D o n ’ t Disa|)|M>int t h e K it it l ie s

ITS NOT TOO LATE TO GET AN EASTER GIFT Such Aa: Box of Chocolates, Stuffed Bunnies,Easter Baskets — DonaM Duck Pull Toys and

Toilet ScUWe Win Bn Opea Until Midnight Tonight - .

And Sanday 8 A. M. To Mdnight

THE FERNPAUBOppeelto tht High School


BulMosinit Equipment RentalaCellars Grading Land Qearinii

Excavating Free Estimates Given631* North Main St., Manchesttr

Phone 5323



Export Painting and Color Blending. Complete Refinithinq..All Tygen of Wracks Coiagletely RepaifFd Like Newt


(For Night Wrachcr Servtra CSII 8298)

CfCtakld t t lM a k s f t .

R A D I O S A L E S i S E R V I C EOne^futMrter M Ue N orth o f the C enter


W U coxA iey R eco rd io Sen tin e l

M o to ro la H om e Radio^R C A So u n d Eq u ip m en t


Amegite Driveways and Parking Areas


e '

Concrete Chimney Block UnitsS4 HOMESTEAD ST. . TELEPHONE 7091

FILMS FILMSDevcioged aad Priated Aay SIse — 89e Rea






285 Main St. Tel. 7220

As we have slonly aasaaied the cahn af peace agaia, let aa raaohre to live the qpiHt of Easier throaghsat the jrear* *. and not ahad aar “Sanday Maaaera** afTolerance and Rlaccrity when wt haag away ear “Haaday Oathea.**

U . S. Cleaners and Dyers8.18 Maia Street — > Ward's

S S B S S S B S B E B S a E B H B B B ^ B B ^ ^ S S f t S S B

YeSt You Can Beliepe What You Are Reading


• •

Will Resume

Pick-Up andDelivery Service


Monday, April 7Yes, the dependable laundry service you were so accustomed to

before the wor is being resumed at once. As you well know the ces­sation of this service was caused by the emergencies of war. In the interim we have improved our plant, modernixed our machinery and instituted modern handling methods that serve to produce the best of work ond yet allow us to hondle more volume.

This onnouncement will be welcomed by thousonds of locol peo­ple who want ond demdnd top flight laundry service. It will be boiled by the many customers who know New Model service . . . we are sure the mony new<omers to Monchester will also welcome this •opportunity to tie up with our laundrv je rv ice . . • people who ore oc- customed to all the courtesies ond finer things of m e t r o p o l i t o n loundry service.


Phone 8072 And Ouir Driver Will Callf'lf *

Page 5: Evening Hearld_1947 … · ^nrtrratrr Enfnhto Jfrratd FBIDAT, AFKIL 4, IJMT | (ibifiTown min fc* «n Important •t U.* Roberlaon Srltool rrvt^mmMy rrm up. April


O oc^C c^ COLUMN■« Hal aw to f MiffwL U)» braUwn triad to

KB Dana Hin, N. ^ i„ jn*y 190». but aaa*|*>~Tka altpun* eral nearainaii wstcbad from dunaag O ltofto ^ n n an 0»a * half mUa away. Public intaraal

.UMB It did IB U»a aand duna coub-try artiara It waa born. __ cnfuab raporter triad

H m Wright^ brothcra uabar^ talcgrapb wlra outla tlM air rra bara 4S yaara ago ^ ju n ta o by baring tha talegra- laat Dac. 17, but aoma paopla pagaa tom from a mag*along Uia aaa caaat atUl tbtnk It another raporter tbreatanadvaa a eraay tdah.' to brain him wltb a chair. Tha re*

Thay faal that tha whola « • porUra aent their copy in turn partmant waa a Wg mlataha T h y u,^t.r _ a _ _ iWtaa fcMila ' . ____ .a-.a anBPI


S u b ad 'a^ UMh* **** then. Thay don't, laugh now, but aato* aUU aiiaka their baada.

Only two man ara living of tha aBMU voluntaer craw of Ooaat Oaardaman and hangaraon who haipad tha " a ^ broihera" from Dayton, wheal their flimay banklte contraption into poaiUon for the takaoO—a nibborty flight of a faw aaconda that changad war and Boaea forarar.

ta p t. John I t Danlal of tha Obach Ouald la old. feable and rotired. Johnny Moora. a young gacfcfcunter who gave a\*laUon oWi flauacular puah and forgot It. la aa alderty flaharman who atlll Itvaa anrar tha dunaa In a frama hauaa aat In a anall clearing.

haa ’ a larga family. Whan folka aafc h in how many chttdran ha naa. h t anawtra:

"Can't aay for aura tUI i bum aC Um braah 'round the houaa.”

r i i a t l i l Manteat Hla proudaat moment came

whan Proaldant Hoover, vlaiting tha Natal altaa of American alr- powar, aald to him mualngly:

"■a you ara lltUa Johnny

Itaailanti of thr naarhy vUlagoa a ( lOtty Hawh and Maniao tiaag h t ao UtUo of tha poaaibUlty iT S n avar flying that n ^ ac. oatftad tha WrtghU' Invltotlon to a ib h d tha IMS dOBMoatratlon. No

worb praaant

after that.Saapewded for *TaMng

B>Ton .Newton, later aaalatanti •acreUnr of the Treaaur>-. waa apeciAcalty aaalgned to the atory by the pubildhtr of The New Torh Herald. lA’hen Newton conaclen* tioiiBly reported for aevaral dava running that the Wright machine waa living auccemfiilly ha waa aua- panded for tlx weeka without pay, for •'faking." 1

The diabelleving Cleveland Leader wired another eorreapond* | entr |

•Tut out wild cat atuff."Wilbur Wright, hlmaelf unaware

of ho t’ faet atiatlon would grohf, a correspondent that In h|a

opinion no machine could ever oe made to fly acroaa the ocean until

TurntoCadh 'Can Help His Customers O ldM ateriak Finance House Repairs

^^^mathtng''better than a naoUne angina wraa davalopad tp^ortva It. A Uttla boy named CharlM Lind*H.VIV --------- ——bargh waan’t old anough to refute him than. ^

Telegrapher Alpbaua W. Drink- water, 71. who atlll haa the with which he aent out the of tha Wright fllghta In 1-.—. aharaa Wa wlfe'e doubt aboutytha alrplnna

T think It waa a mty It avar Invented.'^ aald MTa. D.-_„ wstar, who haa navar baan In one.

••Well. It haa dona aome gimd." aald Alph. who dlatikea flying al* though he haa baen up a faw Umaa.

•Tea. but wa could have dona without It.” rapHad Mra. Drink- water, and took up her tatting.

nSSO N A L flukes LoiuwPmoT that wa try to makeK Stt »»«-♦Mil tor a loan hare gat ttl |fl.S> a flkonth ranaya a flOO loan In M l In l6 months. Other SBOunto In proporUon. No MMIUta Involved, flmall month­ly paymanta—up to U moo. to rapoy on moat loona. Coma In a r piiofM today.PcTfloufll Fiiiaiitf (4t.

No. M l

Plumbing ond Huafing .Egfart Work!

Vincunf MorcinC flatrflc tor

t t i Nartb Blafai 8tr«tt Tfliephoiie 4848

Sheet MeUl Work Done

Fumacefl Repiiired and Qeaned


Norman BontsS77 SpnMt Straflt


K . l l i i i s l o i i

Mr. and Mra. Milo C. Hayao. Mrs. rradariek H. Hlmmallar and Mrs. Ruby M ctray attandod Po­mona Oranga which waa hald hi Habron, Wadnaadiyr. Tha neat meeting of Eaat Central Pomona will be held In Vernon on June 7 wrhlrh will open at • p. m. Thia will

j bo Inapactlon night and tha dagraa i will be eonfam d

Schools closed Thuraday a t noon and wrin raceaa until M on^y April I 7.





Dan Backtr, Proo>Sd Oflk Street

Mancheflter, Cm ii.

All Article* Dlaciirdcfl in Spring Cleaning Have A Money Value NowSpring housecleaning la getting

Into full swing In moat homaa here In Mancheater and thIa year more than ever befora tha average householder can turn Into cash moat everything that la to be dis­carded. According to William Ostiinsky of I t ) BiateU street the demand for waata m auiisto U greater than avar and with tha exception of bettlaa, you can ob­tain monay for praetheally every­thing that you are planning or diacardlnf from your cellar, cloa ata and atUca

The aarvica given by William Oatiinaky haa been in affect for tha paal twenty-live older rasMenU ofyManchaatar are thoroughly famiKar with the ax cailent aarvleaand courtaay afford­ed by Oatrtosky'A AU you need to do la to j>h6na M7* and one of Uia th ree 'tru ck a maintained by Wil­liam Oatnnaky will call a t your flama and o o i^ t tha diacardad clothing. Bcrap maUI. bundled nawapapars a id tgagagine^ and

you a gbbd pfiea for thaaa ar-

WUI Pay le p PrtoeaThe trucks will call a t your

hone only on a deflnlta order and If you wish, you may phone M7P and aat a time when It will be BMit oonvantant for the truck to call. At the appointad UaM the truck will b t at your boro# and coUact wbataver matarial you may wish to dlspoae of and pay ym> top Bwrkat prices for whatever ft may bt.

Tala aervlca la used by houae- wlvva garagM- factories, store aervlca atatlona and Industrial plants. They know from past axparianca that tha pricaa paid by Oatrinaky’a ara currant market pricaa and tha oerrtca la a great eonvenlanca to them.

Not only la It sm art to gat money for your diacarded mate- riala. but It la a good way to cut down lira baaard In your owm home. Too many ttmea Urea a r t

Ke-—- ' i - r


Wt RAVING IT S B im n E O AT \ / A U « C R C R tirE ▼ ^ I N 9 STATION

« n Hartford Road TaL SflM





•NlBlrk Carat Par AlHag Cara"


Mala HIraat Al Waaall fltraet

itoMa froaa aay part aa I o bat thaia W vtotMa avt- I a f ea r aarvlrtag flapaad-

la laapr aved vaeaam wo

raaaaflltliB I t aad pat H la

■g coaH oa Wakip. ao

parta. Cm

» « * U N Q msaMau

Highest Prices

For Rats. BaadIctI Paper*. Scrap Metala. Etc.

Call or Writ*

Wm. Ostrinsky182 Biaacll St. TeL S879


Repair* Caa D* Mad* Within 21 Hoaro

StateBarber Shop

10 Blaaen St. TeL .S956

Just whan tbtnga seem ' to pile * up and up for tha average house-' holdari when pricaa and'your peck- . atbook juat don't seam to balance,' thara la a ray of hope for you. B .. V. Coughlin of seo Woodland xtrect haa made arraagementis to help cnatomws finance any nacas- Mry repair )oba tha t ha may do through the P.H.A. If your roofj leaks, or If you have no guttars a t all and your houaa naada th am .. you may bava this work dona and pav for it on a monthly baata

Don't gat tba Idaa t lm tMs triU be an expensive Mil to pay month-1 ty, for Mr. Coughlin aaya th a t a 34'x30* house can be raahlnglad and tha payment for this will run aa Uttla aaigS.OO par month. Not only can Mr. OoughUn help tba hoane owner to gat this financed through tha 1T.1LA.. but bc' baa tha neceaaary papera and will help All them out for vmi. With tha In-

coat oZ living. tMa maana th a O o t t . .w atm have tha nacaa- aary repalfa- doiM apd 'witliout atralBtng your budget—In fact you wlU aearoely mlsa tha monthly payments. Why not phone, him r l ^ t now, 7707, and ask for fur­ther details T

Oflem Mars r ral aellaa Mr. OoughUn announcoo that

RubberMd 'Hto-On 'Shlnglss ba*a a new. smaller ahtngla now on the market that la really a beauty, and offers more protection than evar, bacause It la amatlar. Thia ahlnglc la tba asms high quaUty that baa made TIte-Ona a symbol of quality and economy. Tba wroo- darful part of tbaaa 'nta-On ahln- glaa la tba fact tha t they ara In­terlocking and ara guaraataad not to Mow off. they poslUvaly wlQ not lift In % high wind, and thay will wear and retain their lovely eol-

I ora long after many other ahiilglaa I have faded and given out.

%'aar Baata It would be a smart Idaa to

check your roofs In the near fu- j ture, for In many cases tha wind I ■ — —‘ atartad from the storing of dis-

carded and InflammaMe materials.I There la really no good ranaon for ! storing such materiala year after I year. It la a fire haaard and alan

takes up good space In your attic and cellar that you ran put to good uae.

I If you do not wlah to phone or If It la nmra convenient to sand a card to William Oatrinaky, 1*3 Bisaell street, you may have the same service by this method. All

I YOU do la to aet a Ubm for the : truek to call a t your house, and It

will be there on schedule.I Plan now to turn your discard­

ed materiala Into monetary gain ' by selling all rags, diacarded scrap I metala and bundled new m pera I and magaatnaa to William Ostrin- I sky, 1*3 Blaatll s tra e t talephons

SiT*. Taka advantage of tba shortage of waata materiala and tha high prices during tha spring housacteaning period.

has gotl MitiiffWa not be a

tan undar. a . faw of tha and unad thaia*. TMa will

apaarent until tk*. spring and 'than , untortunataly, ft coma all too apparent. Why

not have your roof chMkad by Mr. Coughlin f Tba damage Cain than be repaired with little coat.

Ito tha way, did you know, tha t rooflng pHoas. sofar, have not ad-, vaacodf T^iat is an actual tset, and tha answer to UUa. la a almpla oqa—Inerqaaad production. Vl^y not taka advantage of this fact, plus the fact tha t you can hava tha work dona and flnancad through tha F .R Jt.TU yoa want an axtrsm ely heavy shingle, Mr. Coughlin has one, tha thraa-ply Aaaoglcan method aa- phalt 'jAlngla. The coat of this ahlngte to consldarably more, but tha araariitg quality to unaurpaaa* ad.

Mr. Coughlin does gu tter and aavaatrough worh and thU, too m ay-b* flaaacad through tho P. H. A. You m ay have yourtihblca of the 3g-gauga Ariaco or Toncan. both f l a t k i ^ y knearn. Mr. Oough­Un also has copper guttars. althar tha box type or tha half round. If your old giittam ara worn or gou hava Mr. COugiillli give you an asUmata AP ' bavliR this work dona., !■;

Tou might be Intarastad. in aaa- Ing a aampla of tho shingtoa tha t Mr. OoughUn usaa. tha Ttta-On or tha thraa-ply American method asphalt sMngla. If ao, phona 77C7 and ha wtD gladly show tham to you aad only by sating thaaa ablnglaa can you raaUy appraetata Juat how tba ‘nto-On actually locks Itsalf togathar. thus , pra- vanUng'lifting or being blowm off. You caa than aaa fqr youraalf tha lovely ahadaa and the teraM lIty of tha ahlnglas. rro a aatlmatas are glvaa a t all Umaa by Mr. OoughUn and whan hto work la flntohed you ara assured of a superior )ob and gutter satlafactibn.

To Have A 5(oand Railding Yoa Most Have

A SOUND ROOF!Coamtvlo Baaflag 8arvW ! Aitolmit — Tla


ndaMMya Plaahlagfiattara

E. V. CoaghlinNS W aadtoai B«vaH

PHOS S 77*7



bavalbaltHam W aasSaM Om


HART r. MePARTLAND Apt. $40 ****'•


38 Mala 81. TeL 7938 "IVIten Thiag* Ar* Doll Oor Boainena la Gtmd”


EVER FRESH Froaea Food CaMaet*



Boloa wiB Rowtea Aay Mqka Haag a r Pawar

t a p p i n g

Robert Rosa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clare*;ca Kuaa of SulUvan avenue, who baa Dean a t Camp Dix, spent a twro days furknigb a t hto home. Tuesday ha left for Camp Kilmer where ha wUI remain IS days ba- fora salllnf for Qarmany.

A aon waa com a t Bt. Francisboapttal racanUy to Mr. and Mrs.

IWai ~ — -tot.Winiam Watrooa of Wapping Osa-

Mr. and Mr*. Alkart WUdar of Station Sfl. Main a tm t . obaarvad their Sflth wedding anntvaraaiy this aftarpoon from 3 to • p. m. Mrs. Wilder waa tba former laa- bolla Raon. Thay wore married AprU 4«I*33 In Newport. Vt., and BAovad to South Windsor from Cast Hartford In 1*40. Thay hava four daughtera. Mrs. Wllllsm Burk- hsrd t of Csst Hartford and Nor­ms. N atalis and Loretta of South Windsor.

Mr. Wilder has baan with tha Wsllar and Osborn CO. of Hartford for 14 years and to a member of tba fire department. St. Francis d u b and a member of the Land Ownara* ProtocUva AsaoclaUmi. They are both membara of tho Oranga.

I Rev. MarsbsU Budd of the Onm- munity church, Easter Sunday,

' niU taka for tha topic of hto aar- j man, T h o U gkt of the Croao and ! Um U gkt of tha S p irit" Tba glrto*

choir wiu eing and Mlsa Baatrica Johnson wtU ring tbs "Holy a t y . ”

Babal OovaramsB* rtt-V |-* -fg

Busnos A irss, April *—<*>— A I rebsl Paraguayan goesmBMnt { bsadad by a Junta compoasd of

thraa Uautanant coionfto was rs> p.>rtad today m hava baan aatsb-

I llabad In Concepcion, tho tnaurgant ' stronghold in tba north.

Good Printing At Schieldge’s

Also on HRnd. Is Big Supply of C ^ ce < Ar tides; Good SdectionWithout gUnobig out of doors.

WnUsm H. Schlldgs can tell wben spring arrivao—tb s reason 7 Bt- causo hto print shoe loeatad a t US •pm eo straet Is floodsd with r t - quaota for wadding Invlfallnaa. wadding announcsmsnta. Tbto pop­ular print shop doss a bsautlful Job on thto ktod o f work aa Umt do on all otbsra and B»oro and Bsoro paopla, la and around Manchsat s r wUl hava no other shop tu rn out their work. Not only to the work dons to porfoction. but duo to tbs fact th a t Mr. Schtoldgs haa pur> rhsssd la groat amouata of d iner- ant ktada of paper atodu you hava a a almost unUmitsd cbotca.

Tha qiiaUty of p*p*r used In dif­ferent work makes tb s gieatsat of dlflsrenoa in tha Ckilahsir appsar- anas of printed work. Tba vary beat atock made from rag atock. of courts, searoa, but many aubaU- tutaa have baan found for good looblng paper stock, and tbaaa sub- eututas aloag with tba batter f«par stock ara a v a l^ la a t tha w . H. SoMaldge P rla t Shop located a t 185 Spruce s t n e t If yau a n In any doubt aa tq tha proper weight of paper, or tba best sioek from wMdi to diooos. Juar aak Mr. Boklaldgs and hs arin gladly advtoo you.

Carrtss O ff ln SuppHea.You know, of courss. th a t bs-

cauao of tba nsany.-many req im U asada from paopla all over toern. and out of I t too. Mr. Sehlaldge baa added all kinds of offies sup­plies to this P rin t Shop. Haro you wlO find practically any supply tha t tha svarsgs offtca .may n ^ . and if It to not In stock. Mr. Shlsldgo will obtain It for you If It to possible for him to gat I t

Many different kinds of paper are to be found hare, many of them oxtremely dinicult to obtain. Onion skin paper, used In tow offices where many carbon copies must be made and referred to in many s to n a aa “manifold paper” to found here. Legal paper, colored paper, writing paper, .a l t weights and grades of typewriter papers, every­thing. In faet. th a t you will need In the paper line.

Carimn paper, both the Roy- tvpe and th - Carter carbons are ainid here, both of which s rs fsvor- sblv known. The Roy-type comes In a slightly kmger t o n ^ and by spacing your copy diffaeantly, thto cerbon win gl^w double wear. MsrkwaU aUplevs and tUptos. Bns-stItch auplea and staplers, binders, flies, l.idex cards, type­w riter ribbons are carried a t Schleldgc'a

Mr. Schlsdgs teys th a t tha Car- | te r Btvia M astsrs are gaining fa- , vor—they will not spill If the | bottle to over-turred and the price to unballevablv low. Not only ara they good looking, but there to a wMa price range from which to choose and they look equanv at home on your family desk nr in 3Tour oBIca.

Drop In a t Schieiqga's If >*00 ara not already acquainted with thto flna print ahop and aaa to r your­self Juat how many different things you can And hare, yoofl quality a t fair prices. For Informa­tion. Juat phona 3**0.


A6RI60a o a ic o *oB lawks. TSSSS A f la a o B a .ttos aoaicoSOB 0UU110 a a F law ara s a d V aga-B b o d a d e a - ; d t a a a a a d ^ A a a l a a s . lAOBICO FOBa a o A D L aa t'■vaaoaaiN sTadaya Past \ a U a t faad

8 K t US FUR R A R a tH i U F F t l l S ARR AORICR


ItO M aiaS t. Tal. 8397i


Arc k Chcrislicd Treasure Through the Year*!

P«t«rson StudioOdd taUawa Balldtag

r. Caaa. TaL t - I IU

SERVICETa Bsatot wbea yoa hava enad traaMeo wa bava 3 Hrarhaea aad i harvW Truras a l yoar



Otaaa Fkaaa 5M1




241 North Mala Street 5411

Griswold'sServica Station174 Wcat Center Street

T*lc|»lien* 8459

Speciolizing In General Motor

Repair Work

. . ; FOR . . .Dupont Point Products




AU Makcfl of


SingerSewing Center

832 Maia SL T*L 8883 Maiicltaater


WithBglaiKcd Precialoa m ffinf

Expert Tire and Tab* Repairiaff

New and Uaed Tir«a and Tube* Batteri**


Tll«flM B *49»■raafl BItaat *- A Bbaft Waya

Fraaa CaaSae S traet

. a AIA o**9^ Eaat, Center straet

BERNICE M. JUUL Manager Owner

Painting Paperhangingnoor^apd CtiUnga

TnstaUed and ReftniabcdGeneral Carpenter W orti,W* Repair Eeerythtng Around th* Property

R. S. PORTERFIELD178 Oak Grore Street

TeL 4752.4894.8749.2-0M7


■. n . oaw i* . Fra*.

BpcHantlag la■b a h

Whael ABgam aat n rah aaadC'arbaratar

185 5lainSL Phone 5012



Frampt and CMriaal Friatlag af AH tUada

COMMUNITY PRESSA. B. Hatama J . W. navaCtor. Na, Mala aad Na. Hi-lwial

StreatB — Trtoabaaa *733


Far F irst Claaa Wartuaaaehlp! Falaltag Faparhaaglag CUavas

CaMags Flonra


Falatar aad Daearatar 14 E8BRX nr. PNONB t-eegfl

Fia* FaWamtaa!

q u a iJ t tPRINTING I

fiM priallag Jab wa da far y a a w i l l e ta va aatta- toetaay— ba> oaaaa K wtb

amdeta. etor iia t aiHbada. Oat aur aatkaata.OapeadaMa QaaMy — Barvtee!

WILLIAM H- SCHIEI-DGE1*1 Sernaa Btiaat Tab flMd

Manchester Dry Cleonert

93 WcUa Street Telephone 7254

Expert Dry Cleaning Service

T. P. HolloranFUNERAL H^ME

Idaany lacatad .aaavaa lia t and away fra*» t|M hnm’ tttoraaah- tota. DtoUactlTa Barvim. Mad- aaa FaciUtlaa.


175 Center SL Phene 3009





Ndw and Uaed Tire* 29BiM eaSL TeL 2-1139

Furaace Supplies Pipes. Elbows, etc. Plumbing Supplied

Manchester Hardware Co.Peter Gallafino. Prop.

248 N*. Main SL Td.6265


REPAIR SHOPWm. H. Green. Prop.

Columbia Bicycle*IL S. Tire*

Repair* Serric*.keceanorien

180 Spruce SL Phone 2-0659


• I I Itertto rd llaad Ma ■tarBpartol A ttrallaa Olvra Tn Ptnaw Ordrrs. Tat. 17*a. npvcIalMs la Fa- aaral aad Wad- •lag Arraaga awnts.

ftot FInwvraFnttrd Ptaata

Dog FoodDog Collars and Leashes

Dog RemediesLARSEN'S

FEED AND HARDWARE 34 Depet Square TeL 5404

Monchester Sheet Metal

WorksCopper or gaKanixed Eavae- IroiNHia and Cendnetora. Air-conditkminff a Specialty Hot Air Famacen Installed All Type* Sheet Mrlal Wnrh

21 Year*' Experience 228 Center SL Phone 5413

i . R. BroithwoiteKejre Mad*. I.4>ck* Repaired

Tool* GroundLawnmawer* Sharpened

Ekctricnl UtUities Ra-4JonditinnrdGun* Repaired

52 Peari SL Phone 4200 |

Aileerliae in The Hemld'—>ll Puv*


See Quota Reached For Greeks' Drive

The local commltta*' on^ the Greek Relief Fund to to meet to­morrow whan a report will be made of progreas. Tha allotmant for Mancheater to $3,000 and those In charge of the drive to raise thto amount feel confident that it wlUgo over the top. __ _

Unofficial reportk made last night indicated th a t over 50 per­cent had already b q a^ raised and only a partial canvai^Kf tha buxi­nes* section of Maimhester had baan completed. •

tA itiin ib iaBids on the proposed consoli­

dated Bchool for Columbia ware, opened by the flchool Building committee a t a rntretlhg held by that group April 1, the date of the cloctng of bun. Philip Isham, chairman of the committee haa announced that all bida were too high and th a t none will be ailcapt- ad. The blda. he aald, Includad;' Associated CbnatrucUon Oom-i pany, Hartford, general conatrue- tlon only $79,750; Paraona and Fagan. Hartford, general, includ­ing plumbing, heating and elec­tricity, $103,313; A. F. Peaaiee, Hartford, general construction only. $83,761; G. Cudemo. Inc., Hartford, general conatruction only, $94,500; J. 8. Naain Com­pany. Wllllmantlc, general eon- BtrucUon only, $50,609; plumbing and heating, flfl.143. electric, $5.- 966; total, $81,708; W. R. Becki WiUimantic. plumbing and heat­ing, $12,696.51 not Including ven­tilation or oil burner. Thia to tha aecond aet of bids to be received --the Drat submitted on earlier plans aeveral months ago were ao much in exceaa of the $70,000 agreed upon by the town aa the price to be paid for the achool, that it waa decided to revamp the plans. The new plana were pre­sumed to be such tha t the build­ing could be built for the pro­posed sum. Since It la evident that this ia not going to be poasible, the town now awaits the next word of the committee.

With the ftohing season open­ing on April 19, flahermen are vtoiting the town clerk, Hubert P. Collina for their licenses with no need for a reminder. It might be wise, hoa'ever, to juat issue a reminder tha t dog licenses are also due to be piirrhased beta'een now and May first and they are also obtainable a t the home of the town clerk.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cobb of West street, noted their thirty- third wedding aqniversary, April 4. No special celebration took | place, since Mra. Onbb ia lit and ; in bed. I

Mr. and Mrs. L«uls Soracchl I have as their iCaster week-end guasU, M ra Sorracht’a atotar. and family. Mr. and Mra. William Bander, daughter (torol, and aon BlUIr, of Long Island.

Of interest here, is the announce­ment of the engagement of Miss Kild May HawKtna of Brooklyn, N. T.. to Harold Alllaun MatUce of New York City, made known this week by her brother Claude B. Hawklna of Hartford. Mias Hawkins spent all of her early life In Columbia. Her home was on the West homestead, her mother's Mrenta, the farm now owned by David Topple on West street. She taught srhool here fbr a while and

Junior Dale

then aaterad P ra tt Inatltuta Li­brary achool from which aba waa gtaduated abd from tbaa un to Bar ratlrem ant la Baptambar, 1*46. was librarian a t BttvsM Inatltuta «f Tachnokwy. Cbatla Point. Ho­boken. N. J . fRte to n member of tha American Woman Aaaortbtlon and of tha National Boclaty Unit­ed Stataa Daughters of l i l3 . Mr. Mattioa, son of Rev. and M ra

.Ricbsrfl B. M atties of Naa’ York City. w*a graduated from Colum­bia University snd the P ra tt In- stltu ts Library achooL H s waa aa- soctotad with the Library of Con­gress for many years., bafors en­tering the New York Public Li­brary. where he waa employed In

: the Oriental Division until hto re- . tirement last October. He has cooi- I piled an Engliah-CMnase-JapaniMe Lexicon of Bibliographical Cfeta-

* logutng and Library Terms and ;atoo an account of "Perry and Japan” which contains the trans­lation of g contemporary Japa­nese account of the Perry e x p ^ - tlon. He 'la a mamber of the New Torti'OHdhtal Club.-. Am-vng those from Columbia Grange who attended the masting of Etoat Central Pomona Oranga Wednesday were; Judge and M ra

R ^ l Raymond 14

Mrs. Lester Hutchina who pre­sented a akit as ot tha

lay wiClayton Hunt. Rev. Ramh W. Row.

Lffman andland. M ra

literary program and M ra H arriet Ladd who gave a mon Uogua; Mra. Philip H. Isham and Donald B. Woodward, master.

Proposal to Halt Paralysis Strikes

(Continued from Pnge One)

chance” the committee will ap­prove a ban on closed ahop agree­ments. under which a worker must Join a union to get a job. He said the draft will be revised to in­clude a proposal tha t closed shops be p c rm ttt^ when two-thirds of workers voting approve, provided the two-thirds m ajority exceeds .50 per cdht of the entire working force.

Other Provisions of BillThe preliminary version siso

would:Outlaw secondary boycotts

(wjilch occur, for example, when one union refuses to handle mer- chandtoe made or bandied by an­other union or by non-union work­ers), and Jurisdictional strikes (stoppages resulting from disputes between unions as to which should do certain work).

Set up a Federal mediation agency Independent of the Labor department, with provision for a compulsory 30-day cooltng-off pe­riod before a serious strike. (This cooling off proposal would be eliminated if the suggested pro­cedure for luuidling national pa­ralysis strikes were adopted).

Assure employers tha right of free speech In dealing with work­ers.

Relieve employers of any obli­gation to bargain collectively with foremen's unions.

Waald Baa OBrek-OfrProhibit the check-off system of

collecting union duea uiUess ap­proved In writing by individual workers. In the check-off. dues are deducted by the employer snd turned over to the union.

Make unions liable for un fa ir labor practices, as employera ars now»

Outlaw health and welfare funds administered solely by unions.

Make It possible to sue unions In Federal courts for violation of contract.

Require unions to submit an an­nual financial report to the Labor department.

CreaU a House-Senats commit­tee to conduct "a thorough study snd Investigation of the entire Held of labor-management rela­tions." The committee would re­port by naxt Fab. 15.

President fYsnklln D. Roosevelt traveled 84S.B37 miles during hto twelve years In offlee.

Lacy Squares


By bur BuraellA wsa-watotad date drsas with

the popular surplice clugtng. brief cropped alecvca and a auggestlon of aaflneas a t s4ch shoulder. Tba jtialur sawar can make this en­chanting atyto easily—our smooth­ly foUoJvad saw chart guides you ■tap by atap.

Pattern No. §157 comas In alaea 11, 13. 13. 14. 16. |g and SO. Btoa IS, S*i yarda of 35 or 39-tnch; with straight grain. 3 yanto.

For thto pattern, send 35 canta la Ootna your nam a adtlraaa. stoa ikairad. and the Pattern Number to fu e Burnett, The Evening Her- lid. 1150 Ave. Americaa New York. 1*. N. Y.

Don't mlsa tha Spring Issue of Fashion—It's flllcd vvUb bright Idaaa for avary woaiaa who aawa

• for haraslf and her family, Otylaa I by wall hhown daalgnara easy to

maka patta rn a a rra# g ift pat­tern printed Inside tba book. 30 canta.

j By M ra Aaaa OsbstA )iandM>ma doily whan crochat-

' ed separately—an unuaual runner If you crochet three of them and

• aew UMm together! Bach aquare , meaeurca 11 mchaa Numbers of : tham can be joined for a UbIe I runner, draasar scarf a r a laoay tablecloth. Individual oquarea can atoo be uaad as luncheon place

i mats.To obtain complete erochutlM in-

stnictlons for Uie Lacy Pinaipple , Bquaras (PalU rti N a 5ga$t oaod

15 canto ta aom plua I cent poaU age. ^Qur M me..$ddcMa ao4 tba pattern number to Anna Catoot, The Manchaatar Bvaaing Herald, 1150 Ava. Amcr-caa, New York 1*. N. Y.

Scouts janil>oree On Next Friday

More than five hundred Scouts. Cuba. Sanlora and Scouters of Man­cheater DIstriet have been rehears­ing dtUgcntly for tha past three montha on their various projecta and auignm enU for a spectacular exhibition of Scout and Cubbing acoomplishmenU. It win be known aa “Scouts Jamboree" and will be held In the Stat* Armory on Fri­day evening. April 11. a t seven o'clock with a possible repeat per­formance on Saturday evening. April 13. \

The huge Jamboree and show to expected to take about three hours during which twelve scheduled events, pageants, music snd spe­cialty comedy acts will be shown. Bob Steele, radio announcer, w ilt be master of ceremonlea , T)w poplilar American Legidn Band win play.

The people of Mancheater and Vicinity a re asked to show their approval of the Scouting movement In the Manchester D tstrict by pur­chasing tickets from any Cub o r Boy Scout or a t tha Armory <h>or.

turnpike foad. waa take* over by the town last September for tax arrears. There are approximately .96 acrea This may be ao!d later 66 a t public auction. Unpaid taxew on this property run back for a long* term of years.

A party was held Tuesday eva- nliig In honor of Mrs.'>Harry Kirkham a l tha home of her par­ents, Mr. and Mra. Harold L Gray. Four gencratiotw were present. In­cluding Mr. and Mrs. Gray, Mr aad Mrs. Kirkham and their daughter, Sue-Bllen,. and Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Miner, Mrs Kirk* ham's grandparents. Lloyd Gray snd sister Mary, and a friend, Richard Boudreau of Massschii- setts were present.

There will be special Easter services In all the churcheg of

I Hebron. Two communion services I will be held a t St. Peter's Eplsco- ' pal church, one a t • a.m„ Sunday

morning, snd a second In conneo

lion with the 111« m. service. There Will be a display cf-Easter flowers r.nd spectol E u tr i niusic. The Rev. H. R. Keen will oAclste. TVro can-

Idates will he admitted st the ebn>n Congrt.gnlionnl church,

Mrs. John VsnFj.nder. by confes­sion of faith, and Mrs. Crtlfford VFrtght by totter of transfer. The newly orgnhiseo choir will aing a t the Glltsd ihitrrh service*. So­prano* are Lvd.s Simons, $ ary Porter, June Keefe. Beatrice f a r ­ter; altos. Dorothy Ellis, Charlotte Motyka.’ Cs'rrie Vnrley. ’Julto No- vseh; tenors. Frincls Stor s, Ben­jamin Vsrtey, Gcr rge Milne, Alden Warner; basses. Kenneth • Ellis, Richard Storrs. r«.orge and Bar- brr.i French will be admitted to the church on c«mfca*ton of faith, and $Ir. and Mrs Edward Colpitts. Mr. and Mrs. Jan es Ellis and Wil- tism and Mary R'.iia by letter.

The Lenten s«'rvlce, scheduled for tost Tuesday evening a t U»e

honie of the Rev H. R. Keen, was postponed to next week,.oWing tn the hidden death of Mrs. T. D Martin. Her oody was brought to her home here t lu t evening after 5, from Avery snd VsnZandt'a funeral home in WlllUmaatIc, aitd friends were invited to esil and see thr remslas and offer their re­spects. Many availed themselves of the privilege Among those pres­ent were Mrs. Martin's dsugnter, Misa Marjorie, of New Yoik, and her grsndchildrrii, Dwtoht H. o< Wllllmantle, and hla wife, snd 8yt- vis snd Ksthleer of Lawrence- Memorial haapltr.1. New London.

XIr. and Mrs. Isrny H. Getrhell of SprinrtelA V.-uia., have add their dwelling houar on the comer of the Hebrm and Andover road

I to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grant of Windsor.

Bananas accoimt for 6t per cent I of the exports of Honduras.

HebronFuneral aervlcaa for Mrs. XL

Joaephlne Martin, widow of tha late Rev. Theodore D. Martin, brought many mourners despite the rain which fall through the day. Tba church waa a bower'irf flowera contributed by family and many frianda. "nie Rev. H. R. Keen officlatad. Hymns sung waro "Abide With Me,*' and "The Strife to O'er. Tha BatUe Won.” Mra. Lewis W. Phelps played the pipe organ. Slngera were Mra. Nellie Rydell, Mrs. C. E. Porter, Charles I ^ I p a aad Horace Martin. Bear­ers were Clifford Perry, Bidward A. Smith, Robert Rathbone, Leon- aiil C. Porter, Daniel G. Horton and Lloyd Gray. Burial waa In the family lot In 8t. Peter's Cemetery.

The town library was closed Tuesday, owing to Mra. Martin** sudden death. She had been the librarian for a long term of yeai* and no arrangement bad been made for any one to U ke her place. She will be greatly missed in the library aa well In other ways. She was s great friend to the children as well as to their elders. She was greatly Interested In bird llle snd children were al­ways taking wounded or sick birds to her for care. Many time* she would succeed In nursing them back to health and freedom.

Dr. Harry Sherman will be the speaker a t the meeting of the Hebron Parent-Teacher Associa­tion next Monday evening, AprU 7 a t the Hebron town hall, opening a t 5 o'clock. He will speak on ‘The Relation of Animal Diseases to Public Health.” Dr. Sherman, a veterinarian, to well known here, being a former Hebron i-eaident. He to. now located in Wllllmantlc. Following the above program there win be an old fashioned spelling bee. AU are invited to attend. I t Is sure to be sn interesting meet­ing

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Phelps returned from Uielr trip to North Carolina and Virginia in order to

i,attmul the funeral of Mrs. T, D. Martin. They had planned to stay a little longer. Their sun CharlM was with them.

Mrs. F. Elton Post, Hebron tax- collector, reports that jUI but three property taxes on the list for 1946 have now been paid. Land former­ly owned by WilUam and Adeline Chamberlain on the New London


Xaire Property •"* Farm ProperUesReal Estate

On th* M arket hy"- IBtbW ARD R . HASTINGS

REAL ESTATE SPECIAUST Phonr* 2 -1 1 0 7 or 4042

aX* __NOW VACANT—You can aiove rlffhl la, 6 Room*, aewly dceerated laaide and eat.

Zoning Board of AppaaleIn accordance with toe require­

ments of the xonlng rm ilatlon* of tha Town of Manchaatar. tha Zon­ing Board of Appaato will bold a public baarthg tn the Municipal Building, Thuraday evening, April 10. 1947 a t g P. M., on the follow­ing applications; I

Application of Raymond Croa- sen for parrotoalon to move dw sll-' Ing, approximately SO feet to tha 1 north, closer to street line than 1 toning regulations allow a t 25 Mc- Nall Straet In a Rural aone.

Application at Louisa Ooda for parmtasion to erect roadside stand for tbs sals of fruits and vsgsta- btos a t 655'N<>rtb Main Btrsst In a Raaldance A sons.

Application at Fred Fava to r, permtoalon to sell fruits and vegs-' tables from roadside stand a t 97 j Wells S treet Irl a Realdenca C { aona.

Application at Mrs. Mary Scran­ton tor permtosion to relocata thraa cottages a t IflO Tolland Turnpike In a Rasidanre A aona

Application of WilUam Batata for permlaaion to biiUd twro-car garage to be uaa<l tor temporary living quartera a t rear of 509 Tol­land Turnpike In a Rural aona

Application of Frank luUano for permlaaion to liave beer permit In connection with restaurant a t 309 Spruce S treet In a Businena aone.

Application of Albert U tvln- chyk for parmtoaton to hava a Plumbing and Heating shop In garage a t 29 Pearl Street in a Raa- Idence B aone.

Application of Edward Gagne j for permlaaion to keap chickens | and erect a coop for aame a t SS3H i Canter Straet In a Realdenca B | aona

Application of WUbur Markhapt for parmtoaton to oonvart tw«>- family dwalUng to threa-family a t i 7 Walker Street In a Realdenca A aone.

Application of Mrs. Philip F arr for permlaaion to convert two- family dwelling to (hraa-family s t 405 North Main Straet in a Real­denca B aona.

AH peraona Interested may a t­tend this hearing.

Zoning Board of Apciaato,By Martin E. AJvord.

Chalrnlan.John H. Lappan,


Pall dry cellar. Idtw price of

Idwated al Non. 149-151 Piae

Oak floors. Insulated. 4 rooms down. 2 up.$7,500. $.1,000'ca*h needed.

2-FAMILY DUPLEX—4 and 4 roomH. Lame lot.Street- Price $6,500. $2,000 down payment.

ELDRIOGE STm NOS. 8.1-85—Duplex. Large* lot. 4 and 4 rooms. Near Main St. $6,500. $2,000 down payment.

ELDRIOGE ST„ NOS. 126-128—A real buy for aomeone! .1-Family Flat in good condition.,,. 5-5 and 4 rooms. Garage. Thi* property is Ideal for family of relatlTea thlit need a home. Pool down payment of $.1,500 and buy thi* one at less than 40*;i off repincement. ... .

100 ACRES—Route 44, North Coventr.v. Conn. Houxe of 12 rooms. New hay barn. New milk room with 10 can cooler. New granary. ArtcMian water automatical­ly pumped to each tie-up. Idchl for large family interealcd in farming.


Propertie* Shown By Appointment Only.


NEW TRUCKS AVAILABLEli-TON TRUCK12 Ft. Steel Platform With Hydraulic Hoist.

5-6-TON DUMP TRUCKWith 2-Spocd Rear Axle.

5-6-TON TRUCK12 Ft. ^ c k With 2-Speed Rear Axle.


RALPH'S MOTOR SALESStudebaker Sales and Service



15% Is A S u b stan tia lSaving!

Not Easily Found Those Days. . . But That's What You Get When You Use

N ew M odel L aundry’s CASH and C arry. ServiceYou bring your laumlni lo ua— pick it up lulcr iu the week and aavr 15%. Our casy-arrrHH parking yard right al our front door give* added ronvrnienrc. ^

P- S.— Don’t forget— Men’s Shirts done with our ruetomary fine finieh.




W* Repeat By Papular Demand . . .SPECIAL 19% DI.HCOUNT ON Al.l. ORDER8 TAKEN FRtlM APRIL 1st TO 19th. IMrect From Manufneturer To You. Immediate DcHvrry. CaN Ua New far FREE ESTIMATES.




Lead Yew Tratk


27 DeerlMd Drive Mancheater ty iiphiB i S49t U B U* far Betimaleel N* J e h T w a U e r lk B S M lI BULLDOZERS, POWER SHOVELS, TRUCKS Exeavaling of AR Kiada, CeOan, Gradiag,

I-and Ctenrlng, Sewers, Landscaping Drfrewajrs

Expert Auto Body and Fender Repairs

Wrecked Cara RebeUl — Oar SperiaMy 1 Genuin* Parta Used I

CAR PAINTING IMINK TO A SHOWRtMIM FINISH Yaur Choica af lacquer ar Sjmihetk Palat

Monthly Payments Arranged.

Solimene & Flupq, Inc.1




New England’s Finest

Candy Makers






Page 6: Evening Hearld_1947 … · ^nrtrratrr Enfnhto Jfrratd FBIDAT, AFKIL 4, IJMT | (ibifiTown min fc* «n Important •t U.* Roberlaon Srltool rrvt^mmMy rrm up. April

M A N C H E 8 T E * tV E N T N O R E R A L P . M AN C H E STER . C O N N - S A T U R D A Y . A P R IL 8,1941a tA N C n M IK K KVIlM N U h e r a l d . M A N tH K S I KK. (U N N .. 8 A T U K O A Y . A P R IL 8,1947 PAGE BLIVCN

•4- — -Am

> H « M i t , 8 7 5 0 T e r

Sm m M o o t i i L m I

r< A y t f l A l i w iJ

■ At UW• Mr tlM Mooth 'of

IMT. ^ w r ia Ml iacTMM p«r tk« auM Moatli metots 1m * aMitli

» «M I« tai MarchiMiipU arm I1S.MB.H Ma aliaadjr p ^ t te an la April rcMipU thU laat paar. Tfcla la

bp tiM l■e^aaa^d anount MBiabp paival poat ot tha

. Jt.'Ban’ Raiaarp atock. Thla hMp atartad tiiatr ahtpaMnU ^paar oa March Ml, and on

I riilppad an aatlra tma car • pin oat af Mancbaatar to an parta of tha aooth

Manehe$i€t Pai€ Book

atoa fta a IM1'jm P.WL.

nUgham papoant Drmina Chib,


atat Maoaorial

■iap. Aar« •■rotbariMod Baitwr

itai profraai. Hlph

April* M ta . R. ad P- at

adiool at af forailac

riM iy. A p riill ■aowta laMbntaa at Mata

Aiaartcaa Uafton Band

AprilUOar Ladp et Bor*

• t JaaMCa


at Prtxata Dutp at Ratabow.

IT aad Mral abaor at Oaatar Ba. HoUlatar atraat

MMap. April M n^fm arna-atA plapa, Maaabaatar

p B T aabool Palat aad Ptxrdar ■SaMtlc aiab.

U lw M p. April I*Malaiag raraat Tan CaBara af

iBibaMa Bpriac Oaraawnlal at

■aafci April W• Rpriaa oatiaa, Aadaraoa>*haa

fto L T T W atoSiiBaa Ottnra.. WeBaaaBap. April B*

A ^ r praaantad bpPlapora at HolUatar

andar auapleaa of Wooian'a Club, *;90

F -a tTbanBap. April» «

MaBlo JaaMoroa at Otaaaara BiaaM Bbutb Matbodlat church.

BalarMp. April ** '^PMIMb anahramrp banipiot of

Saatb Mancbaatar Ptro DapC, at VaBtale Taanla.

Tbiaiap. ApcB »Balat iaataUaUan, AnBaraon-

MMb Baat aaB AoaUlarp, V. r . W.

Aprfl » aaB a*al and Bulhaan Oparatta. bp Jurp.” Boath Matbodhrt

ApiaaBat Caiamial Lutbaran

bp tbo Baiaanoi choir for organ fund.OraiM A. PbaWon Bhoor bp I. _ wbodTuff hall, Cantor

Prtiap. N » tniaatliur at Mancbaatar AlooboBca Anonpnioua.

■oOiotar atraat

laaaart Baatbcaan Olaa gb aabool ban. of oeftbaU oaaaoa at , ftabortaoa Park, aloe

Tarilicht Baaoball Uagua, Oval.

MaaBap. Map It I ooaMrt of Chalmtnada Chib, Eaaaaual Lutbaran

News TidbitsC d M F fM B A P Wiibs

Bridgaport Takgram advancao rlea to nar eaata. . . Big ruah for

S ta r t Work OnAthletic Field

ataaibara of tba advaataga of yootar-

_ a babdap for tbo town daporimaat. aad angagad

irioM of tbo roan to atari out BOW athlatlc Saida for

I UBO of tbo naanbara. Tba Saida bo locatad at tba coraor of

LpdaU atraota. Iha aartp la ownad bp David Haat* f baa doaatai tu uao to tba

uatloa purpoaaa. woroB With acrub

0 1M0 tiMir bulkloM0» aad track to ba oporaUd

, 73.5

ooata to hoar OraMpko diacuaa Oroak poUcp on Mondap. . . Cngtna of Boob hnad BoriMt dorailad In Kaaaaa. . .Ubartp Ship NardoB Biakaa Virginia port in apita of cargo flrr. . .B tP woatber plaae makM aafa Oallfomta landing af> tar long flight with ona motor

Armp Air Tranaport CommanS trpiw groat circla routa to Tokyo . . TLwdao Ovarvfl piannlag to Buury Oaorga COllum. bar co^< fondant on chargao of rtiurdoiing bar paranU. . .HawmiB Haghaa gotag up agala in typo plana which craMod hln laat July . .Trygva lia arrlvoa hack in thla country.

81. Joaapb. Mo. polica’ chlaf haa ■pact In alaetric ^11 ataylng of

church Janitor. . . ^ r troopa In Japan parada for Mfp^ work. . Oompoaar Howard OrdBa and Act*

Vlrgtala BlalB taka out mar* riaga llraaaa in Loa Angalop. . . Bight aUta laglalataraa hava raU* Had amandmeat limiting tenura In tha praaldancp to tan yaara. . .

aapactag to raoognlM now ladonaalan rapubUe.

Baarch far alayar of Mtoa Wpa* oaa Harvap, waahlngton atono* i yapher, turns to Now York. . .

confara with Viceroy Mont* battaa. . .Isvaatla aaya Britlab

have not left Oreaps and that BrIUah miUtary mtsaion la atm **glring tnatnicUona to Oroak aUalatara". . .Runaway bartaga

«a falls Into Cboaapaaka Bay .Ruaalan chargaa Vaadrnberg •Bmrnt la “transparent man*

auvar to gat United Nations authority for tha new American policy.”

Bob Hop# takas Siat place In >oll of our |Tar Boat t r o ^ . . . labr adaira heading back to work

Invaatla acraota America of saritlng aciwiBilc poaatcatloa In Italy , . . Oonaervatlva laador aaya Biitala must afaguard Itself In the world orramMa far faad and raw matarlala or tTcriah’’ . . . Tagariav oBMM chargaa In Moa* cow that British are suppreuing damonstratlons in Austria.

af a

I aad a half for tbs VX.W. Tba

«W bp 400 fast, aad lb paatsrday wsO olaa rad. Mar la good.

▼.r.W. will apock ■M aad aapoet to

gat* Work waa

OB Um for tbo


The A


Most "OrgaakT Pabi Naaroalo

Dae To

Bp Wnbom A. OTIrlea. MJ>.Writtaa for NBA BotvIm

Tha old family doctor was auo* eaaaful In traaUng tha sick bo* cauaa ha knew his patlanU aa pao- pio; ba knew thalr famlUas, thatr eommunltlas. tbair habits, their dap*U>*dap cxperlancas. Aa medi* eal practlco haoama more special* laad, phjTBlclana davelopad more in* tareat In *V>rgana'' aa such, and the patient hUnaalf waa pushed Into the background.

War axparianca In psychiatry haa brought back to tha practice of madlcina a roaltsatlon of tha Importanoa at helping tha parson who Is sick M well as of curing hla organs.

When a nauroUc patient con* ■ulta a physician, ha often ra* queeta a painstaking ganaral physl* ^ anamination or aoma special teat of ona organ.

Baah Phyaleal CaaaaA oomplata physical pxamlna*

tion haa been used by aoms phvsl* clans to orovs to thalAtleat that ha was organically aound. and many r,aurotic patients, by thalr own admlaalon, baxu asked for a complets physical examination with Uw hope that thsir symptoms eould ba axplainod on an organic basis.

Badatlvap ars doatrable at Umas. but tha constant aupproMlon of disagraaabla aansatlona bv drugs la a poor aubstltute for a patient’a understanding of his condition and for Its trsatmant by a physician.

What tha world most needs at tha praaant Uma Is naopls who will listen. Tha physicians who are moat successful In handling neu­rotic dlaotBsrs are those who havs de\f!opad the ability to listen.

Whole Body Oare BlamedBefore the present era In acicn*

tlbo madlcina. whan people became sick they blamed many organa for thatr diflculty. As skill In diag* noala Inereaaed. however, disease waa often located in ona organ.

Pain. aoreneM. and rigidity over tha appendix, nausea, vomiting, and fever are relieved by tha tv* moval of an Inflamed appendix and not by taking aomething for tha bowels and blood. But eurglcal •uecataea In treating dlaeaee in various organa Increased the prob- iama of those who ware anxious about thamaalvas. Many neurotics hava lost organa at operation be* cauaa It waa dlfllcult to Ull wheth­er tha organ was dlaaasad or wtoather It was being affactad by tha narws.

An examination which Includes a raivfld history of the emotional makeup and rasponaea of a patient ^^1 prevent many unnacaasary op- aratlotia ^ --

Seriously 111 Persons Aided

Fear Easter Parade Here Will Be Spoiled by Rain

N e w , B lo o d B a n k a t The Bastar parada willH O B bita l l in e d in T h r e e j nWy • » a damp and dntaly affairCmmlm T k l . W m .L I “ y**’’ “ forecast today aa

I.Wf* w ccK Iwaathar pradiotiona held no hopaa' lofvfair sMaa for tomorrow. Show*

new blood bank j era and generally raining condl* three emar-! tiona In this area will make a

prob*tralna—tha festival win bS/Cala- bratad with masaaa, communion services .and chorals. A oomplata

Efforts Redoubled To Settle Dispute In Phone System

(COatlaued fraoi Page Oael

Manchaater'a this week answered gcncy deman^ which definitely proves the givst community serv Ice this agsncy can render In preservation not only of health, but of life Itself, in three instances at Memorial hoapttal tranafusiona were given to seriously ill patients who would at least hava bean tn critical shape had the blood not bean available. The patianta' con­dition required multipla tranafu* Biwui. and with the bank organised as It Is. all of tha blood needed was given with no worry as to either supply or coat. And the im­mediacy of Its use wgs a big fac*

church program la contained e|ae-, where In today’s. Herald.'- There_ haa been a good

r'tor toaThis week thara haa bash

very good raaponaa” to requests rscantly made tor more blood bank donors, and the medical aaaocia* tion, sponaors of tha bank, are well aatlsflcd. However, in order to bring facilities to highest point of Mrvice, doctors say there cer* talnly is a need for many more wrsona willing to aid thla cause. Persona who wish to become don­ors should advise either the hos­pital or the local Red Cross head­quarters, and all arrangements than will ba made.

Marshall Confers With Bevin Today;

Discuss Progress(OenttaoeB from Pag* Oaa)

Ruaala'a demand for $10,000,000,* 000 In Oarman reparatlona over a 30*ycar period, soma of It from current production, and western opposition to thla demand.Sessions Expected To Last Into May

Moscow, April S — UPi — A Soviet source with Foreign Office connections Mid today the Rua* slana were expecting tha Council of Foreign Ministers still to be In aisslon on May day.

Thla Informant said plana ware being made to seat Korea of dels* gates In grandstands In Red square alohgside Lenin's tomb for the hugs parade which usually takas place on that day—.May 1.

Sovlat military units already are In training for the parade.

British and An.erican sources, on the other hand, are -aking the view that If conference procedure doaa not speed up. or If hopes for progrsae do not Improve, they'll bo pulling ut for home about the middle of April.

Dinner Prepared By “Lillie Woiiien”

At the meeting of the 4-H Lit­tle Women's club which was held on Thursday evening, at the Buckland Mhool, a dinner was prepared and rerved by the mem­bers of the club. Miss Alice Cummings and Miss Mariljm Hair were hostesses.

The guests of honor were Miss Ethel M. Robb, principal of the Buckland school, and Fred D. Clark. Mr. Clark la also the 4-H leader of the Little Men's club. Mrs. Harriet Clark la the leader of the Little Women's club.

A buslnsM meeting for the club will be held on Tuesday, April 15 Immsdlataly after Khool. Later In the evening there will be dancing. Invitattona are being sent to the guests Invited.

Refresments will be served.

bright new Bhuter umbrella a worthwhile posacaalon. But in apltd of Um rain, the aessonaJ splurge has been great, and Indoors there will be a showing of style and color not possible since war days.

The weatherman has been wfoil} before, but storma moving in from tha west this Ume seem to bear oot the saddest predictions.

Ip the cjiurcfies, the religloua obaervancea will ba of great tn* tereat. Ooounenctng with a aunriao choral service at Memorial Field ,r-ln BalvaUon Army Citadel If It

flood of clothing buslnesa It haa been reported, with Increasing tendsney to color In women’s wear. Straws have been very noUceable.

For men, spring has offered an assortment of light-weight light hued suits and sports combina­tions.

The clothing has been better made and the quality is said to be better this year than last In children’s lines there Is a variety not available In the past few years.

But rain or ahinc, the Bastcr egg and bunny buslnaM la auck that at least the children will be happy In spite of storma.

Hollywood Russell Wants fireek People

Vote on Rulesfffns Um way to brink order to ■“ — laerted.

will bethe. naUon'a first cross-eonntry communications strike.

CkaBeagea Clark Oplalon President Joseph A. Belrnc of

the NFTW, which Is Independent of the AFL and CIO, chaUengar hardly know what else to do.

(OsaHaasg *«mn Page t)«e)I

ElliiiglouHoward E. Little, tax collector

of BUIlngton, will be In the Elling­ton town hall tonight from 7-9 and next Saturday April 12, from 2-5 In the afternoon and 7-9 In the evening. His last date at the El­lington town hall will be Tuesday evening April 15 froip 7-9 o'clock.

Miss Priscilla CTiapman, daugh­ter of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Chap­man of Maple avenue and a stu­dent at Dean Academy, Is home for a two week's vacation. Mias Joan English of Edgewood, R. I., la Miss Chapman's guest for a fsw days. They spent the day Tues­day with Miss Nancy Becher In Leicester, Maas.

Rising Star Lodge, No. 49, lOOF., wtl) meet Monday April 7, at 8 p.m. at lOOF Hall. Orand Master Stanley W. Hoamer and staff will be preoenl. DUtrIct Deputy Urand Moater Edward G. Hoffman and ataff and vloiting membera from CreKent Lodge, King David Lodge and Wauaeon Lodge will attend, aloo Edward Stantaflrd, Grand Inatructor. A social hour will follow.

Longview PTA will hold their regular meeUng Monday April 7, at 8 p.m. The names of the new

--------- officers will be presented. A socialyvsr 50 per cant of tlM i time will follow with “Bingo’’ be

Open ForumBMB,*** r « r Hoaalngr

To the Editor,It would have been more deair-

able If you had spread your two column report of the recent “Me­morial Field Oommittee’’ meeting on page one of Thursday's iaaue instead of burying it on pan twelve. Thla committee has the odd idea that the town should em­bark on a $200,000 project to re­make the face of the Old Golf Lota, and they want to atari work thla summer. That figure $200,000 Jangles In my memory, for 1 re­call $200,000 aa the sum that is holding up this now-we-see-lt and nowvwe-don't housing-heaven for sefknty-Blx veterans tn the pasture next to Princeton street.

If we can afford to spend $200,- 000 to plant trees and bury a brook .In ths Old Golf Lota wa can afford four or even alx or eight hundred thousand to provide veterans and other young married people a place to live and ratoe the children that will play In Memorial Field some day.

when I signed up at the Vet­erans' Center for rental housing this past winter, the girt at the desk told me there were seven hundred and fifty other names on tha list. Probably many of these have bought $9,000 shacka built of green wood in one of the local sand banks since then, but there are lots of ua who are still living with our In-laws or other relatives.

If we can throw this $200,000 back to Vethaven where It belongs let us consider another phase of Mancheater's housing project. The plana for Veterana' Housing call for four-room single dwellings of frame construction. InaamuM as the prime purpose of the project la to provide aa many decent dwell­ing units aa poaaible, why not con- slmr multiple houses. \>’e lived ini one In Middletown. Pa., which con­sisted of. cinder block apartment-

a buildings of two stories. Each ing contained twelve four- roo'ih apartments. They were warm

and comfortable and rented for forty dollars, (this included heat, light, and gaal.

The saving features of such a design are to have central heat­ing lone heating unit to supply one or two buildings), and to have them separated by generous lawms. I believe that with such a design more than seventy-six units would be possible for the same amount of money. The economies effected by putting the plumbing, electrtcsl and heating Installations for twelve unite under one roof should be sub­stantial.

At present houses are certainly more Important than ballparks and shrubbery.

Sincerely yours,Herbert K. Seymour

March 31, 1947


FuneralsO. M. Marpkay

Tha funeral of caiariaa M. Murphey wUI ba held at 2 o’clock thla afternoon at the Watkins Funeral Home at 142 East Center street. The aervioea will be con­ducted by Rev. Alfred L. Williams of St. Mary’s Episcopal church. Frederic Werner will play tha organ during tha services. Inter­ment will be In the East cemetery where a Masonic service will be conducted at the grave.

About TownA son was born on Thursday at

SL Franda hoapttal, Hartford, to Mr. and Mrs. Sahratore R. Roaella of IflO West Onter street.

Several local women will attend the annual meeting of the Hart­ford City Panhellenlc Asaoclatlon to be held at the C%ureh of the Redeemer. 433 Fern street. West Hartford on Saturday, April 19, at 1 p. ro. The speaker will be Mra. James L. McConaughy who will apeak on “Life with Prexy.”

Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Winick of 182 Blaaell street, are the parents of a son born 'Iliursday at St. Francis hospital. Hartford.

Members of John Mather Chap­ter, Order of DeMoIay. who are planning to go to Glastonbury thla evening will meet at the Masonic Temple at 6:45 sharp. The degree team from the local chapter la putting on the DeMoIay degree to t the members of Daskum lodge, A.F.AA.M., of Glastonbury.

The Manchester ImprovenMnt Asaoclatlon will bold a meeting Monday evening at t o’clock In the Lithuanian hall on Golway street The committee, which constats of George E. Snow, Herman Smitn, Charles Lukas, Charles Snow, Ronald Ungard, Dante Paganl, William Bralnard, and Walter Hibbard, has arranged for mov­ing plcturea and a buffet lunch. This will taka the place of the reg­ular monthly buaineta meeting of the Association for April.

Sunset Council, No. 45, Degree of Pocahontas, will hold ItsI reg­ular meeting in Tinker hall Mon­day evening at 8 o'clock. Plans for the anniversary party will be dlKiisaed.

the Clark opinion, but left unan Bwrered the $64 question:

WUI the union work for the gov­ernment even after aelxure?

“If aelsure is decided upon," Beirne said, “wa wlU then deter­mine what action la to be taken.”

Beirne said Clark’s opinion, glv- •nitivgrbally to Praaident Truman at yesterday's cabinet meeting, was “contrary to the opinion of our legal counael.

“ He Is stretching the law to the breaking point In handing down such a declaton." Beirne added.

The clause In the Federal com- munlcationa act w’hlch covers selBure autborius tha president to take over facilities tn wrartime or within alx months after hoatllltiea cesMd.

Prepsaals Osaslflare*Aa the conciliators hammered

away for aetUementa in the A. T. and T. Long Lines division and the Southwestern BeU company, one of the principals aald these proposals for sctUlng ths dispute writbout a strike were under consideration:

1. Extenaton of the oontracL3. Putting off the basic demand

for a $13 weekly Increase for a stated length of Uma, such aa 60 daya. In the meanUme, aome of the nine other demands could be negotiated.

3, Roach a compromise on the oompanlea' stand for arbltraUon.

The management wants to ar­bitrate wages on a local basis, with conalderaUon given to com­parable pay for comparable work In a community. Labor depart­ment figures give the average tele­phone wage as $43.l9 a week In January.

The union haa been InalaUng on arbltraUon on a nationwide basis If at all, although It la no longer InslaUng on nationwide bargaining.

A 60-day postponement of the wage contreversy would allow for a possible pattern to emerge on wage Increases In the ateel' and auto industriea. where negotlaUons are under way.


state Aid CouponsTo the Editor:

The State Aid Education bill, sponsored by the Connecticut State Board of Education, now under coiulderetlon by the Con­necticut Legislature, provides in­creased state funds for an Im­proved educational system In Con­necticut and eases the flnanclal burden now cair.ed by communi­ties In their efiorta to maintain good Khoola.

Parents and educators are not alone In enthusiastic support of thla bill. All thoughtful people, realising the values to be derived from an educated cltlsenry are urging an adequate educational : syatem, state-aicled, to the end, that C onnecUcut enterpriaes may |continue to prosper. ' pointed a apeclal committee by

Statistics place Connecticut i Judge Edward Daley of ths Su- nesr the top In a scale showing perlor Court to sell at auction

During the post week, Alvin E. Horton of Main atreet and Henry D. Carpe of Station 39’ i Main atreet were among several others ir. tha greater Hartford area who re-enllated In the Army.

Monday at 8 pm„ the Board of Finance will meet In the Town Hall.

Edward Simon Toconis, floor sender, of South Windsor, and Norma Irepe Castor, secretary, of 41 Dougherty street, Mancheeter, will be married in SL James's church, Manchester, April 12.

According to a deed tiled «1th Town Clerk, Charles Enea, the General Cigar Co., haa purchased from Walter Rice and W. H. Wolallebe, 31 acres on Strong road.

Peter McAuIey of Governor’s Highway has asked the Zoning Board for a permit to occupy a t) alter home on his lot while hla new home at that same address is being completed.

Another permit has been asked for by Alex Andrusls of Pierce road, to uee a two-car garage for living purposes while hla new home Is under conatructldn at that aame address.

At a public hearing. April 11, Friday at the Town Hall, John Hackett and eon of Buckland, will apply to the Zoning Board of Ap­peals to use their 13 room two- story hotiae on Buckland road, Wapping, for housing and board­ing tobacco help. He claims there are facilities for 20 white woman and a staff of flva women. Includ­ing a cook, two aupervlaore and a recreation director during July and August.

Some of the Youth Fellowship are planning to attend ths Sunrise Service at Manchester, Eaater Sunday morning.

The Youth Fellowship of Wapp- Reld haa been ap- i Ing Community church will meet

at the parsonage at 6:30 p. m. Sunday and wtU go from there to

In responao to an Inquiry, the Board of Aaaeaaora have announced that there are 8,651 automobiles registered In Manchester at this time.

Today waa a very buay ona at the Municipal building, due In part to closings in effect yesterday. At ths office of the tax collector a steady line of payees formed early, and tn the town clerk's offlce*there waa a rush for everything from a dog lleenae to a marriage Ilcenae.

Orders Auction Sale of Properly

Raymond R.

the relative wealth of the forty- eight atates, yei fourty-four states are now providing larger funds than Conneetleui does, for support uf local educational aystema. To flnance the provisions of the State Aid Bill,.>a negligible percentage

' of the total wealth of our great ' state la needed.

I f Manchester la to continue to ' list among Its bssets.

property on Oak street. The sale was ordered aa a result of a suit between Vito Labriola and Rose M. Lassala a.k.a. Roae Laaala, Joint owner of the property. The failure of the two parties to agree on a sale price for the property so that either could buy or sell resulted In

I a court action.Judge Daley, after hearing the

adequate j case, ordered the property sold atQuestional upportuniUea for Its j auction and aet the date for the fiiture cltlaens, it must have Inr- ' m Ic aa April 24 at 2 o’clock In the ger funds wiUi which to work. i afternoonThese funds are made available In ___________ ,the Stats Aid Education Bill.

Although public sentiment was overwhelmingly in favor of this bill at ths {ftibllc hearing held some time ago, prognsa has been alow In the leglriature concerning the paasags of the bill.

Educators, parents and all frienda ..... .of educaUon are alarmed at thla 52'HollisTer stm t Msrrisge an-

Center Congr^atlonal church to tee ths play. "The Rock."

The seventh and eighth grades of the First Congregational Sun­day Khool and membera of the high Khool are planning to attend the Easter SiinrtK Service, Sunday morning, at 5:15 a. m. at Goodwin Park, Hartford. After the Mrvice they will return to the bsKment of the church wliere breakfaet will be Krved.

Piiblio RecordsMarriage Licensee

JoKph A. Sterling, policeman,


Grunder-Bowflcp Mrs. George Bowrer. of 1065

Main street, u announcing the en­gagement of her daughter Georgia,

of 103 Hamlin street, and Phyllis i to Walter Grander, eon of Mr. and I,illian Holliater, display artist, of

Refreahmer.ta will be delay since Ume for optUnlng plana nounced for April 12. South Meth^Mra. Albert F. Grander of Hilliard atreet.

recognition of this fKt.


<MotMdlag Baek-4'herkrr

Don “The Count" Grosso, stai forward of the Hershey l^era, is ral*0 <*• of hockey's two greaieet back-cbeekare—the other is Thd l^jdrey at Detroit. "The CouoF win drane blmealf Uka a bUnkat ra tte Back of whichever fitte- burgh forward Cbach Don Pennle- Um thinke offen the greatest tkraat to the Herebey rauK. Don UMially flnda time to eink and hml

Hospital NotesAduiitted yesterday: William

Pal liman. 97 Prospect atreet; Walter Mertens. 10 Wctherell street: Max Rclmsr, 16 Byron road,

DlKhargad yesterday: Mra. Alice Mercer, 114, Summit atreet; Mlaa Loralne HJalmoor, 12$ Wad­dell road.

Births yesterday; A oon to Mr and Mrs. CarMn Reopell, South

year must bemade very soon.

Every interested Mancheeter cit- iaen can do his part to OKure an early passage of the bill by rendingin a roupon appearing currently in Tha lleralit.

Better Schools.

• E ** ^ while holUing his I Coventry: a aon to Mr. and Mra chKfc-,aeoreleai. I Robert BumU. Wapping.

Aa All ItaUaa Llae

The Hershey Bears can Ice a “Macaroni Une" composed of players of Italian descent that could hold Its own In any com­pany. Frank Mario at center and Pete Babendo and Glno Roxzini on the ivings would .nake s herd- hitting, hl^-Monng cembtnaU^.

odist churah.Richard Yoh Newton, engineer,

of SwempKott,. Massechuretta, and Grace Eltaabeth Noreii. sm- retary, of 100 Washington street. Manlage annuunred for April 13 ut. Eniunurl Lutheran church.

Warrantee Deed*‘ Alien Realty (Company to Romo-

lo Paganl et al, property on Flor­ence Btreet Stamps $5.50.

Rudolf Rymarxkk to Allen Realty Company, property oa Florence etreet. Stamps $4.95.

True ants ere enemies of the termite, the so-called white ant which I t .lire a social insect living

i in colonies. >


REAL E.STATECommercial • Indnatrial

Rcaidentlal CoiwBlt

C. Va HANSENRealtor

.11 It Main Street Phono 5418

Hollywood—“1 bate acting," saM Dougla* Fairbanks, Jr. Just Uke

: notWng to aaeure that the United Doug seemed sincere. He spoke ' NeUofta will do so."

sofUy, hesitantly, hla Ups in S{ Ruaaeira itaiement gave fTOMi thoughful smtle. : Impetus to a stop-RuMta appeal

"1 hate getting up in front of'voiced Ire hla colleague. Senator people: I hato belnr conaptcuoua.' George. (D.. Oa.) Oemra aak) In a

afUr 34 yean of acting, Td ^^tement yeatenday he U backing

Doug waa making hlnriMlf pretty conspicuoua the day 1 saw him. Ha waa nnearalng for a radio ahow--to do for a half hour what he dislikes, and a repeat broadcast later In the evening for which he would receive approximately $5,000!

At noon he had addreaaad a downtown crowd from the City Hall atepa, aa a vice-president of the American Aeaoctation for the United Nations. "Belief In a cause aometUnes Impels you to do things you'd rather not have to," Doug said.

He explained: Mere .acting — “ interpreUtlon" — bores him: he enjoys It only when he has a hand alM In the writing and “creation" of movlaa. That's why he's now an Independent producer.

1 asked Doug what career he thinks he would have undertaken if he hadn’t followed hi bis father’s agile footsteps as an actor,

“Probably the diplometic aerv- tcc." he Bald, spurning the atepe and leaping four feet to the stage to resume hla rehoarsal.

W )»t becomes of an old-time boxer? WeU, he may wind up as a movie stunt man.

Raapy-volced. l*0-pound Frank Moran had nearly 100 heavy­weight bouts between 190$ and 1933. H eloat a 30-round decision to Jack Johnson at Paris In 1914 . . . battled Jess WtUard for 10 rounds one no dMiaioii at MadlKn Souara Garden In 1916.

But foi 17 jrears he haa been dishing It out and taking it In the movies' phoney but aometiroea painful flat flghta.

I found Alan Ladd pretending to top Moran In “The Big Halr- cuL" which boaata 42 stunt men and one of the flercest flghta on Kreen record. Frank would Jerk hla big, shaggy head bad, as Alan's flat appeared to connect.

It's « good living—stunt men earn $100 a day—and Frank doesn't mbid being battered with balea-wood chairs, which break apart easily. Buddies in this bone- busting buslneaa respect him for an impressive ring career.

“ But say," he rasped; “put down that the thing Fm proudest of most la that Fm a grandfather!"

About 39 per cent of U. 8. farms are operated by tenants, com­pared with lew than 30 per cent 59 years ago.

Prestdent'a program because he believes that If Soviet expan­sion Isn't halted now the Rueetana will "overrun Europe."

The Ruarell proposal for a new vote In Greree seemed likely to face Stale department oppoaiUon. The deMrtment haa advtaed the Senate Foreign Relations commit­tee it cotuddere that "Iwth the Greek and Turkluh governments are eaaentlally democratic and that both are progreasing along the road of democracy."


Mias Lola Barbara Ip-amar, of $75 Bldwell strecL daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kramer, was married to Stuart William Re­open of Campmeetlng Road. M - ton, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Euclid Reopen, at St. Mary'a Episcopal church Saturday afternoon, March 32. The double ring cere­mony was conducted by Rev. Al­fred L Wniiama of that church. Tha church was decorated nith coral and pink carnations.

Tbe bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a powder blue draos with brown ac- caoaoriea, and with a corsage of red roses.

The matron of honor was Mn. Dorothy Oarrison of 375 BidwaU atresL slater of tha bride. She wore a navy blue drees with rote and black acceoaoriaa, and a cor­sage of pink rosea.

CarMn Allen Reopen of Coven­try, brother of the groom, acted aa hla best man.

The bride'a mother wore a navy blue' drew with aqua and black acceoMriea. The bridegroom's mother wore a navy blue drew with black and white accesnorics. Both wore corsages of pink rosae.

A reception was held following the ceremony for the immediate famines of the bridal couple. A ft­er the reception the couple left on a wedding trip to Sprtngflel(t Maas. The bride's travelling aos- tume was a powder blue drew and hat with white topper, and black accaoMriM.

When they returned the coupM took up reoidenca with the par­ents of the bridegroom on Camp- meeting road, Bolton.

Stage Door Restaurant88 MORGAN ST, HARTFORD

CooTetiicnt for Yoa On Yoar Shopplag Dajrs la HartfonI

The Food It ExcellentAnd U PrtBarad By -NINO *Well Known In Msadisater.




4 DEPOT SQUAREla. Rtf. Phar. -










Tiger Mound Ace Hal Newhouser Suffers Back Injury.r— : — I -------------------------------------------II — 77— — ■ ----------. = ; t ’ Middlecoff, Demaret

Deadlocked in MastersBusier Hill

C od Cfab Nolea

Post Halfway Score of 140 to Lead Field by One Stroke Margin t- Nelson Drops to 142Augusta. Oa. April 5—t#)— A

group of vetermn campalgnera bat- ' tied young Cary MIddileooff for the lead to<My in the Eleventh Annual Mastera Golf TournanMnL

Only one of them, however - Jimmy * Demaret—waa able to equal hla halfway Kore of 149 to lead the fleUfl with a one-stroke I margin in today's third round. !

MIddlecoff. 36. and the youngest : pro entered *ierv In age and point of rompetitl'tiv Waged a brilllaat rally yesterday to pnet a three- under-par 69 in the $10,000 event which Demaret won In 1940. Demaret, now operating out of OjAl, Calif., pleyed methodically for a aub-par 71 over the ragged 6.800-yard national rourw.

Behind them at 141 were Jim Ferrier of (Chicago, who bod 71; Byron Nelson af Roanoke. Texas, the retired stylist wha won the event in 1937 and 1942. and o ^ n g Tony Fenna of Cincinnati. Nalaon had 73 on hie Kcond round and Penna closed in. u1th a 70,

Five other reaeoned competitors ! were bracketed next with 142— Herman Barron of White Plaina, N. T.: Horton Smith of Detroit, the mastera titleholder In 1934 and 1986; Ed Olivet of Wilmington,

Twi President

Nlek Aogele

Nick Angelo la now serving hie third season as prealdent of the klanchester Tnllight League. Nick succeeded the late Jack Dwyer.

The fouigecnUi consecutive sea­son will open on Monday, May 5 with the defending champion BrlUah-Ameiirane facing Rock-

Del.; Lawson L-tUe of Cleveland. All league gaaaee win beO.. end Claude Harmon of Mamor- oneck. N. Y.

Sportg ScheduleTneeday. April 8

Ree Senior League Playoffs.North Ends vs. Newoboys.

Wediwday. April 9Major Laague Films at Y. Ad-

nlaston free.Tbundny, April 19

Major League Fllma at BMst aide Rk .

Mooday, May 5Softball League Opener. Robert-

aon Park.Twilight League Opener. West

Side Oval.

More work was accomplkdmd thla week at the clubhouse aad groundsk Moot aC the paiaUng hae been completed and only odd Jobs raaaalB to ba completed la the i chib rooms to put thorn tn ehape for tho trial next wook-aad. With aa eacellwt day yesterday and a good turnout due te the hoUday, nearly all work on aroeUng the hbtding portion at tho phononnt pen was completed. Work ra the oouraee has now all bora Samhad aad tha grounda are In tip-top riinpo for the running of the spring claaate.

With the New Englaad 9eld trial circuit now in full awing the club membera wlU be traveling thla oreek-and to show Uwtr dogs la cempotlUon la warn of Um leading trials la tkis aacUoa. Sat­urday, Cliff Maaaey aad WUbur Uttle are doing Judging aaalgn- menu at tA New Ckoaan trial in BrookSakL Oabe McMuUIn and Walter Leggett wtU be at tkis Bpot as coaepitltora In the Anw- Uur and D i ^ aUken. LaBfstt boMs a tag ra tha Derby Trophy and win ba out to dupllcau bis former win. Sunday, Chrl Mapore and Truman Oowtao wm be ac­companied by Sam Feitee and «UI make the trial ta be beld at Lod- tow, Maaa. CUff Maaaay may also make the latter aveat if hla “Suoan" geU around Into ohape.

MvM m T vWOomplInMnta are m ordar to tho

Manchester Dbrtelao of the Osn- nreUcut Bporlsmen for the ordor- ly aad wetl-rm trial that Uwy conducted last weak at tho FlaU. HUags ta a trial way will eon- Uaue to Improvi erith ‘ tho local group wS«a they Inaugurate their new plan to conduct trial in the faO. U m quantity of the doga Sunday was the beet yet entered In the event. Lee Fracchi. aad DoC craiUouette deserve pteudIU for tho manaor that tho event rolled off .In order.

CenelraeUve Crltkamn In the spirit of holpfulnom,

this corner offers Iha suggeaUonA new .prey thet deUy. the, the

falling of apple, from tree, from ! ;;^Unue ^10 days to three weeks la on the ] h*tUr Judges for ovania m tea

SrORTS ER lffl

Adapt LHeBre BnSThe biggest thrill in bsMball Is

eUll the home ran. Last year not a ■ingle rovad ‘ r.pper w m coltected tn play during either the regular TwUMt Lengue iiMan or the playowe. U m ersreUy of bomere marked Um kret Ume In the thir­teen year hletoty of thee circuit that fara dM not have at least ane chance to npptand a flayer round­ing the bneee and denting henw Plata.

This aeaeon. Twilight Laague ef- Srtale and Uam repreaenUUvea feel that they have a eotatlen to Um problem. A new ball baa oM- claUy been adopted by the league— the OoMraiith *7. All balls win ba purchased tocally through the Manchooter Pf Oompany.

WlUi a batter quality at ball plus Um seme for beta, at least a few etreoit eloata are expected to sail out of the parh duriag the earning campaign._ Play as a whole In the Tori Laague a year ago was a *parndtoe for pitchara with one no hiL so rua game and nraay law searing arataata featuring tho season. The new has may hoM the key ta the mystery of no homen a year ago.

Time will telLnret Omwb, Pliat Served

Don Oreoer, new profeaelenal at

Local Sport Chatter

ling end Supply

the Meuch—ter Country Club, fUed Uw first npphcatloa tor Uw pool- Uon at Uh club whioh waa recalvod by the salKUon eammittaa aad be was also the fin t own intarvwwad. Aa It turned ouL tha aid aajrUig al (Int ooaao. flrsi oervad batd true ki Orauer'e eaae.

Tho Frea Mavo It The Proa hava IL All thrao dl-

vlatonal haekethall champnina la aaencneaiei duriag Uw 194d-4T aoa- son had Uw aaaw Pros la oaa man- iwr or another.

Taom Juaiar klaga at Uw court are Uw Midget Proa, latanaadlate champs are Uw Boat Side Pros and Senior and tawa ctiampe art tha

'British Aawricaa Proa. All three taama hall from Uw Bast Side at < tewB.

UnUl another year, Uw Proa hava Uw UUra

Opsalag Day Clamai Chaaiptona of Uw flmoriran

Laaguo for Um Brat Uaw la BS yean Um Boataa Rad Sox will play host to Uw Waahlngton Senaura Tuesday, April 19 when the Aamr-ICM lilflLtfIM 0MMMI M0A0.The PhUadelpMa AtMettoa appear

la Yaakaa Stadium agamst Uw Yankara wMk Uw oUwr games atlaUrest te local fans win flad Uw

S aablia a g a i^ “dam balavadMnna" whin tha ampin yollo "Play Balir

Elmo Mantalh, one at the grest- «at pitchen ever ta come out of Manchoatar, may haadia one of the leading local bSKball clubs this aaasnn.

Yanks Bucky Harris Faced with Problems

BftH tjtToooue Aonly looni BttiUti wltli tho Unlvor- altv of Oonnecticut baeetaall team thla oaaaon, Lavoaque hurled with the Aawrican L e g ^ team In tho Twilight League laat year.

Cardinals Continue to Attract Large Crowds

pit^r. is Uw In Exhibition Games;Giants Nip Indians

Fred<W Mohr .and Oiw Gaudlno.. both' mSeMars, did not report to Oaach J. O. Chriotlan at Uconn thla oaaaoa. Oaudlne was a long ball Wttor wbilo ta high Khool.

The American Legion baseball team will bold Itt Initial pracUce ataolon thla afternoon at 2 o'clock at Uw Waat SMe Oval.

Konny Chapnun la anwng baaaban condtdataa at the Unlver-olty et Oonorctlcut branch at Fort Trumbull. Chapman U a veteran TwI Laaguar. Tba Fort coach la Charley Horva< can ahortstop

kth, Britlab Ameri*

Jack Heaver. Country Club managK. Is an ra-prioonor of war.

Nem* Orteans. April 8.— Tha Detroit tlgen ' mueh-laudod pitah- lag staff Bufforad Ita Brat bad break of the year last night whan southpaw Hal Nawbouaar twisted hie back, but Manager Stave onelll te not greatty concarnad about hla aoo.

Hal thotild bo back in ahapo “In a few days," O'Neill oaM eenS- dently when asked If the blond left-hander would bo on tho oapund

the las achadulad when the Bengate open tho 1947 Araeriean League Mason agatnat the Browns In St.Loute A ^ l 15. -----: 1

"He Just caught a m>ike In ItMT mmind and twisted hla bach a bIL" the Hger bom added. “He ought to be all right in three, four or Ive dare.”


BaKlraon are Uw other eteps b4- tara reaching bout next Tueadsf,

The Tanks left behind thetr slugging star, Joa DIMaggl^ a*or^ Stlrnweim and alx other playen. DlMaggto will reawin here several days for workouts wblW shape. Stlrnweim was put under the care of Dr. Mai Btevena, team physlelan. after enffering a torn ligament In hla left knee in ^ ■xhlWtIon game mlehap.

CkrdlnahiHouston, Fax., April 5—

Spring training for tho St. Louis Cardinals will be partially offMt by Uw Siw crowda the world eham- Btons have attrartad to their ex­hibition games. The Rcdblrds play­ed to approxlmaUly 53,000 apecta- ton In 19 Plorida exhibitions.

Maoager Eddie Dyer haa named Howie Pollet and Oeorgt Munger, both from Houetrei. and Hary>- Biecheen and ivm ilt Jim Haarn to atart the four gamae here la Uw series with the Carde’ Houston farm club. Th<* flrat game was Kbeduled for ti(iiay.

OrnatePhoenix. Aria., April 5

The New York Olanta clooed outln > iry -w ^b the T 1 ^The Rlnam- rUntmt .t th,. “ ’Sir exhibition Kllre With theThe RingK Owteat at the Omn- ONeHI predlcU--ram. while ^ 1 . c i . ^ , ^ yeeterday pro-

Pelieana.I Newhouser had allowed but one

try Club atarta tomorrow. Flrat round of a 7$ hote m e ^ play

Saturday, May 3. urom and I be awarded In Uwnet prises wtl!

latter event.

played at the West Side OvaL

Community Y NotesTeday

9 a. m.-3 p. m. Boys' gym.1:30 p. m. Mary Morlock dance

■cbool.3-5 p. m. Adult gym period and

tennU claae.3-5 p. m. Bowling. Open to pub­

lic. .5 p. m. Building closed on Eas­

ter Saturday.

ugwrsw umra ragtetarad

I quality and shewn last

Hippo Correnti Leading Bowler in Rec L ea^ e ..'TTssi

berahip In tho

Jack Wise, a former Hamilton j Prop and Rockville catchor-flrat I baaoBNUi. is Uw new dlractor of : athleUca at the Aaaertran School for Uw Deaf In Want Hartford. Wise Is a Hartford High and UM-

I varMly of Oomwcticut graduato.

FIbIi a Game Nule*

Cloak te oxpsatod admitted to awm' Softball

Uw nut nwcUng. TheGarden Grove Ace Potto ^

Laague atC k A will


Landscaping GradingFertilizing and Rolling Stonewalls and Terraces Loam Fill Field Stone


CaU 5141— FOR—


future and keep awre to the line* of running- ■ real claaey trial , rather than one of the carnivaltype. Judging for the saoat part

! was of good quality last week but Bome criUctem wea beard at the decision rendered in Uw Bnal stake. Wa all know and admire Frank Weed of Brookfleld for hla BportSBianahlp and all around congeniality but some* of hte showy Urtlct which provo such crowd pleaaort should never be allowed in a regular trial.

Lscal Dega HeU Owu In spite of Uw oatry atuacted

to U>« trial last weak from four different aUtee, local dogs tended to hold their own In tho cooapoU- Uon and prove once again that Manchester does are as good ae

j any In the section. Bam Pellee’a* “Bucko" came Into hte own in hte I performance In the Derby Stake . and cUmaxed hte amooth racewith a top claaa "AD Age" And to walk off with honon In the Stake Waltor Laggbtt's "Pal" ran a


Yets You'll Be the Prouflrst Cap^j Owner In Tomorrow**

EASTER PARADEWITHNEW r. S. Royal Rivertidc TirraSHOES (The Best!)

ANEW Thooe New AttrsetiveBONNET Pontiac Slip Cover*

A NEW .\ Gkmey, Shintnering CootCOAT of Shiny Paint

Bbart Sbaot BmmayThe Mancheeter Divtelon will

hold a ikeot shoot tomorrow. If weoUMr pcrmlU, between the houra of 10:30 end 2 o'clock Everyone te welconw to shoot and there win be a dtaeount for thooe showing their 1947 membendUp cards.

Membership can be bought at the sheet field for two dullara which will result in a big saving* for the eonetetent ehootera Doa't forget. The memberehip goes up to three duilan May let. Join now and save money abooUag ■kKt.

With the program the club hae prooUoed tbte season, the leaat re-

118.7 Average; Lneas Second With 116.8s Polinsky Third 114.8Hippo Oovreatt paatid Ma Mgh-

set indhrMual average ki the West Bide Itoe Bowling Laaguo during tho racratly oompiatod aeaaoa wltk a mark af 118.7 la 49 gnaaaa. Oar- fenU was a awmbar at tha Garden Ofove tram,

Balo Luaaa et tba lanaue cham-I plon Hartford Road Grtfliirae sm - Olid wUh a 119J aiark ta *3 gamoa

i The Ortll waa atee first ptooa wla- aera during the regular aaraon. Btaa FoUnaky, alsa at Uw Croat running tonm. plaood third with a IM .i average Iot 39 gamea.

PagaaPa West Stdes planed four awn In the EM IVn. They wore Swede Andereon ll$A, Alan Fre- halt I1S.1. kUke Ewick and BUI Oone 1114.

High triple for the year waa won by Pollnsky with a 499 totsL Gar­den Grove gained team honora orlth a 943 single and 1872 triple aoore. Roberts nf Poekett'a roOed a 99 game without a mark.

out earlter this weak.

Btieral basoball teanie made Inquiries concerning ML Nebo Held on week nil the coming aeaaon.

haveIS of:

ghte for

very wide race aad waa puncblag •p«ct you owe w your memberehip all the Ume. however the Judges. trials, water earnivate or were looking for a closer working

overlooked him alongdog and with carl Meyer's "Duke." Sever­al local entries tn the AU Age gtakc looked good uattl the Mrde were Suehed when they proved unsteady. *TYue" Oowtes’ Tlut. meg Boy" Snally Uved up to hte eetrly promtes ajto came through with a alaehiiig ooureo race aad two baag-ap ffnda to take aaeoad honora In the Puppy Stake, lev- oral other loeal pups riwwed promtes and ahould davaiop Into winnore later.


AT LOW PRICES!Arthur Drufi Stores

Stt Main M. BkMniw BUg

COLE MOTORSYo«r Pontiac Dcal«r

91 CE.NTER 8T. PHONE 4184





orsheet shoots cannot do It alone, eo renew your memberahlp and atekebetter hunting and SriUng this

Hechoy nayeff Tea'|;h«

Pittsburgh. April 5—oPi— Uw , Pittsburgh Horneta and the Her- rhey Bean rlesh here toaIgM In ' the third game of a haet-of raven | eertea to doctoe the American HKkey Longu*. ehamptenohlp. Bach team liaa one vtetory.

Hornet fans Sgure their team has a psychologleal advaataga hi ^ y in g the next two ganws on nttaburgh lea after brew ag even at Horalwy la the loop's Bret "all Prnnsytvaala Msyeff."

Pittsburgh Mat the Beere 9 to 2 Tneedey after dropping the open­er 4 to 0.

Followtiig te a Itet at the BigTen for the aeaaon;Player Teaos o Ave.CorrenU, Garden ... ..46 11S.7I.<ucaa. Htfd. Road .. . .«3 118.8PeUnaky, fftfd Road ..3$ 114.9Andereon, PaganI's . FralwIL Pagant'a ...

..96 ltt.1

..*6 113.1Bmeraon. Htfd. Road ..61 113.7Sinunoiw. Poekett'a . ..63 113.3Zwicli. PaganI's . . . . ..4* 119Mahniwy. Kaoeys . . . Geoa, PaganI'B .......

..65 l l l J

..43 111.9

The beet turnout at the young Boaeon was on hand yesterday aft­ernoon at the Country Club. With Meal waathar condithma, both nuUe and female membera played the oouree. Nary a aoore waa

' handed la Indicating all wtehad to hasp high Korea to thamaelvaa.

Bataasiva Interior alterattona in the ntaln room at the Country Club will be completed eoaw Ume thla weak. Much will ba added In the form of attraetlveaoaa whan the Job te Mmpletsd.

The regular monthly meeUng of Uw Mancheetor Dlvlaton of the I CbnneoUeut Sportamen'e Aaaocia-

, Uon will be held Tuesday evening at 9 o'clock at the Community T.

“ Batting Store of Basoball" and "Circling the Bases." aound major laague fllma will be ehown Wed­nesday evening at 7 o'clock at the OommunJty Y and tho foUowlng night at the same Uma at tha East Slda Itoc. Admission te free to all.

RecreBtion Nutc*

1:00 p m. on ere andother facIHttee available.

Weel Bids tIalMtog amteeeaOaly

1:00 p. m. ra — Bhowere end other focUlUea available.

Drives! Drives! Drives!

There oM wm twma now Bmt Spitog la M Ne wayt Xharea,

toheraH , Ba ha aarfy ra » e Mol to hwvo year ffriia hari- oartocad Mde SpHag.

OaS Ue fee a ffo e EeMmatet



Balh Ookw Th nortda

Now York. April 9 -ir> -B aba fUitk is golag to gat aoow rtorlda ■unahlne aftK aU.

Whea bo eoBM ant of the hospi­tal fellowtag s nook oporatioa teat Jaa. 9, tha Baba hoped to ho able to go eouth, but hte doctora toM him aot to mako any plaaa They waatod to kaew him hare where they eouM took him aver aevara) timed s week.

Now, kte coadlUra k u noMeved to such an eatrat that Uw ractora have given him permteakm far the trip, Mn. Rate mM yeeterday. The former home rua king, 3$ra Ruth, hte nuiwe and a frtaad at whose Miami hoom they wUI stay will leave by plane neat Tuaoday.

AgrlcultunU fairs have been an Integral part of Anwrtcan eoaatry Ufa for well over a oratury.



’‘ -AMDl B M IT l) 00 tOM nM BiGfor HIM THAT HC«AH- WONT RBtffMT l






Henry Frey Tops A&N Cage ScorersHanre Frey paced the Army and

Navy Club baraatbsB team during the past Maaon In the Bearing eol- umn with 189 polnta In IS gamea. Tommy MarUn waa .second with 139 markers and Omriry BaOte third with 136 potota.

FtehUng a team for the flrat Uaw la a decade, the A m y and Navy five won 15 and dropped 11 starts. Competing In the Itee Senior League club flntehed in third place.

The team was captained by Gyp Guetafaon with Nick Angelo aa maaoMr.

Phomring te the IndividunI point ■oortag for the eeaaon;

O. B. F. T.Frey ................. 35 69 27 16*Martin ...............99 54 34 IS*Bellte ................. 23 50 IS 125Murray ..............19 32 32 96Blaaehard 30 15 75Cote ............. f .. r 3* 15 71Wilson ...............20 22 1$ 62Zaate ................. I t 20 t 4*Aeato ................ IS 14 9 37BmachatU .......... 36 14 * 36MaCurry .............16 4 4 12

Ohio Stot7Darke Lead

Columbus. O.. April 5.—(IP) - Uflieee Mmeone lets the water out of the pool, or figiirea aome other way to atop 'em, Ohio State Unl- veraitr'e fine aggregation of swim­mers and divers appear certain to annre tlwir second etrnlght Nn- Uonal A. A. U. tonk UUe today.

' With half the 10-avant program I out at the way. the ram p in g Bucks had piled up M polnta for

- aa eight-point adgo over the Phil- < adolphta Tnnwra. Michigan's Wol- I vartaaa ware next with 14, Tale had 11, Michigan State 10. the New York A. C. elghL aad Fraaca four.

cleaa bit up to tlw fifth tnalag and hie Biatoa were ahead 4 to 0 when the ■outhpaw'a cleat caught, aa ha { went Into a windup. '

He had to leave the game and waa replaced by Joluiny aorelca.j who gave up a single tally In the ninth and enabled the Hgera to: win tlw 4 to 1 victory they bopa! will not prove costly. i

NewhousK, who oignod hte con-i tract tMs araana for a reported $55,000, te the brtghtoet light of a Btsf^udded ngar piteklag ataff. hailed by many as the beat In

Other major league trelntog ramp Items;

YrahaaaSL Petorobonih. 91a., April S--

(iP)—The New York Yankees were on their way north today hut ha* fore leaving thalr tralatog bass here. Manager Bucky Harrte ora- fresed that ha doaraH know ivhat hte starting lineup wtD ba on open* big day, only ton days away.

First base, right field aad oan- terfiald are tlw prohlema facing him. CurranUy George MoQuInn la Uw No. 1 first aartwr. Yogi Barra te the right Aeldm* oafi Johnny Ltadcll te patroBUig eeater. But If tlwee threo are to appear Ui the unenlng fiay lineup, T<muny Mon­rich will be oltUng on tlw bench. Where tho veraaUle Hmrich even­tually wUI ba plaead te tlw Mg question confrenting Harris.

Rarria axpraoaed bimsalf aa wall pteaaad with tha condition of the squad and generally sattefiad with the training season that began for 9fi plirean laat Fab. 14 In ian Juan, P. R. Tanking pitching, tha New York pilot feete, should prove equal to any In the American League.

The Bronx Bombora stop off tn Atlanta today for aa'axhiMUen| whirl with tho Atlanta Cracken; today and tomorrow. Norfolk and *

Polo Grounds with a lO-fi victory that ran their vcbeaten string to alx etralghl.

The Giants twice drew level «lth the Tribe on home rune by Willard Marshall In the ftftb and Kventh innings. They went ahead to atoy when Johnny walloped ■grand alam homu in Uw eighth..

UedgvraHavana, April 5—or>— Tom

Brown, the 19-year-old Brooklyn­ite whoee potential rigtithandrd power makee him a suitable can­didate for the No. 5 spot tn the Dodger batting ordar. te out of the oervtce and on hie way to the Brooks' Pensacola, Fla., baseball Khool, It waa diKkMSd here today.

Brown donned Dodger flannels In 1944 at 16. He came up again late In 1946 after spending more Ume with Newpcfft Newa In the Piedmont Leogiw. Lost year he "sported to the Dodgem' epring training k IhwI at Sanford, Fla., and It waa from Uwre that be en­tered the aervlue.

“W# Movt Th# Earth'* ROUGH AND FINISH

GradingCtllortLond Clearing , LandscapingR. D. Valentine

Eicaratihff Contractor \.358 HilNar4 Strtol

TcL Manchooter 2-1141 i





Vary fine Golf Sboee — the kind youli enjoy wearing. Nunn- Bush at $14.95 Edgei'tons at 111.95,


SSHOPS m•9F MAIM OIMf tf 98MMCStie ieMM.


. AnnouncementConaocticat’o Nowoot Finn of Auctiunrera

Monde MurrayBring Yon Oror 40 Yonra of Ekperienre





*Tbort lo No SnboUtnto For Exporionco" FOR IMMEDUTB ACTION CONTACT

RAY MONTIE OR DICK MURRAY4IS Mota BIrast 9m 541. Pntaaas. Ora

Manchester. Oeon. Hiraa 9UIPbrae itfifi nostra, MOea.. Preepart $447


Page 7: Evening Hearld_1947 … · ^nrtrratrr Enfnhto Jfrratd FBIDAT, AFKIL 4, IJMT | (ibifiTown min fc* «n Important •t U.* Roberlaon Srltool rrvt^mmMy rrm up. April

MA^ft^Hr^^TR EVCN.liNO RRHALP. MAM:ilf:H1T.R tn »N S , AATURDAT, APRIL 6. 1941

;> C b i i t f e d

AdvertisaneotsFor E d i t

To BayFor Sole ToSeU


8:M A. N. to 4:46 P. M.

LaM ai»4 KmumI 1

AotoowOMee'fee flolt

IMC FORD t*0'4oor. 3M Autumn•Um C

Aoto Actrw li t ! TIr— 4NEW rutCS. «•« rmmpa. uMdUr«s KM tiibM B>p«rt TOlcaAu- ing, • tiours r«c*|>^ng Mnric* ManclMttat Ttrt Ktcajming (,>imp«n^, .BroaC atrMi Ttl* phon* 3MP Open • e. m. to 7 p m.

Bosii SirrTiMO U ftr te 13

Trailer* for Sale 6-A

XXMrr—Fair of 4arii tortoloe thell (loMM. witli largr bows. Intone W7*.

AimBaocf ewta

FOR 8AL«E—Chicago Stream Uta custom built trailer. 3 rooms, 37

! fL long. Ideal foi man wlUi fam> I lly, bottle gas store. Shown by

appointment onlj . Call 8^14.

iMotorryclen— Kirycle* 11

sand . U)AM and gravel Order Now ler April 1st MIrery. CallMeiKbostar U3«.

SOT'S BICTCLE. new Urea. Price no. Phone 4739,

A FIXE Wa»h-dog given away to someone living in the counto' | or suburb* Phone 3317. j

WATKlNf* Moth .eryfala pure wiillA biacli pepper. eatracU and aptcea. and disinfecianta Call Qua Fraoh S313.

SAVE SENi'IRl.T. Tour money will pay generous retuma and so fully ina<ired up to 3&.UUU. iMii today and ler at tell you Sow quicltiy savings accumulate fh* Manrheater Buiidtni and Loan Association. Inc, f

A a ta ia W te s f t 8gl* 4









Wanird Aul Motorcycim 12

DUMP TRUCK wanted, m to 3 yards Used. Phone 3-931 A.

Hualneas Svrvirca Offered ISSLA ICAKEa of sawuig machines aapertJy repaired Hinger dewing Mecain# CSh 933 Main streetrei



All Type* — All Maket



r SERVICE_________LACAL Moving and . truckina Also ruobiah and ashea ramovad 3S Folay alreet Phon# a7ig


Domestic, commercial. For prompt day and night service,


38 Birch Street

I'fe aoi i i g jiftopM irtiig 17»AROOFINO OF all lunda. Chiaumy work, guitar wo^ and ineuiatton. Expert vipalra Poneet workmae- amp. Satisfaction d^aniateoa. can Ooughlin, Manchesitr 7707

CHIMNETS-^Now that spring la hare, chimneys and reofa need repair. Oali 3-07gg end waTI be there. I,ayu>ea Bros. Oo.

MovtRg»TmrhiNg—Storage 3 t

Da«a-.M rda~Peta 41^Wo GOOD watch doga. Reeaon* eSIe. Inquire SIS Middle Turn- ktha Beat.

CANA1UE8 for sale. Guaranteed maatar singers. R. Onmicy, 174 Cooper etreat. Phone 7181.

POINTER PUPS, New England FuUiritIca from dam which placed 13 tlnaek in Bekl tnela

H IIFLOUR probieaie aoived ertta ufMieum aspLn** tue, counter Expert workmanehip, free aati maiea Open eveninga. Joeaa Sumiture. Oea street. Pkoa* 3-1041

OIL AND coal gr'.vlty end forced air furnacev w> stock. Diviso Company, WatarSury, 3-S03E

MOVING, houaanold goods and pianos moved anywhare in Uit state Also general trucking* and rubbish removed. Pianos our specialty. Fr/ainger and Madi- gan. Phone M47.

JAMEH MACRI, General truck­ing. Range and fuel oils, ashea and riibbinh ramovad. Sand. gravaU All and loam. Phone 4A83


' OLD FLOOKF 8ANDED Laying end Sniahing.

J lu ienaan.Tel. IViiiimantir ww3b aveninga




« ItST FORD SEDAN. Phone 3-i«aa.

1*33 CmevnQIXr sedan -da- livery. Can bo seen at 93 Delmont atraoC

for sa le—1*33 Ford coupe. Re- bullt aaotor Ind four good Urea out Manchastar 4410.

DUMP TRUCK for hire. Three yards. Phone 3-9313.

FOR BALE — 1933 Ford i ^ r . MO aa Is. 17 Unnmorc Drive. TUephona 3-1030.

1037 WILLTB $339. 273 Porterstraat. l*hona 7009.

1VE HAVk tinea' aesortnianta ul kilrhen ilmuaun a Alao tile and »ali cuvrnnaa Mancheetar Fluor Covering Ct>, 9« Uottaga street Us:i iMMa

ELEi TKIC Motors repairing and rewinding All wnrh guaranired Aca Electric Moioi Repairs 731 Nurth Main atrael. oppusite De­pot entrance on North School alreet Phone Mlay.

8HEE*I METAL WORKHot All Furnace Repairing.

New HiH All and Alt OnndltKmlnt Furneeee Ineialled

Eeveo rrougb end Oonduetor Nenoirtng.

NORMAN BENTZ177 Spnice Btreet




HAniO (Mnir. washing machines noueeholfi appliances. alecUu n.oiurs Will rail and deUvar Ouan>nlM.(l workmanship Jonar Furniture. M Oak slreat, Man Chester 2-1041.

HouiwhnM Service* Offered ISA

LET U8 wash yrour walls by ma­chine. Docs a really clean |ub. Preaervea pain t saves, radecor- ating 3ehr«nd a Ocaniiig 8crv- ive. 144 High straet. Phone 589*.

THE AUSTIN A rham bera CO., local or long distance moving. Moving, pecking end storaga. Phone Mnncheeter 91*7 or H art­ford e-1433.

last year. Close up to Muscle Snoala Jake and Vlilaga Boy | breeding includes to p ! producing sires and dames of a i l , timqai 379. either sex. Time pay-1

I menta. U H Kjellquist. Phone, 3-3333 or Inquire Ska Oakland ' street. {

MAKE SOME child happy Raster i morning with a baby bunny. k3 I Phalpa road. Phon^ v

l*alnttnff— PaperiBff 21C. T. PAUL, painter, papar-

hangar. New address, Tolland. Phona Rockville 337-14.

PAINT 18 ONLT ea good aa It Is applied. Interior end aaterlor painting, paperhanging, old Boo reflnishcd like new. Equipped to handle Industrial or commerdaJ spraying. Shingis housaa apniyad, cutting coats on labor. Workmen Insured. Thotnaa J. McKinney, Tel. 3-010*. Member of Master Patntera Association of Amer­ica.BKU8H and apray palnUag •wparhanging. asw o t iu n ^ Boon sanded and Snuked. generai rw pair R. B. Porterfield. Tal. 47*3- 4304.

PAINTING and paparhangtaB ilood work Keasonabia rataa 13's 14* room papered. I l l , UMiudes paper el OOc e roiL Raymond F u k e Pbon# 3.1*4.

INTCHIOH and exterior painting, paperhantung. floor aanding. and rcnmahing calking, roofing, prewar pricas 13x19 room paper­ed, 913. Now booking outside epring and summer contracts. Spray or brush t'a ll R. E W'ab- ater. 3909.

1*37 OLOBMOBILE, radio, haat- ar, good Urea, good running con- dlUoa. 3900. Phone 7481.

1*3* CHEVROLET maaUr 3-door, radio and heater. Phone 4949 after E

LAWN MOWERS sharpened on a new UnWereal lawn mower grind­er. Picked up and delivered. 89 Falrfleld elreeL Phone 3 9893.

WE AME8ITE driveweya. Free' esUmatca. Sand, gravel, flil and I loam. Hartford 8-4944 or Man- ' chaster 7734 Hills 4 Kehoe. Con­

tractors.LAWN MOWERS sharpened, re- paired. Range burner! cleaned. Installed. Washing machines, vacuums repaired, aaws Bled. Pickup and delivery. Friendly FUlt Sbop.,718 North Main. Tat 4777.

ANTIQUES rafln ahed and repair ad Rush 01 splint aasU rsplaceo ftafflann IhO South Main atrael Phona M4.1 j

LAWN Mowtrs. hand and power | sold, sharpened, repalreu, parts. i Ptek-up and delivery Capitol' Grinding CO., 38 Main streeL

CURTAINS carefully laundered by hand, rcaannabla. 9 | Main street. Phone 3-1077.

FUR (TLEA.NINU. waxing sac po'iahing aL flocra and counlara call 3-ujnn or itT.W iM ivs Inc. speriaiwti in sjniha.: tils and linoleum netallatloiu and llooi mainlenanra

I'ALL TKitKY'S Household Serv­ice roi expert cleaning ol fioorx wall* ruga, uphoialrry, windows odn |oh» Phone lawo.

A Cl<MP;.h'rtt acientiOc cleaning and fflaiii'enan service foi One nomca. ^pecialUi on ruga anr upholetary cleaning Dean s Par aona Se.*vica ’ Where every cua- tomei become* a friend." Man cneialer '>4t«

I.VTERIOR and cxttrlor painting, papering. Prompt service. Fair price. Free estmlatap. D. E. Frechette. Phone 7830.

t.NTERIOR end exterior painting and decorating. Expert workman- ■hlp by veteran. Work guaran­teed. CaU 'Tctrsault 9228.

, FOR QUALITY, price, service, consult alherl G iay "The Home Owners' Pain ter" (kiippieic in- tcrinr end exterior painting serv­ice. paperhanging, spraying and floor reflniahing. sstiafaction guaranteed Free eatimates. All workmen 'iitly in*uie<1 3ii Spruce alreet, Manchester. Tel. 3-18.19

Musiral— Dramnlir 29PIANO TUNING, repairs, recon- tlllionirgi, etc. John ilKkcrham, 38 Bigelpw street. Pnona 4319.

SPKE<?H I'Jorrection. clear voice. Private leaaona in reading, alge­bra. phonetic work, radio tech­nique. White Studio, 700 Main street. Phone 2-1392.

RCDIGRCED Cocker Spaniel pupa. Mrs. Oowles. 26 Unden stroek CaU after 3 p. m Satur­day. and Sunday all day.

READY To Oo. Very nice Cocker Spaniels. Six nice Oolliea* Police, male. Zimmerman. Lake street. f*hona 8337.

PoMitry aRff Sapplie* 43ORDER MILLER'S "Wall-Bred" ekicks now. New Hampshirca. Rads and Croases from our totalUiy, producUon bred, Pul- lorum claan stock. Fred Milter's Coventry Poultry Farm. Phone Manchaater 8333.

V'E BUT and sell good uaed rurnitura, combination range* gas ranges and heaters. Jonas Furniture Store. 93 Oak. Phone 2-1041.

ARE YOU going houeekseping ■oon? For 4399 can buy bed­room. living-room, dinette, rugs mirror* table* etc A real bar­gain Budget ta^m* Frr^ storage uiHlt, wanted Albart'e, 43 Aiiyn street. Ifartferd. Open ITiuraday avertings.

HOSPITAL Beds or wbesl-chairs for rent or sale. Rataa raaaon- able Phone Keith's Furniture4159.

FLECRIC Rang , new plates In very good shape. WlU move any- wrhere In otwn. Phone S833.

BABY CHKlVs Get your broods from Wards Itor dapandabla qual­ity and money paying parform- anca. All stock U. 8. approved Priced aa low aa 313.90 per 100. Montgomery Ward. 834 Mam s tra a t Phona 9131.

TUKKET capons. Nice freshly kiUad Mrd* 49c per pound Larga ala* ovar 30 pound* two pounds frae. I*t>ono Manchester 7733.

Msrhiiwry sRd T*ob 62WARD’S Milking machine has new. Important featuraa, such as transparent • milk tube, detach­able vacuum Unk. "sae-Utrough*’ claw, automatic stall cocks for faster, cleaner mUking. See Itl Complete with single u n it staln- teaa eteel pall only 3199 79. Ward'a Farm Store, 41 Purnell Place, Manchester.

BIG CAPACITY concrete mixer. Takes 9 cu. f t dry material, makes 3 cu. ft. of wet concrete. Has aluminum alloy bowl, yoke, pulley and handle bronse pinion gear. IS-gal. steal drum, atrong-

t ly braced angle steal frame. 333 49. Ward’s Farm Store, 41 Purnell Place, Manchester.

WBBtfff to B s b I' t

MIODUB-AOBO couple would like re n t Being evicted. Phone 3377.

WANTED To Ront—Oarage. In vicinity of tower Eldridge at root Tol. TUI.

VETERAN and wlfa daoparatoly naed three or four room rent. Call 3133.

URGENTLY neode3, 4 or 5 room house, ^lyijyainlly of five. Phone 2-271*. '

RETIRED Bldarly nnraa dealros room with adult Christian family. Light housakaeplng privileges de­sired. Write Box SK. Herald.

HoikFf* r« r Hal* 72

BIRCH MOUNTAIN road >- At- tractlva four-room singl* oat room unflnishod, flraplace. larga lot. Good condition, now vaeauiL Only 34,700. Terms. A real buy. Goodchltd Realty Oo„ Rooltor* 19 Forest s tre e t f^onc 7929 or Hartford 2-0797.

MANCHESTER Orean soctioa. Immediate occupancy. Modern 3- room single, 3 rooms unBnlsbed. 3 ycara oM. Oil b ea t Braptae* In- sulatod. storm saah and screen* Venetian Mind* amaculato condi­tion throughout Nice lo t wall landoeapod. Price 39J00. Phona 9329 for appotntm ant


Fttr RealTt» B u y

F « r S k lrT « .««ell

HAHV I’Hli'KS and turkey poiii'sPlace yotii order now Wa have] WARDS Lo-load farm truck la cmnp.ria lina ol poultry ano dairy fae«U Farmers Milling Ud.99 BrooMi.vt, s tre e t Rockville Cbr.n Phone 81.

Artirkf* for Sal* 45

SHOTGUN. Lefever 12-gauge double barrel. Perfect condition. Call 2-1039.

X a n d 13 (T;. ft. treraers. Penn- ; aylvania hand mowera. electric power mowers. Immediate dellv- | ery. t'^pltol Grinding Oo., 3 8 1 Main street. j

WOOD LATHE. 36" between cen­ter with metal cutting atta^'h- menu. New 24" Jig-saw tilting table. 270 Woodland street.


THAYER Baby carriage. 9 x 12 rug pad. good condition. Phone 33.18.

Ilrwtn Hiid ArrfvsMirirs 1612 FOOT row boat. 2 H P. EUo Ace Evlnrude outboard motor. Three gallon gas supply can. Alao trolling plate. All for S85. Phone 6097.

Furl nnd Feed 49-A

your beat buy for farm work! Bed Is only 16” high for easy loading | ~ a n d bigger loads! - All-eteel welded chaala, Timken bearings. I auto-steer! See It! Complete with j tires, tubes. 3169. Ward's Farm I Store, 41 Purnell place. Manches- I

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iTRACTORS, disc harrows, saw

rigs. cement mixera. bale wire, I sprayers, weeders, garden trac- i tors, Fordson parts. Dublin Tree- | tor Company, Providence Road. ; Wllllmaptic. Phone 3098. |

GOOD PREWAR garden tooU. ; Reasonable. Planet Junior cultl- | vator. Super Elm park mower, i etc. Phone 8439. I

5Vraring Apparel— Fur* 57 jMUSSES Tan tweed coat with fur collar. .Navy coat, gold wool suit. | Several dresses, aixe 12. rrlso ; three men's sulU and heavy over- | coat. Site 38. All In excellent con- j dition. Dial 6314.

PRICE,'Raducad Steep HeUow Lane. Modern eevan-room home. Six years oM. First Boor five rooinA tils batL. Breplaca, cab­inet kitchen. Second floor two rooms and atorag* Cbmblnatioa window* door* weather strip­ped. Automatic hot water heat with oil. One car garage and work anop connected* by rncloaed breeseway. Uka new throughouL Shown by appointment only. Su­burban Realty Oo.. Realtor* 971 Center street. Phone 8319.

ROBIN ROAD —Unusual oppor­tunity for veUran to purchase home In lovely Oreenway Park. A ttractive alx-room singl* 3 rooms unfinished, fireplace, oil burner, open stairway. Iiuulated, immediate occupancy. Price |9 .- 500. only 31.00C down, to veteran who can qualify. For appoint­ment to Inspect call Ooodchild Realty Oo., Manchester 7929 or Hartford 3-0787. Office 19 Forest atreeU

FOR SALE - 4-tenemenL corner Charter Oak and Spnice street* 4-tenement 117-119 Cedar sereet. 6-tenement, 94 end 56 Birch street. Fair amount of cash. I ran arrange mortgage. Good paying proposition. Phona H art­ford 9-0636. T, Bradley.


8 :5 0 A. M. to 4 :4 6 F. M.

HulturhkN for Sal* 75COVENTRY and Bolton Lake*. Cettagea and year'round home* witJi fireplaces. Insulated, S-4-S and 3 rooms a t reduced prices. Clark Realty Service. South StreeL South Oftventry. Phone WllllmanUc 336J4.

^ W a a tr tf— K ra i K s la t* 77

LIST TOUR property Residential and bustnaaa. Hava many clianU. Osorga L. Uraaiadia Resjior, 10* Henry straeL Phona 587E

A RESIDENTIAL single wttli BWdarn convenlcncea Will pay any reasonable filc« In cash. WriU Box r , -larxld.

HAVING REAL Estate problama? City nnd farm property bought and sold by calling R. T. McCann, Realtor. Phona Manchester 7700.

A HOME In a desirable location, either a single o, two-family will aatisfy Willing to wall tor oc­cupancy. Write box K. Herxid.

Ixil* fo r Sal* 7SCHOItTC Building lot. 73’ x 229\ all public u tilitlu available. Re­stricted residential section. F. G. Slawson, 77 Strickland straet. Tel. 3319.

W moIh I— 'l o Huy 5H


Corroll Drive6-Boori Single, Artplacc.

BtoirwBjr. h o t w a te r Bll b*Bt. BBtM M tic gfl* hot w a te r b e a te r . L aundry In baaeaw nL Til* b n th . Com ­b in a tio n eereen* an d s to rm wtodow*. G arag e . A m eaile d ftv ew ay . O utaM e Hreplac*. C o rn e r lot. R eonllfn lly JhMtonCBiMd. Im m ed ia te oc- CBpanry on rom pictinn nf kale.

Phone 4112

KAUIU - Electrical Appllanet j Harvlt'C. repairs picked up ano de.lverad promptly '3U ycara axpenence .'obr. Maloney. Phone 3-IU46 I Walnut street

W'A I KK* AN't< perionat erranr servile Loia. aranda. package -teiivery u g h t '.rucking. Autt n :it,t>er plaie aervli a It. Hanford rilone 2..i'/hV



Insuiied and Repaired I Ravealmiiina and Onndiictnra : All Tvnre nt kheel Mel at Work!

TJ Years Experianca ; ______ I'EMCI'HliNB bei.i

WOULD you Ilka your nidic- oi pbonugraph repaired expertly ano raaaonablyt All work guaranteed Phone 7926 for pickup and de­livery

H uild ing— C o n ira r l in g I t

I!AKI’ENTER work of all kinds Hoofa. aiding. adilUlons and alter- Bttona. Also new construction SielTert. Phone 2-0'393.

b. AND li UnnatrucUon Oompany Concrete work, lelaining wai.s. cinder nincka. septic tanks, land­scaping. grading, diivewaya. V. Belluccl. Tel. 7-1601.

J. SULLIVAN, mason contractor, brickwork, pla.etering, cinder block, concrete work, stone. Tel 3-0418

GARAGES Built. Any slae, I monthly payment. Free eatimates. I Thomaa D. Oalla. Phone 2-92I0.

.KuHinrHk Opporlunilir* S2! RETAIL DRY cleaning buslneaa

In Rockville, Conn. Ideal for 1 or 2 people. City Dry Cleanera, 37 Village atreet, Ri>ckvllle, Conn. Tel 730.

HAY FOR .SALE W. B William* Route 44. Bolton.

I .

COW MANURE. delivered by dump truck. Small amounts may be had at farm, 20c |M-r bushel Shamrock Farm. 195 Spencer street. Phone 3<57.


AND AUDITORTo aaaist ia buny office. Mo*t be alert, competent, fulcfc and able. Give full informal k*n as to -educa- llon, eaperience and refer- eneaa. Knowledge of takes preferred. Opportunity for right party in progretMive nrgaaiation.


I GAS AND Elecinc welding, all ' meiala. lean burning Kigniren

years experience George L, Green 473 Oardnet etreel. i.*ali 3047

A.MES1TK driveways, power rol­ler used Monthly payments. Free ratimatea. Thomae I). I'alla Phona 2-9219.

ALL APPUANCES serviced and repaired, burners, refrigerators ranges, washers, eti All work guaranteed Melru Service Co., Tai. Manchaater '.'-0683

KAOlU nee< fixing 7 Hava It r»- fa'rvn ny experts Pick-up aarv- Ice g iiaran ie^ work .Seta check ed r the c,onie l^ar radios a •re..iaity. Mar.chctter Kadli Sa'vica. 73 Birch alreet Phone 3-'l»40.

Florlxlis—Nurmrira 15NOW IS the time to plant your

Blue Spruce. M 2.' up Bring own container Call at OHapo'* I.M Oak street.

PA.N81ES, giant strain* English daisies In bloom. 50c basket. For­get-Mc-.Nots, Siberian wall flow- era Premier strawberry plante 35-11, 100-42.75 Everbearing 2ft- f l 15: 100-33.95. White GoIU. Corona. Blue Beauty, ten other new gladioli. 12-11 35. also finest mixture, 12-85c. Asparagus' •Mary Washington. 35-31, 100-12 79. Four acres hardy plants. Including delphinium, phlox, pop­pies. new muni* etc. Shrubs, evargieena, fruit trees Trans­planted vegctabla .tnd bedding plants iatar. Woodland Gardens, 168 WtHxlland street. Telephone 8474.

Roilflng—Siding 16

Help Wanicd—Female 35EXPERIENCED waltreaaea. Room and board If desired Vernon Inn Rockville 13.15

WO.MEN Wanted lor light, pleas­ant work. NIC# hours. Saturday off. .New System Laundry, H ar­rison street.

WOMEN for general laundry work, experienced or otherwise. Also experlenctd shirt preasers. Manchester Laundry, Maple atreet.

Help Wanird— Male 36MAN TO Work In gas station, cither part time or full time. Must see Van in parson No phone calls answered. Van's .Service Station, 437 Hartford Road.

F..\PER1ENCED Back - tenders wanted for paper machine Apply Biirnaldc Co.. 87 Church street. 1-Ust Hartford, Conn.

•MAN FOR part time work, morn­ings. Apply In person. Capitol Grinding Co., 38 ftlain street.

WE BUY •-aga papers and scrap metal* ('all Arnold Nclaon, 737 Lydall street. 8906

.11 ANCHKS'l'EK'S dealer In rags paper and scrap mriala calls ai your door and pays you hignesi nnres. Oalnnaky. 183 Btasai' street Phunt 1879

Ronmi Witbnul Hoard 59ONE Fumlahed room for gentle­

man Kitchen privileges. Call 5625.

CHOK'E Building lota in A and B Zones. Reasonably priced. Sherwood A. Beechler, Realtor. Phone 6969.

SEVERAL LoU. 256 Autuaaa atreet. Phone 7541.

Ijind for Rent


TWO 1946 DUMP TRUCKSEkcellent condition. Six-ton capadty. Fully equipped for batching, snow plowing, other extras. Priced for quick sale!

PHONE 2-0120

73ASEVEN ACRES of potato land. Oeorge Gilbert, Smith streeL Buckland. Phone 8058 Manches­ter.

HAY FOR SALE. 284 Lake street ' Phone 2-2901. |

WELL SEASONED hard wood foi ; stove, furnace or fireplace. 414.50 ' a cord. 48 'i-to rd . Te. 6970. !

Wanted to Kent 6.5

COKDWOOD. 417 for 145 cu. ft. j load. Mixed slab 412.50. Alao i kindling wooil. Phone 9917.

LADY Would like to rent single room in private family. TeL 3- 9764.

UNFURNISHED or fumlahed room with kitchen privileges for two girls. Phona 3624.

Garden—Par m—Dairy Products 50

QUAUTY Garden fertiliser. Also Green ftlountain table potatoes at the farm. Prices reasonable. Wil­liams' Farm. 1632 Tolland Turn-

I pike, Buckland. Phone 8291.I GREEN Mountain potatoes. Num­

ber twos. Arpella Jarvla. 872 Parker street. Phone 70'J6.

MEN WANTED for landMspe work. Robert Hutt Nursery, 2568 Main street, Glaatonbury. Phone 964.


Firaplac*- Hot | baat. Off** atalrway.

‘TBa batb. Lawtory to baaa-Capper^abiaff- Ldtad-

ClAXIKs Repaired Guaranteed work reaaonanie rates, promp' serviea, will pick up and dclivai Wyrua Dial 2-i»9i

AUTO GLASS tnatallad, window glass and Ubia tops J. a . Wiuta Olaw Co, 24 Birch atmet Phona S32Z:

MASO.N work of all kinds. Frae astlmatas given. Jobnauu A Holm Glaatunhury. Telephone 2507,

*^tM N ET8 and fireplaces clean­ed and repaired. 34 years' axper lenca. Insurad. Manchester Chlro- fwy expert,' Phone 3-U542.

F t^ ^ R S Sanded Old and new 8e<W^sanded gnd 6n:«h>H ^

ROOFI.NG and aiding dlif apaciai- ly. .New ceilings and carpen.ry Highest quality matertala. Work­manship guarantaad. A. A. Dion, Inc. Phona 4860.

RiiOFIN(i . .Sptcialiting In ra pairing iwiie ol all kinds, site new roo'a. No j->t too smaii oi large Good work tan pnea Free ealimslca t'all Howley. Man. oheaier iftm

Healing—Ftumbing 17PLIiiKtED Main aewera< sink

avatory and oath drains sffi iienliy icai bins claanad. Cfir* -Nygean. plumbing, aUam fitu i and pump mechanic, 19 South atrael Phon* 6497. r

FOR PROMP1. efficient plumb- in* - her ting ecrvlce call J. Mc­Cann, 160 BiaaeU alreet. Phone 4899. ■ ,

EXPERIENCED kitchen man. Vernon Inn. Rockville 1339.

WANTED —2 laborer* William Kanehl, 519 Center street.

SituHtionx WanltNi—Female — 38

TYPING DONE at homa. Oor- responilence, Invuica* envelopes adUrassed. Call 3738.

If You Wont to Buy, Sell or Trmle Real Estate, (let Iiisiiraiire Coverage or .\rraiige a Mortgage


JARVIS5 Dover RimiI

Tel. 4112 or 7275

SiluMtions Wfinteii— Male 39

MEAT C7UTTET. with experience, desires w ork.. full time. Write Box 8, Herald.


I N S U R Ewith

MrKINNKY HHDTHKKS Real P.ktei* eiMl Inourwiiev -

IMNI m a in I»T. T e u MHHI

.4tteiition ProiM'rty Owiierw

W* have hod years of expe- ricoca la aeUIng bnroe* both olagles aad two-famll.v. For fast, rourtroua srevkie la the aale nt your property Hal with:


BEALTOma19 Forest Nt. Tel. 7*t9

TrI. Ill Id. t-«2S7 Mr, and Mr.'«. \Vm. R.

i),HNlrlilM, Nr.______ ‘Ted** 4i.MidcliHd

WANTED2 First Class


Jarvis Realty Co.5 Dover Road


We now bare a plan wbicb will insure yourself or fam­ily and you don’t bavc In be in a group.Take stock now m d if you don’t have bn«-pital insur­ance and want this cover­age, see:


Real Rstate and Insurance Slate Tbeater HniMing

TeL 6648 » 7146and talk the matter over. No obligation. We abm write all forms of in*>iir- ance except life.



sai.iImmediate, coorteous serv­ice on all transactions.

Cash Buyers Waiting!

Suburban Realty Co.Realtor*

571 Center S t Tel. 8215


5- Room Single, two-car ga­rage, steam heal, large lot, good l o c a t i o n . 110,200.

6- Room Single, 2 unfinish­ed, 3 years old. oil heat, Manchester Green sec­tion, immaculate condi­tion. 69.300.

RuHding Lots, xoped far business on East Center street and Main street.

Residential BuiMing Idita on Steep Hollow Ijine, RouMer Road and lAikc street.

Tenement Block 6n Spruce street, business xon*.

W’e have for sale various old established businena to- tabHsbmento with or without buiMinga.

Call for Particulars and Appointment To Inspect




Ws Work For NtilMag i r Wo Fall To Nell

Yoar PropvrtvThat la why «sa work ea kard tryla* to aril aav- Uilag wr lakr a Hxtlag no. It voo wtll ftvr oo a Hat- lag om oav proprrty vae aalgkt hava for oalr ws win start work no It rigkt saw aad It we fall to orB It wa work tor aothhig.Wa Nrldom Fall. Try U*

Wa Ort Braslta.


set MaM Straat

Telephone 2-9343Aay T ima l>ay ar Klfikt

HELP W A N TEDSingle or Married

Man to^Work on Dairy Farm


.364 Bidwell Street

GOOD HUMOR CORPORATIONW* are anxious (o obtain a

representative in this locality I to sell our famous products.

I 'Applicant .will be trained in iour method of merchandising j and will receive advantageous supervisbin thniughout our season.

Requirements: Preferably Married. Good Driving Rec­ord. Good Appearance and Very Industrious.

Plena* write or contact, Mr. John J. Gaffney, Mgr., 353 Crown 8t., New Haven, Conn.

Read Hergif) Adva.^

’ I '


^/S0 the L s i i f l h t e r‘ Cm stpiW L .. P*ai>«inkvb f Kortn DtWolf

PKUPKKTV Owner* it you ar* oonskMrtr.g capt'aHstng on tiia pranant lilgb prioos. oonlact us. Wa a r t paying lop cash tot raai- JoDliai or commercial properly Fpi acuon 'oday phono 7721 or 913*. or anita Brso-Buni Kaaity C6m lUaiiors. II* Eaat Oantar stroaL Manchaalar

IF YOU HAVK a honac. loL or / bualnosa to sail lUt It with a t Raaitor for aatiafactlon. Subur­ban Realty Oo., 971 O tnler atrasL I9iont 8319.

xiocnMwtty kept looidag oat of Uw

windew. Bat aho dM not *so tho skaUrn aow. 8ha aaw tho don lag dag sky that fittad to* alaaaty over Um partu

Taajr*a NiiM coaMag Into Um wetM wttkoot hM knowledge! No, k* had toiOMrw. A glit. hla erifa really, tortnrtaa bonalf tkrouik tanaiy boars and gntag aa gmllaaUy dowB ta grapplo eriUi daaOi aMa*

OboM Tony bear thatl ako wondiead. Bat aka knew raally.

X tm j 6001*11 shirk. Tkny eooM- bT shift reepeaalkUlLy. Tony wooM have to earo for Joye* dear MtUa Joye* and bar eon- Ha wooM hav* to baeaaaa ha oouldBl help him- aaif. Aad gradoally Jorco would mean m ten and oMea antB—

■ harry know that her nails erara eottlna nef palm* Iwt it fait batter Uka thaL with her hands clench*d and bar body atlff.

Bba tarnad slowly to Jeyo**Tm a dream," Sherry taM her.

*Toa*rn the one who's real."Joyoa got op alowly.Bba said, "Tea caa*L Bharryt

Too c a a l! W*1ra got to think ef Tony! Ha levee yoa: ba'd be mloar- able erith mat Oh. donl yoa sae- He*d hate m ar

Bharry could boor bar 'voice •omewtiera oatalda of iwr.

Bha said. "Te* It'B be hard at BraL harder for you than any of n* He’ll want me and hsTI fSal yoa came between os: he’ll trynot in show It but you’ll knoer. Than

efter a wbOa the lhto«B Bha ma to yoa wUI grow aad h a l aoM thorn gradoally. tittle by little kts leva erM bn traaafarraA . . . T n ' m * Joye*** oho aalA *1 haew.**

Aftae Jayaa was aano Bhor stood alea* ‘tto n l thtoh." aha u h w ^ f *Waa1 thtah."

n a bnOMd aad dr iaaad -ai made op carafolly. Thaa aha bagaa to pack. Bha errnppad hofttas eroB an4 hong thtagi so thay wooldni wriahM. aad ersot meOcoleai' throogh the romaa to be *ara that nottoag waa lofL

Beaaa moa eama the tho troak and naked bar erhara It'bms gala Sherry had aot Utooght af thata- - M----porofa*

She said, 'Taka It deem aow. n i tea you Iatar," and tboy took the trank and went awny.

"Dan*t think,” aha toM hemalf again. *Moa1 tktnk." aad aha took bar hat over to the mirror to potIt Mle

Them wna a kaaok at the door, aha Uwoght tt waa the boy for

tba bog* tt WM Krt*■ harry had forgnttoa about htan.

■ ha Bogld net opaak.Ha aakL "My tovtiy ea*" TIm

T cam ton yoa how glad 1 a that yna*ra happy."

■ b arn aaht “H a |^ T Oh, yea happy. That's erhat I am."

■ ha atarted to laaah. "ItappInaaBi That's erhat mat-

tar* lo n i itT That'a erhat psopta look for! Wa were golag to *a an happy, K ris! Wo erere going to


C .

^ C ' o ' * '

“How about a good hicfc charm?’'

have everyth ing 1 1 love Tony nnd ho tovea mal *Me married Joyce baoanai Mm eras like m e"

■be knew her vole* eras rising, kot eha bad to talk above that etraaglad th ro a t

"■hah ge to t to have a bohyl Ttoiyh baby! Ih a eaaae today aad toM OMl He anoldBl ataad IL ceoM h * K riaf Re tovea m * hot yoa kaiew ho cooMnl stand I t r

H er votaa waa borUng b** aara aad Mm otartod to aob bat aha eaoM oat atop toagbhw- dha eras bi K rtos arms and ha eras saying. "Stop IL ■harry! Stop It this In- a ta n t r aad ahaklag iMr, bat aha

■ho woot na aboot Toay and tba too skating aad Joyce nnd Tonyh fto tare ptotor* aka had to oay It wbatlMr aha era* laugh lag and cry- lag or a c t and nndrtnniy Kria shgip e i bar fbe*

dba otopped thaa. She eras i Briood aad atuag, aad borst lato fteoh aeba that erere easier.

Thee Kris eras holding her In his aroM on the davonporL Ha was olrnklag bar hair and saying, "Ifcw cry aU you eranL" v tanderty. aad aharry clang to hlai.

■ha ertad oatll aha was am- hanatoA Than aha atartad to talk. aiM knaw It eras aot coherent but ohe had to. 8he told him aboot tovtng Toay and aanirylng Fetor, and about LUiy aad tba aeba and Um lonaltnana; aad aU the while Kri* cradled her and said, "Foot Httle girt. My poor m tle girt."

She might have known It would be like thl* Kris nndaretood. Kris alwaya understood.

'T o a ’U ke aU rlglrt," ka told bar. T o n eroal t o m t ’Tony, but It’ll stop hurting. go avarywbaia la Um world and yooll aae new things aad maet new paopto. W ell go la for so mneh exettamont that you won’t have time to think, and. i n taka eoek good core of you, my lovely oo*"

■harry rsallaed what ha wasaaytng. ■he pulled away a little and tookod up. KrIa omlled aad atrokad her ctiaak.

He said, "You're mine now, ■harry by erory holy r ig h t 1 didn’t go# married, but w ell talk about th a t Iatar."

Ho klosod bar forehead aad than leaned back to look a t bar.

T o o n make a lovely eountae* aablea and all."

Sherry said. T e a r a n i marry BM. K rt*" Mo laughed.

*Dh. can 't 1 Just!" Then ha aaad forerard and opoka serl-

oiMly. T o o haven't any plan* and thara'a a long dark opaee ahead to flU. W ouldnl It be a little easier erith ra#T"

A wave of erarmth and gratitude flooded over Storry, but ahe oald. 'You c a n ll 1 won't! I t Isn't fair."

Kria shrugged."Why notT I always planned to

m arry y o a Don’t yoa remember —a t Hidden House 7"

Ha got her coat and helped bar lato I t Tbeei he picked up the bags and took them o u t

Sherry poerdered her noae and put on her hat and glorea. She foUoered Kris out the d w .

The End

S e n se an d N o n sen seHN»N IsiKv’il.lI.K FUl.Kb

A Vblee—Mary, erbab Ofu you dolag oa t th a ra f

Mary—r m looking a t tW *Mo motlMt.

Ve4ca—WaB. toU the asaea to go booM, aad coma ta oft th a t perm . If* half post otov«t

Wlfa—Mara*a an Ueto oa "tYhat a Wi Wolgb." ■

Strangar—W hat tra la I* this th a t’s Just coming la? ..

■totlon Agent—That’s the 4:03 laat Monday afternoon.

■ trangar—r u taka I t Whoa will 1 get to PodunkT

Ageat—Tqull get to Podunk a t 8:44 day biffore yesterday morn- lag. aooordiag to the UmetabI*

A u n t Eppie Hoe® w ill p er n itely APPEAfimrcHURCHIN HER E a s t e r B o n n e t

atton baraay $ 0 T k c y 5 o j

Ifodava etris ara fond a t aloe etotha* ba t thoy ara- aot eaUraly w iappad og la Um**


Frof lOood boy. Flaba Aad hara'a Um tan an-

Ha—Too sboold sen Um a lta r la our church.

She—Xisad ma to lt{

J im Qpabamigbty. tba baby's eaten a w t of th a t dog food I Jaat bought* D ^ _ Never mind. I t ■arves ya cU dog right. Ma’e oftoo aataa the baby’s fooA

Houaawtfa I doa't Uka tha took* of th a t codflah.

■torskoapeiwWan. If yon w aat look* erhy d o n l you buy a goM-

FraMdant TnuBaa*a budget Is aa jMovy erith lard aa a pig a t ataugh- tortng ttm *—Ban. Bdermrd Martin (R l of Paoaeylvaal*

Ob* of tho thtaga nuroao raaant Mttarly but quIeUy ara the bad

aad geaaral boortahnaaa of aooM members of the medical profaaMon erho regard tboaiMlvaa

" " li* J'?*-

aa aoaaathlag aacrooaact—Dr. Fred Q. Carter, superinUn-

Hoepltal, Ctovo-Cartar, auj

dent M. Loka'eO.

Ood ;era a ra ever wa a ra In.—H t Bav. CBartaa New T srb.

got ta land a hai to get out of Um


K. QUbart of

rpriMtFolka erould got a Mg H ip He*If era Bvad the Uvea era adverUa*

—David J . Tatar

A newboni baby do o m t kae< moeh, tt anything, r a hie totnltlan Is ramarknMy keen. Aa soon nn halands In this world, ba sate ug •

OOBtooMr — "Oan I ebuq thona panto n t thto oouatorT”

d a r k — •Well. n i toU you mla- tor. era have quito a few worn Bhopper* aa majrba you better go to the draeatng room to tha raar."

Whoa Mlhe Flannlgaa, Um eoa- traetor, got up to t t e world, hto wife aad daughtora eurroondad lhamaalvea ertih many etonforto aad houaahold cohvealaaea* On# SundM aftarnooB on old friend vleltrd them and erhll# ba eras Uwra a maid whaeled Into the room a vohlcl* oonUlntog light rcfroahinanto.

"Phw at’a that thing, Mika 7" aokad tha caller.

Why, th a t’s a toy-wagua," la- pUed F lanalga*

A tay-wagoo, to u t? ” r ^ la o d the other. "Bhure. Td call tt a push cart that'a broke Into saw slaty."

Wan — la hla erord aa good aa hla bond?

■traet — I erouldn’t oay th a t but it'a aa good as a ahort-torm note.

Thare la a rtok th a t wa may ptavnka erar by a re treat which erould aauaa Soviet laadeia to push OB rncklooBly. Ih a graatoat daiqwr of erar to front pooalMa Bovlst aala-totoldtoilmHdto*- J o k a Footar DoUa* former U. B. Bolagato to UN.

t t to eaa of the axionw af a frsa aeetoty th a t toaetol privilsitM, tagal Immunities aad IrreopoeMble

evoB Um bast of man. aad buroaa laadara ara qnltohuman ta this Ibepeet

Joseph H. Boll (R) of Mto-

. 'V fi


A1.I T n o F—

Dac’a sun Oa tha Shelf


5t r

“My frieqd •seme to hav* fainted—I think we better take hkn kisid* and give him a ttoak, medium rara, with triad

potato**, eoff** and appl* pie!”


P X u5 ii ,

w m

BT T.t.BAiaill1


F - r ■__ T.Kmavaaw.i


«DUgOfWOMAM- , HM baW ilK/


Nor WOMAMhWgM6 ^Wf9K

u -T im o y a u T w HL I dueiolkaM yt^ L A Sr


RED RIDERfB toV B E Sjfew idA rtirH ^iisrA '

VIC FLINT Parrots (Jeta Away

‘Your father’* a Judg*. *o you ought to b* a good umpira —Aaakit* you’ra a!way* dropping flioa!”


ikkab up ninot.


• V I I ^ i


7 w k7 ih a t >


( 9 K ffilTll IH:'T' f .'\Z .J





* A

WtoKflBx> aa.





IT'e uta Irt TUH, UNCLE AMbs/ I TOOK.'dAJIl AOVica AMD CAMS MOMS TXAV AMD t*«A MB AKLV done Vi/A«rt|NB UP.'—X MOPClVtoAiKiN r t c e s OOMTT ffeiAiMD YtX) OFtrta