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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the main task?

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Preliminary task…• The preliminary task was

to create the front cover and contents page of a college magazine.

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Research and planning• When I did the research and planning for my preliminary task some of the only

research I did was to briefly look at some existing college magazines and concentrated more at looking at other more popular magazine genres, this shows in the quality of my work as I didn’t have a clear idea of what sell lines to include in my contents page.

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Flat planning• My flat plans for my

preliminary task were quite basic and weren't very detailed, for example my main image was only a outline and wasn’t detailed about how I wanted my main image to be.

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Finished product• My finished product was quite

plain and basic and featured a medium close up of a model on my front cover and a long shot on the contents page, the magazine had a pink colour scheme as my target audience were female college student.

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Main task…• My main task consisted of a

front cover, contents page and double page spread of a music magazine of a mainstream chart music genre, and had a target audience of both males and females in the 16-24 year old age group.

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Research and planning

• A lot more in depth research and planning went into my main task, I looked at other music magazines of the same genre such as American music magazine ‘Billboard’ and ‘Blender’

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• I also researched main image poses and what I want my models to be wearing in my magazine, I also looked at other magazine articles and this gave me an idea of how I wanted my magazine to be, I also looked into my target audience and looked at what they liked and what interests them and tried to incorporate it into my magazine to help attract my target audience.

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Flat planning• My flat planning's for my main task were a lot more in depth and detailed and included all the

information I needed when producing my magazine. I included a detailed drawing of the main image and wrote down what colour I wanted everything to be.

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As you can see my main task is a big improvement from my preliminary task as I put a lot more time and effort into my main task and spent a lot more time doing some initial in depth research before even starting my product, this helped a lot as I knew exactly how I wanted my product to be before producing it. I also experimented a lot more with the images I used as the images for my preliminary task were very plain and basic but there a lot more varied and professional in my main task. My front cover looks a lot more professional then my preliminary task and my contents page contains more conventions (such as the weekly chart) that I saw on other magazines such as ‘Billboard’ during my research.

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