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Evaluation Q2:How effective is the

COMBINATIONof your main

productsand ancillary tasks?

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PRODUCTION In real industry, the same production team would

produce both my print products, but a different production company would produce the documentary. A marketing team at the film company would source material from the film to produce the poster and send out publicity ‘packs’ to magazines so that they can complete their reviews. However some companies review the film separately once the film has been shown in cinemas. The review may appear on news websites or on separate, independent review sites.

The poster has to correctly represent the film, as my documentary has a professional feel to it I would need to also connote this in my print products. This would include keeping the colours consistent and not having too many different bright colours as it may look childlike, which is not what I aim for my print products.

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My ancillary tasks would have the same feel as the documentary, which means that a professional look would need to be established. As I aim for a professional documentary, it is likely it will be serious and not have humorous features. The logo which is shown top right, of this page is what was shown in both the review and poster, this is to show that the same production team made both the review and the poster.

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POSTER My final poster has a professional feel to it,

the colours are consistent throughout, blue is the colour I used the most as it represents social networking. (Facebook and Twitter)

I used two of the interviewees that were in my documentary this was a good idea as the audience could have a connection with the documentary simply from looking at the poster. Their facial expressions gives a good vibe, as they are smiling it doesn’t necessarily show a serious documentary, but it does however give an example of the type of people which are going to be involved in the documentary.

There position suggest that they are going to be interviewed together, they are also looking at one another which could also suggest that the documentary isn’t simply a question and answer documentary but instead it’s a discussion to hopefully find a conclusion.

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POSTER The idea of having social networking logos coming out of the heads, came to mind when I was looking at social networking sites online. I thought this represented that they feel an overload of social networking sites and they are constantly thinking about them.

The poster also suggest that its mostly about young females which could be a disadvantage as the proportion between males and females were very much, equal.

The social groups weren't essentially represented well in my poster, but it did however represent ‘everyday’ people were in the documentary, not only experts.

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From my research I found that most documentaries interview a ‘expert’ for mine I interviewed to different teachers, the location and outfit of what the expert was wearing had to represent a professional look, which I think I achieved. The image shown on this page, is an example of one of my experts being interviewed, I asked Miss Smith who is a Media teacher to discuss her ideas on social networking, she dressed in a smart shirt and cardigan, and we videoed her in her office which made it look professional.

We also cleared any things that were on the desk to make sure that their was no distractions and the focus was specifically on the expert.

She spoke correctly, and slowly and kept her facial expressions subtle which was what I needed to make sure that it was serious and professional looking.


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I also interviewed people within school and out in Manchester to get a general public view, these were dressed in casual clothes and the locations represented the public, for example some of the interviews were filmed outside. I filmed one in a book store after seeing two girls who suited the conventions I was trying to achieve.

The two girls which I interviewed were appropriately dressed, and were well spoken so when the discussion was well developed and in detail.

Filming in a book store was a good location as it was quiet so the interviewees were heard, and it also meant that I could film the shot so that the magazines/books were behind them showing straight away that I filmed it somewhere else other than in school.

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I also used snippets of news reports which added to the seriousness of my documentary, the way in which they presented themselves and spoke gave across a serious feel I changed the colour of the news report to black and white to add to this.

The news reports were sat a distance away from another and spoke to one another still both in shot of the camera. They both wore suits which represented them being professional.

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REVIEW As well as my poster I also had to

write a review for my documentary. I also kept the colour consistent throughout, blue was the main colour which I used. I also used a image of two of the girls I interviewed which is also shown on my poster, this links all three together.

I looked at other reviews online, so that I knew I was laying it out correctly, I handed a few drafts into my teachers and after getting feedback I changed some things on my review like grammatical errors but more importantly the colours as it was quite plain in my first couple of drafts.

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OVERALL Both my print products and my documentary, all tied

into one another. They follow the conventions of what I aimed for, for example I wanted the colour blue to be consistent throughout, this was shown on both my print products on the borders and in some of the text and also in my documentary when the statistics were shown.

They all had a professional feel, as my poster and review were well structured and the interviewees I used in all three were appropriately dressed.