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Page 1: Evaluation questions 1 and 2

Evaluation: -In what ways does your media product, use , develop, or challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?

How it forms to


Have used modern day

technologies to promote my

film such as ;YouTube,

blogger and Gmail.

Used common

genre conventions

such as lighting,

sounds and


Used a few

ideas from

short films

looked at.

How it doesn't conform

to conventions:

Creating flashbacks is not as

common in the social realist


My media product jade is based around a social realist genre. To make this suitable for target audiences I have looked at a variety of short films and used key ideas and

conventions. One key idea taken from a film called slap is a climax sequence in which it all builds up for the character, this can be reflected in my film when the main character

Jade finds out her mum is not her real mum. To create the idea of her feeling trapped and lost in her thoughts a variety of voice overs have been used to heighten this and

extrapolate the idea to the audience. I have used a fragmented narrative which may contrast with the ideal narrative structure for a social realist film as I wanted to create the

film through the main characters eyes, showing her thoughts and feelings creating an imagery sequence as if it is her thoughts when writing the letter to her mum and then her

thoughts relating to the incident at the end. I chose to create my film like this as I feel it helps to link to struggles that young people face when thinking about any hard decisions

and by telling the story through Jades thoughts It can be relatable to most audiences.

One main convention my short film uses to conform to modern social realist genres is the use of mise en scene, this is set at an everyday location for young people, which is a

school location. The setting is naturalistic which helps to emphasise the idea of the events being common and real life. This is also emphasised by the use of natural lighting the

small details make the audience feel as though they are part of the film which is good for people who want to watch the film for support or to relate to if they have similar


During my short film process I have used a wide range of media platforms, including, slide share, you tube, and a variety of editing software's including, Lightworks ,video pad

and movie maker. This has enabled me to produce a variety of outcomes including producing videos for short film and poster reviews. Using a range of platforms also helps to

improve technical skills and can help for an Improved product outcome. For my final outcome I decided to use lightworks to edit the footage this was a new platform and

opened up a variety of different skills and edits to use, one of these was a type writing affect which helped the credits work nicely with the music helping to

replicate a credit title which is used in short films analysed and full length mainstream films. In one of the ancillary tasks which was creating the poster I

used photoshop in order to create special affects , this included merging two pictures together and creating a faded blur effect on the text . I feel this was

appropriate as it helped to show the audience that something wasn't right in her life. By using photoshop it links to real media product as in the industry this

is a common software to use for posters. I also gained my clients feedback using survey monkey which is another site used by professionals.

Inspirations for my


Slap –focuses on cross dressing and

tying to find who he is and who his

father wants him to be.

Emotional fuse

box– focuses on

the struggles of

being sociable.

The answers-

is portrayed

by a series of


after a crash.

I don’t care– looks at

disability and how that

affects judgement.

Man under– focuses

on issues such as

depression and suicide.

Page 2: Evaluation questions 1 and 2

I decided to start with jade writing a letter to her mum , setting the scene straight away but not giving away too much to the audience.

This is common in the genre and can be seen in some of the short films that I have reviewed one being Slap, this gave me the

Inspiration to create this. In Slap the hint of his sexuality was hinted at the beginning but not enhanced until the middle in order to

create the climax this was shown during my film where a series of flashbacks showed Jade liking a girl from her school. I used the black

faded affect in order to show her feelings and portray a secrecy , as the use of the black helps to show that something Is hidden away

and is not out in the open. Also it can show the idea that she doesn't feel normal as naturalistic lighting is not used. This could go

against the general generic lighting conventions of a drama and social realist film, however I feel that It works nicely and is used as a

development against the genre.

The start of the fragmented sequences which goes against normal conventions has been used from the start after we see Jade

writing the letter, I have created this using a series of shots and a voice over this helps to show to the audience clearly that this is

what she is thinking about while writing the letter. It also helps to tell the story in a different way, focusing the audience into her

life but still giving the impression that it is what she is thinking about while writing the letter to her mother. It also creates a

juxtaposition which is seen in some drama realist genres if based around thoughts and feelings. This was seen by a short film

called in bloom.

Another convention used of the drama genre is using naturalistic setting to help make the audience feel connected, I have

also used naturalistic shots through out to help create meaning, for example the shot of the sky spinning helps to show

the audience that her head is spinning with thought during writing the letter, this can clearly be seen by the voiceover.

This is also seen later on when pathetic fallacy has been used to introduce the sad scene. This is demonstrated by raining

out of the office window before the camera switches to the inside the office to reveal the bad news to both Olly and Jade.

My film narrative goes against and challenges normal stereotypes of a drama narrative as this is

normally followed by Todorovs equilibrium theory. However for my film there is a constant shift

between the disruption and there isn't really a resolution. I felt this was most suitable for my film as

it helped to heighten the low point at which Jade was at. It also helps to show that everything in life

doesn't always have a fairytale ending. This is suitable as it helps to show reality of life.

Overall I feel my short film suits arrange of conventions

with the drama and social realist genre and I feel it would

easily suit into the category. This has been helped by using

the ancillary tasks as inspiration and looking at key ideas

and themes throughout. The development of the

narrative structure has helped to broaden the way the

film is portrayed and can have a positive outcome with

other media products.

Page 3: Evaluation questions 1 and 2

How the ancillary texts fit with real media conventions: From analysing short film review

I looked at areas in which was

good and looked at repetition

over a few of the short film

reviews. One main feature that

stood out for me was the use of

the scoring of certain elements

this helps to create technical

jargon and can also make it

easier for certain audiences to

pick out key points. As my target

audience was focused around

teenagers I decided to replicate

this as it is a quick way for the

audience to see if it’s a good

film or not. Another feature I used was creating a

headline and placing the poster on the

review this was vital in order for the

audience to know what the review was

about and the headline is important in

order to catch the attention.

Conventions used:

• Using a headline.

• Placing In pictures.

• Using the poster.

• Giving scorings of elements such as cam-

era work

Conventions used:

• Light natural setting.

• Bold title.

• Used an image of the main character.

• Credits used at the bottom.

The use of the faded affect on both of the posters gave me

an idea to merge two of the pictures together to create the

main character darker. This also inspired me to create the

faded effect for the tittle in the way this was created with

the faces and the overall product on the side effects poster.

Page 4: Evaluation questions 1 and 2

Evaluation: - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks ?

For both my ancillary tasks and my final outcome there is a distinct theme and repetition of ideas used in order to create the transition seamless and to show the audience the links

between each task. To do this I have placed my poster on the film and the film review. Combining them both together helps to create an understanding for the audience on the

genre and storyline. This helps them to decide if they will want to watch the film when it is released, It also makes them feel involved in the process as they have been able to have

some say so seeing there opinions show through to the final product will help to make them feel immersed into the film. Throughout the whole process one of the main feature

that stands out is the cold weather and frost. This helps to show the harsh and cold nature of reality and life which can be seen within the short film.

The top section is my ancillary tasks and the bottom is what has been used within the

short film. I feel that there has been synergy throughout the process and the

audience can clearly show that they are relatable products.

The video links well with the ancillary tasks as it uses the poster within the film , I

have also enlarged the title and slogan in order to enhance this to the audience. They

will be familiar with the slogan after looking at the poster and the film review. The

film review also has clips from the short film which creates an instant link between

the two products. The short film also has a range of the naturalistic shots used which

have been used throughout the whole process including storyboarding. Another way

in which the film links to the ancillary tasks is the use of the C.S.P production title.

This is evident within the film poster and the film poster review so the audience can

make a quick and easy link.

I think that the links between the products have been successful as in each product

there has been at least one linkage in which the audience can quickly relate the two

together easily. This Is beneficial as my target audience will be more likely to watch

the final film footage as they will easily be able to follow along.

I think my target audience would be attracted to the products I have made as I have

collected there opinions throughout the process which can be seen by survey
