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Evaluation Question 4:How did you use media technologies in the construction and

research planning and evaluation stages?By Humayra Suleman

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In terms of research and planning, media technologies have been very resourceful in aiding us to present and locate information. When it came to research and planning we used internet explorer on a regular basis to access websites. Through this we used Google, a well known search engine in order to find information or to open up websites. When it came to research we used Google to source information from websites such as the BBC and The Guardian. These are news websites where I am likely to find the latest news and also I am able to find out information regarding our topic on underage drinking. These are well trusted sources and we used these websites because we knew we would be able to gain good factually true information. With the information we have the ability to make the documentary as informative as possible.

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When it came to research and planning we were required to watch a series of existing documentaries in order to get an idea of the typical conventions and the features associated with similar documentaries. We used the internet, BBC iPlayer and the TV in order to use BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Three, ITV, Channel 4 and also Channel Five. This was called channel research, where we researched and analysed the channels to identify the types of programs it broadcasts. We incorporated what the target audience interests are and the typical channels they are watching and we used this in order to select a relevant channel. From this research we gathered that BBC Three would be the most relevant channel because it airs similar documentaries such as “Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents” as well as “Binge Drinking” and other alcohol related documentaries.

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In order to upload all of the research we have been carrying out. We use a website called “Blogger”, it lets us create our own blogs and upload posts. This includes all the research and analysis of existing media products alongside channels, audience profiles and topic research documents. The website allows us to log the research and progress through the process. It also allows us to organise everything in a chronological order when it comes to the time and date. Two other websites we used to upload word and PowerPoint documents are “Scribd” and “Slideshare”. These allowed us to use embed codes to insert onto our blogs, allowing us to present the work on Blogger.

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As a group we thought it was best to do some research on existing documentaries by watching them. To do this I used YouTube and BBC iPlayer to watch programs I was not able to watch on the TV as they may not be aired when I am available to watch these. I used YouTube to watch programs such as “Supersize Me”, “A Good Smack” and “Teen Species”. From this I was able to acquire professional qualities consisted in these documentaries. These gave me ideas and I started to draft in my head how our documentary could be formed and presented. Using BBC iPlayer and YouTube gave me an advantage because it had meant that I could rewind bits in order to look at specific bits n detail in order to replicate similar techniques used in these documentaries. Another advantage is that with websites like YouTube I was able to easily search for similar videos and documentaries in order to acquire more ideas and research into existing documentaries.

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Microsoft word is processing program for Windows and Mac from Microsoft. It is part Microsoft Office suite, the software id mainly used for publishing documents, this piece of technology can also be used to research in order to create questionnaires, by using this programme will make it easier to design, the reason for this would be the effects and layout which Microsoft office follows. Microsoft word can be used to create detailed plans for filming process, which would help stay on track in order to meet targets and deadlines. The software also allows to be sent via email, the advantages of this word be work is safer as always have a copy, and other advantage of this would opening the link on the go, by this taking place it show how effect the software is compared to other programmes. One other way we made use of Microsoft Word is by listing down ideas and noting them down when we were discussing amongst the team. The Microsoft Word program also let us create the filming schedule; this then meant we would stay on track for each week of filming so that we wouldn’t get left behind. The plan included the personal deadlines we set for ourselves in order to get the documents created and achieved quicker. With Word we emailed each other the documents if we needed the information or if we needed to edit anything. This enabled everyone to equally have input from the group. Planning was mostly taken place on Microsoft Word and was handwritten on paper; meaning that overall not many technologies were used at all in terms of planning.

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Filming Once the research and planning stages were complete we decided to move onto the filming process. We had planned the structure of the first 5 minutes of the documentary. We did this by producing a paper copy of a storyboard. We continued with this after deciding as a group what was appropriate to insert into the documentary as well as maintaning a high standard in terms of quality for sound and imagery. With the resources we had created such as the storyboard, filming schedule anhd plan alongside other information with facts and figures.; we went onto the filming process.

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In order to film the documentary with concise good quality we used a Canon HG20 HD to film the footage from. The equipment had all the required features we needed e.g. Mic, manual focus ring etc... Another feature the camera held was the display screen. This gave us the ability to play recorded footage, delete footage and in general it enables the users to manage the storage and the settings of the camera. We used a USB port in order to connect the device into the computer letting us import all the recorded footage ready for the editing stages.

As I have demonstrated below, the cameras enabled us to zoom in and out and also change the focus via the manual focus ring giving softer imagery.

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The tripod came into good use when it came to the professional expert interview and the voxpop interviews. They consisted of a similar set up through the use of a tripod. We used the tripod because it holds the shot steady meaning that the filming is done from your preferred angle steadily instead of the film being shaky when handheld recording. The tripod was very effective in helping us achieve and capture general shots which includes, pans, tracks or tilts. During the documentary we were required to insert and manage the use of diagetic and non-diagetic sound. We did this through the use of a shotgun microphone. We used this type f microphone because of it’s portability it had meant that we could film and interview wherever we wanted without the equipment being a major issue. As well as this we found that the microphone outputted better quality sound in comparison to the microphone attached within the video recorder itself.Thirdly we also had made good use of the SennheiserHD201 headphones. We used these headphones to plug into the camera port. A reason for why we did this was to manipulate the positioning of the microphone so that we captured good sound levels through out the documentary. This is important because unclear sound levels can affect the quality and result of the documentary itself. One other reason was due to the fact we wanted minimal background noise , the headphones allowed us to judge how well the sound is being recorded and we were able to make arrangements in order to satisfy win terms of sound quality. The headphones saved us a lot of time because this had meant we are preventing from mistakes and unclear clips to be recording.

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In order to record the voiceover we made use of a tape recorder. We recorded this in a quiet room in order to avoid any background noise. We then went onto upload this onto Final Cut Express. We did this because we found that it was easier to manage just under the clips. We found it difficult to manage because when we heard the clips on the computer, some were distorted or did not work as planned so we had to get the voiceover to be rerecorded for some of the clips.

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After uploading all of the recorded footage onto the computer we were required to log and transfer on Final Cut Express. As a group we went through the clips and deleted the unnecessary ones, we kept the remainder of the clips and renamed as appropriate to make it easier for us to find. Having done this it made the process easier to put them all into a sequence in accordance the previous storyboard we had produced as a group. We put everything in sequence but gradually moved clips around, meaning that we did not exactly follow all of the original storyboard.

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Whilst editing the documentary the toolbar became an essential part of the software because it enabled us to perform tasks in terms of editing and extracting clips from the documentary. An example of this can be the razor blade tool; this enables us to cut exact parts of clips in order to use this to extract bits wanted. This tool aims to improve the accuracy because it gives a smooth edit. When performing straight cuts this is a good tool to use to do so. Alongside straight cuts we also used a variety of transitions including cross dissolves, this was the transition that we liked most. We picked this from the menu available where there was a large variety of transitions available.

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One effect we made use of on Final Cut Express during the editing process is text overlay. This enabled us to add the professional looking banner to introduce and name the expert talking in the interview. As well as this we have used general text on the documentary whether it be to present the facts and figures. During this process we altered the wireframe. This the positioning of the screen and we used this alter the shots in case the shotgun microphone came in the way of the filming. We found it came across as unprofessional and so keeping the microphone hidden away was an ideal option.

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One other element of editing has been the management of sound levels. One main priority was to maintain the sound levels fro the voice-over, recorded clips and background music to a level of being clearly audible and balanced because if they overpowered each other then this would not sound good and would seem unprofessional not to sort this out. In order to maintain sound level management we used the pink velocity line to drag the decibels up or down.

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Another software I made use of during the production process for the documentary was Garageband. When it came to using sound I had to use original music and tunes from this software to avoid taking someone else's song for copyright reasons. In terms of the background music I used a calm but professional sound which lead the documentary on almost like in a contents of a story. We ;looked at a number of other sounds but felt this was best suited. Moving on, we wanted a upbeat tune for the title sequence of the documentary, so we chose something really loud but unique; meaning that the audience may remember the documentary through the unique sound.

We also continued to make use of the software Garageband for the radio trail. We chose a different upbeat tune because we wanted to make the documentary seem exciting and interesting to watch. After choosing these we uploaded and saved the sounds. We then had the opportunity to log and transfer these onto the documentary itself.

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Moving onto the Radio trail, we began with the research and planning stage. Firstly, very similar to the documentary I had used template on a Microsoft Word document which I used to fill in when analysing similar existing radio trails during the research stage. Whilst doing this we sourced this from YouTube because the website has a long range of videos and radios it broadcasts. We found this useful as we were able to take in consideration the style and presentation of the radio trail and we compared this to the date , time and channel of broadcast.

We used Google in order to search for the typical conventions of radio trails as none of us in the group are particularly keen on listening to the radio stations. This gave us a insight and improved the understanding we held on the typical features and conventions of radio trails.

When we planned out the radio trail we began with writing out the script. This was completed through writing it out on paper as we came up with ideas. After a couple of attempts we had a number of ideas in which we results in changing around to incorporate into the radio trail. This turned out to be successful because it helped us in terms of getting the sequence right and from doing this we also came up with ideas in terms of sound and the sound effects going into the radio trail.

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Recording the radio trail was pretty simple. Similarly to the documentary, we made use of the voice recorders. We took the speakers to a quiet room in order to speak clearly and concisely with limited background noise. After a couple of attempts we had successfully recorded the sound. In order to process this we uploaded the device via the USB port and we uploaded the content that we had recorded. Fromthis we transferred and logged everything onto Final Cut Express.

When it came to editting the radio trail we put the clips in sequence with accordance of the script we came up with. From doing this we added the relevant clips from the documentary onto the radio trail. We did this in order to link to the documentary seeing as the radio trail is supporting the documentary through its role of being an ancillary product.

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During the project we also created the TV listings magazine article. In terms of researching we looked at existing TV listings magazines in order to highlight and identify the typical conventions of these magazine articles. We did this by comparing articles from the “Radio Times” and “TV and Satellite Week” magazines. In order to gain a further understanding I used Google to research and learn more about the codes and conventions of magazine articles. This was very efficient because I made use of Microsoft PowerPoint in order to analyse existing articles.

When we planned the double page spread we used pencil and paper to draw up paper drafts of how we will be utilising the layout and structure of the article to follow the codes and conventions. We found that with this method it would be quicker and also we could input ideas as a time and changes can be made and the draft can be slightly altered easier than on the computer which may have taken up more time to do.

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The final TV listings magazine article was created in Adobe InDesign. However, we made use of Microsoft Word in order to type up the article because we were more familiar with the program in comparison to Adobe InDesign. Once we had typed up the article we began to construct the article by copy and pasting the article into InDesign. We structured the page to look similar as to how the drafted article looks like. Once we had done this we ensured the conventions were met by going through a checklist in order to make sure we did not miss anything out.

We then moved onto using Adobe Photoshop to edit the main image for the magazine article. We wanted to do this because we found it would look presentable and much better if the image was of a dull/dusky colour which typically represents underage drinkers in today’s society. After we were happy with the contents of the main image we went back onto Adobe InDesign and inserted this onto the page in order to complete the whole magazine together. We made a few minor adjustments e.g. Tilted the pull quote to gain interest and also to add an image of the writer of the article at the start f the article in order to acknowledge whose work it is.

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EvaluationsIn terms of the evaluation for questions one and four I made use of Microsoft

PowerPoint. I used this because I liked the way I could illustrate and present the information onto the slides. The imagery and colours can make them engaging and makes a change in terms of forms of presentation. However, for question four I will be using PowerPoint to convert the file into a video, I have included various effects in order to compress and combine it. I am doing this to make a change of presentation, I wanted to continue to use PowerPoint but to change the presentation I think the video works well. For question three I made use of a online Prezi document. This is a engaging and interesting way of presenting your work. However, the evaluation for question two I have chosen to present in the form of Microsoft Word. I stuck to Microsoft more because I am aware of the programs and also the quality of my work is likely to improve because I was able to insert imagery, effects and sound. I could have used other programs other than Prezi however I was unaware of these methods because I am not used to doing so meaning the level of my work would probably drop.

Using Slideshare I have embedded the evaluation for question one onto Blogger. Using Scribd I have similarly embedded the evaluation for question two onto Blogger. Through the Prezi website I was able to embed the document onto Blogger. Lastly, I have used YouTube in order to embed question four of the evaluation onto Blogger.