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{Evaluation, Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies form the process of creating this product?

Sarah Divilly

Page 2: Evaluation, question 6 Sarah Divilly AS media coursework

Serif Movie Plus X6 I was new to this editing software. However through watching YouTube clips, talking to classmate and trail and error. Also doing my preliminary task, I played around with different effects on this programme such as: • Special effects • Trimming and editing sound• How to put text on screen on, change the font

as well as style and editing it (e.g. for our credits we used blur, to exit and enter on the screen)

• Slow down music • Put footage on and edit it. Overall Serif Movie Plus, taught me how effectively to apply continuity editing to my product so that the transitions would be smooth. Similarly to be able to trim as well as edit, dialogue, copy right free music, non-diegetic/ diegetic sound, as well as remove ambient sound, when I needed to and apply this knowledge to certain scenes to make the sound have the correct impact on the viewer as well as make it clear for the viewer to understand the encoded readings .

In addition, this programme taught me how to edit images effectively and apply text on screen to these images as well as make a smooth, clear transition. For instance: the main title ‘ High Hopes’, which in bold, bright red the text on screen is front of the blurred image of grave stones, the image and writing follows horror conventions

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How I Upload Imagery- Blog Work Using my blogThis was the first time I ever used a blog, I found it extremely difficult, but the more frequency I used the blog the more I understood how it I worked. Also I asked classmates to help me upload documents to my blog. Although, I found uploading images as well as video very easy; as I already had a Youtube account, which you had to export the videos to then put them on your blog.

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When creating our ‘AWS productions’ logo, we all had experience with working with Serif Draw Plus software last year in GCSE, where we learnt how to create as well as had special effects to the text

However, we wanted our logo to have smooth animation along with sound. Considering this, we went to our teacher and he helped us apply animation to our logo, as it’s a clapper board- so we made it open and close. Likewise we download copy right free music, of eerie foot steps which we used along with the movement of the clapper board.

Serif Draw Plus X6

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During the filming we used two different cameras, one was mine: ‘Sony Digital Camera WX300’ and we used Weronkia’s camera: ‘Sony Alpha 850 DSLR’. Although, we had a few difficulties while filming, such as: sometimes Weronkia’s camera might die . However, the graphics on her camera are in more detail than mine therefore we can make it clear to the audience the encoded or dominant readings by the shots. Whereas with my camera, I have unlimited memory, I can add different effects such as: sepia, black and white. Overall, we had a successful filming and our embedded/ dominant readings was clear for the audience as they identified them.

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Copy Right Free Music I thought that copy right free music, would be hard to access as I had never used it before. However I was proven wrong as there was various of different websites; when using music from copy right free music, it was very easy to find the music you needed e.g. we needed non- diegetic sound: increased heartbeat, eerie footsteps as well as heavy breathing. Which was very simple, to download and apply it to your product.

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Overall I have learnt so much about technologies from the process of making my product. Especially, I have learnt how to make a blog, structure my work and present my work successfully.

Secondly I have leant how to edit work effectively from Serif Movie Maker X6, which I can apply to future

Lastly, I have leant how easy it is to download copy right free music and apply it to future products.