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OCR G324

Joe Garnett3304

Aquinas College: 33435

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Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

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TV & Satellite magazine was a huge influence on of Front cover ancillary, we liked its style and representation of the cover star.


Clear main feature

Room for other features

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Although we did create a poster, it has more of a title card feel to it, that comes at the end of a trailer, but it is still effective as it is still representative of Hilltop Farm, it does this through the use of the MLS shot of the 3 characters and the clear use of branding.

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I would say that all of the products show all of the different genres which have been included in the main product.

Crime (murder)Teenage pregnancyCheatingAdoptionFighting

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The main product and the front cover work very well together, the murder character is represented to the audience in the same way, this is being sinister and looking as if he is after somebody. The shots are very similar, with the shot in the trailer a BCU and the shot in the front cover a CU/Mid shot

InstitutionIt may have been better to have some of the E4 purple within the title or star names to reinforce which institution the soap is on

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Representation of the characters

Sambuca – she is represented in both the main product and ancillaries in the same way, glamourous, yet slightly spiteful manner.

Archie – in the main product Archie is seen to be cheating, if you just looked at the poster without seeing the trailer you may also think this because of his stance and the characters around him.

Bella – from the poster we can see that she is much more introverted and in white to show her innocence. This is also the case in the trailer, for example when she caught Sambuca and Archie together.

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I feel that the poster and trailer wok very well together as they both look like they would attract my target audience (16-30), whereas the magazine front cover seems like it would not attract the younger part of the target audience.

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Overall I feel that all of the products work together well, you could say the exception may be the font cover but it still represents the characters in the same way.

The E4 logo is shown in all of the products and their convention of having purple is in the main product and also the poster.