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EvaluationQu1)- In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Rock Now! VS Q


Both Q magazine and Rock Now! magazine are conventional they both show the convention which is music. When I carried out research during the initial stages of my magazine I found that the best magazine names were the ones that were easily recognisable to the reader such as ‘Classic Rock' or the ones that are well established such as ‘Q’ so I chose to incorporate this in my magazine. I chose to make my magazine easily recognisable to the target audience so I chose ‘Rock Now!’ I also chose to use the established colours of red and white used by magazines such as ‘Q’ and ‘NME’ this was so that I knew the colour scheme was effected and worked well within my target audience. I kept the originality within my magazine by incorporating the colour black to help it fit in within my target audience.

Mise en scene

I aimed for my magazine to appear professional to appeal to the current audience of magazines such as ‘Q’ and ‘NME’ by using a white background for my magazine to give it a professional feel and helped it fit in with the genre of my magazine as it is alternative rock magazine as opposed to a hardcore one. For the photos of the model in my magazine I used a close up shot and a medium shot I did this to show a range of shots In my magazine and to make sure that it varies. Also did this so that the images stood out to the audience and the artist was not lost in the background of a shot as I could put them on a clear background. I did this using Photoshop to make the photos match up with those in NME and Q magazine.

Costumes and Props

When photographing my model I had them use a guitar as a prop on the image for my double page spread this was so that it fit in with the music and more importantly the rock genre to give the magazine that it belongs within that genre. I felt as though this significantly increased the production value of my magazine giving it an authentic music feel. Due to my model been branded as an up and coming star I had him dress casually as I did not want him to be perceived as a fully fledged rock star and wanted to relate him to the reader.


People I featured within my magazine fit into the alternative rock genre and are well known within the music audience on a world wide scale but more specifically known within the UK as well as been currently popular in most cases. The artists that I included within my magazine were The killers, Kings of Leon, Royal Blood, Bombay Bicycle Club and Oasis. I feel although all of these people will be well known to my target audience and will help attract them to my magazine.

Title, Font and Styles

I used two fonts within my magazine but manipulated them in a number of ways so that they would appear different from one another in the finished product. I did this by changing things such as the size and colour as well as adding a wide range of different effects within Photoshop using things such as textures, strokes and bevel and emboss. The two main fonts I used were Hydro Squad Straight and Exo Black. I felt as though these were well suited and fitted in with my genre and could be manipulated to fit in well within my magazine.

Copy/Written Content

Throughout the magazine I used language that would make the magazine appeal and feel more personal to them through the use of personal pronouns. These included words such as ‘you’ to make sure that the reader feels engaged by the magazine and entice them to read on. I described the members of Kings of Leon as the Followill’s this is to make the members feel personal to them creating a friendly atmosphere for the reader.

How is genre reflected?

To reflect the genre within my magazine I included bands and artist from within the genre of my magazine such as Royal Blood, Oasis, Kings of Leon and The Killers. I used colours such as white, black and red to help show the genre of my magazine and make it fit in with the target audience.


I have followed the layout outs of magazines such as Q and NME going for a simplistic approach with a clear background to give it a modern and up to date feel. I have used language that